
--- Log opened Tue Mar 20 00:00:55 2012
--- Day changed Tue Mar 20 2012
joshcryerenergy is free :(00:00
fennopinions are free00:04
fennunless they are unpopular00:05
fenni.e. i believe people should be sterilized if they have more than 7 kids00:05
fennother people believe i should not have this opinion00:05
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]00:06
joshcryerwhy 7?00:20
fennbecause it's a lucky number00:21
-!- SolG [~Sol@c-174-57-58-11.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:31
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fennanyone want to run for humanity+ board of directors? it's a great waste of time and annoys everyone in your address book01:08
fenni wonder if mccabe accomplished anything he set out to do01:08
-!- marainein [~marainein@220-253-24-173.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:15
fenndoes this mean something? "maximum complexity awareness"02:13
fennaka the size of a system or network beyond which it is impossible to make predictions02:14
fennfor a given predictor, i.e. a human02:14
fennso i can read about biochemistry all day long and not even come close to covering KEGG, which is itself incomplete with regards to detail02:15
fenna motion planner can only govern a robot with so many degrees of freedom before it poops out02:17
fenna physics system can only simulate up to N bodies with the inverse square law before it bogs down02:18
katsmeow-afkquestion: how do you get http://www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway/map/map00010.html  into a db in such a way the computer can know Glycerate-2P is mentioned and where it is in the pathway?02:21
fennhum, "development of a taxonomy of human performance" (1968) http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/684583.pdf02:23
katsmeow-afkhttp://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?K01834+K01837+K15633+K15634+K15635+ doesn't mention Glycerate-2P02:24
fennkatsmeow-afk: kegg IS a database02:24
katsmeow-afkhttp://www.wikipathways.org//index.php?query=Glycerate-2P&title=Special%3ASearchPathways&doSearch=1&sa=Search  has yet to respond02:24
fenni believe the maps are auto generated from the database02:24
katsmeow-afkok, KEGG is the database, how does one know how to get the raw database, or xml/text describing the pathway immediate to Glycerate-2P ?02:25
fenni searched for glycerate and found http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?rn:R0065802:26
fennor is that the reverse reaction?02:26
fennmaybe this one? http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?rn:R0857202:28
katsmeow-afkaccording to http://www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway/map/map00010.html  it's bidirectional02:28
fennanyway there is a link on the right for "download rdf"02:28
fennblah that's terrible02:29
katsmeow-afkyeas, no help02:29
fenni have no idea how you're supposed to use this, sorry02:29
katsmeow-afkwould it help in some way to be able to query in here, by any of the data ?02:31
fennin general i'm skeptical of irc bots02:32
katsmeow-afkatm, i see no way of linking anything in http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?rn:R00658  back to http://www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway/map/map00010.html  , or vice versa02:33
fennthey might be unrelated02:33
katsmeow-afkwell, that would explain it02:34
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-80-91.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]02:34
fennfrom http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?map00010 download RDF gives you a list of reactions, the entities starting with R02:35
fenni gotta say their usage of verbs just plain sucks02:36
fenn"original" and "reverse" are not verbs02:36
* fenn labels it "bad usability" and returns to something productive02:38
katsmeow-afkah, the text is called "Pathway Entry" , in the sence of that beng the enry in the db, and not the chemicals entering the pathway02:38
fennbtw you can click on elements in the pathway map02:38
fennit's an image map02:38
katsmeow-afkyes, the [number boxes] are clickable, but give me little02:39
katsmeow-afkoooo,, Ie is displaying differently, and gives me more interaction with the picture02:39
katsmeow-afkhold on while i take a bat to FF02:40
katsmeow-afkok, i guess my question can be formed as an example, if you asked for data about phosphoenolpyruvate , you want anything back from the aethernet that freenode lives in?02:41
katsmeow-afkbesides an echo02:41
fennif there's a bot, i'd prefer if the bot responded only to directed inquiries02:43
fennhowever i've seen these things abused in the past and it's just extra noise02:43
katsmeow-afksuch inquiries take what form?02:43
fennlike "bot: what is phosphoenolpyruvate?"02:43
katsmeow-afkwell, the data can be sent privately02:43
katsmeow-afkah, that sorta direction, of course02:44
fennone thing that could be helpful is automatically showing the title of youtube links when people don't explain why they're important02:44
katsmeow-afkspell checking and alt names and forms will be a bitch02:44
fenni think we can get by with google for knowledge queries02:45
* katsmeow-afk will ponder this a while02:45
katsmeow-afkthen i need not apply?02:45
fennwell, the code is less useful if it's running "elsewhere" as an external service, even if it has an API02:46
-!- joshcryer [~g@unaffiliated/joshcryer] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]02:47
fenncan't rely on having access to it, or future existence02:47
fennconsider two dictionary lookup programs02:47
