
--- Log opened Wed Apr 20 00:00:10 2011
-!- Technicus [~technicus@] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:01
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kanzurejrayhawk: keith henson, eh?00:35
kanzurei regularly get emails from him [but i wish i didn't]00:35
kanzurealso: i just got back from staying up until 2am debugging a fucking jquery core issue in javascript in fucking ie800:35
jrayhawkyou can search google for it00:36
kanzureon the bright side, i got paid00:36
kanzurebut still.. ie should just die in a fire00:36
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dbolserThe speakers ... cover a large spectrum of life sciences. For 2011, we are proud to have ... Prof Anthony Hollander, a leading tissue engineer and stem cell scientist from Bristol whose group successfully engineered a trachea from the patient's own stem cells.00:54
kanzure"neighboring paves on an edge" what the fuck?00:56
dbolsera page by google, showing very poor usability design: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search?category=ext&q=url+shortner00:59
dbolserI want the most popular one00:59
dbolserthey want me to engage my working memory01:00
dbolserbetter https://chrome.google.com/extensions/search?itemlang=&hl=en&q=url+shortner01:00
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kanzurethere we go.. some progress01:28
kanzurealso BOPTest/BOPTest_BOPCommands.cxx is amusing01:28
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Lukas__Has anyone ever considered starting some sort of  transhumanism competition?09:24
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uniqanomalytranshuman X Prize would be nice09:34
uniqanomalyfirst human upload X prize ;)09:35
Lukas__I think some hybrid between iGEM and X Prize09:38
Lukas__I was thinking*09:38
Lukas__maybe the X Prize model could be used for far reaching, expensive projects09:39
Lukas__and the iGEM model could be used for projects that aren't too expensive or dangerous09:39
kanzuresure they've thought of it, but nobody has done it09:40
kanzurexprize isn't a good model to copy because they relied on insurance fraud09:40
kanzureif you can manage to do it more power to you but scamming them is pretty tough09:40
uniqanomalyheh, I had no idea about fraud09:41
Lukas__Insurance fraud? wtf?09:42
kanzureyeah, they were insured against someone winning09:42
kanzurethe insurance policy was worth the prize amount, i.e. $10M09:42
Lukas__well, the iGEM model works well enough09:43
Lukas__that is terrible09:43
Lukas__Kanzure, you have a considerable amount of influence in the DIY community, do you think this is possible?09:44
kanzuredo i think what is possible?09:45
Lukas__some sort of H+ competiton09:45
kanzurenope, humanity+ would fuck it up09:45
Lukas__then another organization can handle it09:46
Lukas__hell, start another one09:46
kanzurewhat are you talking about09:47
kanzurefirst off, why do you think i have influence09:47
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kanzuresecond, what do you actually want to do09:47
kanzureif you want to do expensive projects, get money09:48
Lukas__1)  From what I have observed, you are (one of ) the main coordinators of many DIY communities  2)  If you look at the difference between DIYbio groups and iGEM, you see that a lot more information and finished projects comes out of the latter; thus I have come to the conclusion that competition and money helps get projects off of the ground.09:51
kanzurethese students are also paid $0 and expect career gains and other things from this, there's a huge biotech industry09:52
Lukas__If you can organize a competition where people mod themselves to win some sort of prize, then I think more projects will actually coming into fruition09:52
kanzureit's worth testing, but if you have lots of money to give away is this the most optimal use of it?09:53
kanzurewhy not just pay for the specific projects that need to be completed09:54
Lukas__There needs to be some incentive to finish the project.  I can fund a specific project, or put the money on the table and say "first person to do X" gets the money - at least in the latter case there is much more "creative resource" mined from a larger pool, so to speak09:56
kanzurehaha what?09:56
kanzurethat sounds like handwaving09:57
kanzurei think it's better to be direct09:57
kanzurein particular the "creative resources" part09:57
kanzureyou just need the project finished..09:57
kanzure(whatever the project is)09:57
kanzurebtw have you done any lab work for igem yet?09:58
kanzurealso; the way to do that competition is to find two or three different projects that are already completed, and invite them into the competition, while simultaneously raising the money; then you make up some fake amount of time to pass before judging/awarding the entries. this way you already solve the "where is the money" and the "who is going to enter" problems.10:00
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Lukas__Lab work doesn't start for iGEM until next year, my school is a state Uni, so getting funding is a pain10:01
kanzureuh the professor didn't give you a lab job?10:02
