
--- Log opened Wed Jun 15 00:00:07 2011
nsh_book cypher00:00
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kanzurefoucist: ##hplusroadmap interorbital sattelite network needs some upgrades so i guess ybit wants to do the job00:04
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dbolserany one read thsi: http://anoptimiststourofthefuture.com/06:51
dbolserwritten by a foaf06:51
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Fiohnelfound this channel from http://pleasegodno.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/transhumanist-forums-or-lack-thereof/08:23
Fiohnelquite a mini adventure08:24
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kanzureFiohnel: did you write that?08:54
Fiohnelfound that on google08:54
kanzureeudoxia: is it you?08:55
kanzurebackyard brains is hiring http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_thread/thread/c8aeec68199a29d709:14
kanzurehttps://github.com/delinquentme/LH001 'liquid handler'09:14
kanzurevideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY5IY5CZ1es09:17
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-133-25-182.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:26
kanzureeudoxia: is this you http://pleasegodno.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/transhumanist-forums-or-lack-thereof/09:40
kanzuresb5 livestream http://sb5.biobricks.org/10:22
kanzuregeorge church "conflict of interest" slide http://twitpic.com/5byuqw10:23
-!- lumos [~lumos@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]10:34
uniqanomalyhttp://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2011-06/14/c_13929184.htm nice10:34
kanzurejavascript pdf reader https://github.com/andreasgal/pdf.js11:40
kanzuredemo: http://pumpkin.micheljansen.org/~dawuss/pdf.js/test.html11:40
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kanzureman why do brain visualization tools still suck so much13:15
-!- alystair [alystair@24-246-14-18.cable.teksavvy.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:15
kanzurethat coloring scheme hardly captures the detailed information that you would need for anything productive13:16
kanzuresorta better? http://www.voxel-man.de/3d-navigator/brain_and_skull/images/bs_ventrikel-englisch.jpg13:17
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ybitfoucist: i haven't read it and i want to read it13:51
kanzurei said BOOP14:08
kanzurei demand that someone replies with a beep14:08
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ybitsome at&t guy just came by my door to let me know some fiber optics is near my house14:54
ybithe sounded just like marcin14:54
ybitturns out he's polish as well14:55
ybithe had the same mannerisms and everything14:55
ybitjust thought i would share that14:55
ybitoh and i gave him the website, maybe he'll get interested or something14:56
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kanzureLH001 again http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=265709216:22
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kanzurehi nsh_16:36
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-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: QuantumG, nsh, nsh-16:53
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-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]17:04
fenn" I had found the motherlode, the core, the place where real cool cats of transhumanism gathered." wooo yeah i'm a cool cat17:15
* kanzure takes away fenn's cool cat card17:17
fennit's okay i have 9 of them17:17
fennso much hype about space elevators, and yet nobody even knows what a rotovator is17:19
kanzure:( ybit is getting a bs17:19
ybitall the cool places require bs17:20
kanzurenot true at all17:20
fenna strong portfolio will get you further than a college degree; the trick is finding funding for your projects17:22
kanzureif you have like 2 even moderately interesting projects in your portfolio that's usually enough..17:22
fennor somehow getting involved with things outside of a university17:22
fennso ExI and tt are no longer worth reading?17:23
ybitnoted, i'll continue to hide behind the uni walls until i have interesting completed projects17:23
kanzurett might be17:23
kanzurei think i own openmanufacturing now17:24
fenn(i havent read it in months)17:24
kanzureunfortunately paul hates me now17:24
* ybit asks for a share of the darpa funding17:24
kanzurethe darpa funding just uses the same name17:24
ybityeah, so ad17:24
kanzurei don't know what they are thinking.. why have they been targetting things so relevant to my interests17:24
fennmaybe you can convince them you own their program17:25
kanzureand then name it openmanufacturing?17:25
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:25
kanzureit serves like no purpose17:25
kanzurealmost nobody in the consulting/contracting biz has a positive connotation associated with 'open manufacturing'17:25
fennwho won the vehicleforge baa anyway?17:25
kanzurethey don't tell you things like that17:25
fennwhy not?17:26
