
--- Log opened Tue Sep 27 00:00:29 2011
fennwow talk about a raw deal; discover antigravity and lose your job: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Podkletnov00:23
fennre: neutrinos, the effect is less than .0025 percent; do you think they'd be reporting on it if it went the other direction? no, so please let's stop talking abotu it00:28
-!- klafka [~diane@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:19
archelsfenn: good point01:22
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kanzure"peter thiel's 20 under 20: preschool is for wimps get them out early!"01:49
kanzuregraphviz is AT&T?02:40
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fenni think what this mostly reveals is that TV contains a lot of images of talking heads: http://www.tgdaily.com/general-sciences-features/58630-brain-imaging-reveals-the-movies-in-our-minds04:22
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archelsCan anyone find the paper for this? Matti's homepage sucks.06:40
fennthanks for telling us the name of the paper, newscientist~07:03
fenni imagine it follows on the work detailed here http://www.neuro.iastate.edu/Uploads//VerschureMintz_Neurocomp_2001.pdf07:04
fenninteresting that it cites a paper by "J.S. Albus" the same james albus that worked at NIST building stewart-platform-ish robocranes, and wrote "people's capitalism" about the coming robot revolution07:05
fennoh, he's dead. blargh.07:06
fenni had meant to write to him07:07
foucistfenn: dang, how long had you meant to before he died?07:07
fenna couple years07:08
archelsfenn: cheers07:19
fenn"James was born on May 4, 1935 and passed away on Sunday, April 17, 2011.07:29
fennJames was a resident of Kensington, Maryland. No further public information is available."07:29
fennum, what?07:29
fennusually they list all of their relatives etc07:31
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fenninteresting list of names: http://hanson.gmu.edu/friends.html08:39
fennsurprising how many of those people i know08:41
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kanzureyoutube is blasting me with lifetechnologies ads.09:17
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eudoxialook, everybody11:34
kanzurewhat's the minimum lawsuit for patent litigation that has ever gone over?11:41
kanzurelike if a product is making $50k/year and you have a patent against it, are you gonna go after it?11:41
kanzurehuh there is a makerbot tv show now11:59
-!- He||eshin [~talinck@cpe-174-101-208-182.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:59
kanzureand they have been hiring.. guess they are using that money for something11:59
kanzurei'm kinda interested in what they will do with $10M11:59
kanzuremost of it will probably be hiring on more people11:59
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fenns/kword/kturd/  >:(12:45
kanzurefenn: what's up?13:06
kanzuredid you see bruce's OHANDA-but-better thing?13:07
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kanzureit's weird how phillip's groupies are taking over things13:42
kanzure"ayah is our informally elected leader. we trust her, respect her and she's demonstrated to everyone her commitment to all of us doing oshw. if there are any ownership of anything like domains, trademarks, etc, we'd like her to have it and then transfer anything to the oshw foundation/org once we have that."13:44
jrayhawkyes, because succession battles are always such a good idea14:05
jrayhawkespecially in intellectual movements14:06
kanzurei think the reality is that philip has just been working on greasing the gears for months now14:12
kanzureand he's just bringing it out into public14:12
kanzureso there's no way bruce is going to be able to change or direct things in any reasonable/useful manner14:12
kanzurewow what the heck14:13
kanzurephilip torrone just sent an email to bruce (publicly) asking him to "please stop using the open source logo"14:13
jrayhawkI wonder what'll happen when Stallman dies.14:16
kanzureshit's all fucked up here14:17
kanzurejrayhawk: i've sent you an email demonstrating the crazy14:22
kanzurejrayhawk: how do i do private piny repos?15:09
jrayhawkYou probably need to upgrade for those. I'll go give that a shot.15:21
kanzurehooray upgrades15:27
jrayhawk'/var/log/dpkg.log.12.gz:2010-09-03 01:55:01 status installed pinyadmin 0.7' oh, you may have beat me, then15:28
jrayhawkoh, wait, 2010, durrr15:28
jrayhawkI can read, I swear.15:28
jrayhawkoh yeah, let me know if ever the i386 userspace irritates you15:33
