
--- Log opened Sun Jan 15 00:00:16 2012
-!- omegacfx is now known as notomegacfx00:16
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delinquentmekanzure, im trying to modify the source path for a python module .. any idea?05:05
-!- augur is now known as lagrangian05:11
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-!- He||eshin [~talinck@cpe-174-101-208-182.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:48
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@kanzuredelinquentme: uh, just move it?07:20
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jcdHey jimmy10:05
Mariuhey JC :p10:05
jcdI forget -- you like trance music, right?10:05
jcdHang on10:05
Mariuthanks !10:06
jcdVery nice set, the intro is awesome10:06
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* ybit is looking for a private ebook sharing site11:49
* ybit is tired of books being deleted on filesonic, depositfiles, megaupload, etc.11:50
ybitaha! forgot about it11:56
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jcdAny immortals here?13:50
@kanzurewhat does that mean13:55
jcdWell... just checking. In case someone has figured it out.13:55
strangewarpDepends on whether I manage to replace my stupid human body before it hits a failure mode; whether existential continuity is an epistemological red herring; whether there is an afterlife (I like thinking that people will build one, or already have), etc13:55
jcdstrangewarp, disregarding any religious bullshit =)13:57
jcdReal immortality.13:57
@kanzureok, so you're asking if any of us are immortal?13:57
jcdAs in, my name is so and so, and I was born on such and such day, and I'm now immortal.13:57
jcdOr close to it.13:57
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-93-159-155.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:00
strangewarpQuestion is useless; if it's secret for some reason, you're not getting it by asking; and if it's the slightest bit open, it would already be being pried and prised by everyone and their cousin; and discarding anything speculative, there is nothing left after that.14:03
jcdI'm just curious if someone is working towards anything of that sort.14:04
strangewarpOh definitely, lots of work on it, but nobody is in a position to yet say that they are absolutely sure they have hacked themself into immortality.14:05
strangewarpBasically, presently, it requires some bold assumptions about how medical science will progress, to say that you are probably immortal. And that takes gall, especially in a decade where all mainstream people are going into an ultra-doomy zeitgeist.14:16
jcdI am not concerned about the mainstream.14:17
jcdBreakthroughts, breakthroughts.14:17
strangewarpIndeed, I am just particularly alienated by the mainstream mood presently ;)14:18
jcdWhat are they trying to cure these days?14:19
strangewarpThere's a promising AIDS vaccine going through human testing, knock on wood14:21
jcdI won't knock on wood, unless the thing goes airborne.14:23
jcdNot my interest group, if you know what I mean =)14:23
strangewarpEntirely. I avoid relationships. But it's definitely a good development.14:25
jcdHonestly, it's hardly relevant to the issue of me not dying of old age.14:26
strangewarpI probably know the least relevant material for answering that question, since I'm the engineering channel's token artist, so I will just poke everyone else to give you some meaty responses. :p14:27
jcdPlease do!14:28
@kanzurejcd: i'm glad you're not concerned about the mainstream,14:30
jcdIs that sarcasm, kanzure? :)14:30
@kanzuremaybe you should do some reading?14:31
jcdI hate reading.14:31
-!- yashgaroth [~yaaic@66-87-4-244.pools.spcsdns.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:31
@kanzurewait.. what?14:31
@kanzureso you're not interested in mainstream longevity (bleh)14:31
jcdI hate reading because, if I find something in there that I have thought of, I'll get into a nice fit of creativity-related OCD that'll paralyze me for a week.14:31
@kanzurebut you're also unwilling to figure it out on your own14:31
@kanzureso.. good luck with that14:31
jcdBut, if someone summarizes a finding for me, I can get away with it.14:31
jcdOh I'm perfectly willing to figure it out on my own, but it never hurts to share data.14:32
@kanzurei just did14:32
@kanzurebut you said you hate it :/14:32
jcdI hate reading other people's ingenious inventions. But if it's some pragmatic thing, or simply someone's statement of intent, then it can be worked with!14:33
uniqanomaly_jcd: cover your eyes for 1 fucking day then get back here and say you don't like reading14:33
uniqanomaly_you feel like 'challenge accepted'?14:34
@kanzurewell anyway, you should do some reading14:34
jcdAlrighty then.14:34
jcdI retract the question.14:34
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@kanzurejcd: it's only somewhat related to your question14:39
jcdWhat is?14:40
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@kanzurejcd: the links14:45
