
--- Log opened Fri Mar 23 00:00:03 2012
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katsmeow-afkwooooaaahhh,, how to use big words to say republicans and tea party members are stupid : http://pss.sagepub.com/content/23/2/187.short?rss=1&amp%3bssource=mfr06:32
katsmeow-afkhow being depressed can make one stupid (as if we didn't know that already) : http://pss.sagepub.com/content/21/12/1770.abstract06:34
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katsmeow-afkfound one study that said if one is unhappy, one will daydream more, but i discarded it because they used the euphemism "make love" for "having sex",, and the overall "DUH" factor06:38
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strangewarpToday's goals: Read new chapter of HP:MoR; finish Rockit Synthesizer build07:16
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delinquentmeso I want to learn to think in terms of big tools12:00
kanzurehow big12:01
delinquentmelike if you want to think in terms of statistics you evaluate every day occurrences in that context12:01
delinquentmekanzure, specifically I want to think in terms of statistics and machine learning more12:01
delinquentmelike we've got this "imfact factor" style social proofing ideal behind research12:02
delinquentmeif you want to build a system that handles that12:02
delinquentmethe distillate of that process is who thinks who else is smart, and who builds upon other research someone else started?12:03
delinquentmethe issue is that googles DONE this12:03
delinquentmejust its all locked down12:03
delinquentmeklout too12:03
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has quit [Read error: No route to host]12:04
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delinquentmekanzure, is there really no API which keeps a valid DB of inbound links?12:14
delinquentmelike seriously there should be an open source equivalent of pagerank12:14
kanzurewhat is "OpenURL COinS"12:22
delinquentmetoday is a good day12:33
ybitdelinquentme: look into yacy12:36
delinquentmeI'd love to make a blog post titled " Fuck you publishers "12:37
delinquentmewith a massive graph of influence12:38
delinquentmethen tweet at them12:38
delinquentmeand be all12:38
delinquentme" How you like that dick in yo ass ? "12:38
-!- rkos [~chatzilla@a88-113-156-174.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 11.0/20120312181643]]12:39
virnovus*sigh* had another meeting with a probation officer today12:42
virnovusat least she was nice to me12:42
uniqanomalydelinquentme: wanna fuck them really hard write papers scraper software for smartphones, people from within universities would be freeing thoulsands of papers every day12:45
delinquentmefuck them like superman and the invisible man in that one joke12:46
uniqanomalythey try to cut off more universities after they acknowledge whats going on their PR is sooo going down12:48
Steel2so I don't know if delinquentme or kanzure saw the post I made on fb about a 'watson jr'12:48
Steel2but a suggestion in there was to write a distributed app12:49
kanzureno nobody uses facebook12:50
ybitit's true12:50
kanzurethanks ybit12:50
* kanzure chest thump12:50
* ybit butt slap12:50
virnovustrying to decide whether to go to lab meeting today12:50
ybitin the baseball manly sense of butt slapping12:50
Steel2a distributed watson-like app would be nice12:50
Steel2to feed articles into12:51
kanzurevirnovus: yeah, but just chillax12:51
kanzureSteel2: watson is just a lot of painful work like wolframalpha12:51
kanzureit scales linearly with manpower12:51
kanzureto code it.12:51
virnovuskanzure: i guess i could go.  i'll see if i can get any brain models12:51
kanzurevirnovus: what lab is it12:51
virnovusuniversity of buffalo virtual reality lab12:52
Steel2kanzure: Not...according to this article?12:52
kanzurevirnovus: other models would be hawt too12:53
virnovusmodels of what though?12:53
kanzurei'm not going to click a facebook redirect link12:53
Steel2ah, sorry12:53
delinquentmefb = picking up sluts12:53
virnovuskanzure: we've got lots of medical models and such.  mostly urology.  not sure you care much about bladders and prostates12:54
-!- nyteryder [~nyteryder@c-24-6-237-38.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:58
kanzurehello nyteryder12:58
virnovusfor some reason my external hard drive is only recognized by linux, not window12:59
kanzuresolution: stop using windows12:59
virnovusyeah, but then i got no photoshop13:00
Mokbortolan_virnovus: what filesystem is it?13:00
virnovusNTFS, oddly enough13:00
kanzurevirnovus: use photoshop in a VM13:00
virnovustoo much work13:00
thesnarklisten to this man13:00
Mokbortolan_is it USB?13:00
virnovusyes, usb13:00
thesnarkVMs are the way to go13:00
thesnarkunless you have shitty hardware13:01
Mokbortolan_try changing the USB port13:01
kanzurein which case: stop using shitty hardware13:01
Mokbortolan_like, plug it into a different one13:01
thesnarkkanzure I would but I have no money13:01
virnovusi'm broke though13:01
Mokbortolan_if that doesn't work, pull up Logical Disk Manager13:01
Mokbortolan_which OS are you using?13:01
thesnarkby no money I mean I would rather continue my pizza and beer purchases13:01
kanzurethesnark: i understand13:02
thesnarkalso paying for school13:02
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thesnarkcan't wait to be done with that13:02
* thesnark leaves to purchase beer and pizza13:03
-!- Helleshin [~talinck@cpe-174-101-208-182.cinci.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]13:03
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delinquentmeaww yehh13:05
virnovusok, well I'm gonna go shut down my laptop now13:08
delinquentmeAbstracts are available free online for almost all articles, and full scanned articles are available in Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)13:08
delinquentmewho... does ... this?13:08
delinquentme( NASA )13:09
virnovusshould be able to come back online in my lab13:09
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:09
kanzureok lazyweb: g gundam or gundam wing?13:11
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kanzureoh i guess there's also zz gundam13:16
delinquentmeDIS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExyE8e6QLgA&feature=related13:21
delinquentmeno this one13:21
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delinquentmefucking SICK13:26
uniqanomalydelinquentme: breathe13:27
uniqanomalylol it wasnt reverse psychology13:29
Mariuwhat are you watching ?13:29
Mariuwhat anime / series ?13:29
delinquentmeMariu, i watched evangelion 2.0 the other night and that scene blows my mind13:30
delinquentmegotta relocate13:30
kanzureMariu: this channel has a high anime-to-nerd ratio13:34
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Mokbortolan_I tried to like anime13:35
Mokbortolan_I really did13:35
Mokbortolan_I just don't13:35
Mariukanzure, cool13:35
Mokbortolan_Cowboy Bebop was pretty good though13:35
MariuI enjoy Ghost in a Shell13:35
Mokbortolan_I enjoyed the first one (but not the dialogue)13:35
Mokbortolan_naked robot chicks with automatic weapons? hard to top that13:36
Mokbortolan_if only she didn't drone on and on in a monotone about vague philosophy of self13:36
kanzurewe need a ##hplusroadmap anime13:36
