
--- Log opened Sat Jan 29 00:00:10 2011
-!- rsFF [~rsFF@bl15-9-16.dsl.telepac.pt] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]00:01
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kanzurefenn: prusa is working on automated assembly instruction generation and has some "secret project" to release soon00:09
kanzurei pointed prusa at http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/assembly-planning/ and old skdb code but whatever.00:09
-!- strages [~strages@c-71-207-215-204.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]00:11
-!- Juul [~Juul@static.88-198-13-205.clients.your-server.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]01:20
-!- fuzzy [5e229734@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:54
fuzzyhi all01:54
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JayDuggerNot a bad presentation at H+ Caltech, kanzure.03:05
JayDuggerKeep the unicorn.03:05
JayDuggerIt nicely identifies speculation and wishful thinking.03:05
-!- phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]03:13
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left ##hplusroadmap []03:15
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-!- Lukas___ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:12
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Lukas___Good morning05:17
JayDuggerGood morning, Lukas___05:24
Lukas___What's up?05:25
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:26
Lukas___I realize that 6 week vacations are terrible for the brain05:28
Lukas___I am not sure of what does more damage, youtube, or boredom05:29
ThomasEgiyoutube. when you'r bored, just stop beeign bored and be awesome instead;)05:32
Lukas___All of my awesomeness was spent after two weeks.  I am putting a lot of work into Biohack.me05:34
ThomasEgihm. you arent in the biohack irc channel are you?05:36
Lukas___nope ( I should actually get around to going there)05:36
ThomasEgiwhat exactly are you working on there?`05:38
Lukas___I am doing some research on protein based immune suppressants (which is mostly independent), doing some advertising (youtube, facebook, etc.) for the most part.  I want to catalog videos of our experiments JoVE style, if possible05:42
Lukas___There is also a 'superpowers in the animal kingdom' topic on the forum, so once that gets some more entries I'll start compiling scientific documents on those phenotypes05:44
ThomasEgiimmune suppressants sound extremly useful.05:49
Lukas___There are variants of MHC found the fetus that prevents miscarriages - they look quite promising05:51
Lukas___allowing tissues to exist that have half of your DNA in your body without fear of rejection is a big deal05:51
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-232-237.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:12
kanzuremeanwhile, on thingiverse they are working on... twitter integration06:27
kanzurehaa: http://www.thingiverse.com/api06:29
Lukas___heh, nifty06:29
kanzureno it's not nifty.. it's pathetic06:31
kanzurethat's why i was laughing06:31
Lukas___I blame boredom06:33
Lukas___it tends to leads to such projects (though I have no objection to it)06:33
kanzuremost apis on websites are more robust06:34
-!- streety [~Jonathan@cpat001.wlan.net.ed.ac.uk] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:37
kanzurevideo about personal manufacturing06:37
kanzurepart 2: http://diyhpl.us:9000/s/3-dominic-part-2-dorkbot-seattle-feb-3-201006:37
kanzureadded my caltech talk: http://diyhpl.us:9000/s/bryan-bishop-at-humanity-caltech-personal-manufacturing-and-the-gada-prize06:38
Lukas___pink unicorn?06:43
kanzurefrom the future06:43
Lukas___ah :D06:46
Lukas___Your first unicorn looks like it could take down Imperial Star Destroyers06:47
kanzurehell yeah06:52
kanzure3d printing "piracy" http://i.materialise.com/blog/entry/3d-printing-piracy-3d-printing-the-settlers-of-catan06:52
kanzureit's not really piracy though.. i don't know why people call it that (probably for shock value)06:55
kanzureand who /doesn't/ want to be a pirate?06:55
Lukas___I think we are in for a very interesting future concerning patents and hardware06:57
Lukas___and everyday items06:57
kanzureEffective immediately, I am invalidating all patents.06:58
kanzurei can do this, right?06:58
-!- thesnark [~michael@cblmdm24-53-167-49.buckeyecom.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:00
kanzurehi thesnark07:01
thesnarkhey kanzure07:01
kanzuremy talk from last december is now up: http://diyhpl.us:9000/s/bryan-bishop-at-humanity-caltech-personal-manufacturing-and-the-gada-prize07:01
thesnark16 min? I'll watch now.07:01
kanzurealso on facebook if anyone cares http://www.facebook.com/kanzure/posts/16004486404685907:01
thesnarklol facebook07:01
thesnarkdoes anybody care about facebook?07:01
thesnarkthat was redundant07:02
kanzurei can't answer that question07:02
kanzurei think someone /might/07:02
Lukas___Facebook has it's uses07:03
Utopiah:/ The Dark Side of Creativity http://www.cambridge.org/gb/knowledge/isbn/item2705195/07:03
kanzurethe dark side.. like.. disney?07:03
thesnarkI love being a uni student...four copies of that book in our library system =)07:04
thesnarkNone checked out surprise surprise07:04
thesnarkI stand corrected 8 copies07:05
thesnark</rant> I will try not be so talkative, I just had coffee07:05
Utopiahdark side as in learn to enjoy and trust the system in place I guess07:06
kanzurethesnark: around here, coffee is a lesser sin when it comes to stimulants07:07
thesnarkkanzure haha, are you talking about hipsters or do you do speed? =P07:07
kanzurespeed... a minor variant thereof07:08
thesnarkOh, you've got me interested now07:08
thesnarkGo on...07:08
kanzurejust adderall, nothing exciting07:10
Utopiah(nice pun)07:11
thesnarknice! I've never used that07:11
thesnarkhaha yes indeed07:11
Lukas___I really, really like Patri's video        http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qPfonFbFrW007:14
Lukas___Oops! This link appears to be broken.07:34
thesnark"When little jimmy invents something you tell him to go get a patent" haha07:41
