
--- Log opened Sat May 21 00:00:07 2011
-!- mjr [mjr@2001:1bc8:102:60d4:21b:fcff:fe32:5eda] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]00:12
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-79-43.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:10
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.02:12
JayDugger@kanzure, I don't know why O.S.E. keeps ignoring you, but your overwhelming success will eventually force their attention.02:12
JayDuggerYes, that assumption should encourage you. I want my backyard atomic rocket, dammit.02:23
-!- nsh- [~nsh@cpc5-cowc6-2-0-cust282.14-2.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]02:43
QuantumGaneutronic fusion rocket thanks03:23
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JayDuggerI don't like my neighbors that much.04:28
JayDuggerBut you do have a point.04:28
JayDuggerOne should keep the spaceport neat and tidy.04:28
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:36
foucisti support this idea of backyard rocket spacesports04:54
foucisthow can i help?04:54
foucistguess we need a good reprap first?04:54
* foucist gets to work on evolving nano reprap04:55
-!- dbolser [~dmb@bioinformatics.org] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:14
kanzurefunctional neuroimaging of adhd05:45
kanzuredata: http://www.nitrc.org/frs/downloadlink.php/341705:45
kanzureit's about 2GB (DARTEL_mwrc1.tar.gz)05:49
* dbolser sucks up teh MW http://www.nitrc.org/plugins/mwiki/api.php05:50
kanzurehttp://www.baipatra.ws/ "the automated hydrology search engine" what?05:50
kanzurefoucist: you can help by using skdb and yelling at us when it breaks05:51
dbolserbleah: http://www.nitrc.org/plugins/mwiki/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo05:51
dbolser1.12 ... no good fo rme05:52
kanzuredbolser: complain to Cameron Craddock <cameron.craddock@vt.edu>05:53
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kanzurehi lumos05:53
lumoskanzure, hey05:54
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:14
foucistkanzure: how can i "use" this sk8rdb06:18
foucistaside from complaining about the stupid name..  jk ;P06:18
foucistseriously bro..  for a cool idea, does it need such an obtuse name? :P06:19
kanzurelook up in the logs about naming06:21
kanzureif you have a better idea let us know06:21
foucisthardpacman would be funny (i like archlinux)06:38
foucistkanzure: what does skdb actually stand for ?06:38
dbolserkanzure: ty06:38
kanzurefoucist: something something something something06:39
kanzurehardpacman is kind of verbose06:40
kanzuresmari used to hang out here but then split and made tangiblebit :P06:40
kanzureum, naming doesn't matter as much06:40
kanzurefor all these years we have acquired exactly zero new package maintainers06:41
kanzurethe other part of the problem is that most hardware projects don't have packages so it requires someone intimately familiar with the project to actually be involved in packaging06:42
kanzurein software projects you have source code, you compile it, and everyone agrees whether or not it compiles06:42
kanzurewith hardware there's maybe a few napkins of schematics.. or photos.. somewhere06:42
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/cgit/dremelfuge is an ok example of a working skdb package, but not the best06:43
kanzurescrew.git/lego.git are slightly more interesting06:43
foucistkanzure: tangiblebit is a pretty nice name06:46
foucistlego.git hmm i like that06:46
kanzurethe files:06:46
foucistno i meant, as a name06:47
kanzureit's also the beginnings of a python/lego library06:47
foucistyuck http://tangiblebit.com/ just looks like a placeholder06:48
foucistnot active i guess06:48
kanzuresee #tangiblebit06:48
kanzurei guess i should put up their git repo06:49
kanzuresince it no longer exists (what)06:49
kanzurefoucist: if you're interested, it will be uploaded over here in a few minutes: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/tangiblebit06:51
kanzurehmm where did the thingiverse dump go06:53
kanzurefoucist: did i tell you the gitduino plans?06:54
kanzuretangiblebit.git is ~170MB it will take longer than "a few minutes" sorry (US consumer broadband..woo)06:55
foucistgitduino eh? sounds interesting06:57
foucistarduino plans?06:57
kanzuremore like thingiverse+git06:58
kanzureEmergence of physiological oscillation frequencies in a computer model of neocortex.07:07
kanzureNeymotin SA, Lee H, Park E, Fenton AA and Lytton WW (2011)07:07
kanzurepaper: http://www.frontiersin.org/computational_neuroscience/10.3389/fncom.2011.00019/full07:07
kanzureNEURON model: http://senselab.med.yale.edu/ModelDB/ShowModel.asp?model=13837907:07
