
--- Log opened Tue Oct 25 00:00:11 2011
-!- uniqanomaly [~ua@dynamic-78-8-85-245.ssp.dialog.net.pl] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:37
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archelskanzure: Read my paper yet? :)04:48
fennml class homework is hard for all the wrong reasons :(05:20
foucistfenn: what are those reasons05:22
jrayhawkRather than teaching students functional programming, it's teaching students to despise functional programming05:23
fennit's not teaching students programming at all05:23
fennit's "how to nit-pick"05:24
fennalso, octave error messages suck05:24
fenn"there's an error somewhere on this line"05:24
fenngee thanks05:24
jrayhawkstaying true to its matlab origins05:24
fenndespite all this, i can't figure out why my algorithm doesn't converge (what they should be teaching)05:25
jrayhawkoh, you mean "matlab", not "ml"05:26
fennml = machine learning05:26
jrayhawkthat's usually abbreviated as "ai"05:26
fennand "ai" is abbreviated as "cs"?05:27
jrayhawkanyway, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ML_(programming_language)05:27
foucistjrayhawk: ai-class.com and ml-class.org are two separate classes on going05:46
foucistalong with db-class.org05:46
fouciststarted a couple weeks ago05:46
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-232-237.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:48
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:00
JayDuggerfenn: You might try search for diacritical marks absent from English in subtitles as a signifier of "not-English."06:02
JayDuggerAny advice on drilling out a stripped M2 screw in a laptop?06:24
JayDugger"Don't" only counts if you've a better option.06:25
fennor acid, if it's a steel/plastic case and you're feeling adventurous06:27
JayDuggerThat seems a little over-powered and prone to damage to the motherboard.06:27
fennoh, also left-handed bits work great for this06:27
fennsometimes it will bind and just unscrew the stuck threads06:28
JayDuggerYeah, that's a good point.06:28
fennyou might be able to dremel a slot into it and use a flat head screwdriver06:28
JayDuggerI'd rather not spend more than $250 on the repair. (Used Thinkpads of the same model go for about that much on eBay.)06:28
JayDuggerI can't cut a slot. The screw sits in a recess about 5-6 mm deep and only slightly larger diameter than the screw head.06:29
JayDuggerThe left-handed bit, though, that's a good idea.06:29
JayDuggerI should probably test the screw extractor I brought home from work.06:30
-!- falmot_ [~root@69-165-136-125.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:39
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ybitabove! geez19:12
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fenninside a 12,1 dihedral repeating spherical manifold19:49
kanzurescrew you20:05
kanzurefenn: did deliquentme show up at langton?20:09
fennno, not that i know of20:10
fennhe's from pittsburgh yes?20:10
kanzurehe's in the area.. was looking for things to do20:11
kanzuremet him at open science summit20:11
fenni met his friend who started "hardware startup sf" which should be meeting nov 1020:14
fennjust a schmoozefest20:15
fennbut entertaining20:15
-!- Tyrant [~Tyrant@c-76-21-1-190.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:29
Tyranthey kanzure, is http://www.heybryan.org/solidworks_file_format.html your attempt to RE the solidworks format or someone else's?20:29
Tyrantdid you work on it any further?20:30
kanzurehmm geeze that was jan 201020:31
kanzurei think i've dabbled with it a few times since then20:31
kanzurehaven't had tremendous progress20:31
kanzureat one point i thought maybe the file format was just the .x format from parasolid20:31
kanzurebut i didn't have much luck with that20:31
kanzureoops i mean .xt20:31
-!- PatrickMcLaren [~PatrickMc@c-98-217-184-95.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:31
kanzurePatrickMcLaren: your password is 121120:32
kanzureyou should change it20:32
PatrickMcLarenkanzure: Thanks20:33
kanzureis 1211 correct?20:33
PatrickMcLarenkanzure: Couldn't say. Quickly though, where did that show up?20:33
kanzuresomewhere on the interwebs20:34
kanzureit's been on mmy mindd for a while now20:34
kanzurejust thouught i''d let yyou know20:34
kanzure(minuus all tthe typos)20:34
PatrickMcLarenJust a snippet. Enough for me to change everything now. Despite it being a throwaway.20:37
kanzurewell, glad i could help20:38
Tyrantkanzure: know of any open source CAD format converters?20:38
kanzureTyrant: brlcad has lots of converte20:39
kanzureDamn it20:39
kanzureTyrant: brlcad has lots of converters20:39
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PatrickMcLarenkanzure: anyways, how's the diybio scene been coming along? I just moved to cambridge20:48
fennhuh i guess the windows key actually does something: http://fennetic.net/irc/compiz.png20:54
kanzureis this unity?20:54
fennum. i dunno?20:55
kanzureubuntu unity20:55
fennoh, god no that thing is fucking awful clusterfuck i wish it would die in a fire20:56
ybitfenn: what's the google doc on the left?20:59
kanzureybit: what about doing my passwod resetter project20:59
ybiti've decided to hold off on projects for a few months, i keep distracting thinking about them21:00
fennybit: halloween party invite list21:22
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kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigger,_Stronger,_Faster* is pretty good22:47
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--- Log closed Wed Oct 26 00:00:13 2011

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