
--- Log opened Tue Feb 28 00:00:29 2012
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rdbYay, the ADS1192 breakout boards I ordered from a PCB manufacturer arrived05:01
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chris_99that was for EEG stuff right rdb?05:11
bkeroYou guys've seen that synthesizing pseudophedrine from meth, right?06:05
rdbchris_99, if you want a couple, PM me with your address info etc06:28
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-78-36.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:14
JayDuggerHello, all.07:16
kanzurei thought you were dead07:20
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kanzurentu/singapore diybio thing http://genewired.com/en/diy.html07:52
bkerokanzure: Darn, I was just over in Singapore a month ago, I wish you'd have told me :)07:53
bkeroI was at the local hackerspace, but not this07:54
kanzurewish you would have told me you were in singapore07:57
kanzurebut yeah their hackerspace is pretty chill07:58
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bkerokanzure: i'm in paris now, bay area next week for two weeks, london the week after that, argentina the week after that08:00
kanzurebkero: ok, in paris check out tmplab08:00
kanzurein london check out london hackspace (they have a diybio group)08:00
kanzurebay area is obvious - biocurious, techshop, noisebridge, shit lik that08:01
kanzureargentina - a little trickier..08:01
bkerobuenos aires08:01
kanzurewell if you hop coasts to chile, there's the startupchile program :P08:02
kanzurebackyardbrains and a few others are hanging out there08:02
bkeroI'm definitely used to the startup culture, yea08:03
bkerobut not in chile08:03
bkeroI'm in BA for Mozcamp LATAM08:03
kanzurebut really, try out tmplab and their diybio group08:03
bkeroThey're having an open hack session tomorrow08:03
bkeroI might swing by and see how far I can fumble aroundby not speaking french08:03
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kanzure 308:52
ParahSailin_the bunsen burner for pouring plates is more or less mysticism08:53
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* delinquentme wubbz09:30
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ParahSailin_. This would be09:57
ParahSailin_a really cool designer probiotics that would benefit so many people,09:57
ParahSailin_particularly those on high fat diets (obesity).09:57
ParahSailin_grr, "high fat diet" does not cause obesity09:57
kanzureParahSailin_: i have never seen a field so muddled with confusion as diet/nutrition09:57
Coornailthat's a common misconception09:57
* ParahSailin_ is paleo high fat all the way09:58
Coornailyeah, and there is keto09:58
kanzureParahSailin_: however, i think gut biotics is interesting09:58
ParahSailin_gut flora has got to be important09:59
kanzuremaybe not his particular goal (anti-obesity) but in theory fat absorption should be possible09:59
kanzure*fat digestion09:59
kanzureerm, some-sorta-lipid-metabolism09:59
Coornailthere are tons of things that can go wrong there, so I would be carefult09:59
Coornailbut definitely interesting10:00
ParahSailin_i think that gut flora naturally equilibriates to optimally consume energy in the gut, so i dont think spiking the gut with new stuff would do much at all10:01
ParahSailin_the host-colonist interactions are probably what determine the microbial ecology10:01
ParahSailin_for example, hosts may have varying levels of short chain fatty acid transporters in the lumen10:02
ParahSailin_any variation in those levels will alter the amount of acidogenesis and methanogenesis in the floral ecology10:03
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kanzureyet another proprietary web-EDA tool https://www.circuitlab.com/10:33
chris_99ooh interesting10:37
chris_99great doesn't work for me10:37
chris_99'Error 403: Forbidden CSRF protection failure'10:37
kanzureare you using a weird browser?10:40
kanzurecsrf is just this scheme where they embed something in the previous page that allows you to access the next page10:41
kanzureso if your browser sucks or breaks this process then when they check for the variable on the next page things go kaboom10:41
chris_99nope, justFF10:41
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archelshahaha the word "flamoot" is banned on 4chan?11:05
kanzurebecause of ours truly.11:06
archelsgreat stuff on [singularity]...11:06
kanzurearchels: http://groups.google.com/group/singularity-aliens11:06
archelswhat, don't tell me you visit let alone post on 4chan?11:06
kanzureno it's not because of me, it's because of *him*11:07
kanzurebut yeah i was only on 4chan when it was cool11:07
archelsIt never ceases to amaze me though, the way the mind contorts to come up with a logical, integrative explanation for what is perceived.11:10
archelsBut from what I've read on the subject, for schizophrenics, the conclusion is somehow never 'I have schizophrenia', which is a little paradoxical.11:11
archels(Occam's razor)11:11
kanzureor schizophrenia sounds suspicious11:12
kanzureoh you mean there's a condition that causes voices in my head and delusions of persecution? HOW CONVENIENT11:12
archelsI guess that's where the paranoia comes in.11:13
delinquentmekanz do you use haml / sass?11:30
kanzureyeah sometimes11:30
kanzurecompass+sass or less or scss is really nice.11:31
kanzurewell, sass/scss11:31
kanzurei don't even remember which one i prefer11:31
kanzure"The new main syntax (as of Sass 3) is known as “SCSS” (for “Sassy CSS”),"11:31
kanzureah right.11:31
delinquentmecurly brackets or not11:37
delinquentmenone of my html.haml files are actually being parsed into .html11:37
kanzuredo you have haml setup to be used in your rails asset pipeline11:38
delinquentmeno i dont...11:39
delinquentmeI mean all I need is the Gemfile spc11:39
delinquentmerails 3.0.1111:39
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kanzuredelinquentme: yeah you should setup haml first :P11:42
kanzurehmm http://search.cpan.org/~ingy/pQuery-0.07/lib/pQuery.pm11:59
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delinquentmeLAWL rails kids get scared when i mention chemoinformatics =/13:40
delinquentmejust finished up a call w adobe13:40
ThomasEgiadobe? lemme guess. the phone-call crashed trice or more during the call :D13:41
delinquentmeno but we needed to authenticate my photoshop key twice13:42
uniqanomalyright, pirates don't have to xD13:43
delinquentmeshe didnt think it was funny when i said YAR show me ur booty13:45
delinquentmeworse when i realized she was a he13:45
delinquentmebut then again... its in SF13:45
delinquentme 0=]13:45
rdbhow do you mistake a woman for a man when you're on the phone with that person?14:03
rdbunless the line is really crappy or he has a quite effeminate voice14:04
ThomasEgiadobe.. anything's possible14:04
rdbthen again, it's SF, so it's probably the effeminate voice14:04
rdbif we're going for stereotypes anyway.14:05
rdb*yawn* bedtime14:05
kanzuredelinquentme: to be fair, python's cheminformatics libraries are way cooler14:17
kanzuredelinquentme: photoshop validation is by pinging some remote host.. you can just add adobe's key servers to your /etc/hosts file and route it to localhost14:18
kanzurealso you would need to use some key that looks potentially valid to photoshop14:22
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delinquentmeoh i was joking about all of that :D14:28
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kanzuremore about the federal research public access act: http://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=96614:34
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kanzurehttp://thecostofknowledge.com/ has been updated..14:37
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delinquentmeAt Elsevier, we have always focused on serving the global research community and ensuring the best possible access to research publications and data.14:47
delinquentmeis that like what legal advises them to do?14:47
delinquentme" lie right off the bat so theres no question "14:47
kanzurehas anyone seen a good forced mind-uploading scifi story?14:47
kanzureand not one written by AlonzoTG14:48
kanzurefor instance, mind-uploading-without-permission scenarios14:48
kanzurehmm i guess that's not descriptive enough either. i mean the sort of 'forced' in the same way that you can get robbed or have something copied without your permission14:49
-!- archels [~foo@sascha.esrac.ele.tue.nl] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:01
Steel_ZZZkanzure: Eclipse Phase15:02
Steel_ZZZwhich is explicitly written by hardline transhumanists15:02
kanzurethat's an rpg15:03
Steel_ZZZwith short fiction15:03
EtheraelWhat does this mean "hardline transhumanist" ?15:05
jrayhawkI hope it means they'll kill any filthy humanists or singulitarians who get in their way.15:06
EtheraelWhy would a singularitarian get in the way of a transhumanist?15:06
