
--- Log opened Wed Jan 04 00:00:59 2012
@kanzurehappy birthday to me00:03
@kanzureeveryone there is complaining about each 20ms of lag00:11
@kanzurebut here i am and i can't even get <10ms lag on my keyboard00:11
jrayhawkOn... your... keyboard...?00:33
@kanzurei suppose comparing input/output isn't fair00:34
jrayhawkI understand their complaints quite well, but I have no idea what you're talking about.00:35
@kanzurei'm just complaining that my keyboard is slow00:35
jrayhawkOh okay00:36
jrayhawkSo, USB defaults to a 125hz polling rate; some peripheral chipsets are clocked high enough to increase that number.00:37
jrayhawkI think most modern gaming keyboards support that.00:37
jrayhawkObviously this isn't all that useful since most of the user-experienced latency is still in the OS and video pathway, but if you've thoroughly optimized those...00:39
jrayhawkIf you're using PS/2 (which is usually the case for laptop keyboards), that number is typically 80hz00:41
@kanzurei really haven't isolated where the latencies are, i'm sure some of it is keyboard geometry, between me and my fingers, stuff like that00:42
@kanzurei've written some code once to track my typing rate, and some combinations i can type in 15-25ms reliably00:42
@kanzurebut that's mainly stuff like "is"00:42
@kanzurenow excuse me, i have a pokemon rom to read :x00:42
-!- elmom [~elmom@hoas-fe3ddd00-25.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:43
jrayhawkThere's also some potential extra latency in your userspace input layers.00:46
jrayhawkSuch as if you were going through xinput and/or GTK00:47
jrayhawkor SDL00:47
@kanzurewell clearly that means i need linux-kernel-realtime and to keep my keyboard interrupts in kernel space00:48
@kanzure^or other words that are equally ridiculous to that effect00:48
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@kanzureok i am back07:18
AlonzoTGthe unixites insist that the device-as-file interface is sufficient for everything,07:24
AlonzoTGthat interractive programs can work just fine by issuing read commands to /dev/tty....07:24
AlonzoTGTruth is that programs such as X have to circumvent the unix keyboard driver and implement an event-based interface.07:25
AlonzoTGWhich creates massive administrative headaches when the user wants to use a Dvorak keyboard mapping in all applications and on the console.07:25
AlonzoTGI don't actually know the details of how this is accomplished, it is poorly documented. =\07:26
AlonzoTGIt also creates a nightmare because a certain developer in the X11 project thought it would be cute to make the keyboard "hot-pluggable" which means it simply fails to work at all without a litany of commands in xorg.conf to disable hot-plugging. =\07:26
@kanzuresaurik: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/131/installs.csv07:33
archelsSo what happens when you accidently unplug your keyboard, you have to hard-reset your box?07:33
@kanzuresaurik: that's android app installs (by the market categorization thingy) as of this morning07:33
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Lucas___Has anyone here gotten implants yet?08:26
@kanzureyes, there's a few iirc08:35
Lucas___sweet, what sorts?  I am always looking for something new08:39
@kanzurejust some lame magnets08:44
@kanzurewho was it.. hmm08:44
Lucas___lame magnets?08:44
Lucas___do you have a suitable alternative?08:45
klafkawhat did the magnets do?08:50
Lucas___I actually proposed using electrochemotherapy methods to get that protein into human muscle tissue.  People are a lot more comfortable with sticking electronics into their flesh than biochemically altering it  :(08:50
Lucas___if you can find people that would help me with that I would appreciate it08:50
@kanzuregah marketing campaigns. "ITCH or integrating transhumanist cultural hardware"08:51
@kanzurewhat the heck is cultural hardware?08:51
@kanzureklafka: are you a pokemon master08:52
klafkano :(08:55
Lucas___kanzure:  something you may be interested in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroporation08:55
Lucas___I am going to have someone build the electrical device I need for the procedure08:55
@kanzureklafka: https://bitbucket.org/kanzure/pokered/src/257c1743c396/pokered.asm09:00
Lucas___kanzure, would you be willing to be one of my test subjects?09:09
@kanzurefor electrochemotherapy? can i convine you to build an ultrasound riggup instead09:13
Lucas___wow, I had no idea there was ultrasound gene delivery09:22
@kanzureno not that09:22
@kanzuretranscranial ultrasound for brain stimulation and, at higher power delivery, tumor destruction09:22
Lucas___thank you09:25
Lucas___hopefully I can convince the engineers to build this as well09:25
archelskanzure, Lucas___ is just going to end up giving himself the cancer.09:36
Lucas___What alternative do you suggest?09:37
archelsknowing what you're doing?09:38
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Lucas___if I knew exactly what would happen I wouldn't do this09:41
archelsah well, I was young once too. But I would suggest focussing on one topic of your interest rather than trying to do it all.09:41
Lucas___my main interested in genetics09:41
Lucas___interest is*09:41
