
--- Log opened Thu Mar 15 00:00:52 2012
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strangewarpI just found a value of resistor that I didn't expect I would already have05:23
strangewarpand I said05:23
strangewarp"ohm my gosh."05:23
* strangewarp nerd smile05:23
rdbwhat value?  negative 0.001*omega*sqrt(-1) ohm?05:31
strangewarp220 ohm, didn't think I had any extras laying around05:34
strangewarpLo and behold, a baggie of them was in the pile of parts I accumulated when I was a noob05:34
rdbby coincidence, I found a 22 kOhm part lying on the floor that I don't remember using, yesterday05:36
rdbnot sure why I would need a 1206-sized 22 kOhm resistor, but whatevs05:36
strangewarpThose are the ultra-tiny ones?05:37
strangewarp(still sort of a noob here, just not a blatant one anymore)05:37
rdb1206 may be tiny to some, but you won't find resistors larger than that these days :-p05:38
strangewarpoh ;x05:38
rdb1206 > 0805 > 0603 > 0402 > 0201 > 0100505:38
strangewarpahh, that's what threw me off, there was a recent post on Hack A Day about soldering 0400/0200 parts by hand or something05:39
strangewarpand the memory of skimming over it made my brain go "gleep?"05:40
rdbI somehow doubt xx00 parts exist... they would be infinitely thin xD05:41
rdbthe convention is xxyy where xx is the length in mils, and yy is the width05:41
strangewarpOH right, duh05:41
strangewarpIt was 040205:41
rdbmust've been 0402/020105:41
strangewarpyeah, thsoe05:41
strangewarpthose, even. derp05:42
rdbtbh I still have some trouble soldering 060305:43
rdbhaven't dared to try smaller05:43
rdbhi Vicarious05:43
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rdbhow's life?05:46
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chris_99on the brain08:19
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Mokbortolan_can someone please explain to me the process for making diamonds from cremains?10:21
Mokbortolan_from what I read, what little carbon is found in cremains is in the form of carbonates10:22
thylaneMokbortolan_  Did you read my link yet?10:25
Mokbortolan_but it didn't really go into specifics10:26
Mokbortolan_ohw ait, wrong room :p10:26
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Mokbortolan_that's really interesting10:27
Mokbortolan_I bet there's a fundamental difference in how humans and apes store memories10:27
Mokbortolan_maybe a slightly tweaked protein that results in cultural accumulation10:27
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thylaneI was over thinking the article, until I realized they siad human children can do ratcheting10:36
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kanzurethere is a pleasing number of results for the search "against antibiotic resistance"11:27
kanzurei think that means anti-antiantibiotics11:27
kanzureshouldn't it just be "against biotics"11:28
archelsanti-evolution in bacteria?11:28
kanzurefor example there's the "swedish strategic programme against antibiotic resistance"11:29
archelsa bacteria evolves a mutation that makes it immune to a certain antibiotic or class thereof11:30
archelsWhat strategies are there to prevent this?11:31
archelsI mean, you can't really *prevent* it, can you?11:31
kanzureman the soviet union knew how to pick good names11:39
kanzure"Department of the Mobilisation of Scientific Forces"11:39
archelspubmed for those keywords: Results: 1 to 20 of 1976311:40
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archelsGot a paper suggestion for me, kanzure?11:40
kanzureare you looking for antibiotic resistance evidence?11:40
archelsNo, I just want to know about the mechanisms, or directions of research that go towards preventing antibiotic resistance.11:41
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archelsA one-sentence summary might also do. ;)11:42
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Mariuthanks thylane12:07
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kanzurehrm a panda3d developer12:18
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roksprokanyone familiar with 'the cure is now' www.thecureisnow.org?12:19
kanzurethey asked me to be on their board of advisors :/12:19
roksprokare you?12:19
roksprokit seems like someone who knows about diybio could save them thousands of dollars12:19
kanzureno not yet i forgot to send in some info they wanted12:19
kanzurethey are not interested in saving thousands of dollars12:19
roksprok5000 for a microcentrifuge?12:20
kanzurei was asking around with them trying to figure out how 'lean' they are willing to be12:20
kanzureit turns out that they are very much interested in traditional institutional science12:20
roksprokthat already exists12:21
kanzureyep.. yet another NPO doing the same sorta thing12:21
kanzurethis is why i haven't considered them a priority12:21
roksprokthere are thousands of traditional institutions spending billions of dollars on alzheimers12:21
roksprokwhat do they think they are going to change?12:21
kanzureroksprok: you might be interested in this http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/open-science-summit-2010/scott-johnson-myelin-repair-foundation/12:21
kanzure".. is that basic science is pretty random. There's no research plan. No disease organization actually has a research plan. They put out a request for proposals, they peer review those, and those that get the highest ratings, that's what gets funded. "12:23
kanzure"Most academics would say that it should be random, since you can't know where they are going. Well, in some cases you want to be outcome directed."12:23
kanzurein non-profits there is no selection pressure to have the best team with the best skills12:24
kanzuremost philanthropists just dump money wherever12:24
kanzurethis is also somewhat the case for the singularity-related nonprofits12:25
roksprokscott johnson doesn't happen to have a website, or was this talk taped?12:25
roksproki'd kind of like to ask for the diagrams12:25
kanzurethe talk was from open science summit 201012:25
kanzurewhich i think uploaded videos to justin.tv or something stupid12:25
roksprokk i'll find them12:25
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kanzurei actually have those videos aggregated on hplusvideo12:26
kanzurei don't think i remembered to turn on my server tho12:26
kanzureif you bug me enough i'll redeploy it haha12:26
roksprokhah i don't think its worth bugging you if its available elsewhere12:27
kanzureon the contrary12:27
roksprokjust means less reddit/metafiler time-wasting for me12:28
kanzureok i've turned it on12:28
jrayhawkyou can add that to /etc/rc.local12:28
kanzurefor thumbnails: http://diyhpl.us:9001/random12:29
kanzurejrayhawk: honestly if i was serious about this i would use wsgi12:29
kanzurei'm just running the "DO NOT EVER USE THIS IN PRODUCTION" dev server12:29
kanzurealso.. /random is written poorly. i keep pinging the poor embed.ly servers for the same info over and over again12:30
roksprokare you going to keep this turned on for the next few days?12:31
kanzureit usually only goes offline when jrayhawk has to reboot the server12:31
kanzureagain it's just some prototype site thingy that i haven't been taking too seriously :|12:31
jrayhawkif i happen to have motivation cycles to spare, would you want that shoved into apache12:32
roksprokwell it gives links to the videos, thats all i desire12:32
kanzurejrayhawk: yeah okay12:32
kanzuremight as well12:32
archelskanzure: no papers on your archive on preventing antibiotic resistance then?12:33
jrayhawki am sad there is no more minx mandate12:33
jrayhawkthat was good comedy12:33
kanzurearchels: i don't think you can prevent it12:33
kanzurebut you can fight it12:34
kanzureyou can prevent it in extreme circumstances (like, you want to prevent it /with respect to/ a known population)12:34
chris_99that doesn't seem to be loading for me12:35
kanzurechris_99: /random will take a few moments12:35
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kanzurebecause i was being a dork when i wrote it12:35
chris_99what language is it running in?12:35
chris_99aha cool12:35
kanzureit takes a while because each video is displayed by pinging embed.ly12:35
kanzureinstead of storing the information in the model12:35
archelskanzure: alright, I wasn't sure there was some biotechnological method that I wasn't aware of.12:37
kanzureroksprok: if you have suggestions for this site, let me know12:37
kanzurei don't know what to do with it really12:37
roksproki think its good as is, but i am just using it like your directory of papers12:39
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roksprokdoes steel know about it? maybe he could add the vids to his transhumani wiki12:40
roksprokwell use it as a resource for finding relevant vids12:40
Steel2which vids12:41
kanzurei don't really care if he knows12:41
kanzurewhy is he starting a competing wiki now?12:42
roksproklist of vids like kanzure's lists of papers12:42
roksproki've often thought that wikis generally lacked vids12:46
roksprokof relevant talks12:46
roksprokkanzure do you work out of your apartment? or the austin hackerspace? or someplace else12:51
roksprokif you don't mind me asking12:52
kanzureroksprok: i work wherever13:08
kanzurei don't work at the hackerspace much13:09
kanzuremostly because they moved a bit further north and the closer one gets too hot during the day13:09
roksprokare you at the stage of doing lots of chemsitry stuff with your dna synthesis project?13:11
roksprokor still in the microfluidics design stage13:11
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kanzurejust design stage.. i want to wait on the chemistry until i figure out where i will physically be in a month13:12
lichenthat cure ise now link is interesting13:12
kanzurei don't want to setup multiple labs.. it is more efficient to just have one place13:12
roksprokwhat are your options?13:12
kanzurebut this is somewhat dependent on whether or not certain people are going to be available13:13
kanzurewell if singularityu says yes then i will be using triplering's facilities13:13
kanzureif they say no then i need to figure out whether or not i am going to sf13:13
lichenare there many places like the cure is now around?13:13
kanzure"the cure is now" isn't particularly special :x13:13
kanzurethere are many disease-related nonprofits13:13
lichenwell i was looking at their focii and it includes specifically h+ things13:14
lichenbeyond just disease13:14
thylaneI think medicine as a whole is transitioning into "personalized medicine"   http://www.thecureisnow.org/index.php/our-strategy/philosophy-of-tcin/personalized-medicine13:14
