
--- Log opened Sat Apr 16 00:00:10 2011
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fennnear infrared brain imaging looks easy enough to DIY http://www.biopac.com/ResearchApplications.asp?Aid=65&Level=108:52
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-66-66-10-44.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:06
fenntDCS is getting some press http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110413/full/472156a.html09:14
JayDuggerGood morning, eveyone.09:21
fenn"no one stands to gain enough return from therapies that can be administered using just US$1,000 worth of off-the-shelf equipment"09:28
fennam wondering how you manage to spend $1,000 on a current limited 9V power supply09:29
fennoh boy a new thing to freak out about "Students might secretly 'electrodope' with tDCS before a university entrance exam to inflate their scores."09:31
uniqanomalyor TMS junkies09:49
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fennah but the thing is TMS is a technically challenging device to construct09:54
fennhigh voltage, fast switching, large currents09:54
fennsupposedly this tDCS can be as simple as a 9 volt battery, a resistor, and a wet sponge09:55
* fenn reads http://network.nature.com/groups/naturenewsandopinion/forum/topics/350309:57
uniqanomalyluddites vs progress, guess who always wins10:01
uniqanomalycharlie sheen always wins10:08
fennyou can't process charlie sheen without nootropic enhancement10:11
kanzurei'm such an ass10:18
kanzurei'm going to have my phone autodial people10:18
kanzure"it has been X days since you have last called [Bryan Bishop]"10:18
kanzureno :( but i should10:21
kanzurealso root exploits for android are surprisingly easy to find/make/use10:22
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.10:22
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-79-43.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left ##hplusroadmap ["Leaving."]10:22
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.20:28
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ybithttp://rifkin.com/LazyStar/legoscope.html :: lego telescope :)21:24
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Lukas__Good morning22:01
JayDuggerGood morning, Lukas.22:31
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:46
Lukas__Is it just me or are Transhuman themes popping up more and more in popular culture?22:49
kanzurethey have always been there22:52
Lukas__Terminator, i-Robot, Bladerunner?22:57
kanzurehow about "any b movie, ever"22:59
JayDuggerExplain the transhuman themes in the Honda's 1968 classic, "Destroy All Monsters."23:00
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-66-66-10-44.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]23:01
JayDuggerFor extra credit, compare and contrast the role of Godzilla as transhuman in that film with the same character in "Godzilla Vs. Monster Zero."23:01
kanzuregodzilla? GOD ZILLA23:02
JayDuggerI don't buy "transhumanism as religion."23:02
kanzureso what?23:02
kanzurethat's bullshit anyway23:02
* kanzure sleeps23:03
JayDuggerDamn...put him to bed?23:03
JayDuggerAh well...23:03
kanzuremy hours are really weird right now23:03
Lukas__Who said transhumanism is a religion?23:03
kanzurei went to sleep at 5am but woke up at 11am, but now i'm back to something more normal?23:03
JayDuggerParallels get pointed out on occasion.23:03
kanzureLukas__: look at the wikipedia page23:03
JayDuggerGoogle will give you plenty.23:03
Lukas__http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EozxDGm-gqA&feature=related  (transhumanism in mainstream culture)23:04
Lukas__http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Sd5c4o9UM (horrible song, mute it, seriously - nevertheless an example)23:04
JayDugger"OTOH, with an actual customer in LEO and a competitive supply chain  there is no need for profound visions of manifest destiny - discuss."23:07
JayDuggerIn only 140 characters?23:08
kanzureanyone who complains about the 140 character limit on twitter must do so in more than 140 characters or else there complaint is null and void.23:08
* kanzure really sleeps this time23:08
JayDuggerBack to the Godzilla film festival, then.23:15
QuantumGJayDugger, wake up23:30
QuantumGhere's a treatise to go with my 140 characters:  http://www.transterrestrial.com/?p=33169#comment-21706723:32
QuantumGI honestly don't think it says much more.23:32
JayDuggerAh. I did miss something.23:38
JayDuggerThank you for the link.23:38
QuantumGthat's not to say manifest destiny of some sort is unwelcome.23:40
JayDuggerYah...it worked for North America, after all.23:41
QuantumGI just don't think it should be the only argument... as it is quite unconvincing for quite a lot of people.23:41
JayDuggerAgreed. Manifest Destiny is a nice idea, for the winning side, but it still took railroads.23:41
JayDuggerI think Ken makes a big jump from multiple private habitats to calling settlement the next step. Not that I wouldn't happily move, mind.23:42
QuantumGhe sure does.. but considering some of the stuff I've heard come out of his mouth, it's one of his less crazy thoughts.23:43
JayDuggerFrontiers attract crazy people. :)23:43
Lukas__We need to deal with that radiation problem first23:49
JayDuggerYes, and the annoying question of whether humans can reproduce off-Earth.23:50
Lukas__still, there are organisms that can resist all sorts of ridiculous environments such as the Tardigrade or Deinococcus Radiodurans we just need to scale up23:53
Lukas__I was even thinking that we could use the radiotrophic ability of melanotic fungi to produce energy for long distance trips23:54
Lukas__again, still trying to find a way to scale up23:54
--- Log closed Sun Apr 17 00:00:10 2011

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