
--- Log opened Sat Jun 04 00:00:07 2011
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archelshi lads05:18
archelsWhat is new?05:19
kanzurewe are no longer lads05:21
kanzurenow we are lasses05:21
archelsWhat, still a gender? I thought we'd have transhumaned our way out of that by now.05:22
JayDuggerI like my gender just fine, except for the relatively poorer endurance and shorter lifespan.05:23
foucistendurance in what05:32
archelsso, I'm kinda looking for a 3k word paper topic.05:44
archelsI have to take a standpoint, and make a case for it.05:44
archelsMy teacher said that just arguing for transhumanism might be too general though.05:45
kanzurecan it be completely ridiculous?05:50
foucistarchels: maybe argue for an idea you have.. a product idea or something05:52
archelskanzure: probably yes, so long as the reasoning is self-consistent ;)05:53
archelsfoucist, it's for my neurophilosophy class05:53
archelsI was thinking of relating transhumanism to Ernst Becker's ideas in The Denial of Death, but my teacher wasn't familiar with that work.05:53
foucistme either05:55
foucistarchels: how about something on timeless decision theory :P05:55
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archelsmeh, I don't like probabilistics.05:57
archels(if that's a word)05:57
archels'The basic premise of The Denial of Death is that human civilization is ultimately an elaborate, symbolic defense mechanism against the knowledge of our mortality, which in turn acts as the emotional and intellectual response to our basic survival mechanism.'05:57
foucistlike worldview of probability for the universe? quantum mechanics ?05:58
archelsI want to believe in the cellular automaton theory of the nature of the universe, but that's another discussion altogether ;)05:58
kanzureah, it has to be related to neurophilosophy05:58
archels(Incidentally, I'm going to Roger Penrose's lecture on the cyclic universe next Friday)05:59
archelskanzure: yep05:59
kanzurethere's a lot of really fucked up neurophil that has been thrown around in this channel05:59
foucistarchels: i prefer this idea over 'defense mechanism'  .. http://www.jamesrobey.com/man-is-technology/05:59
foucist(that's my blog)05:59
kanzurei'm sure you can find something obscureand entertaining05:59
foucistarchels: it's a crappy post, feel free to follow that one link i have in it05:59
archelskanzure: There are some *yawn* subjects like 'should you convict a pedophile whose behaviour was beyond all doubt causally connected to a tumour in his prefrontal cortex?'06:00
kanzurefoucist: i prefer 'what technology wants' or kevin kelly's other articles over that post you linked to06:00
kanzurearchels: yeah, that's retarded and lame06:00
archelsso I definitely want to write about transhumanism, just not sure on the angle.06:01
archels*reads foucist's post*06:01
kanzure"the neurophilosophy of 4chan"06:01
foucistkanzure: yes, it's all based off of 'what technology wants'06:01
kanzurefoucist: ok, i give you credit for at least linking to kevin kelly06:01
foucistkanzure: my post that is06:01
foucistkk actually has a book out, but apparently it's not as good06:02
foucistas the 'what technology wants' one06:02
kanzureyeah i expected it would be lame06:03
JayDugger...? Out of Control?06:03
kanzurethese are the main posts worth reading:06:03
archelshm, technology as (a) meme(s)?06:04
kanzurefoucist: or http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/msg/e4c375acce77225006:04
* archels never read What Technology Wants06:04
foucistJayDugger: i dunno, i was trying to end the post on a positive note :P06:04
foucistarchels: you can get a pretty good idea from oreading that extropy link06:04
archelsk, thanks for linky06:05
kanzurefoucist: my respect for the mores has dropped like a rock recently06:05
kanzurethey live down the street (well, until max moved away to run alcor)06:05
foucistcrap.. i made a mistake06:08
foucisti was thinking of a totally different book06:08
foucistby a different author06:08
foucisti heard kk's book sucked06:08
foucistwhat was the other book? it was by an economicist..  about technology..06:08
JayDuggerHeh. Everybody ever born has feet of clay. That's why we wear shoes.06:09
kanzurefoucist: taleb?06:09
JayDuggerBloom's book wasn't worth it.06:09
kanzuremany books aren't06:09