kanzurehahah for so many reasnos15:06
EtheraelHow so?15:06
sylph_makoI believe their central tennet was ensuring that the singularity goes in humanity's favor?15:07
kanzureany sufficiently enhanced being is a major risk to singularitarians15:07
EtheraelCouldn't transhumanism be an outcome of a singularity that goes in favor of humanity?15:08
jrayhawkwell, this depends on the particular singularity movement involved15:08
sylph_makoHumans tend to want things. Silly things.15:08
kanzureEtherael: "humanity" is quite an amorphous concept or identifier no?15:08
Etheraelkanzure: I suppose, you could argue that the caterpillar does not want to become a butterfly and would wage war on the process, it would seem silly, but when it comes to humans I suppose silly is par for the course.15:09
Etheraelcaterpillars become butterflies, as humans would become transhumans.15:09
kanzuresingularitarians feel that since butterflies can kill everyone, nobody should be a butterfly15:09
kanzureunless there's strict controls over the butterflying15:10
Etheraelkanzure: That strikes me as quite strange.15:10
kanzurewell duh15:10
Steel_ZZZEtherael: Let's put it this way15:11
Steel_ZZZpeople had trouble sleeping for days15:11
EtheraelDo you think this negation of transhumanism is implicit to singularitarianism?15:11
Steel_ZZZand panic attacks on less wrong15:11
Steel_ZZZbecause someone posted something that put them into a logical loop15:11
jrayhawkNot implicit, merely very very very likely./15:11
EtheraelBefore this discussion I would have thought the opposite way entirely. Interesting idea though.15:11
kanzureEtherael: i think siai is very much interested in preventing the creation of transhumanist beings15:11
EtheraelSteel_ZZZ: What thing?15:12
jrayhawkThe SIAI is not representitive of all singulatariainarnaiairnans15:12
kanzurethat's questionable joe..15:12
Steel_ZZZlemme find it Etherael15:12
kanzurewasn't 'singularitarianism' specifically defined/hijacked by eliezer15:12
Etheraelkanzure: I still think that's inconsistent, siai is about progress, h+ is about progress.. they're glove in hand to my mind.15:12
kanzureEtherael: humanity+ is a horrible organization that you should forget about15:12
Steel_ZZZhttp://rationalwiki.org/wiki/LessWrong#The_ugly the hilarious15:12
kanzureEtherael: siai is more about FAI15:12
EtheraelI don't mean it in the sense of an organisation, but an idea.15:12
Steel_ZZZkanzure, ethereal is talking about the philosophy of h+ I think15:12
jrayhawkI don't think he's in a position to do that.15:13
kanzurejrayhawk: no really, i think eliezer defined that word and then his friends joined up and defined themselves and their philosophy as that15:13
jrayhawk"singularity" is a Vinge term.15:14
kanzureEtherael: siai is more about friendly ai calculus and existential risk calculus15:14
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kanzurejrayhawk: well sure15:14
Steel_ZZZFriendly AI, however, was coined by EY15:14
Etheraelkanzure: The idea that one could be for AI and yet against h+ because it is terribly dangerous is somewhat hilarious.15:14
Steel_ZZZbecause humans are irrational, you see15:14
kanzureEtherael: they aren't for ai! they are for "do nothing until we figure out how to guarantee it's friendly"15:14
Steel_ZZZand AI will be rational15:14
jrayhawkthe SIAI isn't really "for AI" either15:14
Steel_ZZZif we follow X Y and Z guidelines15:14
kanzuresiai is not what you think it is :P and they don't try hard to hide it either15:14
kanzurei mean, it's not like it's a cover up or anything15:15
kanzurethey are very explicit about their goals15:15
Etheraelkanzure: That's kind of an interesting slant on being a luddite.15:15
Steel_ZZZSIAI believes AI is inevitable, and it's their duty to prevent one that will accidentally wipe us out15:15
jrayhawkthe public face of SIAI is first and formost humanist.15:15
EtheraelWe're all for these revolutionary ideas, but not until we can nail them down and define them so precisely that the chances of anything ever going wrong are precisely zero.15:15
kanzurethey are /not/ for these revolutionary ideas15:15
kanzurealthough they are well versed in them15:15
jrayhawkThough I suspect distinction should be drawn between the public face of SIAI and what their long-term goals are.15:17
EtheraelSteel_ZZZ: That future AI thing is ... what the fuck.15:17
jrayhawkPublicly they are humanist, but most of their associates are probably pro-AI.15:17
kanzurethey are pro-FAI15:17
EtheraelWe shouldn't free the negroes until we can be certain that they will never rape our women.15:17
kanzurei don't think my brain counts as FAI so they will probably never be pro- transhumanist bryan15:17
jrayhawkI expect a lot of them are simply pro-AI.15:17
jrayhawkEtherael: haha, that's an awesome allegory15:18
EtheraelI try.15:19
jrayhawkAnyway, I've heard people in here complain about the resources allocated to the AI-Singularity movement, and I'm sure there are plenty of AI-Singularity proponents that are complaining about resources being allocated to transhumanist interests, so there's plenty of room for conflict.15:20
kanzurei think i've more complained about their strategy than anything else15:21
Steel_ZZZso I found out I have a 2nd degree contact with one of the guys who worked on the artificial cerebellum15:21
Steel_ZZZin israel15:21
Steel_ZZZgonna see if I can get him in here15:21
kanzureactually, i can't think of anyone in here who has directly criticized ai work other than AlonzoTG regarding mind uploading paranoia15:21
jrayhawkI like AI and fully expect it to destroy us all in 30-70 years.15:22
kanzure"i hate humans and fully expect one to kill us all in N years"15:23
kanzuresame thing15:23
jrayhawkWell, it'd be a transhuman if anything.15:23
kanzurewas hitler a transhuman15:23
kanzureoh god i afil15:23
EtheraelIt wouldn't be the worst that could happen, humanity is a virus with shose.15:23
Steel_ZZZman, everything's a virus by that perspective15:23
jrayhawkhooray i have a misanthrope buddy15:24
jrayhawkkanzure: hitler isn't scalable15:24
Etheraelcongrats jh, that is about the most wtf comment I have heard in as long as I can remember.15:24
EtheraelI am still trying to wrap my synapses around the actual semantics of it.15:25
jrayhawkhitler, stalin, and mao all had pretty similar death tolls, and all for mostly the same reasons, and were all self-limiting because of it.15:25
Steel_ZZZalso his methods didn't actually work15:25
kanzurejrayhawk: my point is that a transhuman hitler would presumably be scalable, just like any uFAI15:26
Etheraeljrayhawk: WHen you say "self limiting" you mean in terms of body counts or good results or bad results or funny tiny moustaches or human weakness exploiting rhetorical speeches or.. ?15:27
jrayhawkOh, yes.15:27
kanzureEtherael: in terms of hitler transforming the world based on his intentions15:27
jrayhawkOr killing everyone. My statement applies to either one.15:27
EtheraelBut what is the assumption that his intentions were?15:28
EtheraelAh, killing everyone? was that really his intent?15:28
kanzureclose enough?15:28
EtheraelI wouldn't think so.15:28
EtheraelWhat do you think his intentions really were?15:29
Steel_ZZZimproving the human race, wasn't it?15:29
Steel_ZZZin a twisted ass way?15:29
EtheraelI wonder if that information can ever even be accurately known, after all that has happened and all the obfuscation implicit in those circumstances.15:29
jrayhawkThey wanted supreme agency.15:29
kanzurejrayhawk: right15:29
EtheraelSteel_ZZZ: I'm not sure.. What if he just wanted absolute power over everything, good old world domination?15:29
Steel_ZZZthey were also inspired by the way nietzsche's sister twisted his writings15:30
EtheraelWhat would that have looked like? how would it have differed from a eugenic approach?15:30
kanzureso again15:30
kanzurethis ties back to the whole siai/supreme agency against ai thing15:30
EtheraelHow so?15:30
kanzure(except nobody at siai is provably friendly either; and even if they were, i don't think i would care)15:30
jrayhawkHmm. I should write an essay on this so I stop getting roped into long conversations about the basic framework.15:33
jrayhawkAlso I should stop getting distracted by the internet and deal with damned invoices.15:33
kanzurehaha you haven't done that yet?15:33
kanzurethat was like four hours ago15:33
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Etheraellose weight while charging your mobile phone15:38
kanzureEtherael: have you been here before15:38
Etheraelkanzure: Only since yesterday when you invited me.15:38
EtheraelDoes anyone here have actual magnetic implants?15:45
Steel_ZZZianmathwiz, when he's around, does15:45
Steel_ZZZyou can ask in #biopunk15:45
EtheraelWhat kind of sensitivity do they have to fields? I assume you couldn't feel like a wifi signal?15:46
chris_99am i right in thinking they're essentially a tiny magnet implanted in your skin15:51
