
--- Log opened Sat Dec 17 00:00:32 2011
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delinquentme HI EVERYONE13:47
* delinquentme lolz13:47
jrayhawkto whom did the butt belong to at the time13:52
delinquentmejrayhawk, these sc2 nubs14:00
delinquentmei was telling the other team I was korean14:00
delinquentmeHuK HuK GOSUUUUU ^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; like14:00
delinquentmeand my partner in a 2v2 game let14:00
delinquentmeso i took over and doubled up the multitasking and destroyed 2 other people14:01
sylph_makoUgh sports. "Lets spend a lot of time and money getting good at doing something that doesn't matter"14:05
jrayhawkplaying is our microcosmic model for living14:07
delinquentmei ike sc2 bc the mentak involvement14:08
jrayhawkthose who would undermine play undermine consequence-free problem-space exploration14:10
sylph_makoPlay is notably different from focusing extensively on a narrow game.14:10
delinquentmejrayhawk, but then how do we appropriately approach the real world consequential world?14:10
sylph_makoI'm fine with play. With the right crowd Sc2 is play. But when you start reading strategy guides...14:12
jrayhawkthose who are able to focus extensively on a narrow game are training themselves to focus extensively on a narrow problem space with real consequences.14:12
jrayhawkunless constantly attacked for doing so, in which case they'll wind up unmotivated and value-less14:14
jrayhawk(a circumstance schooling is specifically designed to engender)14:14
sylph_makoIt's pretty demoralizing losing sc games to people who spend hours a day absorbing instruction -_-14:15
delinquentmesylph_mako, my biggest gripe is that only so often i get decisive victories14:16
delinquentmethats what I like14:16
jrayhawkthat is because you have been trained to think winning matters more than learning does14:16
delinquentmewhen i CRUSH MY ENEMIES14:16
jrayhawkor even the simple act of play itself14:16
jrayhawkwhich is essentially equivalent to learning14:16
sylph_makoBut I can't tell if I'm learning or not. I can't tell if my strategies work when I lose either way.14:17
jrayhawkloss is far more educational than victory; i would say an hour spent winning is worth far less than an hour spent losing14:17
sylph_makoI need friends who are as bad at sc as me.14:17
delinquentmesylph_mako, so yeah thats where build orders come in14:18
delinquentmeessentially you google shit and just like in RL you learn from the hive14:18
sylph_makoLearning scripts...14:18
delinquentmeso i had shitty build orders before14:18
delinquentmeafter a little research you can get that down14:18
delinquentmeand then you get to about 40 supply where the complexity takes over and you can get creative14:18
delinquentmeits a wonderfully complex game14:19
delinquentmelol im such a shit eating kid when it comes to that :D14:19
delinquentmeROOOAARR blink stratS!14:19
delinquentmeand then of course demoralizing your opponents14:19
jrayhawkThat's one thing that's always confused me about games like DOTA and, to a lesser extent, Starcraft. If the first five minutes are boilerplate, why even have them?14:20
sylph_makojrayhawk, An hour spent winning, an hour spent losing, both worthless. Only a game consisting of many small wins and losses will tell you about the successes of individual units of strategy.14:20
sylph_makoI just wanted more micro the whole time.14:21
jrayhawkYou would want a real-time tactics simulator, then.14:21
sylph_makoI have a theory that the game would be far more visceral if we could have multiple commanders to a team.14:22
jrayhawkYeah, Starcraft had that in the form of, IIRC, "team melee"14:23
sylph_makoI mean, like controlling one army.14:23
jrayhawkIt was fun to have one person dedicated to strategy and one to tactics.14:23
sylph_makoSounds worthwhile.14:23
delinquentmejrayhawk, well they're KIND of boiler plate14:25
delinquentmethere are "cheezers" as they're referred to as14:25
delinquentmewho get to incredible ranks by playing less-than-honorable? gaming strats14:25
delinquentmeand like if you get good at cheezing youll rape14:25
delinquentmepeople have cheezed and pissed ppl off to the point where death threats were made14:26
delinquentmeand accounts were banned :P14:26
jrayhawkOther than a gatherer-rush, it seems like there are no options up until the first offensive-unit structure.14:26
delinquentmewell its a balance between micro and macro14:26
delinquentmeand you can do 2v2 where youll have one person doing the micro and one macroing if you so choose14:26
delinquentmebut the strats are nuts14:27
delinquentmeand the following is fanatical14:27
delinquentmejrayhawk, yeah but the first offensive structures are like 2 minutes in14:28
delinquentmeso yeah they could start the game with gatherers running and like 300 mins and it would cut of 2 mins14:28
jrayhawkYeah, starcraft is a fairly minor sinner in that regard. DOTA is just awful.14:29
delinquentmeohh thats the WC3 mod right?14:30
delinquentmethats HUGE14:30
delinquentmethat game if i recall correctly14:30
delinquentmenot to mention that top skill sc2 players bring in 400k at big tourneys14:30
delinquentmebut there is QUITE a bit of practice involved14:30
kanzureman what am i doing in sf14:35
kanzurewhy am i here14:35
