
--- Log opened Thu Mar 22 00:00:02 2012
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joshcryerI'm kind of blown away by this amazingness: http://www.soundhelix.com/audio-examples00:17
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sylph_makoI'm not sure I can handle it.00:37
joshcryerIt would take me weeks to make one of these pieces and it wouldn't be nearly as good. (Haven't tracked in ages.)00:47
joshcryerThis software needs a proper frontend though.00:48
sylph_makoI see that they only distribute windows binaries? So the backend's probably not very good either xB00:49
sylph_makoI'm guessing it's just a command line tool?00:50
joshcryerIt's a jar, run on any platform with MIDI output.00:51
joshcryerAnd yeah, it's command line, you tell it to make music with .xml files but its default mode is random. Frankly I've been listening to its random regurgitations for the past two hours, I'm just in awe.00:51
joshcryerI've heard jazz, piano, trance, pop, whole nine yards.00:52
sylph_makowell ima get on that bitch and start then!00:56
joshcryerI hate XML. :(01:00
sylph_makoWhat would you prefer.01:01
joshcryerYAML or hell... .ini.01:01
joshcryerI mean, if I have to edit a file.01:01
joshcryerI'd prefer a proper frontend. :)01:01
sylph_makoI'm more of a protocol buffer guy myself.01:02
sylph_makoI wish that were an option.01:02
sylph_makoI just like the idea of eschewing text. It's a part of my transhumanism. The only reason humans can't read the stuff as well as the target program is the lack of a human aug.01:03
joshcryerAhh, yes, that would be a proper frontend. :D01:04
joshcryerBut I'd be OK with a nice GUI for now. One with sliders and pretty buttons. :)01:05
fennmusic hits a lot of brain regions already01:08
fenni'd be cautious plugging something into so many places and accepting arbitrary input01:08
jrayhawka singularity of good vibrations might occur01:14
jrayhawkhard beat takeoff01:14
fennmore like you'll get a pepsi ad and your heart stops because they didnt test it with all versions01:15
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:15
fenni mean look at what stupid shit people do under the influence of words01:16
jrayhawksome of them buy buckets of saturated fat!01:17
* fenn points at the bible, world wars, flag waving of all sorts01:17
fennhey fat is tasty01:17
fennnobody has to tell you to eat01:17
fennlight coconut milk?01:18
fennisnt that like, coconut milk and water?01:18
jrayhawksometimes i need a refreshing drink01:18
jrayhawkYes, but it's hard to find BPA and guar-free coconut milk, so that's what I settle for01:19
fenn"65% less coconut milk than regular coconut milk"01:19
sylph_makojoshcryer, I keep getting the exact same piano roll coming up. ;_;01:20
* fenn skims the wikipedia entry on BPA01:21
jrayhawkBPA is a bit of an industry scapegoat; lost of components of lots of plastics have significant estrogenic activity01:23
jrayhawkbut hey, it's a start01:23
fenni can never figure out how to get to full text from the ncbi page01:26
fennah it's an image in a weird place01:26
-!- marainein [~marainein@220-253-24-173.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]01:27
jrayhawkhttp://ehp03.niehs.nih.gov/article/fetchArticle.action?articleURI=info%3Adoi%2F10.1289%2Fehp.1003220 if you haven't already run across it01:27
fennyes plastic bottles and coated cans emit estrogen analogs, okay, but what are the actual health risks and is it greater than the cost of switching to some other can liner, i'd like to see an analysis of that01:30
fenni mean we still burn coal and it rains mercury ash into the water supply01:31
fennand people are freaking out about cans?01:31
fennlots of toxic chemicals around, just because they exist doesn't mean i'm getting high enough dosage to worry about it01:32
jrayhawkmercury's not much of an issue if you have sufficient selenium intake01:33
fennfructose for example, toxic chemical present in high doses in a variety of canned goods01:33
jrayhawkand the whole "we shouldn't care about x bad thing because y bad thing is twice as bad" seems a bit bizarre01:33
jrayhawki prefer to care about both!01:33
fenndon't see any "fructose free" craze going on, why not?01:33
fenni'm just saying the real world has tradeoffs01:34
fenni haven't seen evidence that i should be worried about BPA from common can liners, but again i haven't really looked01:34
jrayhawkand calling fructose a toxin is a little ridiculous; our bodies are designed to metabolize it very quickly without satiety and drive it straight to fat storage.01:35
fennthe dose makes the poison01:35
jrayhawkWhich is good when an apple grove is only usable for two weeks right before winter01:35
licheni was under the impression that BPA only really leached out in noticable quantities if heat was applied01:35
jrayhawkit is not good when the apple grove exists year round01:35
fennfructose is present in high enough amounts in food to cause negative health effects01:36
fenncan you say the same for BPA?01:36
jrayhawkXenoestrogens do not have any apparent benefit.01:36
lichenphytoestrogens can cause a lot of issues01:36
jrayhawkYes, I also don't eat soy.01:37
lichenafaik phytoestrogens in women compete for estrogen receptors but dont activate them as strongly01:37
lichenso they can have inverse effects for women in some ways01:37
lichenunless youre menopausal to the point where that bit of activation is helpful01:38
jrayhawkUh, well, hopefully your receptors are not the chokepoint01:38
jrayhawksince that would, in this specific case, be catastrophic and, in the general case, sortof defeat the point of a hormone01:40
-!- Steel3 [43f624a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:42
Steel3anyone here read quantum thief?01:43
jrayhawkhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15975703/ "Implications for human health of the extensive bisphenol A literature showing adverse effects at low doses"01:43
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]01:43
* fenn reads01:44
Steel3it's supposedly pretty hard scifi transhuman/post singularity stuff (yes I know there's a differentiation)01:45
jrayhawkUnfortunately as usual it's mostly animal experiments and human epidemiology...01:46
fennif lurkers would like to follow along http://fennetic.net/irc/Implications_for_human_health_of_the_extensive_bisphenol_A_literature.pdf01:48
jrayhawkMaybe when the singularity comes, humans will be expendible and we can finally get some proper answers on medical questions.01:50
fennhopefully robots will be expendable by then also01:53
jrayhawkhuh, that paper doesn't even mention the thyroid effects02:01
jrayhawkoh yeah, and insulin regulation nerds like fructose for its ability to exclusively refill liver glycogen02:05
jrayhawka use-case for which it has basically no metabolic downside02:06
jrayhawk(as opposed to the liver-glycogen-is-already-full usecase, which has, as you apparently already know, potentially unfortunate tradeoffs)02:06
fennfortunately i am able to get adequate carbohydrate intake and don't have to worry about that02:10
fennso, much of the negative health effects were about fetal development02:11
Steel3card continues to ruin ender's game by writing more in that universe as he slowly goes crazy02:19
fennthe graphs are not very convincing for BPA, only one of them even looks like a downward sloping line http://ehp03.niehs.nih.gov/article/fetchArticle.action?articleURI=info%3Adoi%2F10.1289%2Fehp.110358202:25
fennno idea what the units on y axis are though02:27
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fennseems like beta glucosidase would be a pretty sweet upgrade, you'd be able to digest cellulose02:53
fenndecompilation result03:09
Mokbortolan_everything else came over so nicely03:10
Mokbortolan_does that mean they just obfuscated that bit of code?03:10