Steel_ZZZvery small15:52
Steel_ZZZveeeery small15:52
chris_99so not you're not going to be able to feel wifi Etherael15:53
Steel_ZZZalthough there's ways to hijack that15:53
EtheraelSo, is there actually any practical use?15:53
Steel_ZZZyou can use it as an interface15:53
chris_99you could do that by attaching a radio reciever to a neuron ;)15:53
Steel_ZZZsolenoid around the implant finger, hook up sensor outputs to solenoid15:53
Etheraelan interface to / from what?15:54
chris_99you could stick metal objects to yourself15:54
EtheraelPockets do that, and objects don't even need to be metal.15:54
kanzureEtherael: it's more of a touchy-feely mod15:55
Etheraelkanzure: Are there any mods that are useful at this stage that are deployed ?15:55
chris_99coclear implants15:55
chris_99(spelt wrong probably)15:55
kanzureother brain implants (sorta useful.. mostly not)15:55
Etheraelcochlear, yeah, I knew a little girl who got one of those.15:56
kanzureall sorts of biological/genetic stuff15:56
EtheraelI am pretty sure it required extensive medical consults and cost a ridiculous truckload of cash.15:56
foucistcochlear isn't a brain implant :P15:56
chris_99why not?15:56
kanzureEtherael: foucist has one15:56
chris_99it connects to the neurons of your brain does it not15:56
foucistthe chip goes under the skin, on the skull, not in the brain.. and the wire goes into the ear15:56
kanzureah, well15:57
EtheraelEffectively it's a hearing aid, right?15:57
foucistchris_99: no, it goes near the neurons of the cochlea in the ear15:57
kanzureEtherael: regarding brain implants http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/neuro/implants/15:57
Steel_ZZZhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GeNhFdgn5s&feature=channel etherael15:57
foucistEtherael: yeah15:57
kanzureoh god15:57
Steel_ZZZkanzure, lol.15:57
foucistkanzure: your macro broke ;)15:58
foucist(implying you need one heh)15:58
kanzurei am not a macro15:58
Etheraelrapid response 360 degree magnetic sensor with a few meters range would be neat.15:58
Etheraelnot something that senses magnets.15:59
Steel_ZZZethereal: I believe they're working on that too15:59
kanzurewho the hell is "they"15:59
Etheraelsomething that tells you by magnetic force or vibration things are moving around you.15:59
Steel_ZZZkanzure: the people at biohack.me15:59
foucistEtherael: why not echolocation16:00
kanzureSteel_ZZZ: so you mean ThomasEgi16:00
Steel_ZZZthere are some other people too I think?16:00
kanzurehi ThomasEgi16:01
Etheraelfoucist: That would be a sense method to use sound to bounce off objects? But the way to actually tell the user by interfacing with their senses where the objects are, are you suggesting an acoustic method for that too?16:01
Steel_ZZZdid you look at my youtube link, ethereal?16:01
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kanzureSteel_ZZZ: your youtube link was not very well named maybe you should describe it16:01
EtheraelSteel_ZZZ: Yep, that's what made me think of the motion detection / location thing.16:01
Steel_ZZZhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GeNhFdgn5s&feature=channel Is hooking up an ultrasonic ranger to a solenoid, which gives signal intensity to the implanted magnet based on distance from wall16:02
EtheraelI don't have sound on, but it looked to me like he was using a device to detect walls / objects etc.16:02
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foucistEtherael: there's a blind guy that goes biking and does things most blind people can't, all with making a loud clicking sound and listening to the echoes16:02
Etheraelfoucist: Yeah i've heard of that, that I imagine has to be extremely hard for a normal person to learn how to do.16:02
Etheraelalso, the loud clicking sounds..16:03
Etheraelif you computerise it maybe you could use non audible frequencies / receivers and translate the information into something easier to interpret.16:03
foucistyeah its' extremely difficult, he teaches other blind people to do it and only very few end up actually doing the echolocation trick16:04
Etheraelor maybe laser sweeps just make more sense.16:04
EtheraelI'm not sure.16:04
Steel_ZZZthat follows along with what mokbortalon is working on Etherael, I think.16:04
Etheraelwildly ad libbing.16:04
Steel_ZZZhooking up sensors to fingertips16:04
kanzureEtherael: clearly the correct solution is the brainport :P16:04
kanzure(tongue electrode array)16:04
ThomasEgihm i know one blind person that can snip with his fingers to locate at least walls16:04
ThomasEginot good enoug for biking tho16:04
ThomasEgibut good enough for not hitting a wall in a building16:04
Etheraelkanzure: Actually that did cross my mind, tongue electrode, though I have to admit the entire idea of that interface strikes me as completely bizzarre.16:04
Steel_ZZZwhich is why Mokbortolan_ wants to do it on fingertips16:05
kanzureThomasEgi: don't they have sticks for that16:05
ThomasEgikanzure, what's cooler. stick or click?16:05
EtheraelHow would you translate a coord in a 360 degree sphere to a fingertip signal?16:05
ThomasEgia stick is very useful to find obstacles on the ground and near you.16:05
kanzureEtherael: http://web.archive.org/web/20101004022903/http://vision.wicab.com/technology/16:05
kanzurethey have since taken down their awesome images16:06
fouciststick is good for detecting sudden dropoffs (echolocation doesn't help much with that)..  or for finding something that's infront of a wall.. since a wall can hide the echo16:06
ThomasEgia sort of 360 range-finder should be very possible with a bunch of implants16:07
EtheraelThomasEgi: That's a 2d plane, a lot simpler to give information on than 360 sphere16:07
ThomasEgiwell most of the time you dont need to worry about the stuff above you16:07
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ThomasEgiand for the stuff below you, only the thing rigth in front of your feet should matter .16:08
ThomasEgithe rest is pretty much a ring around you16:08
Etheraelnot disagreeing that the stick works just fine for most cases.16:08
ThomasEgiwhich could be aproximated by a small number of electrodes16:08
ThomasEgilets say 1 for what is in front of your feet, and 7 for what is around you generally.16:09
ThomasEgimakes 8 small electrodes.16:09
ThomasEgiwould be easy enough to place around your wrist or so.16:09
Steel_ZZZspider sense :P16:09
Etherael8 small vibrator motors per arm, as you move your hands the vibration gets more rapid the closer to an object you get... that would be somewhat intuitive I guess.16:10
Etheraelyou'd rapidly figure out how it worked and get a good sense of the motion of things around you without looking.16:11
Etheraelwristband type setup16:11
ThomasEgieasiy enough to try. the sensors fit nicely inte a headband.16:11
ThomasEgiwould spare you the trouble of surgery and building implants at first16:11
EtheraelYep, that too, harder to move your head than a hand though, and can't move two devices in opposite directions and infer information from difference in response.16:12
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ThomasEgiif you can use your hand. you probably want more like a virtual-range-finder16:12
Etheraelalso do not have excuse to make backwards hadouken type movements for amusement value.16:12
ThomasEgirather than a 360 degree sense.16:12
ThomasEgiso one input would be good enough16:13
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EtheraelAre nootropics the real deal?16:16
EtheraelAnyone know from actual personal experience?16:16
kanzureEtherael: some of them vary between person to person16:16
kanzuresome of them have pretty standard effects16:16
Stee|in addition, some are more powerful if you have mental issues or aging issues, as opposed to being bog standard brain16:17
kanzureEtherael: some good resources are imminst.org's forum and #reddit-nootropics16:17
Stee|and erowid16:17
Stee|though I'd be careful around imminst.org and erowid16:17
EtheraelBut noone here uses them?16:18
Stee|I use oxiracetam on occasion16:18
Stee|I'll do more when I start working with a stable paycheck16:18
Stee|Mokbortolan_ uses a lot of shit16:18
kanzureEtherael: i am also a regular user16:18
kanzurefenn takes shit by the handful16:18
kanzureuhh who else16:18
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kanzurewell anyway. lots of people.16:18
Etheraelkanzure: What do you use and why?16:18
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kanzurei use it to win in typing competitions http://www.seanwrona.com/typeracer/profile.php?username=kanzure16:19
kanzure... kidding.16:19
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EtheraelWhat I mean is there are different types of thinking one does, so "thinking enhancement" is kind of generic.16:20
EtheraelGrind work, creative work, etc etc.16:20
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kanzurebut the brain isn't segmented into sections like that16:20
