
--- Log opened Thu Aug 18 00:00:29 2011
-!- evolvidle is now known as evolv00:16
-!- marainein [~marainein@124-168-205-226.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:05
fennNIST used RTlinux which was developed by a navy contractor for testing avionics, but was later excessively commercialized to the point of unusability and so now anyone doing anything realtime with linux uses RTAI developed by an italian university04:16
fennalso it's sort of a misnomer to call it an extension since linux is running as a process in the RT kernel04:17
fennwhat is in nanosystems.tar.gzD04:41
fennoh nm04:41
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-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:12
delinquentmeso im a little pissy... walked into pitts bio lab and the security officer did nothing but derp07:12
delinquentmeso here it goes: how do you find out what works07:14
delinquentmebecause really i want to burn a hole into that shit07:14
delinquentmeblast them for the fact someone marches up to their front door saying " let me help you to innovate"07:14
delinquentmeis it like playing shadows of the colossus?07:15
delinquentmeyou gotta find the nerves07:15
-!- klafka [~diane@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]07:22
kanzuredelinquentme: did you have a meeting scheduled?07:23
delinquentmedisruption isnt supposed to follow protocols07:26
delinquentmeam i wrong?07:26
Utopiahprotocols (and heavy administrative processes) aren't supposed to be broken without resistance07:27
delinquentmethis is true07:32
delinquentmeare there downsides to picking fights through this07:33
delinquentmethats the gut feeling07:33
kanzureum.. schedule a meeting dude07:34
delinquentmeanother issue: going in there as a business major everyones got this self referential belief that you need to have that paper to make an impact07:35
delinquentmepsychology, its a bitch sometimes07:36
kanzureyou're doing it wrong07:37
delinquentmei donno man07:38
kanzureyou got thrown out by a cop07:38
kanzurei think this is evidence of you doing it wrong07:38
delinquentmenah that just means the cop has no idea what "open source robotics are"07:38
delinquentmehe just knows to drool on himself and to keep unauthorized people out07:38
kanzureno that doesn't matter at all07:38
delinquentmeso playing dumb = easiest way to keep unauths out07:39
kanzureno he's supposed to keep you out07:39
kanzurebecause you didn't schedule a meeting.07:39
-!- Jaakko95 [~Jaakko@host86-131-182-179.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:39
delinquentmeso yeah going in and trying to go through cop yeah .. not gonan work07:40
delinquentmebut i mean in a larger sense07:40
delinquentmeas in just be a pain in the ass so they give me what i want sooner07:41
delinquentmebc they know im gonna be a pain in the ass07:41
delinquentme* thinking out loud*07:41
kanzurethey don't even know you what the fuck are you smoking?07:45
delinquentmekanzure, giving your credentials upfront .. or waiting for them to ask for them ( when sending an email for an appointment )?07:46
kanzurei'll help you draft an email to a professor if you want07:46
kanzurebut not right now.. i need to go find some fucking food07:46
kanzurewhere is this shit07:46
delinquentmeive also got a degree from this palce07:46
kanzureno way i'm going to pitt just for some food man07:46
kanzurei was thinking down to my kitchen or down the street07:47
delinquentmeok im gonna shoot u this email07:47
kanzureplease include food and/or a picture of food07:49
* kanzure will brb07:49
-!- jmil [~jmil@2001:468:1802:e148:223:32ff:feb1:9dfc] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:10
-!- Kait85 [~chatzilla@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:44
kanzureopen source hardware logo http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3548427/oshw-logo_REVIS.svg08:55
-!- evolv is now known as evolvidle08:55
delinquentmekanzure, dat sloppy joe!09:14
dbolserany smart people want to get sequenced? https://www.cog-genomics.org/09:33
dbolserhi kanzure, sorry about the other day09:33
-!- Technicus [~nomadicus@97-83-188-15.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:34
dbolseranything important?09:34
delinquentmedbolser, are you working with BGI?09:55
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Tyrantdelinquentme, what makes you think you know what they should be doing better than you?10:18
Tyrant*better than them10:19
delinquentmei was about to jump on that email and be like 'YES YES YES'10:19
delinquentmethats the kinda feedback im after10:19
delinquentmebc i dont!10:19