fennyou may wish to provide more context03:10
Mokbortolan_it's from an APK I decompiled03:10
fenner, i don't know about .jar files but usually variable names are discarded upon compilation unless various debug flags are turned on or the functions are linked to from other binaries03:12
Mokbortolan_I've got 100+ other functions that are perfectly legible03:14
Mokbortolan_some with comments03:14
Mokbortolan_I'll just have to play with it, I guess03:14
-!- marainein [~marainein@220-253-24-173.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:31
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fennmmm picky eater approved, now with mannan oligosaccharides! http://www.smartpakequine.com/ultraelite-digest-2206p.aspx03:45
fennwhy are they feeding threonine to horses?03:46
rdbdoes compiled Java code ever contain variable names?03:53
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-!- Utopiah_ is now known as Utopiah06:19
audyrdp: I believe so from reading about reverse-compiling java06:21
-!- ParahSailin__ [~parah@adsl-69-151-192-198.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:26
kanzureMokbortolan_: i truly doubt that "getDateRanges" is important to that particular disassembly project06:35
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kanzuredamn it i have to murder someone http://www.theverge.com/users/bcbishop06:38
Coornailwindow 906:41
strangewarpAt least your name isn't always taken by an admin06:41
strangewarpI'm pretty sure it's an Internet Rule that every forum, website, and IRC network is required to have an admin named "Chris"...06:41
fennweird i was just talking about this idea earlier today http://www.theverge.com/2012/3/17/2879543/andrew-bunnie-huang-designs-open-source-geiger-counter06:42
fennpff a paltry 300 million06:42
kanzureso, total amount invested in the allen brain institute: $500 mil06:42
kanzure"Ed Boyden, an associate professor at the MIT Media Lab who is one of the06:43
kanzurepioneers in the field of optogenetics, echoed that sentiment. “The Allen06:43
kanzureInstitute is assembling an extraordinary set of tools to tackle brain06:43
kanzurecircuitry in a vertically integrated way, from the parts lists to how they06:43
kanzureall work together,” he wrote via Facebook chat. “It is impossible for an06:43
kanzureordinary lab group to bring all these pieces together.”"06:43
kanzurelol... getting ed's opinion via facebook chat06:43
fenndon't you know? email is so 1990's06:44
kanzureclearly facebook chat is the optimal way to communicate with uh, optogenetics experts or something06:44
fenn417 posts, you've got some catching up to do06:46
fennlooks like he just trolls press release pages and turns them into soundbites06:48
kanzure"DSI is a refinement of the two-decades-old06:48
kanzurediffusion tensor imaging technique, which exploits MRI's ability to detect06:48
kanzurethe direction in which water molecules are moving at each point in the brain.06:48
kanzureBecause most of those molecules move along the lengths of nerve fibres, like06:48
kanzurewater through a pipe, the data can be used to reconstruct each fibre's06:48
kanzurelocation and trajectory."06:49
kanzure"What DSI adds is a more sophisticated form of signal06:49
kanzureanalysis that allows researchers to continue tracing fibre bundles even when06:49
kanzureone seems to pass behind another, a situation that posed serious problems for06:49
kanzurethe older technique."06:49
kanzurefenn: but that's exactly what i do!06:49
fennyou didn't know about diffusion imaging?06:49
kanzurei knew about mri reporters06:50
kanzuresame thing?06:50
fennit's behind those cool images on the cover of olaf sporns' books06:51
kanzure"A week after my visit to the Martinos Center, I received my DSI data. Using06:51
kanzurefree software from the centre, it is easy to explore the architecture of my06:51
kanzurebrain. I can clearly see my hippocampus, and the vast array of fibres06:51
kanzuredataaaa :3 i want it06:51
kanzureprojecting from the midbrain sensory hubs up to my cerebral cortex. I am06:51
kanzureoverwhelmed by the visible detail and obvious organization."06:51
fenntractography: what is it good for?06:53
kanzurewell i imagine that information would be useful if you were stimulating particular regions of your brain06:54
fennso remember the "targeted" deep brain stimulation?06:54
fennthey're assuming a uniform conductor, but clearly that's not anything like reality06:54
kanzurethat was with tdcs06:55
fennright, there's only so many words i can type06:55
kanzurei am not too excited by tdcs06:55
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fennif you had a map of the rough conductivity it might work06:57
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kanzurei suspect most of the high-level detail is the same between people anyway :/06:57
fennwell it's not going to be precise no matter what06:58
fennlearnjs.info is neato07:01
fenni mean i like it, not that it's a graph layout algorithm :P07:01
kanzureclick the bottom link (python version)07:02
fennthat one seemed to lock up the tab07:02
kanzurethe one that doesn't execute in your browser?07:02
fennit hits x.append(4) and just grinds away07:04
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kanzurei need.. some metal.07:43
kanzurebloodrocuted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UosmKd1krWU07:44
kanzureok close enough07:44
strangewarpone second07:56
strangewarphttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptN7OI2TRDo - here is some superior, yet still accessible and catchy, metal07:58
strangewarpflawless album imo07:58
strangewarpI wish Youtube didn't muddy sound quality so much.. alas08:00
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:00
kanzurestrangewarp: thanks08:06
-!- AdrianG [~amphetami@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:07
kanzureoh weird.. someone is pitching me an ipad app that goes with photoshop or an image editor08:22
kanzureand the ipad app would control the layering that you are working with on your desktop08:22
kanzurebrlcad VMs for GSoC students https://sourceforge.net/projects/brlcad/files/BRL-CAD%20for%20Virtual%20Machines/08:32
kanzurefenn: still alive?08:32
AdrianGare there gamma adjustment apps for iphone, like f.lux08:49
AdrianGor redshift08:49
-!- jmil [~jmil@2607:f470:8:3148:ccaf:6e64:8eef:e2dd] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:13
CoornailI don't think developers have access to modify things like that09:51
Coornailmaybe on android09:51
ReplopNeurology :   could the brain rewire part of itself to connect to IO implants and use them as other sensory organs ?10:00
ThomasEgiwhy not?10:01
ThomasEgithe brain is pretty generic when it comes to adapting to tasks.10:02
Replopthere is potential.10:04
kanzureReplop: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/implants/10:07
Mokbortolan_Replop: it absolutely can10:15
Mokbortolan_check out brainport10:15
Mokbortolan_that's one10:15
Mokbortolan_same researcher built another system comprised of a belt lined with pager vibrator motors10:15
Mokbortolan_and a digital compass, such that the northmost motor vibrated10:15
Mokbortolan_he's dead now, unfortunately10:16
Mokbortolan_but his colleagues are carrying on some of the work, trying to commercialize the brainport vision system10:16
Replopneat.   Now, what happen when you want to upgrade the hardware : and need to change the implants ? open-brain surgery isn't nice.10:17
Coornailwell you only need very simple and small things in your brain10:18
Coornailyou could have more complicated things outside of your skull10:18
Coornailof course you'll have to relearn the new hardware10:18
Coornailbut that's all10:18
lichenall the brain needs is the inputs10:18
lichenbut when you want to upgrade your ports it would be tricky again10:19
lichenwell, inputs and outputs rather10:19