kanzure"In this article we simulated a moderately-detailed neuronal network model with detailed wiring07:08
kanzureand found that it was able to reproduce physiological oscillation patterns observed in-vivo.07:08
kanzureDirect comparison of the power spectra with experimentally recorded local field potentials from07:08
kanzureprefrontal cortex of awake rat showed substantial similarities, including comparable patterns of07:08
kanzurecross-frequency coupling."07:08
kanzurethat was via: Sam Neymotin <samn@neurosim.downstate.edu>07:09
kanzuredbolser: oops. sorry about getting the admin wrong :(07:15
dbolserkanzure: np, meant to cc you originally but forgot07:18
kanzurefoucist: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/tangiblebit is done07:22
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kanzurefightaging.org is trying "pay-per-word" bounties :/
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kanzurei still have to come up with a handful of predictions for that guy11:10
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Utopiahhttp://datadryad.org/depositing CC0 data repository for biosciences (~600 packages)12:26
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delinquentmegetting my wisdom teeth FROZEN!13:36
delinquentmea bit excited13:36
delinquentme+1 biohacker13:36
ybitdelinquentme: that's pretty neat13:38
ybithow'd you manage this?13:38
delinquentmeybit, available service haha13:39
delinquentmethey've got apparently a p...13:39
delinquentme*googles stemsave*13:39
delinquentmeHmmmm well they said they had a patented cryo container13:40
delinquentmei get them yanked .. and im actually excited about it hahah13:40
* ybit needs wisdom teeth yanked as well13:41
* ybit isn't too excited about it though :)13:41
ybitmostly because there isn't something to brag about like, having them frozen and shipped to the moon13:41
delinquentmeybit, id check em out man !13:42
delinquentmethey mail the ortho a container13:42
ybitwhen i can't chew my snickers bar, i'll look into it13:42
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kanzurestrages: going to isdc?14:20
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delinquentmekanzure, http://www.sciencemag.org/content/287/5461/2196.long  << got this guy?15:15
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kanzureno, can you link me to the abstract first?15:28
delinquentmelemme see if i can dig the link back up .. it was a paper on AMOS15:32
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JayDuggerGood afternoon, everyone.16:26
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ybitkanzure: do you have ISO 10303-42, Geometric and topological representation, by chance?17:13
kanzureyawn not necessary17:20
ybiti want17:20
kanzureno you don't17:20
kanzureget back to work17:20
ybiti are try to work17:20
ybiti are want distraction17:20
kanzurethen go get an EXPRESS compiler working17:21
ybitwhy is it not necessary?17:21
ybitbecause we has internets?17:22
ybitand there's plenty of other documentation?...17:22
kanzurebecause 10303-42 is not used anywhere17:22
ybit308CHF for that doc, fml17:23
kanzurewhy would you want it17:24
ybiti want to read it17:24
ybiti don't know hy17:24
ybitit seems important17:24
kanzureso you're just doing things because..?17:25
ybiti ask that question often, but get nowhere17:26
kanzuredo you want something to do?17:27
JayDuggerIf so, how much do you charge?17:27
ybitgitduino is something to do17:31
ybiti'll get to it soon enough17:31
kanzureif you wanted to do gitduino you should just write a gem for gitorious17:31
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-79-43.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left ##hplusroadmap ["Leaving."]18:17
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ybitsomeone please use your hax0r skills to get me a username and password to http://ng.tc184-sc4.org/18:21
kanzureyeah i have one18:53
kanzuretry kanzure/tc184sc418:53
kanzurealso you can break into their mailing lists (they call it "exploder lists")18:54
kanzurebut it's really boring email discussion and i don't know how these people ever end up getting anything done18:55
kanzure(like, do these people even know the full toolchain going on here?)18:55
kanzureside-effect is that i don't know how to filter out their emails from my inbox now18:55
kanzurebecause they aren't sent from a specific address but instead by individuals and it seems to be intercepted mid-flight and bcc'd to me18:55
ybitkanzure/tc184sc4 doesn't work :)18:56
ybitWarning: best check yo credentials..18:57
ybitis what it says18:57
kanzureit says "yo credentials"? really?18:57
ybitalong those lines18:57