delinquentmelike this is a guess, and with my limited bio knowledge that the best ive come up with sofar10:19
Tyrantcheaper and simpler is good, over specialized is not10:19
Tyrantthe interface for automation is quite a bit harder than you think10:20
Tyrantweb browser based or not10:20
delinquentmeTyrant, well thats MY problem to handle :D10:21
delinquentmescientists arent interaction designers10:21
delinquentmewhich puts me in a perfect place .. learning this stuff to think10:21
TyrantYou are not a scientist10:21
delinquentme* HEY these two form a logical group*10:21
TyrantThe only use for the LH you thought of was mini prep?10:22
delinquentmeso then the question is10:22
delinquentmewhat to automate10:22
Tyrantyou need to go talk to scientists and lab techs who use this10:22
delinquentmewell duh10:22
Tyrantthe liquid handler can do almost everything you need to in a lab10:22
delinquentmebut i mean i can see automation of minipreps taking like 2 months10:22
Tyrantas long as  it is extendable enough10:22
delinquentmesee my thing is10:23
delinquentmei dont want a big project10:23
delinquentmei want small incremental ones10:23
delinquentmeyou know paul grahams idea of incremental quick revisions10:23
Tyrantthey dont work in hardware10:23
delinquentmebut thats not a constructive discussion10:23
delinquentmewhat is!10:24
delinquentmeis what to automate10:24
TyrantYou need two things: to develop and deploy10:24
delinquentmethat could be done quickly and that is useful10:24
Tyrantboth are insanely expensive when compared to software10:24
delinquentmeyes yes insanely expensive compared to something that free10:24
Tyrantand if you deploy a piece of shit hardware then your done for10:24
delinquentmeumm you  know about 3d printing10:24
delinquentmeyou say heres the file10:24
delinquentmereplace these10:24
delinquentmeif the machine is simple enough .. even a lab tech could do this10:24
delinquentmewhich is why im not looking at HPLC for my first project .. ill leave that up to the studied individuals =]10:25
Tyrantso you're saying your instrument is out of plastic10:25
Tyrantcompletely out of plastic10:25
delinquentmeoh completely10:25
Tyrantuhhh ok10:25
delinquentmeaside from screws that you can buy @ mcmaster10:25
delinquentmeits mcmaster carr hardware and plastic10:25
delinquentmepipettes from ebay .. and arduino MCs10:26
delinquentmethats about it10:26
Tyranthave you stress tested the machine?10:26
delinquentmethis is taking hardware10:26
delinquentmeand applying software revision concepts to it10:26
delinquentmeno .. which is a good question10:26
delinquentmei havnt10:26
Tyrantwell you cant deploy it10:26
delinquentmemetal parts can be 3d printed10:26
delinquentmebut like i said in the email10:27
Tyranthave you gotten estimates for laser sintering? XP10:27
delinquentme*COMPLEXITY* is the wrong answer here10:27
delinquentmecomplexity is EASY10:27
delinquentmethere are a multitude of processes10:27
delinquentmeall of which are automated =]10:27
Tyrantyes but there is also a big difference between simplification and over specialization10:28
delinquentmeand such will become more and more of a commodity priced item10:28
delinquentmewhich is why i was worried about the minipre10:28
Tyrantif your machine is only capable of handling 96 well plates and cant even work with a pcr machine then you've over simplified10:28
Tyrantthats why mine is so "complex"10:28
delinquentmeminiprep ... like people use different protocols and what if my machine wouldnt support a particular protocol10:28
delinquentmei've seen 96 well pcr machines10:29
delinquentmethey use specialized plates10:29
delinquentme96 well .. standard dimensions10:29
Tyrantok what if the lab using your equipment doesnt have one of those?10:29
delinquentmeopen PRC dude :D10:29
delinquentmebut again were moving away from what im after10:30
Tyrantwhat if they want to fill up a desktop centrifuge with the liquid handler?10:30
Tyrantno you dont understand a fundamental fact of what you're trying to do: It's not about what you want or can do, it's about what labs NEED10:30
delinquentmewhat im saying10:30
delinquentmeas you've mirrored10:30
delinquentmeis that ALL of this needs automated10:31
delinquentmebut where do we start10:31
delinquentmeall of this shit needs to lego together10:31
Tyrantyou start with a cheap enough instrument that can do pretty much anything with any extension10:31
delinquentmebut the quicker we can get to a product that is cheap, innovative and usable ... the quicker the entire process will happen10:31
delinquentmeso yeah the liquid handler sounds like a good idea10:31
delinquentmeumm should we start sharing sketches?10:32
