
--- Log opened Wed Jul 20 00:00:49 2011
-!- lumos [~lumos@afbv144.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:21
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-!- Drakkar [~PixelScum@ip98-177-175-88.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]01:05
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fennso, wanna hack jstor? :P02:00
kanzure1) get job at jstor02:00
fenn2) ???02:00
kanzure3) incriminate aaronsw02:00
kanzurecan this dude afford lawyers for this02:01
fennit's so hard to find peoples' email addresses anymore02:03
kanzurei was just about to say "why don't i have dylan's email address" but then i realized it was probably dylan.morris@gmail.com02:04
kanzureok time to look through dylan's paperdump..02:08
kanzureoh wait.. i should force you to do kevin kelly followup02:09
* fenn dog paddles in email02:16
kanzurekevin kelly should really know about eric hunting..02:17
kanzurei know eric isn't really saying anything fundamentally new.. but still02:17
kanzurebrad templeton smells like booze.02:19
fennstill wondering who toothpaste is02:23
kanzure"kurt" lolz02:24
kanzuresome guy with chinese manufacturing connections02:24
kanzurehe wants to build a business02:24
fennoh i see02:24
kanzureprobably doesn't care about open source hardware.. which is cool and all02:24
fenn(not really)02:24
fenn<- bigot, zealot, etc02:24
kanzureyeah it's just not necessarily the same idea as nathan wanting to get money to build el cheapo equipment02:25
kanzurewhat's wrong with building expensive open source hardware :(02:25
fennuh, it's expensive, that's what02:25
-!- survivalmachine [~survivalm@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]02:25
kanzureif you're going to be building a business you might as well charge what it costs02:25
fennno, you charge 2.6 times what it costs02:25
fenni read it in makezine :P02:25
kanzureoh my bad02:26
kanzureshould i send kevin an email?02:26
fennhmm. i'm looking at that now, re-reading the bfi-draft.txt02:26
kanzurei've sent follow-ups to dylan, matt, albert, eri, joseph, nate, gary, jose, kurt02:26
fennaw poop i had some animated gif of the nist virtual hexapod but it's buried in the gingery wiki db somewhere02:27
kanzurefenn: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan ... /papers302:28
fennis it done uploading?02:28
kanzurecan you go re-do it but upload it to fenn@diyhpl.us:~/02:29
kanzurei only got 600 MB of it02:29
fennit's on dylan's laptop and he's sleeping maybe02:29
kanzurewhy did i have to go screw this up02:29
fennjust email him02:30
fennp.s. why didnt you bring a TB drive like i said02:30
kanzurecan't i just buy one02:30
kanzurespeaking of buying things.. shoes02:32
fennthere's a fry's electronics like every 10 miles02:32
kanzureok so verdict on kevin kelly email? am i obligated to send anything like a standard follow-up02:32
fenner, uh, hold on plz02:32
kanzurei don't mean an email with actual content02:32
kanzureyou know.. the social grace email02:32
fennno, unless you have something in particular to say02:33
kanzurethey seemed kind of surprised that we were once roommates02:33
fenn"hi i'm bryan bishop and i love your blogz"02:33
kanzuregary and kevin02:33
kanzureyou should start recording dylan's rants02:34
fennhmmm. big time proposal at 2:30 am before sleepz02:34
fennyes dylan and i have discussed this02:34
kanzureso what is it02:34
kanzurei can rant like that but not for long sustained periods of time02:34
fennhe wasn't on any drugs02:34
kanzurewell there's something going on02:35
kanzuregirlfriend in thailand?02:35
fennshe's not chinese02:35
kanzureis she non-taiwanese?02:35
fennamerican as apple pie02:35
kanzureok makes more sense02:36
kanzurei sort of see myself more like dylan and you more like ansi02:36
kanzurebut that's maybe just my bias02:36
fennno, i agree02:36
fennanselm also promulgates the "search don't sort" mantra02:37
kanzureexcept searching 20 GB takes forever02:37
fennthat's why i'm pissed tracker-search doesn't do phrase searches02:38
kanzureoh! i forgot about joe-follow-up shiiiit02:38
fenngrr i need to fix the gingery machines wiki02:39
kanzuredid i give you a copy of the machines wiki backup from davinci02:40
fennit still works fine on my localhost just not on gnusha02:40
kanzureoh that's less awful02:40
kanzurevia treadwell http://hackaday.com/2011/07/19/chilean-teen-builds-automatic-earthquake-alarm/02:41
kanzurealibre acquired by 3dsystems.. yeah02:43
fennthat sounds backwards02:45
kanzuredid you see alibre's marketing fuckups recently02:45
kanzurethe emails i forwarded02:46
kanzureso why is a generic social followup with kevn bad/notgood?02:47
kanzureso what's the deal with steve.. do i get him via email or what02:49
kanzurecan you also get me a more specific time for that realty stuff02:50