lichengiven that i'm rather more of a comp sci person in background i'm interesting in finding places where i can be useful13:14
kanzurelichen: what sort of comp sci background13:14
lichengeneral at this point, im young and breaking into the industry13:15
kanzureok i have no idea what that means13:15
licheni have experience more in games and graphics output13:15
kanzureare you able to write code?13:15
kanzureok so does that mean CUDA?13:15
lichenc/c++/asm at this point13:15
lichenbut i could pick up cuda13:15
kanzureor some other gfx output13:15
kanzureok i see13:15
lichenim planning on learning shader design soon anyways13:15
kanzureare you employed13:15
lichenyeah, but unrelated13:15
lichenim looking for a job in the field at this point13:15
kanzurewhere are you?13:16
lichenportland, oregon13:16
kanzurethylane: then you would probably geek out about 'pink army'13:18
thylaneI know a woman  who  obviously WANTS  'personalized medicine',  but there are  clinics and doctors offices that  somewhat "reject" it  in certain ways13:18
thylaneI think its because they are so  entrenched in  statistical medicine13:19
kanzurecomplaining about it will not help her13:19
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kanzurevisual transistor-level simulation of 6502 http://visual6502.org/13:49
ThomasEgithat page is pretty awesome13:54
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kanzuresciencehackday chicago http://sciencehackday.pbworks.com/chicagoideas14:10
roksprokkanzure do you know jack lloyd at triple ring?14:12
kanzurenot yet14:12
roksprokhe seems interesting in that he's founded a bunch of tech companies but only has a bs in engineering14:13
kanzuredegrees are worth absolutely squat..14:13
roksproki'd like to know how he convinced people to give him money tho14:13
kanzurethere are many ways to do that14:14
kanzurefirst is to make money on your own14:14
kanzuresecond is to play the numbers game (talking with a sufficient number of people and iterating on your presentation skills)14:14
kanzurei don't know why i am counting these off if i claim there are many ways :)14:15
roksprokmoney on your own is pretty obvious14:15
kanzureare you sure people gave him money?14:15
kanzuredid he do some venture backed stuff?14:16
roksproki think so14:17
kanzure"1981: Nellcor was started by Dr. William NEw, Jack LLoyd and Jim CORenman in Hayward, California to develop and market pulse oximetry systems"14:17
kanzurethere was a huge surge of biotech vc money in the 80s14:18
roksproko did not know that14:18
kanzurebut having someone with a phd is helpful14:18
kanzurewhat looks the best to vc groups is "yeah we're a team of 4 people with 9 PhDs collectively, making a product for a 40 billion dollar market that grows 8% annually"14:19
roksproki guess i should start networking14:19
kanzureyeah it's really a game of numbers when you are fundraising14:20
kanzurebut people are friendly14:20
kanzurestep 1) talk to 500 people14:20
roksprokha well 498 to go14:21
kanzureit is exceedingly unlikely that your first pitch will land you money14:22
lichenjust scored an interview with intel o.o14:38
lichennot my dream job but its something?14:38
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kanzureVicarious: ?15:24
Vicarioushi kanzure15:25
Vicarioustomororw there's a meetup planned, regarding BIY biohacking and stuff15:28
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Vicariousbut I'm unable to attend it, I have to work until 16:30, meeting starts 18:0015:29
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roksprokwhat city vicarious?15:31
kanzureprobably copenhagen15:33
kanzureoops wait he's in the netherlands somewhere15:33
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roksprokthats far15:34
Juulcopenhagen, netherlands, it's basically the same thing15:37
Vicariousroksprok: the meetup takes place in the hague, the netherlands15:37
JuulVicarious, is DSM a big presence in synth bio in Holland?15:38
kanzureJuul: bah geography15:38
kanzurepokeman is np-hard http://arxiv.org/pdf/1203.1895v1.pdf15:38
Juulkanzure, culturally they are actually extremely close, which i guess is why people mix them up15:38
kanzureJuul: i just keep forgetting where everyone lives15:38
Juulyeah, well i'm already impressed that you even try to keep track of everyone15:39
kanzureWHO ARE YOU PEOPLE15:41
kanzureWHY DO I KNOW YOU15:41
Vicariousit takes 3 hours by train + 20 minutes by foot to travel from my city to the location where the meetup takes place15:42
kanzureand which city is this15:42
Vicariouskanzure: the meetup takes place in the hague, the netherlands15:42
kanzurethe hague, ok15:43
Vicariousaccording to http://www.meetup.com/Dutch-DIY-Bio/events/52332122/15:43
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ThomasEgiproven to work16:11
JuulVicarious, nice. Will you document?16:12
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VicariousJuul: I won't be attending, there's not much for me to document16:17
JuulVicarious, ah yes. you said that. sorry16:18
VicariousI was wondering if I'm the only one who has a magnet implant, among the dutch DIY biohackers16:20
Vicarioushey Steel2, don't you know it's rude to message people without asking for their permission first?16:23
VicariousI don't know you16:24
Steel2Uh, that's not particularly something I'd been told before in the 6-7 years I've been on irc, no.16:25
katsmeow-afkmy appologies for not telling you when you msg'd me the other day16:25
* katsmeow-afk has been irc'ing since 199616:26
Steel2yeh, I'm a young fucker16:26
Vicarioussame here, since summer '9616:26
Steel2maybe irc protocols have changed in newer channels :P16:26
Steel2but I apologize16:26
Steel2as that's not something I've ever run into before16:27
katsmeow-afkthis is a newer channel16:27
Vicarioususually when irc clients message me without asking for permission, and I don't know them personally.. they're spammers :/16:29
Steel2I haven't really been hit with spammers.16:30
Steel2russians who think I'm someone else, yes16:30
katsmeow-afkSteel2, it's also possible the person you are msging is simply too busy to chat one-on-one , or they believe your question should be in open channel where there's more minds to deal with it16:30
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VicariousSteel2: anyway, I closed the private message window already, what did you want to ask?16:34
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Steel2I wrote out an idea for an experimental protocol for people with magnetic implants16:35
Steel2I was wondering if you were interested.16:37
fennexcept the brain is not a uniform conductor16:38
Steel2fenn: what?16:38
Vicariousa while ago I read a document "A Novel Human-Machine Interface using Subdermal Magnetic Implants", it involves an electromagnet16:38
katsmeow-afkmagnetic implants where? to do what?16:38
Steel2a number of people have fingertip magnetic implants, katsmeow-afk16:38
Steel2so they can feel EM fields16:38
Vicariousdo you have one, Steel2 ?16:39
katsmeow-afki heard of that a couple yrs ago, yeas, seems silly16:39
Steel2Vicarious: It's not practical for job reasons.16:39
Vicariousme neither.. mine isn't in the fingertip, it's under the skin in the back of my hand16:40
katsmeow-afkis it practical in any case?16:40
Steel2do you want another sense? if yes, you can make it practical16:40
Vicariousyes, I can attach a throwie to the magnet :P16:40
Steel2for instance, some people are hooking up ultrasonic rangers to finger tip implants16:40
Steel2and they can 'feel' how far away walls are16:40
katsmeow-afki'd be interested in RF fields, but my poorly designed neural system wouldn't pick up magnet vibrations that fast16:41
Steel2anyway, I gotta go rewrite a bunch of this paper before my advisor rips my head off.16:41
katsmeow-afk"as your advisor, i advise you to do this before i rip your head off"16:43
Vicariousthrowie = magnet + LED + battery, wrapped in tape16:44
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A-Lusion"For example, if the speed of thought could be increased a million-fold, a subjective year would pass in 30 physical seconds."17:56
A-LusionDoes anyone have any insight into this?17:56
yashgarothseems pretty self-explanatory17:56
A-LusionI guess so.17:57
UrchinI'm pretty sure that's what would happen, all else remaining the same17:57
UrchinI wouldn't count on more than 4 orders of magnitude increase, though17:57
A-LusionSorta like how Time is an illusion or how if one were to be under the influence of LSD 5 minutes could seem like an hour?17:57
kanzureA-Lusion: perception of time is a weird thing, for sure17:57
UrchinA-Lusion: no, it's like thinking all the thoughts of a year in 30 seconds17:58
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Urchinyou'd end up being ancient very quickly17:58
A-Lusionmentally though yeah?17:58
yashgarothI'd think the main problem would be going insane from boredom17:59
Urchinkind of like the 'Old One' in Vinge's 'A Fire Upon the Deep'17:59
Urchinnote that the old one is a 10 year old18:00
kanzureA-Lusion: there was a paper discussed in here the other day about a patient with some brain trauma that caused him to not perceive time accurately for short durations18:00
kanzureyashgaroth: boredom is bullshit18:00
kanzureA-Lusion: i don't think a subjective year would pass in 30 deconds18:01
A-LusionThis idea of why time appears to speed up with age is depressing18:02
kanzurei don't think anyone has measured whether or not people accurately perceive a year or not18:02
kanzureA-Lusion: yeah there might be some chemical intervention that you can do there18:02
yashgarothit appears to speed up because your memory gets worse18:02
kanzureyashgaroth: can you prove that18:03
yashgarothyou and your 'proof', pah18:03
A-LusionI hope I don't become bitter with age18:03
A-LusionNor do I want to perceive the coming singularity as a race against time towards salvation of my own spirit18:04
A-LusionI'd get deluded18:04
lichenits somewhat frightening to think that there's a chance our generation could just miss the breakeven point18:05
lichenwhich im sure explains a lot of the temporary strategies used by older transhumanists18:05
lichenintense vitamin regemins and such18:05
yashgarothstarving themselves to near-death18:05
A-LusionI wanna know more about kurzweils vitamin diet lol18:06
A-LusionHe pops em like nothing. I'm only taking mostly essential things; multivitamin, fish oil, flaxseed oil, ginko, B's, ... n thats it i think18:07
licheni take a multi vitamin and choline18:07
lichensometimes some nootropics but i havent for a while18:08
lichenmight be smart to use fish oil as well18:09
Urchinat least one singularity already happened18:09