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jrayhawkI assume the 4G addressing ceiling is something you might run into if you're doing complex CAD rendering on there.15:34
kanzure4G.. what?15:38
jrayhawk4GiB is what 32 bits of addressing can get you15:38
jrayhawkthis is a tad low given we have 24GiB accessible to you on that machine15:39
jrayhawkYou have separate configs for gnusha.{org,net,com}; should I fold those into one using SeverAlias?15:42
jrayhawkthere are also two versions of 004-heeskcad.org because you haven't been doing symlinking; I assume I can delete the inactive one in sites-available/ and replace it with the active one in sites-enabled15:45
jrayhawkYeah, I guess the old one looks unimportant.15:45
jrayhawkOr I can RedirectMatch everything on gnusha.{com,net} over to gnusha.org, which would be better for pagerank15:48
kanzurejrayhawk: a single serveralias is fine15:50
kanzurejrayhawk: redirectmatch is also fine15:50
kanzureheekscad.org is no longer mine anyway :x15:50
kanzurei doubt anyone will be requesting heekscad.org content from the server heh15:50
jrayhawkAre you planning on ever bringing that back?15:51
jrayhawkDo you want your canonical name to be gnusha.org or www.gnusha.org?15:55
jrayhawkI will assume gnusha.org unless told otherwise.15:56
kanzurethanks, yes :)15:57
kanzurei don't know about heekscad.org- nobody seemed to yell at me when i took it down15:58
kanzureand now he's moved things over to http://github.com/heeks/heekscad anyway15:58
jrayhawkstructory.com is also unregistered16:02
kanzurehaha those bastards :p16:07
jrayhawkdo you want my dumb little command CGIs available16:08
jrayhawki guess I'll do everything but newuser for now.16:09
jrayhawkSince I need the cgi infrastructure to get private cgit working.16:09
jrayhawkAnd everything else is free and innocuous.16:09
kanzureyour cgis are fine? i don't particularly have anything against them16:10
kanzurehaha now the sparkfun ceo is turning anti-bruce-perens16:15
jrayhawkWell, as I've said before, people who've spent time around Bruce have learned not to trust him with vocational authority.16:21
jrayhawkif I get you a free SSL certificate from startcom or something can i move cgit over to secure.diyhpl.us?16:24
jrayhawkit would make my life easier16:25
jrayhawki guess it doesn't matter that much; people attempting to look at private repos on the insecure interface with just get a 'permission denied' error16:25
jrayhawkoh hello, there's an eric hanson on this server16:41
kanzureit was made like ten minuets ago16:42
kanzurei needed a place to share a screen session with him16:42
jrayhawkAh soh16:42
kanzurehuh nitobi is moving apache to the apache foundation16:43
kanzure"this repo is theoretically private!"16:47
kanzurei'm seeing it :P16:47
jrayhawkYeah, just fixed that16:48
jrayhawkOkay, so, to show off some of my newer nuttier poorly documented features, try newrepo --disable-ikiwiki heekstest git://github.com/Heeks/heekscad.git16:53
jrayhawkpinyconfig heekstest core.sharedrepository 066016:53
jrayhawkrebuildrepo heekstest16:53
kanzureso if i change 0660 this will influence cgit and what usergroups can read the files?16:54
jrayhawkafter the rebuildrepo, anyway16:54
kanzureand public is 0777?16:55
kanzurehave you given up since gitolite or what's the plna?16:55
jrayhawkjrayhawk@gnusha:~$ pinyconfig a-private-repo core.sharedrepository poop16:55
jrayhawkcore_sharedrepository is not a legal tweakable, or poop is not a legal value for that tweakable.16:55
jrayhawkAttribute (core_sharedrepository) does not pass the type constraint because: Must be one of 0666, 0664 (or all, everybody, world), 0660 (or true, 1, group), or 0640 (or false, 0). at /usr/sbin/pinyconfig line 4316:56
kanzureeh ok16:56
jrayhawkgitolite has badass access control, but it's hard to integrate with my current unix-oriented access model.16:57
kanzuregit-revisioned access control is a nice idea16:58
jrayhawki wonder how hard it would be to turn logfs into a VMS-style controlled filesystem17:00
jrayhawkYou can also see what happens with Ikiwiki enabled with http://diyhpl.us/a-private-repo (which I gave you access to)17:01
jrayhawkUnfortunately the failure mode for access on http://diyhpl.us/cgit/ is a bit less graceful than on https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/17:03
jrayhawkand I don't feel like fixing that17:03
jrayhawkShould I make the piny.ikiwiki = 0 (disabled) case redirect the normal Ikiwiki URL to the cgit URL?17:05
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kanzurei haven't slept in a very long time17:11