kanzureanyway if you look closely there are some documents that are publicly available,18:57
ybityeah, i did18:57
kanzureand if you modify the url you can access the other documents without logging in18:57
ybitbut the good stuff is locked away18:57
ybiti don't know how to modify the url so that i can access these docs18:58
kanzureok one sec18:58
kanzurewget http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/ng-tc184-sc4-downloader.url.txt18:59
kanzurewget -i ng-tc184-sc4-downloader.url.txt18:59
kanzurehere are the files that will download: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/ng-tc184-sc4-files.txt19:00
ybithow did you get that?19:01
ybitwget -i http://ng.tc184-sc4.org or something...?19:01
kanzureoops. download that last one again (i've re-sorted it so that the line number roughly corresponds to the ID number in the other file if you want to go spelunking)19:01
kanzurewget -i just means "download each file listed in this file"19:02
ybitso how'd you get the list of docs?19:02
ybiti was googling around for just this earler19:02
kanzurethis isn't a hard pattern to guess19:02
kanzurethe ID number is just monotonically increasing19:02
ybitSTEP is er.. like ID 3919:03
kanzureno these ID numbers are just random19:03
kanzurehmm actually ng-tc184-sc4-downloader.url.txt is incomplete19:04
ybit..from reading the source of a cfm file somewhere on their site19:04
kanzurebasically i did 0 to 70000 but i'm pretty sure i only got 3298 files in the end (however, lots of id numbers had nothing)19:04
kanzureno.. just by looking at the url in my browser :P19:05
kanzurecfm is coldfusion and parsed on the server-side so you can't read their server-side code really19:05
kanzurebtw you might also be interested in:19:06
kanzurehah oh man i forgot about this http://locke.dcnicn.com/bugzilla/iso1030319:07
kanzureybit: yeah, i don't remember if FID is 1-to-1 with the ID= parameter on FileDownloadInclude.cfm19:08
ybitPopMenu1_8_1=new Array('ISO 10303 (STEP)','http://ng.tc184-sc4.org/index.cfm?PID=48',19:08
ybitit was id 48, my bad19:08
kanzurebut again those 4000~ files are more than you will ever need ...or want19:09
ybitum.. how did you get that list again?19:09
kanzurewget -i ng-tc184-sc4-downloader.url.txt; ls -l > ng-tc184-sc4-files.txt; scp -p ng-tc184-sc4-files.txt bryan@gnusha.org:~/public_html/irc/19:10
ybiti meant you personally19:10
kanzurefor x in {0..70000}; do echo "http://ng.tc184-sc4.org/FileDownloadInclude.cfm?Type=D&ID=$x" >> ng-tc184-sc4-downloader.url.txt; done19:12
ybithttp://ng.tc184-sc4.org/2004-09-07-ISOTC-184SC-4-MONTHLY-NOTIFICATION-OF-PROJECTS_AT_RISK.htm 404s (just some random file)19:12
kanzurethen "wget -i.." downloads all of the files19:12
ybitguess i've got some raping to do19:13
kanzureybit: there's also some more files here:19:15
kanzuretell me when you're done with that so i can move it back to wherever19:16
kanzureyou also need tunes while hacking away: http://www.di.fm/mp3/vocaltrance.pls19:21
QuantumGand despite all my rage I am still just a rate in cage.19:38
QuantumGcoffee, it's not as strong as meth-amphetamines but you get to keep your teeth19:40
kanzureQuantumG: you mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNMwZbcSdzc#t=35 ?19:41
QuantumGI love all the alternate lyrics in the comment section19:43
kanzurewhat brought that up anyway19:45
QuantumGhmm.. let me think back.. I'm watching all the Freeman's Mind videos and he said something like "I'm just a rat in a maze"19:46
kanzureok. because i watched that video for the first time like, yesterday19:47
kanzureand still roughly knew the offset :/19:47
kanzureQuantumG: would you be interested in http://play.typeracer.com/?rt=trkanzure perhaps19:56
QuantumGnah, but thanks19:56
ybitkanzure, little of interest from that fetch20:05
ybitfetching the 0steptools stuff now20:06
ybitone of those mentions some type of interface with java for express20:07
ybitthere she is: FileDownloadInclude.cfm?Type=D&ID=343220:08
ybitISO/CD 10303-2720:08
ybitStandard title: Product data representation and exchange: Java programming language binding to the standard data access interface with Internet/Intranet extensions20:08
ybitABSTRACT: This document specifies a binding of the Java programming language to application data modeled in EXPRESS and to the standard data access interface, ISO 10303-22.20:08
-!- eridu [debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]20:10
kanzuresure.. or just use osexpress.sf.net20:11
kanzurealso some of the links i've given you are to .jar files that contain express parsers/compilers20:12
kanzureor implementations of the sdai libraries20:12
ybitugh, this is disappointing20:42
