
--- Log opened Sat Feb 25 00:00:25 2012
utopiahMonday http://www.media.mit.edu/events/2012/02/27/jennifer-lewis-printing-functional-materials00:01
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kanzurea pirate's life for someone08:29
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bkeroyo ho ho08:37
* bkero thought for a second that was Juliette Lewis08:37
bkerowtf?  scientologists?  printing?08:38
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rkoshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKxmqMH4w_A finally bbc gets its hands on biology09:14
rkosor synthetic biology to be more accurate09:15
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chris_99oh i think i saw that, is that the one with the 'spider goat' rkos?09:22
kanzureroar i demand better protein engineering material09:22
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rkosyeah chris_9909:40
kanzure"During protein synthesis, tRNAs are delivered to the ribosome by proteins called elongation factors (EF-Tu in bacteria, eEF-1 in eukaryotes), which aid in decoding the mRNA codon sequence. Once delivered, a tRNA already bound to the ribosome transfers the growing polypeptide chain from its 3’ end to ...."09:54
kanzure"This complex transiently enters the ribosome, with the tRNA anticodon domain associating with the mRNA codon in the ribosomal A site. If the codon-anticodon pairing is correct, EF-Tu hydrolyzes guanosine triphosphate (GTP) into guanosine diphosphate (GDP) and inorganic phosphate, and changes in conformation to dissociate from the tRNA molecule."09:54
kanzurewe need something like that to make juul's method work09:54
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kanzureexcept for handing off a nucleotide to a polymerase, instead of handing off tRNA to a ribosome09:54
kanzurei guess it makes the tRNA bind to the ribosome immediately09:56
kanzurebut how does it dissociate the tRNA if it's incorrect?09:56
kanzure"EF-Tu contributes to translational accuracy in three ways. It delays GTP hydrolysis if the tRNA in the ribosome’s A site does not match the mRNA codon, thus preferentially increasing the likelihood for the incorrect tRNA to leave the ribosome. It also adds a second delay (regardless of tRNA matching) after freeing itself from tRNA, before the aminoacyl-tRNA fully enters the A site."09:56
kanzure"This delay period is a second opportunity for incorrectly paired tRNA (and their bound amino acids) to move out of the A site before the incorrect amino acid is irreversibly added to the polypeptidic chain."09:57
kanzure"A third mechanism is the less well understood function of EF-Tu to crudely check aminoacyl-tRNA associations and reject complexes where the amino acid is not bound to the correct tRNA coding for it."09:57
kanzuremaybe the ribosome has some ability to determie whether or not it wants that particular tRNA to bind09:57
kanzureso the hand-off function here seems to be "well, the tRNA is placed inside this little pocket, and the ribosome might choose to do some chemical wizardry, otherwise it's free to float away"09:59
kanzureand i guess the elongation factor stays there blocking the pocket for just long enough for that reaction to be catalyzed09:59
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kanzure"DeepDyve is the largest online rental service for professional and scholarly research articles"11:34
kanzure"With DeepDyve, you can "rent" an article which allows you to view-only the full article from the DeepDyve site for 24 hours (or more), but you cannot print or download the document. With DeepDyve, you get reduced access in exchange for a massively reduced price — up to 90% off the cost of purchasing the document."11:34
kanzure"With DeepDyve, our users can "rent" and read-only the full article for as little as $0.99. Rented articles cannot be downloaded or printed."11:35
kanzurehow the fuck do they get the data to my computer then?11:35
kanzurewhat the hell are they smoking11:35
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ParahSailin__i think if someone were to make a pirate .onion service for article retrieval then they ought to charge some nominal btc fee11:37
chris_99thats ridiculous kanzure11:37
chris_99i'm guessing they never heard of google scholar11:38
kanzureimages :(11:38
kanzureso how is an image "read-only"?11:40
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chris_99they expect you can't edit the text i guess11:49
kanzurepeople don't read papers to edit the text11:51
kanzurei mean,11:51
kanzurepeople don't download papers to edit the text anyway, i don't see how this is different11:51
chris_99copying the text is handy though11:52
chris_99for quotes11:52
chris_99sounds a useless service though anyhow11:53
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delinquentmewhats the european version of the NCBI?12:53
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kanzuredelinquentme: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ ?12:54
delinquentmeyeahh just got it :D12:55
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yashgarothre: deepdyve, I tried it out for a while but their selection is beyond terrible13:06