A-LusionSo how abiding is research on long term effects for nootropics at the moment?18:09
Urchinback in 1930s18:09
A-LusionSeems legit for a couple like pira and choline18:10
kanzureA-Lusion: spirit? what the hell is that18:10
A-Lusiongood question18:10
kanzureA-Lusion: kurzweil's regiment is not exactly recommended18:10
A-LusionYeah well he's also much older than I. I've not heard of anyone else as exuberant about vitamins and supplements as he is18:11
A-LusionProbably pretty costly too..18:11
lichenbig reason why i dont take a lot of vitamins18:12
UrchinI take some suplements18:12
Urchinmostly omega-318:12
Urchinthough I take other stuff as needed18:13
A-LusionI think a more effective and natural diet as well as exercise would accord better than making up for it with vitamins n supplements anyhow18:13
A-LusionI'm in the process of loading up my mp3 with audiobooks for daily jogs just so I can make it a sorta mind and body crunch18:14
Urchinexcercise has proven to be not so great as it's cracked up to be18:15
Urchina lot better is a lifestyle that nudges you into some physical activity a lot18:15
A-LusionI see what you mean, exercising for the sake of exercising is sort of a  unfavorable yeah?18:17
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Urchinit does not work out in the long term18:20
jrayhawkThe performance-equals-health mentality is problematic, and complete disregard for stimulus/response curves in excersize is really really problematic18:22
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A-Lusionhmm looks like I have the book (A Fire upon the Deep)18:25
yashgarothit's good, I just read it a couple months ago in fact18:25
yashgarothit's no deepness in the sky, but still18:25
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UrchinI've last read it about 6 years ago18:28
strangewarpA-Lusion: Have fun. Lovely story. Definite classic among classics18:29
Urchinit's one of the early treatments of singularity, actually (fire)18:29
A-LusionI think fiction is more relative and honest than non fiction, especially in an era where ideas are just a matter of time and commitment18:30
strangewarpIt does something clever so it can have a steady-state worldbuilding, even though there is crazy singularity stuff. Love the setting. [trying not to spoil anything]18:30
Urchinyes, it was a trick18:30
UrchinLem's trick is also noteworthy18:30
Urchinand used by Orion's Arm18:31
Urchinpitty they stopped using creative commons18:31
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kanzureorion's arm is ok if you want worldbuilding18:32
strangewarpThere is a sequel too, The Children of The Sky, and several more books planned in the series. CotS is good. I'm hoping Vinge wraps it all up with something crazy.18:33
UrchinI haven't read that one yet18:34
UrchinI've mostly read military sf for the last couple of years18:34
A-LusionIs there an invention or some kind of gadget that you've found out in a science fiction novel that captured your imagination or gave a sorta incentive to make happen?18:34
strangewarpIt's good, maybe a bit awkward in one or two places, but it's a middle book of a series so eh18:34
Urchinand I've also been a bit out of touch with transhumanism18:34
A-LusionOr something that you DID make happen?18:34
kanzureA-Lusion: are you just asking what projects we work on in here?18:35
A-Lusionsmaller more personal projects18:35
UrchinI've been thinking of making an eyetap for myself for a while now18:35
Urchinbut never got around to it18:35
A-LusionWhat's that?18:35
kanzureA-Lusion: ok do you want like a list? or what..18:35
strangewarpI saw an unfilled niche in music-performance software in my imagination, and then I filled the niche with a modest but flexible script18:35
kanzurethylane: stop repeating links :P18:35
A-LusionLol do you keep a list?18:36
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kanzureA-Lusion: not of people's projects in here, but i could type one out real quick18:36
kanzureit would not be exhaustive18:36
thylanesorry thought I posted somethign else earlier18:36
strangewarpDat reddit18:37
A-LusionOoh these things are already coming into existence ;D18:37
Urchintunneling microscopy is interesting18:37
strangewarp"Should we re-engineer our species to save the planet?" Com on, think big. The answer is no. Instead: re-engineer the species AND the planet. :P18:37
* Urchin is in favor of just leaving18:39
Urchinearth's crust is resource poor if you really think about it18:39
Urchinwith O'Neill's old estimates it should be possible to make equivilent living space of 10000 Earth's surfaces from the material in the asteroid field alone (that's 1970s technology)18:40
Urchin*asteroid belt18:41
A-LusionI'd be more concerned about the transition to a type 1 civilization. The rumor that the earth is getting crowded is absolutely false. Once a person can become completely self sufficient on any point on the planet18:42
UrchinI really should get some sleep18:42
A-LusionThen we can focus more on outter terrestrial travel18:42
Urchina person can not be self-sufficient on any point of the planet right now18:42
UrchinI've looked into the logistics of it18:42
UrchinI think it's better to simply leave for an environment where travel is easier18:43
thylaneI can't imagine a singularity  without some massive world war.   My reasoning is that corporations will not be brought "quietly" out of their current models of exchange.18:43
A-LusionNah Earth is a great "tutorial" level18:43
A-LusionIf we can barely make it past that18:44
Mariuhey, Urchin ... you asked me what kind of bots I'm using on Undernet18:44
Mariuthat would be: EnergyMech 2.9.318:44
MariuI received some technical details about them18:44
roksprokso while we are on the subject of kind of out there stuff18:45
Urchinold school18:45
roksprokwhat does everyone think about this?18:45
Urchinwritten in C18:45
MariuMaybe it will happen like in Deus Ex18:45
roksprok^ idea of combining for-profit/non-profits18:45
MariuSingularity witb start with the rise of Helios18:45
Mariumerging with a human being18:46
roksproksteel2 i already told you this stuff18:46
strangewarpneeds more dragons18:46
MariuHelios is an AI18:46
Mariuby the way18:46
Urchinessentially you would be making a lab provider separate from the researchers18:47
Urchinlab for hire18:47
Urchininteresting notion18:47
kanzureroksprok: are you talking about an incubator?18:48
roksproki thought people applied to incubators?18:48
roksprokthis would more have its own research programs18:48
kanzureroksprok: i don't think grants are a good plan for a non-profit18:48
kanzurei mean, if you want to write lots of grant applications and hope-and-pray you get money.. that's cool i guess18:49
roksprokwell it would be better than donations, right?18:49
kanzuredonations are also lame unless you're getting >$100k donations18:49
kanzurewell.. >$10k donations i guess18:49
roksproki mean this would be to bootstrap it, once stuff started happening it would be funded with equity in its for-profit offshoots18:50
roksprokanother source of funding is patent licensing18:50
kanzurei don't think patents are a good idea18:50
Urchinneither do I18:50
kanzurebut yes you can sometimes make money on licensing18:50
kanzurein general people who want patents are against open source hardware18:51
kanzurealthough there are some people who want to do open hardware licenses on top of patents (which is sorta neat)18:51
kanzureanyway! i don't understand what your goal is18:51
kanzureis your goal to make money?18:51
lichenthis is reminding me of that bit in accelerando18:51
roksprokno the goal is to be like the cure is now18:51
roksprokexcept get stuff done18:51
lichenwith self-replicating corporations switching ip with each other18:51
kanzureroksprok: thecureisnow is not something to model after :P18:52
kanzureroksprok: ok. so your goal is research? drug development?18:52
lichenyou can always patent and then give the patents away for free18:52
lichenjust to stop others from locking down the tech later18:52
roksprokwell a way to fund directed research into the technologies we want to see come about18:52
kanzureok... why don't you just work on those technologies instead18:53
kanzurei mean it sounds like you're going a really long round-about way18:53
lichenbeing able to live off of your work is nice18:53
roksprokand  to get people to work on stuff with me?18:53
kanzureroksprok: "make an org to make orgs that may or may not go on to make the technology that you're wishing for"18:53
kanzurehow about you just work on the tech instead :x18:53
roksprokbecause it costs money18:54
roksprokand i don't have money18:54
kanzurenot as much money as you think18:54
kanzuremost of the costs come from things like patents18:54
lichenand multi-thousand dollar technical and scientific equipment18:54
kanzurethat's mostly overpriced stuff anyway18:54
kanzureif you're lean you can build something better or buy much cheaper18:55
kanzurelike, just hire one guy to build your lab equipment.. you pay his salary (<$200k) instead of buying >$300k equipment18:55
kanzure(or you can just do it yourself of course)18:55
roksprokagain, this costs money18:55
Mariumake a loan18:55
Mariuhire a manager, I don't know18:56
kanzureroksprok: is there any way i could convince you against grants?18:56
kanzurelike if you want to write grant applications for me, that's great18:56
kanzurebut iirc you're not a grant writer18:56
roksprokactually you pretty much already have, i mean i agree they are about the worst source of funding18:56
kanzureok.. pretend funding isn't a problem18:57
kanzurenow work out an idea :)18:57
roksprokso should i just get a job to fund the stuff i want to do until i can get prototypes and convince people to work with me?18:57
roksprokideas are one thing i am not short of18:57
kanzurewhat are you prototyping?18:57
roksproka few things....18:58
lichenpick one and finish it?18:58
roksprokwristband that stores your pulse18:58
roksprokremote control insects18:58
kanzurethese things are pretty cheap to do18:58
kanzurewell, depending on which insects18:59
roksprokok, so i should get a job and work on this in my spare time?19:00
jrayhawkI thought we had remote control cockroaches already?19:00
licheni think thats pretty much always a good idea unless youre loaded19:00
roksprokjrayhawk: they suck19:00
roksprokthis is state of the art19:00
kanzurejrayhawk: yep.. and beetles and stuff. but i don't know if anyone has done it DIY yet.19:00
kanzureroksprok: you should always take care of your own financials first, always19:01
roksprokit is not remote control if you can just get it to 'move in a general leftish direction'19:01