kanzurefoucist: you do rails?06:10
JayDuggerYup. That's why I need my own home Watson. It can filter out the dross.06:10
foucistbrian arthur's 'the nature of technology'06:11
foucistthat's the book06:12
foucistkanzure: yeah i do rails06:12
kanzureare you open to consulting gigs06:12
kanzureor are you employed full-time in a braindrain06:12
foucisti'm pretty flexible, not employed full time06:13
kanzureok, noted.06:14
foucistkanzure: did you have something in mind?..06:15
foucistkanzure: i'm probably more open to direct collaboration w/ someone etc06:16
foucisti don't really like working on my own ;)06:16
kanzurethere's always stuff in the pipeline, some paying and some just pure fiction06:16
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fennrandall munro is going to have fun with this http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/05/mining-patterns-in-search-data-with.html08:50
fennso far i'm pretty impressed with how much tracker-search doesn't suck09:02
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JayDuggerfenn, do you have any trouble with it running slowly on samba shares?09:42
fenni dont use samba shares09:44
fennit is taking quite a while to index my ebooks09:45
fennbut then, 17GB of pdfs need to be converted to text first09:45
fennthomas baugis is the developer behind "hamster project" which is a gnome app to do life logging similar to what i do; he made this nice correlation graph of his tags (warning large image) http://www.flickr.com/photos/toms/5206484607/sizes/o/in/photostream/09:46
JayDuggerOh, does tracker do that?09:46
fennit finds all sorts of metadata i didnt even kow existed09:47
JayDuggerThat's interesting.09:47
fennfor example, many images have a 'description' field in their exif data09:47
kanzureand geo coords09:47
JayDuggerDoes it do a good job of providing accurate metadata, or have you just got semiotic noise.09:47
JayDugger?, even.09:47
JayDuggerYeah, and camera settings, etc., etc.09:47
fennwell, it finds stuff...09:48
fennit's fast and it does full text search, what do you want?09:48
fenncan't exactly do page rank on my own hard drive09:48
kanzurepart 2: http://www.body-pixel.com/2011/06/02/interview-with-marc-dusseiller-from-hackteria-org-part-2-open-sourcing-with-living-systems/09:49
JayDugger:) I hoped for something more pedestrian, like accurate "Author" data.09:49
kanzurenanosmano :)09:49
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kanzurehi sseehh11:03
sseehhhi kanzure11:10
sseehhhi archels and anyone else im forgetting11:10
archelsheya sseehh, I forgot you used to come in here.11:26
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archelssseehh_: I started development on my smart watch project.11:32
sseehh_archels: cool what technologies does it involve?11:32
archelsbrb phone11:33
archelssorry, back11:39
archelsIt's got an AVR 8-bit ultra low power microcontroller, 128x64 transflective LCD (sunlight readable), and will at some point have a zigbee link11:40
archelsI also have some environmental sensors lined up.11:40
sseehh_zigbee in a watch?? could that form mesh networks?11:41
archelsI don't plan on coding that, but it's possible in principle.11:42
archelsmy intention is more about controlling devices around the house.11:42
archelsI'm trying to not give in to feature creep. ;)11:43
sseehh_that will be awesome. especially the mesh network. that can come later11:44
archelsyeah, hardware and firmware is going to be open, of course.11:45
archelstty1 might like this, wasn't he doing something with zigbee and mesh networks?11:45
sseehh_yes zigbee or some other protocol this is right up his alley11:45
archelsHmm, any chance of Syncleus sponsoring the touchscreen LCD for this thing? ;)11:47
sseehh_yeah i guess you can start with a wikipage and list costs/parts11:52
archelscurrent state of affairs ;)11:54
sseehh_archels: nice what program did u use to make that layout?11:57
archelsCadsoft Eagle11:58
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fennokay 20GB of books makes searching useless13:59
kanzuredon't you need something like an index 10x the size?14:25
fennno, it just stores word lists i think14:34
fenneven 2-grams would be a lot more useful though14:35
fennam not understanding if quoted phrases are supposed to work or not14:36