yashgarothif you want to print it can you presumably printscreen and do that, idk whether you can haxor it to get the pdf that they display13:06
delinquentmeawesome example of locating pathways within the metabolic system of ecoli http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8qcDQaY8Mw13:07
kanzureyashgaroth: you can get a raw link to each image if you go looking13:07
yashgarothhaha it's easier than I thought then13:07
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kanzureyashgaroth: i need a nucleotide-binding enzyme that can dump a nucleotide to polymerase14:41
kanzurei was thinking the elongation factors that plug into ribosomes look interesting14:41
yashgaroththey do, but I doubt we could modify one to bind pol/nucleotides instead of ribosomes/tRNAs14:44
yashgarothEFs are a good metaphor for what we're trying to do though14:45
kanzureEF backbones might be reusable, maybe14:58
kanzurei haven't seen yet how much EFs vary between species14:58
yashgarothfar less than most proteins15:09
kanzureyashgaroth: http://groups.google.com/group/enzymaticsynthesis/msg/ce426232cb5f1373?hl=en_US&15:13
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kanzure"vitamin c is a bug that needs to be patched" http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=363399316:46
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delinquentmegit config --global --add color.ui true17:48
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delinquentme^^ kanzure17:49
delinquentmeim playing around w themes in ubuntu for the first time17:50
delinquentmeSO PRETTY17:50
delinquentmethey've got surprisingly amazing designers17:50
delinquentmeGEEKING OUT17:50
sylph_makoLast I looked they only had like 3 ok themes. How many are there now?17:52
delinquentmetheres the base themes but also the customized ones17:52
jrayhawkTypically if you want crazily overworked themes, e17 is the ecosystem to look for them in17:53
jrayhawkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKXXVZs9Hgg for example17:55
delinquentmeunnecessary transion effects17:57
delinquentmethats just sucking performance .. b ut its cool ish17:57
jrayhawkThey're using a compositing window manager, so it's probably actually more efficient than what you've got.18:01
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jrayhawkIn computational terms, that is. Obviously it's the overlapping window model, so interactive efficiency is disgustingly low.18:04
sylph_makoI once designed a window manager. Step one was throwing out the idea that anything should overlap ever.18:04
sylph_makoI will never be able to code this window manager. By the time I put down the design I was wondering how to add 3d graphs.18:05
sylph_makoEvery window was to dynamically maintain a planar graph representing how useful it would find each possible allocation of dimensions at that time.18:06
sylph_makoIt was perfect. Too perfect to exist.18:06
sylph_makonot planar. IDK if there's a word for it.18:08
sylph_makofor every x,y: x,y>0,  f(x,y) must be defined. And it only increases or stays the same as the variables increase.18:10
jrayhawkUm, why must it only increase or stay the same as the variables increase?18:11
jrayhawkoh i guess "heat map" is probably specifically what you want18:12
sylph_makobecause a window can never express less to a user given more screen space. The utility only increases.18:13
jrayhawkPixel art becomes inaccurate if scaled by a non-integer value.18:13
jrayhawkThat is less desirable.18:13
sylph_makoBut the utility of surrounding windows would decrease as it's alocated more space. So it's just about balancing that.18:13
sylph_makoBut the window doesn't have to scale up the pixel art, it can just center it at a reasonable resolution.18:14
kanzuredelinquentme: i'm able to help with phantomjs.. it's basically just javascript like jquery18:14
jrayhawkIf it's just centering it, then you've just defeated the point of your scoring system.18:15
jrayhawkA window next to it could clearly utilize that space better, and *can't*18:15
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sylph_makoNo see, that's where the utility of the size just stays the same. It would be like stairs. The window manager would look at its graph and see; there's no point in giving it more than this unless I can get it up to the next step.18:17
jrayhawkThat sort of paradigm would work well for irregular windows and displays, so long as you can enumerate the variables determining the size of the shapes involved.18:25
sylph_makoenumerating configurations is a bit of a holy grail of mine.18:25
jrayhawkSomething like a car dashboard, which is typically L-shaped and unpleasantly rounded, for instance.18:26
sylph_makoI would have no idea where to start in trying to adapt this for irregular shapes like that.18:26
jrayhawk"unpleasantly" from an engineering persepctive18:26
jrayhawkWell, you have the heat maps, so it would just be matter of iterating out the forces being exerted by the windows on eachother.18:27
