
--- Log opened Wed Jul 13 00:00:39 2011
-!- alystair [alystair@24-246-14-18.cable.teksavvy.com] has quit [Quit: ┌(・_・)┘OUTTA HERE└(・o・)┐]00:19
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kanzurenever disturb me when i am booping00:43
maraineinmy apologies00:44
kanzurehi fenn00:50
kanzurei couldn't sleep so i figured i'd work on my presentation00:50
kanzurewhat am i presenting?00:50
fenn"directed evolution of pathogens in human sweat bead bioreactors", and "scientific workshops as disease delivery mechanism"00:52
kanzurenah they wanted me to babble about transhumanism00:52
fennoh. what's that?00:52
kanzurefor 10min.. so i figure motivations/goals/trends/projects should be enough00:52
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kanzure"Your average transhumanist is a balding, middle-aged wanker who had the prime of his life in the 80s or early 90s after experimenting with LSD and acids."00:53
fenn"i only take organic free range herbal acid00:54
kanzurei am going to tell them that the lack of competency in "the upper ranks of the so-called transhumanist communities" is "a biosecurity concern because of the lack of communication, understanding and awareness of practical transhumanism"00:56
fennum. except it's not, because their incompetence simply ensures that nothing will happen00:59
kanzuretheir incompetence ensures that they are not aware of what's going on00:59
kanzureand having awareness (in their case) is insufficient01:00
kanzurethis isn't too important01:02
kanzureok i'll just call that "crippled by futorology"01:07
Utopiahhttp://xkcd.com/924/ on 3D printer01:39
kanzureyeah i don't really understand why people think that 3D printers have to be ubiquitous01:41
kanzurenot bad for 4am02:09
fennspeaking of 3d printers, the production quality of this video (solar sinter) is amazingly good for a student project vimeo.com/2540144402:09
kanzurefenn: you should look at it and tell me why i suck02:10
* fenn looks02:10
fennare you still affiliated with h+?02:10
fennhumanity+ i mean02:10
fennso their logo maybe isnt the best thing to put on the first slide02:10
kanzurei realize this is confusing since i have the logo there02:10
fennso it may be best to frame things as "people will do these illegal things anyway, get used to it" rather than "i'm doing this and i'm here to poison the minds of your children"02:12
kanzurethat's prolly not evident by the slides but i do intend that02:12
fenni have difficulty thinking like an FBI agent so i don't really know what they want to hear02:12
kanzurethey want to hear about motivations and what sort of skills you probably have02:13
fennmaybe you should have a slide about yourself then02:13
kanzureha ha no02:13
* fenn shrugs02:14
kanzure"Here we have a typical biohacker:"02:14
fennalso may wish to cover patient advocacy02:14
kanzure'field guide to spotting molecular biologists'02:14
kanzurehrmm okay02:14
fennorphan diseases etc02:14
kanzureah right. i forgot these things are called 'orphan' diseases02:15
fennFDA clinical trials process lets a lot of people die for lack of approval02:15
fennor decades long approval process02:15
kanzure1. read about some amazing cure from 15 years ago02:15
kanzure2. look up the patent02:15
kanzure3. cry because the VC money hasn't produced a drug yet02:15
fennthe fallout from these diy medical researchers might lead to some epic transhuman technology02:15
kanzure4. do what the patent says anyway02:15
fenndid you read that book with the mind-erasing fractal basilisk, uh...02:17
fennmain character falls into a pond in winter and half of his brain cells die. they use some sort of stem cell therapy to rejuvenate the dead parts of his brain, but he comes out of it smarterthan he was before02:18
fennintrigued by the possibilities of this, he starts researching the mechanisms of the drug or therapy or whatever, and bootstraps his own intelligence02:18
kanzurezindell probably stole that and put it into neverness 'cept it was bio-nano-something fixing the brain02:18
fennno this was pretty straightforward, you kill the existing brain and re-grow it better02:18
kanzureshort story?02:19
fennone moment02:19