fennone has a dictionary file from which it displays entries02:48
katsmeow-afkyou can say the same of google or KEGG02:48
fennthe other queries google and displays google's definition02:48
fenni prefer the one with the dictionary file because it is always going to be there02:48
katsmeow-afkme too, even if google is there the reception can be bad02:49
fennhowever, google has thousands of people working to make sure that it stays available, at least on the general internet02:49
katsmeow-afkbut they do not check each and every answer google gives on the internet02:50
fennso, given internet availability, it's a near certainty that google will also be available02:50
fennit's another question entirely whether the answers are useful or reliable02:50
katsmeow-afksometimes a word list is not the correct answer to "what is my dog doing?"02:50
fennum, i think i'm rambling02:51
* katsmeow-afk will think on it a while02:51
katsmeow-afki may even make up a db i can give to kanzure02:51
fenni would love a quick lookup for foods in the usda database, i.e. "eggs" returns "eggs, whole, cooked"02:51
fenninstead of having to select obvious selections all the time02:51
katsmeow-afkhow does getting "eggs, whole, cooked" as a return help you?02:52
fennwell, it would display the data for that entry02:52
fenninstead of requiring an extra step to select the entry to display02:52
katsmeow-afkwhat data would you like? Tiggr has gigabytes of food in various forms02:52
fennhere's what i'm currently using (sub optimal) http://nutritiondata.self.com/foods-eggs000000000000000000000.html02:53
fennthere's also a command line program called nut-nutrition which can display usda data, but it's similar02:54
katsmeow-afkwierd, it considered an egg on toast to be a baked good, and gave me this http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/baked-products/4840/202:55
katsmeow-afkthe pics wold be difficult to show on irc02:55
fennso i had to narrow the selection 3 times02:56
fenni'm not even sure how to go about this except by learning what people click on02:56
fennthere's huge swaths of stuff that can be excluded because it wasn't specified, like anything from a fast food company unless you specify that company in the search query02:57
katsmeow-afkif you asked for ITEM on irc, and ITEM wasn't listed alone, just like egg isn't, you'd still have prompts to narrow the selection02:58
katsmeow-afkthe only way i se to auto-narrow it is if the data for poached, fried, etc is identical, or at least close02:59
fennalso exclude "bar with foo" (where foo is what's being searched for)02:59
katsmeow-afkyeas, if yo ask for an ingredient of a cake, don't present cakes as options03:00
katsmeow-afkchecking the 3 selections for egg substitutes, they aren't the same, even tho they are egg03:01
katsmeow-afkor not03:01
katsmeow-afkok,, i need sleep, gnites03:03
fenninteresting risk benefit tradeoff matrix http://hprc-online.org/dietary-supplements/dietary-supplement-classification-system-103:08
fennit's weak on data though03:10
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:21
fennwhy do fleishman and kinkade sound familiar03:27
fenn"a critical problem in the experimental study of factors affecting human performance is the lack of standard tasks and measures which can help integrate and compare results from various laboratories"03:36
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-92-81-88.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]03:39
fennah here we go, the actual taxonomy itself (ignore earlier pdf) http://www.iosolutions.org/uploadedFiles/IOS/IO_Solutions/Research_and_Resources/Agency_Resources/White_Papers/Fleishman-white%20paper.pdf03:48
fennhuman abilities taxonomy03:48
fennwell, it's not very abstract03:53
fennalso it's missing things, for example perseverance (willpower, focus, curiosity)03:55
fennwords words words03:56
fenn"One virtue is more of a virtue than two, because it is more of a knot for one's destiny to cling to."04:06
fenn"When virtue has slept, it will arise all the more vigorous."04:06
-!- thesnark [~thesnark@unaffiliated/thesnark] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:16
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-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:07
strages_workneed some help getting a paper from behind a paywall.  anyone want to help?08:32
strages_workLaser Scribing of High-Performance and Flexible Graphene-Based Electrochemical Capacitors08:32
Mokbortolan_paywalls are meant to keep the undesirables *away* from the information09:07
-!- He||eshin is now known as Helleshin09:07
lichenim pretty sure its more about money09:08
-!- zacharycohn [~zacharyco@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:25
strangewarpIf I say it's about terrists, I get money from my paywall09:28
strangewarpAlso um uh, the proletariat!!! oooh spooky they do revolutions don'tcha know09:29
strages_worklook I09:29
strages_work*I'm just interested in replicating the experiment09:29
ThomasEgistrages_work, tried to disable javascript?09:30
ThomasEgiit might not help, but i once had a online-newspaper where that did the trick already09:30
strages_workno I did not, I'll try that09:30
kanzurestrages_work: http://ezproxy.free-webmaster-resources.org/09:35
strages_workkanzure: 403 error09:36
strages_workand a login prompt if I try https09:37
ThomasEgiis the server located near you?09:38
ThomasEgiif so, get car with cisco logo and a coat+hat with the same.09:38
ThomasEgiwalk in. make a backup of the server, walk out.09:38