kanzurewell you do07:41
thesnarkI know07:41
Lukas___But they are expensive07:45
JayDuggerWhat's the rainbow unicorn's name?07:46
kanzurei dunno.07:46
kanzureray kurzweil?07:46
JayDuggerNow, now... :)07:46
JayDuggerFor your next presentation, I suggest a few slides with Ray the Rainbow Unicorn fighting Gnusha.07:52
kanzurei was trying to make outlandish ridiculous predictions but some of them are actually accurate :(07:53
kanzure"In 2016, we'll have $1 genome sequencing, and in 2021 we'll have whole brain emulation" <-- not that ridiculous..07:53
JayDuggerHeh, heh...07:53
JayDuggerI wonder if his early book, "The Age of Intelligent Machines," had predictions of any greater accuracy?07:54
kanzureJayDugger: http://c0068172.cdn2.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/predictions.pdf07:55
kanzureor http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=203657507:56
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-!- thesnark is now known as thesnark|bbl08:04
-!- Lukas___ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]08:25
kanzureyet another awful forum http://www.pearlbiotech.com/diybio/index.php08:44
* ThomasEgi sees tons of spam-account-users?08:51
-!- gloop [~gloop@adsl-99-141-61-9.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:51
kanzureThomasEgi: probably just xrumer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XRumer08:53
joshcryerkanzure, is it only piracy when the creators complain?08:54
kanzurei don't think it's piracy at all08:54
kanzurewhat exactly are we pillaging and/or raping?08:55
joshcryerWhat exactly are people who download video games pillaging and/or raping? I take it you're using a more historical term as opposed to the word as it has changed to become in this context.08:55
kanzurei'm perfectly happy downloading video games08:56
kanzureyou sound like a salesman for the USPTO08:56
ThomasEgikanzure, the panda3d.org forum has a neat way to defeat automated spammers.08:56
ThomasEgion registration you'r presented with a bunch of pictures. and you have to mark the ones which shows a panda08:56
joshcryerI just downloaded Dead Space 2, don't tell me where I stand on infringement. :P08:56
kanzureamazon mechanical turk can easily beat that08:56
joshcryerAnyway I think if Klaus Teuber sent out a cease and desist to Thingieverse things could get *really* interesting.08:57
joshcryerI don't know exactly on what grounds though since this is, imho, something that we haven't had happen yet.08:57
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joshcryerI don't see it happening here because board game enthusasists are not typically the types to be anti-sharing.08:59
joshcryerIs this the first time we've had direct functionality copying from a commercial product? There are probably earlier examples. I wait patiently for the day when we have examples happening every day.09:02
kanzurehaha wtf.09:03
klafka_well i guess when you think about it09:17
klafka_that's not really a lot of money09:17
klafka_7 million is peanuts to some people, sow many seeds and see which bears fruit09:17
-!- streety [~Jonathan@host86-182-73-90.range86-182.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:18
klafka_is there a list of y combinator startups?09:18
kanzurethere's like 300 of them09:20
kanzureoops. 20009:20
joshcryerGive me 150k and I think I could make an auxon.09:21
klafka_oh i thought they said 4009:21
klafka_or i guess 40 this year09:21
joshcryerok I'm skimming this list and so far it's meh.09:22
joshcryerthe names.09:22
joshcryerthey burn my eyes.09:22
klafka_heroku is valued at 212million09:23
-!- niftyzero1 [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]09:24
kanzureyes- salesforce bought them09:24
klafka_i do have to agree with joshcryer  on the names by and lareg09:24
-!- niftyzero1 [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:25
klafka_oh wepay is a yc startup09:25
klafka_heh i wish there was someone to displace paypal09:26
klafka_it looks like a lot of the newer ones are taking basic tasks like transcoding video and moving them into SaaS09:26
joshcryerthere was one open source currency thing I saw09:27
joshcryertrying to pin monetary value on CPU cycles used09:27
klafka_http://techcrunch.com/2009/09/22/techcrunch50-visualizing-real-time-social-structures/ this is pretty interesting stuff09:28
klafka_ I must say09:28
kanzureklafka_: did you previously know about techcrunch.com or ycombinator?09:28
klafka_i have known about both09:28
klafka_for forever09:28
klafka_i just never really looked through who was a yc startup09:28
kanzureah. ok.09:29
klafka_and i don't like read techcrunch religiously09:29
kanzureme either09:29
klafka_my interest in internet startups is really kind of minor honestly09:29
klafka_i'm basically procrastinating writing this survey paper09:29
kanzurei'll write it for you for $5000000009:29
klafka_how about $5009:29
kanzurehrmm maybe09:29
klafka_on a log scale i'm not asking for much of a difference in prie09:29
klafka_i wonder if after i get my degree if i don't get a faculty position i'll have to take a job at some new cloud web 3.0 startup doing algorithm development on how to recommend the proper tooth brushes to people or something09:30
kanzureklafka_: that's already a yc company http://directededge.com/09:32
klafka_i'll be building new methods for regularizers/priors based off our knowledge on genetic drift and bristle stiffness09:32
klafka_i suppose it's lucky almost all my research transfers as immediately potentially relevant to NLP09:33
klafka_which seems to be probably the most bankable part of ML atm09:33
kanzureklafka_: while you're pocrastinating you can watch my talk from caltech on personal manufacturing and open source hardware09:34
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delinquentmemorning all!09:39
delinquentmecompiling my own software ...09:39
delinquentmewould this make it specifically for my x64 architecture?09:40
kanzurei thought you have to pass a -j64 or something flag09:40
kanzureoh, -m6409:41
