
--- Log opened Thu Mar 01 00:00:32 2012
-!- delinquentme_ [~asdfasdf@c-24-3-85-154.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left ##hplusroadmap ["Leaving"]00:23
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strangewarp...I didn't expect Boingboing commenters, en masse, would have such readily available proofs that transhumanism is false and silly.02:53
strangewarpNeed to just.. stop reading blog comments. They tend to be infuriating02:53
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fouciststrangewarp: orly, what are they saying?04:07
foucistwhich part of transhumanism are they attacking anyways?  isn't transhumanism an umbrella term? heh04:07
strangewarpYeah, basically they were railing against the stupidity of that thing they thought transhumanism is: you know, with the singularity and the rapture rhetoric and whatnot04:39
joshcryerIt's contrasted with a distopian future.04:42
joshcryerPeople are pessimists, the negativity fed to them on a regular basis.04:42
joshcryerDon't get me wrong, I can be a major alarmist.04:42
joshcryerBut that only makes it more compelling to seek a better future.04:42
joshcryerThe article if foucist is interested: http://boingboing.net/2012/02/29/a-pessimist-and-an-optimist-ta.html04:43
joshcryer(Don't have time to watch both videos now so it being in the log is also a plus.)04:43
strangewarp(Also, I now feel a little silly for getting mad at a couple blog comments, especially since I vented elsewhere instead of replying to them directly, but it was before my daily coffee so meh)04:44
joshcryerI don't see much substance here, in any event.04:47
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splicerns identify smurfpunk06:24
vrsmust... resist06:26
splicerdo ;)06:26
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vrsupdate your pw :)06:27
splicerhmmm... wtf is <key> ?06:30
vrshelp setpass06:34
vrsset your email first I guess06:34
splicersolved it06:34
splicerthanks for resisting.... was sweating there06:35
vrsactually I didn't resist06:48
vrsI ghosted you once06:48
splicernoticed that06:48
-!- ParahSailin_ [~parah@adsl-69-151-194-101.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:14
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archelsso this build has been sitting for hours at08:47
archels[100%] Building CXX object dolfin/swig/CMakeFiles/_cpp.dir/dolfinPYTHON_wrap.cxx.o08:47
archelsusing 100% CPU and thrashing my HDD08:47
archelsDo I assume it's doing something useful, or do I kill it and start an incredibly tedious process of troubleshooting?08:47
kanzuremagic eight ball says yes08:58
kanzureput it into the foreground and zombie it08:58
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-52-156-22.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:01
archelsgrm, any way I could monitor its filesystem I/O?09:04
ThomasEgiiotop ?09:12
archelsHm, I guess I'd like a combination of iotop and lsof.09:17
-!- zacharycohn [~zacharyco@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:18
archelsalright fuck it, this is stupid.09:22
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-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-24-3-85-154.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:09
delinquentme... on being irreplaceable .. thoughts? comments?10:36
ThomasEgispylanguage? :D10:42
delinquentmeThomasEgi, so I mean like you shouldn't be doing massive processing in something like Ruby10:44
delinquentmedrop that into a CRuby instance .. IDK it just seems like the # of programming languages is on a steady upward trend10:45
delinquentmesooo use them accordingly10:45
ThomasEgihm. my combination of python. and c/c++ worked out very well so far10:46
eudoxiaeveryone's out to create the Programming Language to End All Programming Languages10:46
ThomasEgipython for all the slam-together stuff with fast prototyping speed, and doubles as script language for automation.10:46
ThomasEgiand c for microcontrollers. and c++ for desktop when you really need sped10:46
kanzurepfft clearly we should be writing all of our microcontroller code in haskell10:48
delinquentmetrue and prototyping speed is a consideration10:50
ThomasEgibout 90% of my code is python tho.10:51
delinquentmebut in the credo of doing shit ... it seems that outside of a job environment ( maybe in some ) you'd want a few tools10:52