Coornailbut I don't think that we should touch the brain, we could have interfaces that "talk" to your skin for example10:19
Coornaillike the magnetic implats, those are cool example10:20
Replopbut that's experimental technology.   Immagine what happen with every experimental tech :  eventually a more refined, mature version comes around.  If there are any amelioration devised on the basic interfaces that goes in the skull..... early adopters are fucked10:20
Coornailbut I would really like to see infra-red10:20
Coornailthat's kind of different10:20
Coornaileearly adopters are always fucked10:20
Replopof course yes, techs that stay totally outside of the  skull would be very nice10:20
Replopthey always are , but here , they would be fucked more than financially10:21
Coornailbut I think that when we are at the point where it is routine to have suergeries for these kind of things10:21
CoornailI think it won't be a problem to switch a few things10:21
Coornailwe'll have to find a solution for a moral problem as well10:21
Replopthat would still be multiple neuron connections severed that would need to regrow10:22
Replopwhich moral problem ?   only the rich can affort cool new tech ?10:22
licheni want to interact with my brain directly10:22
Coornailyou know, doctors can't hurt10:22
lichenexpand consciousness directly10:22
Coornailso to have a surgery to improve something, and it would risk your life10:22
lichennot just have more senses but more brain faculties10:22
Coornailthat would be against doctors moral code10:22
kanzurelichen: consciousness is insufficiently scientific for this channel10:22
kanzuretake your bone-headed theories elsewhere :P10:23
Replopwe already have that issue on cardiac transplant, isn't it ?10:23
Coornailbecause you are esseentially fully healthy10:23
lichenby consciousness i mean the internal world-model in the brain10:23
Replopokay, that doesn't totally apply10:23
lichenand the qualia of experience10:23
Coornailwell you are not healthy if you have a cardiac transplant10:23
kanzurelichen: what the fuck is qualia10:23
kanzureno thanks..10:23
lichenare you joking?10:23
lichenits a neuroscience and philosophy term10:24
kanzurei'm aware of "qualia" but really, no thanks10:24
kanzureit's not really a neuroscience term10:24
Reploplichen:  a candidate for a billion euros fund is a total model of the human brain10:24
kanzureReplop: do you mean markram's project?10:24
lichenits the term for subjective mental experience10:24
Replopmaybe.  no idea. I'm googling for the specific name10:24
ReplopI mean the Blue Brain project : http://bluebrain.epfl.ch/10:24
kanzureReplop: you might enjoy watching his 2005 talk.. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-287420741857260126210:24
kanzureyes that is markram..10:25
kanzurewatch the video :) skip the first 10 minutes though.10:25
Replopwadsworth constant, I presume10:25
Replopoh. no.10:25
Mariuhas anyone noticed or become aware of:   Blue field entoptic phenomenon or Scheerer's phenomenon ?10:26
lichenvs ramachandran on consciousness and qualia10:26
kanzurelichen: not interested. at all.10:26
kanzureramachandran does some good vision research10:26
kanzureconsciousness is a lot like mind/body duality, "souls" and other crap like before10:27
kanzurequalia too10:28
kanzureall of that stuff needs to go10:28
lichenconsciousness isnt inherently dualism10:28
lichenyou can speak about consciousness in terms of physicalism10:28
Mokbortolan_listen kanzure, if you're just open your your crown chakra....10:28
lichenwhich clearly10:28
kanzure"Despite the difficulty in definition, many philosophers believe that there is a broadly shared underlying intuition about what consciousness is"10:28
lichenyou ascribe to10:28
kanzureyawn.. philosophy10:28
MariuI agree with kanzure on this one10:28
licheni find philosophy highly interesting10:29
lichenand i see metaphysics and science as intricately bound10:29
kanzurelichen: it's interesting but wrong10:29
lichenim not having this debate with you10:29
Mariulichen, then go into quantum mechanics10:29
kanzurequantum what now??10:29
Replopphilosophy is sometimes usefull, but it is often used to talk about what people have no idea.10:29
kanzuregeeze we're ust talking about the brain10:29
kanzureno reason to talk about quantum anything10:29
Mariukanzure, you know about Eliminative Materialism ?10:30
kanzurelichen: "he most compelling argument for the existence of consciousness is that the vast majority of mankind have an overwhelming intuition that there truly is such a thing.[18] Skeptics argue that this intuition, in spite of its compelling quality, is false, either because the concept of consciousness is intrinsically incoherent, or because our intuitions about it are based in illusions."10:30
lichenfirst you must define what it is you are talking about10:31
lichenand when i speak of consciousness i speak of the conscious state of aware thinking10:31
kanzure"Gilbert Ryle, for example, argued that traditional understanding of consciousness depends on a Cartesian dualist outlook that improperly distinguishes between mind and body, or between mind and world. He proposed that we speak not of minds, bodies, and the world, but of individuals, or persons, acting in the world. Thus, by speaking of 'consciousness' we end up misleading ourselves by thinking that there is any sort of thing as consciousness separ10:31
lichenim not saying there is dualism, i am not saying there is anything beyond the physical10:31
Mokbortolan_philosophy allows the most wondeful forms of bloviating, those kind that don't require evidence or any real work besides jaw motion and concatenating large words heard elsewhere10:31
lichencartesian dualism is one perspective, a rather old one10:31
Mokbortolan_oh, and I can't discount the efforts of the diaphragm and the musles controlling the vocal chords, lips, and throat muscles10:32
lichenyou're ignoring the physicalist side completely10:32
Mokbortolan_those also contribute significantly10:32
kanzurelichen: ?10:32
licheni'm saying that saying consciousness does not imply dualism10:33
Mokbortolan_you're just a blurry fraction of a hologram man, the gaaaawwwwd hologram10:33
Mariuthere's no god10:34
lichensometimes talking to science folks is just as bad as talking to religious folk10:34
kanzurelichen: even if it doesn't imply dualism, i don't see where you're going with this10:34
kanzuredoes thinking about the brain in terms of consciousness provide to you any advantages? or something10:34
lichenmy point is that consciousness is a subjective brain state10:34
Mokbortolan_there's no god because the distinction between god and self is a product of the instantiation of you biological form, man10:34
kanzureMokbortolan_: you should learn from jrayhawk how to troll better10:35
kanzureMokbortolan_: because you're *almost* there.. but not quite10:35
* Mokbortolan_ takes more mushrooms and puts on a paisley headband.10:35
lichendismissing anything to do with consciousness might shut you off from positive leads10:35
kanzureleads on what10:35
lichenunderstanding of the brain10:36
Mariuthat's the wrong approach, lichen10:36
kanzureby introspection?10:36
lichenyou can focus on the specific functions of the brain and that's fine10:36
licheni didn't say introspection, though i like to do that myself, that wasn't what i said10:36
kanzurewell, i was asking10:36
Mokbortolan_kanzure: honestly though, the study of consciousness - or what we call consciousness - can certainly help us learn more about the brain10:36
kanzureMokbortolan_: i have no idea what consciousness is. how the hell am i supposed to study that?10:37
Mokbortolan_by defining it first10:37
lichenwhat Mokbortolan_ said10:37
Mokbortolan_and then studying, and redefining10:37
kanzureif i don't know what it is how would i be able to define it10:37