kanzure"When I taught at Stanford Law School last year, I asked students what they planned to do with their lives. Most were headed to big law firms but didn’t expect to become partners and didn’t know the next step after that."09:45
kanzure"They didn’t have long-term plans about what they wanted to achieve in their lives. I think the educational system has become a major factor stopping people from thinking about the future. It’s far from equilibrium"09:45
kanzure"There is something like $1 trillion in student debt. A cynical view is that that represents $1 trillion worth of lies told about the value of higher education."09:45
Mokbortolan_I disagree09:46
ThomasEgireason №1  why i am running my own business besides studying09:47
Mokbortolan_I think it's about $500 billion worth of education inflated due to lack of market pressures09:47
Mokbortolan_though, overall, I think most education is probably good for us as a society09:57
Mokbortolan_even if it doesn't necessarily translate into economic productivity09:57
Mokbortolan_it (hopefully) creates a more informed citizenry capable of entertaining nuance and able to exercise some critical thinking skills09:58
Mokbortolan_which is probably why the right wing is opposed to it :p09:58
ThomasEgijust. for a split of a second. imagine all people to educate themselves and being productive in their spare time, instead of watching tv.09:59
Mokbortolan_that would be a vastly more disciplined society than what exists now :p10:00
Mokbortolan_although, it could be argued that the early education system and parental attitudes toward education is what created the current situation, where additional education is used as punishment for our youth10:01
ThomasEgiand the prize for getting through the educational system is to be able to work, and be lazy10:03
Mokbortolan_I get the impression that for many, thinking and learning is exhausting or painful10:04
Mokbortolan_I don't know if that's a learned attitude or a characteristic of the "average" mind10:04
ThomasEgiprobably learned attitude10:07
ThomasEgiif all you get to do is learning, for like 10 to 20 years10:07
ThomasEgiyou get fed up with it10:07
ThomasEgithe educational system simply lacks all balance10:07
ThomasEgiyou get no chance to make any use of the knowledge you get10:07
ThomasEgiand the brain naturally wants to get rid of stuff it never needs.10:08
ThomasEgievolution didn't build men to learn all day long , and do nothing else for many years.10:11
Mokbortolan_I dunno, I never got fed up with learning10:12
Mokbortolan_though, if it were presented as a negative or drudgery, one might get fed up10:12
ThomasEgihehe. neither do i. but then i vastly ignore the content in school and university10:12
ThomasEgiand focus on what i want to do. and learning stuff that helps me to get the things done that i want to see done. that's a great way to learn10:13
Mokbortolan_I engulfed it, finished my textbooks by the end of the second week, then got in trouble for reading other stuff the rest of the year :p10:13
Mokbortolan_reading my biology textbook in english class 'cos I had already finished the english testbook...10:14
Mokbortolan_-s +x10:14
ThomasEgihm. i am not the book person10:14
-!- ParahSailin__ is now known as ParahSailin10:14
ThomasEgii hardly read anything other than scientific papers, datasheets, and convos10:14
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Mokbortolan_oh, this was in middle school10:15
Mokbortolan_in elementary school I read literature because the textbooks were boring10:15
Mokbortolan_sort of alienated me socially though10:16
Mokbortolan_probably why they created the "gifted" class10:16
ThomasEgialienating for the willingness to advance his own abilities is not uncommon10:17
Mokbortolan_I kept moving as a kid though, went through 9 schools10:19
Mokbortolan_being the perennial "new kid" meant that I eventually stopped attempting/caring about trying to fit into the social structures10:19
kanzureOn Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Kris Constable <kris@ideawave.ca> wrote:10:19
kanzureMy name is Kris, and I'll be visiting from Vancouver island, Canada,10:19
kanzurethis week-end. Working with Derek Jacoby, and we'll be launching10:19
kanzurewould be great to meet any of you who are interested, as well as check10:19
kanzureout any bio-tech spaces in the area.10:19
kanzure(Also interested in hackerspaces/makerspaces in general). Any must see10:19
kanzureCanada's first bio-tech community lab on DNA day, biospace.ca. It10:19
kanzurevenues in the Boston area? Any classes or events happening this week-10:19
kanzureend that might be of interest?10:20
kanzurebah mac's new site.. http://diybioftw.com/10:22
kanzurethis looks like tumblr10:23
kanzurefuck tumblr10:23
kanzure"Results: Lots of enthusiasm, not so many sales. The conference was mostly attended by world-experts in barcoding who really did not need the process to be simpler. The market we had hypothesized about was not really at the conference. This made sense in retrospect, but we didn’t understand the user community enough to know this in advance"10:23
kanzure"Fast-forward to today: we still are selling our barcoding kit and we have a launched a barcoding service. We believe the service will overcome the technical barriers that may have been reducing interest in genelaser by consumers. But do we have a testable hypothesis?"10:23
kanzureiirc josh is no longer working with mac on that company (seqify/cofactorbio)10:24
kanzurejrayhawk: http://wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/10:39
chris_99strages_work, still need that paper?, just got it10:39