ThomasEginot sure what you intend to say. but python is a very powerful tool, especially since there are countless libraries with pythonbindings out there10:55
ThomasEgifrom interfacing to serial ports , over making SIP calls, up to creating 3d games. pretty much nothing that wouldnt be possible with python.10:56
delinquentmetrue ^11:03
delinquentmestilla theory in testing :D11:04
ThomasEgiwell at least for me it does a wonderful job11:05
* delinquentme skrilly lovemaking music11:19
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@203-173-238-133.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:31
delinquentmeMEH i think ec2 is .. lagging?11:37
sylph_makohttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-17177251 I just found a motivation to start examining the genes of my friends/mates/self.11:38
sylph_makoToo valuable.11:38
delinquentme? thats about excercise?11:38
delinquentmeohh ic ic11:38
sylph_mako[a gene marker that indicates an ability to get fit off of but 3 minutes of intense exercise a week.]11:39
sylph_mako[as opposed to wasting serveral hours of your time.]11:40
delinquentmeso you're then going to aquire the genes how?12:05
sylph_makoI'm not. I'm going to commit eugenics.12:14
sylph_makoI know it's kind of silly.12:15
sylph_makoConsidering how little time there is to make an impact.12:15
sylph_makoOh you mean the samples?12:15
delinquentmesylph_mako, umm so wait12:19
delinquentmehaha you're picking out your girlfriend in this manner?12:19
delinquentmelike who am I to tell anyone how to do that but ...12:19
kanzurei think sylph_mako was making a joke about killing everyone12:20
ThomasEgioh. if he really intends to do so. i have i wishlist with people of top-priority ;)12:21
sylph_makohahaha, It was more making a joke about how eugenics sounds like genocide to most people.12:23
kanzureeugenics basically is genocide12:23
sylph_makoWhat I'm hoping is that there's a human breeding program going on somewhere.12:23
sylph_makoOh I suppose it is.12:24
kanzureanimal husbandry/breeding sounds tremendously more descriptive12:24
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sylph_makoMind that it's also the opposite.12:24
kanzuresee, i didn't know if you meant "eugenics as in kill all the people" or "eugenics as in something about genetics generically"12:25
kanzurei guess this is like hackers vs. hackers12:25
Stee|eugenics can be comprised of three different degrees, more or less12:25
kanzureexcept nobody supports using the word 'eugenics' for anything12:25
Stee|1) Encourage good genes to breed12:25
delinquentmedogs == longest running human lead eugenics experiment in the entirety of history12:25
sylph_makoNo no no no no I just mean to sterilize the people.12:26
Stee|2) stop bad genes from breeding (The US did this)12:26
Stee|(which is what sylph_mako suggested)12:26
Stee|3) Murder people with bad genes12:26
Stee|I support #1.12:26
kanzurewho defines good12:26
kanzuresee, this is the problem that WTA ran into12:26
sylph_makoStee|... I was sugguesting (1) more than (2)..12:26
kanzurethey wanted to do this political thing about defining good12:26
Stee|you can find the minimum gradient of bad12:26
sylph_makobut with the current population.. you'd at least have to do both 1 and 2 at once.12:27
kanzurei just strongly discourage you from using the word 'eugenics'12:27
kanzureplease just say 'murder everyone' if that's what you mean12:27
sylph_makois human breeding a clean enough term?12:27
Stee|but that's not what most people mean with it, kanzure12:27
kanzuresylph_mako: no you have to also explain what you mean12:28
Stee|nazi eugenics is not the only form of eugenics12:28
kanzuresylph_mako: "human breeding" could mean "forced human breeding labor camps"12:28
sylph_makothe maturation of the human species?12:28
kanzureor you could simply mean "i want to fuck up my genes before injecting my genomes into embryos, yo"12:28
kanzurethe hell does that mean?12:29
Stee|what about 'encouragement of people with specific genes breeding'12:29
kanzuresounds fascist12:29
Stee|nah, that would be sterilization12:29
sylph_makoit's kind of a dune quote.12:29
kanzurei also don't see why you would force people to breed, in this day and age12:29
kanzuresince we have the bioinformatics anyway12:30
kanzurefuck karyotype charts12:30
kanzurewell, wait12:30
kanzurewhat's the chart that takes into account your ancestry12:30
kanzureerm, the one that people use for determining an nth-generation trait in their family12:31