delinquentmekanzure, so its just "where does that code go" assuming that the headless webkit can download things18:27
delinquentmewhats the name of that portion of the setup?18:27
jrayhawkYou can even have concepts of "inertia" and "dampening" to make the resizing seem fluid enough to be aesthetically pleasing18:28
delinquentmeif i want to extend my 2 free hours of wireless .. thats probably just changing my mac adress right?18:29
kanzuredelinquentme: haha i don't know what to call it either18:29
kanzuredelinquentme: http://code.google.com/p/phantomjs/wiki/QuickStart18:29
sylph_makoI guess I could do an L shaped display by cutting out a section of a rectangular display with a window with infinite utility at the size of the notch..18:30
sylph_makoBut if windows wern't rectangular their heat maps wouldn't be two dimensional?18:31
jrayhawkDepends on the shape; circles are defined by one variable, ovals are defined by two.18:32
jrayhawkYou can make more complex shapes with higher numbers of variables. You'd need to define a function rather than a static map at some point, of course.18:33
sylph_makoshit. 4d graphs made of Hyperplanes.18:33
sylph_makoand so on.18:34
* delinquentme has < 25% ideas of whats going on .. but he likes dis convo18:37
delinquentmei need dis18:38
jrayhawkhee hee, now i want to combine this system with a car and an accelerometer, and have all the instrumentation dynamicly pack itself to one side when you take a corner18:38
kanzurewhat was that python ide that mark sims kept on using?18:40
jrayhawkoh, ovals are merely "rounded shapes", ellipses are the simple one18:44
jrayhawkgeometry is hard18:45
jrayhawkand ellipses and rectangles are rotatable, which i suppose would be a third variable18:45
sylph_makoI think you'd have trouble extrapolating how eliptical windows would impinge on the utility of other windows.18:46
jrayhawkAssuming you want to fully determine the closest metastable solution with every frame, yes.18:47
jrayhawkI don't see why that would be necessary, though.18:47
jrayhawks/every frame/every render/18:47
sylph_makoPerhaps I should learn more about these heat maps?18:48
sylph_makoSince seeing the code bubbles thing I know I need to consider things more like, rough and iterative. That kind of modeling of intersection is useful.18:49
jrayhawkOr, I guess, if you want to fully solve perfect stability, you're pretty screwed, but assuming you don't mind slowly iterating on a per-frame basis, you can find metastability *eventually*18:49
jrayhawkassuming some jerk didn't add an accelerometer to the mix, anyway.18:57
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sylph_makoAnother problem is apps misrepresenting their utility graphs in order to get more screen space. Presumably the only solution to that is to castrate every developer except the queen so that the only viable evolutionary strategy is to selflessly act in the interest of the hive.19:09
jrayhawkthat seems like a problem to be solved by distributions19:10
sylph_makoLike having an external party provide apps' utility graphs?19:11
jrayhawkIf an application has a utility graph that doesn't interoperate well with an existing ecosystem, it is a bug to be fixed.19:11
jrayhawkIf the originator doesn't fix it, a downstream distributor can do so instead.19:12
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jrayhawkSee: Joerg Schilling vs. every Linux distribution19:13
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sylph_makoI don't really see a limiting criterion on distribution as a solution. Distros that don't get apps in the repos until like a year after they're ready are just.. not really doing it...19:26
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sylph_makoThere have to be open repos.19:26
sylph_makoIs what I mean to say.19:26
sylph_mako[While we're talking about impossibly correct solutions ;]19:26
delinquentmeUN BELIEVEABLE20:05
delinquentmeun effing believeable20:05
delinquentmei *THINK*20:05
delinquentmei just deployed this sucker to heroku20:05
* delinquentme shit eating grin20:06
delinquentmei dont know what to do men20:12
delinquentmeman** this is AWESOME20:12
delinquentmelike all I have left is to insert some entries and build the frontend20:13
foucistdelinquentme: happy with heroku eh? :P20:25
delinquentmefoucist, so heroku is cool20:26
delinquentmebut whats cooler is that I've THUSFAR got this brilliantly complex tech stack working20:26
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* ThomasEgi hates noisy magnetometer data for beeing ways too noisy21:07
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-!- Mokbortolan_ [~Nate@c-71-59-241-82.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:27
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-24-3-85-154.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]22:59
-!- Steel_AFK is now known as Steel_ZZZ23:06
-!- marainein [~marainein@220-253-24-72.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:15
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Steel_ZZZis this an example of a waste of time?23:35
--- Log closed Sun Feb 26 00:00:26 2012

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