
--- Log opened Sun Mar 18 00:00:56 2012
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Mokbortolan_that took a lot less time than I thought01:49
* Mokbortolan_ got his bodybugg/armband working without a subscription.01:50
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JayDugger1Athletic performance improved by intermittent cooling--any papers?03:48
JayDugger1Well done M.03:48
JayDugger1You know about openyou.org?03:50
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strangewarpI've just had a really weird philosophical idea, using several concepts that I doubt many people are fully familiar with in the way that I've combined them; but the theology gets a little heavy, and there is one moderate if not crippling flaw (which could probably be fixed, but I'm not a mathematician and it would probably take soe heavy maths to find a solution to it).04:28
strangewarpSo idk wtf04:29
Replopdid you write down those  things ?05:17
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strangewarpYes, but now I feel kind of waffly about them05:28
ThomasEgiwaffles.. now i am hungry...05:38
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fazefusionmy god this is heaven for me07:10
fazefusionthats my workplace07:10
fazefusionanyone here?07:11
fazefusionyou gotta register to see the rest of my work07:11
fazefusionthats only a glimpse07:11
ThomasEgihm. seems to be mostly c++ topics there?07:13
ThomasEgiwhat else is up there?07:13
fazefusioneverything related to biology07:14
fazefusionyou gotta register though07:14
fazefusionit's good stuff07:14
fazefusionnot for public eyes07:14
ThomasEgianything related to implants and connecting eletronics to the nerve-system?07:15
fazefusionnot that sort of thing07:15
fazefusionI have life extension07:15
fazefusionapproaches and nootropics research07:15
fazefusionrejuvenation, muscle, fatloss, but no transhumanism07:15
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strangewarpThing that peeves me off: People who use the word "statist" to mean "not libertarian", when it ought to mean "not futurist".07:30
fazefusionwhy would you want to be a machine?07:31
fazefusionbut maybe... yeah it sounds nice07:31
fazefusionto be powerful, like deus Ex HR07:31
fazefusioni'm dying to play that game07:31
fazefusiongonna get it this week07:31
strangewarpI.. don't see.. how you got that from the thing I said.. but I also take issue with basically everything you have said in the past minute on some level07:32
* strangewarp rubs temples07:32
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fazefusionwasn't referring to your comment07:33
fazefusionjust curious about this channel07:33
strangewarpoh, fair enough07:33
strangewarpMost people here want to at least become way better humans, from what I gather07:34
fazefusionyeah me too07:34
fazefusionbut there is no need to relate to machines07:35
fazefusionfor such a purpose07:35
strangewarpHumans are machines made out of meat and gloop07:35
fazefusionwe can use biotechnology07:35
fazefusionI like being organic07:35
uniqanomalysome don't07:37
ThomasEgiwell for starters. our non-organic technology is pretty awesome07:37
ThomasEgiso you can gain quite some benefits from combining both07:37
strangewarpEmbodiment is a pretty loaded subject for me, since I originally drifted into transhumanism after becoming philosophically unsatisfied in the furry community :S (pretty sure there are hardly any others who took such a trajectory, and good luck getting anyone to admit it)07:45
strangewarpI am moderately compelled to try to eventually end up in a position where I have more options than the boring baseline human form. I anticipate that such options would be an incidental side-effect of more useful, helpful technological developments, which I came to realize are objectively good in themselves (an uncontroversial transhumanist opinion).07:53
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strangewarpMore direct response: there is nothing particularly bad about wanting to be mechanical (the implication being: uploading yourself). Even if you worry about existential continuity, which I only worry about in the loosest possible terms, it would probably be possible to gradually replace the brain with a given substrate anyway. Less of a jolt to existential/experiential continuity than going to sleep and waking up.08:00
strangewarpNot quite sure how I was prompted into the former tangent, there, in hindsight.08:05
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nathanielstrangewarp, RE "statist": YES. at least someone else is defining the state as a transhumanist meta-technology of sorts which is simply unavailable to the majority of humanity. I was not aware you people existed <308:46
strangewarpnathaniel: I just despise the fact that, while by all reasonable measure, "statist" should mean "the opposite of a futurist", it has somehow become the word people use for "person who hates Ron Paul". And I am like.. whut. Why are you using that word to mean that thing?! This doesn't make sense and is bad!!08:48