-!- Juul [~Juul@slim.dhcp.lbl.gov] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:31
Juulkanzure, seen this: http://shapesmith.net/ ?12:31
kanzureJuul: yeah12:31
kanzurethat's ben nortier12:31
kanzurehe has opencascade wired up12:31
kanzureand then has a javascript client transmit shit back to his server12:31
kanzureto do the boolean operations12:31
kanzurethen he tessellates and sends it to the client for webgl rendering12:31
kanzurehe made a peculiar choice for the backend.. it was something like lisp or scala12:32
delinquentmeworking under the gun12:33
* delinquentme feels good man12:33
kanzureerlang, right.12:33
kanzurei knew it was something12:33
delinquentmei think you're confusing euthanasia with eugenics kanz12:34
delinquentmeeugenics is simply selective breeding no?12:34
Stee|depending on what country did it12:34
delinquentmelike only talking to the hot girls @ the bar12:34
delinquentmehaha ok context yes12:35
Stee|nazi germany also did sterilization12:35
kanzuredelinquentme: no eugenics is not "simply selective breeding"12:35
kanzureit means a lot of things12:35
delinquentmeanyone want to take bets whether im going to break this small EC2 instance?12:35
delinquentmeim thinking i will12:35
Stee|however, it doesn't necessarily imply genocide or murder at all12:35
delinquentmeEugenics is the "applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population", usually referring to the manipulation of human populations12:35
sylph_makoIf you're selecting against a gene, I think that would be genocide.12:35
sylph_makoIt's probably not going to be particularly racially focal. Or violent in any way.12:36
delinquentmesure if you want to add some kind of sinister context feel free to12:36
eudoxiapeople select against genes all the time12:36
delinquentmeperhaps in the vernacular use12:36
Juulkanzure, do you know anything about homomorphic encryption?12:36
delinquentmeeudoxia, exactly!12:36
kanzureJuul: no12:36
eudoxiawhen they don't talk to the ugly girls at the bar I guass12:36
kanzurehaha yes it's well known you can twist words to mean whatever12:36
kanzurebut mostly when you say 'eugenics' to someone they think of government-intervention for things like sterilizing large populations12:37
kanzureor killing large populations of people12:37
delinquentmeeudoxia, hahaha12:37
sylph_makoBecause they're fucking dogs.12:37
sylph_makoJudgemental, traumatized dogs.12:37
Stee|yes, but we're not talking to normal people here are we12:37
kanzureyes you can say "talking to the hot girls at bars is eugenics"12:37
kanzurebut you could also say "it's genetics"12:37
kanzureso fucking what?12:37
delinquentmeStee|, <<<<<12:37
eudoxiaI dunno12:37
kanzureStee|: i'm saying "eugenics" is not a high-information-bandwidth word12:37
Stee|genetics is an even worse one12:37
kanzuresay something more meaningful..12:37
* delinquentme thinks we're regressing12:38
kanzuredelinquentme: we regressed the moment someone brought up the god damn word 'eugenics'12:38
Stee|nah, I think everyone here is fine with the word but you kanzure :P12:38
delinquentmenah like ill agree w kanzure12:38
delinquentmeits like a loaded term12:38
delinquentmebut thats within societal context12:39
delinquentmeannnd most of society is well _______12:39
delinquentmeyou fill in the blank12:39
Stee|it's a loaded term to most people, but everyone here got what was meant in sentence context12:39
kanzurenot really12:39
kanzurei still don't know if you're pro-killing-people12:39
sylph_makoNo why the hell would that be a good idea.12:39
Stee|I clarified it like 3 times?12:39
Stee|goddamn, humanist is in the name dude12:39
kanzureStee|: you already said "encouraging certain people to breed".... which is easily implemented as "discouraging everyone else"12:40
Stee|note that I listed three levels, of which discouraging was the second one.12:40
Stee|in addition, discouraging is STILL different from killing people12:40
kanzurewhy can't you just say "i prefer to be in control of my own genes, thanks"12:40
eudoxia"discouraging" is rather vague12:41
kanzureinstead of calling it eugenics12:41
kanzureeudoxia: exactly12:41
Stee|what if I'm talking about on a societal level?12:41
Stee|and not about my own genes?12:41
kanzureStee|: that's the bad form of eugenics :P12:41
kanzurethe one where you impose your will on everyone else12:41