kanzurei like this one: http://wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/images/notepad.gif "site created with notepad THE RIGHT WAY"10:40
strages_workchris_99: yes I do10:42
chris_99strages_work, if you PM your email i'll send it to you10:42
strages_workexcellent, thanks10:42
ybitwill someone post the paper to r/scholar or link to it?10:53
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kanzurehi ybit10:54
katsmeow-afk[11:38] <ThomasEgi> if so, get car with cisco logo and a coat+hat with the same.10:54
katsmeow-afk[11:39] <ThomasEgi> walk in. make a backup of the server, walk out.10:54
katsmeow-afkThomasEgi , that actually works, i have a truck with all city logos and stickers except the city name, and everywhere i go i am allowed access where i shouldn't be10:54
katsmeow-afkcops are all too eager to make it even easier for me10:54
katsmeow-afkre: education : i want to know how to (two) use people's (peoples) written grammar (grammer) as a way to (too) limit their (there) income , there's (theyr's) too (to) many rich humans (human's) who (whom) don't (dont) have a clue how to communicate10:58
katsmeow-afkhi ybit10:59
ThomasEgii dont know the precise reason.. but i feel like punshing something now11:00
katsmeow-afki know a millionare (inheritance) who doesn't know the diff tween "your" and "you're", and i am living in poverty and percieved as stupid11:00
lichenconfusing homonyms is a very specific kind of 'intelligence' and not necessarily an indicator of much beyond specific memory11:03
lichenthere was a point (before mass written language really) where spelling was a very personal thing11:04
lichenpeople spelled out words how it made sense to them and your writing style included your own personal spelling11:04
katsmeow-afkthose last two are not a homonyms , they aren't to be pronounced the same way11:04
lichenfits in the same category though11:04
licheni know ive accidently slipped them up when typing quickly sometimes11:05
lichennot because i dont know which to use but because im ejecting words faster than my subconscious culls mistakes11:05
katsmeow-afk"it's a poor mind that cannot find more than one way to spell a word" , but still, to not know the difference tween one word and another?11:05
lichenim not saying its not a problem, but just that there are many facets to intelligence and some people dont prioritize spelling and grammar as much as spatial or rational reasoning11:06
lichenbut that makes it a lot harder to communicate with them11:06
katsmeow-afk"your" and "you're" aren't homonyms, because much like the contraction of "you are", the ennunciation of the word carries the remanents of the original two words, which are not present in "your"11:07
licheni'm aware they're seperate11:07
katsmeow-afkok, this rich person actually equates the two words11:07
lichenbut they're still closely pronounced, much like people confusing effect/affect11:07
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has quit [Read error: No route to host]11:07
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: i doubt he wrote it11:08
kanzurei think this was fukuyama or whoever11:08
kanzurewait, what are we talking about?11:08
katsmeow-afkand i have run into paid employees of telcom firm who equate "bit" and "byte", saying they are alt spellings/pronunciatons of the same thing11:08
lichenfire them on the spot11:08
katsmeow-afki would, if i could11:08
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:09
licheni just had a phone interview with intel this morning11:09
katsmeow-afkkansure, doubt who wrote what?11:09
kanzurelichen: what position?11:09
lichenentry-level graphics engineer in test11:09
kanzure"graphics engineer" means what? gpu?11:09
kanzureso writing unit tests for GPUs?11:09
lichentesting drivers and graphic software on various hardware11:09
lichenmaking sure it all outputs correctly11:10
lichenand that the SDKs for developers work correctly11:10
kanzurewhat sdks does intel release anyway11:10
kanzurei mean, for graphics-related things11:10
lichenexample code for graphics11:10
lichenhe said there are two other applicants11:11
* katsmeow-afk has needed a svga signal for the longest time to keep the monitors from shutting down between times the kvm switches from one computer to the next,, every switch means the monitor goes thru a complete backlighting restrike and auto-adjust cycle11:11
lichenso i wont really know if i get the job for a week11:11
kanzurelichen: assume you will not get it11:12
kanzurei know it sounds harsh but you save yourself a week of not doing anything11:12
licheni assume nothing11:12
lichenive got a job right now so im not in a critical situation11:12
lichenbut i hate this job11:12
kanzurethat's the way to do it :)11:12
kanzurewell. without hating it.11:12
lichenso the sooner i can get out the better11:12
kanzurewhat are you doing anyway?11:13
kanzurei think bkero worked for a while at intel11:14
kanzurebkero: ping11:14
lichenright now i just have a shit warehouse job11:14
lichenso im really just looking to get into the tech industry11:14
kanzurehave you ever done an "in test" job before?11:14
kanzurei mean: writing unit tests all day11:14
lichenim pretty sure i can handle it though11:15
lichenits not my dream job but its just a contract position11:15
lichenand pays well11:15
katsmeow-afkluv politicians: "and our commitment to seizing new opportunities for cooperation with Pacific neighbors" = "our Manifest Destiny to steal lands and enslave the occupants where ever we can"11:16