lichenand i was providing a defnition that does not box you into dualism10:37
Mokbortolan_look at people with damaged bits of brain10:37
Mokbortolan_kanzure: well, we can quickly define two states, conscious, and unconscious10:37
Mokbortolan_asleep or awake10:37
kanzureasleep is not conscious?10:37
kanzurei think conscious and consciousness are talking about two different things?10:38
lichenits fuzzy10:38
Mokbortolan_yes, because that's how we're defining it10:38
kanzurei think people say "a sleeping person has consciousness"10:38
lichendreamless sleep is unconscious10:38
Mokbortolan_words are just handy labels10:38
kanzureso i think you're talking about something else Mokbortolan_10:38
Coornailohm and what about animals?10:38
kanzureMokbortolan_: this is not a handy label. i still don't know what you are takling about.10:38
Coornaildo they have a conciousness10:38
lichenits hard to ask them10:38
Mokbortolan_kanzure: ok, how is a sleeping person quantitatively different than a waking person?10:38
Mokbortolan_what is that difference? for the purposes of discussion, we can call that difference "consciousness"10:38
licheninternal qualia10:39
Coornailanimals are inferior because they can't speak that they are not inferior?10:39
Mokbortolan_then the question is, what is that?10:39
lichenof course not Coornail, just makes it harder to study10:39
Mokbortolan_so we can look at people with damaged brains who are constantly asleep10:39
kanzurelichen: you can't define something by making up new words like qualia, to describe sleep10:39
Coornailhehe, sorry10:39
licheni'm not making up a word10:39
Coornaildo we want to make it easier? =D10:39
lichenqualia has a very specific meaning10:39
kanzureMokbortolan_: i don't think you're talking about what lichen is talking about10:39
lichenwe are10:39
kanzurehow do you know10:39
lichenare you trolling or what10:39
Mokbortolan_I'm not trolling10:40
Mokbortolan_right now10:40
lichennot you, kanzure10:40
lichenor rather no Mokbortolan_10:40
Mokbortolan_I mean, the word "consciousness" is a label that for the purpose of discussion we are assigning to whatever it is you "have" when you're awake vs when you're asleep10:40
lichenand if you want to get more specific10:40
Coornailnot trolling10:40
kanzureok can you be more specific than that10:40
Coornailjust didn't follow10:40
lichenyou can specify dreamless sleep10:41
kanzurecan you talk to me in terms of brains, neuroanatomy or neuroscience10:41
kanzureand not psychology :|10:41
lichenthe state of mind lacking subjective awareness10:41
kanzure"dreams" are cool and all but, to the best of my knowledge, it's like some hippocampal feedbak on the frontal cortex10:41
Mokbortolan_it might be that there are several distinct states to be in besides "conscious" and "unconscious", like there are many types of quarks10:41
Coornailso what if we specify consciousness as the state in which you precieve the world how most people percieve it?10:41
Coornailthat way we exclude dellusional people, sleeping people10:41
Mokbortolan_but only a few are in wide use10:41
Coornailanimals, etc10:41
licheni'd argue that delusions are still conscious, but just not an accurate representation of the physical world10:42
lichenthe brain screwing up its model10:42
Coornailcan't argue with that10:42
Mokbortolan_the "wife" neural pattern address being transposed with that of a hat10:43
Mokbortolan_for instance10:43
Mokbortolan_I really need to read these ramachandran books I've collected10:43
Mokbortolan_that bit with the "limb rejection" was just absolutely fascinating10:45
lichenthats the one with the mirror yeah?10:45
Mokbortolan_kanzure: but I have read some articles about research into what can be termed the "seat of consciousness"10:45
Mokbortolan_no, that's theone with the guy who didn't want his arm10:46
lichenyeah, body dysmorphic disorder10:46
Mokbortolan_and he could draw a very specific irregular pattern to describe where he wanted it to be removed10:46
kanzure"Nothing worth reading has been written on it."10:46
lichenwhose quote is that10:46
Mokbortolan_and that ultimately corresponded to his homunculus10:46
lichenand why are they qualified to say that10:46
kanzurelichen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consciousness#Is_consciousness_a_valid_concept.3F10:46
kanzureabove that section10:47
lichenlike we keep saying10:47
Mokbortolan_that was 13 years ago10:47
lichenspecify a definition10:47
lichenand you can talk about10:47
lichenand also 13 years ago10:47
lichenwait no10:48
lichen23 years10:48
Mokbortolan_oh god, I'm old!10:48
Mokbortolan_and bad at math!10:48
kanzureMokbortolan_: the two worst things10:48
Mokbortolan_so yeah, 23 years ago10:48
Mokbortolan_almost a quarter of a century!10:48
Mokbortolan_think about the computers and techniques they had back then!10:48
lichensticks and flint10:49
Mokbortolan_did they even have fMRI?10:49
lichenwhat was it like foraging for food10:49
Mokbortolan_no! they didn't!10:49
Mokbortolan_that only came into use in the early 1990's!10:49
kanzurefmri won't help you if you can't define something10:49
lichenalright i need to get going, catch you all later10:49
Mokbortolan_what are you talking about10:50
lichenand kanzure we keep supplying definitions10:50
kanzurethey are all circular10:50
Mokbortolan_put a live person in an fmri, give him secobarbitol10:50
lichenno, what i said was10:51
lichenthe subjective world-model inside the brain10:51
lichenand the associated awareness10:51
kanzureok.. so a 3d scene modeled in opengl with object introspection10:52
kanzureis this the same thing as the working model you'vedescribed?10:52
lichenim not qualified to answer that, but that would be one interesting way of making an AI10:52
lichenthough you could skip the opengl10:52
kanzureoh geeze so you also believei n ai10:52
kanzure*believe in10:52
lichenand just have object data10:52
lichen"believe" in ai?10:53
lichenwe make this shit already10:53
kanzurenobody knows what "intelligence" is10:53
kanzuresame problems as "consciousness"10:53
lichenanyways yeah im done, later10:54
Mokbortolan_ | nobody (that I respect or know about) knows what "intelligence" is10:54
kanzurenobody is able to show me a brain and point to the "intelligence" in it10:54
kanzureor generated by it10:54
Mokbortolan_so either you've got a flawed understanding or definition of consciousness, or you haven't read the right book yet, or you didn't believe the right answer when you read it, or your estimation of what consciousness isn't is spot on and we're just nowhere close to understanding anything yet and all research and speculation heretofore is incorrect10:56
Mokbortolan_are those the boundaries?10:57
kanzureanother possibility is that i am not conscious and therefore unable to comprehend what the hell you're talking about10:57
kanzurei think that's everything yeah.10:57
Mokbortolan_sleep-typing? :p10:58
Mokbortolan_I think it's likely a combination of B and C10:59
Mokbortolan_but that's just my gut feelign10:59
Mokbortolan_or maybe all four11:00
Mokbortolan_although the illusion of free will is an attractive one too11:00
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Replopkanzure:  it was a very interesting talk, indeed.11:25
kanzureReplop: oh you actually watched it11:30
Replopof course,  it's often a statistical model with lots of hypothesis and assumptions .  but at last he's constantly  comparing to reality when possible and improvments can only happen11:31
kanzurethey use actual neuron cultures to take the readings from in general11:32
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ParahSailin__is network solutions a decent registrar? am i boycotting them for any sopa/pipa reasons?12:47
uniqanomaly_https://torrentfreak.com/judge-bittorrent-downloads-are-protected-anonymous-speech-120321/ nice12:48
