
--- Log opened Sun Mar 20 00:00:10 2011
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ybitfenn, kanzure, you hate siai01:35
ybitmaybe hate isn't the correct word01:36
ybit2009-12-01.log:23:24 < kanzure> i hate how the singularity institute is focused on "existential risks"01:44
ybit10:01 < kanzure> they were completely unwilling to listen to me because manufacturing is unreasonable or something01:46
ybit10:02 < Smari> existential risk folks annoy me too.01:46
ybit10:02 < Smari> they're severe doomsayers.01:46
ybit10:02 < kanzure> right and that's what this community is about right now01:46
ybiti'm guessing this is most of it01:47
ybit0:02 < kanzure> and we're trying to change that01:47
ybit10:02 < Smari> and won't be told that doom can be averted, because that means they're out of a job.01:47
ybit10:03 < fenn> that's why any reasonable plan of action involves dismantling the global employee state we've got going01:47
ybiter, guess that was unrelated :)01:48
JayDuggerMy comment or fenn's quote about global employee state?01:49
ybitJayDugger: you are Smari?01:51
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jrayhawkSIAI's main concern, AI takeoff, is potentially the most significant event in human history, and, among significant events, it has a rare distinction in that we can forsee and influence its initial circumstances such that we might effect its eventual results. The SIAI has taken upon itself to be the stewards.08:33
jrayhawkThis responsibility is essentially unfathomable, so they have two real goals at this point:08:33
jrayhawk1) attempt to find a way of comprehending their undertaking08:34
jrayhawk2) avoid fucking anything up until 1) is done08:34
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jrayhawkBryan and Fenn, who make tangential progress on the singularity, do not fit in well with these goals.08:37
jrayhawkBryan seems to intuit that a goal system such as the SIAI's will result in nothing being accomplished, and a lot of smart people being used to accomplish it.08:41
jrayhawkWhich is certainly plausible.08:41
jrayhawkI'm not really all that resentful of it; SIAI's and FHI's rationality blogs (training and recruitment centers for goal number one) seem like a rising tide raising all ships.08:59
jrayhawkand rationality fanfic, of course09:00
JayDuggerHarry Potter fanfic, if you please.09:01
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JayDuggerGood night, everyone.09:27
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fennbertrand russell fanfic13:40
ybiti never really thought about agi seriously until yesterday13:43
ybitsomething that i guess is hard to admit13:44
fennwhat do you mean thought about seriously?13:47
ybityeah, that's something that need clarification, but i'm having a tough time focusing13:48
ybitprobably should brew some coffee13:48
ybiti'm writing my thoughts out right now, one sec13:48
ybitwell, i could just think aloud in here13:49
ybitat some point we're going to try expanding our brain's current limitations with nanotechnology, before we do this we need to better understand the brain.13:49
ybitthe logical way of doing this would be to create an aritifical brain13:49
ybitonce you've done that, you've created the first agi13:50
ybitthis is where i'm concerned13:50
ybiti never really considered that agi would come before we used nanotech in our brains, but it makes sense13:51
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ybitthis puts into question if creating an artificial brain and publishing the results openly is a good idea13:54
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ybiti put all this in here, because i'm assuming that others in here have given it more thought13:55
fennpeople are already creating artificial brains, albeit small ones13:55
fennwe're nowhere close to "real" nanotech13:56
fennhowever artificial brain != agi13:56
fenni.e. your cat can't write C++13:56
fennpublishing the results openly is a good idea.13:57
fennyou aren't smart enough to hog it13:57
fennthe combined efforts of everybody will produce more net benefit than whatever you personally (or your in-group) could come up with13:58
fennalso, if there is indeed any danger, others will be made aware of it13:59
fennif SIAI is actually developing an AGI in secret like they were discussing years ago, i would be very suprised13:59
ybiti suppose the first agi would be built using supercomputers, and the only persons that would have the capabilities would  large corps and extremely wealthy individuals13:59
fenni guess14:00
fennyou can do a lot with a modern GPU14:00
ybiti don't know enough to say if it could or couldn't be written to thrive on a botnet14:00
mjrbotnet distribution is hard14:00
ybiti'm concerned about safeguards these organizations would use when building the agi14:01
fenni'm still in the camp that AGI is trivial once you know how to do it14:01
ybitalso about agi taking off and obliterating humanity14:02
fennok, well, write a concerned letter to your nearest university computer science department14:03
* fenn goes and reads some web comics14:04
ybitit would almost seem logical to (a) not allow for this agi to be localized, being fed only the information needed to solve a particular problem and (b) to have the plug pulled after a given time, maybe to prevent it from getting out of control. maybe b isn't necessary14:04
fennyou mean embodied?14:04
ybitlocalized, er, as in restricted access to the internet14:05
fenngood luck14:05
ybitright, i figured a response would come14:05
ybiti want more thoughts on the matter, i've given it little thought14:05
fenni thought it was interesting that watson wasn't connected to the net14:05
fennseems they did it because the net contains mostly junk14:06
ybiti guess that is silly14:07
ybiti just assumed access to the internet meant access to anything it wanted or needed to expand and (appeal to pathos) destroy humanity14:08
ybitand i haven't read the theories behind seed ai14:10
ybitcurious to know the proposed methods for recursive improvement14:11
fenni havent found anything beyond vague "it would design a better AI"14:14
fennlet me know if you do14:14
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kanzure"yes but it's 100000 times smarter than you, so you can't possibly do anything about it!!!"14:45
kanzure"nuh uh"14:45
kanzure"i love mom MORE"14:46
kanzure"no i love mom more times 5"14:46
kanzure"no i do, time 20"14:46
kanzure"no me, times infinity!!"14:46
QuantumGfrom what I've seen of AI researchers, that multiplier brings the AI up to Big Bang Theory smarts.14:48
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:38
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kanzuresubmitted my ycombinator application20:07
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wrldpc2if anyone stumbles across artilect war pl0x holler20:46
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sebastienbHi all.  kanzure, you about?23:18
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sebastienbAny gitduino devs about?23:24
sebastienbjrayhawk, ping?23:40
sebastienbHow goes it?23:45
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sebastienbI was wondering how gitduino is coming along?23:46
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jrayhawkI'm not well informed about gitduino; its relationship to my project management stuff is confusing and I don't keep track of it anyway. It's possible Bryan has the codebase up somewhere, let me see...23:48
sebastienbI've been figuring that self-hosting will be one of the major waypoints.23:49
sebastienbI'm hoping that we'll be doing up a blog.reprap.org intro to it soon.23:51
sebastienbOne of the requirements we need to switch over is co-maintainers, so there's a payoff to announcing it, once it's got the usability to make it interesting.23:52
jrayhawkI don't see a published repo for it, so I'm probably about as informed as you. It's possible Bryan has specific features he's waiting on from me; if he does, you can feel free to bug me on his behalf or whatever.23:53
sebastienbI emailed Bryan yesterday.  I'll try pinging him again tomorrow.23:54
sebastienb(The mediawiki has been driving me up the wall for ~5 years ...)23:54
sebastienbjrayhawk, I think I'll be signing off. It's a bit late, and I've got a busy day tomorrow.23:57
jrayhawkLast I heard, gitduino is a sort of a nice wrapper for piny anyway, so if you want something primitive working now and have a VPS lying around, I can install that for you.23:57
jrayhawkinstall piny, i mean23:57
--- Log closed Mon Mar 21 00:00:03 2011

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