kanzurecost per base pair of synthetic dna: http://www.synthesis.cc/assets_c/2011/06/carlson_synthesis_cost_per_base_june_2011-thumb-400x315.png11:19
kanzure"the pace and proliferation of biotechnologies" (2003) http://www.synthesis.cc/writing/Carlson_Pace_and_Prolif.pdf11:20
kanzureblah it doesn't actually answer the "why do you need a machine"11:23
kanzure(of course, i agree you need a machine, i just figure everyone's explanation to non-biologists sucks)11:23
katsmeow-afk"lotta parts like a really big puzzle that go together only one way"11:28
* katsmeow-afk is practiced in the use of tiny vocabularies using mostly single syllable words, misuse and mis pronunciation, and twisted meanings of words11:34
katsmeow-afkto travel the interstate = gao day-own the rah-ode11:36
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bkerokanzure: pong12:38
bkeroyes I did work at intel for a while12:38
kanzurei see12:44
kanzureuntil you get hit with a baseball12:49
kanzureor am i misinterpreting12:49
uniqanomalyhttp://www.infoq.com/presentations/Searching-Without-Objectives awesome "Kenneth O. Stanley considers that innovation is stifled when we are strictly following a high goal, and we would progress more when we are inclined to discovery rather than following an objective. "12:55
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strangewarpOh derp, that's dumb13:50
strangewarp... Oh, wrong channel13:50
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katsmeow-afkfenn, even the usda db is nonoptimal, it has both "Garlic, raw" and "Spices, garlic powder", i don't understand, is this like saying an ice cube has different nutritional value than the equal weight of water?14:07
katsmeow-afkor crushing the ice cube changes it's nutritional value?14:09
nathanieldehydrating and pulverizing does change the nutritional value per gram14:14
nathanieland possibly removes some water- and oil-soluble contents14:14
katsmeow-afkremoving the water leaved the solubles behind, the basis of distilling14:15
nathanielthe first part still applies, though14:15
katsmeow-afkyou didn't say why14:16
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katsmeow-afkis a crushed not still ice?14:16
nathanielwater has no nutritional value. so when you take out the water, you're left with more nutritional value per the same amount of mass14:16
nathanieland the pulverization process then changes the density of the garlic14:17
katsmeow-afkyeas, it's generally less dense14:17
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nathanielice vs. water is a phase change. garlic powderizing is, as you point out, a distillation process. :>14:18
katsmeow-afki know you mean differently now, but i am still lol over <nathaniel> water has no nutritional value. so when you take out the water, you're left with more nutritional value per the same amount of mass  <<== aka the bottom of the pan the water was in14:20
katsmeow-afklots of iron14:20
nathaniellol. I didn't notice the ambiguity14:21
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fenn"Machine Learning including a special robotics demonstration from Microsoft"   microsoft unveils the T-80017:20
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kanzurejrayhawk: what do i want for private repos in piny again?17:44
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fennso a directory is drwxrwsr-x and i'm in the group, shouldn't i be able to make a new file?18:24
kanzurermrepo seems to ignore deleting iki-reponame18:24
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kanzureaudy: i'm in it18:38
audykanzure is it any good?18:38
audykanzure (also you're everywhere)18:38
kanzureit's a nice book i guess18:39
kanzurei recall not having a tremendously bad reaction to it18:39
kanzurei am a little angry that none of us "hackers" have a scanned copy of it yet18:40
kanzurewhat the hell is wrong with all of us?18:40
audykanzure you wouldn't download a car18:41
thesnark|afkyou wouldn18:41
thesnark|afkyou wouldn't steal a baby18:42
thesnark|afkyou wouldn't shoot a police officer18:42
thesnark|afkdownloading music is stealing18:42
kanzureyou wouldn't rape a baby18:42
audyI ordered it off of Amazon18:43
audyI don't have a scanner18:43
thesnark|afkthey sell babies on Amazon?18:43
audythesnark|afk you can lease thousands of them by the minute18:43
fenner, which book?18:45
audy"Biopunk: DIY Scientists Hack the Software of Life"18:46
fennradical, dude!!!118:46
kanzurehave you read it fenn18:46
Mokbortolan_hah, "biopunk"18:46
fennbooks are for proles18:46
thesnark|afkfenn lolololol18:47
kanzuresplicer: hey man they're narfing on your terf18:50
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kanzurehi yashgaroth19:12
kanzureyou have your full proposal written up yet :x19:12
yashgarothI have an equipment list with approximate prices, if that's what you're after19:12
kanzurethat sounds useul19:13
kanzureuseful :(19:13
yashgarothphysical centrifuges and stuff comes out to about 50k19:14
kanzurei bet you did your math wrong19:14
kanzurelet's see it19:15
yashgarothyou want I should DCC it to you?19:15
yashgarothemail? I'm not pasting 50 lines into chat here19:15
kanzurefine, email :|19:16
yashgarothI mean, I can do it here, just don't know if freenode will kick me for flooding19:17
kanzurei'll upload it somewhere once you email19:17
yashgarothk, sent19:21
yashgarothmy tab formatting is crashing down around me19:22
kanzuretabs are pretty evil19:22
kanzure$30k on a centrifuge+hood?19:23
yashgarothit's not a microfuge, you need a large refrigerated one19:23
kanzuresure.. an ultracentrifuge19:23