kanzureand i'm confused17:11
kanzureif the repo is private you want to redirect to the cgit error page?17:12
kanzurefrom ikiwiki?17:12
jrayhawkI would be redirecting the Ikiwiki URL over to the *working* cgit URL17:12
kanzurefor a private repo?17:13
kanzuremaybe you meant redirect to the https cgit url?17:13
kanzureok that makes a little more sense17:13
kanzuresounds legit to me17:13
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delinquentmey howdy!17:33
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jrayhawknewuser doesn't work since I assume you don't want that, yet.18:23
jrayhawkAnd, just to warn you ahead of time, because we don't really trust piny users, git dirs and git configs aren't writable by users; only objects/refs/etc.18:27
jrayhawkyou'll have to either sudo git config to do stuff or use pinyconfig (which is restricted)18:28
kanzurewait what? i've used newuser in the past18:28
kanzureis there any reason i shouldn't be using it18:29
jrayhawkI mean, the public interface for newuser doesn't work.18:29
jrayhawkon http://diyhpl.us/piny-commands/18:29
kanzureoh that's probably cgi stuff huh18:29
kanzureyep ok18:29
jrayhawkhttps://secure.diyhpl.us/auth/lsaccess.cgi oh hey neat, this is broken due to unmanaged repositories18:31
jrayhawkugh, i suppose i should fix that18:31
-!- diane [~diane@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:31
kanzureunmanaged repos aren't necessarily evil right?18:31
-!- diane is now known as klafka18:31
jrayhawkNo, I intend for that to be supported, but the other mixed-management piny sites all compulsively use git-$reponame anyway, so I never noticed.18:32
jrayhawks/No/Yes/ # or something; lingual convention is confusing here!18:34
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jrayhawk18:57 < jrayhawk> would you like me to enable anonymous account registration on diyhpl.us18:46
jrayhawk18:58 < kanzure> piny shells?18:46
jrayhawk18:58 < jrayhawk> Yeah.18:46
jrayhawk18:58 < kanzure> yeah that's fine18:46
kanzureoops i've probably contradicted myself somewhere18:47
jrayhawkFrom a week ago or so. So, the options for anonymous account registration are 1) SSH (see ssh newuser@piny.be ) with no email verification and 2) CGI with email verification18:48
kanzurei would prefer #118:48
kanzurebut let's hold off on it until i complain enough about the email thing18:48
jrayhawkUh, so you want SSH, WWW, both, or neither right now?18:49
kanzureneither right now is ok18:49
jrayhawkhooray, less work for me18:49
kanzureis this in pinyconfig?18:49
jrayhawkNo, the CGI would be enabled in the apache config, and the SSH stuff involves some PAM and ssh_config wizardry.18:50
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kanzureCreating piny repo this-is-a-very-long-repository-name-because-i-do-not-remember-testing-that-here18:59
kanzuredescription: hello18:59
jrayhawkoh yeah, i forgot i implemented notifications18:59
joshcryerskdb link in the topic goes to an empty directory.19:02
kanzurethe fuck19:02
jrayhawkuh oh19:02
kanzurei blame jrayhawk19:02
jrayhawkthat's fair19:02
jrayhawkThat'll be fixed in ten minutes while things rebuild.19:11
kanzuresounds important19:11
kanzurebruce wants some articles for an open hardware technical journal19:11
kanzurei should probably write something about skdb19:11
kanzureor lolcad19:11
kanzureor i guess it's better form to write about other projects19:12
joshcryerWho is bruce?19:12
joshcryerOh, the Creative Commons Bruce?19:12
joshcryerAhh, right!19:12
joshcryerYes, yes, I saw your link about the open hardware mailing list a few days back.19:13
joshcryerWhen I clicked there was nothing archived yet.19:13
joshcryer(don't feel like joining since I wouldn't be participating)19:13
kanzure*shrug* too many email lists and other shit19:13
kanzurewhy do people keep forking19:13
kanzurei keep trying to send email back to one place but it isn't working19:14
joshcryerHackers love recreating the wheel.19:14
jrayhawkhttp://xkcd.com/927/ Standards19:15
jrayhawkso clearly we need a new mailing list that will encompass all the other mailing lists19:15
joshcryerI understand it on a personal level since I feel like it's a waste of time to learn someone elses failed implementation in the futile hope that it will do what I want.19:15
joshcryerI spent several hours coaxing Imagemagick into converting a 500mb tiff for me, for instance. I will likely never use Imagemagick again, ever.19:16
jrayhawkI... uh... don't think ImageMagick qualifies as a failed implementation.19:17