@kanzurei suspect you're retracting your question because you think the details of maybe accomplishing longevity are uninteresting14:46
jcdNo, it is because the positions of all concerned are reasonably clear.14:47
@kanzureyep i don't know what we're talking about any more14:47
@kanzureare you saying: your interest in longevity or possibly accomplishing longevity-related projects is less than your interest in knowing whether or not there are immortals in here?14:48
jcdWell... let me put it this way. I have an idea or two, but they've thus far been expressed in macro terms. I was curious if anyone else has thought of this, also.14:50
jcdBacking off of that a bit, I'm also interested in learning how you, individually, view the subject of biological (and I emphasize -- biological) immortality or a state close to it.14:51
jcdThat's all.14:51
@kanzurehow i view the subject?14:51
@kanzurewell, i review the literature, if that's what you mean14:51
jcdWell, yes. Do you have a favorite approach?14:51
jcdA strategy, perhaps? Something that you're convinced might work?14:52
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@kanzurethere's lots of notes in that directory i linked you to, with a few strategies outlined and reviewed14:52
@kanzurebut i wouldn't go as far as saying any of them are a favorite14:52
jcdYou don't have one then?14:53
@kanzurenot really?14:54
jcdYou're trying to alter the tissues of an organism, some organism. You're trying to make it pass the Hayflick limit.14:54
jcdHow would you do it?14:55
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strangewarpApplied theology.14:56
@kanzurejcd: well, it depends on my constraints14:56
@kanzurein certain situations it's more efficient to just replace the body with a blood infusion machine14:56
@kanzureoxygen-blood infusing machine14:57
jcdFair enough. But suppose that you did not wish to pursue that route.14:57
jcdYour constraint is to remain more or less human.14:57
jcdMore so than less -- minimal disfigurement.14:57
jcdThat means no neural interface sci-fi, no jumping into a clone. You're just working with cells.14:58
@kanzurehey, why are you willing to read what i type but not what i typed previously in those .txt iles?14:59
@kanzurejust go read those14:59
* kanzure will bbl14:59
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* ybit never found the rtmp address for the video15:16
* ybit downloaded the video via downloadhelper in ffox15:16
* ybit also misread everything kanzure said the other day15:16
Mariuybit try something that handles the rtmp protocol15:17
ybitrtmpdump -r rtmp://streamingmedia.wolfram.com/ondemand isn't going to work though15:17
ybitit needs to be more specific15:17
ybitwolframalpha_overview_700.flv in http://www.wolframalpha.com/flash/vidconfig-about.xml15:21
ybitwolframalpha_overview_700_PIP.flv as well15:21
ybitrtmpdump -r rtmp://streamingmedia.wolfram.com/ondemand/wolframalpha_overview_700.flv is a negative15:23
ybitguess i might try --swfUrl <swf-address>15:25
@kanzureyeah you'll need to know something about the rtmp protocol to figure out how to construct a request15:26
@kanzureif you want to be a cheater,15:26
@kanzureyou can close out all your internet shit15:26
@kanzureand open up wireshark15:26
@kanzuremonitor http port 80 incoming/outgoing while you load that page and play the video15:26
@kanzurethen filter by streamingmedia.wolfram.com's ip address15:26
ybitis the port necessary or will rtmpdump just assume a standard port?15:27
* ybit decides to cheat15:27
@kanzurei think rtmp runs on a custom port15:28
@kanzureit's just some mangled form of http iirc15:28
@kanzurebtw your other option is to use swfdump, but that's too extreme15:28
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@kanzure"typing at 255 wpm shouldn't cost $4000"17:08
@kanzuresomething something about plover17:08
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-!- jcd [~user@c-76-120-124-115.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]17:26
ybithttp://www.openvsp.org/ :: "At the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics Aerospace Sciences Meeting in Nashville, NASA engineers unveiled the newly open sourced OpenVSP, software that allows users to construct full aircraft models from simple parameters such as wing span and fuselage length, under the NASA Open Source Agreement."17:30
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@kanzureit uses opennurbs :/17:44
@kanzureseems to be a set of patches17:47
@kanzurei'm not impressed by their examples17:53
-!- Hasp [~Hasp@c-98-229-98-154.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:21
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@kanzureeditor plugin for high-speed htmling20:23
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Mariusee you guys23:13
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has quit [Quit: leaving]23:13
--- Log closed Mon Jan 16 00:00:17 2012

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