Mariuto quote the Oracle from Matrix13:37
-!- jmil [~jmil@2607:f470:8:3148:4127:b1a8:4e28:8521] has quit [Quit: jmil]13:37
kanzureMariu: ?13:50
MariuI will be good to have ##hplusroadmap anime13:55
kanzureyes the oracle was very wise13:56
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:57
kanzureyashgaroth: sup?13:57
yashgarothcompany got liquidated13:57
kanzureah the glamorous world of biotech13:57
yashgaroth2 months severance at least13:57
yashgarothbuuut yeah it's gonna be a drinky night for me13:58
kanzureyashgaroth: so you're 100% done?13:58
kanzureor are they having you come back to work on monday13:59
yashgarothyep, didn't even need to finalize my notebooks13:59
yashgaroththere's like 4 people staying around during the 'transition' for a couple weeks, but not me13:59
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yashgarothshould've waited a week to book that flight to a'dam14:00
yashgarothone coworker literally bought a house yesterday, at least I'm not him :/14:02
kanzurethat should be illegal14:02
yashgaroththat's why they make you sign a waiver to get the severance...just in case14:03
kanzureno i mean home ownership (kidding)14:03
yashgarothheh that too14:04
kanzureyashgaroth: ##hplusroadmap anime.. are you down fori t?14:04
kanzure*for it14:04
yashgarothmy anime experience is limited to GitS, akira, and miyazaki's stuff14:05
yashgarothbut I'll have plenty of time to catch up14:06
kanzurepositive or negative experience?14:06
yashgarothpositive from those14:06
yashgarothcowboy bebop and appleseed are on my list for sure14:06
kanzurecan't tell what the plot would be14:07
kanzure"some people do some things, it works, and they are happy"14:07
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-67-171-66-113.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:08
yashgarothoh wait are you making h+ anime or something14:08
kanzuredelinquentme: ##hplusroadmap anime. what's the plot?14:08
kanzureyashgaroth: no just thinking14:08
delinquentmefluid immersion for greater ability to withstand Gforces14:09
delinquentmeand the crazy emotional content it elicits from me14:09
kanzurethat's not a plot :p14:09
-!- augur [~augur@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]14:15
kanzure"affordable 3d printers! own yours for less than $300/mo" geeze that's not the same class of 'affordable' that most people are looking for14:26
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Mokbortolan_costs less than my kid's preschool14:28
kanzureMokbortolan_: you can pick up some printers for <$1k so i dunno why you would pay $300/mo14:30
Mokbortolan_depends on what kind of printer, I s'pose14:33
Mokbortolan_a fancy-dan commercial model vs a makerbot14:33
-!- virnovus [~virnovus@dhcp020-214-182.wireless.buffalo.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:39
virnovuskanzure: you around?14:40
virnovusanyone? anyone around?14:41
virnovusi'm in my lab.  kanzure wanted some 3D brain models, iirs14:42
yashgaroththat does sound like him14:42
virnovusanyone else want any medical models?14:43
virnovuswe got a lot of cool shit up in here14:44
yashgarothof, like, organs and such?14:45
virnovusi think so14:45
jrayhawkvirnovus: if Windows doesn't notice an NTFS volume, the partition type field is probably wrong.14:45
jrayhawkugh, fucking google14:45
kanzure"Shaping Cells, Shaping Embryos: Coordinated Actin and Membrane Dynamics During Fly Morphogenesis."14:46
kanzure"Refreshments will be served at 3:45" hot damn... fly morphogenesis *and* refreshments14:46
-!- jmil [~jmil@c-68-81-252-40.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:47
kanzurei didn't know ut austin had a computational neuroscience journal club14:47
kanzurewhy the fuck am i not showing up to that14:47
kanzure"Afsheen Afshar, Gopal Santhanam, Byron M. Yu, Stephen I. Ryu, Maneesh Sahani, Krishna V. Shenoy. Single-Trial Neural Correlates of Arm Movement Preparation. Neuron, Volume 71, Issue 3, 555-564, 11 August 2011"14:48
virnovuskanzure: i'm in my lab.  you said you wanted brain models or something?14:50
kanzurevirnovus: that would be great14:51
kanzureField G.D., Gauthier J.L., Sher A., Greschner M., Machado T.A., Jepson L.H., Shlens J., Gunning D.E., Mathieson K., Dabrowski W., Paninski L., Litke A.M., Chichilnisky E.J. Functional connectivity in the retina at the resolution of photoreceptors. Nature 467, 201014:51
virnovuswhat type of brain models exactly?15:00
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n_benthaI did that transformation today :)15:17
n_benthaIt's in the 37* shaker atm.15:17
yashgarothah good good15:17
yashgarothI just got laid off today, same thing basically15:18
yashgarothluckily it was myself along with the rest of the company, so no especially hard feelings15:18
delinquentmeyashgaroth, what happened?15:20
yashgarothboard meeting last wednesday, we found out today that they decided to fire everyone to save money15:21
yashgarothwhich admittedly is a good way to trim a budget15:21
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n_benthaI hope you find a job soon.15:32
yashgarothI don't, I've only had 2 days of vacation in 2 years15:33
yashgarothbut yeah I'm not too worried15:33
n_benthaWell if you find a job, it doesn't mean you'll start working immediately.15:34
n_benthaMy friend got a job, but delayed her start for a few months.15:35
yashgarothI'll start looking next week; this week is getting high and playing video games :D15:36
delinquentmeyashgaroth, you're my hero15:42
-!- virnovus [~virnovus@dhcp020-214-182.wireless.buffalo.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]15:43
kanzuredelinquentme: it would be nice of you if you would assemble bibtex for each volume of each issue of each item listed her16:04
delinquentmeso go through and create a document of all of the research journals published by each of these publications16:09
kanzureare you telling me to do that?16:09
kanzurethat's not what i said :x16:09
thesnarkis made of ownage16:09
kanzurehi thesnark16:09
thesnarkcan't stay long, intoxicated16:10
delinquentmeno i mean thats what youre asking right?16:10
kanzuredelinquentme: i want a global citation index for each of the journals in that .xls file16:10
kanzureeach journal has volumes and issues16:10
kanzureeach issue-volume has a number of papers16:10
kanzureyou call these 'citations'16:10
thesnarkkanzure can you give an example? Would it just be a list of numbers with associated articles?16:10
kanzureeach citation refers and identifies a specific paper16:10
delinquentmevolumes and issues?16:10
kanzurethesnark: nope.. one sec16:10
kanzuredelinquentme: yes..16:10
delinquentmeand I thought citations are individual references to other papers16:11
kanzureyes.. each journal has a number of volume-issues and each one has a list of papers16:11
kanzureyou refer to these with a well-formed citation16:11
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kanzurethesnark: well, my example is just some code.. but it would be faster to just show you16:12
thesnarkalright, no need for anything elaborate16:12
kanzureclick "EXPORT CITATIONS"16:12
kanzureclick "BIBTEX FORMAT"16:12
kanzureoh also click "CITATIONS AND ABSTRACTS"16:13
kanzureanyway i have code that does this for sciencedirect16:13
kanzurebut not ebscohost or wiley or springerhumpdinker16:13
