
--- Log opened Tue Aug 09 00:00:16 2011
kanzureybit: how much work?00:04
kanzure$2k is an ok amount for filling out a pre-existing template00:05
kanzurebut my guess is that you're offering more than that?00:06
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Utopiahfor those into scikit-learn and in Germany http://events.ccc.de/camp/2011/wiki/Machine_Learning_Workshop01:01
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delinquentmekanzure, you do know that i've ported crossbow to run via ruby ... thats an option for a service06:03
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kanzuredelinquentme: you mean you wrote a wrapper?07:45
delinquentmelike i can launch the program from ruby07:46
kanzurei can also launch it from bash... i'm not seeing the point :P07:46
kanzurebut ok.07:46
delinquentmei've already started on a devise based login system for it07:46
delinquentmeoh no taking it into ruby ... theres no benefit if you're just running the excercises07:47
delinquentmebut have you looked at the assembly of the JAR files?07:47
kanzurei think it was some ant or maven build scripts..07:47
delinquentmethe 013 version has that07:47
delinquentmebut the code hasnt been released yet07:48
delinquentmeso the question is:  Would anyone have a use for a " I need this sequence aligned right now" service07:49
delinquentmeim not sure if there are companys who have sequence machines and not a solution for alignment ... unless theres a specific reason they'd be over capacity07:50
kanzure"The one more obstacle is the lack of documentation. When you look at the08:01
kanzureproject it's usually hard to say is it open or not, and what do you need08:01
kanzureto build it(time, knowledge, resources). You need to spend time on08:01
kanzurereading long descriptions, forums, comments before you found usefull08:01
kanzureinformation. There's no any documentation standards. What I'd like to08:01
kanzuresee as a "beginner" is the catalog of projects with minimal information:08:01
kanzurewether it's open or not(licences, closed parts or components), time and08:01
kanzureknowledge that i need to build it, components/resources and average08:01
kanzurecosts for it, source files(both software and hardware), some description08:01
kanzureand instructions. The type of source files also does matter. I can't say08:01
kanzurethat the project is 100% open if its sources(i.e. schematics) are08:01
kanzuredistributed in closed format, so it requires program that I need to pay08:01
kanzurefor. I realize that not every engineer can or want provide that08:01
kanzureinformation, but it'd save much time for other users and potential08:01
kanzurethat was via dmitry.. i pointed him to http://gnusha.org/skdb/ so we'll see what he thinks08:01
delinquentmekanzure, thoughts on getting khan to kick out bioinformatics lessons sooner than later ?08:12
kanzuredo you need help with bioinformatics?08:14
kanzurenice.. http://coscup.org/2011/en/program/08:17
kanzureit's in taiwan but i think it's worth going to08:17
delinquentmekanzure, yeah08:18
delinquentmeIm gonna write a few tutorials08:18
delinquentmeive got a few ebooks im reading08:19
kanzurethen why do you need khan to teach you ?08:19
kanzurei say go ahead and write the tutorials..08:20
delinquentmethats the plan ... i like the idea of khan bc i know those will be better maintained08:20
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kanzuresaurik: what are the actual tools that this is talking about? --09:15
kanzurei don't see any links or names09:15
kanzureit's some gdb-like-tool that was baked into ios 4.x?09:15
kanzure3D movie glasses to turn it back into 2D http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B004X4L1UC/downandoutint-2009:18
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ybitIt's not from a previous template, but that's not a problem. I think the real time consumer is going to be the screencasts10:49
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kanzureybit: you should try compass11:03
kanzuresass is a lil different from less..11:03
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delinquentmeive used both of these11:32
delinquentmeand they are good.11:32
delinquentme^^^ kanzure11:32
delinquentmehaml sass and compass11:32
delinquentmechris eppstein has his shit together and does a hella good job maintaining updates to the codebase11:32
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ybitholy crap, that's a lot to learn11:57
ybitcompass + sass + blueprint, this isn't my momma's css11:58
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delinquentmeyo kanzure i just had a nuts idea ...  Lets say you get a bunch of bioinformatis ( or any topic ) e books >> scrape the KW data >> parse through that data and reference against some corpus for KW correlation12:04
delinquentmeinstantly you've got a way to create relational teaching material12:04
delinquentmeit would require a person to go through and organize the hierarchy12:04
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delinquentmeannnnnnddd BAM12:07
UtopiahJuul: hey since you are at CCC Camp, might want to check http://events.ccc.de/camp/2011/wiki/Machine_Learning_Workshop12:07
JuulUtopiah, :) thanks12:07
delinquentmeUtopiah, are you registered for the stanford free Ai class :D12:07
Utopiahdelinquentme: I think nobody is yet but yes I left my email a week ago or so on the website12:08
delinquentmeill be sure to study in here :D12:09
Utopiahdelinquentme: regarding using a graph of topics to study maybe http://www.khanacademy.org/exercisedashboard is a good example, doubt it's easy to generate one automatically though12:10