delinquentmekanzure, what compiler do you use?09:41
delinquentmei think i d/led one the other day called "ant"09:41
klafka_i assume no one has won the gada prize yet eh kanzure ?09:43
klafka_or got close to it?09:43
kanzurethere might be people close to it but they are probably waiting09:43
klafka_till they are totally done09:43
kanzurebecause they don't want anyone to do better before the end of 2012 / end of 201509:43
kanzurewhich kinda sucks.. that's breeding conspiracy and secrecy in the reprap community09:43
kanzureso i'm trying to fix that for the grand prize09:44
klafka_are they being quiet because of the gada prize?09:44
kanzurethe gada prize teams? yeah i think so09:44
klafka_are you involved in running the gada prize?09:44
kanzurehttp://gadaprize.org/ is me..09:44
klafka_aah i see09:44
klafka_ah nice09:44
klafka_oh do you run that foundation09:44
kanzuresorta. i'm "director of r&d"09:44
kanzureso my plan for fixing the $80k grand prize09:45
kanzureis to demand everyone publishes their schematics09:45
kanzureas open source. if they are worried about getting scooped,09:45
kanzurethey can say "no derivative entries in the competition"09:45
kanzureand our judges will honor that.09:45
-!- Lukas___ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:45
klafka_also glow in the dark yogurt would probably sell hella well09:45
kanzureyeah the diybio crowd (or subset) is going after that09:46
klafka_honestly i think diybio is inherently totally limited until sequencing is cheap enough for a person to do09:46
kanzureso.. four years? :)09:46
kanzurethere's about 25 companies going after next-generation whole genome sequencing09:47
klafka_longer than 4 years09:47
kanzurethe $1000, $100 genome etc.09:47
kanzurenah it's dropping very fast09:47
klafka_maybe 10 years09:47
klafka_i know09:47
klafka_helicos, pacbio, i think ibm ?09:47
kanzuretons more..09:47
klafka_but what you need is the people that start to make smaller faster ones09:47
kanzuresee here: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_thread/thread/6115f6814f4ec32d09:47
klafka_oh oxford yeah09:48
kanzure454, affymetrix, abi, aqi, bionanomatrix, callida, genovoxx, lasergen, oxford nanopore tech, seirad, zs genetics, ..09:48
kanzureyeah but iirc there's more than just the oxford group doing nanopore stuff09:48
klafka_well i'm specifically referring to single molecule sequencing09:48
klafka_e.g. 3rd gen sequencing09:48
kanzureoh does 3rd-gen only refer to single molecule techniques?09:49
klafka_well obviously these are completely arbitrary labels09:49
klafka_but i think a lot of people would agree with that definition09:49
kanzureyeah but i mean, popularly09:49
kanzurei want to do next-generation DNA synthesis09:49
kanzurebut i'd need some money to pursue my research plans :/09:49
klafka_man also i can't get my freaking hackerspace to do anything fun09:50
kanzureall this readin' ain't worth squat if you can't write cheaply.. writing should be cheaper than reading but it's not :(09:50
kanzureklafka_: which hackerspace?09:50
kanzurehrm rochester09:50
klafka_that's where i'm at09:50
kanzureoh man looks like they have industrial equipment09:51
kanzureoh. the pics are them visiting laser cuttery09:51
klafka_haha  yeah no they don't have industrial equipment09:51
klafka_they have talked about getting a CNC machine09:51
kanzurei <3 the rotating gear as you scroll http://interlockroc.org/09:51
kanzureyeah, so getting hackerspaces to participate in all this "next-generation coolness" is a tricky issue09:51
kanzurenoisebridge was resisting diybio stuff for a lonng time09:51
klafka_i'm not even trying to get them to do diybio09:52
kanzureso the san francisco guys just decided to do biocurious http://biocurious.org/09:52
klafka_like i've mentioned say gifting 1000 3mm leds to them to build creative things with that i would showcase at a music event09:52
klafka_i think that's a good idea don't you?09:52
joshcryerkanzure, nice unobtrusive touch to that page (the rotating gear). Wouldn't have even noticed it if you didn't point it out.09:53
kanzureklafka_: sure. i guess.09:53
klafka_my interfacing with hackerspaces is more on the range of fusing tech with art as opposed to next gen shit, since i'm currently part of the monolith of academia i get a lot of next gen fix there09:53
klafka_or next gen shit with art09:54
kanzurei see. well, i'd like to see more permissive hackerspaces interested in getting in on the cutting edge09:54
kanzurewhen it comes to open source hardware like reprap, many hackerspaces are on board, so that's good09:54
klafka_i doa agree with that09:54
klafka_i mean i basically just think until like you said, we hvae cheap r/w tech for DNA/RNA diybio won't really take off09:55
klafka_man i actually don't know how people build dna like for primers and shit from scratch09:56
kanzureoligonucleotide synthesis09:56
kanzuredo you want to know?09:56
kanzureA short history of oligonucleotide synthesis (up to 2006) http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/DNA/A%20short%20history%20of%20oligonucleotide%20synthesis%20-%202006.pdf09:56
kanzureAnother review - 50 years of chemical synthesis http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/DNA/Oligo-%20and%20poly-nucleotides%20-%2050%20years%20of%20chemical%20synthesis%20-%202005.pdf09:57
kanzureSyringe method for stepwise chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/Syringe%20method%20for%20stepwise%20chemical%20synthesis%20of%20oligonucleotides.pdf09:58
kanzurethat last one is the long and boring "do it by hand" method09:58
kanzurethese days people also do this on microarrays to build up millions of wells with oligos09:58
kanzurestopping at 60bp because the error rate / yield rate is kinda funky..09:59
kanzureso for anything more than 60 bp, as you know, people just ligate stuff together09:59
klafka_mmm yeah10:00
klafka_so basically they have non reactive nucleosides, then they react them somehow to make them reactive hoping they bind to the end and not branch10:01
kanzurebranching isn't so much of a problem10:01