Etheraelso nootropics typically work by "improving brain function" is the way you perceive it as a user?16:21
kanzuresome regions of the brain are usefully segmented. like the visual cortex and auditory stuff obviously.16:21
kanzureEtherael: that's a really generic term16:21
Stee|there's anecdotal evidence for how noots work16:21
Stee|like, supposedly oxi works better on concrete thinking, etc.16:21
kanzurewhat the hell is "concrete thinking"16:21
kanzuresounds very abstract to me16:21
Stee|math, etc.16:21
Stee|it was very abstract16:21
Stee|erowid reports, etc.16:21
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kanzureEtherael: but yes in many cases it can be just a placebo effect16:22
EtheraelSometimes I feel like what I really need is wake up and motivate self in a can.16:25
Etheraelespecially at 10am.16:25
* Etherael yawns16:25
delinquentmeEtherael, you're just waking up? cool! you need motivation?16:28
delinquentmewhat do you want to be motivated to do?16:28
EtheraelCode a project the client can't make up their mind about what they want it to look like. ;)16:29
EtheraelSo I have to remove the fact that anything I do, they will just change later, and I will have to redo, from my awareness.16:29
EtheraelI am trying to pick tickets that will not change regardless of what they decide.16:30
EtheraelBut then this is estimating human behaviour to figure that out, and humans mystify me.16:31
kanzureEtherael: you should not be in love with your product16:32
kanzureEtherael: just be in love with charging them for doing it multiple times over16:32
Etheraelkanzure: There is that.16:32
kanzurethe reality is that i've spent many thousands of hours on products that i don't own16:32
kanzure.. in exchange for monies.16:32
kanzureEtherael: what sorta thing are you building?16:33
Etheraelkanzure: more or less a recruitment site.16:33
kanzurefun times16:33
kanzurewell, let me know if you ever need an extra hand16:34
Etheraelyou do rails too kan?16:34
Etheraelalrighty, I'll keep it in mind.16:34
kanzureEtherael: i've been doing android/ios apps, rails, django and all sorts of other horrible frameworks16:34
kanzurefacebook apps! i regret this16:35
Etheraelhaha.. "other horrible frameworks" applies to rails, django, or both?16:35
kanzurethey do their job i guess16:35
Etheraelkanzure: Cheer up, here's some kpop to distract you from the pain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4-SxcCO5d016:35
kanzureat the moment i'm writing javascript16:36
Etheraelto do what?16:36
kanzureit's this thing for the fashion industry16:36
EtheraelHmm, sounds a bit like watir.16:37
Etheraelrefer a friend, I should do refer  a friend, what recruiting site will not have refer a friend, that will be in there no matter what!16:38
kanzureone of the weirdest things i've noticed lately is that people have been really lax about their recruiting-upon-sign-up policies16:39
kanzurelinkedin and social networks always spammed your entire address book to join16:39
Etheraelkanzure: Maybe they're getting used to the fact that doing that REALLY MAKES PEOPLE ANGRY16:39
Etheraellike hulk smash angry16:39
kanzurefrom what i've heard, it only makes programmers angry16:39
Etheraellike post on every social media outlet how annoying company X is.16:39
kanzuresure, it makes me furious too16:40
kanzurebut there used to be all this jazz about "being viral"16:40
kanzureand to some extent people still talk about that16:40
kanzurebut when the apps get launched, there's no features supporting a viral coefficient going on16:40
EtheraelYes well, that's people for you isn't it?16:40
kanzurei guess google has been doing it with invites that they let users have16:41
kanzurebut that's a scarcity thing16:41
Etheraeltheir invite thing is annoying, it means that by the time everyone you want to use x with is finally online, x is no longer interesting and everyone you know who was there to begin with has gone onto y16:42
EtheraelHave there been any transhumanist forays into body temperature control?16:45
kanzureair conditioning16:45
Etheraelbeyond the smacks-one-in-the-face-with-bleeding-obviousness ?:)16:46
kanzurethere's this one transhumanist who has a paranoid delusion about suppressed body temperature control research, if that counts16:47
kanzure(something about optimal body temperatures and such)16:47
EtheraelNot sure if you are joking?16:48
kanzurei am not joking16:48
EtheraelWhat the actual fuck?16:48
kanzurei don't know if it counts as a delusion or not16:48
kanzurebut he sure likes to spam about it16:48
kanzurei could email you some stuff he sent out a few years ago16:49
Etheraelsounds like pure woo?16:49
ThomasEgiEtherael, body temperature controll is, by nature, so awesome. you can hardly match up with any tricks16:50
ThomasEgiexcept you grow thick fat fur in case you live on a glacier^16:50
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EtheraelThomasEgi: How about adiabatic refridgeration elemental inserts for clothing when it's hot and you don't want to get sweaty and smelly?16:51
kanzurei haven't figured out if there's a way to reset a person's "comfort" temperature16:52
Etheraelor for people that just flat prefer lower body temperatures.16:52
kanzurei know some people that are more comfortable at 90F than 70F16:52
Etheraelkanzure: it's interesting they vary so widely.16:52
kanzureand either way the internal temp is around 98F anyway..16:52
EtheraelI prefer constant 16c, which is way too cold for most everyone.16:53
kanzurebut clearly the body works harder for the person at 70F (otherwise they would consider it comfortable)16:53
kanzureor the other way around (someone who sweats heavily at 90F)16:53
kanzurei figure it's probably a thyroid thing16:54
kanzureor thalamic thing16:54
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ThomasEgiEtherael, tried to check out zeolith ?16:54
kanzurewait, no16:54
kanzurenot thyroid/thalamic16:54
EtheraelThomasEgi: Never heard of it.16:55
kanzureok anterior hypothalamic :P16:55
EtheraelParahSailin: What did you think?16:58
ParahSailin_play with the thyroid to change the temperature set point16:59
ParahSailin_havent finished it16:59
ParahSailin_though i wonder how many shrinks actually have adhd and use amphetamines as a lifestyle16:59
EtheraelWhen I was a kid psychologists had one of the highest suicide rates of any profession.17:00
EtheraelI wonder if that's still true.17:00
kanzureyou mean psychologists treated people who went on to kill themselves?17:01
kanzureseems kinda likely?17:01
EtheraelNo, I mean they killed themselves at a higher rate than any other profession.17:01
kanzurethey should stop killing each other.17:02
EtheraelWhich is not a bad example for irony if you think about it.17:02
kanzureoh right suicide17:02
kanzurethat kinda ruines my comment17:02
EtheraelI think humanity as a species isn't really of the standard necessary for the forcible labelling of other people as mentally ill.17:03
kanzureEtherael: there are some things that go very wrong in brains17:03
kanzurestrokes are almost universally agreed upon to be a bad thing and an illness17:04
EtheraelMotherfucker can sit around all day jacking off to jersey shore and looking forward to friday night football and say prayers before bed to an imaginary god every day and have guilt attacks over sexual urges and be considered completely sane.17:04
kanzurewho considers that sane?17:04
Etheraelkanzure: Normal people.17:04
Etheraelthe difference between paranoid delusions and religion is social acceptability.17:05
kanzureaccording to what, your news channel?17:05
Etheraelkanzure: According to just looking around at how people behave and what they profess to believe and enjoy.17:05
kanzuremaybe you need to surround yourself with different people17:05
EtheraelI do, but though you don't run with sheep that doesn't mean you don't see them.17:06
EtheraelYou really don't think such people exist?17:06
kanzurenone of my plans or aspirations particularly depend on those people existing or not17:06
Etheraelkanzure: Same, but that doesn't change the fact that those people are kind of archetypal for our species.17:07
EtheraelThat kind of species is not in a position to forcibly deem someone mentally ill.17:07
kanzureso do you think strokes and brain tumors aren't illnesses?17:07
EtheraelI do actually, and I can acknowledge a stroke can result in a person who is unable to protest at being labelled as mentally malfunctioning, ergo by some extension you could argue that it's the same kind of thing.17:08
kanzureor is your argument that only a completely perfect brain can discriminate between operational and inoperational brain tissues17:08
EtheraelBut I mean more along the lines of homosexuals in the 50's being labelled as mentally hill.17:08
Etheraeland now, as the pasted article says, anti-authoritarians and oppositional defiant disorder.17:09