kanzureso that link is Aquatic Toxicology (Volumes 114–115)16:14
kanzureapparently this journal doesn't do issues.. so that's a bad example to explain issues16:14
thesnarkkanzure ok, gotcha16:14
n_benthaI think each paper should include a citation of itself at the beggining or end of the paper.16:14
thesnarkkanzure do you prefer one enormous file or some kind of lookup system?16:14
delinquentmeone BF DB would be awesome16:15
kanzurethesnark: i prefer a journals object, and each journal should have a number of issues/volumes, and each issue-volume instance should have a list of individual citations16:15
n_benthaIn standard MLA format. Or some new Science Article Format that publishers can agree on.16:15
kanzuren_bentha: bibtex16:15
delinquentmewhats the difference between issues and volumes16:15
delinquentmewhich is the smaller unit16:16
thesnarkvolumes are made of issues I believe16:16
kanzurethey can do whatever they want16:16
thesnarkpardon me, but what do you mean by BF delinquentme?16:16
thesnarkyeah it's just the name they assign16:16
kanzurethey can have multiple issues per volume or multiple volumes per issue because fuck you you're paying them $25,000/issue16:17
n_benthaKanzure: they should do it for us. So we just have to copy/past the freaking citations.16:17
delinquentmeso the unit you want16:17
delinquentmeis it not individual research paper with references?16:17
kanzurethesnark: this is how i am verifying my coverage of the entirety of science.16:17
thesnarkkanzure would love to help with that16:18
kanzuredelinquentme: the pdf is nice and all, but i'd rather grab that myself because so far i haven't met *anynoe* that is careful with the metadata16:18
thesnarkjust mention me in any ideas you have in channel and I'll read them tomorrow16:18
thesnarkin the meantime, it is time for zombie shooters16:18
kanzurei just get some_shit.tar and people expect OCR to magically work16:18
-!- thesnark is now known as thesnark|zambies16:18
delinquentmeTHE most important shit you will hear about all week : http://news.discovery.com/tech/world-most-powerful-laser-120322.html16:20
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delinquentmekanzure, I dont really understand what you're after16:24
kanzuredelinquentme: ok what part about bibtex do you not understand16:24
delinquentmeyou're getting the journal citations instead of the paper citations?16:24
delinquentmeah bibtext == citation16:25
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delinquentmekanzure, do I have the most recent version of your code?16:27
kanzurei have no ebscohost code16:27
delinquentmenah but the science direct16:28
delinquentmethese are all basically made to grab those bibtext files16:28
kanzureno i was in the middle of a rewrite16:28
delinquentmedoes the rewrite run?16:28
kanzureno i was in the middle of it16:28
delinquentmeusing phantom?16:29
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delinquentmeso we need a ton of bibtexes16:34
delinquentmekanzure, you still the best versed w phantom?16:40
kanzurewhat are you asking?16:41
delinquentmeis that what you're most productive in?16:41
delinquentmedo you want me to work with that16:41
kanzureno i am most productive with python-requests16:42
delinquentmealso : do you know these bibtext have no citations16:42
kanzurethese are citations.16:42
kanzurethat's what bibtex encodes.16:42
delinquentmeim looking at an issue16:43
delinquentmeand it has a list of titles and other information about a single research paper16:43
kanzureno an issue should have multiple papers in its bibtex file16:43
delinquentmeno listing of the papers that THAT research paper references16:43
delinquentmeyeah it does16:43
kanzuresounds like it's working to me?16:44
delinquentmetitle = "P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the monogonont rotifer, Brachionus koreanus: Molecular characterization and expression in response to pharmaceuticals",16:44
delinquentmejournal = "Aquatic Toxicology",16:44
delinquentmevolume = "114–115",16:44
delinquentmenumber = "0",16:44
delinquentmepages = "104 - 118",16:44
delinquentmeyear = "2012",16:44
delinquentmenote = "",16:44
delinquentmeissn = "0166-445X",16:44
delinquentmedoi = "10.1016/j.aquatox.2012.02.009",16:44
kanzurethis is just the bibetx for this issue16:44
delinquentmeurl = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166445X12000598",16:44
delinquentmeauthor = "Jae-Sung Rhee and Chang-Bum Jeong and Bo-Mi Kim and Jae-Seong Lee",16:44
delinquentmekeywords = "P-glycoprotein",16:44
delinquentmekeywords = "Monogonont rotifer",16:44
delinquentmekeywords = "Pharmaceutical",16:44
kanzurefor 0166-445X16:44
delinquentmekeywords = "Antibiotics",16:44
delinquentmekeywords = "Expression",16:44
delinquentmekeywords = "Growth retardation",16:44
delinquentmeabstract = "P-glycoprotein is involved in the efflux of diverse chemicals, including hydrophobic compounds and pharmaceuticals as a first line of defense. Here, we firstly identified and characterized the P-gp (Bk-P-gp) gene in the rotifer, Brachionus koreanus. Bk-P-gp was highly conserved in genomic organization compared to the human P-gp gene. Messenger RNA expression of Bk-P-gp revealed that it would be regulated by t16:44
delinquentmeemperature change via 14 heat shock response elements in its promoter region. Bk-P-gp showed a high similarity of motifs/domains compared to those of vertebrates in its amino acid sequences. To check whether Bk-P-gp would be inducible, we exposed B. koreanus to six pharmaceuticals including antibiotics for use in aquaculture and observed dose- and time-dependency on transcripts of Bk-P-gp for 24&#xa0;h over a wide range16:45
delinquentmeof concentration. Efflux assay and membrane topology supported its conserved function for transportation of a number of chemicals upon cellular damage. To reveal the effect of pharmaceuticals on the rotifer, we measured survival rate and population growth rate after exposure to six pharmaceuticals. In an acute toxicity test, both NOEC and LC50 values for all the pharmaceuticals were high for 24&#xa0;h. ATP, CBZ, SMX, and16:45
delinquentme TMP markedly inhibited the population growth of B. koreanus after exposure up to16:45
delinquentmewell there it is lol16:45
delinquentmetheres no reference to the papers that paper references16:45
chris_99that's not what bibtex provides16:45
chris_99bibtex doesn't give you the citations in the paper16:45
delinquentmewe need that16:45
kanzurechris_99 is correct16:45
kanzuredelinquentme: who does?16:46
kanzurethis is just so that we can see what papers each journal has16:46
kanzurethat's all16:46
delinquentmeif you're building something that can gauge something like an impact factor16:46
kanzurethis way, i know whether or not your some_shit_papers.tar has all of the papers for the ournal16:46
kanzurei am not building anything related to impact factor16:46
delinquentmei was having a discussion w the dude at homolog.us about that16:46
chris_99if you want to find which papers cite a particular paper you can do that using google scholar16:46
delinquentmehow to build a system which excludes publishers16:47
kanzurenow you're just changing the subject16:47
delinquentmepagerank for research papers16:47