jrayhawklife is suffering14:35
jrayhawkyou are living large14:35
kanzurelife is suffering. victory is death! something something14:36
jrayhawkdeath is only victory if you take the entire bay area with you14:36
delinquentmekanzure, eff that14:37
delinquentmeY U NO SF kanzure ?14:37
kanzurewhat the fuck is it with you and the leters 'y u no'14:37
kanzureit's a trend or something14:37
kanzureyou should stop...14:37
jrayhawky u no like y u no14:37
kanzureLOLOLOLOLOL 133714:37
kanzurewhy is marliyn monroe using my app14:38
kanzureshe just posted a video14:38
kanzureisn't she supposed to be dead14:38
jrayhawkdid you make a safety coffin app14:38
kanzurenot to my knowledge14:38
kanzureanything's possible i guess14:39
kanzuredo you need medical attention?14:44
delinquentmekanz were you at the theil thing?14:49
delinquentmewhat was that about?14:49
kanzurenope didn't know about it until after14:50
delinquentmeyeah the lego thing was novel14:51
delinquentmei would have just built the biggest mismatched structure I could ..14:51
delinquentmeanyways .. have you worked w drew endy?14:52
delinquentmei thought he was pretty tied to OWW?15:05
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kanzuredeliquentme: he moved to stanford, away from openwetware15:48
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kanzure"The findings only apply to the 612 chimpanzees owned or financed by the government. There are an additional 325 chimpanzees in research facilities around the country."16:38
kanzurethat's all?16:38
kanzuresurely our army of research chimps is larger?16:38
jrayhawkUsually smaller, less dangerous apes are used.16:43
kanzurescrew that let's demand that everyone uses silverbacks16:44
jrayhawkDoes those 612/325 numbers include bonobos?16:49
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Riencamdear lord kanzure, did you remove me from the gtalk17:27
kanzurehuh? i haven't removed anyone17:30
kanzurewho are oyu17:30
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kanzureoh this is nice.. if they release code http://open3dp.me.washington.edu/2011/03/implicit-solid-modeling/17:46
kanzureah right.. freps. http://faculty.washington.edu/ganter/research.html17:48
kanzureGe(x,y,z) = max(x^2+y^2-196,-x^2-y^2+16,-min(max(x^2+y^2-138.0625000,-x^2-y^2+16,1/12*abs(z+20)-1,-z-20,-max(-x^2-y^2+64,x^2+y^2-625/4,1/8*abs(z+20)-1)),max(x^2+y^2-138.0625000,-x^2-y^2+16,1/12*abs(z-20)-1,z-20,-max(-x^2-y^2+64,x^2+y^2-625/4,1/8*abs(z-20)-1))),1/14*abs(z)-117:48
kanzurewell it's obvious what that one is.17:48
eudoxiathe function that describes the center of an elastomer obviously17:49
eudoxialike can't you people see17:50
kanzurei'm not sure about the relative advantage of f-reps over patched b-reps really17:50
kanzureindividual surfaces patchworked together versus a single equation17:51
Riencamthis is the vanuatu guy. money should be arriving not too far from now.17:53
Riencamwhere were you17:53
Stee|kanzure, working on building a desktop SLA printer next semester maybe17:54
kanzureRiencam: i am traveling18:00
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Riencami see18:25
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kanzurewin 618:27
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strangewarpBeing depressed about all potential near-term events, while having an optimistic long-term philosophy like transhumanism, is really super-weird..20:31
eudoxiaIt's pretty dissonant20:36
eudoxiaif you extrapolate (Or is it interpolate when you have two data points?) it means at some point things have to start getting better20:36
strangewarpIt seems, at times, that major governments and corporations are acting as though they've been explicitly advised to act against transhuman interests... (of course, Kass and Fukuyama advised Bush II, but that's only one datapoint and I'm wondering how widespread that sort of thing really is)20:47
Stee|you're perceiving wrong in my opinion20:49
Stee|people act against things they don't understand20:49
kanzuremaybe you should act as if you don't expect any support from them20:50
strangewarpTrue.. that's a simpler explanation20:50
Stee|and not to trivialize20:51
Stee|but a lot of 'normal' folks are squicked out by transsexuals20:51
Stee|and that's barely dipping a toe into transhumanism as a larger philosophical bent20:51
sylph_makoMaybe sudden rapid change would cause severe instability and leaders know this? Why rush what's inevitable?20:52
strangewarpkanzure: Been trying to do that. I think I'm on the ass-end of transhumanism, since I'm unemployed and only have knowledge and education in the fine arts. Not much of an asset to the struggle20:52
strangewarpStee|: Hm, I suppose I'm just pining for the security of a narrative, where there isn't one20:53
Stee|strangewarp, what's your FA background?20:53
strangewarpStudio arts, though I'm pretty sure I picked the wrong degree for my interests. Doing music things now.20:54
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Stee|there's always a lack of transhumanist cultural objects20:54
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strangewarpIndeed.. the only major explicitly transhumanist musical groups are Mind.in.a.box and The Kovenant, and I have issues with the quality of both of them20:55