delinquentmeUtopiah, oh yeah khan is awesome12:11
delinquentmewhat i was on about was:12:11
delinquentmeim going through bioinformatics ebooks atm.. and making outlines12:11
delinquentmewhich could be automated through comparison against a corpus12:12
delinquentmethis is how i learn12:12
Utopiahthe dashboard is organized by complexity though, which is what I dont see how could be inferred from ebooks, except maybe if they are already categorized by level, age or even better concepts to master before12:16
kanzureybit: blueprint/sass/less is way easier than fucking with css for 20 bazillion hours12:18
kanzureybit: if you suck at javascript please look at jquery or coffeescript12:18
ybiti'm fine with js12:19
delinquentmeUtopiah, exactly :D   .. the comment about the organization of hierarchy12:19
ybitthinking of just going with less12:19
delinquentmeybit, jquery is awesome12:19
ybitlots of things are awesome :)12:20
delinquentmeits the gateway drug to full blown js12:20
kanzurei've been writing a phonegap app generator for the last few days12:20
ybiti've got a huge fscking list on google wave of stuff i would love to throw into a web project, but i don't have time to learn all of them12:20
kanzureit generates a jquery mobile + backbone.js + css3 app for phonegap12:20
kanzurethen compiles it for iphone, android, windows, blackberry12:21
kanzurewith scaffolds/models/views/controllers12:21
ybitthat's annoying12:21
delinquentmekanzure, a phonegap app?12:21
ybitcause it works w/out sass12:21
ybitnot sure how valid it is, but it works :)12:21
kanzureybit: use comment blocks12:21
kanzure===== is invalid css12:22
ybitthat's not in the css12:22
ybitthat's me just commenting on the pastebin12:22
kanzurethere should be a semicolon after font-family: Delicious-BoldItalic12:22
kanzureon line 3112:22
kanzuredelinquentme: no, a phonegap app generator12:22
kanzuredelinquentme: think of rails scaffolds except for generating mobile apps12:23
delinquentme==== << is a conflict annotation12:23
ybitnote to self, delivious-heavy looks like shit in ffox12:23
delinquentmeybit, did you run a merge recently?12:23
ybitwhere have i heard that from..12:25
ybitoh durka12:25
ybitno i haven't12:25
ybiti haven't thrown this on any hosting service12:25
kanzureybit: use google fonts12:26
kanzureor typekit12:26
ybiti refuse12:26
kanzurethen steal some shit from pixelunion12:26
kanzurehey if you're gonna mess with the best..12:26
ybitlater i will12:26
* ybit sighs, fine12:26
delinquentmeybit, what u making ?12:31
kanzurejewlery shopping cart12:32
ybitno no12:32
ybitthe manager created a new company called diamond relations12:33
ybitthey hired someone previously to tweak sugarcrm for the diamond service industry12:33
ybitand they just need someone to create a site that makes them look legit12:33
kanzurei'm looking at http://andrewrussell.net/exen/ .. seems a little ridiculous12:35
ybiti'm looking at the fonts on google.com/webfonts and am crying12:35
kanzureyou should also look at http://typekit.com/12:35
kanzuredo you want my account12:36
kanzurealso, just use what other people are using from typekit12:36
ybiti'm going to finish looking at the fonts at google, there's bound to be one similar to the delicious fonts12:37
ybitor not, reached bottom12:37
* ybit looks at typekit12:37
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delinquentmeybit, torrent that shit man12:48
delinquentmei downloaded like 30 gigs of fonts before12:48
delinquentmethe biggest issue is browsing through all of them12:48
ybiti think the benefit of using google is that you save bandwidth space12:48
ybitubuntu bold works12:48
kanzuredelinquentme: write a local html/js app to view them13:00
delinquentmeor google "fontbrowser"13:01
delinquentmewith a space13:01
kanzure"5000% Increase in the sale of baseball bats on Amazon.co.uk"13:06
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delinquentmeyeah saw that.. wtf13:12
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delinquentmekanzure, are you on twatter?13:22
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delinquentmewhats stopping sequencing technology from getting longer than 500 bp reads?15:01
delinquentmeis the shit fragile?15:01
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kanzurefenn: i was assembling some more training material for my vietnam team,15:48
kanzuresometimes i use youtube videos to help explain things15:48
kanzuretoday i want them to use weinre, a remote debugger for mobile apps15:48
kanzureanyway i was looking at this and it was recorded by jonathanstark15:48
kanzurefrom halcyon molecular15:49
ybitrubyonrailstutorial.org way too slow15:54
* ybit prefers guides.rubyonrails.org 15:54
kanzureybit: use http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book15:55
kanzureif you're lame use http://railscasts.com/15:55
kanzurenice.. https://github.com/blog/904-announcing-github-issues-for-iphone16:03
kanzuretoo bad it's iphone16:03
kanzureybit: did my suggestion fix your css error earlier today?16:06
ybitneed more power16:28
ybitcomp can't handle eclipse + inkscape + chromium + firefox and misc16:28
kanzurethat's pretty lame16:33
kanzurewhy are you using eclipse for anything16:33
ybitgoogle's android sdk stuff16:35
kanzureyeah don't do that16:43
kanzurejust use the command line tools16:43
jrayhawki could troll you by installing and running eclipse directly on my phone16:49
kanzureplease don't16:49