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Lukas__we have a lab to work in (three, actually), but there is no money10:03
kanzurehave you volunteered ??10:04
Lukas__volunteered for lab work?  Yes.  Will I be doing lab work?  Yes.  But I am busy trying to lobby the campus for money so that we can get the ball rolling, unfortunately that includes a whole pile of b.s that has to get done before we are funded10:06
kanzurehuh? no i mean not related to igem10:06
Lukas__ I am applying for a position in an Adeno-Virus lab10:07
kanzureis it an immunology lab?10:08
Lukas__gene therapy10:08
kanzureah better10:08
Lukas__yup  :D10:08
kanzurefenn: http://opencascade.sourcearchive.com/lines/6.3.0.dfsg.1-1/BOP__SolidSolid_8cxx-source.html10:17
Lukas__wtf is this?  http://hplusmagazine.com/2011/04/18/how-to-start-a-student-transhumanist-group/11:27
kanzurea load of crap11:32
kanzurethey asked me to help them write their 'guide' but they were just emailing .doc files aruond, so i gave up and refused11:33
kanzureit's here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/52617532/H-SN-Guide11:35
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Lukas__this is one of the most pointless things I've seen11:39
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eriduLukas__: how so?11:53
eriduit's certainly depressingly hierarchical11:54
eriduit's also written horribly11:54
eridubut it's just a basic "how to start a group" article11:54
eriduthere are a lot of those, but I don't see how having another one harms anything11:55
Lukas__you are correct, it doesn't harm anything11:55
Lukas__but it is quite long - someone could have read another "how to start a school club" guide11:56
Lukas__and would have gotten the same information11:56
eriduyou can say the same about just about everything11:57
eriduexcept research publications, I guess11:57
Lukas__*shrug* perhaps I am wrong11:57
eriduyou aren't wrong, it's just not a very powerful criticism11:59
eriduit's not pointless, it's just bad ;-)11:59
kanzureaha! i knew it :)12:14
kanzure"The BRepAlgoAPI package provides a full range of services to perform Boolean Operations on arguments (shapes that are defined in the BRep data structures). The implemented new algorithm is intended to replace the Old Boolean Operations algorithm in the BRepAlgo package."12:14
kanzureso there is old code on top of old code12:14
kanzure"For arguments with different shape types some of Boolean Operations can not be done using the default implementation, because of a non-manifold type of the result. Example: the FUSE operation for SHELL and SOLID can not be done,"12:19
kanzureer.. but if you can degenerate a solid into a set of shells then why can't you fuse a shell and a solid12:19
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ybithttp://shar.es/H25Ih :: some contest to help support kelsey moodey/SENS stuff15:44
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ybiteric schulke wanted me to share, that's my sharing15:45
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kanzurea very simple b-rep boolean operation library.. with comments (gasp!)16:48
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QuantumGwhich is neat and all but breps (of the vertex/face list variety) are approximations of real surfaces.. so isn't doing csg on them just going to degrade the approximation to the point of being useless?16:53
kanzureno you can do the boolean operations with a certain tolerance16:54
kanzureso if you specify your CAD model to a 0.0001m tolerance then presumably the software should maintain that16:54
kanzureof course, this breplibrary doesn't do that)16:54
QuantumGwell, if your input breps are *not* approximations of curved surfaces then yeah, there should be no problem with degradation16:55
kanzurenobody should use breps scanned surfaces. those are messy anyway and need interval tolerances or something16:55
kanzure*nobody should use breps for scanned surfaces16:56
kanzuremost of the time people just use meshes for that too16:56
QuantumGsuppose you have a sphere and a cylinder.. you subtract the sphere from the middle of the cylinder.. the result will be much worse if you use breps as input and just calculate a brep subtraction than if you use geometric definitions as input and then approximate a brep from the geometry subtraction.  understand what I'm saying?16:57
kanzureno you can define breps with pi's16:57
kanzureso in the case of cutting out a sphere from the cylinder, you just take the curved surface of the sphere and propagate that up16:58
kanzurealthough.. now that i think of it, nobody uses infinite precision in CAD :p they usually set the precision before they begin modeling16:59
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:00
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fennromain behar sounds familiar18:06
fennhm maybe from k-3d18:07
kanzureit doesn't look that bad18:12
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kanzurerobust set operations on polyhedral solids http://www.cs.purdue.edu/research/technical_reports/1987/TR%2087-723.pdf18:17