yashgarothnot ultra, just large19:23
yashgarothmaximum g's is like 20,00019:23
yashgarothactually scripps research has a bunch of ultrafuges that anyone can just use, though you're not supposed to19:25
yashgarothopen access building, fuges and freezers crammed in the hallways, no one keeping an eye on them19:25
kanzureknowing that your electronics knowledge is zero.. i don't think your ultrafuge estimate is correct19:26
kanzurei doubt it would cost more than $4k in parts19:26
yashgarothI'm not really comfortable with building the only piece of equipment that could easily kill me if it wanted to19:27
yashgarothmost of the cost is rotors, since that shit's hella precision19:28
yashgaroththe motor's easy, but the balance compensators and such, that's out of my realm19:28
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fenn80krpm for $8k http://www.dotmed.com/listing/centrifuge/beckman/coulter-l8-80m-ultracentrifuge/902633?utm_source=base&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=Base19:36
fenndoes this mean they don't come with rotors?19:37
yashgarothyes it does19:37
yashgaroththat they don't19:37
fenni'm seeing 50ml rotors for like $5k19:38
yashgarothfixed or bucket?19:38
yashgarothehhh link?19:39
fennsorry that might have been confusing, it takes 8x 8ml tubes19:40
fenni had no idea these things are so expensive19:40
yashgarothyep, and they get more expensive the bigger they get19:41
kanzuresounds like BS to me?19:41
fenni think that's what you want right?19:41
kanzureis there any actual reason they cost so much19:41
fennlow demand19:41
kanzureok but i mean.. get a chunk of metal, cut shit up19:42
yashgarothbecause when you impart a 20 pound block of metal with enough force to destroy the centrifuge, you want precision19:42
fennsomebody else's money syndrome19:42
kanzureyashgaroth: precision isn't some magical scarce resource19:42
yashgaroththat too, especially considering the rotors don't break19:42
fennit has to be dynamically balanced, which means finding someone with a balancer to do that19:43
fennactually that's not true19:44
fennthe technician running the centrifuge can mess up and add whatever amount of liquid to each tube, yet somehow we dont hear about people dying in centrifuge accidents all the time19:44
yashgarothbecause they detect imbalances and stop19:44
yashgarothusually it's people losing feet when they drop a rotor19:45
fennhehe "Amazon Science Forum: why are people here so scientifically illiterate? 8792 replies"19:45
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fenni think we should make some lab equipment19:50
fennshaking incubator = styrofoam box and a motor19:51
kanzurei agree19:51
yashgarothand temperature control19:51
fennyashgaroth: why do you need to centrifuge 1L at a time? i assume this is for protein purification?19:51
yashgarothno, pelleting of bacterial cultures19:52
fenncan't that be done chemically?19:52
yashgaroththat leaves a bunch of the cell culture media, even if you do get it to work19:53
yashgarothwhich will then fuck up your subsequent steps19:53
n_benthayou could make a 3d-print of a rotor and housing assembly, right?19:54
n_benthausing cnc and aluminium blocks?19:54
n_benthait'd be expensive...but maybe less than 8k?19:54
yashgarothyou can't use aluminum, it sucks19:55
kanzurethere are many ways to make this for way less19:55
fennanyway it boils down to a labor vs equipment tradeoff19:55
kanzureyashgaroth is just being crazy19:55
yashgarothI wish I had more than pittance of money, I don't wanna have to deal with shit like 'oh the tape holding together my spectrometer came off and now this batch is useless'19:56
n_benthathat really sux tho if tape is holding you back19:57
yashgarothfigurative tape, but yeah19:58
fennpersonally i find most existing commercial lab equipment to be sub optimal20:01
fennmaybe i've just been using out of date technology20:02
n_benthathe new stuff works pretty well imho20:02
fennseems like an avr and some magic sensor dust would improve usability several orders of magnitude20:03
yashgarothoh man, moving from a cuvette-based spec to a nanodrop was so awesome20:03
bkerokanzure: yo20:03
n_benthaugh. i hate cuvettes. cleaning them 1000x is so annoying20:03
n_benthaespecially w/ bacteria20:03
kanzurehi bkero20:03
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bkerokanzure: you wanted something the other day?20:04
kanzureyou might be able to bestow intel advice onto lichen20:04
bkerolichen: sup20:04
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* n_bentha decides to ge some lichen to produce dmt20:05
fennduude, you could like, make some transgenic mimosa hostilis20:05
n_benthaor just some kick-ass mimosas?20:06
n_benthamy mimosas bring all the girls to the yard20:07
* n_bentha starts dancing20:07
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kanzureOn Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Dan Wright <djwrister@gmail.com> wrote:20:35
kanzure> Hey Brian,20:35
kanzure> I want to thank you for sending out the info on Hacking Medicine at MIT.20:35
kanzure>  I attended on behalf of LABioHackers. It was quite illuminating.20:35
kanzureer.. biohackers.la knows me pretty well.. i wonder why dan doesn't think he knows me already20:35
kanzureso confused20:36
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* ybit is wondering if it's worth his time to attend: http://mullai.uah.edu/~ravindra/SEAS2012.html21:06
ybiti'm thinking yes... but i don't care for paying $6021:08
Steel2ybit, are you a mathemetician?21:08
ybitSteel2: nope, just a curious netizen21:09
