
--- Log opened Mon Apr 18 00:00:10 2011
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Utopiahis there a streaming of http://microbes-mind.net ?01:00
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auguranyone here both on a PC and also interested in a Black Prophecy beta invite?07:13
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JayDuggerNot on a PC, sorry, but thank you for the offer.07:17
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kanzurehttp://tinkercad.com/ beta is open07:40
kanzurethey claim they are doing solid modeling in a web browser, but only export stl?07:40
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kanzureopen hardware article in RS Components eTech magazine:08:19
kanzureeww seems to be broken/weird08:20
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fennAlonzoTG: http://www.mommysbestgames.com/Shoot1UP_PressKit/NewShots3/Shoot1UP_BoxArt_girl.jpg14:41
kanzurearcade game?14:52
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JayDugger kanzure, did you read "Blame!"? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blame!)17:28
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eriduJayDugger: looks really good18:02
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fennhttp://www.manga2u.com/BLAME/   i have slightly higher res version if anyone wants18:20
kanzuresure i'll take it18:37
kanzureput it on gnusha or, better yet, cysteine18:38
fenncan i just copy stuff to /torrents even if it's not a torrent?18:42
kanzureyes a lot of that stuff is "from a torrent" not "is a .torrent"18:46
JayDuggerJust a test sentence--any weird trailing characters?18:46
JayDuggerAnyone successfully sign up for TinkerCAD?18:54
JayDuggerAny context for that link, kanzure?18:55
kanzurethese people just spread these files everywhere18:56
JayDuggerAnd it's not a very good diagram...18:56
JayDuggerBreaking logical sections into different layers would make it easier to edit.18:56
kanzurei'm in an angry mood tonight. tired of bullshit :)18:57
JayDuggerFair enough.18:57
kanzureread that as: i've spent the last 14 hours writing java and i regret it18:57
kanzurejrayhawk: any hints on subversively forcing reprap to start versioning their subcomponents?18:59
kanzurewe've been through this song and dance before but nothing ever happened18:59
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JayDuggerDo you suppose commenting on the hackerunion blog makes a good place for constructive suggestions? I'd never heard of them before today.19:03
kanzurethe cubespawn guys are on the openmanufacturing group19:03
kanzurefenn: check /torrents/images/manga/19:04
JayDuggerGot it. Thanks.19:04
kanzureoh blame.tgz19:05
kanzurealso i must have missed something because i don't seem to remember the first six or seven issues19:05
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-66-66-10-44.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:07
fenni probably told you to skip them19:13
fennthe first 7-8 chapters are sorta loosely affiliated with the plot19:14
fennalso i'm not in the group "torrent"19:15
kanzureok i did it19:16
fennfenn@cysteine:~$ groups fenn19:26
fennfenn : fenn19:26
kanzureit's in /torrents/images/manga/blame/19:26
kanzureno not that :)19:26
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-232-237.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:29
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.20:00
ybitall google videos to be remoed by april 2920:03
ybiti wonder how they make the .py work in the browser20:04
ybitnice animations, this one of apoptosis: http://www.youtube.com/user/WEHImovies#p/u/8/DR80Huxp4y820:05
-!- augur [~augur@208-59-167-26.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]20:08
kanzure.py works because of mod_wsgi or equivalent for whatever server they are using20:10
kanzurethere used to be mod_python but nobody uses that any more20:10
ybiti kind of figured but was hoping there was another magical answer20:12
kanzurethe python is compiled in real-time into javascript and executed in your browser?20:14
* kanzure has been stalking http://stackoverflow.com/users/343816/kevin-gaudin today.20:15
fennand executed on a turing machine made of ants and folded pieces of paper20:15
fennremind me to never trust my data to a free web service20:16