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kanzureParahSailin__: networksolutions is not decent12:51
kanzurethey like to take whois queries and pre-register those domains and jack up the prices12:52
kanzurelots of people seem to like gandi or nameheap12:52
katsmeow-afknamesecure is doing that too?12:53
katsmeow-afk~10 yrs ago someone else was12:53
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delinquentmeonline code repos?  sourceforge, bitbucket, github13:07
delinquentmewhat else13:07
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kanzuredelinquentme: google projects13:08
kanzuregoogle code.. or whatever it's called13:08
Mokbortolan_kanzure: I see your vortex cannon, and raise you this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr72CHwpdH413:08
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delinquentmeya got it13:11
kanzurebackyard brains' publication:13:46
kanzure"The SpikerBox: A Low Cost, Open-Source BioAmplifier for Increasing Public Participation in Neuroscience Inquiry"13:47
kanzurewhat the hell is a bioamplifier13:47
kanzuredon't make up new words for this :(13:47
ThomasEgiappears to be just a regular analog frontend for reading biopotential..13:56
ThomasEgidamn those business administration folks with their insane desire to invent no words to impress common folks.13:57
kanzureThomasEgi: ah yeah it's not complicated at all13:57
kanzurethey are just trying to sell kits to schools etc.13:57
kanzurefenn: openpcr uses strings like "d=1&t=40&t1=41&t2=42" to program itself from a computer14:35
kanzureapparently josh/tito decided to use adobe AIR (ARGH IDJFKJSLDJAJSKLJAOJIO)14:36
kanzurethey use usb acting as a storage device to send commands to their arduino.. basically you write to a file with the commands (it sounds ilke a pipe but they probably messed up the implementation)14:36
kanzurei am not happy with "Just make it run an HTTP server" or "make it compile/parse code"14:37
kanzurewhat's a better way to do this?14:37
delinquentmethey used AIR14:39
kanzureyes :(14:39
kanzure1) if you use your own custom protocol, like openpcr's command string, you are limiting the possible software that it will run14:39
kanzure2) if you reprogram it every time, that's a big gaping security hole14:39
delinquentmeshould I write him and offer some help?14:39
delinquentmeI've emailed him before w no response14:40
delinquentmebut like14:40
kanzuredelinquentme: you used rails for lh001?14:43
delinquentmerails packing a binary protocol14:43
delinquentmewell ruby14:43
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kanzurehi nmz78714:47
kanzuredelinquentme: so, i was just suggesting a minute ago14:47
kanzurethat you should just ssh into the lab equipment14:47
kanzureand drop in your new script/software14:47
nmz787what equipment?14:48
kanzurewell anything i guess14:48
kanzureso delinquentme built lh001 a liquid handling mahine14:48
kanzureand he used rails...14:48
kanzureand then these openpcr nutjobs used AIR14:49
nmz787metal rails?14:49
kanzureno rails the ruby project14:49
nmz787so it was a web app?14:50
Steel2re: webhosting/domain name registrars14:50
Steel2I get all my stuff via lithium hosting14:50
nmz787you access via google chrome14:50
kanzurenmz787: right14:50
nmz787cool i guess14:50
kanzureheh.. but i think it's not optimal14:50
nmz787i hear a lot of people really like ruby14:50
kanzurei mean, it's better than sending stuff down telnet i guess14:50
kanzureor HYPERCOMMM 9000 or whatever the hell windows calls it..14:51
nmz787to me it seems like python is good enough for what I want to do14:51
nmz787thats why that pyjamas thing kind of looks cool14:51
delinquentmedepends on the complexity14:51
nmz787and the processor14:52
kanzurenmz787: wait what are you doing? :)14:52
delinquentmeif you've got something that can handle the SSH14:52
kanzuredelinquentme: for sure.. why not run your lab equipment off of linux?14:52
nmz787if raspberrypi sticks around, then we can just use a small C server for small lab use14:52
kanzurei guess openpcr's "just act as usb mass storage" is nice for compatibility14:52
delinquentmeraspberry pi would let you ssh in14:53
kanzurenmz787: or beagleboard14:53
nmz787if its something likely to be queried a lot, use different software14:53
delinquentmeand then that runs the machines and connects up to the server14:53
delinquentmekanz what do you use for your rails auth14:53
kanzurenmz787: what are you thinking of using pyjs for?14:56
nmz787openspectrometer needs a GUI14:57
nmz787there are some nice graphing javascript libraries14:57
kanzureyeah.. check out three.js or raphael.js14:57
nmz787so i was already thinking throwing a webkit in a python script14:57
nmz787and loading the sensor data right into the webkit javascrip graph14:57
kanzurenote that javascript is not a good option if you have millions of data points14:58
kanzureor millions of anything heh14:58
nmz787it did nice shit like zooming, and landscape overview (i.e. small version of where you're zoomed into)14:58
nmz787sensor is few thousand pixels14:58
kanzurethree.js if you want to be fancy https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/14:59
nmz787but the python backend will also allow processing addons to be easy to load14:59
kanzureraphael.js if you are practical http://raphaeljs.com/14:59
kanzureyou could also just do it straight up in python14:59
nmz787i.e. some crazy math heavy data filters that some real imaging scientist might want to contribute14:59
kanzureand then you can take advantage of scipy14:59
kanzureactually.. scipy bindings through pyjs would be a nice thing to have in general15:00
nmz787yeah that was my thought15:02
nmz787scipy numpy all that shyt15:02
nmz787are there octave python bindings?15:02
nmz787that might suck15:02
nmz787but maybe not15:02
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kanzuretest test15:14
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kanzurethe internet is experiening some pretty substantial ping timeouts15:20
kanzurejrayhawk: what's that dns servie map thing you one showed me?15:21
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kanzure"Mike has been located, but what happened to him will not be disclosed until his family is ready. I hope they do so soon."15:36
kanzurein canada.15:36
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kanzurehi virnovus15:43
virnovuswas in reddit yesterday, and someone pointed me here15:43
virnovusfigured I'd keep the window open for a while and see what everyone talks about15:44
Mokbortolan_we like to talk about consciousness, and how we can expand it surgically.15:51
Mokbortolan_having come to a consensus on its exact location in the brain.15:52
Steel2oh, you were the VR developer?15:52
kanzureMokbortolan_ is lying15:56
Mokbortolan_I am :(15:57
Mokbortolan_I'm a terrible liar15:57
Thorbinator_besides, conciousness is probably an emergent phenomena of the entire brain15:57
kanzureit's probably crap15:58
Mokbortolan_I had heard of the role of the gut flora in psychology...15:58
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virnovusoh.  yes, vr developer16:04
virnovuswas someone talking about me?16:05
virnovusI'm not all that interested in cutting my brain open, at least not at this point16:06
virnovusat least I used to be a VR developer16:08
kanzurewhat the hell is VR16:10
kanzureis it just another way of saying "we're using our GPUs"16:10
virnovusthey confiscated my "meth lab" and all my drug precursors, and now I can't do my job anymore, so that's about it16:11
virnovuserr, I used to work in a lab developing virtual reality-type simulators16:11
kanzurewho confiscated your shit?16:11
virnovusUS marshalls16:11
kanzuremaybe i can help you get it back16:11
kanzureok which state?16:11
kanzureare you near manhattan16:12
kanzuredid they have a warrant?16:12