archelsOn a related note, don't underestimate the time and effort involved in trying to accomplish any of this, or anything at all, really.09:41
archelsTo paraphrase Einstein, science is 10% inspiration and 90% hard work.09:42
Lucas___thank you09:44
Lucas___it is not my intention to take unnecessary risks.  I'd like to do some tissue culture work first (ideally)09:45
archelsWhat exactly are you trying to achieve?09:45
Lucas___introduction of a plasmid into eukaryotic cells using electroporation.  My idea (with the tissue culture) is to use GFP as a marker to see if the gene got into the tissue09:48
Lucas___using a viral vector is preferred here, but there is no way that it can be done outside of a lab09:49
archelsOK, should be fun!09:59
archelsHow large is your bank account? ;)09:59
Lucas___non existant - which is why I am trying to get people to fund me.  Right now it is partially working, as there are other projects my group is focusing on10:00
@kanzureLucas___: i have some funds available for the transcranial ultrasound project10:21
@kanzureright now i have someone fully quoting out the project (i'd rather pay this guy, even though he'd probably do it for free)10:22
archelskanzure: If you don't mind my asking, where do you want to take that project? What is its purpose to you?10:23
@kanzureneural stimulation10:24
Lucas___I know absolutely nothing about transcranial ultrasound10:24
@kanzureso that means lots of testing10:24
@kanzureLucas___: read those papers10:24
Lucas___I could try to see if it can stimulate musculoskeletal tissue10:26
Lucas___it might be good for people with accelerated muscle loss due to disease or ...10:26
Lucas___space travel, maybe10:26
@kanzure"space travel" shouldn't be the first thought that comes to mind10:28
Lucas___memory enhancement? reflex enhancement?10:31
Lucas___what are you shooting for?10:31
@kanzurei'm sure there's theoretically some regions that you can stimulate for memory enhancement,10:33
@kanzurebut i'd be happy with "memory-related stimulation"10:33
Lucas___fair enough10:34
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@kanzureklafka: did you say badgenation?10:46
klafka hmm?10:46
@kanzureoh, weird10:47
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@kanzureklafka: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_7Yc_iucRqdFd0eVJ1aU1KVkdualJUOXJERnczYVE&hl=en_US#gid=010:47
@kanzurethis is for "badgenation"10:47
@kanzurenot badgeville.10:47
@kanzure10:46 < blackwhite> kanzure you will use it once you realize that you can achieve multi like, ultra like, mega like and godlike10:50
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UtopiahSingularity Hub article on robotics apps mentionned by @AUVSI13:57
@kanzurespaes: hi.13:58
spaeskanzure: hey, i saw your comment about this chan on diybio  (why i did the whois)13:59
@kanzureneato, welcome13:59
-!- kanzure changed the topic of ##hplusroadmap to: diybio, transhumanism, open hardware http://gnusha.org/logs/ http://bit.ly/diybionews2 http://gadaprize.org/ http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing14:01
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MariuCristian Grozea ?14:36
Mariuit's interesting because the name is familiar in a way14:37
@kanzurehrm why is the fbi sponsoring backyard brains14:45
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jrayhawkAlonzoTG: curl http://www.strout.net/info/dvorak/dvorak.pke | xmodmap -16:56
jrayhawkloadkeys dvorak16:57
jrayhawkThat should cover X and the console.16:57
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jrayhawkMind you there are advantages to xkb approach modern toolchains use, such as being able to use different mappings for different simultaneous keyboards.16:58
jrayhawks/to xkb/to the xkb/16:59
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foucistkanzure: shit..  have you seen dot.js?  ridiculously fast. http://jsperf.com/dom-vs-innerhtml-based-templating/30617:53
foucistdot.js + phonegap? ;)17:54
foucister there's some mobile here: http://jsperf.com/dom-vs-innerhtml-based-templating/30517:55
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foucistit's basicaly 40x faster than jquery templates hmm, 15x faster than underscore17:58
foucist(obviously it's just 1 specific thing being tested here)18:01
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@kanzurefoucist: nope, haven't used dot yet18:19
@kanzure"Ideally, I want a communications platform where only my 200 or so friends, co-workers and friends of friends can message me for free. Anybody else who wants to contact me has to send the message with a $1 bitcoin (interrupting my stream of conciousness price would be custom set by me, so lil' wayne would probably set his price at $75)."18:27
@kanzure"If the message from a stranger I got was in fact a cool dude I met at a party last weekend following up on that cat picture, then I'd click "reply and return" to give him back that bitcoin. If I see that the message is from a prince, I'd just ignore it and go buy some gum or something with his precious $1."18:27
@kanzureit'd be nice to have a sushi rolling machine18:33
@kanzurethere we go.18:41
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--- Log closed Thu Jan 05 00:00:01 2012

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