fennis there a way for wget to convert index.php?foo=bar&blah=bif.png to just bif.png02:51
kanzure no you'll have to write a python-based scraper using pycurl02:51
fennam trying to just save a static html webpage and chrome's puking on wget's output02:52
kanzureunless you are able to use --output-document= in which case you can just set the filename but that's probably not what you want02:52
fennonly 3 pages, will just use vim02:52
fennjust annoyed that it doesn't work in the first place02:52
kanzureopenfabrication is hard to scrape :( i feel like my spirit has been destroyed by this02:52
* kanzure sleeps02:53
kanzurei'll poke you about kk whenever i remember02:53
fennhow's 11 am thursday sound02:59
fennyou just bounce around from business to meeting and never get to stop and smell the flowers :(02:59
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:24
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-!- archels [~neuralnet@541ED8B0.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]04:19
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-!- el_kevino [~el_kevino@tor.office.avidlifemedia.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:58
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-!- survivalmachine [~survivalm@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:17
archelskurzweilai is spamming Transcendant Man again07:26
kanzure"Also, could you please arrange for your friend to show up at Halcyon around 4pm?08:09
kanzureok now i'm wondering who toothpaste is08:40
kanzure"A secret society that tracks rich people, befriends them and uses the leverage of intimacy to introduce them to anti-aging and other stuff that needs funding (potentially the religion too). 100k would be spent on attending the venues that they attend (I volunteer). Honeypot operations (recruiting hot females to do this befriending) are conceivable. Again I volunteer for recruitment :)"08:40
kanzure"the honeypot society"08:40
-!- strages [c6740838@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:41
archelsThe religion; singularitinism?08:43
kanzurethe whole geneontology/kegg thing blew my mind08:50
kanzurei didn't know kegg was having problems08:50
kanzurewhat if they had vanished? i wouldn't have known08:50
kanzurealso, gmes competition08:51
archelsholy shit, I just made that up.08:54
kanzurehey what is halcyon's address and why don't they answer their phones09:16
kanzureok looks like 505 penobscot drive09:28
kanzurethey just called .. their core hours are 11am-4pm so nobody is awake?09:29
-!- archels [~neuralnet@541ED8B0.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]09:39
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fennyou dont want to work for anyone who would have meetings at 8 am anyway10:33
fennok see yous in ~45 min10:58
yottabitthose are great hours11:32
kanzurefenn: no you're supposed to show up at 530pm now /12:13
kanzurecheck the emails12:14
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-135-107-160.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:39
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-!- Helleshin [~talinck@cpe-71-67-103-109.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:05
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strages__got into a discussion today about the usefulness of the RTGs we and Russia sent up to the moon in the 70s15:42
strages__next thing I know I'm getting an invite to a lunch and learn about them on Friday15:43
strages__I like when discussions pay off15:43
-!- CapNemo_ [u1995@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fedobliposlhetos] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:47
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kanzuream i halcyon molecularizing yet20:08
kanzurehow about now20:47
kanzureandregg brothers asking me what a dictionary/hashmap is20:48
kanzureoh i wonder if that is covered by the nda20:50
* yottabit looks away21:02
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kanzureyottabit: i guess it's probably not under nda21:07
yottabitnot anymore at least ;)21:08
yottabitlast time i decide to socialize with others21:09
* yottabit gets to work21:09
yottabiter,, referring to some other channel21:09
yottabitbut it is time for me attempt productivity21:10
* yottabit walks away from one comp to the next for peace and quiet21:10
-!- uniqanomaly [~ua@dynamic-78-8-91-116.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has quit [Quit: uniqanomaly]21:37
-!- lumos [~lumos@afna137.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:53
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kanzurefenn: wake me up sometime tomorrow?22:54
--- Log closed Thu Jul 21 00:00:50 2011

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