strangewarpIncidentally, I may have made an error - I thought the etymology of "statist" came from "static", as in "staying still", but it actually comes from "state"...08:52
strangewarpSo, I may have to discard that passionate opinion on semantics..08:52
strangewarpEtymology is a harsh mistress, apparently :\08:54
strangewarpLuckily, I also agree that the state is a meta-technology that could be extended to every individual, in several ways but not others, so I haven't completely lost face :p08:55
strangewarpNow I'm without a proper word for using against anti-futurists, though. Urgh08:57
strangewarpThat implies a caricaturethat can be shrugged off, sadly...08:58
strangewarpI'm liking that one, hmm08:58
nathanielprimitivist captures most of it08:58
nathanielthough comes with a little semantic baggage08:59
strangewarpIn one of my notebooks I sketched out a Futurist Political Compass, with one axis as Transhumanist-Neoprimitivist and the other as Pastoralist-Antipastoralist...09:00
nathanielsounds good. but no one will have any idea what the hell you're talking about :P09:00
strangewarpThat was the problem, yes09:00
nathanielpolitical compasses bother me, though09:01
strangewarpIndeed, I only intended it to capture the positions that relied on the interaction of opinions-on-technology and opinions-on-nature09:01
nathanielpolitical n-spheres would work better in almost any situation09:02
nathanielif you're finding yourself stuck to an axis that appears to have definite opposites, the semantics of the axis are probably too general09:02
nathaniel*not general09:03
nathanielbleh. I'll just go with whatever definitions arise with greater human intercommunication09:03
nathanielrecently I've been going with "empathetic transhumanist" :/09:04
strangewarpAye... the definitions I ended up picking out for the four corner-positions are quite obscure and useless09:04
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strangewarpPastoral transhumanist extremist position: Rewilding. This as defined by Karl Schroeder, where advanced technology is made to emulate nature. Antipastoral transhumanist extremist position: Extropian. That ought to be familiar here, at least. Antipastoral primitivist extremist position: Melancology. This was defined in the first symposium on black metal theory to denote a particular infinitely-bleak-and-cruel aesthetic. Past09:07
strangewarpLooking back at it, it's only about as useful as the original Political Compass - not very useful at all.09:08
rkosi think nature is often infinitely bleak and cruel09:08
strangewarpdefinitely. Everything primitivist on the axis is by necessity cruel to some degree; whether it's pastoral or antipastoral dictates whether or not it's romanticized.09:10
rkosshouldnt we first be getting our technology to match the versatility of biological systems and then exapand into something completely new09:11
rkosi sometimes wonder though, if we can reduce biology to tools made to perform a certain function, where does that leave us?09:13
strangewarpWith ideation, aesthetic, and semiotic.09:13
vrssuperkuh: hey, guess what I found09:13
vrssuperkuh: A Better Matrix Revolutions.txt09:13
vrsso I did save it09:14
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strangewarpSomeone needs to do a yudkowsky_ebooks gag account on twitter.10:32
-!- ShapeShiftr [SDr@cpc10-dals18-2-0-cust809.hari.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:42
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kanzurestrangewarp: there's already a yudkowsky gag account.. http://twitter.com/FakeEliezer12:01
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klafkayeah pretty awesome12:28
kanzureit's just an update12:32
kanzure8200 is pretty weak12:32
kanzurewell, at least it's being reported12:33
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AdrianGhow are they going to open access13:11
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thylaneEliezer   Yudkowsky is fruity dude13:20
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kanzureopen science recap at pycon 2012 https://us.pycon.org/2012/community/openspaces/openscience/13:23
kanzuresomething something about an open-science framework http://pyvideo.org/video/690/saturday-evening-lightning-talks-60-minutes/13:24
kanzurenumpy foundation for pen code for usable science http://numfocus.org/13:24
kanzureholy carp you can donate to a numpy foundation?13:25
kanzure"anthony scopatz: i think, therefore i amino acid" aacckk13:27
kanzurein general donating to numpy and scipy seems like good things to tell people to do, if they want to donate to something that has positive impact13:27
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kanzureeh i would be more interested if they showed some examples13:36
klafkai talked to travis oliphant about it at strata13:36
kanzure"Well, we just dumped the core matrix/array classes into redis"13:36
kanzureoh what did he say?13:37
klafkabasically that it was a work in progressand they weren't ready to release anything yet13:37
klafkathat's what it seemed like13:37