UtopiahGoogle books isn't perfect but with its MyLibrary option it's ok, just have to make the list of read books and hopping most will be present and allow search14:36
Utopiahnot as flexible as setting up Lucene or Spynx but.. work14:37
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fennthe PEPKC mouse is quite interesting, "have the capability of running five to six kilometers at a speed of 20 meters per minute on a treadmill for up to six hours before stopping."17:28
fennroughly 10 times the endurance of a normal mouse17:28
kanzureis that the 'mighty mouse'?17:36
fennyes, but that nickname gets used a lot17:36
kanzuregasp i don't have any of the original mighty mouse papers17:38
fennwho are all these longevity emails from? the guy talking about FOXO3A, mTOR, NF-kappaB ec17:46
kanzurehrm there are a few more recent emails (maybe 5 or 10) that i haven't archived yet17:56
kanzurehe and i tried to convince thevegasgroup person to do actual work instead of paying $200/word for documentation that nobody verifies17:57
kanzurehe and i failed :(17:57
fenn"not many longevity researchers actually read the literature" why not?17:59
kanzureit's a bell curve.. most people have read at least 20 papers,18:00
kanzurebut not many have read 50018:00
kanzure(or something)18:00
fennhm tracker isnt searching my emails now, thought i got that to work before18:00
fenn20 papers isnt very many?18:00
fennis he talking about pharmaceutical company employees?18:01
kanzureno not at all18:01
fennor undergrads?18:01
kanzureacademia. undergrads don't usually read anything18:01
kanzuresome undergrads have trouble with just one paper :)18:01
fennof course, there's lots of meaningless strings of letters18:01
fennbut once you figure out what they mean, at least get familiar with them, it starts to make some sense18:02
kanzureright.. it's also easier to sort out crappy papers from the good ones18:02
kanzure*it gets easier18:02
kanzurerealistically we know that aubrey isn't reading every paper that he should be18:03
kanzureand if a grad student is doing his job right, he's busy in a lab18:03
kanzurea phd student might do a literature review maybe18:03
kanzureeightpennies claims to have done some personal self-improvement projects regarding longevity.. apparently he's an older gentleman18:04
kanzure(this was within the past year)18:04
kanzurestem cell / blood based. i'm foggy on the details.18:04
fenn"normobaric oxygen therapy"18:05
fenn"partly it's survivalist (I like to survive in style)"18:07
fenn"A rational gambler would bet his/her life." serious bizniz18:09
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fenn"it's so simplistic!"~ http://fennetic.net/irc/NF_kappaB_pathways.png18:47
kanzurearen't you supposed to have a degree in this19:35
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AlonzoTGMayko, does anything ppl say here make sense to you?20:02
maykowhen I am concentrating on the conversation and understand the context20:02
maykomostly i just lurk. it is what i do best :D20:03
AlonzoTGTo me it's just disconnected bits and pieces about unnamed, tangentially related, projects that people seem to be working on.20:05
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maykoi have seen that happening, yeah20:06
maykobut i also don't know if i pay close enough attention to make the connections between the bits20:07
maykoi have seen some cool conversations20:07
kanzureyou should ask questions instead20:11
ybiti have a girl friend named mayko20:37
AlonzoTGI didn't think girls even bothered with guys anymore.20:39
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ybitit's quite the opposite over here, i don't bother with teh ladies20:39
ybiti find it quite difficult to pick a girl up when the only thing that comes to mind to discuss is density functional theory20:40
ybitbut it's expected in this city20:40
QuantumGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhGuXCuDb1U  <- watch it all the way through :)20:41
ybitam i right?20:41
ybithigh fives all around20:41
ybitumkay, now i'm just being silly20:41
foucistybit: what city20:41
ybitflorence, alabama20:42
foucistwhat school is there?20:42
ybityou mean tertiary or secondary ;)20:42
ybitthey all kind of blend in20:42
foucistwhat uni20:43
foucistnm heh20:43
ybitclosest uni that doesn't suck so hard is www.uah.edu, then www.uab.edu, then www.ua.edu20:43