kanzurebut if you can coast for a while, maybe you should try to do a venture with a cofounder/investment19:01
jrayhawkhuh, neat19:01
kanzureroksprok: i'm pretty sure the "general leftish direction" stuff was just "electrode sitting on the head"19:02
roksprokif its the one i'm thinking of they were stimulating the antennae19:03
kanzurethat's cool but not sufficient19:03
roksprokwhich is basically slapping it in the face19:03
kanzurehave you tried the electrode arrays?19:03
roksproknot successfully19:04
roksproki was trying to get a recording from my nematodes19:04
roksprokbut couldn't, so i'm back to the drawing board19:04
kanzurehave you debugged it?19:04
roksprokno, it was way too simple to actually work19:05
roksprokso i'm reading up more on what filters i need19:05
yashgarothwait was that a pun19:05
kanzurenematode recording is a diyable thing.. maybe you should post up your setup to the diybio group19:06
kanzureor in here19:06
kanzureand we can help you debug things19:06
kanzurethe backyardbrains people have been doing pretty good work with cockroaches19:06
roksproki agree....i may just order one of their spikerboxes19:07
kanzuretim will have some ideas about a nematode setup19:07
kanzurei haven't done one :(19:07
roksprokactually i think that is what i will do, now that i think about it19:09
roksprokthat way i at least have something to compare it too19:09
roksprokand the money will go to good people19:09
kanzureNeurophysiological methods in C. elegans: an introduction19:09
kanzureroksprok: what money?19:10
roksprokmoney to buy a spikerbox?19:10
roksproki am not completely broke, i have a few grand, its just that that will last me for a few months of food/rent19:11
roksproknot leaving much to spend on projects19:11
kanzurehow did you previously get money?19:11
roksprokmy parents19:11
roksprokand i had a job a while ago19:12
kanzureand where are you?19:12
roksprokcincinnati, oh19:12
kanzureand do you do any software stuff19:12
roksproki also have a place in chicago, il i can live in19:12
roksproki am ok with access and just got through learn python the hard way19:13
roksprokso no19:13
kanzurelichen: you and roksprok should work on a project for ~20 days and then get overpaid at some job19:13
kanzurepython is good enough :P19:13
lichenim in oregon19:13
kanzuredoesn't matter19:13
lichenfor software stuff yeah it doesnt matter19:13
kanzurethe process works like this:19:13
roksproklichen do you know python?19:13
licheni can pick it up easily enough, but im mostly focused in c/c++19:13
kanzurei suspect lichen would not have trouble with python since lichen knows asm/c19:13
roksprokok lichen is way beyond me then19:14
kanzure(1) pick some transhumanist-related project that you guys like19:14
kanzure(2) figure out some really great idea that would involve software19:14
lichenive got a huge long term project in mind for myself19:14
kanzure(3) make the simplest, dumbest version (you'll hate this)19:14
lichenbut if there's something smaller id be up for hearing it19:14
kanzure(4) code it in 20 days, slap it on a resume19:14
licheneasy enough to set up a github profile19:14
kanzurethen you'd immediately qualify for those weird "minimum $50k/year" jobs that keep hiring for python people19:14
lichenand start working with other people19:14
kanzureso, one of the projects i was working on with klafka was a nootropic price engine19:15
kanzureit scrapes nootropics data and the idea is to do price comparison shopping19:15
kanzurebut i never implemented the user-interfacing-search part o it19:15
kanzure*of it19:15
lichennice customer quote, lol19:15
kanzurebut it's just an example; you can see how that might be something that can be thrown together in 20 days19:15
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kanzureroksprok: would that be interesting to you?19:16
kanzurenot that particular proj19:16
roksprokok.....stupid ideas off the top of my head....19:16
kanzureone site i've been wanting is a lab protocol beautifucation site19:17
kanzurebecause lab protocol docs look like ass.. i know they don't *need* to look good, but dam.19:17
roksproklike putting them in standard format?19:17
katsmeow-afkirc spell checer!19:17
kanzurein fact, just any generic lab protocol site.. to compete against protocol-online.org (which sucks)19:17
kanzureroksprok: sorta.. i would love it if there *could* be a standard format, but that's a challenging problem19:18
kanzurethe "small" problems in lab protocols are aggregation, versioning, display, formatting.. representation is a huge unsolved problem19:18
licheneven better if you can make it community edited19:18
kanzurewell, what you cuold also do to make money19:18
kanzureis set up one-click ordering of the reagents in the protocol19:19
kanzureinstead of tracking things down on 10 or 20 sites19:19
kanzurebecause fuck that19:19
katsmeow-afkyeas, but once you have something set up, 50 people look at it, say it isn't needed, and you delete years of work19:20
kanzurei actually want that for electronics too- a more general "setup a bill of materials, and let people do one-click-ordering" - and have products from digikey, mouser, sparkfun, etc.19:20
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: yeh so a wiki is obviously not the best format19:20
katsmeow-afkdid that, i mined Mouser AND Digikey19:20
kanzureit would probably be more like "Fork this project"19:20
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: ya but did you have one-click credit card ordering19:20
katsmeow-afki scraped every product price datasheets19:20
katsmeow-afknope, noone saw any point in it19:21
kanzurewhat i want is something like bit.ly/cockroach-control-kit and type in my card, and get an entire backyards brain kit19:21
lichenmake it as easy as possible for average joe to get into science19:21
kanzurewhat does "get into" mean19:21
lichenwithout needing to spend weeks researching whats the cheapest and what works19:21
kanzureoh you mean for kits19:21
kanzureok yeah19:21
lichensomebody with an interest but not the time19:21
lichennot the time to sit around researching brands and sites19:22
roksprokkanzure, why wouldn't you just go to backyard brains and order the kit?19:23
kanzurethylane: is that supposed to be funny? or informational?19:23
kanzureroksprok: bad example :)19:23
thylanekanzure  I thought it was funny.19:23
roksprokwould instructables be a better example19:23
thylanekanzure  why are you always so gruff?19:23
kanzureroksprok: there's lots of electronics projects that don't have selling kits yet19:23
roksproklike order the parts for this instructable?19:23
kanzurethylane: i was honestly wondering. i know now that you found it funny19:23
kanzureroksprok: right..19:23
kanzureroksprok: and people would be incentivized to use this service, because the person who "writes the kit" gets a % commission or something (who knows)19:24
katsmeow-afkok, so i wasted my time gathing the data from Mouser, Digikey, Newark, and 100 oems of electronics products19:24
roksprokcould it just be built with stuff like open protocols and instructables?19:24
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: could i have the data?19:24
kanzureroksprok: what is "open protocols"?19:24
kanzureroksprok: instructables does not always list product IDs19:25
katsmeow-afkit's useless, why could i be bothered to send it to you?19:25
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: because i'll have to write the scrapers myself eventually19:25
katsmeow-afkor employ me19:25
roksprokwasn't there some community protocol thing?19:25
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: i think it's cheaper for me to just write the scrapers19:25
katsmeow-afkk, have fun19:25
kanzureroksprok: no openprotocols.net was just someone making a pitch, apparently19:25
roksprokwell like the protocols online site then19:25
kanzureit's old and busted19:25
kanzurethat dataset needs to be scraped and liberated19:26
kanzureactually, i think i have a copy on my server.. one sec19:26
roksprokmaybe have it so you find a protocol/thing you like, type in oursite.com/whatever-is-after-the-domain-name19:26
kanzuredamn. i do not have a copy online. i'd have to upload it.19:26
roksprokand you get reviews, order-stuff-now, and discussion about it19:27
roksprokand if it was an instructable that didn't have part numbers there would be some 'warning: no part numbers were given, these are our best guesses'19:27
kanzureprotocol-online.org is surely not the best that our civilization can come up with19:27
kanzurei'm sorry, are you talking about scraping things from instructables.com?19:28
kanzurethe people (eric meltzer, etc.) behind openprotocols.net were trying to make a social network around protocols19:28
roksprokas opposed to having an empty site19:28
kanzurei didn't really understand what their strategy was19:28
lichenapparently they never included a designer on their team19:29
lichenwait no, thinking of that other site you mentioned19:29
kanzurealso, the diybio group commented on their openprotocols.net project http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_thread/thread/19df187ef101473519:29
kanzureapparently they did not have a programmer among themselves :rolleyes:19:29
lichenhow do you get into tech and not have an overabundance of programmers19:30
kanzureif you are a programmer, why would you want to give 50% of your venture to someone who hasn't bothered to learn to code?19:30
lichenhaha, true19:30
kanzure"The API for Biocoder feels all wrong for numerous reasons; on top of that, nobody is going to learn a new API, library or programming language just to write down a protocol, unless they are being paid, or there's some really compelling reason to do so (which, there isn't)."19:30
katsmeow-afki just demo'd that to you, i did work as a programmer, i amd my work are worthless19:30
kanzure"Without something changing here, you just end up with a giant corpus of protocols like we presently have, without metadata and basically useless unless you already know what you want or need, or have the time to manually check and double check everything in each protocol you might be using."19:30
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: i had to write off your work because you are unwilling to share it or use it or show it19:31
kanzureso basically i will pretend like it does not exist.19:31
katsmeow-afkyou had already said it was worthless19:31
kanzureyour scrapers?19:32
* katsmeow-afk nods19:32
kanzurecan you show it to me19:32
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kanzurelichen: you might be interested in jonathan's work on parsing english-written protocols19:32