ybitdon't have any of the docs wanted, and i'm starting to not care for STEP20:52
ybitscrew a standard that isn't free20:52
kanzurewhat docs do you want specifically20:52
kanzureAP203 and AP214 are really the only parts of the standard that matter20:53
ybiti want to read ISO 10303-4220:53
kanzurei don't understand20:53
ybitit tells you how to represent geometric shapes in STEP20:54
kanzureno AP203 does that20:54
ybitSO 10303-42:2003 specifies the resource constructs for the explicit geometric and topological representation of the shape of a product20:54
ybitfrom http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=3784620:54
kanzureyeah.. there's tons of redundancy20:54
kanzurebut really, nobody uses 10303-4220:54
kanzurei guarantee that the definition is exactly the same as the geometry subset of AP20320:55
ybiti'll look for 20320:55
kanzurebtw i have 15531-42 if that would satisfy you :P20:55
kanzureybit: i've given you that20:56
kanzureat least yesterday20:56
ybitRecommended Practices for AP 20320:56
ybiti think that's the one20:56
kanzurewell .. no20:56
kanzureAP203.expr is what you want20:56
kanzurebut if you want something to read (like in English) then Recommended Practices, sure20:56
kanzure.exp actually?20:56
kanzurehere: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/step/10303-203-aim-long.exp20:57
kanzureand: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/step/part203.exp20:57
ybitAP203E2_November_2008.exp             AP203E2_November_2008_Shortnames.txt  AP203E2_September_2007.exp20:57
ybitone of those20:57
kanzureand: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/step/p214unx.exp20:57
ybiti'm going nov/200820:57
kanzureAP203/AP214 are the two that are implemented (separately?) by Solidworks20:58
kanzureand i think opencascade does at least AP20320:58
* kanzure is moving the other files into ~/bryan/irc/step/ from earlier tonight in case anyone goes looking for them20:59
ybitlooks like i need to become a member of this just to get access to PDFs21:28
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ybithere goes..21:28
ybitemail sent to becky imhoff21:31
ybiterror 550 o.O21:32
kanzurefor http://pdesinc.aticorp.org/downloadable_files/STEPapplicationhandbook63006BF.pdf ?21:33
ybiti want all the docs21:34
ybitthat's how it should be21:35
ybitthat's the IGES spec21:35
kanzureIGES docs are easily available..21:35
ybitfor x in {0..70000}; do echo "http://ng.tc184-sc4.org/FileDownloadInclude.cfm?Type=D&ID=$x" >> ng-tc184-sc4-downloader.url.txt; done21:43
ybitwas about to say something, but i'll refrain21:46
kanzurego ahead21:46
ybitfiguring out how you retrieved those files21:46
kanzuremake sense yet?21:46
-!- Drakkar [~PixelScum@ip98-177-175-88.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:46
ybitng-tc184-sc4-downloader.url.txt has files from 3256 to 7000021:47
ybitif that's true, it has file listings of 66744 docs21:47
kanzurefor some reason i paused the downloads at 3256 and wanted to continue21:48
kanzureso i took out the first 325521:48
kanzurethere's really not 66744 docs on their site21:48
kanzuresince i don't know the real id numbers, i just guessed21:48
kanzureand i was right21:48
ybithow did you retrieve the files?21:49
kanzurewget -i ng-tc184-sc4-downloader.url.txt21:49
ybitwget "http://ng.tc184-sc4.org/FileDownloadInclude.cfm?Type=D&ID=3256" fails..hrm.. lemme try21:49
kanzurehow does it fail?21:49
ybitthat works21:49
kanzureif it's a 404 then that just means that id doesn't correspond to a file21:50
ybitit has to do with the name not having a backslash or %20 i'm guessing21:50
kanzureanyway, you should start with n=0 and work up to n=70000 if you want to make sure you get as much as you can21:50
ybitoh, i know what was happening i needed to use my custom grab command instead of wget21:51
kanzureyou might have to spoof a user agent with --user-agent="motherfucker" or something21:52
ybitalias "grab"="wget -e robots=off --no-parent --random-wait --user-agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/200809216 Firefox/3.0.3'"21:52
kanzuremaybe a slightly more recent user agent string would be appropriate for your alias :)21:53
ybitheh, yeah :)21:53
foucistybit: just put that in your .wgetrc file22:30
foucisti used to overload my aliases like that22:30
foucistnow i just have .wgetrc, .mplayer etc22:30
foucisti throw them all in .dotfiles/ and symlink them22:30
foucistand put .dotfiles under git22:30
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-!- alystair [Alystair@24-246-14-18.cable.teksavvy.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:39
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