Stee|which, AGAIN, is what I think sylph_mako was talking about12:41
Stee|don't make it law, offer incentives :P12:41
kanzuresee? you said you disagree with the popular notion of 'eugenics'12:42
kanzurebut these statements make me think you do *not* disagree12:42
Stee|popular view of eugenics involves murder and sterilization12:42
kanzurethis is why we should be more careful with words12:42
Stee|I explained this above12:42
Stee|you are the one having issues here :P12:42
kanzureStee|: specifically they involve murder, sterilization and government intervention12:42
Stee|I got what sylph_mako was saying12:42
kanzureyou just said "incentivizes" - that's government intervention on its population again12:42
Stee|yes, I'm okay with this12:43
kanzurehow is that any different from the form that you purportedly claim to me that you disagree with12:43
Stee|because one is murder and sterilization and one is not12:43
Stee|keep in mind I'm not a libertarian12:43
kanzurethe murder/sterilization is a political issue, iirc12:43
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kanzurei.e. why should the government kill its citizens12:44
Stee|it's an ethical issue12:44
sylph_makokanzure, but it's NOT my will I want to impose. I don't want to be the guy making the decisions on what to breed for. Ideally it wouldn't even be a guy, it would be a process.12:44
kanzureso my point is, creating incentives on top of a population that you are ruling, without their consent, sorta goes against the politis thing12:44
kanzurenow! if you want to start a new government and a new population12:44
Stee|but if I don't have a political issue, but an ethical issue, then it's fine12:44
kanzurewhere you impose your genetic will and design12:44
kanzurethen go right ahead12:44
kanzurebut fuck you if you touch my genes without my authorization12:45
sylph_makoI so will.12:45
sylph_mako[go right ahead]12:45
-!- ivan` [~ivan@unaffiliated/ivan/x-000001] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:45
Stee|kanzure: I also believe in forced retroviral removal of genetic disease laden genes, and forced immortality12:45
kanzureyeah, so again, you *do* agree with the populist notions of eugenics12:46
ThomasEgibelieve is good. engineering is better.12:46
Stee|kanzure: Neither of these involve murder or sterilization12:46
Stee|jesus christ12:46
kanzure"forcing people to change against their will" is a pretty firm axiom of the popular notion of eugenics12:46
Stee|no, the murder and sterilization parts are the big thing12:46
kanzurebecause... that's against their will12:46
JuulStee|, forced immortaility? your a scary motherfucker12:47
kanzurelots of people support i.e. assistive suicide12:47
Stee|Juul: I support forced posthumanism in general, but not if it involves uplifting :P12:47
Stee|err, uploading12:48
delinquentmesuicide = the point where humans should intervene and help that kid out12:48
eudoxiaoh right12:48
delinquentmepositive psychology is real shit12:48
delinquentmeor more concrete .. positive focus / distractions from that bad stimulus12:48
Juulforced consciousness seems like a scary proposition to anyone with any kind of imagination12:49
ThomasEgidelinquentme, arent there countries that have death sentence on attempted suicide?12:49
kanzureso again, i think the scary form of eugenics is the same one that Stee| likes12:49
kanzureeven though Stee| does not support murder and sterilization12:49
Stee|kanzure, unfortunately you're wrong12:49
kanzureso wait12:49
Stee|because the murder and sterilization part is bigger than the gov part in most peoples minds12:49
delinquentmeThomasEgi, lolol people12:49
delinquentmejesus we're all so fucking ignorant12:50
kanzureStee|: ok so you claim that popular eugenics is scary not because it's a forced thing, but because..?12:50
delinquentmeseriously we're going to look back at pre life extension times12:50
delinquentmeand be like WTF .. how did they even live12:50
Juuldelinquentme, at least some of us realize it :)12:50
kanzureStee|: ok.. we support abortions, that's death... who cars?12:50
Stee|most people don't consider it death tho12:50
delinquentmeJuul, =] im glad I've got friend who are of sound mind12:50
Stee|(I'm not pro-abortion, I'm pro-putting fetuses into artificial wombs)12:50
eudoxiaI'm pro putting blastulae in liquid nitrogen until somebody gives a fuck12:51
kanzureok so you claim that eugenics is scary simply because murder is not a friendly concept?12:51