kanzurebut yeah the process is basically to lay down a new phosphoramidite (ddNTP), cap it, wash, uncap, attach next, ..10:01
kanzureor something like that10:01
kanzurethat's my "bryan is very sick today" recollection of the process10:01
joshcryerklafka_, s'why I'm more interested in DYI replicators / auxons / maker machines.10:01
klafka_you know what would be cool, if you could get a dummy strand, like something that has no meaning you could cheaply build up that would allow for the attachment of any nucleotide to it10:02
joshcryerklafka_, 'cause you can use them to make labs for DIY bio.10:02
klafka_then use SMRT and coordinate what nucleotides you feed it10:02
klafka_single nucleotide real time sequencing10:02
kanzurewait that exists?10:02
klafka_that's what pac bio does10:02
kanzurethat's single molecule oligonucleotide10:03
kanzurenot single nucleotide10:03
kanzuresingle nucleotide would mean 1 bp molecule floating around :P10:03
klafka_it's referring to the fact that it adds one nucleotide at a time10:04
kanzureyeah i'm too sick today for this, i'm sorry10:05
klafka_lol ok10:05
kanzureyou're right, that's what pacbio does10:05
klafka_i'm pretty sure if someone could develop a dummy template this would probably be a pretty sweet method10:05
klafka_i honestly would be very surprised if someone like pac bio isn't workin on it right now actually10:05
klafka_those guys are really ahead of the curve10:05
klafka_really really10:06
klafka_man i hope these are big datasets10:07
kanzurehuh i thought i had the pacbio ZMW paper somewhere in my archive10:08
klafka_i kinda wouldn't mind working there, their CSO seems pretty fucking brilliant10:08
klafka_eric schadt10:08
kanzureReal-time DNA sequencing from single polymerase molecules http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/polymerase/Real-time%20DNA%20sequencing%20from%20single%20polymerase%20molecules%20-%202009.pdf10:08
kanzurethere we go10:08
kanzureklafka_: halcyon molecular has been hiring up tons of transhumanists from the community. it's kinda funny.10:09
klafka_in what capacity?10:09
kanzureall sorts of positions10:09
kanzurerandal koene, for instance10:09
klafka_hardware or software?10:09
klafka_ah i see10:09
kanzurerandal used to work on the mind uploading research group back in the 90s10:10
kanzurethey were building an apparatus to scan and upload a nematode brain10:10
kanzurei think he also contributed to the whole brain emulation roadmap but i forget.10:10
klafka_oh randal is a neurmorphic dude10:10
kanzurethis interview with halcyon's andregg brothers was kind of ridiculous http://nextbigfuture.com/2010/12/interview-of-gene-sequencing-expert.html10:10
klafka_or seems like it10:10
klafka_my advisor knows a whole bunch of neuromorphic engineering guys10:11
klafka_that + memristor may make some really really cool shit happen10:11
klafka_are you up on memristors shit kanzure ?10:11
kanzuresomewhat. we have some super memristor fanboys in here though10:11
klafka_a friend of mine is one10:12
klafka_he's a CE person10:12
kanzurejoshcryer: ping?10:12
klafka_i don't hae the background to really get it10:12
klafka_i mean at a  meaningful technical level10:12
joshcryerklafka, memristors are going to change everything!10:12
klafka_i agree10:12
* joshcryer makes a Hackers quote that no one catches10:12
joshcryerDid you see the moneta stuff?10:13
kanzureklafka_: am i successfully making your procrastination worthwhile?10:13
klafka_i guess kanzure  though i really have to write this paper, it was due last quarter10:13
joshcryerThis guy has videos about moneta-stuff.10:14
klafka_yeah i did see this joshcryer though not this article, it seems a lot like what the analog vlsi people are trying to do in neuromorphic engineering stuff10:14
klafka_isn't it?10:14
klafka_i mean they all seem to be sort of related somehow10:15
-!- Lukas___ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]10:15
kanzureanalog vlsi? who are those people?10:15
klafka_i keep wondering how memristors are going to change ML10:15
klafka_or programming in general10:15
joshcryerklafka_, synapse computing is effectively analog computing but yeah, I wouldn't be shocked to see overlap.10:16
* joshcryer watches Bryan Bishop's talk10:19
klafka_i sort of wonder if memristors will be the thing that makes HP relevant again10:22
joshcryer$350 reprap is a bit low imho.10:24
joshcryerBut maybe if you knew the right people.10:24
kanzuredepends on what you already have, where you live, how vigilant you are :P10:26
kanzurebut it's definitely not $2000+10:26
kanzurepeople spend more on gardens.. heh plastic figuirine gardens10:26
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:27
joshcryerkanzure, heh, I am loving the dirty commie anti-patent/copyright language here.10:27
joshcryerAnd you don't come off as crazy like, uh, Stallman (who is a niche now anyway, haven't heard crap abut him in ages).10:27
kanzurenext time i'll wear an eyepatch for you10:27
kanzureif i'm not coming off as crazy i'm not doing my job10:28
klafka_maybe eat something off your foot10:28
kanzuremost of the things i'm saying we all already agree on10:28
klafka_that's how you get to stallman crazy10:28
kanzurethe only people who don't agree are the people who are clueless and will likely remain so10:28
joshcryerTrue, you don't come off as crazy because I'm equally crazy.10:28
klafka_or the rich people who are rich due to the status quo kanzure10:28
kanzure"We should nuke the USPTO" <-- perhaps this isn't even crazy enough10:28
joshcryerUSPTO is irrelevant.10:28
kanzurehaha we should have someone bomb the USPTO10:29
joshcryerUSPTO is not one single thing or place or whatever.10:29
joshcryerDomestic terrorism wouldn't affect it.10:29
joshcryerProps for multimachine shot.10:30
eriduStallman is hardly niche, or crazy. if anything he's one of the few sane people alive.10:30
joshcryereridu, as far as speaking is concerned I like Moglen better.10:31
eridudoes moglen do anything more than restate Stallman's ideas?10:31
joshcryereridu, yes, he does it better.10:31