kanzurelichen: http://88proof.com/synthetic_biology/blog/archives/29019:32
kanzureJuul: i am trying to hook lichen+roksprok up on some 20-day-web-project idea19:32
katsmeow-afki need to ask why i would bother to show you, vs deleting it19:33
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: well, if you wanted to save me the time of writing those scrapers in the future19:33
katsmeow-afknear as i can tell, i wasted my time gathering it, and don't want to waste any more time on it19:33
kanzureJuul: so far i've suggested a lab protocol site to modernize protocol-online.org19:33
Juulkanzure, i approve this project19:33
katsmeow-afkkanzure, anyone can write a scraper, i am willing to use them and provide the data in exchange for some renumeration19:34
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: it would be faster for me to write it than continue to argue with you about it :(19:34
katsmeow-afki can delete it all19:35
kanzurethat's a horrible negotiation tactic19:35
lichenim not even sure what the argument here is19:35
katsmeow-afki wasn't negotiating19:35
kanzurelichen: katsmeow has a scraper for digikey+mouser19:36
kanzureand she doesn't want to share19:36
katsmeow-afkbecause it isn't worth it, you said so19:36
roksprokok....i am going to think about this for tonight and do some napkin-sketches of the site that i will show tomorrow....19:36
kanzurelichen: yeah.. so there's no problem :)19:36
* Juul breaks out into a rendition of the Free Software Song19:36
Juulcome on now and, share the soooftware19:36
kanzureJuul: what would you want on a modernized protocol site19:36
Juulyou'll be free hackers, you'll be free19:36
kanzureprotocol-online.org is just old as shit19:37
kanzureand, let's not worry about it making money19:37
katsmeow-afkJuul, i had already given it to others, my point is he said it was worthless, so it's not worth me sending it to anyone else19:37
roksprokwould you be interested in this lichen? i'm just going to be upfront in saying i am a noob and will be very slow, but i am willing to put in the work19:37
lichendepends on the idea19:37
lichenim also getting kind of a full plate as it were19:37
kanzureah i thought you were looking for ideas lichen19:37
lichenjob hunting and possibly doing freelance work for somebody (which seems to be falling through)19:38
lichenive got ideas of my own19:38
lichenbut if working with roksprok19:38
kanzurealways assume reelancing work will fall through uless you are holding the check in your hand19:38
lichenim saying whether i help or not depends on how feasible it really is19:38
lichenexactly kanzure19:38
kanzurewell i think the most basic thing would be:19:38
roksprokok, well there are coders galore in here, i think i will still do some branstorming and mockups if only to motivate myself to learn to code well enough to get it built19:38
kanzureask me for my scraped version of protocol-online.org19:38
kanzurei'll upload it tonight when i find it19:39
kanzurethen: figure out what to do with this data on a site19:39
lichenjust trying to pretty up what they have?19:39
kanzure"just displaying it" might be sufficient yes19:39
kanzureyeah i mean.. protocol-online.org is *crap*19:39
kanzurebut then there's all sorts of features that you can imagine, like uh.. tagging19:39
roksprokthey already display it don't they?19:40
lichenits readable and usable in a very 1994 way19:40
kanzuretagging, aggregating, one-click kits, etc.19:40
kanzureroksprok: they actually link over to a pdf most of the time19:40
lichenbut not a very 2012 way19:40
kanzureike a cached copy19:40
kanzureand it's definitely not mobile friendly19:40
kanzureand i don't know /anyone/ who has ever contributed a protocol to that site19:40
lichenlack of publicity or lack of features and usability?19:41
kanzureeveryone knows about it19:41
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Juulhm, I guess I'd like some DIY-friendliness, and more collaboration, where people can add variations of parts of a protocol or the whole, and suitable (cheap) replacements for instruments and materials. Information about the policies of companies selling materials on dealing with private groups / individuals. List of labs and DIY people willing to help you out when it comes to getting specific strains / materials.19:41
kanzureJuul: how about "example graphs" and example data19:41
roksprokso a general format/font/display style?19:41
kanzureroksprok: well, having the same representation for everything would be fantastic19:41
roksprokis that what you mean by displaying it19:41
Juulkanzure, that would rock19:41
kanzureJuul: and how about one-click ordering of the reagents19:41
kanzurec'mon gotta dream big19:42
Juulcat walks on keyboard --> FBI watchlist :P19:42
kanzurei would also like to do comparative pricing on reagents.. but that's not protocol-oriented necessarily19:42
roksprokdoes protocols online scrape stuff or is it all submitted?19:43
Juulone of us needs to do a sparkfun for diybio19:43
Juuli don't really think the market is there yet19:43
Juulbut still19:43
kanzureJuul: i don't think the market is diybio necessarily19:43
Juuloh? what then?19:43
roksprokdoes anyone work in an academic lab? how do you all find protocols anyway?19:44
kanzurehm? i just mean diybio is not the main buyers of reagents19:44
Juulah yes19:44
Juulthis is true19:44
kanzureroksprok: you are usually given the protocols as a hand-me-down19:44
kanzureor you read them in a protocol chronology.. like springer protocols19:44
Juulusually the first one though19:44
roksprokis this system really in need of improvement for researchers?19:45
Juulor you go talk to someone who has actually done it before19:45
kanzure"ah yeah man just trust me. 10X PE here"19:45
Juulif no-one in your lab has the expertise19:45
roksproklike if you are ordering thousands of dollars of reagants you probably have a pretty good science-social-network19:45
Juulit's like a combination of cooking recipes and superstition19:45
kanzureyou will not be implementing the ordering stuff in 20 days19:45
kanzure(1) yes it is needed19:45
kanzure(2) even if it wasn't... the idea is to make a site in 20 days to put on your resume19:46
kanzureand this idea just so happens to be something that interests you19:46
roksprokwill that really get me a coding job?19:47
kanzurehaha katsmeow is just angry19:47
lichenbeing smart, adaptable and experienced19:47
lichenwill get you a coding job19:47
lichenstep one is actually knowing how to code19:47
kanzureif you're willing to move, and have a shiny project like this on your portfolio using python/django, yes you can get hired19:47
Juul(or rails, don't forget the rails!)19:48
kanzurehe knows python19:48
kanzureyeh i wouldn't suggest django if he knew ruby19:48
licheni should probably teach myself ruby and python and java19:48
lichenjust havent had a good enough reason to yet19:48
Juullichen, what do you know now?19:48
roksprokis there not a glut of ruby on rails people?19:48
kanzureroksprok: SF is unable to hire fast enough19:49
kanzurethey are so hurting for any rails people19:49
Juuli agree with kanzure19:49
kanzureas long as you are reasonably not an idiot19:49
kanzurewhich.. by what i know of you.. you are not a total idiot19:49
kanzurebut i haven't seen your code yet :)19:49
Juullichen, ah :-)19:50
lichenive very little experience in web development (other than crap html/css in college)19:51
lichenmostly just in desktop application development19:51
Juulhonestly, web dev takes a long time to learn19:51
lichenbut i should probably learn web dev languages to be more flexible19:51
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Juulespecially if you want to be decent at both back-end and front-end19:51
lichenthere's a lot to it19:51
kanzurelots of us in here can help you with those parts19:52
kanzureJuul: you know, it would be cool if there's an algorithmic way you could make the protocol site remove superstition from protocols19:52
kanzureJuul: i'm sure many common protocols are not 100% optimized19:52
roksprokok, well i suppose i will get started then, but if anyone knows anyone in chicago who needs a cheap lab tech i would like to have a job19:53
lichensuperstition in protocols? lol19:53
lichenstep 4: pray that the lab works19:53
kanzurelichen: yeah, "this is the protocol. you do not vary from the protocol." is very common19:53
kanzureno you have no idea19:53
Juulkanzure, haha yeah it would be. i think people find something that works for them and then stop optimizing. why waste time fixing something that works (especially when the compile-time is so slow)19:53
kanzureit is very difficult to debug protocols19:53
kanzureyou spend *years* debugging sometimes19:53
kanzurelike.. "oh you mean i accidentally breathed into the microtube that first time? FUCK"19:53
yashgarothroksprok: like bio lab tech? there's no biotech in chicago19:54
kanzureor "you mean the pipettte tip was not supposed to hit the side of the tube? FUCK"19:54
kanzureroksprok: btw, there's the chicago open science group that has recently started19:54
roksprokyashgaroth: honestly any lab tech19:54
kanzurethey don't have a lab space yet but they meet regularly19:54
kanzureben hyink and a few others19:54
yashgarothmy company lost probably a million dollars because one protocol got miswrote and no one noticed for months19:54
roksprokthey are getting lab space in ps119:54
kanzureyashgaroth: tell it like a story19:54
kanzurewhen i was in sf recently someone pitched me on their company.. they were selling software for checklists19:55
kanzureso for any company that has a checklist or process.. the idea is to just let employees check shit off19:55
yashgarothum someone wrote 10x instead of 1x and the rest is history19:55
kanzurevery simple concept and laughable.. but checking things off matters on the lab bench19:55
kanzureotherwise you will screw up a step and forget if you just pipetted or not19:56
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kanzureyashgaroth: why a few mil?19:56
kanzureroksprok: ok just making sure you know them..19:57
yashgarothbecause all the panning relied on the boiled casein being made correctly, idk the details, it happened in the mol bio department, not our superior biochem department19:57
yashgarotha mil in time, not physical buffer-making costs19:57
roksprokthanks kanz, i was actually emailing a tiny bit with them but stopped after my uni account got cut off19:57
roksprokben is a organizational machine19:57
roksprokpretty impressive actualy19:57
yashgarothour place costs 30k a day to run, and it's only two dozen people19:58
Juulmaybe i've asked this before, but does anyone know if there are any efforts to make vegan casein?19:58