klafkahe didn't give details13:37
klafkabut he was saying that he wanted to offer it as a service company13:38
klafkawhile adding back a lot of stuff to numpy13:38
kanzurethylane: scroll up.. the link was dropped earlier13:39
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kanzuremore brainbow images http://www.cell.com/cell_picture_show-brainbow14:16
kanzuresome of these look new14:17
kanzure"Here the intercrossed muscle fibers in the tongue of a mouse embryo (day 14) are labeled with random combinations of the fluorescent proteins dTomato (red), YFP (green) and Cerulean (blue). "14:17
kanzure"Here the "Confetti" gene is transiently activated in all liver cells in a mouse ~4 weeks of age. As a result, each cell independently recombines the "Confetti" gene toward one of four fluorescent proteins."14:18
archelskanzure: How's it different from Brainbow?14:19
kanzurearchels: different cells targetted14:26
kanzurealso, i think these are different people/projects14:26
kanzuretron dance routine.. time to pick up some electroluminescent wiring http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHJkyMo9MtU14:28
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ThomasEgipretty neat14:38
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kanzurehi yashgaroth16:19
kanzurehi eudoxia16:19
yashgarothhi kanz16:19
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AdrianGhook up your brainz to a battery, yo16:30
kanzureum.. there seems to be someone in that thread promoting his astral projection theories?16:32
kanzurewhy haven't the mods killed that guy yet16:32
Mokbortolan_well, self-hypnosis-induced-hallucinations are... interesting16:51
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thesnarkkanzure ping17:24
thesnarkget my mail?17:25
kanzureyes i think i replied by ics confirmation17:25
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kanzurei wonder if anyone has wired up a radio-controlled starfish19:06
kanzure"Your search - radio-controlled asteroidea - did not match any articles."19:07
kanzuremike treder missing in detroit https://plus.google.com/u/0/108797589939818481328/posts/GYUejw4xzuS19:14
yashgarothcan't think of a worse city to go missing in, in the states19:16
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kanzureray kurzweil charges $35-$50k/hour?20:25
kanzuremore like a singularity of speaking engagement fees20:25
Steel2gotta pay for all those meds20:28
kanzurei guess i'm not surprised20:30
kanzurehe's booked all year for speaking engagements apparently20:30
kanzureso he's consistently making at least 20k/week20:31
kanzurewhat i'm more surprised about is the events that i've seen him at20:31
kanzurethese events weren't bringing in enough money to pay for that..20:31
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kanzurehi spaes20:31
spaeshey kanzure20:31
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kanzurebattlefield3 "but with NES sound effects" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c1PBufdfcE20:52
joshcryeran improvement20:56
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kanzureandroid kernel getting merged back into upstream linux https://lwn.net/Articles/472984/21:37
AdrianG20k a week22:05
AdrianGwhat happened to treder22:06
katsmeow-afkanyone see this? http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/16/executive-order-national-defense-resources-preparedness22:07
Steel2kanzure, he does care about what he talks about (pro bono speaking) he just wants to maximize his profit as well22:08
uniqanomalykatsmeow-afk: martial law?22:09
Steel2no, that's him trying to bring back jobs it looks like22:09
katsmeow-afkcept some jobs are unpaid22:10
kanzureSteel2: ray's views on the future are very different from the views that tend to be expressed in here22:10
Steel2I know that22:10
katsmeow-afkand federal gov gets precidence in all activities22:10
kanzurehe might care about what he talks about22:10
AdrianGkatsmeow-afk: wuts dat22:10
kanzurebut sort of like someone who picks stocks22:10
katsmeow-afkThe head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation <<== aka to "hire" them, but not pay them22:10
Steel2My point is the reason he attends events that can't pay his speaking fee is because he cares22:11
katsmeow-afkwell, it essentailly nationalised a lot of stuff to the federal gov22:11
Steel2but he's still trying to maximize his profit22:11
Steel2(my guess)22:11
kanzureSteel2: not sure, i think the events still paid him22:11
katsmeow-afkTo reduce current or projected shortfalls of resources, critical technology items, or materials essential for the national defense, the head of each agency engaged in procurement for the national defense is delegated the authority of the President under section 302 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2092, to make loans thereunder.22:11
uniqanomalynot even a bowl of rice?22:11
kanzureyou can't charge $30k one week and then $0 the next22:11
Steel2you can make huge discounts tho22:12
Steel2maybe not pro bono then22:12
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