kanzurebut it's probably three or four different contractors17:26
fennit's my fucking money17:26
kanzurebecause it's darpa?17:26
kanzurenooo sir17:26
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kanzurei don't know /why/ they do these things17:27
fennthere was a darpa program manager in my house last week, but i didnt realize it17:28
fennhe was very young17:28
kanzureyeah they seem to be17:28
kanzurealso, the darpa/om BAA is a part of adaptive vehicle make (avm) but it isn't paul eremenko17:28
kanzuresome other guy.. luis gsomething17:29
fenni bought a bunch of vitamins and stuff yesterday.. i wonder if i'm turning into one of "those"17:30
ybitif by "those" you mean cool cats17:33
kanzureyou should hand out the vitamins to your roommates and say "it's a science experiment"17:33
kanzure:( youtube doesn't have a clip of doc brown saying "it's for a science experiment"17:34
ybitfenn: #opensourceecology17:34
* ybit gets back to work17:38
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-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:48
ENKI-][kanzure: i feed my bots both curated text and uncurated text. i also occasionally feed them arrangements based on carefully precalculated novelty curves. if there is something to be done with markov chain bots, chances are if someone in here thinks of it i've done it, planned to do it, half-implemented it, written about what i think would happen were it done, or done a slightly less17:49
ENKI-][computationally intensive version of it and made pretty graphs17:49
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kanzurefenn: http://forum.opensourceecology.org/discussion/208/cad-standards-group18:42
kanzurei don't know how to help these guys out really18:42
kanzuresome of them seem to know what they are talking about18:43
kanzure"will it print?" is just an excuse to use meshes18:43
kanzurestalk stalk stalk http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Category:Team_Culturing18:45
ybitsalome is finally compiling correctly18:45
kanzurewhy do you want to use salome18:45
ybitbecause i haven't used it previously18:46
ybitnever got it to compile correctly iirc18:47
kanzurehave you ever used NEURON18:47
kanzurei'd rank learning neuron way, way higher than salome18:47
kanzuresalome is just re-packaged bits of opencascade and some other crap18:47
ybitit's been downloaded, but i never had anything interesting to throw at it18:47
ybiti want cad plans for my workshop18:48
kanzuresalome won't help with taht18:48
ybitthat's why i'm messing with cad again18:48
ybitbut, but, i thought it would18:48
kanzureit's pre- and post- processing for numerical simulation18:49
* ybit double checks 18:49
ybiti also want to see which of my various ideas for buildings are worth building18:51
kanzurebased on what?18:51
ybiti'm asking questions like, is it going to fall on itself?18:52
kanzureand salome will answer this how?18:52
ybitwhat if 30-60mph winds come at it18:52
ybiti dunno18:52
kanzureok just checking18:52
ybitokay, so salome's geometry module supports creation of cad files, not just importing18:55
kanzurelike i said.. "bits of opencascade"18:55
kanzurebut why not just do opencascade18:56
ybitno clue18:59
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fenn'you should hand out the vitamins to your roommates and say "it's a science experiment"' - actually i had the exact same idea19:06
fenni'm too impatient to test the effects of each individually19:06
fennapparently excess acetylcholine will cause growth hormone to be released?19:08
fennand you can even buy an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor over the counter19:09
fenn(huperzine A, surprisingly cheap too)19:09
fennconsidering other chemicals in the same class are poison venoms and nerve gas, it seems an odd thing to take for health19:10
fennfreecad spits out SVG drawings? huh?19:11
fennokay it seems to export svg from its internal 2d sketch planes, not a rendering of a 3d object19:19
fennoh shit maybe not http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/free-cad/index.php?title=File:Drawing_extraction.png19:20
kanzureraphaeljs is a good start to a svg cad library but would need some wrappers to a better api19:26
kanzuremore-cad-specificfc api19:26
fennfreecad seems to have come along quite a bit since i last looked at it19:29
foucistkanzure: BEEP19:35
foucistthat was for your boop19:36
fennfreecad demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD3OWgSC5y019:36
kanzurefoucist: beep accepted and appreciated19:38
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-133-35-136.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:40
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kanzurewhat? since when don't you have /irc/20:36
kanzurewhat a poopcake20:36
kanzurei was trying to find the h+ proposal you drafted20:41
ybitugh, internet has been down20:41
ybitsalome installs occ20:42
ybitand it compiled successfully as well20:42
ybiti'm only running into one snag20:42