kanzurea simple approach to performing set operations on polyhedra http://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/1903/4934/1/TR_89-98.pdf18:18
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kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/organic%20batteries%20w-annotations.pdf <-- stuff i get in my inbox19:09
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TechnicusAnybody here know about household plumbing19:25
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ybiti must be missing something, why hasn't anyone made their own CCD?21:04
ybitaah, i see21:14
ybitwill someone invent a cheaper photolithography method?21:19
kanzuredid you price out photolithography?21:19
ybiti'd have to grep, but i'm feeling lazy, the estimated cost of this was ~4-5k21:19
kanzureit's not that much but even if it was $5k that's not a lot and you should swollow that cost21:20
ybitno, no i didn't21:20
ybiti would love to swallow that costs when that little green man leads to me to the other end of the rainbow21:20
kanzureno money?21:21
ybitthat sentence made me cringe, yes21:21
ybiti'm looking for sub $100 projects21:23
ybitguess we could just write drivers or something21:24
ybitbtw, the local hackerspace now has a book scanner21:25
ybitit's not automatic, but it's still nice to have21:25
kanzurewrite code for me21:26
ybitoh, what do you need?21:26
ybitare you referring to skdb?21:26
ybittranslating some old code from occ?21:27
ybitthat might be interesting21:27
ybitthe theme is c++, a couple of cool kids want to learn c++21:27
QuantumGhave ya seen Jon Goff's new business blog?  http://blog.altius-space.com/  He's blogging about building this http://sbir.gsfc.nasa.gov/SBIR/abstracts/10/sbir/phase1/SBIR-10-1-S5.04-9001.html?solicitationId=SBIR_10_P121:29
ybitkanzure: are you now starting to use ssl with diyhpl.us?21:33
kanzurejrayhawk is :p21:57
kanzurei guess i'll go along with it21:57
kanzurehttps has been enabled for a while21:57
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ybitlooking for a problem to solve with some guys interested in c++, suggestions welcome23:03
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kanzureybit: ok, rewriting the boolean operations in opencascade23:05
kanzureor improving the nurbs support of brlcad23:06
kanzure(which is c, actually, but close enough..)23:06
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ybitthank you23:12
kanzureby rewriting i mean refactoring and making it suck less23:15
kanzurealso i mean removing it from opencascade23:15
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ybitby rewriting, i gathered you meant making a better cad kernel... which i take it to mean contributing to the wildcat-cad project23:18
ybitaww, why is that23:19
kanzureybit: that paper-tape-microfluidics paper is everywhere.. google scholar probably has a link to a good pdf23:20
ybityeah, i found it, sent you a link23:20
kanzuredon't focus on making an entire cad kernel, that's unnecessary and doesn't really mean anything23:21
kanzuremost "cad kernels" are just some core functionality (boolean operations on solid geometries) wrapped up with lots of other stuff23:21
kanzurethe other stuff is useful but it's not difficult23:21
kanzureboolean operations aren't difficult either, but for some reason nobody has a clean re-usable library23:21
kanzurebreplibrary is a good start and is worth playing around with..23:22
kanzurei think opennurbs has ON_Intersect(plane, plane) somewhere in opennurbs_intersect.cpp23:22
kanzurebut iirc it doesn't do much except return circles or something retarded23:25
kanzureand then opencascade has multiple libraries inside of itself..23:26
kanzureBRepAlgo is the older one and BRepAlgoAPI is the newer one,23:26
kanzurebut both of those modules reference *other* modules where the bulk of the work is actually done23:26
kanzurelike BRepAlgoAPI actually uses BOP_SolidSolid::DoNewFaces for a solid-solid merge23:27
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kanzureso on the one hand i have incredibly undocumented code (opencascade)23:33
kanzureit works and has lots of neat features like being able to maintain tolerances and do other funky shit23:33
kanzureplus presumably their customers have actually used it and it does something that people want23:33
kanzureon the other hand, it would be more efficient to just use something from the literature from a formal definition23:34
kanzure.. except that i figure that nobody bothered to do a formalized version of this "working" version23:34
kanzureso i cna't really compare/contrast formal academic set operation papers against opencascade's system23:35
kanzure(not without already understanding occ's system, which i don't- entirely..)23:35
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ybitthis sounds like fun23:48
ybitit seems to be most directly applicable to the original goal of using c++ on some project23:50
ybitoh come on, what gives QuantumG23:50
QuantumGheh nothing.. wrong window23:51
ybitheh, okay23:51
--- Log closed Thu Apr 21 00:00:10 2011

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