kanzurewhat do you have against ants touching your data20:16
kanzureyou're an anti-antist!20:17
fennwe're having a bit of a snail invasion here actually20:17
kanzureso what's the marcin plan20:18
fennyou're angry he didn't mention skdb in his 4 minute speech?20:19
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kanzurei'm angry he has completely ignored the idea20:20
kanzurei'm fine if he hates the implementation.. he can have one of his friends re-implement it20:20
fennhe seemed interested when i brought it up many years ago20:20
kanzurethis stuff doesn't take years20:20
fennapparently it does, for me20:20
kanzurewell, they have cad work going on20:21
kanzureso.. what gives20:21
fennactually i dont know much about the cad work20:21
kanzureme either but apparently it's happening?20:21
kanzurealthough half the time it just seems to be blender stuff20:21
kanzuredid you look at toybrep?20:22
fennnot really20:22
kanzurethere's this strange subset of knowledge missing in me about brep maths20:22
kanzurethe "unknown unknowns" as it were20:23
kanzurei was hoping toybrep would provide some parts of that, and it seems to-- er, sort of?20:23
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fennsounds like you should read a book20:23
kanzurei can't seem to find a relevant book20:24
fenn"which book" then becomes the problem20:24
kanzurejust lots of authors saying "it's impossibly hard, only teams of 100s of programmers can do it"20:24
kanzure"Fuck you too, mr. author"20:24
kanzureand seriously, if 1 programmer can't understand it, 100 surely aren't20:24
kanzureor... you end up with opencascade :)20:25
fennwell, opencascade looked like it has a basic core designed by probably 1 person20:25
fennyou know the actual brep stuff20:25
fennnot including all the irrelevant crap20:25
kanzureprobably ported from the original matra datavision stuff20:25
kanzure"founded in 1980, matra datavision has steadily pushed back against the frontier of technology excellence"20:26
fennodd that there are no screenshots of matra datavision online?20:27
kanzurethat's the company20:27
kanzurethe product from before opencascade was CAS.CADE20:27
kanzureand before that it was euclid420:27
kanzureCERN was built on top of euclid20:27
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kanzurewait.. euclid3 2.420:30
kanzurewhy is this site still online20:30
kanzure"EUCLID3 V2.4 B : summer 2005"20:30
fennnot that long ago as far as cad software goes20:31
kanzurebut EUCLID was ancient shit20:31
kanzurethis is even after opencascade20:32
kanzurehuh, support.mdtvision.com is up but not anything else. i wonder how stuff like this is forgotten?20:32
kanzureanyway if you ever want to see something depressing i have some logins to their bugzilla tracker20:36
kanzurei've thought about just stalking down the original programmer20:36
kanzurethere's only maybe 300 developers20:36
fennthat's a lot of developers20:37
kanzurei think it's the one that was a pilot20:38
fenn... galt? john galt?20:38
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kanzurehrm i forgot the specific person20:43
fennnot roman lygin, right?20:43
kanzureroman came on board late to the party20:43
kanzureplus if he had that knowledge he'd just do it on his own20:43
kanzurenurbs-nurbs math can't possibly be as hard as these jerks are making it out to be20:44
kanzureand even if it is hard, i can't seem to figure out what i should be doing, because everyone keeps handwaving20:44
fennthere are a lot of edge cases to test20:45
kanzureso what.. i'll write the tests20:45
kanzuremarcin on slashdot: http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/04/18/1658239/Can-Open-Source-Hardware-Feed-the-World20:45
QuantumGyeah, nice pictures20:46
QuantumGI didn't see any actual designs though20:46
kanzuresupposedly there's stuff hidden on openfarmtech.org's wiki20:47
kanzurestuff like OpenCASCADE6.3.0/ros/src/BRepAlgoAPI/BRepAlgoAPI_Common.cxx just makes no sense to me21:06
kanzureit's just LIES upon LIES21:08
kanzurelies upon lies: http://www.gotfuturama.com/Multimedia/EpisodeSounds/2ACV05/09.mp321:15
kanzurepokemon apokelypse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDX1m0Y2Vkg21:32
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--- Log closed Tue Apr 19 00:00:10 2011

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