ybitand it's kind of important, missing some library TK library or something20:43
ybitwhich prevents me from drawing anything20:44
ybitin the geometry workbench20:44
kanzurehumanityplus_reality_augmentation_proposal.pdf <-- where did this go20:44
ybitso re: why not occ, because solome is occ but with more, so it's more than just cad, which is nice20:46
kanzureoh that's right.. http://fennetic.net/irc/cyberfenn/20:48
kanzureblargh that took forever20:49
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fennlayout.yaml contains most of the design decisions20:51
fennshould i remove index.html20:52
kanzureyes you are an awful person20:52
kanzureadd that to README and let apache append it to the index listing20:52
fenncrawl away20:53
kanzurewell i got what i was looking for20:53
kanzurethrough a horribly round-about way20:53
fennapache does that?20:53
kanzureit might be an option20:53
fenntomorrow is a meetup about an associative memory project20:54
fennhm i guess i do have a backup of /irc/ now20:55
fennan old backup perhaps20:55
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]21:04
kanzureFor those with children (but not for their children), narrated by Samuel L. Jackson "Go the F**k to Sleep" free on audible.com21:26
-!- roscoez [d03640b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:26
kanzurehi roscoez21:27
kanzurei hear you want to build hardware21:27
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roscoezbut yeah hardware...21:31
kanzuredo you have any particular goals21:32
QuantumGthen buy a kit and shove it together21:39
QuantumGIkea sells some easy ones21:39
roscoezshove is such a brutal word21:40
kanzureroscoez needs a good introduction to stuff21:40
kanzuredo you have money21:40
QuantumGno meatballs for you then21:41
roscoezwell like 300 dollars21:41
QuantumGyou can get a wobbly CD rack for 300 dollars21:41
roscoezwhat else21:43
QuantumGa few bookshelves (just don't put any heavy books on it)21:43
roscoezany getting up to speed?21:44
QuantumGcan you rephrase that with grammar?21:45
roscoezSo I want to make hardware with no knowlege at my disposal21:46
QuantumGwell, it comes with knowledge.. poorly written and drawn.. and an Allen key which you'll lose and suddenly need 6 months later.21:48
roscoezso should i start with wobbly chairs?21:51
QuantumGstart?  You said your goal was to build hardware.. a chair *is* hardware (wobbly hardware)21:52
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kanzureroscoez: QuantumG is a troll so you should ignore him half the time22:00
kanzurethe other half the time he is trolling insightfully22:00
kanzurei'm not particularly sure what to tell you either since you've been asking for a few months..22:00
roscoezi want to work on like aerponics n such22:03
QuantumGkanzure: it's not my fault that the retard fails to understand that he has to be more specific22:09
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roscoezim asking about projects going on in that area22:12
kanzureQuantumG: he's not a retard.. i know him22:13
kanzureroscoez: what about hydroponics? does that work for you?22:14
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roscoezso hydroponics projects22:31
kanzureybit: do you have anything for him22:33
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foucistroscoez: aeroponics ftw..  and simple too!  you just need tupper ware & a pump & those aeroblocks (get both pump and that @ any fish/pet/aquarium store)23:01
foucistroscoez: keep the water levels low, right above the blocks the air pumps into (the aeroblocks w/ the thousands of little holes)23:01
foucistand basically it'll splash lots of water into the air23:02
foucistkeep the plant roots right above that23:02
foucistroscoez: what, which part do you want to automate?23:03
roscoezfish to use23:03
foucistroscoez: google bio-bucket  & google aerocloner &  also learn how to use the new LED lights for hydroponics23:04
foucistok so your goal is some sort of automated scalable plant growing machine?23:07
foucistsomething that just grows bigger on it's own?23:07
foucistlike automated self-replicating farm?23:07
foucistscrew plants then..  algae vats -> food is where it's at23:10
roscoezalgae foodstuff23:10
roscoezall the nutrients and goodies needed?23:12
roscoezso algae vat projects im sure there are a lot but  can you list me some23:15
kanzuretons.. lookup photobioreactors23:19
roscoezcure for future hunger eh23:24
kanzurepaypal exploit http://thenextweb.com/industry/2011/06/16/paypal-vulnerability-allows-access-to-any-account-within-30-seconds/23:28
kanzurecomments: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=266010023:28
bkerokanzure: that's sort of dangerous23:28
kanzurewell they don't give the email corruption pattern23:30
kanzurebut i imagine it's something like "kanzurepaypal@yahoo.com-%20;bkero@gmail.com" or something23:30
QuantumGyeah, most likely23:32
--- Log closed Thu Jun 16 00:00:07 2011

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