Tyrantas for the software, you have a "turing complete" equivalent of move the head, move each pipette tip in height, and move the pump (pick up or dispense liquid)10:32
Tyrantyou can if you want, i have little recorded10:33
Tyrantpeople have done DIY CNCs many many times, im just catching up right now and making my own10:33
TyrantI've got the motor-driver pretty much worked out and so I'm building the structure and position feedback10:33
* delinquentme sketching10:35
delinquentmekk ill upload a sketch in a sec10:36
delinquentmeoh yeah ##diycnc .. im a mod in that channel .. the kids are hella nice10:37
Tyrantdid not know that existed10:37
kanzurethere's also #cam #emc #reprap10:38
delinquentmeactually #diycnc10:38
delinquentmeso digs10:38
delinquentmethis is my non-scientist concept10:38
delinquentmelooking at the problem from the perspective of a central lab.. with numerous researchers working on concurrent projects10:39
delinquentmesystems to jump between conveyor belts, .. then from machine to machine .. and a staging area for those plates or whatever .. waiting on a machine10:39
Tyrantwell now for my sketch: http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~chefvb/images/wp207ane.jpg10:40
Tyrantthat quad-z is 30k and thats my target10:40
delinquentmeso what it is.. is 2 fold10:40
delinquentme1) you've got the thiel street cred10:40
delinquentmeso im definitely interested in your takes on this10:41
kanzurethat's hilarious10:41
kanzurebut please continue10:41
delinquentme2) I want to see the iteration10:41
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delinquentmeperhaps i just dont know about the LH10:41
delinquentmekanzure, y funny10:41
Tyrantdelinquentme, I don't understand why you are obsessed with a single axis10:42
kanzurestreet cred doesn't roll like that around here10:42
delinquentmeTyrant, im obsessed with speed and simplicity10:42
delinquentmespeed of iteration10:42
delinquentmegrand dreams = awesome, motiving .. fuck eyah10:43
delinquentmebut the sooner ass hits pavement10:43
delinquentmethe more noise youll make in the community10:43
delinquentmeand the faster youll get $$$ to make bigger rockets10:43
Tyrantthat depends on which community you're looking at10:43
Tyrantif your look at diybio... sure10:43
delinquentmelike yes if the machine is a POS10:43
delinquentmebut no if you've got a solid piece of machinery10:43
Tyrantif you want to actually take this to labs and stuff like that? your first iteration matters so much more than the latter ones10:43
delinquentmeits absolutely true10:43
delinquentmesorry man10:44
delinquentmehmm as i said .. if the machine doesnt work as intended10:44
delinquentmeits a fail10:44
delinquentmeyou're absolutely right10:44
delinquentmequick deploy + high quality = the answer10:44
Tyrantno its not. if it doesnt work as intended you keep working on it but it must work as inteded adn serve the needs of the user when you launch10:44
Tyrantagain depends on what your deployment is10:45
delinquentmeand to assume that everything is a long dev cycle is so outdated10:45
Tyrantdo you know why everything has a long dev cycle?10:45
kanzureTyrant: mostly because of bullshit10:45
delinquentmebut the thing is it doesnt need to be that way10:45
kanzureno lots of testing can be automated10:45
delinquentmewhat im saying is were talking emergent shit here10:45
delinquentmeits NOT innovative10:45
delinquentmeif were holding ourselves to old standards10:46
delinquentmefuck how its done10:46
delinquentmewe're smarter10:46
delinquentmewe're faster10:46
delinquentmelets figure it the fuck out on our own10:46
Tyrantah so you're not going to hold yourself to the standard of "make sure this piece of hardware works for a while" ?10:46
delinquentmeyou KNOW tecan cant keep up a dev cycle like we can10:46
delinquentmeno waaaay10:47
Tyrantand when it starts losing money it will10:47
delinquentmestartup that shitman10:47
delinquentmeask kanz10:47
delinquentmehardware is going the way of software10:47
delinquentmewe can make this shit like its fucking tinkertoys for 3rd world countries10:47
delinquentmetinkertoys which can incubate and automate10:47
Tyrantyou need to go work on some hardware that will be deployed to the real world10:48
Tyrantcold hard reality will hit you in the face very hard10:48
delinquentmebut im asking10:48
delinquentmewhats the "cold hard fact" thats stopping quick deploy cycles10:48
Tyranttesting. testing. testing.10:48
delinquentmeyou've this far mentioned that you want it to work for a while10:48
Tyranteverything must work, it must work for a while, and it must work perfectly10:48