Stee|pretty much, and that's what people associate with it12:51
Stee|that and nazis12:51
Stee|*and sterilization, dudes are protective of their sperm12:52
kanzureok i posit that the popular notion of eugenics is 'scary' because governments/authorities12:52
Juuldelinquentme, you're sane?!12:52
* ThomasEgi checks the sane-o-meter in the channel..12:52
Stee|empty, ThomasEgi12:52
ThomasEgiuh.. it indicates chilling levels indeed12:53
kanzurewhy would i want to allow you to control whether or not i build offspring12:53
Stee|note that I said incentive12:54
delinquentmeJuul, its a stretch man =]12:54
delinquentmehanging by thread12:55
sylph_makoBecause limits on the individuals' reproduction is an easy way to ant-style altruism? I havn't read any Rand yet, and I'm not american[in fact I live in one of the least corrupt countries in the world], so there's probably a lot I don't understand about your feelings about government's power.12:57
Stee|(I'm not fond of ant style altruism, and I agree with incentivizing certain genetic combinations for other reasons)12:58
Juuli think people aren't wearing enough hats12:59
sylph_makoStee|, I havn't come across a clearer models of a stable super-altruistic evolutionary strategy. It just always seems like there's some limit on breeding whenever groups get social. Sometimes they're entirely mental, sometimes they're pheremonal castration.13:01
Stee|I dislike it because I'm a greedy bastard and want to ditch all y'all13:02
Stee|anyway, airport, bbl13:02
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* delinquentme so many angry tweets!13:05
delinquentmeparser runs on a ec2 large13:06
delinquentmeno! ec2 small 32 bit13:06
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delinquentmeLOLLLL causing more hell on twatter14:29
delinquentmewho the fuck becomes a bioethicist anyways14:29
kanzuredidn't even realize this was npr14:38
delinquentmekanzure, you're not tweeting14:39
delinquentmewe're here trying to change the world!14:40
delinquentmestep up your twattering!14:40
uniqanomaly_delinquentme: its like with religious people14:41
uniqanomaly_if you could reason with them they wouldnt be religious14:41
uniqanomaly_humble theory about those bioethics fucks14:42
delinquentmedey see me trollin14:42
uniqanomaly_also humanist = can't do science14:44
uniqanomaly_but its obvious14:44
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kanzuredelinquentme: to download a zip from the command line just use wget or curl..14:46
delinquentmeyeah wget did it14:47
delinquentmei gotta figure how to setup the ec2 env for the API nao14:47
uniqanomaly_dammit, I meant humanities14:55
uniqanomaly_like in: whats one's excuse when they can't fill tax forms? - i'm a humanities major14:58
delinquentmeconscious objector?15:02
delinquentmeits ANOTHER ONE BOWM. BROWWWWow!15:04
delinquentmewhen I live to b e 1000 im going to be a DJ15:05
delinquentmeim just saying .. you guys are all invited to my shows15:05
delinquentmewhy do I want to live longer? because there WAY more cool shit this life has to offer than we can fit into a "normal" life span :D15:05
kanzureyou're preaching to the choir15:06
kanzurethis is the silliest place to preach about the benefits of life extension and immortality15:07
kanzurealso you shouldn't wait that long to start djing :x15:07
kanzureklafka has some experience in this department, i hear15:07
delinquentmeyeah I was thinking that :D15:10
splicerdelinquentme: you want to live longer because there is a selection pressure against people who get themselves killed before they spawn.15:10
delinquentmethat almost makes sense?15:11
uniqanomaly_delinquentme: yeah why wait, you should make some transhuman dubstep right now15:11
delinquentmeI'm programming ec2 .. while absorbing the nuances *studying* dubsteps15:12
delinquentmelove you guys so fucking Xcore15:12
delinquentme( hardcore ) :P15:14
uniqanomaly_delinquentme: or you could just convert skrillex and others to transhumanism, they could put some subliminal stimuli shit in future works15:14
delinquentme^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hot15:14
uniqanomaly_transhuman conversion taskforce15:19
delinquentmesome quote about not telling someone to get the bricks and the mortar .. but instead teaching them how to yearn for what is to come?15:20