Mokbortolan_virnovus: you probably had something dangerous and suspicious, ilke Acetic Acid 5% w/v16:13
virnovusthis was two years ago16:13
kanzurevirnovus: that's no excuse16:13
kanzurevirnovus: i don't know if it will help but we have outreach with the FBI16:13
Mokbortolan_the response to meth labs is going to seriously curtail the USA's supply of chemists in the coming decades16:13
kanzurein particular the FBI's weapons of mass destruction directorate16:14
kanzurethey are pretty friendly and helpful from time to time16:14
virnovusoh I totally agree16:14
kanzurevirnovus: i suggest emailing agent nathan head <nathaniel.head@ic.fbi.gov>16:14
kanzurevirnovus: and agent you <edward.you@ic.fbi.gov>16:15
virnovusi'm pretty sure it's all been destroyed.  this was two years ago16:15
kanzureyou should be compensated for any materials destroyed16:15
kanzurewhat were you working on btw?16:15
kanzureis it simulating a machine you built?16:17
virnovusI was pretty stupid at the time.  all my friends were Indian citizens, and I didn't have any government contacts16:17
kanzureoh the machine is a simulator16:18
kanzurewhere did you get 3d models from?16:18
virnovusI designed the initial prototype software, lately other people have been doing more of the work16:19
virnovusi have some experience with video game design, pretty good with 3ds max16:19
kanzurei am trying to find usable 3d models of neuroanatomical regions of the human brain16:19
kanzurebut unfortunately nobody has a usable brain atlas16:19
kanzurejust fuzzy fmri data and lots of text saying "The x bone connects to the y bone" screw that16:19
virnovusoh, the models I made were mostly from urology16:20
virnovusno brain data16:21
virnovusa friend of mine has models of the major arteries in the brain, but that's more from stroke research16:21
kanzurei'll take anything :P16:22
virnovusi can ask him tomorrow16:23
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virnovusas far as emailing people in the FBI, I definitely don't want to get in any more trouble than I'm already in; I've already had to plead guilty to a felony17:09
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virnovusnot sure what I'd say. give me back my stuff?17:10
kanzureyes :(17:11
Mokbortolan_oh wow17:11
Mokbortolan_you plead guilty to a felony17:11
virnovusmy lawyer kind of forced me to17:12
Mokbortolan_our justice system is totaly screwed up, where you get offered "deals" for not wasting the court's time17:12
virnovusyeah.  any suggestions on what to do before sentencing?17:12
Mokbortolan_which basically suggests that the justice meted out has more to do with whether or not you inconvenience the judge17:12
Mokbortolan_naah, I would have said "get a different lawyer" if you had mentioned it before you accepted the plea deal17:13
virnovusi wanted to but I was broke and my parents paid for my lawyer17:13
Mokbortolan_but after this you will basically find it impossible to get a job at a large company17:13
virnovusi'm aware of that.  my plan is to wait it out, then move to India17:14
Mokbortolan_I know a few felons trying to re-integrate into society, and they have it damn hard17:14
Mokbortolan_if they'll take you17:14
virnovuseither that, or work for start ups17:14
Mokbortolan_they might, I dunno17:14
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katsmeow-afkAssociated Press17:16
katsmeow-afkWASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. intelligence community will now be able to store information about Americans with no ties to terrorism for up to five years under new Obama administration guidelines.17:16
virnovusi had to plead guilty to unlawfully importing a list I controlled drug precursor :(17:16
-!- Mokbortolan_ is now known as Mok_Away17:18
katsmeow-afkpoint out you didn't know about that law?17:18
virnovusi forgot what i said.  i was stupid and said a lot of stuff, much of it true, much of it not true17:21
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Thorbinator_this channel has all sorts of interesting characters, apparently17:22
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nathanielThorbinator_ yeah that was a horribly interesting conversation18:53
nathanielthanks for highlighting me, kanzure :318:53
kanzurenathaniel: hm?18:54
nathanielnathan head's email18:55
fennhttp seems perfectly fine for passing parameters to a lab device19:09
strangewarpI used to be in a bunch of shitty channels full of angry people, and I would get pinged whenever someone raged for/against Christianity19:17
fennmaybe you should change your name19:18
strangewarpNo way19:18
strangewarpI am named after my totally rad ancestor from the alpha session19:18
fenni dont even know what that means19:19
strangewarpbad webcomic reference19:20
fennvirnovus: how is tensile strength and rigidity information for surgical models stored, or even acquired?19:21
fennhaptic modeling of a rubber sphere is one thing, but a body?19:22
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kanzurehi fenn19:29
kanzurei am surprised you're pro-http-server-in-lab-equipment19:30
kanzureseems like a high overhead solution19:30
kanzurealthough i'm pro-linux-in-my-equipment19:30
fennhttp is way less overhead than ssh19:32
fennyou dont even need an OS for http19:32
fennyou've heard of internet 0 right?19:32
kanzurei thought so but now that i look i see it's the gershenfeld clan19:33
fennbasically they wire an AVR up to ethernet19:34
fennmost lab equipment doesn't need more than that19:35
fennsome digital and analog i/o and do all the fancy interface stuff with your laptop or tablet or whatever19:35
kanzurewhat's the reason to not throw in a full linux stack into your hplc?19:36
virnovusoh, back now19:36
fennit's just more "stuff"19:36
virnovusfenn: surgical models? we mostly just wing it19:36
virnovusor, I do19:37
kanzurevirnovus: that does not sound helpful?19:37
fenni guess you're not really training on the surgery itself but rather the general use of the robot19:37
virnovusthey kept telling me I should use actual published data, but I'd just play around with what seemed right, or what was easy to run through the soft-body physics engine19:37
fenndid you have access to the actual robot?19:38
kanzurei'm pretty sure there's no published data that you can just.. use.. for that.19:38
virnovusfenn: yes, I did get to use it once, for an hour or so19:39
kanzure... that's it?19:39
fennkanzure: this kind of thing is stupidly inflated expensive, and time on it is in high demand, so..19:39
virnovusright, the published data is all pretty hard to apply to our models19:39
kanzurefenn: yes but .. you should be able to afford for your programmers/developers to use it19:39
kanzure"Well, we built the machine, but now we need to make educational material. So obviously, we're not going to use the machine for this process."19:40
kanzurefuck that19:40
virnovusplus, the physics engines are all off the shelf, and soft-body physics engines that allow simulated cutting are few and far between19:40
virnovusand there's no way I'd ever write one myself.  WAY too much work19:40
virnovusplus, at the time I was working on programming, it was part of a grant from RPCI19:41
virnovuserr, roswell park cancer institute19:42
virnovusnow, the intuitive people are developing their own simulator, so the company I was wanting to work for is looking like they might go belly-up19:45
fennkanzure: can you explain the potential benefits of having a full OS on a piece of equipment?19:45
virnovusi don't suppose anyone here is rapman543?19:46
fennlike the 3d printer?19:47
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Mok_Awaylight-activated memories19:56
virnovusIt's interesting that there are photoreceptors in the brain19:58
virnovusprobably has to do with the fact that the retina is neural tissue19:59