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Etheraelkanzure: My objection isn't to strokes or brain damage, it's to pathologising mental behaviour that does not match "normality" but is voluntary / consensual.17:11
EtheraelI'd posit if you're alive today and not questioning authority that is more a symbol of brain damage than questioning it at all.17:12
Etheraelbut once again, that's subjective and I don't go around trying topetition to have crazy obedient types institutionalised.17:12
EtheraelAnyway, </rant>17:12
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kanzureEtherael: i'd just like to point out that to have them institutionalized you'd be demonstrating an obedient behavior with said institution17:13
kanzurejust saying..17:13
kanzurethere is nothing wrong with something being subjective17:13
Etheraelkanzure: Except when you pretend it's objective.17:14
EtheraelLike homosexuals are objectively mentally ill.17:14
Etheraelor people that don't agree with authority are objectively mentally ill.17:14
Etheraeletc etc.17:14
kanzureno, you said "But that's subjective" (on your own part)17:14
EtheraelWhich was just hedging so I don't look like the same behaviour I'm criticising.17:15
kanzureyou are pathologising this form of pathologising and so it's sort of a contradiction17:15
EtheraelIt would be if I were saying it was objective, which is why I said it's not. :")17:15
kanzureon an unrelated note, do you consider yourself elitist17:15
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EtheraelI guess it depends how you define elitist.17:16
kanzurethis answer will in no way affect your final score17:16
EtheraelI think the divine right of kings, and any derivation of power or authority along those lines, is retarded.17:16
Etheraelblood aristocracy, all that kind of thing.17:17
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Etheraelat the same time, I think it's somewhat stupid that people desperately cling to the notion that all men are created equal when it is so obviously not true17:17
kanzureEtherael: what the hell does equal mean17:18
Etheraelkanzure: with equal potential.17:18
kanzurethat doesn't answer my question17:18
kanzurethis sounds made up17:18
EtheraelHow so?17:18
EtheraelWhat sounds made up?17:18
kanzurethere's a no philosophy rule in here, and that sounds verging close to philosophy17:19
EtheraelWhat does?17:19
kanzureyour "compare two people to determine relative 'equal potential' status of both bodies"17:19
foucistthe most common form of elitism that i see is smart people thinking everyone else is dumb or stupid17:20
Etheraelfoucist: Everyone? or just most people? or a lot of people? where is the barrier between elitist and observant?17:20
kanzurei agree in theory that rights are an interesting concept but the reality is that "rights" is a social construct, not a physical implementation except in brainstuff17:20
kanzure(so please don't propagate the lie that it's a thing)17:21
Etheraelkanzure: I don't see that lack of equality of opportunity amongst humans in terms of abilities either physical and/or mental should discount the rights of any humans.17:21
kanzurei guess this is my fault for mentioning the word "rights"17:21
kanzurebut that's probably what you meant when you said "created equal"17:21
EtheraelYou have the right to compose Mozart's requiem, but you won't, because you're not mozart.17:22
kanzureyeah i'm gonna call BS on that17:22
Etheraelkanzure: There have been societies through history where such rights were not given, people did what their fathers did, etc.17:22
kanzurewhy are you taking rights as axiomatic17:22
kanzureyou just said it's stupid that people cling to this concept17:23
Etheraelthe concept of humans being created equal has nothing to do with what rights a human ought to have.17:23
kanzureok so then you disagree that "created equal" means "rights"17:23
kanzurewell, my fault for bringing that up17:24
kanzureanyway, why do you take it axiomatic that 'being able to equate humans' is a thing17:24
EtheraelI forgive you.17:24
kanzurei don't even know the scale of monstrosity that it would entail to be able to compare whether or not a person is equal to another17:24
Etheraelkanzure: Because you can tell that lance armstrong would kick my ass in the tour de france, or I am misunderstanding the question.17:24
kanzureis not a thing.. there's no __cmp__ function except as a philosophy concept that people relay to each other through speech17:25
kanzurethis just sounds all broken to me17:25
Etheraelkanzure: So you're positing it is completely impossible to compare any aspect of one human with another?17:25
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kanzurei think you're arguing for some intrinsic valuation function, and you can't prove that it exists17:26
kanzureyou can measure how fast lance does his things, this is true17:27
EtheraelI'm not arguing for any intrinsic valuation function or trying to enshrine the creation of any such thing, I'm just pointing out that I will never be as good at lance armstrong at riding a bike, and that was always going to be the case.17:27
Etheraeland there are many permutations of that same idea amongst any given combination of humans and abilities.17:27
kanzurethat sounds anti-transhumanist heh17:27
Etheraelkanzure: Ah, but at that phase would I cease to be "me" ?17:28
kanzuregod damn it this is why i say no philosophy17:28
kanzurei'm not going to babysit you while you fix your identity crises :P17:28
EtheraelNot rhetorical though, because any supposed h+ enhancement to me could also apply to him.17:28
Etheraeland anyway, we're not yet living in a h+ world.17:29
Etheraelso the question of equality is still relevant.17:29
kanzureo___o equality is just made up stuff though17:29
kanzureyou cannot physically measure whether or not someone is "equal" to someone else17:29
kanzurethis is all just philosophical masturbation17:29
EtheraelYou can in certain aspects.17:29
kanzurewhat, counting atoms and electrons?17:30
kanzurei'm pretty sure that's thermodynamically impossible or something17:30
kanzuremaxwell's demon and such17:30
EtheraelMy best friend in high school was a great guy, friendly and quite pleasant to be around and such, but when we were still copping pop quizes and spelling tests in our tenth year of school, he asked me how to spell "fridge".17:31
Etheraeland it wasn't that he was lazy, he'd try to think, he was just not very smart.17:31
Etheraelyou could see that, fuck, he acknowledged it even.17:31
Etheraelto say you can't notice that is to ignore reality, isn't it?17:32
kanzure"smart" and "iq" is another thing i have a grudge against, sorry17:32
kanzurebad example for you to pick17:32
kanzurei'm just being difficult17:32
Etheraelsure, plenty of room to sway and pick what is a delimiter for smart, but there are certain core facts that when confronted, might be a good indication that the subject in question is not smart.17:33
kanzureif i show you a brain will you point me to the Smart17:33
Etheraeldifficult is good, one does not sharpen a knife in fairy floss.17:33
kanzure"Folk psychology embraces everyday concepts like “beliefs”, "desires”, “fear”, and “hope"."17:33
kanzure*and intelligence17:33
kanzure"non-critical postulation"17:34
Etheraelkanzure: What do you think not being able to spell fridge after 10 years of schooling and at 15 years of age is indicative of if not learning difficulties?17:34
kanzurehad he ever seen the word 'fridge' before?17:34
kanzurewas he a good speller?17:35
kanzurefrom now on i will call spellers, spellcasters17:36
EtheraelHe was not good academically in anything.17:36
kanzurei don't care about academic performance17:36
Etheraelwell I don't know what else to call it, not good with using his mind?17:36
kanzurespelling is not necessarily an academic thing, this is why i wasn't interested in your academic response to my question about spelling :P17:37
Etheraelkanzure: I'd put this to you, it is not elitist of lance armstrong to say that he can ride a bike better than me, and not elitist of me to say that I can spell better than this fellow.17:37
kanzurethere's lots of research around spelling and certain brain regions, but adding in school is a hugely complexing factor17:38
Etheraelbut some would disagree.17:38
Etheraelso when you say "are you an elitist" that's really what I was getting at.17:38
kanzureEtherael: maybe you should say "and not elitist of me to say that I have spelled better"17:38
Etheraelkanzure: FORESOOTH YE SWAB?17:38
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kanzureit sounds fairly elitist to assume or assert that you have greater spelling potential17:39
Etheraelkanzure: Are you an elitist?17:39
kanzure*for whatever the hell "spelling potential" is17:39
Etheraelkanzure: So you could ride a bike better than lance armstrong? ;)17:39
Juuldefeatist elitist17:39