Juulit might be a fun little diybio project if not19:58
yashgarotheasier than vegan FBS19:58
kanzureyashgaroth: so $1k/person-day19:59
kanzureor are you talking about material cost19:59
yashgarothyep, although that includes our hugely useful VPs19:59
yashgaroththat's for everything; labspace, salaries, reagents19:59
kanzureall hail upper management19:59
yashgaroththough tbh I use more than $1k in reagents per day, even on a slow day20:00
Juuli want vegan gouda20:00
kanzurehigh throughput?20:00
yashgarothmedium-throughput, everything just costs a lot when it's all single-use20:00
yashgarothwe don't re-use pipette tips, unlike some unnamed academic labs20:00
Juulsingle-use lab assistants20:00
Juulthose are expensive20:01
yashgarothdisposal for lab assistants is what gets you20:01
yashgarothcan't shove more than 3 into a biohazard bin, I've tried20:01
lichenmeh, thats what coffee shops are for20:01
lichenall those grad students gotta work somewhere20:02
Juuli had coffee today20:04
Juuli never have coffee20:04
Juuli feel like i'm on drugs20:04
A-Lusion> drinking coffee right now :D20:04
roksprokwhere do you work yash?20:04
yashgarothstartup in san diego20:04
Juulyashgaroth, i've heard conflicting stories about whether or not SD has a hackerspace20:05
Juulcan you enlighten?20:05
yashgarothit doth not, that I know of20:05
yashgarothmaybe for electrical stuff, but who cares about that20:05
lichenthats because you are on drugs20:06
lichencaffeine is pretty strong provided youre not addicted to it20:06
Juulyes. this is why I don't use caffeine on a regular basis20:08
Juulso i can have an effect when i need it20:09
Juulbut i definitely overdid it today20:09
strangewarpYuck, one of my other venues is infested with a crazy survivalist/Gottendammerung literalist, who shames women for enjoying sex, and drives down levels of conversation and then complains that the venue is dying20:14
lichenthe fuck?20:14
A-Lusionwhat a list of woes20:14
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lichenfucking misogynists20:15
lichenmakes me afraid to enter the software industry20:15
lichensince its rather notorious for that20:15
roksprokanyone have suggestions for a free website mockup tool?20:45
Juullichen, yeah it's pretty bad20:47
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kanzurefor some reason my grandmother is in town20:49
kanzureand she somehow got a glimpse of my screen20:50
kanzure"what's a fucking misogynist?"20:50
nsh_what did she see?20:50
kanzurensh_: just some backlog in here (see the logs)20:50
kanzureroksprok: depends on what you want to mock up.. most people just use html/css to do rapid prototyping, but some people use mockingbird or balismiq or whatever20:51
kanzurewin 420:51
kanzureoops.. ignore that20:51
Juuli like pen and paper20:52
Juulor whiteboards and cameraphones20:52
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nsh_also, what's a Gottendammerung literalist?20:57
nsh_( strangewarp )20:58
strangewarpSorry, exotic term.20:58
kanzureJuul: or.. just steal this part and move on, and replace it when you need to20:58
strangewarpPerson who believes that Gottendammerung, the twilight of the icons; AKA the cosmology where everything is inevitably worse than things were in the past, is literally true.20:59
kanzuresomeone was asking about automated protocols on diybio a few minutes ago..20:59
Juulkanzure, hm yeah I guess. I often find it difficult to do that with HTML/CSS though20:59
kanzureer i mean20:59
kanzureJuul: copying other people's work? very easy to do20:59
kanzureesp. with css.. just redo the styles on your page with whatever you want to change it to later21:00
kanzurein the mean time you have something that looks ok21:00
nsh_strangewarp: heh thanks21:00
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roksproky don't you like biocoder kanzure?21:03
kanzureroksprok: have you seen the api :(21:03
nsh_i think "the Gottendammerung gradient" is a good term for something i've experienced from time to time in altered states of consciousness21:03
kanzurethey provide a C++ SDK that you write in21:03
kanzurethey make fluid transfer the same thing as calling a function??21:03
kanzurea fluid transfer operation should not be written out as move_liquid_to_vile_with_number(5)21:04
kanzurethat's just wrong on so many levels :(21:04
kanzureit's a vile vial >:(21:04
nsh_fluid transfer is a method of the lab assistant instance21:04
kanzurenope not in biocoder21:05
kanzureit's a global namespace method21:05
roksprokdo you want something with an api for protocols? or would merely typing it out be ok21:05
kanzurea representation format for protocols is very important to me21:05
kanzurei tried to do xml but i don't think it works21:06
kanzurethose <step>s are just english :/21:07
kanzurebut the other metadata is useful21:07
kanzurei don't know how a good way to break down step-based planning into a representation format that is (A) easy to read/write for humans and (B) easy to parse21:08
kanzurethis is why jonathan cline just resorted to parsing english-based protocols (but i don't think the mapping is guaranteed.. i dunno)21:08
kanzure"Wait a minute!  Isn’t that what robots are for?  Unfortunately, programming a bioscience robot to do a task might take half a day or a full day (or more, if it hasn’t been calibrated recently, or needs some equipment moved around).  "21:09
kanzure" If this task has to be performed 100 or 10,000 times then it is a good idea to use a robot.  If it only has to be done twice or 10 times, it may be more trouble than it’s worth.  Is there a middle ground here?"21:09
kanzure"If regular English-language biology protocols could be fed directly into a machine, and the machine could learn what to do on it’s own, wouldn’t that be great?  What if these biology protocols could be downloaded from the web, from a site like protocol-online.org ? "21:09
kanzure" It’s possible! (Within the limited range of tasks that are required in a biology lab, and the limited range of language expected in a biology protocol.)"21:09
kanzure"The point of this prototype project is this: there are thousands of biology protocols in existence, and biologists won’t quickly transition to learning enough engineering to write automated language themselves (and it is also more effort than should be necessary to use a “easy-to-use GUI” for training a robot)."21:09
strangewarpIt's possible! (within limits)21:09
strangewarpI love it :p21:09
kanzure"The computer itself should be used to bridge the language gap. Microfluidics automation platforms (Lab on Chip) may be able to carry out the bulk of busy work without excessive “training” required."21:09
kanzure"It's possible! For varying definitions of possible."21:09
Juulwasn't this exact thinking what lead us to COBOL ?21:10
strangewarpOh christ, don't mention COBOL around my mom, it gives her flashbacks21:11
kanzurei am not sure if english-based parsing is the best we can do... i would prefer some way where we can clearly write out, in a parsable way, exactly what is supposed to happen. protocols are currently not that..21:11
Juulone of my friends had to learn it last year21:11
Juul_last_ _year_21:11
katsmeow-afki could have sworn there was a chemistry translator to take written instructions and apply some 500 scripts to it, and churn out equations and such21:11
kanzureit might be possible to parse english-based protocols *initially* and then do clean-up in whatever better format21:11
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: sure.. but equations isn't necessarily the same thing as "Run this bunsen burner on this particular glassware for 40 hours at 2 mL/hr"21:12
Juulyes, but there is the danger of running into the Commodore 128 problem21:12
katsmeow-afkkanzure, right, it displayed a little "add heat for 2 hrs here" in the equation21:13
katsmeow-afkthe Commodore 128 problem?21:13
JuulThe Commodore 128 had a switch to make it run in Commodore 64 mode, which meant it became a Commodore 64.  Almost no-one invested the extra effort to make Commodore 128 programs, since they could just make Commodore 64 programs and everyone would be able to run them.21:13
katsmeow-afkshame, that21:14
kanzurewell nobody has an incentive to write lab protocols in a computational format21:14
Juulkanzure, they do but they don't know that they do!21:14
kanzurewhat is the incentive?21:14
Juulif they already had all of their protocols in a machine-readable standard format, then going from "one person manually running the protocol" to "robot running it for you" would nearly be reduced to loading the chemicals in the machine21:15
kanzurethey don't have robots either ;) they have students21:15
Juulwell, maybe they biofab had a unique problem there21:15
kanzurei agree that going from protocols to a microfluidic circuit would be fantastic21:15
kanzureand i also agree it's possible21:15
Juul"Go away, or I will replace you with a very small microfluidics device." ?21:16
kanzurebut let's- for a moment- assume that protocols (for some reason) need to be digitized first before that happens21:16
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kanzurewhat incentives are there for digitization other than automation?21:16
nsh_kanzure: digitisation of protocols allows for efficient archival, categorisation and analysis21:17
kanzureJuul: i messed up and accidentally replaced /myself/ with a small shell script21:17
Juulkanzure, management, and easier ordering. e.g. "we need to run this experiment 96 times" and the app tells you exactly how much of each reagent you will need21:17
nsh_new protocols could be inferred from existing ones automatically21:17
kanzureJuul: 96 times just means multiplication21:17
kanzurei do think that data analysis is an interesting idea21:18
kanzurelike store graphs and charts that people have collected21:18
kanzureeach protocol should come with debugging steps and software to analyze results21:18
Juulkanzure, damn, you made the mistake of implementing a shell-script-implementing shell script21:18
Juulnever do that21:18
nsh_they could also be comparatively assessed21:18
nsh_and "evolved"21:18
kanzureso you could imagine some standard protocol debugging library that runs through "typical debugging steps necessary for when you are pipetting"21:18
nsh_on the basis of metrics applied formally21:18
kanzurensh_: that's a neat concept, but not something that would incite this to happen :P21:19
nsh_why encourage people to do with neat concepts when you have a large stick with nails poking out21:19
nsh_*do things with21:19
kanzurei mean, let's say you type up 200 protocols for me21:20