delinquentmehow did testing on the VW beetle work10:48
kanzuredelinquentme: the other thing that is stopping it is a lack of money for parts and dev costs10:48
delinquentmeand so perfect10:49
Tyrantevery single part was stres tested along and during systems integration10:49
delinquentmemake shit cheap enough for DIY bio10:49
delinquentmelet them field test the shit10:49
delinquentmewell test it ourselves10:49
Tyrantbut you'll make no money to keep developing10:49
delinquentmeand if we've got enterprising labs theyll do the same10:49
kanzureTyrant: so?10:49
delinquentmetell me it wont happen and i will laugh at you10:49
delinquentmeso Tyrant i guess what im after10:50
delinquentmeis tell me what is stupid simple which can be automated10:50
delinquentmeand let me help on the side with your big toy10:50
delinquentmeand ill work on small ones10:50
TyrantWhat you're after is a fairy tale of being able to build an entire piece of hardware and deploy it in an unreasonable amount of time10:50
delinquentmelike i didnt mean to get drawn in but <3 the discussion but thats what im after .. im a lost boy10:50
kanzureTyrant: to be fair, you don't know what you're talking about10:51
delinquentmefor it to be "unreasonable" i would have had to give a timeframe10:51
kanzureTyrant: i mean it's been almost a year now of no hardware from you10:51
delinquentmewhich i didnt.10:51
delinquentmedoes it not seem that you're just fixated on the long dev sched10:51
delinquentmeinstead of just saying10:51
delinquentme"lets see what we can crap out in a week"10:51
delinquentmebc i think we'd all be more interested in that10:51
delinquentmegranted im one to talk .. 3 months of dev on my LH10:52
kanzureso what's the conversation?10:52
Tyrantdelinquentme: look at cellphones and cars: extremely competitive industry where short dev cycles would give companies a large advantage but they're still very long10:52
Tyrantdelinquentme: no i'm fixated on the long commercial dev schedule10:52
delinquentmeTyrant so yes i think...10:52
delinquentmewe just need to figure out what dev times were looking at10:52
Tyranti want to get my entire thing done over the next month or two, but i know that realistically getting it to market will take 6 to 1210:52
delinquentmeand as kanzure what are we talking about here10:52
Tyrantkanzure: what hardware have you done?10:52
delinquentmewhat CAN10:53
delinquentmewe do10:53
delinquentmei was learning electronics and working a job lol fuck that shit10:53
delinquentmei know it can be done quicker10:53
kanzureTyrant: last thing i remember working on is some microfluidics stuff10:53
delinquentmeand now i've got you kids as cohorts .. and thats fucking awesome10:53
Tyrantkanzure: where is it?10:54
kanzureTyrant: sitting in a junkbin somewhere in austin10:54
delinquentmeTyrant, kanzure how is this productive10:54
delinquentmequick dick measuring10:54
kanzuredelinquentme: i still don't know what the conversation is10:54
kanzuredelinquentme: i don't want to measure your dick10:54
delinquentmeso Tyrant id love to get your 2cents on what i can do with my machine10:54
kanzurethis doesn't really make sense to me so i'm going back to my javascriptz10:54
delinquentmethe not-so-quantified self?10:55
delinquentmeits cool we can drawn the line there :P10:55
Tyrantkanzure: so... nothing?10:55
delinquentmeliiisten man10:55
kanzureTyrant: i don't think you read what i wrote10:55
delinquentmekanzure, and i both know you're doing good stuff10:55
delinquentmeim after advice10:55
delinquentmewere working on 2 different machines now10:55
delinquentmeyours is absolutely more complex10:55
Tyrantdelinquentme: add a second axis, spread the conveyor out and add the second axis to the gantry holding the pipettes10:55
delinquentmeby a measure10:55
delinquentmeso naturally it would take longer10:56
Tyrantalso kanzure, you haven't known me for a year10:56
delinquentmeTyrant, how about an automated pipette?10:56
kanzureTyrant: i met you 2010-10-27.. so that's true i guess10:56
delinquentmethats kind of how i talk about it10:56
Tyranti entered this channel in january, didnt start anything till early june10:56
Tyrantyou met me at humanity plus10:56
delinquentmemale egos10:56
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Tyrantwhat do you mean automated pipette?10:57
delinquentmei've referred to it as a10:57
delinquentme"glorified pipette"10:57
Tyrantyou mean one that automatically lowers and pulls/dispenses liquid?10:57
delinquentmeno that would be .... aspersion10:57
delinquentmenoo eff whatever the term10:57
delinquentmethis is only liquid dispensing10:58
delinquentmeand when automated pipettes cost 400 for a 8 row10:58