kanzurei mean, if you were challenging him ("i'll spell better than you at any time") that's certainly fine... normal social thing to do heh17:39
EtheraelI didn't say a thing to him about it at the time or ever, I just told him how to spell it.17:40
kanzureEtherael: theoretically, yes i can think of many ways i could do that (but i'd probably violate the biking rule book)17:40
EtheraelI don't see the point rubbing a person's nose in their inadequacies.17:40
Juulkanzure, just define your own plausible version of better and you're good :)17:40
Etheraelkanzure: it wouldn't so much be "you" "riding" "a bike" better than "lance armstrong" anymore, though, yes. That's kinda my point.17:40
kanzureEtherael: you have a really strange/fascinating innate value theory17:41
Etheraelkanzure: How so?17:41
kanzurewell i guess lots of people share it17:41
kanzureso maybe i shouldn't find it so strange17:41
EtheraelI don't even know if I'd call it an innate value theory so much as recognising that reality is much divorced from common human perception in this particular area.17:43
kanzurethe "reality" is that you know very little about the reality of your friend's brain17:44
EtheraelI don't know what's behind the curtain, but I can see the results.17:44
kanzurethat sounds useless for judging whether or not he is "created equal" to you17:44
kanzure(and plus i also disagree about the necessity of a Human::__compare__ operator anyway)17:45
EtheraelIt's not comparing humans, it's comparing abilities of humans.17:45
Etheraelor in this case I suppose the potential abilities of humans.17:46
Juulgood luck agreeing on a measurement standard17:46
kanzureJuul: i'm trying to convince him that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_psychology is a bad idea17:46
kanzureJuul: i am not succeeding17:47
EtheraelYou are not succeeding because that is not what you are doing.17:47
EtheraelIt would be easy to convince me I was wrong, just prove all humans are alike with the exception of environmental differences and one can be freely substituted for another.17:48
EtheraelIf all people are created equal that ought to be doable, no?17:48
kanzurethat's still taking full-person-comparison as axiomatic17:48
kanzuresee i don't understand why you assume that17:49
kanzure"craeted equal" is just a really vague concept17:49
EtheraelNo it isn't, it's taking as axiomatic that people can be more or less suited for a given role.17:49
Juuli still don't know what you're talking about, and now it seems that you don't agree on what you're talking about, so i think i'll sit this one out17:49
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kanzureJuul: yeah this is sort of my fault for not kicking myself out when i started to talk abotu philosophy17:49
Etheraelfor that axiom to be untrue you would just need to demonstrate that people can be substituted for any role without regard to the more or less suited modifier.17:50
kanzureyou don't know the future so how would you ever have a priori knowledge about a person's suitability17:51
kanzureand using prior experience does not give you a prior knowledge of the future17:51
kanzureso don't try that.17:51
kanzure*a priori17:51
Etheraelkanzure: well in practice, that's exactly what people do. Hmm, you were a hungry jacks cashier and now you want to be an astrophysicist, cool, can't judge future performance from past behaviour ergo you're in! Doesn't happen, does it?17:52
kanzureso you're saying a cashier can't study astrophysics?17:52
EtheraelI'm comparing silly stereotypes the make a basic point that the behaviour you're saying is never done is in fact always done.17:53
EtheraelIf you were to interview for a job tomorrow, they would want to know what you've done in the past.17:53
Etheraelthey would judge your suitability for the role based upon that.17:53
Etheraeletc etc etc.17:53
Etheraelthis is perfectly normal and uncontroversial.17:53
kanzurei don't care about their internal models of judgment and value theories17:53
Etheraelkanzure: Whether you care or not, you can acknowledge that your retail clerk will not be CEO of Deutsche Bank tomorrow, yes/no?17:54
kanzurei mean, i do when i find it necessary to attempt to understand them17:54
kanzureEtherael: that's still a probability17:54
Etheraelkanzure: And the universe may spawn a strangelet which will consume us all within the next ten seconds, also.17:54
kanzureyou could ask me to predict the future and whether he'll ever touch money again.. same type of question, i still don't have a priori knowledge of the future17:54
Juulseems the Raspberry Pi is going on sale this evening17:55
Etheraeland yet, you can predict the likelihood of certain occurrences based upon past experiences all the same.17:55
kanzureand thus i should say objectively that your friend is stupid?17:55
kanzurethere's so many assumptions going into that17:55
kanzureit really doesn't matter that much17:55
EtheraelThus you should say that it is more likely that stephen hawking will write a book on theoretical physics than that my friend will.17:56
kanzureand so you use to create a value function that you compute your model of your friend against?17:56
kanzurei.e. for more/less potential17:56
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kanzurewhy not help him write a physics book17:56
Etheraelkanzure: With regards to "likelyhood of writing a theoretical physics book" sure.17:57
EtheraelBecause he doesn't even want to write a theoretical physics book! and if I did help him, I'd basically be ghostwriting it for him, and even I couldn't pull it off to be frank, and given all that, why would it happen?17:57
kanzurebecause you were trying to prove a point about him being incapable of doing it or something17:57
Etheraelkanzure: And I would prove myself wrong by acting on his behalf in order to prove my original statement he was incapable of doing such a thing wrong because.... ? :)17:58
kanzurei think calling your observations of past behavior the same thing as empirical knowledge of other performance modes, to be the same thing as a certain irrational line of thinking that i can't remember the name of18:00
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EtheraelHold the phone18:01
ParahSailin_ So, for example, they may take Adderall (an amphetamine prescribed for ADHD), but they know that their attentional problem is not a result of a biochemical brain imbalance but rather caused by a boring job. << agree18:01
EtheraelIsn't observations of past behaviour almost the definition of empirical?18:02
kanzureEtherael: "whether or not he's good at spelling in this one particular instance" => making broad statements about his tendency to work on astrophysics18:03
kanzurethat's not an empirical jump18:03
Etheraelkanzure: I'll put it this way, do you find the idea that humans may not all be created equal offensive, or just inaccurate?18:03
kanzurei find the idea of 'equality' to be inaccurate18:04
kanzurein that political sense18:04
EtheraelWell then you kind of disagree with both perspectives innately don't you?18:04
kanzurepretty much18:04
EtheraelI don't have any particular problem with that position.18:05
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EtheraelMy problem is only with the idea that A) humans *ARE* comparable and B) it turns out they're equal.18:05
kanzurewhat did that wikipedia article call it? "non-critical postulation"18:05
EtheraelIf you want to posit A, I posit B is absurd.18:05
EtheraelIf you don't want to posit B, then there's no real conversation.18:06
kanzurei could also posit that humans have Nordquads and that i have the most nordquads of them all18:06
Etherael(don't want to posit A I should say)18:06
Etheraelkanzure: ATV's are good for the snowy nordics, sure.18:06
kanzuregood ol' norquads18:06
Etheraelkanzure: But the point is you don't want to posit A, and that being the case, I don't even particularly want to convince you it's true.18:07
EtheraelI can accept that it isn't an objective certainty.18:07
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Juulyou know who else compared people: Nazis!18:10
* Juul ArgumentSlayer18:10
EtheraelIt's a good thing you weren't in the debate since you would just have godwin'd yourself.18:10
kanzuretranshuman hitler is not amused18:11
kanzureor er maybe he is i'm not sure which way it's supposed to go18:11
Etheraelkanzure: You know.18:11
Etheraelthe idea that you can't tell if anything is better or worse between two humans, isn't that somewhat contradictory to the entire point of transhumanism?18:11
EtheraelIf you have standard for improvement, how do you know you're improving?18:11
kanzurecomparing whether or not someone has "greater potential" than the other just sounds bogus to me18:12
kanzurewhat the hell is potential anyway, potential energy? kinetic energy?18:12
Etheraelkanzure: Aha, so not equality of outcome, but equality of opportunity comparisons.18:12