Juulkanzure, hm yes, that would be useful mostly for people without a lot of experience though wouldn't it21:20
kanzurewhat are you going to do now?21:20
Juulwe need to target the wet-lab guys who are entrenched in their ways21:20
kanzurei don't understand what this provides them21:20
kanzure(until you get the microfluidics automation; i don't think this helps other types of automation)21:20
* nsh_ shrugs21:20
nsh_automation is just one benefit. standardisation and interoperability are others21:21
kanzurestandardization of protocols?21:21
nsh_standardisation of the execution of protocols21:21
Juuli'm not sure we're quite ready for standardization of protocols21:21
kanzuresome protocols are meant to be versioned differently21:22
* nsh_ nods21:22
kanzureok i have found my 169 MB copy of protocol-online21:22
kanzurei am trying to figure out wtf i have21:24
roksprokdo people use protocol online?21:24
kanzureprotocol-cache.zip  prot.zip all_view_cache_links.txt cat-all.sh files.sh full-library.txt library-of-protocols.txt links_cgi.txt linkex.pl links.txt list-of-files parsed.txt yet-another2.txt yet-another-library-of-protocols.txt21:26
kanzureoh god this was from before i took care of my filenames21:26
kanzureand from when i was using.. perl.. to do scraping. yikes21:27
Juul /this/is/the/directory/that/never/ends/yes/it/goes/on/and/on/again/some/people/started/a/bash/script/without/rtfm/and/it/continues/mkdir-ing/forever/just/because/21:28
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kanzureJuul: hey some of that path was legit21:28
kanzureok so first i'll upload this 2.3 MB zip file.. looks like it has some weird perl and just basic index html files (not the actual content)21:30
kanzurethis does not look particularly useful21:31
kanzurezip file is in parent21:31
kanzurehere's all their outgoing links http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/protocol-online/links_cgi.txt21:32
kanzureit will be a while for the 150+ MB file to upload (capped upload speed)21:33
nsh_that list would be more useful if you resolved the urls21:35
yashgaroththat includes the scraped outgoing link files?21:35
kanzurethe uploading file has the .docs and .pds and shit21:35
kanzurensh_: yeah i was pretty stupid21:35
kanzureone of the file is a mapping table with titles and urls but i think i'll just redo this scrape real quick21:36
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roksprokum so i seem to have forgotten what you want from this site is it just something where we have a standard format (such as this http://www.protocol-online.org/cgi-bin/prot/view_cache.cgi?ID=945) and have every protocol obey that format?21:39
strangewarpNeeds more countries. Need a country density of 2 per person minimum. Also, countries are people, and each has two of itself, and so on21:39
kanzureroksprok: yep that's the basic idea21:40
kanzurebut also things like, a list of equipment, and being able to say, "this is the endo f the list" or21:40
kanzureor being able to add tags to protocols.. i don't know. simple things.21:40
roksprokthat has tags and lets people edit and discuss it21:41
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kanzureyeah looks ok to me21:42
kanzureso yeah, like that21:43
kanzureoh geeze21:44
roksprokk cool so something like that to start and then find a way to convert all the protocols to it21:44
kanzurewalls of text21:44
roksprokwhy break it into steps21:44
roksprokif each step is a pararaph21:44
kanzurethe paragraph format is not optimal21:45
kanzureit's supposed to be steps :/21:45
kanzureif there's if/then statements, it should be code21:45
kanzureJuul: what do you think of that site^21:45
kanzureroksprok: here's one with just steps http://lab.methodmint.com/methods/1458/21:46
kanzureonly 19 users?21:47
Juullooks like someone is using stackexchange software or a knockoff21:47
kanzureexcept.. with a twitter bootstrap layotu21:48
kanzureok my upload is done21:48
kanzurei'm not sure if making it social is the right answer?21:48
kanzurei guess it helps21:48
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kanzureraw files: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/protocol-online/protocol-cache/21:50
kanzurezip is: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/protocol-online/protocol-cache.zip21:50
kanzurehmm.. i definitely think graphs, charts, analysis, software, and debugging would be the way to go on a protocol site. Q&A is necessary too though.21:51
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Mokbortolancan anybody tell me why we use TLDs?22:04
JuulMokbortolan, i'm not sure what you're asking? the historical reasons DNS was implemented the way it was, or the reasons we stick with that system or something else entirely?22:05
kanzurewe use ip addresses22:05
Juuldid i mention that my failure to remember to turn off IP over DNS on the lbl.gov network has resulted in a scientific article being published?22:06
Juulimpressive sysadmins are impressive22:06
Juulwell, i guess it's technically still out for review22:07
Mokbortolanthe RFC said it was intended to split up administration of DNS22:07
* Mokbortolan starts mining namecoin.22:08
nsh_Juul: what's the title of the article?22:09
nsh_there was an cute bit in a Greg Egan novel(a) where some hackers hijack the computational capacity of the global name resolution service to create a virtual supercomputer22:10
nsh_required a little suspension of disbelief22:10
kanzurewhat was his phantom company?22:14
kanzuredark integers corporation?22:14
kanzurealthough i recall prefering the first half and not this second one22:15
Juul"On Bounding Surreptitious Communication Over DNS22:15
nsh_i liked the metaphysical backdrop of the story22:16
nsh_communication between platonic domains facilitated by proofing esoteric theorems at the fractal borderline therebetween22:17
kanzurensh_: what's up?22:29
kanzurehi wvoq22:29
nsh_i found some old bookmarks and i'm seeing which ones are still live22:29
kanzuresounds tedious22:30
nsh_but nostalgic22:30
nsh_at best one can hope for a diverse diet of tedium22:31
kanzurethe USDA in a surprising flash of clarity judged that tedium is awful22:32
nsh_so its production is no longer being supported by federal subsidies?22:32
kanzureall of it is being mined in china22:33
nsh_considering entering a competition to program NASA robots: http://gigaom.com/2012/03/06/space-hackathon-coders-set-to-compete-on-nasadarpa-project/22:33
nsh_asian or african china?22:34
kanzureafrica dissolved and was annexed by china22:34
wvoqhey zanzure22:35
wvoqthanks for your reply on diy-bio22:35
wvoqthis is pat22:35
kanzureoh hi22:35
kanzurewelcome to the real internet22:35
wvoqsorry about the repost-- I had tried poking through the archives before posting22:35
kanzureno reposting is ok :P22:36
wvoqbut without much success22:36
kanzurebut i figured you probably did not see those22:36
Juulno reposting, is ok22:36
Juulno, reposting is ok22:36
kanzureno, reposting is ok22:36
kanzurefuck commas22:36
kanzurewvoq: we were just discussing this old data set i had22:36
kanzurea scrape of protocol-online.org22:36
kanzurehas some links, you might like to grab a copy or something..22:37
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wvoqyeah, I have roughly 4 or 5 years to make an appreciable dent in a hard problem22:45
wvoqI'm beginning to wonder whether this is it22:45
kanzurewhy only four or five.. what?22:45
wvoqwell, to take a Ph.D.-sized bite out of it22:45
kanzuredo you have an advisor22:46
wvoqwe've kicked it back and forth a bit, but I don't think I've managed to convince him that it's simultaneously doable and worthwhile22:46
kanzureprotocol representation?22:46
wvoq(the Scylla and Charybdis of dissertation properties)22:47
wvoqprotocol representation, generation and debugging22:47
kanzurei think debugging is where it's at btw22:47
kanzure"OOPS i prayed to the wrong cardinal direction" can really blow up your experiments22:48
wvoqthe golden standard would literally be "grad student mode"22:48
wvoqhopped on the wrong foot, &c.22:48
kanzureis this science or black magic22:48
* nsh_ muses22:48
kanzure"Why gel streaks are the bane of my existence, chapter 1"22:48
wvoqi.e. where you could take dictation, more or less, and generate instructions at, or better than, a teaching protocol22:48
nsh_why isn't every execution of a protocol logged somewhere with a correlation to the experiment's result?22:49
kanzurewvoq: i've been working on a library to automatically generate microfluidic circuits22:49
wvoqwe will look back on this age as one of dark barbarism22:49
kanzurei would really like to take a lab protocol and then spit out a circuit diagram22:49
nsh_you can outsource the autopsy to people who have more interest in the perfection of the protocol, if you're just worried about getting the right result22:49
kanzureeven if it's a one-time use thing22:49
wvoqis there code up anywhere yet?22:49
kanzurewvoq: soort of22:50
kanzurethere's a general framework that is broader22:50
kanzurebut the actual microfluidics code keeps getting rewritten because i can't figure out how i like it best :/22:50
wvoqprevious remark should read: at, or better than, /the level of/ a teaching protocol22:50
kanzurewhat i want are things like: svg output, laser cutter control, mask generation, parts w/ interfaces that connect22:51
kanzureand ideally some way to mathematically define each part so that you can plug it into your flow simulations22:51
kanzurealthough- certain elements like heaters (for pcr; either heater blocks, lasers or other methods) require non-svg-output-related design features, but w/e22:52
nsh_why do heaters need to be output in non-vector form?22:53
nsh_oh, nm22:53
kanzureyour laser cutter can only cut22:53
nsh_give it time...22:53
nsh_it's only a pup22:54
kanzurearguably it wouldn't be a laser cutter then22:54
wvoq"By 'hardware' we mean not just designs for circuit boards, but also biological constructs"22:54
nsh_name is grandfathered in22:54
wvoqsudo apt-get install sv40?22:54
kanzurewvoq: sudo apt-get install adderall22:54
kanzureoh, hm22:54
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kanzurensh_: you can already outsource the labor of course.. (scienceexchange is new to the scene, yadda yadda)22:57
wvoqthis looks interesting.  Is it properly released yet?22:57
kanzureit's a bunch of code that doesn't work22:59
wvoqwe've all been there22:59
wvoqI am there most of the time, actually22:59
kanzurewe need more manpower able to think of architecturally-sound designs22:59
kanzurealso one of the barriers was that there were too many proprietary CAD formats22:59