delinquentmemine runs 1210:58
delinquentmeand i know i could get the cost to 40010:58
Tyrantwhat is an automated pipette lol10:58
delinquentmei mean like10:58
delinquentme8 channel10:58
delinquentmeright ? so pipette10:58
Tyrantwell if you want to do ONLY 96 wells you can use that10:59
delinquentmemine needs to be scaled down .. but if i added a cue to it .. so that you could press a button ..and just have liquid dispensed to a cue of like 50 plates .. would that be beneficial?10:59
Tyrantthis is how Tecans do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EchSv6O0unk&feature=related10:59
Tyrantanyway I have to go. I should have been at a meeting already10:59
delinquentmelol ok11:00
TyrantI'll be back later tonight or tomorrow. talk to you then11:00
delinquentmebut think about the 50 cue for me11:00
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kanzurelol overnighting unlocked iphones with my app to gatorade execs11:13
dbolserdelinquentme: no, I had an opportunity to work there, but wasn't too sure about relocating11:15
kanzurewhat is wrong with you11:16
kanzureit is your mission to personally expand the jong bhak empire to beijing!11:17
delinquentmekanzure, come again?!11:20
delinquentmedbolser, you know they've got BGI americas11:20
delinquentmei have to say i love seeing cultural evolution11:20
delinquentmeright on their website it says "were out to alleviate human suffering"11:21
delinquentmethis is the same culture which used to support the " life = suffering " motif11:21
dbolserdelinquentme: they need BGI myhouse ;_)11:26
dbolserI'm in UK11:26
delinquentmeohhh shit!@11:28
delinquentmeim jelly11:28
delinquentmeor do they call it jam over there :P11:28
delinquentmethanks to you guys <311:28
delinquentmeclams are as happy as me right now.11:42
kanzuredelinquentme: jong was one of dbolser's advisors11:47
delinquentmejong?  not listed: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2011/04/24/high-quality-dna.print.html11:55
delinquentmewho is he?11:55
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kanzurei meant jong bhak12:01
kanzurehe's the former director of the korean bioinformatics center (KOBIC) i think12:02
delinquentmeohh fuck yes12:03
delinquentmeoh and i shot an email to a guy Rae referred me to who might be working on clevage of ... glucosepane .. dude by the name of bains12:05
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delinquentmethey're awesome12:14
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kanzurehrm http://www.icarusinterstellar.org/index.php14:23
kanzure"Project Icarus is a volunteer theoretical engineering study to design an interstellar spacecraft"14:23
kanzureooh overpopulated advisory board http://www.icarusinterstellar.org/team_members.php14:25
archelskanzure: I like their self-deprecation. (I can't think of another reason to call a spacefaring project Icarus)14:27
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kanzurehonk honk16:59
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delinquentmeso Tyrant another idea i had was say we make update to a machine right? some gear goes shit .. they can print out a cheap plastic one untill we replace it with a metal one17:23
delinquentmeagain under the presumption that these machines are slacky and not designed about precision17:24
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kanzurebinary parser in javascript18:10
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uniqanomalythis is just wrong18:17
kanzureuniqanomaly: ?18:34
uniqanomalybinary stuff in js18:36
uniqanomalyit's wrong :P18:36
kanzurethere was also that pdf viewer in js18:36
kanzuredemo: http://andreasgal.github.com/pdf.js/web/viewer.html#118:37
-!- evolvidle is now known as evolv18:40
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delinquentme_uniqanomaly, lol i've used binary packing in rails :D19:00
delinquentme_totally ghetto..  but at the same time rails>> hardware is awesome19:00
delinquentme_kanzure, good tutorials for solid works?19:00
delinquentme_about to install it on windoez ;/19:00
kanzurehas many good tutorials.19:02
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Tyrantdelinquentme_, solidworks has great help files and tutorials21:34
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QuantumGI can't even get my copy of solidworks to start anymore21:39
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kanzurewhat kind of soup22:08
Tyrantdelicious soup22:14
maskedyes like cake22:15
-!- He||eshin [~talinck@cpe-71-67-103-109.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:06
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