delinquentmethats a different thing from this16:47
kanzurechris_99: not really.. you can't download the scholar.google.com dataset16:47
chris_99you just enter the name of the paper click a few links16:48
chris_99hey presto :)16:48
kanzurechris_99: that requires manual labor and is retarded16:48
kanzurethis is 201216:48
kanzurenot 198316:48
chris_99er, you can script it ;)16:48
kanzurechris_99: yes, but you can't prove that you have 100% coverage over google's dataset16:48
chris_99i never said that's what i was trying to do16:48
kanzuregetting bibtex for each journal is to prove that anyone contributing pdfs has complete coverage for the journal16:48
chris_99i said to get the citations for a paritcular paper16:48
delinquentmeok kanzure im gonna run this agan16:50
delinquentmedo you want me to work on the phantomjs16:50
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kanzurenot really16:51
kanzurecan you please get me bibtex for each of the journals' issues' volumes listed in http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/asm-journals.xls16:52
delinquentmeso you just want all the bibtex files for the journals listed in that file16:53
delinquentmeLISTEN KIDS dont do pickup.16:53
kanzureno each journal has more than one bibtex file16:53
delinquentmeyeah they've got a bibtex for each issue16:54
-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: thesnark|zambies, _sol_, Urchin, Mokbortolan_16:55
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delinquentmeok coo17:01
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delinquentmebibtex files17:03
delinquentmefrom all of these journals17:03
delinquentmeand their issues17:03
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kanzurepreferably with metadata for each of the journals17:05
kanzureand metadata for each issue.. like date, number of pages, url17:05
kanzurerss link17:05
delinquentmeso the options are citations and references OR citations and abstracts17:08
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kanzurehow about both17:10
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delinquentmeAnglican Theological Review  kanzure17:16
delinquentme^ good one17:16
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delinquentmeit seems that there would be better returns to mechanical turk most of these17:30
kanzurecan't code?17:30
delinquentmeso for the few journals which have a number of publications sure thats worth the time17:31
delinquentmelike this "Annual reviews Inc"17:32
kanzurethere are thousands of journals17:32
delinquentmebc they've got like 20 journals .. but different scraping software for each of these publishers?17:32
kanzureif you code for the publisher's website, you can capture all the info at once17:32
kanzure10min per publisher17:32
delinquentmethis is true17:32
virnovusthese drug laws are so fucking stupid17:33
delinquentmevirnovus, lets be friends17:34
virnovussounds good17:34
uniqanomalyvirnovus: 'give me the man, and I will find the crime'17:34
delinquentmeuniqanomaly, =]17:35
virnovusi dunno.  i kind of feel that me being a convicted felon shows that the laws are fucked up17:35
uniqanomalydelinquentme: I do some scraping lately, ruby + hpricot17:36
delinquentmeuniqanomaly, yeah ive heard good things about it17:36
delinquentmeim about to run a tut on mechanize17:36
virnovuson the other hand, being a convicted felon is kind of badass17:36
kanzureuniqanomaly: i suggest phantomjs or python+webkit17:37
delinquentmekanzure, talk to meh17:38
delinquentmey u use python picker if you advocate phantomjs17:38
katsmeowhow do you get past the $20 paywall per article?17:39
delinquentmeHABLAMOS CON MIAGAMOS17:39
kanzurekatsmeow: subscriptions17:40
kanzuredelinquentme: python+webkit is exactly like phantomjs, i don't know what you're talking about17:40
katsmeow$86 per journal subscription? cannot do17:41
kanzurekatsmeow: who said you were paying?17:42
katsmeowno one offered to pay for me17:42
kanzuredon't pay anyway17:42
kanzurejust use pre-existing subscriptions17:42
katsmeowno one offered me a pre-existing, oh nevermind17:42
kanzurekatsmeow: you either bruteforce it or find it yourself17:43
kanzurethis is not a hard problem17:43
AdrianGkatsmeow: what journal17:43
kanzureAdrianG: all of them17:43
AdrianGkanzure: public libraries17:43
AdrianGor email the authors asking for a copy17:43
AdrianGsome journals are open access17:43
kanzureyou can't email all authors of all papers ever17:43
kanzurealso, publi libraries are not an ideal location to run scrapers17:44
AdrianGexample: http://www.jbiomedsci.com/17:44
AdrianGoh scrapers...17:44
kanzureyour strategy sucks17:44
AdrianGu want to do it in bulk17:44
AdrianGi thought u just here and there17:44
kanzureAdrianG: i am making a mirror of the entirety of science17:45
AdrianGg'luck and carry on17:45
kanzurepublic libraries seem to be against this goal17:45
ParahSailinhow about this -- first make a bitcoin micropayment marketplace for article retrieval17:46
ParahSailinthis will starve out the media cartels17:46
kanzurewhy would you pay for it though?17:47
ParahSailinand then you can keep working on a free thingy17:47
kanzurethe payment part doesn't make sense to me17:47
kanzurethe publishers make money when the researchers give them $1000/page or libraries subscribe for $20,000/page17:47
ParahSailinnobody would pay 5 cents for an article?17:47
kanzurewell there's >30 million articles17:47
kanzureso paying 5 cents for each is very impractical17:48
ParahSailinmost researchers dont want 30 million articles17:48
ParahSailinthey just need the one they need17:48
kanzurethey don't matter17:48
kanzurethey will benefit from a complete mirror of science anyway17:48
kanzureif they like paying so much they can just get one of those awful deepdyve.com accounts17:49
delinquentmekk guys relocating17:50
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ParahSailinso it would be pretty trivial to mirror all the papers?17:50
virnovusanyone ever go to sciencemadness.org17:50
kanzurevirnovus: yep17:50
kanzureParahSailin: to be honest, the verification problem is sort of trivial but sort of not17:50
virnovushave been a regular there17:51
kanzureParahSailin: when people scrape papers and journals, they don't inlude metadata17:51
kanzureParahSailin: so they just assume that OCR will be able to identify what the file is17:51
kanzurebut this is not very practical17:51
kanzurevirnovus: last i checked, sciencemadness was dead17:51
kanzurevirnovus: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/about17:51
virnovuskanzure: i posted a reaction there once, I have a feeling Nicodem profited from my discovery17:52
ParahSailinso you just need to provide a standardized script for scraping to ensure inclusion of metadata?17:54
kanzureParahSailin: correct!17:54
kanzureParahSailin: what i've decided on is to get all journals + metadata, and bibtex for each issue17:54
kanzureto describe which papers appear in which journals17:54
kanzurethis way, we can be sure that we have a complete copy of journal xyz17:55
kanzure(once we start gathering pdfs)17:55
ParahSailinpubmed is a good source of metadata17:56
kanzurei think it would be better to just start from the publisher's sites17:57
kanzurebecause you can assume that they have an accurate index of their own properties17:57