kanzureEtherael: yes improvement measurement is definitely a difficult thing. ultimately it doesn't matter how much you can lift or how fast you can run with bipedal action18:12
kanzurebut being able to lift more is of course useful in many imaginable situations18:13
Etheraelkanzure: It might be if you have to lift a car off a dying woman or outrun a tiger on the african plains.18:13
Juulis there a cishumanist movement?18:13
EtheraelJuul: What would that entail?18:13
kanzureEtherael: being able to lift more doesn't necessarily contribute towards further ability to do improvements18:14
Etheraelyou don't have to tell me, and yes, it does exist http://cishumanism.blogspot.com.au/2011/04/welcome-to-cishumanist-movement.html18:14
kanzurehowever, i agree with you that being able to lift more is useful18:14
kanzurealthough there's probably some depreciating returns at some point (lifting a planet on the surface of the sun, and such)18:14
Juul"The development of technologies to enhance the human condition will lead to unprecedented divides between the rich and the poor"18:15
kanzurethe rich/poor thing makes a lot of assumptions about money/economics18:16
kanzurein reality you can make el cheapo thermocyclers while everything commercial is hundreds of times more expensive18:16
EtheraelThat sure does sound like an argument that could be applied to halt the advancement of just about anything.18:16
kanzureif they are upset that transhumanist tech would be patented / trade secrets, that's a valid concern18:16
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Juulwhat about "The development of technologies to enhance the human condition _has_ lead to unprecedented divides between the rich and the poor"18:16
kanzurewho cares, the poor can cobble together tech just as well as i can18:17
Etheraelkanzure: stop shirking your social responsibility.18:17
kanzureand the rich can do the same18:17
Etheraelfrom each according to his ability comrade.18:17
kanzureEtherael: i have an obligation to everyone on the planet? i agree it sucks if i hide knowledge from people, but i have no obligation to take care of everyone on this planet18:18
Etheraelkanzure:I agree.18:18
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EtheraelIt strikes me as interesting that the people most fond of pointing out how the world owes you nothing are almost as quick to demand everything you have for the world.18:19
Juulthe poor can cobble together tech if they have clean water, food, heating, electricity, a group of at least moderately educated family members / peers, access to education, time and energy left over after work, and access to communication (e.g. internet)18:21
kanzureJuul: at this time it's beyond my means to support everyone :P18:21
Juulkanzure, yes well get on that!18:21
kanzureokay :(18:21
kanzureit's unfortunate that china has had to resort to incentivizing people to not have girls18:22
kanzureit's more of a systemic distributed resource planning problem18:23
kanzureor routing problem18:23
kanzureoh, nevermind, that's not true. you could just plan your system for the highest growth rate and make sure it can scale18:23
Juulyes, and that problem is closely related to our poor systems for making group-decisions (aka government)18:23
kanzurewell anyway. i'm a fan of planned scalability heh'18:24
foucistkanzure: the 1 child thing resulted in more men than girls, so there's a shortage of girls..  there's 68 million more men than girls in china...  so now china is tryign to incentivize parents to _have_ girls18:25
kanzurefoucist: nice18:25
Juulthat should be an easier sale18:25
kanzureyeah i'm aware of the significant male surplus18:25
kanzuredidn't know about the reverse/flip on the decision18:25
Juulkilling babies: turns out it was a bad idea18:26
kanzurewhen i learned about the +68 million guys, i just felt awful18:26
kanzurei guess some percent might turn out to be gay18:26
kanzurebut jeeze.18:26
kanzureactually when were those policies put in place?18:26
kanzureis it just a 10 year gap?18:27
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Juulprobably the simplest way to get rid of a man-surplus is a good old-fashioned war18:27
foucisti don't think the surplus is necessarily gonna make that much of a difference18:27
kanzureJuul: maaaybe.. what are they fighting for? the other country's women?18:27
foucistcan always date older/youner girls etc18:27
kanzurefoucist: yeah, as long as they have reversed the policy18:27
yashgarothit's still in effect, for the last 30 years iirc18:28
kanzurebut that's still a shortage of girls from when they are 10 to 3018:28
kanzureoh, what?18:28
kanzureit's been in effect for 30 years?18:28
kanzureyup shit's broke18:28
Juulkanzure, what about honor? that's an old favorite18:28
kanzureJuul: sausage honor? i dunno man18:28
foucistyashgaroth: it's not in effect anymore?18:28
yashgarothit's getting better now that they have more money, i.e. less need to have male children18:28
yashgarothstill in effect18:28
yashgarothfor the forseeable future too18:29
Etheraelpolygynous relationships.18:29
kanzurelet's get some citations on this..18:29
Juulwell, i'm out18:29
yashgarothwikipedia that shit18:29
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kanzureladies and gentlemen - our best and finest at LBL18:29
yashgaroththeir plan seems to be importing women from southeast asia, or yes a huge war, maybe both18:30
EtheraelCould china realistically involve itself in a huge war without evoking nuclear holocaust?18:30
yashgarothsure, as long as they pick on non-nuclear states18:31
EtheraelThen how do you lose 68 million men?18:31
yashgarothfight badly I guess18:31
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kanzureyou know that saying about china marching 10,000 men over a hill?18:31
EtheraelThat would have to be some pretty terrible performance.18:31
kanzureand how they could keep doing that for a thousand years?18:31
kanzurewell, that. except a hundred thousand hills.18:31
yashgaroththeir strategy in korea was to make the US run out of bullets18:32
Etheraelwhat victim states might they have?18:32
yashgarothall of SE asia18:32
Etheraelones that wouldn't provoke aramageddon, but would still put up enough of a fight to actually result in population loss.18:33
EtheraelIndonesia maybe?18:33
yashgarothsure, they're muslim, we don't care18:34
Etheraelyep, plenty isolated, they're big and reasonably strong, non-nuclear.18:34
Etheraelsea / air gap though.18:34
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Etheraelthose 68 million men aren't going to swim there.18:34
yashgarothsure, if you build rafts out of some of them18:34
yashgarothmake sure they hold their breath though18:35
EtheraelMaybe they could provoke indonesia to attack *them* ?18:35
kanzureyashgaroth has been promoted to military strategy czar18:35
yashgarothexcellent, invade the seychelles at once18:35
kanzurewhat about africa18:35
Etheraelwhat about africa?18:36
kanzurei think they are keeping their eye close on africa18:36
yashgarothand its delicious minerals18:36
Etheraelit would probably be an improvement.18:36
kanzurelook up 'china africa invasion'18:36
* Etherael sighs.18:37
Etheraelit would be nice if humans would stop having wars.18:37
kanzureyashgaroth: http://ellingtonlab.org/blog/2012/02/21/on-good-intentions/18:39
kanzurejust a biologist's rant about things18:39
yashgarothbio needed a good controversy to tide things over18:39
yashgarothhmm I hadn't heard about thomas butler18:41
yashgarothreminds me of how the feds framed, and possibly assassinated, bruce ivins over the anthrax scare18:42
Etheraelfeds would never do something like that, surely?18:42
yashgarothadorable FBI, trying to imitate its big brother the CIA18:43
EtheraelIt was the FBI that attacked Jim Bell too wasn't it?18:43
EtheraelNice fellows.18:45
yashgarotheh, they're fine by themselves, but it's a symptom of corrupt government; they're just the ones that traditionally carry it out18:46
kanzureyashgaroth: do you want to be invited to the next diybio/fbi meeting?18:46
kanzureit's supposed to be in may or something18:46
EtheraelI'm more leaning to the perspective that government itself like all humanity is an inherently corrupt institution and expecting anything better from them than the rest of humanity is simply naivete.18:46
yashgarothis there an official one? online or what18:47
kanzurein person18:47
kanzureprobably in SF or the bay area18:47
yashgarothoh cool, I've got some vacation saved up18:47
kanzurethey will probably cover your fees18:47
yashgarotheven better18:47
yashgarothwill agent You be there? <318:48
kanzureprobably. but agent head heads this sorta stuff now18:48
kanzurei don't quite remember the details of the transition18:48
yashgarotheither way, I'm totally down18:49
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yashgarothat the very least, I should get onto a couple more watchlists :V18:50
roksprokwhat goes on at these fbi/diybio meetings?  fbi: hey guys, make any plagues lately?18:50
