
--- Log opened Fri Aug 05 00:00:11 2011
-!- jennicide [jen@173-27-44-143.client.mchsi.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:31
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JayDuggerI blame the weather.04:17
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delinquentmekanzure, im gonna name drop you in this cover letter06:18
delinquentmeim assuming its ok with you?06:19
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kanzurei blame society07:06
kanzuredelinquentme: sure, why not. can i see?07:06
delinquentmeyeah .. writing a cover letter here07:08
delinquentmereferencing that you pointed me to crossbow07:08
Juulkanzure, do you know what happened to diybio houston?07:10
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kanzureJuul: it is now ARCsomething08:03
kanzure"why aren't there any open source printers?"08:26
kanzure*open source laser printers08:26
kanzurebig diff08:26
kanzurehrm where was the article that described that you can be sued for personal use of patented stuff?08:28
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-79-43.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left ##hplusroadmap ["Leaving."]08:31
-!- Jaakko93 [~Jaakko@host86-131-174-223.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:34
delinquentmewhat about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_exemption#Common_law_research_exemption08:39
kanzure`for "amusement, to satisfy idle curiosity, or for strictly philosophical inquiry."`08:41
kanzurehuh, amusement counts?08:41
kanzure"Members may provide limited exceptions to the exclusive rights conferred by a patent, provided that such exceptions do not unreasonably conflict with a normal exploitation of the patent and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the patent owner, taking account of the legitimate interests of third parties."08:42
kanzureconcentrated evil? :p http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Intellectual_Property_Organization08:43
kanzureit's a little weird how little content there is on this08:43
-!- Juul [~Juul@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:44
delinquentmekanzure, http://pastie.org/232581708:45
delinquentmekanzure, no THIS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:WIPO.png is weird08:45
kanzuredelinquentme: glad you've met jonathan cline.. he lived here in austin for a while08:46
delinquentmeyeah hes awesome08:47
delinquentmeno bs.. super helpful and always insightful08:47
kanzuredelinquentme: i think your letter needs a little bit of work08:47
kanzure"What I can provide" should be improved with specific examples or better wording08:47
kanzurefor instance, xhtml/css experience should be listed like "cross-browser web app supporting 230 million users on IE6, IE7, FF2, FF3, blah blah blah"08:48
kanzure"and this is why i cry myself to sleep every night"08:48
delinquentmedo you think i should err on the side of too much info?08:48
kanzurewho are you applying to08:48
kanzuredelinquentme: how badly do you want to work with that person?08:50
kanzurei can email aubrey for you and ask him to refer you to the lab..08:51
delinquentmethat... would be awesome08:51
kanzurei think kaeberlein is kaeber@u.washington.edu08:52
delinquentmedo you think that or .. info@kaeberleinlab.org08:53
kanzure"Along with Preston Estep, Dr. Kaeberlein co-founded the human longevity research biotech company Longenity, Inc."08:53
kanzureoh i know estep..08:53
kanzureis there any particular reason you want this lab?08:54
kanzurei.e., aubrey might be able to place you somewhere more interesting08:55
delinquentmei want to be near the startups08:55
kanzurein washington?08:55
delinquentmeon the coast08:56
delinquentmeis there a lab closer to the valley?08:56
kanzurewhat about halcyon molecular?08:56
delinquentmeid shit a brick08:56
kanzurethat's in redwood city08:56
kanzure(near mountain view, california)08:56
delinquentmeliterally id die lol any of these are awesome08:56
delinquentmei spoke with the ceo of spiral genetics and I wanted to work with them as well08:57
kanzuredelinquentme: can you send me that cover letter by email?08:57
kanzurehttp://www.spiralgenetics.com/ ?08:57
delinquentmeyeahh lemme tune it up a bit08:57
kanzurei have a few people who could place you somewhere interesting08:59
kanzurebut don't settle for kaeberlein right now08:59
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auguranyone read permutation city?09:17
foucistaugur: yes09:17
delinquentmeupdated kanzure ^^09:17
ybitnote to self, don't scream like a girl09:17
augurfoucist: whatd you think09:17
ybithurts to speak now :)09:18
foucistaugur: good stuff09:18
foucistaugur: greg egan ftw09:18
foucistaugur: have you rad it?09:20
augurim reading it now.09:20
auguri find some of the characters to be odd09:20
foucistaugur: yeah they are that heh09:21
augurvery sort of .. tied to their bodies09:21
auguruneasy about being uploads09:21
foucistyeah. my reaction was "what's the big deal?" but the flip side of the coin is that life seems pretty meaningless if you're just an upload running on a computer09:24
ybiti have a new 2 week project09:24
foucistat least if you're only just interacting with a virtual world..09:24
ybitlocal jewelry business is launching a new project09:24
auguri dont see how life seems pretty meaningless at all if thats the case09:24
ybitthat be me focus09:24
augurif anything, life seems more meaningful, because you can let yourself fall headfirst into your deepest passions without fear of dying, without fear of squandering your time09:25
auguryou can explore each passion to its fullest, knowing that you will _always_ be able to explore all of the rest as well09:26
augurwant to spend 30 years of your life becoming an expert in something? do it. you dont have to worry about never being able to go back and become an expert in those other things you might want to understand09:27
augurbecause you'll _always_ have 30 years to spend becoming an expert09:27
foucistmight be able to skip much of that with matrix-style downloads09:27
auguri dont think that'll ever be possible with brain-like uploads, but thats not the point09:28
auguri dont get this idea that life is meaningless if you're an upload09:28
augur /we're already uploads/09:28
augurwe just run on computers that cant be upgraded09:29
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kanzureaugur: "cant be upgraded" well that's pessimistic10:36
kanzurewhat are you doing in here, then10:36
augurkanzure: i mean with our current state of technology, obviously10:37
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kanzureaugur: i'm still not sure if that's true, sorry10:57
augurwell ok, if you can replace parts of your brain when you start dying, let me know10:58
kanzurethey aren't that impressive right now11:18
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augurkanzure: where by "not that impressive" you mean "don't do anything"11:31
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kanzureno they do things..:/11:47
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-!- Tyrant [~Tyrant@c-76-21-1-190.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:03
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Tyrantfucking internet13:16
kanzureTyrant: what do you think of LH00113:22
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-76-125-242-200.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:22
delinquentmeI seek to provide my talents and know-how to help with research into aging. Specifically I see my place being the "computation facilitator", basically a programmer who acts as a liason between scientific research and the all important power of massive scale computation machinery.13:22
kanzuredelinquentme: did you see Tyrant's emaila bout liquidhandling?13:26
kanzurehe wants to sell your thing for $4000?13:26
delinquentmei feel like i missed something here??13:30
delinquentmedude im headed out the door haha13:31
delinquentmeill be back in like 2 hours :D13:31
kanzuredelinquentme: on diybio13:31
Tyrantkanzure: lh001 is the youtube video of the diy lh?13:38
Tyrantkanzure I don't want to sell it for 4k13:56
TyrantI was talking about one at least the capabilities of the quadzi13:57
Tyrant(which has a base cost of 30k)13:59
kanzureTyrant: lh001 on github14:19
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delinquentmeTyrant, whatever you want to do man!! its yours .. you want help let me know16:06
delinquentmeyoull need a heat gun and like 500 bucks16:06
delinquentmeim floored that you liked it though ... id love to do more work with this16:07
delinquentmeill be on later gents~~16:07
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ybitsomething about a heat gun16:29
* ybit has a heat gun16:30
* ybit whirls his heat'n gun around the roooooom16:31
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--- Log closed Sat Aug 06 00:00:12 2011

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