kanzurefenn: Circadian clocks in human red blood cells http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/bio/Circadian%20clocks%20in%20human%20red%20blood%20cells%20-%202011.pdf10:32
kanzureabstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7331/full/nature09702.html10:32
kanzure"Using red blood cells, we found that peroxiredoxins, highly conserved antioxidant proteins, undergo ~24-hour redox cycles, which persist for many days under constant conditions (that is, in the absence of external cues)."10:32
kanzure"Moreover, these rhythms are entrainable (that is, tunable by environmental stimuli) and temperature-compensated, both key features of circadian rhythms."10:32
eriduI've only ever heard half-originalities from Moglen, capitalizing off the fact that Stallman and the FSF are very slow to comment about things they don't consider themselves as understanding fully10:32
kanzureeridu: i agree with you about stallman, but for some reason there's this recent anti-stallman campaign going on (wtf)10:33
eriduwe're at a critical point in time, I think10:33
eriduwe can either go the facebook/apple route, or the Stallman route10:34
klafka_we're probably going facebook/apple route10:34
kanzurehtml5 webapps are going to disrupt the apple app ecosystem10:34
eriduas such it's critical for people who oppose freedom to start attacking the people that make up liberatory social movements10:34
eriduwebapps are part of the problem10:34
kanzurebut it's still a far cry from the internet a few years ago..10:35
joshcryerI hope so.10:35
eriducentralized computing is the problem10:35
joshcryerPersonally I believe http should die.10:35
joshcryereridu, indeed!10:35
kanzureelevenarms was talking with me a few days ago,10:35
kanzureand was saying that this is the first time where he's felt that he can't accurately predict the future of the web really10:35
kanzurethat something big is about to happen but we're not sure what.10:35
kanzurethings are much more siloed these days10:35
kanzureand there's this feeling of not knowing what's going on- to a greater extent than before10:35
joshcryerI think in part why Diaspora is a failure is that it's trying to hack decentralization on top of a layer that is inherently centralized.10:36
kanzurediaspora sucks because of execution; tons of people run federated jabber servers10:36
klafka_i think it inherently really failed because it was a not well thought out execution10:36
klafka_it was also done by people who didn't seem to have the chops to do it properly10:36
kanzuregoogle wave could have been interesting on that front but they focused on ui and didn't tie in gmail10:36
klafka_or choose the proper way to do it10:36
klafka_agreed kanzure10:36
eridudiaspora sucks because it utterly abandoned any privacy-enhancing aspect10:37
klafka_google wave i hope finds some new freedom in its OSS model10:37
klafka_i hope wave sneaks into a lot more things now10:37
joshcryerI think the best route is a web of trust freenet type system.10:37
klafka_i know that people in anonymous involved in operation egypt and stuff are working on those sorts of things10:37
uniqanomaly__also ps3, a.k.a. you can't do whatever you want with something you own -_-10:37
joshcryerHack it on top of kad mellia dht.10:38
joshcryerThe pirates would be annoyed but it'd help in the end.10:38
joshcryerKademlia / DHT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_hash_table10:39
kanzurefenn: peroxiredoxin rhythms seem to be temperature related.. in partiular PRX2 (based on measuring PRX-SO_2/3)10:40
joshcryerI'll file it in a list of thigns to get around to if no one else does.10:41
kanzurefenn: a lot of this seems to be very DIYable10:41
* joshcryer house-cleans10:41
kanzurered blood cell cultures shouldn't be too hard right? draw some blood and use an incubator and oxygenator?10:41
jebbathere's http://www.netsukuku.org which looked cool, but seems to have stalled pretty hard..10:41
joshcryerjebba, thanks, appears to be a reasonable implementation.10:44
joshcryerjebba, I'm not sure what they mean by DNS with ANDNA, will have to persue it further. DNS should die, but they are implying that maybe with the distributed nature of it.10:45
jebbajoshcryer: yes, it is a distributed DNS system, so no central authority to grant/deny perms11:26
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kanzurejrayhawk: can you check my .htaccess file?13:38
kanzurewhy do none of the rewrite rules work?13:38
kanzureactually, the wordpress-generated rules work, but my manually generated rules do not13:39
kanzurefixed :) i forgot that the RewriteCond lines are catch-alls13:46
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kanzurefenn: sens.org has a new mountain view research lab .. they are having open house on feb 613:51
kanzurefenn: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=14914183180833713:51
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kanzurenanofog.org is available14:04
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jrayhawkwhy are you using an .htaccess file14:10
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kanzurejrayhawk: the server is weird and i'll consolidate apache config later14:10
jrayhawkOkay. Just keep in mind that overrides are likely to become a performance issue at some point.14:11
jrayhawkWhat's wrong with DNS?14:16
kanzuresomeone nuke a root server?14:17
jrayhawkthere are a shitload of root servers.14:18
jrayhawkProbably close to a hundred in the united states alone.14:20
jrayhawkThere are a few problems with DNS-as-it-is-currently-deployed, but they are not problems with DNS-as-it-is-specified.14:22
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joshcryerAre we speaking philosophically?14:22
jrayhawkIf you want to.14:22
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joshcryerDNS places identity before trust, rather than trust before identity. I have a problem with that. :P14:25
kanzureit's really confusing that both marcus wohlsen and marcus wolschen are in these communities14:25