kanzurejust make a few statements in here18:50
kanzurei'm sure someone will pick it up18:50
kanzureroksprok: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/fbi-diybio-2011/2011-07-13.txt18:51
roksprokis ed you a guy's name?18:53
kanzureagent you18:53
yashgaroth"no US iGEM team has ever won" is that true? shit18:53
yashgarothheh wow it was until the UW won18:56
kanzure"FBI case - lentiviral work in an apartment (via Ed You). DA passed on prosecuting on it."18:56
kanzure^that's the one that i wanted more info on :/18:56
yashgarothBSL 2 is pretty easy to do at home18:58
kanzure"MSDS are purely for company liability purposes and are not actually instructional"18:59
kanzureyashgaroth: oh you'll like reading about cory's work19:00
kanzurein that document.19:00
yashgarothjust got to that section19:00
yashgarothoh cool I might just head up to LA and drop by19:02
kanzurecory sometimes hangs out in here (ctobin)19:02
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bkerooh tahoe19:11
bkeroyes it's cool, use it19:11
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kanzuredelinquentme: tahoe isn't the limiting factor19:16
delinquentmehow the ecosystem works together19:17
kanzureubuntu funded academia.edu?19:19
kanzure halcyon raised a round with elon musk, the day before oxnano made their announcement19:22
delinquentmehalcyon took funding from musK??19:23
kanzureyeah they did a while back19:23
kanzurebut they did another round recently19:23
delinquentmepress release?19:23
delinquentmewants moar19:23
kanzureno press release19:23
kanzurei'm on the phone19:23
delinquentmew who?19:24
delinquentmeyou're talking w elon musk?19:25
yashgarothask him if he can give me some money thx19:25
delinquentmepics or it didnt happen19:25
ParahSailin_wait what does halcyon need money for, i thought they were gonna sell microscopes19:27
delinquentmethats the backup plan19:27
delinquentmewhich is just that19:27
delinquentmeim really curious as to what they're doing w the announcement of nanopore and the 100k read lengths19:28
kanzureParahSailin_: they ran out of money / run way19:31
delinquentmerun way?19:32
delinquentmewheres the dictation of the convo kanz19:33
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delinquentmekanzure, speak!19:38
* delinquentme thinks kanzure is going to work like a machine tonight19:39
foucistmaybe kanzure will work like a human tonight19:50
kanzureok i am done19:51
delinquentmewas like watching girl on girl porn19:52
delinquentmewell?? dish!19:52
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foucistdelinquentme: runway is a startup term for how many months they can go on their capitalization19:54
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delinquentmewhat did he say about oxford nanopore19:57
kanzurefurious that he dumped in money into halcyon the day before their announcement19:57
kanzurekinda panicy about that19:58
delinquentmemore fire under halcyon19:58
delinquentmethose guys are smart theyll manage19:58
kanzurei am still skeptical about halcyon forl ying to me19:59
delinquentmethats not his thing though right?19:59
kanzure*lying to me19:59
delinquentmelying about?19:59
kanzuretheir plans19:59
kanzureselling microscopes?19:59
delinquentmeso what was the call about?20:01
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foucistdelinquentme: musk probably doens't have that much control over halcyon so even if he's angry, he's probably not gonna be able to light a fire under halcyon i'm guessing20:03
delinquentmeidk .. seems to me like when someones paying the bills20:05
delinquentmeyou want to keep them happy20:05
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ybitkanzure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr4IxMgHdDY&feature=related20:18
ybitPikachu Song 10 hours20:18
kanzureybit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDOtEeI8sOQ20:21
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ybiti swear if that's joseph half-naked again20:25
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delinquentme1:20 mins till http://www.raspberrypi.org/ makes some kind of  ( positive ) announcement!20:40
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joshcryerWho makes the Raspberry Pi boards?21:29
kanzurehey joshcryer21:31
delinquentmenot sure you could probs tweet them21:31
joshcryer(their site isn't loading for me or it's loading super slow)21:32
delinquentmelol their website is down21:32
joshcryerHey kanzure21:32
delinquentmewait there we go21:32
joshcryerI want to see the Eben talk he did about it.21:32
delinquentmewas I spacing out and read that oxford nanopore had already created 100kb reads?21:32
kanzurenobody outside of oxnano has confirmed it :P21:33
delinquentmeyeah but still21:36
delinquentme“Up to 100-kilobase reads have been accomplished on the platform, that’s not exceptional,”21:36
yashgaroththe reads are also of terrible quality, relatively speaking21:36
delinquentme4% error rate21:37
delinquentmethis isnt pac bio21:37
yashgarothbut it's not a random rate, you get certain repeats that you can't get a reliable read on21:37
joshcryer4%? Is that bad? That sounds good to me. Do passes.21:37
yashgarothpore technology has trouble with repeats of the same base, far as I can tell21:38
yashgarothhell 10% error is no problem if you get enough reads, but that's only if the error is truly random21:38
joshcryerCompletely uninformed about the technology, btw, just making an uninformed guess there.21:38
yashgarothnot that that really helps halcyon molecular to compete, if their pores have the same fundamental flaw21:39
kanzurehalcyon isn't doing pores21:40
kanzureor wasn't doing pores21:40
yashgarothehh, scanning a strand with an electron microscope has the same problem, without discrete stepping progression21:41
yashgarothassuming that's what they're doing, anyway21:41
delinquentmeyashgaroth, break down why particular repeats have issues in nanopores for me21:42
delinquentme( if you woul )21:43
kanzuredelinquentme: how do you know the dna strand has moved?21:43
yashgarothyou'r relying on each different base having a different signal in the pore/EM/whatever21:43
yashgarothso if you get several of the same nucleotide in a row, it's hard to count them accurately21:43
yashgarothusually it's not a huge deal, but if you're reading a protein-coding strand, a one-base offset will completely ruin your understanding of the code21:44
-!- ParahSailin_ [~parahsail@adsl-69-151-194-101.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]21:45
yashgarothnot that nature usually favors long stretches of the same nucleotide, since some dna binding/reading enzymes also have trouble with "slipping" along such a strand21:46
yashgarothas well as other weird secondary structures that may occur in the dna itself21:47
yashgarothalso a 4% error rate implies they may be having significant trouble telling the difference between even 3-4 of the same base, which occurs pretty often21:50
delinquentmeyashgaroth, you're talking like hairpinning?21:50
yashgarothyeah, basically21:50
yashgarothif you've got 10 As in a row, 5' As 2-4 might want to bind 3' Ts 7-9, which can mess with protein attachment since the helix unwinds21:52
joshcryerI'm trying to understand their process, is it fixable?22:00
kanzurepyrosequencing can catch that22:00
kanzurei think.22:00
yashgarothbut that's a lot of very short pyrosequencing reads22:01
joshcryer1 per customer.22:01
yashgarothit seems kind of impractical then, the oxnano thing would be more useful for fast reads, like pathogen detection22:02
joshcryerHeh, the distributors for the R-pi are both down.22:05
kanzurehttp://rswww.com/ seems up22:06
joshcryerYeah really really slow here for me anyway.22:06
joshcryer$25 all in one htpc :P I will get one when the hype dies down22:09
Mokstaryou're gonna want the $35 one22:09
Mokstarraspberry pi22:09
delinquentmego all out!22:10
delinquentmecut out a KFC double down this week :P22:10
joshcryerI don't see why Mokstar22:10
delinquentmeits totally gonna make an awesome place to stash movies on22:11
delinquentmebc http://thepiratebay.se/@22:11
joshcryerahah, model a no ethernet22:12
delinquentmewhat? i thought they've got ethernet?22:12
delinquentmejust not wireless22:12
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delinquentmeThe main difference from the Model A is that they include an Ethernet port, and 2 USB ports.22:13
delinquentmeohh you're saying on the nub version22:14
joshcryerI was wondering what the difference was is all since Mokstar said to get the $35 one22:14
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delinquentmealright NIGHT kids23:20
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joshcryerTalk about realistic graphics: http://www.gamespot.com/features/tim-sweeneys-crystal-ball-dice-2012-6350174/23:22
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