kanzurefenn: you can do all the standard software things you expect a computer to be able to do.19:59
virnovusso retinal genes get expresed elsewhere as well19:59
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kanzure"Bloomfield Hills resident Mark Sims, 48, has known Treder since 2004. They attended many of the same conferences. Sims said he's been helping Treder's family in the search and doesn't know what happened to his friend."20:01
kanzureisn't that the guy i stole all the nanoengineer code from20:01
kanzureah yes the white man's word20:02
virnovusanyone have anything interesting to say about racetams?20:07
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virnovusI ordered piracetam once, but I ran out pretty quickly and it didn't seem to do much20:08
virnovusjust was curious if maybe I should give them another go20:09
fennthe effects are more noticeable when combined with other things20:11
fennyou have to take several grams of piracetam20:11
fenni'm not sure it makes economic sense20:11
virnovusyeah, it didn't seem worth the cost at the time.  even less so now20:13
fenni'm playing around with noopept20:13
fennthe dosage is so low it costs practically nothing20:14
fenntoo many toys, too little time20:15
virnovusmy problem is, i used to have a prescription for adderall, but once I got arrested for drug charges, doctors won't write me prescriptions for it anymore20:15
virnovusjust assume it's drug-seeking behavior, i guess20:16
fennhow do doctors even know about that?20:16
klafkait got noted on his record?20:17
klafkaor something20:17
kanzure"His Record"20:17
virnovusi had one doctor write me a prescription, then got a notice a couple weeks later that i couldn't get adderall prescriptions from her anymore.  no explanation20:17
kanzureEMR records are usually private, except if the healthcare company has something20:17
virnovusthink i'm blacklisted by the DEA, but i can't prove it20:17
Steel2possibly try noopept?20:17
fennwell, noopept is nothing like adderall20:18
Thorbinator_considering the charges, I wouldn't be suprised if there is a blacklist you landed on20:18
kanzurefenn: i want an addressable microdroplet array :320:18
n_benthaI had a script for adderall to help me stay awake. I started selling it after starting to smoke mj to get more sleep.20:18
kanzureto stay awake? docs wrote you a script just for that?20:19
kanzurei went through weeks of psychological testing20:19
kanzureit was like autism bootcamp20:19
Steel2my buddy got it basically for having the most borderline of adhd effects20:19
n_benthaYup. Doc put down add for the diagnosis to make it kosher though.20:19
n_benthaI didn't do any testing, luckily.20:19
virnovusi have genuine ADD effects.  my grandma was killed crossing the street because she wasn't paying attention to traffic.  no lie20:20
strangewarpNootropics cured my clinical depression and part of my laziness. Woop woop20:20
fenni wish these diybio kids would hurry up and put together some metabolic pathways20:21
fennstrangewarp: care to elaborate?20:21
Steel2my mom thinks the choline is what helped her20:21
* n_bentha wants some modafinil20:22
fenncholine certainly won't hurt20:22
strangewarpfenn: I feel like a productive adult who doesn't hate himself for the first time ever, basically20:22
n_benthafenn: what kinda pathways?20:22
fenni think alzheimer's is related to choline deficiency20:22
virnovusi used to have modafinil.  fucking US marshalls confiscated that too20:22
n_benthano wai!20:22
katsmeow-afki can't do $80/month for monafinal, the adrafinal was doing well20:22
n_benthavirnovus: why they do that?20:22
Mok_Awayadderall is sure handy for focusing20:22
Mok_Awayboy howdy20:22
virnovusthey confiscated anything that looked like it even might be illegal20:22
fennn_bentha: drug production, to make it impossible to regulate, end the war on drugs with improved technology20:22
n_benthaoh that's cool. when they transform the genes for the thc pathway into things, i'll be one happy camper20:23
fennyes, ideally herbicide resistant invasive weeds20:24
virnovusi've always been interested in trans-4-methylaminorex.  never was able to synthesize it though.  and all the precursors are too similar to meth20:24
virnovusooh, yes.  dandelions with superdominant THC genes.  can't wait!20:25
Mok_AwayJust say NO to GMO!20:25
n_benthahaha dandelion salads!20:26
n_benthaSpeaking of drugs...20:27
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n_benthaWhat kind of drugs do astronauts get? I hear a rumor that they get good stuff to help w/ the long flights and stuff.20:27
strangewarpmaybe this is the great filter20:28
virnovusrecently I did get some ethylphenidate, although i'm a little disappointed in it.  i was hoping it'd be more like adderall20:28
virnovusn_bentha: i think it's modafinil.  could be wrong20:28
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virnovusi know air force pilots get modafinil20:30
n_benthamy insurance does 90day perscriptions @ a 20dollar co-pay20:31
n_benthai need to start the drug-seeking behavior20:31
virnovusthere was a law and order svu episode on where a girl acts like she went psycho from staying up too long using provigil (modafinil).  I was watching it with my grandparents and I wanted to scream no, provigil WON'T DO THAT!!!  but it was my grandparents so i kept my mouth shut20:32
n_benthaWow, that sounds bad, but I hope you guys know what I mean.20:32
virnovusn_bentha: can always make your own drugs.  but i wouldn't recommend that.  you could wind up a convicted felon for life20:33
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n_benthaI only worry about the production of other hormones being affected by provigil--like how thyroid hormones, cortisol, etc are needed in the circadian rhythm. Would provigil cause adrenal burn-out like adderall is known too?20:35
n_benthad3nd3! I missed you, buddy. Did you sprout your wings and learn to fly yet?20:35
virnovusn_bentha: i don't think so.  provigil is much more subtle than adderall20:36
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n_benthaWell if it keeps you awake while allowing your cortisol to drop so your other hormones (thyroid, growth hormone, etc) can be secreted, then I'm all for it.20:38
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virnovusno clue there.  i just know it was a mild, benevolent stimulant20:39
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n_benthaHow would you compare it to caffeine?20:40
virnovusless... dirty?  I don't know.  I guess I would say it's like a nicer version of caffeine?20:41
virnovusi guess i'd say it's somewhere between adderall and caffeine, but lasts longer20:43
n_benthaAnd the diuretic effects?20:43
n_bentha(sorry for so many questions--that's the last one)20:44
virnovusi don't remember any, but then, it was 2 years ago that they took all of mine.  it was definitely more subtle than amphetamines though20:45
virnovuswhich could be a good thing if you don't like amphetamines20:45
virnovusthe thing is, i have issues with depression too, and modafinil didn't touch that, which is why i wasn't that thrilled with it20:46
n_benthaOh, I loathe amphetamines. They make me have the runs, dehydrate, and want to throw-up.20:46
kanzurefenn: BASED ON MY CALCULATIONS, storing 50,000 droplets should take 4 cm^2? if you assume 10 micron walls and 5 micron diameter drops?20:46
n_benthaThat's a bummer. No drug ever cured my depression :(20:47
kanzureso storing 50,000 5 micron droplets should take at least 25 centimeters20:47
n_benthaBut I'm not depressed anymore!20:47
kanzureif it was a single capillary storage geometry thing20:48
Steel2why are you storing drops?20:48
kanzureSteel2: chemicals, dna, cells20:48
Mok_Awayn_bentha: it makes your pee smell awful20:48
Mok_Awaythere's that "thio" in there20:48