ybitwell, insert vandy right before the ua.edu20:43
ybitfoucist: where are you?20:44
foucistfrom canada.. but abroad right now20:46
foucistybit: as a young geek, i used to judge girls by the same standards i judged men..  i.e. i expected them to be like men, willing to discus density functional theory, be direct about picking up men for sex, etc..20:47
foucist(like back when i was 20..)20:47
ybiti don't really expect that to happen20:47
kanzurehaha that's not realistic20:47
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kanzurerules for girls:20:47
kanzure1) ignore her20:47
kanzure2) ignore her20:47
kanzurethen you've got it made.20:48
ybitthankfully i'm logging20:48
foucistjust you and your right hand to keep you company20:48
ybitthat's the life!20:48
kanzureif you pander to them constantly nothing will work20:48
fennbuild a sex robot, drive them wild with jealousy!20:48
ybiti'm content to not date most times, like tonight, where i could care less20:49
foucistanyways, once i realized that men & women are like two alien species that happen to have a symbiotic relationship for procreation purposes, things made more sense..  women are from venus, men are from mars.. it's true ;)20:49
ybitsalsa, chips, and rootbeer are much better than any girl atm20:49
foucistkanzure: yeah don't put them on a pedestal20:49
ybiti'm going to date a girl from mars one day20:50
fennthey exist20:50
ybiti fucked a girl from mars once20:50
ybitthat was fun20:50
foucist& gross20:51
foucistsounds incestuous20:51
kanzureno he means Mars, Inc.20:51
ybitshe was a lesbian wanting to experiment, woot20:51
kanzureit was a m&m fetish20:51
fenndid she discuss dft with you?20:51
ybitof course not20:51
maykoybit: yay!20:51
fennthen what makes her "from mars"?20:51
ybitshe's into girls like me20:52
fennyou're not a girl :(20:52
kanzurei can confirm this >:(20:52
kanzurefenn is more likely to be a good detector of martian girls20:52
fenni have unresolved emotional issues which prevent me from acting on my observations20:53
* ybit wants fenn's detectors20:53
kanzureput him in a room with one "oh yep definitely, something's off in here"20:53
fennyou guys should hang out in san francisco at some point in your life20:54
ybiti would like to20:54
ybitis there something i'm supposed to observe?20:55
fennalso, MIT seems to be a good place to meet martian girls20:55
ybityeah... good friend of mine keeps telling me there's plenty for me, he and his girlfriend were sitting in a coffee shop naming girls i could date20:56
ybiter, they are both @ mit20:56
kanzurethere was this blog post by a girl on okcupid who dated 100 guys in like 3 months20:56
ybitsounds like my cousin20:56
fennwas it nonvotphod?20:56
kanzurei hate her because that's at least 10-15x more difficult for a guy to do20:56
ybiti'm supposed to be meeting some girl tomorrow afternoon, she apparently only speak spanish too20:57
kanzureah, 9 months20:58
fennthat's one every 3 days20:58
kanzurenot bad20:58
foucistguys can do that if they lower their standards20:58
kanzurei think i know of her because she dated ryan bethencourt20:58
fenni'm pretty sure todd's friend michelle did more than that20:58
kanzureyou're right, once every 3 days isn't that hard for a guy to do20:59
kanzurei guess i thought it was more like 1 a day, with a new guy every time20:59
fennhum, well if you care go study PUA techniques20:59
kanzurebeen there, done that.. don't care that much20:59
fennthat price is right screenshot looks like it's from 197521:00
kanzurebut, PUA skills have this really strange cross-over with self-promotion and getting money from investors21:00
fennand reality distortion21:01
kanzurea field of it21:01
kanzurea reality distortion field21:01
fennjust think of it like hacking people's perception21:01
kanzureyou might think i'm a moderately good programmer, but in reality i'm really a slightly better moderately good programmer21:02
fenni dont get why this chick thinks she's a nerd21:02
kanzureshe runs a BLOG OMG21:02
fenn"look i'm on the internet!"21:02
kanzure"and it's not facebook!"21:02
foucistshe mentioned something about a high IQ..21:03
foucistbut man she's wayyy fucking hot21:03
kanzurepeople who mention high IQs are just scum21:03
kanzureshe looks like a toy that will snap if you look at her wrong21:04