kanzureso this means things like: wiley interscience, ebscohost, sciencedirect, nature, annualreviews.org, royal society of chemistry, ..17:58
ParahSailinso use pubmed's as a fallback and then manually write extensions for the major publishers17:58
kanzureit's a little awkward that nobody has a freely downloadable index of "the entirety of science"17:59
jrayhawkuh, well, considering the LHC alone generates something on the order of tens of petabytes annually, indexing is not really all that easy!18:01
kanzurethat ain't 10s of petabytes of papers?18:01
kanzureah well i guess you got me: i meant to specify papaers18:02
jrayhawkoh, you just want publications18:02
jrayhawkyes, that is embarassing18:02
kanzurehuman scientists ha ha ha18:02
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virnovusheh, this bisexual indian girl i know is coming by my place soon18:10
delinquentmevirnovus, do it18:10
delinquentmeHER HER HER18:10
virnovusshe wants weed18:10
delinquentmethats awesome18:11
virnovusshes with some guy but I don't know if they're together or not18:12
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virnovusi don't think they are18:21
virnovushell, i'd be down for a devil's three-way if need be18:21
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Steel2eh, that's right, weed is legal in NYS, isn't it18:45
delinquentmevirnovus, #pickup will kill your soul18:50
delinquentmeand youll have tons of fun18:50
delinquentmeand its my cynicism talking but girls gleefully pay for entertainment with whatever they have18:50
uniqanomalygotta catch 'em all on STDs18:58
strangewarppickup is a blight on human honor18:58
strangewarpsorry ._.18:58
lichenlol sex channels on freenode?18:59
lichenpossibly better than the hundreds of rp channels on every other network18:59
yashgarothwhat sayest thou!18:59
kanzureoh hell i know someone in #pickup18:59
kanzurei mean, know him in person19:00
kanzureactually, this might explain some of martin's oddities19:00
kanzureah no nevermind19:00
kanzurehe's the freenode staffer19:00
licheni dont even know what #pickup is all about19:00
lichenbut looking at their topic19:01
lichenit looks reddit-related19:01
strangewarpIt's about thoroughly analyzing all possible conversation-trees to get women into bed, basically19:01
lichenoh god19:01
lichenall my hate19:01
strangewarpyes ugh19:01
kanzurei wish reddit would stop intruding in here19:01
lichenfucking manipulative asshats19:01
kanzureit's getting sorta over-the-top19:01
sylph_makoReddit is not one thing.19:01
licheni love hearing the stories of women calling out PUAs19:02
lichen"nice neg, bro"19:02
kanzurelichen: i think being manipulative is a useful skill (though when it's applied to dating is another issue)19:02
strangewarpThere but for the grace of weird sexuality go I...19:02
lichenthat just makes you an asshole19:02
kanzureyes but you have to be an *effective* asshole19:02
lichendoesnt make me hate you any less for it19:02
kanzurefor being an asshole?19:03
lichenif youre manipulative to me or anyone i care about im going to hold it against you19:03
kanzurewhat about essays? aren't those supposed to be persuasive?19:04
kanzureor i guess i should say debate19:04
kanzuredebates are supposed to persuade, etc. etc.19:04
lichenthere's a subtle difference there19:04
lichenbut once again we're coming down to semantics19:04
strangewarpThere's a difference between impassioned oratory and following a script, I imagine is the point19:04
lichenmanipulation is a different beast19:04
kanzurelichen: i don't have a strong opinion about this, so i'm trying to see what your opinion is19:04
kanzureok, so manipulation is different19:04
lichenpersuasion and debate is about presenting facts/opinions in ways to show the other side where you're coming from19:05
lichenwhere manipulation can be straight-up lying, abusing, and redirecting someone until they do what you want19:05
kanzurei think it gets blury if you're an expert at persuasion19:06
lichenim outta here, boyfriend's over19:06
strangewarpOratory is honorable, and additionally an extremely useful skill to cultivate, since it encourages both clear thinking and clear communication, without having to fall back on any sort of mental script19:06
kanzurewhat's wrong with scripting :(19:06
strangewarpI am.. OK at it. Used to be abysmal19:06
Steel2kanzure: Not necessarily my view, but the answer most often given is 'you're treating people like objects instead of people'19:07
Steel2and in a sexual situation, it has some unfortunate overlaps with sexual objectification19:07
Steel2again, NMV19:07
kanzureare you saying that they claim that getting what you want is immoral?19:08
kanzureor something19:08
Steel2no, they claim that sexual objectification/treating people as things without agency is immoral/manipulating agency is immoral19:09
kanzurei've been manipulating you to type messages into irc. is that immoral in their model?19:09
Steel2it's not sexual objectification under a patriarchal society19:09
strangewarpThe goal of pickup is to reduce another person's actions to nodes in a predetermined decision-tree, and thereby you capture a person's attempts at choice, creating a situation where they either have to forcefully break the cycle or assent to ending up in bed.19:09
strangewarpIt's escalation, for skeevy reasons.19:10
kanzureok PUA is a different beast: originally i started by saying that those manipulative skills are generally useful19:10
strangewarpoh ok19:10
Steel2oh, I'll agree with that19:10
kanzurelichen did not :|19:10
Steel2we have more 'soft' definitions of manipulation19:10
Steel2most people's definitions of manipulation inherently include intentional deceit19:11
Steel2as opposed to rephrasing19:11
kanzuredeceit "to their ideal model of what they think you might represent" is a hard thing to prove because you have no idea what they are thinking; you can only rely on what has been said19:11
kanzure(and your observations)19:11
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Steel2which is why in normal social situations, manipulation is often hard to prove19:12
kanzureone time, i was on a flight from SF with this guy who was investing in this large real estate purchase in austin19:12
kanzuresomething like $700 million USD19:12
kanzureearlier that day a friend handed me a project about real estate marketing software19:12
kanzureso i told him, yeah, i write software for real estate purchases between $900M and $5.5B19:13
kanzurethis wasn't really deceit: anyone could have originally written this software19:13
kanzureand for all practical purposes, i might as well have been the one who wrote it19:13
kanzureand as a bonus, i made an interesting contact19:13
Steel2dude, I'm not judging shit like that.19:13
kanzureyou already made that clear :p19:14
strangewarpCapital encourages inauthenticity, and the more authentic one can be while attaining capital, the more praiseworthy it is. ... Though I have a feeling Marx is rolling in his grave over it19:14
Steel2honestly, the more I give in to my objectifying side the more authentic I feel19:15
kanzurewhat does "objectifiying side" mean19:15
Steel2all people are objects that have certain functions relevant to my purposes ie tools19:15
kanzureas opposed to what?19:16