kanzure"undrstand" by te chiang-something-or-other?02:19
kanzurei'm gonna try me some more of that sleeps02:20
fennhm. it's not "none so blind" but that's a good one too02:20
fenncan't find it. nevermind.02:21
fennoh, yes, "understand" by ted chiang02:21
fennwhy isnt that in my book list02:22
fenni love how the doctors are all, "we've never one this before, but don't worry, you'll be fine."02:24
fennthis is sort of how i felt last week02:36
fennlast weekend. time seems to be going faster02:37
kanzurei wonder which part of the brain i need to melt to stop the time thingy02:42
kanzurealso why is sunrise at 5am in nyc02:43
fennhm? why would you want to do that02:43
kanzurewhat sort of black magic is this02:43
kanzurei want time to be slower, not faster02:43
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fenneh, well its sort of hard to explain02:43
fennon the one hand i seem to do a lot of stuff in any given hour02:43
fennon the other hand i look up and the day's halfway over already and i havent had breakfast02:43
kanzurei thought that's normal?02:44
kanzuresteve hasn't had breakfast in like five years!02:44
fenngood for him02:44
kanzure:p but really, it happens to me all the time02:44
fenni usually make a point to have breakfast within an hour of waking up02:44
kanzurespeaking of which..02:44
fenntoday (yesterday actually) i had: half an apple, half a glass of apple juice,02:45
fennyogurt and pine nuts02:45
fennand two slices of pizza an hour ago02:46
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kanzurei wonder if this hotel serves cold pizza for breakfast02:52
fenntry the dumpster behind the pizza place :)02:57
foucistfenn: you are a master dumpster diver!03:03
foucistlets build a rocket ship with your skills and my know how!03:03
foucistwe'll colonize a NEA as the first step03:04
foucistthen spin it for centripetal gravity03:04
fenngravity is for landlubbers03:27
fennbut i agree03:27
foucistfenn: at least i'm avoiding the pure silliness of colonizing planets (gravity holes are lame!)03:34
foucistfenn: but we do need some gravity or some way of keeping our bodies from falling apart03:35
foucistunless we develop genetic engineering or other tech to deal with that03:35
fennelectric bone tissue stimulation should help with calcium loss/porosity03:48
fennof course exercise is necessary but i'm not sure we need gravity for that03:48
fennanyway you dont have to spin the whole damn asteroid03:48
fennbernal had the right idea03:49
fenn1929 holy fuck03:49
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foucistfenn: i was thinking train tracks around the asteroid could work09:33
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fennfoucist: you read that in red mars didnt you17:37
fennkanzure: can you recommend a php crash course? (don't ask)17:37
fennsomething along the lines of "dive into python"17:37
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kanzurefenn: surprisingly no18:44
kanzurephp doesn't work like that18:44
kanzureso that was an interesting day18:46
kanzurenathan mccorkle is like charlie manion in person18:46
kanzureouter_space: are you perfetto18:46
outer_spaceis that 'perfect' in a romance language?18:47
kanzureno it's someone's name (josh perfetto)18:47
outer_spaceI wouldn't disagree18:47
outer_spaceno, josh jordan18:47
kanzuredid i do something with your daughter18:47
outer_spacedid i do something to make a daughter?18:47
kanzurehm then i probably don't know you18:49
kanzurewhat's up18:49
outer_spacelol you got people hunting you or something?18:49
outer_spaceim in san antonio, i need some cnc work18:50
kanzureneat looking for anything in particular18:51
outer_spaceis your austin machine shop there yet?18:51
kanzurethere's a few shops available18:51
outer_spaceyes, robot arms from the thingiverse design18:51
kanzurethe omegle thing?18:51
kanzureer, omioron18:52
outer_spacenot for sale thru thingiverse for some reason18:52
kanzureer.. i forget the spelling18:52
outer_spacebut the design is for download18:52
kanzureis it the laser cut acrylic arm thing from a group starting with 'o'?18:52
outer_spaceby oomlout18:52
kanzureah yes18:52
kanzurebtw have you tried the san antonio hackerspace18:53