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Steel2any other up and coming musicians in here besides strangewarp?21:10
ybiti refuse to link to my music dedicated to the drunken rabbit god21:10
ybitgn all21:12
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kanzure"Recommended online education sources were: GetHub, Instructables, and Hack A Day"21:26
kanzureoh dear.. i am afraid ben hyink doesn't know about github21:26
kanzureor he considers it educational21:26
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lichensomeone asked for me?21:30
lichenbkero: hey21:32
bkerolichen: howdy21:32
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lichenyeah im in the midst of applying to intel21:33
lichenthey want a second phone interview21:33
lichenpretty simple position21:34
bkeroI'm in Oregon21:35
bkeroI interned ther21:35
bkerowhat dept?21:35
licheni'd be a junior graphics software engineer in test21:35
lichenmaking sure the software samples they supply to developers are correct21:35
lichenand that everything ports from maya/3ds max correctly21:36
lichenwhat did you do there21:38
bkerounix server operations21:38
bkeroWell good luck in the interview sir21:39
lichenfirst interview went okay, but i had trouble recalling some matrix math (its been like two years since i took linear)21:40
lichenapparently they didnt care that much if they want a second interview21:40
kanzurewhy the fuck would you need matrix math for unit testing21:40
kanzureand even if you do, why wouldn't you look it up?21:40
lichenits in graphics21:40
kanzureso? :)21:40
lichenyeah i know he didnt seem to care much21:40
licheni knew what he was talking about though and i guess that was enough21:40
kanzureif they need to hire someone to test basic matrix math libraries, they are in more trouble than you know21:41
lichenkind of disappointed in my memory though that i didnt remember how to make a scalar matrix21:41
lichen(when its just an identity matrix multiplied by a scalar)21:41
lichenyeah im aware21:41
lichenits not about what i need to implement but to make sure im capable21:41
lichenat least he didnt ask me any brain teaser programming problems21:43
lichenwhich usually amounts to 'how many algos have you memorized?'21:43
lichenhey bkero whats the office culture there like21:45
bkerolichen: more boring than you could possibly imagine21:46
lichenyeah... not really surprising21:46
lichenim just trying to break into the industry21:46
lichenjob i'm looking at is 6 to 18 months contract21:46
lichendo they expect business causal?21:47
kanzuredo any of you have a pile of app ideas21:55
kanzurefor mobile?21:55
kanzurei have this team of programmers21:56
kanzureand uh, my list is dry21:56
Steel2what sort of programmers and what sort of app ideas?21:56
kanzurewin 621:56
lichenthats unusual21:56
kanzureSteel2: mobile, mobile games21:56
Steel2sure, I have one at least21:56
lichenprogrammers usually have way, way more ideas than time to implement21:56
kanzureSteel2: let's hear it21:56
kanzurelichen: i have tons of ideas, just not for mobile :)21:56
kanzurei especially want to hear any transhumanist-related ideas21:57
lichenive got a huge one21:57
kanzureoh, what about hplusvideos for mobile21:57
Steel2zombie tower defense, pulls streets off of google maps, defend actual locations, have 'leaderboards' for major places (ie new york times square), you get 'reinforcements' as your points21:57
kanzurehow about Google Street View Fighter21:57
Steel2tower defense is more popular on mobile afaik21:58
kanzurelichen: what's the idea?21:59
lichenim still trying to plan out the structure of it all22:00
bkerolichen: for an interview, yes22:00
lichenbkero: they havent asked for an in-person interview yet22:00
Steel2kanzure: universal unit converter22:00
Steel2can't really make money on that22:00
lichenbut i meant just regular work attire22:00
lichen'business casual' for women is confusing and annoying22:00
Steel2lichen: slacks and a neutral blouse22:01
bkerojust wear a button up shirt and some not shitty pants22:01
Steel2alternately pants part of a pantsuit + blouse22:01
bkeroor blouse22:01
lichenkanzure: but the simple description is a way to tie together all of your devices into one personal cloud dropbox-style, with an api to make it easy to make programs work across it (automating the networked threading)22:01
bkeroAfter the interview you can wear shorts and sandals22:01
Steel2ooh, what about a pre-configured academic rss feed reader?22:02
lichenalright cool22:02
kanzurelichen: how about using dropbox? wtf22:02
lichennot for files22:02
lichenfor hardware22:02
kanzureSteel2: doesn't have to make money22:02
Steel2ah, k22:02
kanzurelichen: wait, you're female?22:03
lichenyou didnt know that?22:03
Steel2something that pulled data from all the major universities department pages, possibly sorted into research vs administrative announcements22:03
kanzurelichen: nobody on the interwebs is female22:03
kanzureand even if you are, you lie22:03
lichenespecially in the h+ scene, amirite?22:03
Steel2Molybdenum is female :P22:03
Steel2when she's in here22:03
kanzurewhat the fuck?22:03
kanzureSteel2: pull what data from universities? hm?22:04
Steel2granted, gender should be irrelevant, aside from the rampant misogyny a lot of nerds put forth...22:04
kanzurei think it might be cool to keep track of professors at universities, by scraping their sites22:04
lichenyeah im kind of afraid to go into a CS job22:04
lichenbecause theyre notorious for that22:04
Steel2http://meche.mit.edu/news/mechenews/ like this22:04
kanzurelichen: just remember, as a female you can demand more pay22:04