joshcryerWho is more trustworthy?14:26
joshcryerYou can delete the other one from existance114:26
kanzureeh? "Earlier this week, Popular Science published a step-by-step guide to building genetically modified seeds."14:32
joshcryer"A .22-caliber charge fires a metal particle coated with DNA into plant tissue. Monsanto no longer uses the technique, but it's still widely used among other biotech companies."14:36
joshcryerThat is hilarious.14:36
joshcryerIf only we could convince the off the grid types who grow their own food and whatnot that GMO != evil, they could be doing this.14:38
kanzurethey aren't called "gene guns" for nothing..14:39
kanzureupdated: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F14:39
joshcryerThat should be your new nick.14:40
kanzurethe future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed14:45
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kanzurejournal of universal rejection http://www.math.pacificu.edu/~emmons/JofUR/15:03
kanzure"The founding principle of the Journal of Universal Rejection (JofUR) is rejection. Universal rejection. That is to say, all submissions, regardless of quality, will be rejected. Despite that apparent drawback, here are a number of reasons you may choose to submit to the JofUR:"15:03
kanzure"  # You can send your manuscript here without suffering waves of anxiety regarding the eventual fate of your submission. You know with 100% certainty that it will not be accepted for publication.15:03
kanzure  # There are no page-fees.15:03
kanzure  # You may claim to have submitted to the most prestigious journal (judged by acceptance rate).15:03
kanzure  # The JofUR is one-of-a-kind. Merely submitting work to it may be considered a badge of honor.15:03
kanzure  # You retain complete rights to your work, and are free to resubmit to other journals even before our review process is complete.15:03
kanzure  # Decisions are often (though not always) rendered within hours of submission.15:03
kanzure"Do you have an impact factor?"15:07
kanzure"As a mathematician I feel safe in saying that it is about as close to infinity as any real number."15:07
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kanzurehrm so this is what people get from my presentatinos?16:32
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kanzurehi z^ck16:44
jebbakanzure heh. Well, at least it wasnt blantantly wrong. They could have focussed on the unicorn a bit more though. That part was a bit light.16:44
kanzureideally the "personalized human enhancement and 'let's go make open source hardware equivalents of necessary tools'" messages would be the take-away..16:45
jennicidekanzure: are you familiar with the philosphical debate re: ethical relativism vs. ethical absolutism?16:51
kanzurei'm relatively familiar yes.16:51
jennicidehave you read much/any Bernard Williams?16:52
jennicidecause im trying to support the argument that "ethical relativism vs. ethical absolutism" is a false dichotomy16:53
jennicidebut im not sure where to start16:53
kanzureyou should start on a mountain top in tibet16:53
jennicidei feel youre being facetious16:53
kanzureuh, but more seriously, i don't know names of formal ethical arguments that would help you here. they certainly exist and i've seen them before.16:53
jebbait presupposes ethics period, i suppose....16:54
jennicideim thinking that "is there ethics"16:54
jennicidehas been debated16:54
kanzurejebba: but there are frameworks of ethics where relativism/absolutism is not really a question of "either/or"16:55
jennicideie: aristole in the republic16:55
jennicidehere is kind of the argument that i am going toward16:55
kanzurebut rather "it's not even wrong" etc.16:55
jennicidemy thinking is that a binary system16:55
jennicideisnt sufficient for ethics16:55
jennicideif that makes sense16:56
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kanzurejennicide: http://lists.extropy.org/pipermail/extropy-chat/2005-May/016017.html16:57
joshcryerDesigns aren't copyrightable.16:59
joshcryerThis is interesting to me.16:59
joshcryerApparently designs are covered by copyright, patent, and trademark in total.16:59
jennicidethat gets closer16:59
kanzurejennicide: http://lists.extropy.org/pipermail/extropy-chat/2008-June/043979.html17:02
jennicidei need to get on this listserv17:02
kanzurei think i might be moderator, but i forget17:03
jennicidei hate that i cant access ebsco17:04
jennicidecause i live off campus17:04
kanzuredo you need a particular paper17:04
kanzureif you have a campus login your library probably has a proxy.. what university?17:04
jennicideit has a proxy17:04
jennicidei lack access17:04
jennicidecause i dotn have my student id yt17:04
jennicideill just grab it monday17:05
kanzurejef is very friendly and would be happy to help you if you email him17:06
kanzureJef Allbright <jef@jefallbright.net>17:06
jebbawow, that looks like a good paper17:07
jebba"How power influences moral thinking". For example, "well, we publish all these papers to advance culture, but, well,, not everyone can see them because of rule #..."    ;)17:08
jebba...academic publishing...17:09
kanzureacademic circle jerking17:09
jennicidethat is what frustrates me about sociology17:12
jennicidethey make suggestions that could be impactful for most everyone17:12
jennicidebut they choose to write in a style that most people dont understand17:12
auguranyone know of any offboard memory type apps?17:23
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jrayhawkUgh, I should really write an agency versus reason post on lesswrong or something17:50
jrayhawkAbsolute agency: your actions remain constant. What you do on Monday you do on Wednesday, no matter what happened Tuesday. Absolute reason: your ideas remain constant. What you think is true on Monday you think is true on Wednesday, no matter what happened on Tuesday.17:56
jrayhawkArguments about moral absolutism always fuck up this distinction.17:58
jrayhawkBecause it's incredibly difficult for rationalists and irrationalists to comprehend their respective modes of thinking.18:01