kanzureand the open source formats are never parametric and rarely surface-based (all just meshes)23:00
kanzurei mean.. meshes like object code23:00
kanzureso anyway.. i started to write code for CAD under lolcad.git on http://diyhpl.us/cgit/23:00
kanzurebut that's like a phd thesis of work right there23:00
kanzurelately i've been trying out f-rep-based CAD instead of NURBS-based CAD; i need to write a visualizer to confirm that it's working (just boolean trees w/ inequalities to define your geometry)23:01
kanzurethen i spent a bunch of time writing a thingiverse clone based on git repositories23:03
wvoqyeah, I recall rms saying once that getting CAD right will be like the end of history for free software23:04
katsmeow-afkre: reading english description of chemistry procedures and making etc etc : http://duckduckgo.com/?q=OPSIN+Daniel+Lowe+IUPAC23:04
kanzureOpenCASCADE is just terribly written23:04
kanzureplus their licensing is screwed up23:04
kanzureBRLCAD is great but they don't do NURBS or any sort of modern CAD23:04
wvoqchemistry procedures, or IUPAC names?23:07
katsmeow-afkread the top 1/4 of http://blogs.ch.cam.ac.uk/pmr/2011/11/25/the-scandal-of-publisher-forbidden-textmining-the-vision-denied/23:07
kanzurefor procedures... i like http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/Route%20designer%20-%20a%20retrosynthetic%20analysis%20tool%20utilizing%20automated%20retrosynthetic%20rule%20generation.pdf23:07
kanzurewvoq: btw.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/23:08
wvoqoh yeah, I remember reading that23:08
kanzuresee /bio /DNA /polymerase /longevity /stem-cells /gene-therapy /nanotech23:08
kanzureuh and http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/23:09
wvoqhuh, neat23:12
wvoqso when you mention biological constructs you primarily mean microfluidics chip + reagents + robot?23:14
ParahSailinthat two photon resin nanopatterning recent pr hit was pretty cool-looking23:14
yashgarothbiological constructs = genetically modified organisms, I should hope23:16
wvoqI mean, as far as kanzure is concerned with downloading them23:18
kanzuremaking reagents, media, culturing, dna synthesis23:18
wvoqconsider: the current state of the art for obtaining a given plasmid is asking nicely and having someone mail it to you23:18
kanzureordering plasmids is stupid23:19
kanzureyou should just synthesize what you want23:19
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kanzureand ordering primers just so you can get the gene you want is also dumb23:19
kanzurejust synthesize the gene sequence :/23:19
kanzurewvoq: my current project is a microfluidic dna synthesizer23:20
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wvoqI mean, the stupid thing is that it's still marginally easier/cheaper to do it the old-fashioned way.  Or it's impossible to synthesize because the donating lab never actually did the sequencing23:22
kanzurethe old-fashioned way is a hack on top of a hack23:22
kanzureto get around the fact that everyone was stuck in the past23:23
wvoqno, I don't disagree at all23:24
wvoqhonestly, a lot of current biological practice is just barely this side of alchemy23:24
wvoqand the most frustrating aspect of it is that we know it's alchemy23:25
kanzureit's "institutional knowledge"23:25
wvoqit's lore you learned at your PI's knee23:26
wvoqso, Hilary Mason ran an interesting experiment a while ago23:27
wvoqby optimizing chocolate chip cookies23:27
kanzuresounds good so far23:27
wvoqmining the web for like 150 recipes and effectively just averaging them23:28
kanzurethe ultimate cookie? or.. the average cookie23:29
wvoqand so the natural thing to do is to try this with every, say, GFP transformation on online-protocols23:29
katsmeow-afkfwiw, Tiggr has several gigabytes of recipies23:29
wvoqturns out they're the same thin23:29
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: yeah but you won't give us the data23:29
kanzurewvoq: yeah, it's all recipes23:29
wvoqwhich makes sense: the optimal ratio of sugar to flour probably isn't exactly 1:1 or 2:123:29
kanzurethere was this great 1985 book called "Computational Cooking" by some guy from the food automation industry23:29
kanzure(yes there's a food automation industry)23:30
katsmeow-afkkanzure, i'd like to feel useful, you'd rather mine it all yourself, making me useless23:30
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: you won't give us the daaata23:30
wvoqbut if recipes proliferate roughly according to their fitness, you should expect the mean to reflect the best ratio23:30
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: it's like saying, "OK i have a cure to cancer. Nope, you can't have it, because then you'll have it and I will feel useless"23:30
ParahSailini didnt have a postdoc or a pi to learn the lore from23:31
katsmeow-afknot what i said23:31
kanzurewvoq: that's an interesting idea23:31
wvoqthe obvious problem is that protocols are not "linear" in the sense that cookie recipes mostly are23:31
wvoqso when you make your model and do the regression, you end up needing the very knowledge you're running the regression in order to learn23:32
kanzurethere's probably some fancier regression models that can do that23:32
wvoqparasailin: so where did you learn your lore?23:32
wvoqI think your model needs to know all of chemistry23:33
kanzureok there's some databases you can steal for that23:33
kanzureat least reaction mechanisms23:33
kanzurefor organic chemistry. heh'23:33
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wvoqthat's why I'm beginning to suspect that automatic protocol generation is going to be more than a weekend hack23:34
kanzureoh no i don't think you should generate the protocols themselves23:34
wvoqall of the efforts I've seen represent the protocol only as deeply as the monkey performing it needs to know23:35
wvoqright, that's the holy grail23:35
kanzurehrmm no i see protocols more like nuggets of random-ass knowledge23:36
wvoqwell, in a sense they are23:36
kanzurelike cacl2 transformation23:36
kanzurethere's this "knowledge" bit and these variables people figured out23:36
wvoqsure, and at the bleeding edge there are protocols where the only thing the authors can claim is that it works23:36
kanzureand then the protocol is english text describing how to setup the scenario23:36
kanzureand what needs to happen in the scenario23:37
kanzureso theoretically a represetnation format would just be the main nugget- "run your liquid at 50C in this machine for 10 min and ramp down to 30C followig this curve"23:37
kanzureer.. yeah i am really bad at this23:38
Juulsomewhere in this building I think some electronics just went *poof*23:38
Juuli can vaguely smell the distinct smell of burning plastic23:38
kanzureare you stealing lab equipment from LBL again23:38
Juulyet i've now been all around the lab and i can't locate the smell23:38
Juulit might be from one of the other labs downstairs23:38
Juulor some of the electronics in the ceiling23:39
kanzurebest to ignore it and pretend everything is ok23:39
kanzureOR steal all the pipette tips while nobody is looking23:39
wvoqkanzure: but in many cases the theory is well-understood23:39
kanzurewvoq: my main complaint is that biocoder is insufficient23:39
Juulmaybe i'm imagining it23:39
kanzurethis is not OK http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/india/projects/biocoder/documentation/source_code.html23:40
kanzureFluid medium = new_fluid("rich medium (LB, YT, or Terrific medium)containing appropriate antibiotic", vol(2, ML));23:40
kanzureFluid sol1 = new_fluid("Alkaline Lysis Solution I","50 mM Glucose,25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 10 mM EDTA (pH 8.0)");23:40
kanzuremeasure_fluid(sol2, vol(200, UL), microfuge_tube);23:40
kanzureinvert(microfuge_tube, 5);23:40
kanzurecomment("Do not vortex!");23:40
kanzurestore(microfuge_tube, ON_ICE);23:40
kanzurethis is not good api design23:40
wvoqso, on one hand, there's the fact that no one will ever read or write this without a gun to their head23:41
kanzurethere's very little benefit to the author :x23:41
wvoqin the short term, at least23:41
* kanzure nods23:41
wvoqon the other, if you had asked anyone in practically any industrial field, such as they were, 100 years ago23:42
wvoqwhether they could foresee the practices of designing sewers or bridges with machines23:42
wvoqthey would have laughed you out of the room23:43
wvoq100 years ago, writing a technical memo that got turned into a civil works project by a large team of trained engineers was good enough23:43
wvoqthe very conceit of CAD was preposterous23:44
wvoqwhy spend an hour dicking around with a mouse and a monitor when you could just use a T-square and some splines?23:44
wvoqthe point about it being a pain to write is well-taken23:45
wvoqbut there are a limited number of replies, AFAICT:23:45
kanzuremany protocols describe things that are basically accidents23:45
kanzureor coincidences23:46
kanzurealthough.. for the basic operations of a biology lab there are usually solid state options23:46
kanzurefor instance, transformation can be done with lasers and electroporation23:46
wvoqin general, like for arbitrary mammalian cells?23:46
kanzurei think if you want the most generally applicable solution you can use a plasmid-coated AFM tip23:47
kanzureor do single-cell-needle-injection23:47
kanzuresingle cell transfection using afm:23:48
wvoqok, cool23:48
kanzuresingle-plasmid pcr:23:48
kanzurewhat other operations? incubation parameters can probably be deduced by the genome (evenutally)23:49
kanzuresequencing has gone solid state (nanopores, afm sequencing, stm sequencing..)23:50
wvoqare you saying that reading the e. coli genome will tell you to incubate at 37 degrees?23:50
kanzuresynthesis will be (controlled polymerases)23:50
kanzurewvoq: i hope so heh23:50
kanzurei'm generally suggesting that there are options for moving towards protocols that are mechanical steps and less.. hopping on one foot for hours at a time23:51
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wvoq`sorry, my neighbor's wifi keeps dropping me23:54
Juulwvoq`, most neighbors will only let you borrow one cup of wifi at a time23:55
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wvoq`it's cool, they downloaded my car last week, so we're even23:57
wvoq`though I guess downloading cars is actually serious business here23:57
Juul*gasp* they _wouldn't_23:57
Juulthis phantom smell is getting to me23:58
Juuland i'm hungry23:58
Juuli'm going to stoop23:58
Juulso low23:58
kanzurei need to sleep23:58
kanzuregood night23:58
* Juul walks off to Denny's23:59
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