delinquentmelike the evolution of music is nuts .. give that shit 200 years .. no man I cant even BEGIN to take a stab15:20
sylph_makoWhy does dubstep seem like a necessary step forward to me. It's like I heard traces of it in the music of the past and thought; we need to do more of That, whatever it is. If only we knew how.15:25
sylph_makoA lot of things went like that.15:27
delinquentmesylph_mako, I like the part where we've got music w tangible fury in it .... and mainstream is adopting it15:27
delinquentmethat blows my mind15:27
delinquentmelike he got 3 grammys15:27
delinquentmeand hes like a metalhead convert .. its just nuts15:27
delinquentmehuman unity? << just speculation15:27
sylph_makofurious has a lot of meanings. "Furious violining". Pretty sure that was always a revered thing.15:28
uniqanomaly_hmm, algos actually evolving music would be crazy15:29
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delinquentmesome guy made a shell program to do just that15:29
delinquentmesylph_mako, paganinni15:29
delinquentmerevered as being possessed for his skills15:30
sylph_makoAnyone used electric sheep? It evolves ridiculous fractal screensavers based on upvotes and downvotes from every user.15:30
sylph_makoIf you could do a similar thing for music.. you could make a station based on that shit.15:31
uniqanomaly_http://tones.wolfram.com/ :<15:34
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kanzurehi yashgaroth18:35
kanzuresaw the email.18:35
yashgarothah yes, thanks for crosspostin'18:35
yashgarothI'm thinking of posting it biohack, but they're a little insane over there...not necessarily in a bad way though18:35
yashgaroth*to/on biohack18:36
kanzurei'm a little surprised nobody has complained that you're destroying humanity on the diybio list yet18:40
kanzurethere used to be complaints about our somewhat more niche interests18:41
kanzureglad it's gone down :)18:41
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kanzurethe longevity groupies are probably helping there18:41
yashgarothI'm telling you, all the founders of DIYbio Seattle were big fans of transhumanism18:42
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joshcryerHow is he destroying humanity? (I enjoy drama with the best of 'em.)19:01
kanzurejoshcryer: oh just bogus bullshit19:17
kanzuredon't pay attention to those people19:17
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sylph_makoThis story made me happy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repository_for_Germinal_Choice but it's regrettably concluded.19:34
kanzureyashgaroth: what's wrong with blood injections, again?19:39
kanzurezacharycohn: hey how do you know nathan?19:39
yashgarothinjections of plasmid, protein, or other blood?19:40
kanzurei was thinking protein19:40
yashgarothI have seriously considered it...for follistatin, you want to at least try to limit the off-target effects19:41
yashgarothbut a myostatin propeptide-Fc fusion would be a strong candidate19:41
kanzureso wasn't one of the clinical trials for a propeptide?19:43
yashgaroththat one never made it to trials19:43
kanzurehrm. i'm not misremembering am i?19:43
kanzurei know follistatin did19:43
yashgarothFc is antibody backbone, it's added to increase half-life from a few hours to a few weeks19:43
yashgarothfollistatin, anti-myostatin monoclonal, and acvr2b fc fusion have all been in trials19:44
yashgarothFc fusion also makes it a fuckton easier to produce19:44
kanzuremy knowledge of trial results is current up to 200919:44
kanzureor, rather, "current and fuzzy because it was 2009"19:44
yashgarothfollistatin's the only one currently trialing, I think they're injecting the AAV now-ish19:45
yashgarothacvr2b was a couple years ago I think19:45
zacharycohnkanzure: haha, yeah! How do you know nathan?19:46
kanzurethis conversation needs more clinicaltrails.gov links19:46
kanzurezacharycohn: he hangs out in here19:46
kanzurewhat you talkin about19:47
yashgarothfolli: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01519349?term=follistatin&rank=119:47
zacharycohnkanzure: haha, really? What's his handle?19:47
kanzurenmz787 (he seems to be off irc at the moment)19:47
yashgarothacvr2b was http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01099761?term=acvr2b&rank=419:48
yashgarothI'm chatting with nmz787 in the diybio topic right now, so he's online-ish19:48
kanzureyashgaroth: yeah he's on jabber19:48
zacharycohnkanzure: yeah, he and i worked together when we went to school19:48