Steel2uh, presumable believing the fact they have hopes and dreams mean anything19:16
Steel2I dunno, I'm bad at not treating people like tools19:16
kanzureit does mean something: those things influence the person and you can use that to predict their behavior19:16
Steel2hopes and dreams are just levers and vectors to indicate the use of a tool >_>19:16
strangewarpPeople do tend to be massive tools, yeah19:16
Steel2yeah, exactly19:16
kanzureok.. so again i don't see why you said "side"19:17
kanzureyou have not indicated what the alternative is19:17
Steel2ignoring social analysis and going with the flow, iunno19:17
Steel2not being myself19:17
kanzurenot being yourself sounds pretty hard19:17
Steel2on the other hand, sexual objectification is still dumb19:17
delinquentmeit looks like mechanize derives all its actions from a form element19:17
kanzuredelinquentme: yes19:18
delinquentmekanzure, you say this like you know19:18
kanzuredelinquentme: i think you should just write a script to parse the html and choose which other links to parse19:18
kanzureyeah i've used turk19:18
kanzurein the past.19:18
delinquentmewhats turk?19:18
kanzurei am not currently actively using amazon mturk19:18
kanzureoh sorry19:18
kanzureyou said mechanize19:18
kanzureright! i also have used mechanize19:18
kanzurewell it doesn't matter. i've used both19:18
kanzurei thought you said you were using mechanicalturk earlier today19:19
delinquentmei just tweeted @tenderlove well see if he responds19:19
kanzurebut i see now that you said mechanize19:19
delinquentmeI can locate the shit with nokogiri19:19
delinquentmebut its a noko element instead of a mechanize19:19
kanzurewhy is that problematic?19:19
kanzuredo this:19:19
delinquentmeyeah bc i cant call mechanize methods on it19:19
kanzureyou don't need the mechanize actions except for get/post19:20
delinquentmecan I coerce it into a mechanize element19:20
delinquentme= true ?19:20
kanzurecheckboxes can be manipulated via the mechanize object19:20
delinquentmeif you can select them19:20
delinquentmebut I cant currently19:20
delinquentmebc they're not inside a form19:20
kanzuremechanize_agent.current_page.form_with(:name => "OH FUCK").checkboxes19:20
kanzureor see .checkbox_with(:name => "checkbox name goes here")19:21
delinquentmeyeah but page.checkbox_with gives no method error19:21
kanzurei didn't say page.checkbox_with :(19:22
delinquentmeand its not IN a form19:22
delinquentmethats the issue19:22
delinquentmeform.action == awesome19:22
kanzurecheckbox1 = mechanize_agent.current_page.forms[0].checkboxes[0]19:22
delinquentmethe checkboxes I want arent within a form element to select19:22
kanzurecheckbox1.checked = true19:22
kanzuredelinquentme: give me the url19:22
kanzurewhere is the checkbox on this page?19:23
kanzureoh i see19:23
kanzurecheckbox1.checked = trueou aiming for?19:23
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kanzurewhich checkboxes are you aiming for?19:23
delinquentmeid = selectAllCB19:23
kanzureok one sec19:24
delinquentmeselect / unselect all reviews19:24
kanzurebooting up irb :(19:24
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kanzurepage = agent.get("http://www.annualreviews.org/toc/matsci/22/1")19:25
kanzureoh well first19:25
kanzureyou should notice that there is only one form on the page (search box)19:25
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delinquentmeand I dont need it19:26
kanzurethe select box and checkboxes are controlled by javascript callbacks19:26
kanzureso, even if you did select "select / unselect all reviews" in mechanize, it wouldn't do anything19:26
kanzureyou have to select the checkboxes that you want manually19:26
delinquentmeManually != by clicking in browser19:26
delinquentmehow automate19:27
kanzureloop through all the checkboxes and select them :)19:27
delinquentmewith what19:27
kanzurealso .. for the "form" submission.. look at the definition of bulkChange in their javascript19:27
kanzureone sec..19:27
kanzure>> page.search("//input[@type='checkbox']").length19:28
kanzure=> 1319:28
delinquentmeyeah thats a nokogiri element19:28
kanzureyou need to get their ids/names so that you can do agent.post() later19:28
delinquentmehow do you check that19:29
delinquentmeohh you're saying in the post command post those as true19:29
kanzurepage.search("//input[@type='checkbox']").each do |checkbox| puts checkbox.name end19:29
kanzurewell not quite19:29
kanzureyou will need to see how the javascript posts this information19:29
kanzurebecause they are not using form submission.. they are using a javascript callback handler to look at which elements on the page a user has selected or some shit19:30
delinquentmethis would be better with something like a browser emulator no?19:30
kanzure*if* you were using phantomjs.. you would just call jQuery("#selectAllCB").click() heh19:30
delinquentmebut the one we used cant download shit19:30
kanzureno it is able to download things19:30
kanzurei fixed that.19:30
delinquentmeis that in the new code?19:31
delinquentmelol stupid issues piss me off.19:31
kanzureyou can do $.ajax calls in phantomjs to the target page that you want to download19:31
kanzurethen in your success callback you assume that everything in the first parameter (the "data" variable usually) is the content of the file19:32
delinquentmeshow me what you're doing19:32
kanzure$.ajax({'type': 'POST', 'async': false, 'dataType': 'text', 'url': 'http://www.sciencedirect.com/science', 'data': citeform_data1, success: function(data, status, xhr) { console.log("in the callback handler for the citation fetcher"); bibtex_data = data; }});19:33
kanzureoh that's right.. you can set async=false. i forgot about that.. would have saved my ass a week ago on something else.19:34
kanzuredocumentation: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/19:34
kanzureanyway.. you can use mechanize for that page that you were showing me a few minutes ago19:35
kanzurebut again you will need to look at their javascript19:36
kanzureto see how to construct your next POST request19:36
kanzurei don't understand why you are clicking the checkbox anyway?19:36
kanzure"Download Citations" in the select box always goes here:19:37
kanzureand you can figure out how to construct that link based on the contents of the page (looking at nokogiri objects)19:37
kanzureit looks like it just needs a list of doi values19:37
kanzureactually this is pretty easy19:38
delinquentmeso you're saying just build the URL19:38
kanzureyes, one moment..19:38
delinquentmeyeah I got it .. modified the URL and it looks good.. removed that element off the page19:39
delinquentmebut yeah how do I get those items19:39
kanzureone sec19:39
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kanzuredelinquentme: here you go19:41
kanzuredois=[]; page.search("//a").each do |ahref| url=ahref.attributes["href"].text(); if url.include? "doi/abs" then dois << url.split("/doi/abs/")[1] end end19:41
kanzureoh, well my code is sorta broken19:42
delinquentmeso each has a link to their doi19:42
kanzuredois=[]; page.search("//a").each do |ahref| url=ahref.attributes["href"].text(); if url.include? "doi/abs" then dois << url.split("/doi/abs/")[1].split("?")[0] end end19:42
kanzurethis will give you:19:42
