
--- Log opened Thu Feb 03 00:00:10 2011
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Utopiah"Following the buyout of a bankrupt biotech company, I'm selling lab equipments and reagents... at BARGAIN PRICES." http://twitter.com/#!/emmanuel_2m/status/3310871724740608003:39
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ENKI-][Utopiah: http://reviewfix.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/reanimator.jpg ?03:59
UtopiahI think it's from http://www.manros-therapeutics.com04:07
Utopiahhttp://fr.linkedin.com/in/edemaistre says he is (was?) co-founder04:08
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* AlonzoTG is itching for a new electronics project,07:49
* ThomasEgi is ordering parts for a new one :P07:59
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-!- Director_X [432affb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:23
kanzurehi Director_X08:24
kanzureplease tells us about your belly caps08:24
Director_Xproject IX08:25
Director_XI had a former employee who was going to try it out, but he backed out08:26
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kanzurehi pseudotoob08:38
kanzureoh you're probably ENKI-]['s worse half08:38
ENKI-][he doesn't speak unless spoken to08:39
ENKI-][i can mute this one entirely08:39
ENKI-][horray for markovsky codebase, eh?08:39
Director_Xthanks for bringing that up kanzure.  I think I'll start the project up again and test it out on my cat.08:44
ThomasEgiDirector_X, ... what project^?08:48
ThomasEgibtw.. testing on animals is meany.08:48
ENKI-][i'm glad that some of you aren't shy about unauthorized animal experimentation08:48
ENKI-][does this involve vivisection?08:48
Director_Xit was an experiment to try to short circuit a taser08:48
Director_Xit is in the name of science08:49
ThomasEgiDirector_X, wear conductive clothing08:49
ThomasEgianything else wont work08:49
ThomasEgithe name of scienec doesnt justify unncessary torture.08:50
Director_Xyou don't think a latice of wires would short the taser?08:50
ThomasEgiif it's dense enough. it will08:51
kanzuremicrogrants platform for diybio http://www.rwjf.org/files/research/69748breakthroughstocures.pdf08:52
Director_XI thought the caps might be good to attatch just in case the wires couldn't handle the voltage.  not sure if that is sound thinking though08:52
ThomasEgicapacitors are 100% useless here08:52
Director_XI'm joking about the cat btw.08:53
ENKI-][don't make your conductive clothing out of steel wool08:53
kanzurei should be more specific; that pdf recommends a microgrants platform for diybio be created08:53
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ThomasEgiDirector_X, conductive surface, and , if possible. isolation towards your body.09:39
ThomasEgino caps no nothing. just plain old metal09:39
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Director_Xthanks ThomasEgi.09:42
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Director_XHey ThomasEgi, are you an electrical engineer by chance?09:52
ThomasEgiindeed i am09:53
ThomasEgialtho not yet graduated. but that doesnt really matter^09:54
Director_Xany guesses on this phenomenon?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY745NxZwsY&feature=related09:55
ThomasEgiwell. there are several effects09:59
ThomasEgithere's the skin effects. where high frequency AC dont only penetrate into conductors to a certain depth,10:00
ThomasEgithat would not work for regular grid-ac tho. i guess you simply need dry skin to not fry yourself10:00
ThomasEgiin any case..10:00
ThomasEgiDONT TRY AT HOME10:00
-!- strages [~809e4e63@dev.throwthemind.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:11
Director_XThere has to be some kind of stage magic going on there.  He puts that thing in his mouth, next to all of those dental nerves, and doesn't flinch.10:17
ThomasEgihe does that when connecting the 2 wires.10:24
ThomasEgielectricity always takes the path of least resistance. and why flowing over nerves when there is a nice piece of metal?10:25
UtopiahNeuroscience: Browsing and the brain http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v470/n7332/full/470037a.html (no pdf :/10:31
Director_Xi don't know man.  I think the guy is a human capacitor.10:33
kanzureUtopiah: do you want the pdf10:33
ThomasEgiDirector_X, you can think what you want. but please dont try to bend physics with your imagination10:33
Utopiahkanzure: yes, cant find it10:33
kanzurephreedom: i really can't do everything on my own,10:34
kanzurebut a pyscholar irc bot would be realllly handy right about now10:34
kanzure!fetch http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v470/n7332/full/470037a.html10:34
Director_Xlol.  I think the laws of physics are safe.10:38
ThomasEgithen you have to accept the fact that a human body's not a capacitor (at least not to a extend you may wish for it)10:40