jrayhawkAFAIK it's more widely used than GD and libgimp19:18
joshcryerYeah, it's not really Imagemagick's fault that it ate all of my ram while converting a tiff but for some magic reason if I converted it first into a png using a different program it could manage without doing that.19:20
joshcryerIt's the fault of competing operating systems, cometing hardware standards, etc, etc.19:21
jrayhawkWhat do operating systems and hardware standards have to do with an almost-pure ANSI C program?19:22
jrayhawkI agree that the tiff processor should be better, though; there's no need for it to preallocate a framebuffer like that.19:23
-!- strangewarp [~Christian@c-76-25-200-47.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: No rescuer hath the rescuer, no lord hath the champion, no mother and no father, only nothingness.]19:23
joshcryerOh so it's not just me? I thought it was because I run Windows.19:24
joshcryerI was tempted to do a Linux live boot just to see if it would work there.19:24
jrayhawkUnless you're using a really, really dumb frontend, it's almost certainly ImageMagick's fault.19:24
joshcryerNo, it was all command line, I read the entire manual assuming I was doing something wrong. I did memory limits, etc, nothing worked.19:25
joshcryerI just think crap would be a lot easier if we started over from scratch. :P19:30
joshcryerAnd I can understand why someone would sit down and say "I can do it better!"19:31
joshcryerAnd thus, forks.19:31
kanzuremaybe a 500mb tiff file is a bad idea19:32
joshcryerI was archiving a picture from 1914, it's heavily damaged. GIMP could load it but it was needing to be broken down because half the plugins would simply crash trying to work on it. Heh.19:34
kanzurehow much ram do you have19:35
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kanzurehi strangewarp19:38
ybitwhat's the news? no access to my email, and i'm not going to reset password19:43
ybitguess i could check google groups and the logs19:43
kanzureopenmanufacturing has some amusing stuff..19:44
ybiti see19:45
ybithate to say hi/bye, but i have to19:46
kanzureyou jerk19:46
joshcryerHmm, will Bruce be selling his Technical Journal?19:48
kanzureno most likely not19:48
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jrayhawk500mb tiffs are fairly common in scientific circles, too.20:31
kanzurescientists are awful computer users20:32
jrayhawkThere isn't really an alternative; nothing else does arbitrary colorspaces.20:33
jrayhawkThis matters a fair amount for imaging outside visible spectra.20:33
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klafkaman i can't believe hwo little i accompolished20:40
klafkaalso i resent that kanzure20:40
joshcryerWe should all move to Alaska.20:40
joshcryerA major coop, a thousand people or more.20:40
joshcryerAnd get the annual stipend.20:40
joshcryerAnd use it to further goals for world domination.20:40
joshcryerOK the math probably wouldn't work out...20:40
kanzureok how about instead we all stay where we are and work towards global domination20:41
kanzurei guess in the end we do nothing20:41
kanzureso uh.. mission accomplished guys20:41
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joshcryerI just heard a guy on New Space say "Alaska ain't broke" while explaining the whole advanced FAA they have up there (since a lot of the people are only able to transport by plane). And then I remembered Alaska has oil money. Yeah, I'm out of it. :P20:46
joshcryerGlobal domination is overrated anyway.20:48
joshcryerGalactic domination is where it's at.20:48
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kanzurejrayhawk: now philip is using bruce's past actions with osi and spi to oust him as a bad person23:32
kanzurei can't blame him for not wanting to deal with the crap23:33
jrayhawkDo... do you think people are unjustified for being bitter with Perens?23:34
jrayhawkBecause I have some bad news about your new buddy.23:34
kanzurebut he's not wrong about the grandstanding going on23:35
jrayhawkStupid personality battles are sort of a pattern with him.23:37
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-!- 17WAADIKR is now known as phryk23:41
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CryptoQuickif (width > window.innerHeight) {23:58
CryptoQuickwait, what23:58
CryptoQuickwhat was I even thinking23:58
CryptoQuickoh, aspect ratio23:58
CryptoQuickyeah, I guess if I wanted to know it was > 1.0 ...23:58
--- Log closed Wed Sep 28 00:00:30 2011

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