foucist"ks. The ONE thing I loved about dating the mentalist was that for the first time in my life I felt like I was dating someone as smart as me. (Well, technically speaking, I am actually smarter than him. No, like in a very literal sense - I have a guaranteed higher IQ based on the ability to execute alone. MWAHAHA!!! Suckkaaaa!)"21:04
fenndescribes herself as "online reputation manager"21:04
fennis it just me or is that about as un-nerdy as you can get and still do internet stuff?21:05
kanzurei'ts not just you.21:05
fennspeaking of IQ, how do you take lots of IQ tests without your scores getting skewed because you've memorized all the questions?21:06
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fenni've noticed that within a given IQ test all the questions are very similar21:06
fennonce you find a pattern you can zip through the rest of them21:06
fennbut they calculate it as if all the questions are equally difficult21:06
fennthis question derives from my interest in nootropics and whether they actually do anything, fwiw21:07
kanzurei don't know why someone like her saying that about IQ is such a huge turn-off to me21:07
kanzurewhat do you want? tracthenburg all the time? jeeze21:08
fennman with world's highest IQ works as a night club bouncer, and writing a mathematical proof of the existence of god in his spare time21:09
kanzureisn't that the same thing the man with the biggest dick does?21:10
fennno, he's a talk show host21:10
fennso how do i go about measuring the effects of nootropics?21:11
kanzurefenn: what level of detail do you want21:12
kanzurepsychometrics? neurophysiology data?21:12
fennsomething that correlates with drug intake21:12
fennpreferably a useful behavior or test performance21:12
kanzurehaha but that devolves quickly..21:13
kanzure"useful behavior" "what is the goal" "how should an optimal agent behave" blah blah blah21:13
kanzurethe reality is that researchers just use lame color association tests and other shit21:13
fenngoa :\21:13
fennat least do psytrance21:13
* kanzure changes21:14
fennhuh. di.fm doesn't have anything i like21:15
fennmaybe breaks21:15
fennblah nm21:15
fennkinda slow but i liked many of these http://dl.dropbox.com/u/946099/interiorlabyrinths.zip21:17
kanzureheh ambient.pls is playing "Stars Of The Lid - Austin Texas Mental Hospital (Part 1)"21:17
fennrm *kraddy*21:18
fennkanzure: okay how do i measure programming productivity? that's a specific enough goal21:19
kanzureproject milestones21:19
fenncertainly writing a functioning program is better than not having written anything at all21:19
kanzuredo you have enough data to judge past performance on milestones?21:19
fennbut the problem with this test is you can't compare the difficulty of writing program A vs program B21:19
kanzurethat's true, but if you're sane of mind you will be picking sufficiently small or sufficiently correctly-sized programs in the first place21:20
fenni'm just trying to avoid confirmation bias more than anything21:21
kanzurei dunno who said it first but patri brought to my attention that "n=1 might sound bad, but it's n equals you and that's the one that matters, so what if you're fooling yourself if the results are correct"21:22
kanzureof course, i agree with you..21:23
fennguh.. because it might have side effects which you're ignoring?21:23
kanzurethere are a lot of different tests for attention shifting but honestly i've never been convinced..21:23
fenni don't think attention is the end-all-be-all of intelligence21:24
kanzure(dunno why that's in 'autism')21:24
kanzure'multiple errands shopping test' heh21:24
kanzureactually that was a rather interesting article21:24
kanzuresome people failed in rather spectacular ways21:24
kanzurelike re-visiting the same store multiple times21:25
fenn"go buy six orange, a prime number of eggs, and a loaf of bread that is not made from a grain, while juggling"21:25
kanzure"while also reciting the launch sequence for apollo 13"21:25
fenn"I have a guaranteed higher IQ based on the ability to execute alone."-girl didnt read the literature21:27
kanzureoh man that's right.. "Separable brain systems supporting cued versus self-initiated realization of delayed intentions"21:27
kanzure'delayed intentions' are funky21:27
kanzurepoorly understood but i find them very frequent in my daily life21:27