jrayhawkerrr, opposite or respective18:01
kanzurehuh? is this still "moral absolutism vs. moral relativism"18:02
kanzurealso are you channeling steve?18:02
jrayhawkoh god i am making pre-arguments about implication-management18:06
jrayhawkBut yes, absolute agency usually results in relative reason, and absolute reason usually results in relative agency.18:09
jrayhawkSomeone who argues that moral absolutism is impossible or crazy is usually intuiting that problem, and someone who argues that moral absolutism is fine is usually only intending to argue for half of that problem but failing to do so because they are insufficiently careful about defining their concepts.18:11
jrayhawks/intuiting that problem/intuiting the whole of that problem but failing to express it as such/18:13
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joshcryerMoral absolutism is perfectly logical if you make your questions specific enough.19:05
joshcryer"Is it wrong to kill?" <- too generic19:05
joshcryer"Is it wrong to chop off the fingers of a young pianist?" <- bit easier to defend19:06
joshcryerI like tit-for-tatism.19:07
joshcryerI don't know if there's a real word for it.19:07
kanzureno "moral practicalism"! that's cheating19:08
joshcryerI'm anti-neutrality, though.19:09
joshcryerIf there's a position I agree with I should hold it, even if I'm wrong.19:09
joshcryerFor instance, death is terribly boring and stupid and should be done away with.19:09
kanzurehow can this possibly be boring? http://youtube.com/watch?v=ltyjVnnEuqg19:16
maykoi rather look forward to death; it gives me a reason to get shit done19:18
joshcryerkanzure, have you seen that done to people IRL?19:22
kanzurejoshcryer: i'm kidding, i don't like death either19:23
joshcryerkanzure, heh, I know, and it was a pretty rad video, but, when you see that happen for real, just any of the disgusting things that was in that video, well, it at least leaves me morally outraged and pissed off.19:23
maykodeath != violence19:26
kanzureit is incredibly violent19:27
joshcryerYes it is pretty much the most violent anime/cartoon thing I've ever seen.19:27
kanzure"Much of death depends on state of mind."19:27
kanzure"Being born is not a crime so why must it carry a sentence of death?"19:27
joshcryerHad no emotional impact except for novelty reasons, though.19:28
joshcryer'cause I've seen actual stuff like that happen to people IRL (on video).19:28
maykoif it == cartoon, yes. if it == death, there are plenty of people who fall asleep and never wake up. no chainsaws, no beatings, not even a protracted battle with cancer.19:29
kanzurethat is still awful19:29
maykore born, we live, and then we die. I don't see the awful.19:30
kanzureit's the living part19:30
kanzurewait, i mean the dying19:30
kanzurei need to go away for a while (i'm still very ill today)19:30
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joshcryerFeel better kanzure.19:31
joshcryerTry not to die, etc.19:31
joshcryermayko, technically we die every minute.19:31
joshcryermayko, neural connections are continually being destroyed and new ones being created.19:31
joshcryermayko, but consciousness is a funny thing so we have a continuious sense of existence.19:32
joshcryermayko, some may be happy with that existance ending, but why?19:32
maykoWhen i was in grade school, I remember getting out of class in May and thinking that the summer vacation would last 4EVAR!!! well, if summer vacation lasts forever... why build that treehouse now? Why not build it tomorrow? The tree house never got built.19:32
joshcryerChanging, yes, I don't mind that at all.19:32
maykoTake care k! <319:33
joshcryerYou never built a treehouse?19:33
joshcryerI built one.19:33
joshcryerMy dog feel out of it.19:33
joshcryer45 feet.19:33
joshcryerHe survived.19:33
maykowhy be unhappy with its termination?19:33
jrayhawk45 feet is pretty ambitious for a treehouse.19:33
kanzuremayko: you should get it done regardless of time; you need to figure out other ways to control your brain if impending doom is all that motivates you19:34
jrayhawkdamnit now I want a trrhouse19:34
joshcryerjrayhawk, heh, we had one 90 feet up.19:34
joshcryerBut it was not a house persay but a piece of wood.19:34
kanzurebasement goon can't have a basement treehouse19:34
joshcryerAnd we only went in it maybe 3-4 times because it was terrifingly bad.19:35
joshcryers/in it/on it19:35
joshcryermayko, this is why people like you get an afterlife, anyway.19:35
maykoI don't get an afterlife19:35
maykothat's my point19:35
maykoafterlives eliminate mortality19:36
joshcryermayko, you are continually misled that you die, zip, nada, and then when you're 'resurrected' you're informed that you don't have to die after all.19:36
joshcryermayko, and you can decide if we made the right choice, if not, then we delete your upload and all is fine.19:36
kanzurewhy did we let the practice of medicine become licensed and legally enforced19:38
joshcryertit for tat and all :P "hey you can live forever." "I don't want to live forever! it ruins everything!" "oh ok then you don't have to live forever." "woot! non-existence ftw!"19:38
joshcryerkanzure, heh, capitalism.19:39
maykothere is a difference, I feel, between life expectancy and quality of life. Medicine treats both.19:39
joshcryerkanzure, look at the history of the FDA, they were actually using x-ray machines to do "shoe size" measurements on people, exposing them to lethal doses of radiation, etc.19:39
kanzurein particular i'm wondering about the legally enforced part19:40
joshcryer(not the FDA, capitalists were doing the shoe sizing thing)19:40
kanzurelicensing is fine, but practicing without a license as punishable?19:40
joshcryerIs it?19:41
joshcryerI guess that is true for certain services.19:42
joshcryerAhh yes.19:42
joshcryerSanitarian requires a license?19:42
kanzure"The "practice of medicine" may be defined as any diagnosis, treatment, prevention, cure, or relieving of a human disease, ailment, defect, complaint, or other physical or mental condition, by attendance, advice, device, diagnostic test, or other means, or offering, undertaking, attempting to do, or holding oneself out as able to do, any of these acts."19:42