ENKI-][kanzure: i hear you're playing with android. have you run into any trouble with the emulator? the binary was set up to work only with a particular version of glibc, and i'm refusing to recompile glibc just to get it working10:44
Director_Xumm...humans are conductive and do have some capacitance, but I think I get what you are saying10:46
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ENKI-][does your pyscholar thing output the text of papers as ascii, or does it just do abstracts and links10:50
-!- Director_X [432affb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]10:55
kanzureENKI-][: pyscholar is supposed to be like zotero except not built into a browser10:59
kanzureit doesn't work at the moment and requires a developer (probably me, but i don't have time today)10:59
ENKI-][kanzure: do you think it's feasible to get a bot to search locally-hosted documentation effectively given more or less freeform queries that it attempts to match semantically?11:08
ENKI-][like, compute semantic distance and rank by that?11:09
ENKI-][compute semantic distance for everything in the chatlogs and then for everything in the docs11:09
kanzurenot really- the semantic relevancy of terms surrounding a link to a pdf in this chatroom might not be appropriate since we don't always/consistently talk about the paper in question11:11
kanzuremaybe if the bot was paired up with mendeley or something11:11
timschmidtwell, reprap-dev and reprap-admin have been interesting lately11:16
timschmidtprobably didn't advance your cause any though, kanzure11:18
kanzurewhat didn't advance my cause?11:18
timschmidtthe recent bickering on the various reprap lists11:19
timschmidtlots of people upset at the thought the developing their pet projects in the open would be good for RepRap11:20
timschmidteither 1: because they'd like to make money from it first, or 2: because they just don't want to11:21
timschmidtit's been interesting11:21
timschmidtand no lack of similar motivations on the opposing side11:21
kanzureit's probably just that they don't understand how this will all work out11:21
timschmidthow so?11:22
kanzureif you want interesting, there's been a huge thread on the thingiverse mailing list about future features and crap objects on thingiverse.com11:22
kanzuretimschmidt: there's the usual misunderstandings about GPL, but bringing it into the hardware world generates even more misunderstanding and opportunities for education11:22
kanzurefor instance, "YOU MUST RELEASE NO MATTER WHAT!!" versus "you must release with your distributions" versus "you must release even if i don't buy from you"11:22
timschmidtyes, there's some of that, but more of 'no one cares about what I'm doing, it can't possibly be relevant to anyone else's interests'11:23
timschmidtand just recently I said "Source availability not only matters, it's crucial to the advancement of the community."11:24
timschmidtwhich was followed up with "I think that you need to accept that that is your opinion and that it isn't anything resembling an article of faith within the Reprap community.11:25
timschmidtRaising your opinion to the level of some sort of technological Sharia law simply isn't acceptable."11:25
timschmidtwhich is awesome11:25
timschmidtargument's over now though11:25
timschmidtplease don't get involved11:25
* timschmidt is just reporting past events11:25
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kanzuretimschmidt: sure11:37
jebbatimschmidt, i saw the same thing. Yikes.  They need a reprap-misc list so all the non-dev stuff has an outlet.11:37
kanzurethey have reprap-users but nobody wants to use it "since reprap-dev is where the activity is!!"11:38
kanzuremaybe we can recommend openmanufacturing? *shrug*11:38
jebbaopenmanufacturing?  You mean the expired domain!?11:38
timschmidtand to be fair, whether or not reprap development is open source is a -dev issue11:38
jebbaah, google list.11:38
kanzurejebba: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing11:38
kanzuretimschmidt: yeah, reprap.org development should be open source, since it's an open source project :P11:39
timschmidtit's just that there are lots of people involved in the project that don't have previous open source dev'ing experience11:39
kanzurebut if you're forking the project into a private thing, then that's fine, but since it's private how will you collaborate?11:39
timschmidtand some of them are very loud11:39
timschmidtkanzure: right11:39
jebbatimschmidt, i was thinking similar. Even to me biz is -dev too, but i wouldnt dare broach the subject there.  But no one is really a -user yet. ;)11:39
timschmidtkanzure: unfortunately, as the reply above shows, that's not universally acknowledged11:40
timschmidtThat wasn't a comment from a random, either.  That was Forest.11:40
kanzureforest has been rather offensive lately :/11:41
kanzurei mean, in some other interactions11:41
kanzurei forwarded you the 30something emails11:41
timschmidti don't think so11:43
kanzurecat herding11:47
timschmidtforwarding you the mail I send Sebastien...11:52