kanzureSteel2: first, with 4096 drops you can store all possible sequences of DNA up to 6 letters in length20:48
Steel2like in an array?20:49
kanzureand then you can combine these 6mers to make whatever you are sequencing20:49
kanzurean array needs more surface area20:49
kanzurei said capillary :(20:49
Steel2I can think of ways to make solid capillaries with those sizes but not permeable ones20:50
kanzureso with 50000 drops you can store maybe 50000 different versions of cells or something20:50
kanzurei mean a pdms capillary20:50
virnovusn_bentha: i've tried methoxetamine, that took care of it for like 10 days20:50
kanzureone long-ass channel20:50
virnovusand yeah, it makes your pee smell pretty bad20:50
kanzurevirnovus: i will buy whatever i can to make my pee smell like t-rex pee20:50
virnovusthe *afinil drugs20:50
Steel2yeah, no idea.20:50
n_benthaoh this is what you were talking about last time, kanzure! Sweet :)20:51
kanzuret-rex urine?20:51
virnovuspretty sure they didn't pee.  they excreted there ammonia in uric acid, like birds :)20:51
kanzurevirnovus: we can fix that20:52
Steel2electroluminescent dye20:52
n_benthalol. i've been pretty happy w/ taking L-theanine and eleuthero, virnovus20:52
kanzureSteel2: this system is a bit more complex than what i have in mind20:52
kanzurethey also show it in an array.. again, not what i was aiming for20:52
n_benthai want one of those new vibrating tatoos, but i want to to light up when it does.20:52
kanzurei just want a microfluidic storage system that looks like this: ..........20:53
kanzurethat's all i'm asking for :p20:53
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Steel2how would it dispense20:54
Steel2out one end?20:54
katsmeow-afki keep thinking of the mcp found in some oscopes, but i dunno how you'd put the liquid in/out , or even index the channels20:54
kanzurefirst in first out20:54
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Steel2I need to find someone good with repraps in dc20:55
kanzureoh this looks handy "Design of pressure-driven microfluidic networks using electric circuit analogy" http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2012/LC/c2lc20799k20:55
kanzureyeh same thing as bondgraphs.. no surprise20:56
n_benthayou'll need to keep it all cold, right?20:56
n_benthaat least the stocks?20:56
kanzuredna is ok at room temp20:57
n_benthaYa I guess...20:57
yashgarothif you keep it sterile20:59
kanzure"A drop treadmill holds up to three droplets and can function as a first-in-first-out buffer memory." only three?21:00
kanzurepg 3 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/Thermocapillary%20manipulation%20of%20droplets%20using%20holographic%20beam%20shaping:%20Microfluidic%20pin%20ball.pdf21:00
kanzure(though this is a different/unusual actuation technique)21:00
kanzurewell... here's someone is doing fraction emulsions into single-file channels, but it looks random21:01
virnovusi realize i'm kind of jumping in in the middle, but I've seen some work done with piezo pumps that looked promising21:02
virnovusit was a presentation a few years ago at a conference.  forgot who did it21:03
kanzurepg2 looks like a buffer of drops to me.. http://www.rsc.org/binaries/LOC/2008/PDFs/Papers/611_0518.pdf21:03
n_benthaIf it helps, there are some robots for injecting xenopus oocytes with very small ammounts of rna. I imagine you could adapt the design to work in a similar fashion?21:05
kanzurei am trying to convince fenn to be intrigued by this21:05
virnovuswhat would it be used for?21:06
n_benthaHowever, they did use a needle filled w/ oil that sucked up the rna from a 1.5ml centri tube. Then had a wash and a waste tube as well.21:06
n_benthaWell you could use it to suck up DNA from the tubes, and add very small ammounts to the droplets.21:07
kanzurevirnovus: mirofluidic dna synthesizer21:07
yashgarothxenopus oocytes are huge though21:08
n_benthaYeah, but it was like less than 1ug that we injected each one w/21:08
kanzurepfft manual syringe method to create microdroplet emulsions http://weitzlab.seas.harvard.edu/publications/Bio_Abate_2011.pdf21:10
virnovusooh, yeah, i was thinking something like drug injection21:11
virnovusdunno why21:11
n_bentha"droplet size measures approximately 60 µm in diameter "21:12
yashgarothI feel like this needs lasers somehow21:16
n_benthaW/ the robot for it, you have to do the calibration that I mentioned last ngiht.21:16
n_benthaBut then you can let it run until you need to change out samples.21:17
n_benthaIt's just hard to be accurate to the micro-meter from the get-go.21:18
n_benthaIf you had the samples of the 4096 dna 6-mers on a rotating device, you could keep the injector stationary.21:19
kanzuren_bentha: the 4096 droplets would be in the system already21:20
n_benthaWhat if you need to use one of the 6-mers more than 1x?21:20
kanzuren_bentha: you will use a drop, and then put it back in the library21:21
kanzurecontamination is an interesting question, but i think i have a way to work around that21:21
kanzureyashgaroth was also kind enough to make up a cool technique to avoid depleting your library21:21
n_benthaOk. The contamination thing is what I was not able to deal w/.21:21
yashgaroththat method needs time to replenish, so hopefully you'd only be taking ~10% at a time21:22
kanzuren_bentha: this is what yashgaroth drew up http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/nicking-library-method.jpg21:22
yashgarothbut yeah what about contamination, micron-sized needles ain't cheap21:22
Steel2interior diameter of what needed21:23
Steel2our ~5um interior diameter needles are...21:23
Steel2god, I don't actually know21:23
Steel2I think they're pretty cheap actually21:23
yashgarothinterior doesn't matter, long as exterior is <5um21:23
Steel2oh, exterior21:24
yashgarothor whatever the drop dimensions are21:24
Steel2our interior is 5um21:24
Steel2exterior is prob significantly wider at the widest point21:24
kanzureyashgaroth: the droplets can be created later21:24
kanzuredump shit into the channel -> form a drop -> everything else goes to waste21:24
nyteryder(no idea what you guys are really talking about but this all sounds really cool)21:24
kanzurenyteryder: http://labs.pharmacology.ucla.edu/tsenglab/image/labtour/ResearchImage/Microfluidics/HsianRongTsengLab_microfluidic01_Dec28_04.jpg21:25
n_benthaWhen you pull needles for use in microinjectors, there are multiple techniques to making them sharp and pointy21:25
n_benthaYou can break them, or you can do some polishing21:25
n_benthaShould work out alright.21:25
yashgarothwe need blunt ends21:26
yashgarothdon't want to stab a hole in your substrate21:26
* n_bentha needs a blunt and to let the grown-ups do the talking.21:26
n_benthabtw, I like the bead-idea for the six-mer generation21:26
yashgarothsadly it may need to be 8mers, but the principle still applies21:27
n_benthawould you then need 65 536 8-mers?21:28
yashgarothyes, minus the palindromic ones, or the few recognized by the nicking enzyme21:28
nyteryderThanks kanzure21:29
yashgaroththat's the microfluidics department though, not my problem :V21:29
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virnovuswould anyone here be interested in seeing video of a laproscopic bladder/prostate surgery?21:36
yashgarothis it in HD21:37
yashgarothI prefer my bladders hi-def, but okay21:37
virnovusit was too hard to record the HD signals21:37
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virnovuswell, i just wondered because I found the files on my hard drive, but they're all in MPG format so they're huge21:38
virnovuswould have to re-encode them i think21:38
virnovussee if i have the avi21:38
n_benthaoh i did a gall bladder removal last year (laproscopic)21:45
n_benthawhere's the video?21:45
kanzurenyteryder: sure no problem?21:45
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