kanzure"an individual is guilty of a felony if he practices or holds himself out as practicing a health profession subject to regulation"19:43
kanzureah "health profession subject to regulation"19:43
kanzureso if he advertizes himself as not subject to regulation, it's ok?19:43
joshcryerThat was my impression.19:43
joshcryerDisclaimers out the butt.19:43
kanzureunless it's "the law demands that this is regulated" in which case you're fucked19:44
joshcryerYou have OSHA sanitarians and then you have guys who drive around the country doing sanitation work for a fraction of the cost.19:44
joshcryer(I did the latter job but work with people who do the former all the time)19:44
jrayhawkSince the state usually winds up paying for the resulting mistakes, both in terms of medical care and in terms of lost tax revenue, there's it's not difficult to justify restrictive medical licensing as a good idea.19:44
kanzureso again, why did we demand that practicing without a license is punishable?19:44
kanzureif you claim you have a license and you're wrong, that's serious fraud19:45
kanzurebut i don't think that's what the politicians/law-makers are worried about19:45
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joshcryerI think if you look at it abstractly it worked like this: people in a field start a licensing committee and then become de-facto through lobbying that they must be used for licensing.19:46
joshcryerMaking the licensing process itself a business.19:46
joshcryerVoila, yay capitalism.19:47
kanzurei need to radically restructure all professional societies. maybe by nuking them.19:57
maykoi guess the way I feel is, I have a spine that is built for a quadruped. I have an offshoot of my colon that has a tendency to explode. I can't manufacture my own vitamin C. My knees already hurt. Evolutionarily, there is very little precedent for humans living longer than a century. In practical terms, does adding decades and decades to my life really an Hplus, given the technological leaps I'm likely to see?19:58
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joshcryermayko, death is unavoidable, the death of the you that I'm talking to at this very instant.20:13
joshcryermayko, if you want to improve yourself to the point where you can create whole entire virtual planets populated with billions of people, hey, cool. Maybe that's possible. If you want to veg out and watch some TV and make some plastic toys, that's possible too.20:14
joshcryermayko, how'd you feel if you woke up one day, many years after dying in a hospital bed surrounded by nurses, and someone said "Want to go again?"20:18
maykore: death of me- I'm sorry; I don't understand. Could you clarify?20:36
maykore: virtual planets- I write and I think and I observe and I explore. Do these count? As for this planet, I have no intention of reproducing. TV largely sux, though there are winning moments (The X-Files at least spent 5 seasons teaching people not to trust their gov't). Petrochemical plastic also sux, tho hopefully chemical engineering will survive peak carbon. Toys rule.20:39
maykore: my reawakening. Depends. Will I be quadraplegic? paraplegic? have severe neurological deficits of the Not Fun variety? What will the world look like in AD 2500?20:41
joshcryermayko, heh, you'd be either virtualized or in a perfectly healthy body in its early 20s.20:47
joshcryerTo better discuss this, what do you consider h+?20:48
maykoon the other hand i think that my feelings are rather guttural. I have a feeling that H. sapiens is in for a speciation event and that such tendencies are likely to kick in before space travel does it geographically20:48
maykoLOL my early 20s suuuuuuuuucked20:48
joshcryerHehe, you will have your "whatever-age-you-died20:48
joshcryer personality20:48
maykopuberty ended and the bottom dropped out of my metabolism. fml.20:48
maykoI don't discount immortality or what-have-you for people who desire it; my idea of H+ is the sentient use of technology to improve quality of life20:51
joshcryerSo oxygen tanks and pain killers.20:55
maykofor some people that might mean building better arrowheads; for others that might mean uploading their being to cyberspace until the Singularity hits20:55
mayko*shrug* oxygen is a metabolic carcinogen. have you ever seen someone who requires painkillers to function?20:56
joshcryerIf you can upload to cyberspace you're post-Singularity.20:58
kanzurewhat definition of singularity?21:00
maykoyeah you get to be the tortoise to the universe's archilles its pretty sweet but on the other hand i am insatiably curious and even if i spent an eternity in a computer, i would never learn what unbeing is like21:00
maykoon the other hand by definition i don't think I can learn that by not existing so...21:02
maykooh the Singularity of the universe we are all in my bad lulz21:04
* mayko is away: run mycellia run!22:01
maykospeaking of such things gotta reboot mah brane night!22:01
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fennwow what a backslog23:15
fenni like andregg, he's sort of the archetypal white boy23:16
fenn1950's scifi and all that23:16
fenn"We only want the best of the best, of the best of the best of the best- iterating that to somewhere way above the 99th percentile. And the team we’ve built so far is like that, just unbelievably good. I think the level of talent in the Halcyon project might be every bit as elite as it was in the teams that worked on the Manhattan or Apollo projects."23:18
fennso that's why they only have one programmer i guess23:18
joshcryer19 day long video23:27
joshcryerheh! http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2011/01/29/133304206/why-bacon-is-a-gateway-to-meat-for-vegetarians23:31
JayDuggerDoes NPR have similar insight on spirulina and chlorella as gateways to vegetarianism?23:56
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