kanzurenice sentiments but why tell sebastien that?11:57
timschmidtit was part of a larger conversation11:57
timschmidtthe gist being that some people of standing will probably get pissed and leave as the project grows.  c'est la vie.11:58
kanzureah okay.12:00
kanzurein case anyone cares, anthony.aragues will also be committing some test.scad files to that one gitduino repository that we were talking about on the 28th last month12:06
kanzureit's still buggy but i figure he really really wants to help out, so :)12:06
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kanzuretimschmidt: are you busy? :D maybe i can convince you to reformat package_spec.yaml for public consumption?12:10
timschmidtI'll have time to look at it in a few short minutes...12:10
timschmidtI've had some ideas about dependency resolution, instruction compiling, etc.12:11
timschmidtas well12:11
kanzurehtml/pdf would be preferable12:11
timschmidtwhich I mention because they firm up requirement for the package spec12:12
kanzurei think the 0.001 specification should be mostly this idea of (1) metadata and (2) put yer damn files in the damn folder and (3) revision control your sorry little butts12:13
kanzureand it needs to be reformatted before it gets emailed out, because people will miss what it says and focus on its presentation instead :/12:14
kanzurebbl busy busy busy12:14
timschmidtok, formatting I can do12:14
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kanzuretimschmidt: thanks14:34
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joshcryerDirector_X came back, awesome.15:21
joshcryerI'll never understand body mod people, you can achieve the same thing with external additions.15:21
kanzurewhat about heart valves15:22
kanzureor prosthetic limbs15:22
joshcryerThose aren't modifications those are replacements.15:23
joshcryerOr in the case of some people, enhancements (blind people getting ocular implants, or people with seziures getting electronic treatment, etc).15:24
ThomasEgijoshcryer, imagine wikipedia beeing hooked up right to your nerves15:24
ThomasEgimakes a big different during an exam15:24
kanzureThomasEgi: i can imagine, but it's not hooked up15:24
kanzurethank you15:24
joshcryerThomasEgi, sure, but at this point you are verging on upload territory.15:24
kanzureand don't tell me eeg can do that15:24
kanzureoops, i didn't mean to send "thank you"15:24
ThomasEgiwho's eeg?15:24
ThomasEgijoshcryer, what do you mean by "verging on upload territory"?15:25
joshcryerThomasEgi, because for it to be an advancement it'd have to give you knowledge without learning it. If you're learning it you may as well be looking at it on a screen.15:25
joshcryerThomasEgi, if you can tap into brain inputs you are very close to being able to copy a brain wholesale.15:26
ThomasEgijoshcryer, who cares. you have that knowledge accessible ;)15:26
joshcryerThomasEgi, heheh, fair enough, but I prefer glasses that have a nice screen as opposed to neural implants that require risky surgury.15:26
ThomasEgisure. onscreen-implant would be even more awesome15:26
joshcryerContact lenses would be cool.15:27
ThomasEgiafaik there already are contact lenses with led-arrays15:27
joshcryerAlso, I am not sure that I would want my brain to have intuitive knowledge of all of wikipedia.15:27
ThomasEgina it's not intuitive knowledge15:28
QuantumGI want the surgery because I want more than shit displayed on my vision15:28
joshcryerIt would allow wikipedia to effectively run my consciousness, covertly.15:28
ThomasEgiit's still the same as typing into wikipedias search bar15:28
ThomasEgiit's not hooked up to the brain15:28
QuantumGI want more than the existing 5 senses15:28
ThomasEgibut just to some nerves somewhere15:28
ThomasEgiso you can braille-read articles15:28
joshcryerQuantumG, me too, but I'll wait for an advanced body for that.15:28
joshcryerMeat is so inefficient.15:28
joshcryerThomasEgi, vision is the fastest way to do input to the brain.15:29
ThomasEgiQuantumG, you only have 5 senses???15:29
joshcryerIt's the largest part of the brain dedicated to sensory input.15:29
QuantumGsight, hearing, smell, taste, touch15:29
ThomasEgijoshcryer, that's true. but unlike HUD contactlenses, electrical electrodes are easily available :P15:29
ThomasEgiacceleration is also a sense.15:29
ThomasEgimakes 7 already.15:30
joshcryerThat's touch.15:30
joshcryerYou cannot sense accelration without touch.15:30
ThomasEgiyou can^15:30
QuantumGbalance is technically touch too .. but whatever15:30
ThomasEgiit's not^15:30
QuantumGyou get the point..15:30
ThomasEgibalance is a skill.15:31
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ThomasEgiso to say a feedback loop which includes your visual , alleleration and pressure senses , in combination with motoric actors aka muscles15:31
ThomasEgione could even argue there are  senses since translatorical and angular acceleration are "messured" seperately.15:32