fennuh, like remembering to do stuff?21:28
foucistmeh.. social media seems like a lot of fucking work21:28
kanzurefoucist: just write lots of bots21:28
kanzuremany people think i'm an actual person21:28
foucist(stil lreading that nerd girl's post)21:28
kanzurethe reality is much more hilarious21:28
foucistkanzure: you can't fool me, i hacked your webcam21:29
fennhe's running the synthetic pigeonrank algorithm21:29
fennyou know those birds that peck at a glass of water?21:29
foucistyou've got a pizza stain on your greay sweatshirt21:29
kanzurethat's not a stain that's a whole pizza slice21:29
kanzurefoucist: so you weren't around when i was doing this,21:30
kanzurebut i used to have crawlers on top of okcupid21:30
kanzurethe dynamics of online dating are such that it's a novel thing for about 5min, but no guy should ever spend more than 10min in his entire life on it21:31
kanzurehowever, there's a lot of data.. and various ways to game the system with fake profiles and mass-visiting profiles21:31
fennbetter than television, i say21:33
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kanzureit's been too long since i've gone through some of these papers21:38
kanzurethis is nice21:38
kanzurewhy can't more science be like that.21:39
fennbecause grad students don't have access to robots and end up wasting all their time pipetting stuff around instead of building useful optogenetic tools21:41
kanzuregrad students should learn not to take so much shit21:41
fennthe eye just happens to be an optogenetic system already21:41
fennunfortunately, that's the trait that's been selected for21:42
kanzurehow do you explain tony21:45
fenni dont really know that much about him21:46
fennphysics? obsessed with cellular automata, some kind of family connection with aboriginal rights?21:46
kanzureuh, tim21:46
fenntim who?21:47
kanzuretim marzullo makes way more sense in context21:47
fennoh, uh.. played commodore64 as a kid i guess21:47
fenni don't really know why he's going on this crusade21:48
kanzureoh great they are making $4k/mo21:49
kanzurewell that's good21:49
fennhm. scroogle.org lets you verify that everyone else actually sees those google search results too21:54
kanzurethe quality of dragonball seems to be much more consistent than dbz21:57
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JayDuggerWhich did you see at an earlier age?22:06
kanzureboth, but more of dbz22:06
JayDuggerHmm...so much for that theory.22:07
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JayDuggerI spent some time earlier today, while staying up late and awaiting FedEx, going through Wikipedia and looking up old anime I'd only heard of, but not seen, when I was a teenager.22:08
JayDugger(Pre-Internet, pre-machine translation, pre-ADV films)22:08
JayDuggerWell, not pre-Internet, but I didn't have an Internet connection twenty-five years ago.22:09
kanzureyou mean.. the era of VHS passed down from the coast?22:09
JayDuggerYou may improvise feigned shock.22:09
JayDuggerNone of the series I researched produced a sense of wonder nor seemed so exotic now-a-days as they once did.22:10
kanzuremaybe they were insufficiently esoteric22:11
JayDuggerYour comment about DBZ and Dragonball made me wonder if something similar happened to you.22:11
JayDuggerAura Battler Dunbine?22:11
kanzuresince, after all, you were hearing about them even without internet22:11
JayDuggerThat's a possibility.22:12
kanzureman why the hell don't we have ourselves any manga chicks in here22:13
JayDuggerI suspect my ignorance of the various then-rumored anime just kept me from applying Sturgeon's Law to them.22:13
JayDuggerOtherwise I'd have suspected that 90% of them lacked merit.22:13
JayDuggerThose who like manga, or the less likely those who resemble characters from manga?22:15
JayDuggerThe latter, thankfully, exist in such small numbers that you might complain we have no Sasquatch or Yeti.22:15
kanzurewho like manga22:16
* kanzure sleeps22:16
fennif you build it, they will come22:18
fenn(a ten story robot exoskeleton, that is)22:19
JayDuggerHeck, yes! Where am I headed to see this?22:27
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foucista field in iowa of course23:13
foucistsame place as field of dreams23:13
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