outer_spacenever heard of it18:53
kanzureoomlaut makes money selling those btw so you can probably look them up18:54
outer_spacei didnt think a hackerspace could happen in san antonio18:54
outer_spacei would buy from oomlaut but i cant find a link or a price18:56
outer_spaceplus I want a bigger one that uses cordless drill dc server-motors18:58
kanzureoh geeze i'm looking through the results of the iftf open fabrication workshop i attended19:06
kanzurethey spend a lot of time talking about "DNCA" and thingiverse19:06
kanzurethe Digital Necrophilia Copyright Act?19:06
kanzurei'm "not supposed to distribute this"19:08
kanzureso get in line.. you know the drill19:08
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outer_spacesa hackerspace has a few cordless drills and a drill press19:10
outer_spacei need a CNC do we have computers in san antonio or what19:10
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outer_spacethey dont even have a cnc on their wishlist19:11
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outer_spacemy dad's garage is a better hackerspace than this19:12
kanzureyes some of these hackerspaces are pretty sad19:25
kanzurefenn: there's a group of people at noisebridge doing biology stuff now.. you should go say hi19:25
kanzure(the bioboard stuff that i ignored)19:25
outer_spaceso is there a cnc somewhere in austin that i could pay to use or pay someone to use?19:39
QuantumGtry http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Austin19:43
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kanzurethis was exactly what it was like at the fbi today19:50
kanzureincluding the black agent19:50
outer_spaceso there only 1 hackerspace in austin that has a cnc and its "<100% working" ?19:52
kanzureuh well i have a bridgeport available19:52
kanzurebut i'm sort of on the wrong side of the continent19:53
kanzureat the moment19:53
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QuantumGwhy is that even up?20:20
QuantumGlike, was there a point to uploading that?20:20
QuantumGit just seems like the most mundane bit of sci-fi ever20:20
QuantumG<character introduction> <plot vehicle> <obvious dilemma> roll intro credits20:21
outer_spaceis there a cnc anywhere in texas?20:25
QuantumGyou know there's hundreds of them right?  It's just that people use them for *manufacturing business* and don't generally allow random people access to them.20:29
QuantumGtry a tech college or something20:29
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kanzurerob pointed me to basically21:10
kanzure"135 pages of supplemental material - High-fidelity gene synthesis by retrieval of sequence-verified DNA identified using high-throughput pyrosequencing"21:10
kanzurethose numbers seem to be all over the place21:13
kanzureapparently one of the 20under20 kids is working on this, but i forget which21:16
kanzure"In this work, we describe a microfluidic platform for parallel solid phase synthesis of oligonucleotides that can greatly reduce the cost of gene synthesis by reducing reagent consumption (by 100-fold) while maintaining a ~100 pmol synthesis scale."21:18
kanzurehttp://www.reddit.com/r/nootropics looks less active than imminst.org21:28
kanzuresomeone should make a nootstack.org site to rate nootropic stacks. everyone posts the same questions everywhere except it's not organized. and it should be.21:30
foucistkanzure: a stack overflow type site for noots?21:36
foucisti like that idea!21:37
kanzureapparently they raided this guy's place a while back21:38
kanzurefound lentiviral engineering going on21:38
kanzuredistrict attorney decided not to press any charges.. nothing they could do after that21:39
kanzureokay here are my notes from today21:45
kanzurei'll push my commits later.. but for now there's that21:46
kanzurewonder where this came from http://mass-customization.blogs.com/files/tseng-2010-open-manufacturing.pdf22:20
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kanzurewelcome back superkuh23:11
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--- Log closed Thu Jul 14 00:00:41 2011

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