kanzuredois = ["10.1146/annurev.mr.22.072806.100001", "10.1146/annurev.ms.22.080192.000245", ...]19:43
kanzureso to construct your url..19:43
delinquentmef me in the a19:45
kanzureafters = ""; dois.each do |doi| afters+="&doi="+doi end19:45
kanzureurl = "http://www.annualreviews.org/action/showCitFormats?" + afters19:45
delinquentmei cant even find those DOis19:45
delinquentmeyeah i got the url19:45
kanzurehuh? what about my dois=[] thing19:45
kanzurei just showed you how to get them19:45
delinquentmeand its in a fucking form19:45
delinquentmeyeah! i comprehend19:45
delinquentmebut how did you locate them19:45
delinquentmeim looking at the hrefs19:45
delinquentmesee it19:46
kanzurewell first i looked at the html source19:46
kanzureand i went to the name of an article on the page19:46
kanzureand saw that the link had a doi19:46
kanzureso i figured that each article listed on the page will have a link with its doi in the url19:46
kanzureso you can confirm this real quick with:19:46
kanzurepage.search("//a").each do |ahref| puts ahref.attributes["href"].text(); end19:47
kanzureso when i saw that, i saw 215 or 255 links (or something) and all the DOIs were there19:47
kanzureso that's why i decided to write that huge blurb above19:47
kanzuredois=[]; page.search("//a").each do |ahref| url=ahref.attributes["href"].text(); if url.include? "doi/abs" then dois << url.split("/doi/abs/")[1].split("?")[0] end end19:47
kanzureactually.. the url that it spits out is much larger than the one you originally pasted19:48
kanzureso i think there might be redundancies19:48
kanzureor there might be a max limit that their service imposes.. in which case you will have to manually split the list up into groups of 10 or whatever the max is (maybe it's not 10, but 9; or maybe there's no limit at all in the first place)19:48
delinquentmefuck ye.19:49
delinquentmeDIS WHUT WANT19:49
delinquentmeyeah you're thinking what im thinking19:50
delinquentmeim gonna try to build a massive query19:50
delinquentmebc tits and giggles19:50
kanzureso look at this..19:51
kanzureafters = ""; dois.each do |doi| afters+="&doi="+doi end19:51
kanzureurl = "http://www.annualreviews.org/action/showCitFormats?" + afters19:51
kanzurepage2 = agent.get(url)19:51
kanzureform1 = page2.form_with(:action => "/action/downloadCitation")19:51
delinquentmewhat are you exaplaining how to do?19:52
kanzureform1.radiobutton_with(:value => "bibtex").checked = true19:52
kanzurejust follow along19:52
delinquentmeohh nah im good with the mechanize objects19:52
kanzurepage3 = form1.submit19:53
kanzureoh crud "multiple radiobuttons are selected" ok well that should be easy to fix19:53
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delinquentmeim just gonna open that page and run 2 actions lol19:54
delinquentmeyou're a hacker @ heart eh kanzure ?19:54
kanzurehackers gonna hack19:54
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kanzureyashgaroth: if you can comprehend this message then you are not yet drinking hard enough tonight19:55
yashgarothI've devolved into video games, also not enough booze19:56
kanzuredelinquentme: have you grabbed the bibtex output yet?20:00
delinquentmeselecting out links from http://www.annualreviews.org/loi/matsci20:01
delinquentmedon tell me20:02
kanzureback to the 70s.. nice20:02
Steel2yashgaroth, what are you playing20:10
yashgarothworld of tanks, for some reason20:10
Steel2thinking of pulling up some more T:A20:10
Steel2but I'm watching a stream20:11
yashgaroththe mlg tourney?20:11
Steel2no, I don't watch sc2 lol20:12
Steel2watching some random gw stream20:12
yashgarothhey man esports are the future and stuff20:12
Steel2no, it's more I find both sc2 and moba games boring20:12
Steel2I'd probably watch competitive gw220:12
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delinquentmedamn it feels good getting away w shit20:20
kanzuredelinquentme: you also need the right music20:21
delinquentme=] not bad !20:21
delinquentmei should switch to the high test huh20:21
kanzureit's a program from a town i used to live in (buda, texas)20:21
kanzurecalled 'no control radio'20:21
delinquentmewas dubstepping while I was troubleshooting20:22
kanzureplays black metal on friday/saturday nights20:22
delinquentmebut now im plowing sooooo20:22
delinquentmemejal :D20:22
strangewarpkanzure: check out Enslaved. Lovely black metal band. Has had a career that's veered between prog and RAWGH but the quality has always been high20:23
kanzurei know nothing of bands20:23
kanzureor.. well. yeah okay nothing.20:23
strangewarpVertebrae is my favorite album from Enslaved, though their fans didn't like it quite as much because it wasn't as heavy as their usual output20:23
strangewarpAlso, another good black metal band is Solefald - at least, on some of their albums. "Neonism" and "In Harmonia Universali" in particular. They have this lovely combination of modernist aesthetic, compelling riffs, and weird shit, which is irresistible to my musician/transhumanist/artist sensibilities20:26
strangewarphttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMabfnT_bNs - dis too, natch20:30
* strangewarp linksniping q:|20:30
kanzurewin 420:31
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strangewarphmm, so it's metalcore vs metal20:33
strangewarpmetal wins20:33
strangewarpI dunno, I like my metal brainy and/or bleak; angry stuff with core riffs has never been very appealing to me20:35
strangewarpFrom the looks of it though, the current form of metalcore has his some sort of demographic sweet-spot20:35
strangewarphis = hit*20:35
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strangewarpBecause: 4 million views? what the hot hell20:37
kanzurehave you ever hunted down a cricket in your yard just to make it stop singing?20:40
kanzuretook me a minute but i got the bastard20:40
strangewarpFUCK CRICKETS20:40
kanzurerelocated his ass to the other apartment complex20:40
strangewarpHave you ever seen a two-foot-long nematomorph burst out of a cricket that you smashed indoors, tie itself into a knot, and try to wiggle away?20:40
strangewarpfuck that20:40
strangewarpfuck that forever20:40
kanzurewell this sounds cool.20:42
kanzure"In Spinochordodes tellinii, which has orthopterans as its vector, the infection acts on the insect's brain and causes it to seek water and drown itself, thus returning the nematomorph to water.[6] They are also remarkably able to survive the predation of their host, being able to wriggle out of the predator that has eaten the host."20:43
strangewarpyes exactly. fuck nematomorphs they are horrible20:44
kanzureup to six feet long?20:44
kanzureneat.. mimic proteins20:47
kanzurenature looks like it is having problems20:48
strangewarpno!! why are they fascinating20:49
strangewarpstop that20:49
kanzure#replaceStylesheet ("${common}/style/layout.css" "${common}/style/layout_article_related.css") #set($tmp = $cssStylesheets.remove("${common}/style/layout_wide_banner.css")) #set($tmp = $cssStylesheets.add("${directoryCSS}/article_related.css")) #cparse("${common}/includes/global.style.fhtml")20:49
kanzurei'm not really sure what they are using to generate their pages20:50
kanzure"#replaceStylesheet" doesn't look familiar to me20:51
kanzuredelinquentme: how goes it?20:51
strangewarpThey're using IRC, obviously20:51