kanzure"Because i'm so rare, blah blah blah"22:05
lichenim not getting into a debate about reverse sexism22:05
kanzurewell, that's not how you argue or it22:05
Steel2yes, and katsmeow is female22:05
kanzurekatsmeow is *allegedly* female22:05
kanzureand so is lichen/molybdenio22:05
Steel2it's her preferred pronoun22:05
Steel2that's good enough for me22:05
kanzureoh well22:05
kanzureok... but really22:05
kanzureapp ideas.22:05
katsmeow-afknot gonna have sex with you to prove it22:06
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: i don't think that's appropriate22:06
Steel2what about pulling automatic emergency numbers for your area based on GPS?22:06
Steel2as well as possible situational buttons ('Lawyer')22:06
kanzuregps provides emergency numbers?22:06
kanzureor do you mean a lookup service?22:07
lichenthats where the coding comes in22:07
Steel2no, but if there's a way to automatically look up numbers22:07
Steel2based on where you are22:07
kanzuremaybe i should just force them to work on web apps22:07
Steel2figure out a protein folding equivalent game22:08
Steel2one of those giant pain in the ass problems22:08
Steel2gamify it22:08
lichenprotein folding on phones sounds really slow22:08
Steel2he said web apps22:08
lichenif you feel like fronting the cluster to host that, sure22:09
Steel2heh, he asked for ideas, not implementation22:09
lichenthough i guess crowdsourcing the brains stops you from needing that22:09
kanzurecopying a pre-existing app is also doable22:12
lichenbut mostly pointless22:12
kanzure*shrug* not really22:12
Steel2doing it better is another way22:14
Steel2one click contact sync for android--something to make it save to my phone, google contacts AND my SIM card all at once22:16
kanzureall of these things are possible22:18
kanzuregps + phone numbers just sounds lame in comparison22:18
Steel2lame is often useful22:18
Steel2what has your team made previously?22:19
kanzureSteel2: pm22:19
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kanzure23:06 < jrayhawk> oh, right, you need to relogin in order to get the new gids23:10
kanzurefenn: solved.. i guess23:10
jrayhawki blame unix23:10
kanzurei blame you23:10
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kanzurei enjoy blaming you for things23:11
jrayhawkthankfully, a well established hierarchy of blame results in a widespread distribution of blame everyone can avoid responsibility23:11
Steel3kanzure, what about an automatic ochem app?23:19
kanzureautomatic.. ochem?23:19
Steel3yeah, sort of like a specialized app--have it name chemicals based on structures or give structures based on names23:20
kanzurestructure drawing would be nice23:21
Steel3I'm just thinking of annoying problems people run into in STEM23:22
kanzure"no money"23:22
Steel3I meant during problem solving23:22
kanzure... no money?23:23
Steel3if you were doing web apps I'd say find an industry that has insufficiently user friendly BSEEs written for it23:28
Steel3broad spectrum expert systems23:28
Steel3for instance, I wonder what would happen if you fed katsmeow's pseudo-AI a law library23:29
kanzureoh geeze23:29
katsmeow-afkit may die23:29
katsmeow-afkif the dogs here have taught me anythng about law, it's that it doesn't matter, the courts and DA's office will do what they wish23:30
Steel3eh, that's local/when people have specific interests23:30
Steel3but in corporation vs corporation fights, the one with the better natural language AI wins I think23:30
katsmeow-afkhas that been done yet?23:30
Steel3not yet23:31
Steel3but they hooked up Watson to parallel Citigroup's wall street risk analytics division23:31
Steel3so it's only a matter of time23:31
katsmeow-afkhere's a current example of illogic in humans:23:31
katsmeow-afk10Pcs 1W Cool White High Power Led Lamp Beads  16 Bids $7.1123:31
katsmeow-afk10 PCS 1W High Power Led Lamp Beads Cool White  Buy It Now $4.1823:31
Steel3IBM get 5-10% of the profits23:31
katsmeow-afkhow will 16 humans bid up the price of the item to $7.11, when the buy-now price is only $4.18?23:32
Steel3asymmetric/inefficiently displayed information23:33
yashgarothshipping costs23:33
Steel3it's in ebay's best interests to not display the best deal to you23:33
katsmeow-afkshipping is free on both items, both items in same city23:33
yashgarothrelative rating history of sellers23:34
Steel3easily gamed23:34
katsmeow-afkit's the same seller23:35
yashgarothwell shit I'm out of ideas then23:35
katsmeow-afkebay numbers 110844924690  and 11084443191323:36
katsmeow-afkit's even the same pic on both auctions23:36
katsmeow-afkerr, the auction  and the buy-now23:37
yashgarothhaha the estimated delivery on the cheaper ones is even earlier too23:37
katsmeow-afkso see, i have little hope you can bet on an Ai to win in court, because humans are involved23:38
Steel3no, you don't have to have the AI be the lawyer23:42
Steel3you have the AI feed the lawyer his case23:42
Steel3I mean, every lawyer is backed by a huge case-law team23:42
Steel3for high profile cases23:42
katsmeow-afkah, then maybe yeas, especially if you can make a devious underhanded Ai23:43
Steel3have the lawyer do the underhanded part23:43
Steel3have the AI be the thing that combs through the entirety of both common and formal law since the magna carta :P23:44
katsmeow-afki figured that's what yo meant23:44
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: sleep]23:44
-!- ParahSailin_ [~parah@adsl-69-151-198-222.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]23:59
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