eudoxiathe last time I youtubed "transhumanist music" all I got was this shitty slideshow of space CGI along with the sound of a brick tumbling in a broken washing machine20:56
eudoxiaI expected the GITS OST at least20:57
strangewarpThe music from GITS was quite good...20:57
klafkagits is quality20:58
Stee|I mean20:58
Stee|I'm working with a friend of mine to understand what sort of themes and narrative you can weave into transhuman inspired jewelry and fashion20:59
klafkawhat would you define as a transhumanistic theme?21:03
strangewarpI always felt that arts based on the bodmod elements of transhumanism were some sort of compromise, as it's impossible for them to live up to the ideal... though there are artists like ORLAN who are conscious of that fact, and play with it in a way (actually I ought to read up on ORLAN's work more)21:03
klafkahmm interesting artist21:06
strangewarpklafka: Hmm... my definition is pretty broad, I guess, considering I drifted into transhumanism from the direction of the furry community, and even though they're largely totemic or fetishistic without having any opinions about technology, I like applying their semiotics to things21:06
Stee|Bleh :(21:07
klafkawhat are furry semiotics21:07
sylph_makotheir artistic language.21:07
klafkaI was asking for what that was21:07
strangewarpfocus on the body, whereas the transhumanism I've encountered has largely been focused on the environment or the mind.21:07
klafkaI see21:07
eudoxiafurry what21:07
eudoxiait doesn't show up on google, that's what it is21:08
Stee|I mean, for instance I've worked on themes involving stylized carbon nanotube dna21:08
strangewarpsemiotics: the symbolism and tropes involved with a given thing. :p21:08
eudoxiaI sort of like Luis Royo for the transhumanist themes21:08
sylph_makoYou can't write down a semiotic =J21:08
Stee|yeah, I'd like to not mix transhumanism with that, though unfortunately it seems rather difficult at points.21:08
eudoxiaparticularly this: http://onlyhdwallpapers.com/wallpaper/luis_royo_looks_nice_fantasy_love_general_desktop_1024x768_wallpaper-50419.jpg21:08
Stee|you can have a glossary21:09
Stee|I try to pull from enlightenment era stuff a decent amount21:09
klafkasylph, you can study and describe semiotics thoug21:10
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sylph_makoI smell transhuman themes in everything. Dune is all about a certain kind of transhumanism. Breeding and spice. Then God Emperor Leto takes it even further.21:12
sylph_makoAll despite denying the technological singularity.21:13
eudoxiahaha, I do the same thing21:13
sylph_mako=J What's the song that sounds most transhuman to you while having nothing to do with it?21:13
eudoxiaLithium Flower21:14
Stee|Ironman, Black Sabbath21:14
sylph_makoMine's Je Me Souvines, Jean Michelle Jar. Sounds like a mind transcended flesh handling its old human memories like tangible objects.21:14
klafkasylph_mako there are tons of transhumanist themes in literature21:14
sylph_makoYeah I guess.21:14
klafkalike look at all the literature on singularity scifi21:14
eudoxiaI mean, Jesus, I thought Hylas and the Nymphs had "transhumanist themes". I'm that gone21:14
klafkai'd say all of glitch-hop has strong trends of transhumanism21:15
Stee|I wish there was more posthumanist fiction, compared to stuff like accelerando21:15
eudoxiawhat do you mean posthumanist?21:15
eudoxiataking place _after_ the entire solar system implements the Von Neumann architecture, as opposed to during?21:16
Stee|err, more focused on uplifted humans than consequences of ai stuff21:16
strangewarpSeptic Flesh did some interesting songs that were incidentally about transhuman themes without being transhumanist, and I've been listening to them a lot lately since it's pretty quality music... ("Revolution DNA" isn't as good as their other albums though)21:17
eudoxiamore transhumanist than singularitarian21:17
klafkaum  Stee|  stross actually has a good book or novella on that actually21:17
klafkawell it deals with both21:17
eudoxiawhich one?21:18
klafkaahaha i was actually thinking of accelerando21:18
eudoxiaI assumed21:18
klafkajust been awhile since i read it21:18
Stee|accelerando also has weird sexual politics and shit21:18
eudoxiahaha, I remember that21:19
klafkaalso there is stuff like the lord of light21:19
klafkayou could interpret that in a very transhumanist way21:19
strangewarpAccelerando's sexual politics, to me, read like they were written by a vanilla guy who was trying desperately to come up with contentious sexual politics ideas21:20
Stee|friends came over, afk21:21
* strangewarp waves21:21
* eudoxia waves and returns to finding hidden futurist themes in John Waterhouse paintings21:22
sylph_makoI just realized that a grip augmentation device[maybe little more than a two fingered claw wired to track with a person's fingers and atached to a forearm harness] would be either extremely useful for acrobatics, or the enabler of hundreds of shoulder dislocation injuries.21:28
eudoxiahttp://davidszondy.com/future/robot/hardiman3.jpg two fingered claw and exoskeleton21:29
sylph_makoLess an exoskeleton than a motor on wheels that follows you around?21:31
eudoxiatake it or leave it21:31
sylph_makoA true traceur would find a way.21:33
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