joshcryerIf I were to do this, which I will probably some day, I'd have accelerometers in my setup, that would give me a visual feedback for which direction I'm moving in.15:32
joshcryerColor for speed, etc, basic stuff.15:33
QuantumGanyway, with today's technology one could easily have gps implanted in their brain and have native knowledge of their absolute position / velocity15:33
ThomasEgiacceleration wont give you a preception of speed15:33
joshcryerThe speed of the direction.15:33
ThomasEgijoshcryer, not even that.15:33
ThomasEgiacceleration only give you a sense of the "change" of your speed.15:33
joshcryerI am running forward, the top of the HUD would have a faint red.15:34
ThomasEgijoshcryer, speed != acceleration15:34
ThomasEgiit would only show something during the acceleration15:34
ThomasEgionce you'r running it wont do a bit15:34
joshcryerThomasEgi, correct.15:34
ThomasEgiyou can meassure angular speed,tho.15:35
joshcryerDid you guys see Willo Garages video updates?15:36
joshcryerThey showed off some neat robots.15:36
joshcryerMy favorite was the 'bug' that ran around the table.15:36
joshcryerAnd. The Hightek robot from Japan.15:36
joshcryerWhich was ridiculously cool looking.15:36
joshcryerThough its capablities were obviously due to the way it was made, with a focus on finding its center of gravity and whatnot.15:37
joshcryerThe bug, btw, was neat in that it had two wheels and there was an emphasis on over doing it, so it'd seem like it was about to drive off the table but then it just stopped and changed its mind. :)15:38
joshcryerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QQSv2IFCFo and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX24MTRMoww15:39
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joshcryerAww, someone got a Chrome OS notebook. I didn't even know about this.15:50
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joshcryerThere, I just did their survey and wrote an awesome essay about how if they send me one I will change the world. Not really, it was pretty beggy. "I'm a poor indy dev hpl plsss!"15:56
kanzurei filled one out a month ago.. told them they should give me one because our missions are similar15:57
joshcryerSmiling box. :)15:58
timschmidtfrom what I could gather, they specifically avoided developers16:16
timschmidtin favor of end user types16:17
* timschmidt also filled out a form - the day they became available16:17
paskyQuantumG: the sense of balance and acceleration is "technically touch" about as much as hearing is16:44
QuantumGyeah true16:45
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kanzureuniqanomaly__: do you do android app development?19:11
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jennicidedo you have a minute?19:57
kanzurei might, what's up20:03
jennicidehas the h++ movement adopted an official term?20:04
jennicidehomotechnologus ?20:04
kanzuretranshuman/posthuman.. what have you.20:05
jennicideis there a mission statement20:06
jennicideor is it more a bunch of collective works20:06
kanzurethere's an organization called humanity+ which was originally 'the world transhumanist association'20:13
QuantumGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIX5a9HouKM  <- did ya see this?  I wonder if they know how technocratic they sound20:13
kanzurewhat is technocratic20:14
QuantumG"Technocracy is a hypothetical form of government in which engineers, scientists, and other technical experts are in control of decision making in their respective fields."20:15
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QuantumGand usually the primary means of maintaining it is the usual indoctrination of the young, etc20:15
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jrabbitQuantumG: i think I've seen you before.20:33
jrabbitWait I think you're on slashdot no?20:33
jrabbitAh thats it.20:34
jrabbitQuantumG: actually the technocracy movement left some interesting plans for nationbuilding20:35
jrabbitlike their "technate" idea that theres a aprticular size of nation that lets it have the ability to choose its own economic system20:35
QuantumGI don't doubt it.. bit hard to get worse than the baboons who run the nations now :)20:36
jrabbitIts not a great governance strategy but its a nifty look at technology and the state20:36
kanzureQuantumG: does it worry you that people know you because of slashdot?20:48
kanzurei mean, of all things..20:48
kanzure"oh you're that guy who uses slashdot"20:49
QuantumGhey, it's how I met you20:49
jebbai didnt know you were on slashdot. wtf you do on slashdot? now?20:53
QuantumGme? I occasionally post a sarcastic comment20:57
jebbaah, i thought you meant like editor or an article today/recent or something20:58
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QuantumGhell no20:59
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--- Log closed Fri Feb 04 00:00:10 2011

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