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ybitI don't like the clickey as much as the next guy (i'm using awesomewm), but what happens when you add someone who doesn't have familiarity with cli tools, he'll most likely be using eclipse16:53
ybitand i would think that it's good to know how they messed up16:53
ybitthat's the rational16:53
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ybit..the original rational before seeing google's sdk stuff16:56
QuantumGwhen explaining why Eclipse sucks to people I sometimes feel like Linus17:00
QuantumG*it's too fucking slow*, what don't you understand about that?17:00
eudoxiait crashes my Lisp projects >:c17:01
QuantumGbut, to be fair, I haven't looked at it in ages.. it could be good now, who knows17:01
eudoxialol no17:01
kanzureybit: tell them to suck your dick17:02
kanzurei have 5-10 people daily using my android projects17:02
ybitdamn you button for not showing your other half!17:02
kanzurei do all the work cli17:02
kanzurethey use eclipse.. no problems17:02
ybiti love the coloring i'm seeing for my js17:03
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epitronubuntu theme \o/17:36
ybitdon't think that's ubuntu17:37
epitroni thought only ubuntu had that kind of crazy theme17:38
ybiti think it's part of the aptana stuff17:39
ybitis there such thing as a css hell?17:39
ybiti feel like i'm approaching it quickly17:39
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* ybit pokes at his css markup17:57
ybitlooks dead17:57
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ybitcss is kicking my butt18:07
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saurikkanzure: I think the "tool" they mean is just "a kernel debugging protocol", like some linux compiles have (kdb or whatever)19:25
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kanzureybit: lemme know when you need help little buddy22:27
kanzurei charge $215/hour but for you.. you're priceless22:27
ybiti'm your little buddy now?22:28
ybitawww, that's cute22:28
kanzureyou are like 5 feet shorter than me or something22:28
ybithaha true22:28
kanzure(height is logarithmic)22:28
kanzurewhat's up?22:29
kanzurethis might help: http://csspivot.com/22:29
kanzurealso this, if you want to share the state with me: http://debug.phonegap.com/22:29
ybitI was just looking at drop shadows22:29
kanzurethe full documentation for that is http://phonegap.github.com/weinre/22:29
kanzureoh i guess you might not be using chrome dev tools or firebug22:31
kanzureyou're using one of those right?22:31
ybitoh yeah i'm stacked on both22:31
kanzureweinre is "remote" chrome dev tools22:31
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kanzure" In recent years, they determined there may be at least 1,000­each with just a tiny effect on the differences in people's IQ. A study released Tuesday found new evidence that many genes play a role in intelligence, but scientists still couldn't pinpoint the specific genes involved."23:05
kanzureha, ha23:05
kanzureGenome-wide association studies establish that human intelligence is highly heritable and polygenic23:05
epitronone of the authors is A Pickles23:07
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epitrongenome-wide association studies sound pretty great23:09
epitronhave they done that for lifespan?23:10
epitron(irc -- lazy man's google)23:10
foucistgoogle me a sandwich23:11
foucist^ way more original than that xkcd hack who copied the sudo joke from irc anyways!23:14
epitronwell, yeah... randall is an irc dude23:15
kanzureepitron: yeah there's tons of those studies23:15
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/ should have some of them23:15
kanzurethere's also a few companies and research groups pursuing that23:15
kanzurelike acron cell (or whatever the heck it's called now)23:15
kanzureand the los angeles gerontology research group23:15
kanzureor the supercentenarian foundation23:16
epitronwhich one is associated with the guy who bred fruit flies that could live longer?23:16
kanzurethat's michael rose and gregory benford23:16
epitronah yes23:16
kanzurewhat is that supposed to be ?23:17
kanzurelooks like spam23:17
epitroni'm glad something exists!23:17
epitroni was just repeating your algorithm23:18
epitron"say something"23:18
epitron"ah yes"23:18
kanzurethat's not an algorithm the links go places23:18
kanzureand they do.. things23:18
epitronwell, if you wanna get all deep23:18
epitronbtw, if you want to make your dirlistings prettier, i made a php script a while back for that23:19
kanzurei prefer default :23:21
epitronit looks pretty fucked up in opera23:21
epitroni guess it's fine in other browsers23:21
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epitroni stand corrected.23:29
kanzurenew henry markram talks23:36
kanzure"Henry Markram, Ph.D., Director of the Blue Brain Project at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, speaks at the International Supercomputing Conference 2011."23:36
epitronnew markram23:38
kanzurei think i have the pre-retraction version laying around here somewhere23:46
epitronit's on the web23:46
kanzurenot if it's "retracted"23:46
kanzurewhat do you think that is?23:46
epitroni was just posting because it has the same boilig-fluid-of-dots graph23:46
epitronyou cannot retract anything from the web23:46
epitronask sony :)23:46
epitronand DECSS23:46
epitronbut, the boiling dot fluid...23:47
epitronwhat is that?23:47
epitronah, the Illumina610-Quadv1 chip23:48
epitronthat's the same SNP chip they used for the intelligence study23:48
--- Log closed Wed Aug 10 00:00:18 2011

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