kanzurehmmm suspicious19:48
zacharycohnHow did you know we knew each other?19:49
kanzurei checked out his facebook profile to figure out how the fuck to spell bhowmik19:49
kanzureand you're on there19:49
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nmz787zach, /YOU/ hang out here?19:53
kanzurezacharycohn: there we go19:53
zacharycohnnmz787: :)19:53
nmz787small world, I guess19:53
zacharycohnI mostly hang out on #startups19:53
zacharycohnbut i started hanging out here about a week ago19:53
nmz787yeah so kanzure is the collaborator i am looking to do the synbio startup with19:53
zacharycohnno matter what you do don't trust him19:54
nmz787he's kind of a jerk of all trades19:54
kanzureaw shucks19:54
kanzurethat's how i know you really care about me19:54
nmz787he can transcribe lectures in real-time though19:55
kanzurenmz787: inkscape still making you its bitch?19:55
nmz787i think he's a mechanical turk for google19:55
zacharycohnkanzure: <319:55
nmz787kanzure: its coming along19:55
nmz787kanzure: slowly19:55
nmz787zach, do you still have that army backpack?19:58
zacharycohnnmz787: hellll yeah19:59
nmz787you're in WA now?20:00
zacharycohnThat hookup was like, one of the best parts of working at FAST20:00
zacharycohnYep, in Seattle.20:00
yashgarothoh hey I'm from seattle, good choice20:00
nmz787did you go to BANFF film fest?20:00
zacharycohnyashgaroth: oh yeah? Where? I'm in Belltown20:00
nmz787we just had it here like a week ago i think20:00
zacharycohnnmz787: uuugghhh no. I tried but it sold out within a day.20:00
zacharycohnThen I tried to get a press pass20:01
yashgarothI lived by the UW for like 15 years, but I live in san diego now for work20:01
zacharycohnbut they couldn't do it. They said they had already exceeded the number of people legally allowed in the building.20:01
zacharycohn(I'm not with press, but they didn't know that... :p)20:01
nmz787zacharycohn: ohhh, it was pretty sweet, I went to all 3 (3 hr) sessions here20:01
zacharycohnman, I really wanted to go.20:01
zacharycohnnext time!20:01
nmz787there was some sick urban skiing20:02
zacharycohnyashgaroth: Ah, nice. I just moved here about 2 years ago20:02
yashgarothheh I moved to SD 2 years ago, though I do hope to move back when my current company gets bought or goes under20:02
zacharycohngood exit strategy.20:02
yashgarothgood jobs in biotech are hard to find20:03
nmz787yashagaroth: how do you expect electroporating muscle without uneven transfection?20:03
yashgarothdid you see my most recent reply?20:03
nmz787yashagaroth: I've seen some microneedle matrices lately, but they were for allergy tests20:03
nmz787yashagaroth: i did, but didn't think it mentioned uneven expression20:04
nmz787are you saying the plasmid/protein would diffuse between cells?20:04
zacharycohni've heard seattle has a good biotech scene20:04
yashgarothsure it did, the plasmid spreads along the entire fiber, and the follistatin's effect extends to nearby fibers, not just the transfected ones20:04
zacharycohni don't know anything about it though20:04
nmz787but how many fibers are there in a square centimeter of meat?20:05
yashgarothzach: it does, but apparently it's very insular, and still tiny compared to SD/bay area/cambridge20:05
yashgarothI've no idea how many fibers there are, lemme find the mean diameter20:05
zacharycohnnmz787: I just bought 4lbs of steak. I'll go find out for you.20:06
nmz787is a muscle fiber a single cell (multinucleated as it may be)20:06
zacharycohnkanzure: You going to SXSW (or more specifically, any of the SXSW parties?)20:06
yashgarothso like 50-100 micrometers20:07
yashgarothit's sort of a single cell, depending on how you define a cell20:07
nmz787hmm, ok so plausibly one cell20:07
nmz787one outer membrane20:07
yashgaroththen yes, they're single cells20:07
nmz787but i doubt the plasmid would diffuse between fibers20:07
yashgarothno, but the protein would20:07
nmz787how would it get shuttled between? e.coli don't share beta-lactamase20:08
yashgarothbeta-lactamase acts intracellularly anyway, this is a secreted product20:08
yashgaroththe myostatin target is also extracellular20:09
yashgarothalso why would e.coli want to share antibiotic resistance, they're selfish bastards20:10
kanzurezacharycohn: i might be in SF actually20:11
kanzurezacharycohn: i don't know yet20:11
kanzurei might crash a party or two20:11