delinquentmefucking stellar20:53
delinquentmei gotta relocate in aminute20:53
delinquentmejust built that20:54
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strangewarpWhyyy am I a district delegate...21:01
virnovusdistrict delegate?21:01
strangewarpI'm just going to show up in a T-shirt, pretend to be 18 and stupid, and try to do as little as possible21:01
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strangewarpSorry, county delegate. Democratic party local primaries. Bluh21:01
joshcryerSweet, free trip to NC.21:02
ybitkanzure: did you ever renew openmanufacturing.org, there's some guy, david winslow, contacting me about it21:02
virnovusdo your part for democracy!21:02
ybithe googled around and found the post mentioning i didn't know what to do with it21:03
virnovusoh, does anyone remember those two indians i mentioned earlier?21:03
virnovusthey came over, looking for weed21:04
ybithe has been working on free dnc software21:04
virnovusmy brother had some, so i said, ok, they can smoke some21:04
jrayhawkDomain Name:OPENMANUFACTURING.ORG21:04
jrayhawkExpiration Date:14-Jan-2013 00:41:34 UTC21:04
virnovusbut it was really weak21:04
jrayhawkRegistrant Name:Jeff Moe21:04
virnovusand i didn't want them to smoke it all so i spiked it with jwh-01821:05
virnovusso they were too messed up to drive home so they crashed on the couch21:05
strangewarpMmm... that's a good idea21:06
strangewarpSleep hard like I'm messed up on something :P21:07
kanzureybit: no i didn't do anything with it21:07
kanzureybit: no i didn't renew21:07
ybitgot it21:07
ybitso it belongs to jeff moe21:08
ybitfrom aleph objects inc.21:08
kanzurejeff comes in here from time to time21:08
kanzureah yes21:08
virnovusthe girl used to be cute, but now she kind of smells like old baloney21:09
virnovusnot sure why21:09
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kanzurejrayhawk: i can't help but notice21:10
kanzurethat in my pokemon crystal rom21:10
kanzureTOP 00000 021:10
kanzureGET  HTTP/1.021:10
kanzureUser-Agent: CGB-21:10
kanzurei am very confused.21:11
kanzurenear 0x11210021:11
kanzuremd5 9f2922b235a5eeb78d65594e82ef5dde21:11
jrayhawkIs the pokemon sharing crap done over HTTP?21:11
kanzuretrading? no21:12
kanzureit's some custom byte protocol21:12
delinquentmewhat are you guys doing w pokemon?21:13
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joshcryerI've been confused by the last, I guess, few hundred lines of chat, to be honest.21:15
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kanzuredelinquentme: i am writing source code to pokemon red.. it compiles bak into a working ROM21:15
kanzurecrystal is next on my list and for some reason it has HTTP support21:16
delinquentmethats nuts21:16
delinquentmehow? its made for gameboy??21:16
kanzurei don't know yet21:16
joshcryerStill confused.21:19
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kanzurejoshcryer: ?21:26
sylph_makohey joshcryer where can I get more soundhelix configurations.21:28
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joshcryersylph_mako, hey sorry I was wrong, I had queued up the mp3s from their site and thought it was generating the music!21:29
joshcryersylph_mako, apparently there's no way to make it randomly generate random pieces completely, you have to tell it do it with the xml files. :/21:30
sylph_makoThat's a bit odd, you'd think you could tell it to mix parts of those xml files.21:30
joshcryerBut maybe that's where the trick is, maybe your editing the files is what's creating the melody.21:31
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joshcryerI'll try making a minimialist xml file, since many of the options are in fact optional.21:34
delinquentmeit looks like you can select em like that21:37
kanzure"if i don't sit like this, my reasoning skills will drop by 40%" ha i missed this the first time21:38
kanzure*shrug* i don't think that's important21:39
kanzureagent.click or radiobutton.clicked=true.. either way21:39
joshcryersylph_mako, looks like the arrangementEngine is key. And a lot of these options are not in fact optional. :/21:47
sylph_makothat sounds kinda monolithic :(21:55
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joshcryersylph_mako, imo, the problem is visualizing the arrangement, you kind of need this but it should be randomizable, but some pieces would start off fast, end slow, etc.22:19
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kanzure"I had a short internship with P&G Chemicals in the 12th grade.  I thought it was “cool” until I saw that the engineer I was talking to was running a reaction to make bubbles for soap. I would like the whole world to know this: Bubbles do not do anything to clean. They’re there to just make people who have no idea about the chemicals in their products think the soap works."23:03
kanzureso: without bubbles, people think their soap is broken?23:04
klafkadon't yo know that23:09
kanzure"i'm sorry but your product does not produce enough bubbles"23:10
kanzureinsufficient bubble level23:11
JayDuggerBubbles:soap::tail fins:cars.23:11
sylph_makoI wonder what the world would be like if products were designed to appeal to the people who know how they work.23:12
kanzurepeople buy cars without tail fins all the time23:12
JayDuggerI also buy soap that doesn't foam.23:12
JayDuggerMy analogy still holds.23:12
JayDuggerPerhaps bubbles will go out of fashion too.23:13
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kanzuregoogle alerts emailed me an ok retrosynthesis document:23:15
JayDuggerDo y'all find Scribd a useful source of attention-worthy material?23:21
JayDugger(Y'all serves as English's second person plural pronoun. Get over it.)23:22
kanzureno, scribd is pretty awful23:23
kanzurei would rank it somewhere between "experts sex change" and "expertsexchange"23:23
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katsmeow-afkdoctor(s) and nurses(s) once told me the purpose of bubbles in Betadine was to physically lift more crud off whatever they were scrubbing, so more could be scrubbed off, and more easily rinsed off,, and no they would not use it without bubbles23:31
katsmeow-afkthat was 40+ years ago, i have not decided if i believe them or not yet23:32
kanzurearen't you like, 17?23:32
JayDuggerWould you like to hear about a real-esatate investment opportunity?23:32
katsmeow-afkJay, nope, just got screwed in one , thanks23:32
katsmeow-afkkansure, i am not 1723:33
JayDuggerYou sure? I wouldn't offer it to just anyone. ;)23:33
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Mariusee you guys23:33
katsmeow-afki'll get back to you on that23:33
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kanzure"Hey guys - if you want to vote for me and my fellow rationalists Michael, Kevin, and Louie in the Humanity+ board elections next week, you can join here:"23:39
kanzure"We plan to do more awesomeness like the Extreme Futurist Fest"23:39
kanzureoh god.23:39
kanzurehow terrible.23:39
kanzurewho was it in here who went to that? someone was complaining about it23:39
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joshcryerWas there food?23:41
JayDuggerYes: irradiated wheatgrass juice fortified with GMO microalgae.23:45
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