zacharycohnAh. Well if you're in Austin, let me know. the whole Startup Weekend crew is coming down20:11
zacharycohnnext wed-mon, I think20:12
kanzurei live in austin20:12
kanzurei have a room available actually20:12
kanzurehaving a room during sxsw this makes me king of the world basically20:13
nmz787yashagaroth: so the myostatin binds extracellularly?20:14
kanzuremyostatin is a negative regulator of muscle mass20:14
yashgarothit acts on cell-surface receptors, yes20:14
kanzureso if you bind and neutralize myostatin then you decrease its effect of prohibiting muscle growth20:14
kanzureJust lots of down and up arrows20:15
nmz787wikipedia says whippets are a 'null'20:15
nmz787any idea what that means?20:15
nmz787its just NO220:15
yashgarothyes, they lack a functional gene for myostatin20:16
yashgarothsame with belgian blue cattle, as well as a few other breeds20:16
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yashgarothif you knock out the gene, or otherwise mutate it into non-functionality, you get the double muscling20:16
nmz787wait, whippets are different than inhaled 'whip-its'20:17
nmz787e.g. nitrous oxide20:17
zacharycohnkanzure: airbnb that shit!20:18
zacharycohnyou could make a killing20:18
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kanzurehi splicer.20:34
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delinquentmeyou guys have any idea if I need to restart my EC2 servers for the security group changes to take effect?20:58
kanzureo.o i forget sorry man21:03
kanzureall i know is that s3 security has always been a pain in the butt for me21:03
delinquentmeoh damn!21:20
delinquentmei failed to show it off in here21:21
delinquentmeturns out no restarts are required when you edit a security group that a particular instance belongs to21:21
joshcryerWhat are you guys using it for?21:23
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joshcryerPaul Gilding = full of shit snoozefest22:03
joshcryerI hope Diamandis is at least moderately more interesting in making his case.22:04
joshcryerstrangewarp, heh, I just started Diamandis' talk and he said exactly what I said in the first few mins, weird!22:07
joshcryer(I had not seen it when I made that statement)22:07
kanzureimplementing interval arithmetic22:07
kanzurewhy doesn't sympy do this already22:07
kanzureall i want is to substitute x with [1,5]22:07
yashgarothdiamandis said that gilding is full of shit?22:07
yashgarothor you just mean his talk took the opposite position22:08
joshcryerNo, no, yesterday I said:22:11
joshcryer04:42 < joshcryer> It's contrasted with a distopian future.22:11
joshcryer04:42 < joshcryer> People are pessimists, the negativity fed to them on a regular basis.22:11
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joshcryerAnd Diamandis started his talk with that.22:11
Juulach, dna annotation scripts are tedious business22:11
yashgarothahh okay22:12
joshcryerDiamandis was far more convincing.22:22
joshcryerI mean, truly night and day.22:22
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Stee|I actually consulted for diamandis new book22:41
joshcryerStee|m very cool. :)22:41
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joshcryerHmm, "Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think"22:45
joshcryerDoes the book devel much into the 3D printing aspect?22:45
Steel_rather, I 'am' consulting on the continuation of the work that went into the book, not what's currently in it22:46
Steel_my work more involves empirical ways to track increased energy/food/water/freedom/education/shelter, etc.22:46
Steel_I'm assigned to energy22:46
yashgarothhey bro have you heard about thorium? ron paul22:46
joshcryerlol thorium22:47
Steel_I like thorium but not ron paul22:47
yashgarothhaha me too22:48
joshcryerSteel_, what say you about that MIT professors projection that solar will be $0.05 per kwh in 8 years?22:48
Steel_I haven't researched enough into future solar. I think that the price won't go down as much, much more likely you'll see reduced subsidies22:49
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Steel_I swear to god one of the people on my forum is my great aunt, but I can't say for sure23:54
joshcryerWhat kind of forum would you have to attract a great aunt?23:55
Steel_I have a transhumanism forum that I'm trying to get going, and my great aunt is a neuropsychiatrist23:57
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