
--- Log opened Fri Apr 06 00:00:23 2012
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strangewarpkanzure: I agree; in general it's an attention vortex, and all theory, no engineering00:08
strangewarpOne of the possible implications of this resimulation-related idea is that research into Friendly AI is effectively useless00:13
strangewarpI love it00:13
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delinquentmekanzure, where be u05:39
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-80-91.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:17
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.07:18
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delinquentmeParahSailin_, you're a bio kid?07:47
delinquentmei forgot what the specialty was07:47
ParahSailin_molecular biology, cell culture mostly07:57
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kanzuredelinquentme: yes.. i'm around08:22
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delinquentmebut i need to go now08:32
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kanzurehm. 中文Python.08:38
ParahSailin_what about it?08:44
kanzuredidn't expect it.08:44
ParahSailin_oh interesting, they translated the keywords08:45
-!- diginet_ is now known as diginet09:02
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diginetso let's say I have a cell with a gene that I want to transfect to another cell.  So I use restriction enyzmes to snip out the DNA I need, amplify it with PCR.  How does one reassemble the different fragments in the right order? Or am I misunderstanding the process09:18
kanzureno you probably won't be able to use a restriction enzyme like that09:19
kanzurethere's probably no restriction site nearby09:20
ParahSailin_first, restriction enzyme step is redundant09:20
kanzureyou want to PCR the gene out. so you need to go design yourself some good primers that target the gene in question.09:20
diginetoooohhh, I see, okay that makes sense09:20
diginetso just get primers soo that PCR can selectively target the area in question09:21
kanzureyep.. then you will probably run it through a gel. once it's separated you will cut your gene out of the gel and run it through a gel extraction protocol.09:22
kanzureParahSailin_: well, i'm sure you would be better at explaining this09:22
diginetokay, but let's say for instance my gene is 10k long.  Someone earlier said I would need around 10 primers or so.  I trust the nucleotides will bond with the primers and form a complete sequence?09:22
kanzure10 primers?09:23
diginetToo many?09:23
ParahSailin_no you need a single primer pair09:23
diginetOooh okay09:23
kanzureone for the start09:23
diginet(I probably misunderstood them)09:23
kanzureone for the end09:23
diginetahhh right09:23
ParahSailin_they were probably saying you'd need 10 primers to sequence it09:23
diginetOOOH yes, that's it09:23
diginetokay, this isn't as bad as I thought :P09:23
diginetSo, the gel is to filter out the gene, since I know how long (and thus how heavy) it will be?09:24
ParahSailin_the gel is to purify your fragment yes09:25
kanzureelectrophoresis lets you separate dna by molecular weight09:25
diginetthanks guys09:26
kanzureno problem spiderman09:26
diginethahaha :)09:26
diginetooh one more question, so let's say I need to add a marker, antibiotic resistance, or a promoter, how is that done?09:26
digineterr, "such as. . . " in front of antibiotic09:27
kanzureare you going to sequence the fragment from the gel extraction?09:27
ParahSailin_you clone your fragment into a plasmid09:28
diginetoh right09:31
diginetkanzure, I found a spider silk gene which has already been fully sequenced, so I can skip that step09:31
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kanzureah right i remember09:32
ParahSailin_no need to sequence anyway09:41
ParahSailin_if you you have primers for the end, you can do whatever with it09:41
kanzurewell i was hoping to save him the plasmid manipulation steps09:41
kanzure"just print out your plasmid"09:41
ParahSailin_that will be nice09:44
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kanzurehrm.. isn't this that diybio guy who was doing fermentation?09:51
kanzurethat guy.09:51
kanzure"is IBM's Worldwide Director of Marketing, Big Data, Health Care, and Life Sciences" alright then..09:51
diginetI'm saying, I have the entire sequence (I'm switching to L. hesperus from N. clavipes, the former of which has had the entire MaSp1 and 2 genes sequenced)09:52
kanzureeah i know09:52
diginetI was speaking to ParahSailin_, haha, sorry for not being clear09:52
diginetso I can just design a primer for the end of it09:52
kanzureif you have the sequence already you can probably just synthesize it for a few megabucks09:53
kanzureor email the person who published the paper and ask if you could pay for a copy or two09:53
diginetwouldn't getting the primers be cheaper? someone said some company was doing it for like $6, so $12 total?09:55
kanzureyes but if you get primers you need to go find some cells to get the genome09:55
diginettrue, having black widows around, eeeh, not too fun09:56
diginetfor that matter, I could email one of the people who collected the C. darwini specimen, and ask for a swab, and then try to sequence that gene, lol09:56
diginetexcept I don't know any of its sequence, so that might be rather hard09:56
kanzurego look at the MaSp1 gene on ncbi and contact the person who submitted it - they probably have the gene isolated in a test tube somewhere that they could PCR and mail to you09:57
kanzuresecond scenario: someone probably has genomic DNA for black widows. then you just ask them to ship you a copy.09:57
diginetgood idea, the paper was published in an open access journal, so maybe they're more DIY friendly?09:58
kanzurenot really10:00
kanzureworst case scenario you might have to convince ParahSailin_ to receive something for you10:01
diginetbut that's not the case, definitely not10:02
diginetI'm definitely not breeding super fast maturing primates with hyperintelligence10:02
kanzurespiders would probably be the place to start to breed for interesting brains10:03
kanzureinsects are easier to handle than chimps10:03
kanzure"Spiders are found worldwide on every continent except for Antarctica, and have become established in nearly every habitat with the exception of air and sea colonization."10:04
kanzureok guys. how do we get spiders to colonize the sky. this has to be done.10:04
kanzureiirc some spiders shoot silk parachutes10:04
diginetmeh, if I were to do something insane, it would be somehow ressurect dinosaurs10:04
diginet(caveat: I'm not deluded so as to believe that is remotely feasible)10:05
kanzureoops spiders don't count as insects. my bad.10:05
diginetactually, I'd rather have a pet dwarf mammoth10:05
diginetthey were about the size of a Great Dane iirc10:05
diginetthe latest known fossils of them are found in Weyland Island, Siberia10:06
kanzureyou could probably get spiders to colonize the sea surface if you get them to spin webs for rafts10:07
diginetwell, actually, there's a species of spider which builds silk submarines basically10:08
kanzurefor eggs?10:08
ParahSailin_seqwright would sequence that gene for like 100 bucks anyway10:11
kanzure"Spiderlings are known to survive without food travelling in air currents of jet streams for 25 days or longer."10:14
ParahSailin_that word.. spiderlings.. gives me the creeps10:14
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kanzureah right i remember this.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argyroneta_aquatica10:16
kanzureskip ahead.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_zvA8Ak7hY#t=12010:18
-!- SolG is now known as _sol_10:44
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-!- klafka [~klafka@c-67-174-253-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:23
delinquentme" It talks about Hegelian dialects being the things that determine history" ... "They're sort of competing philosopies or competeing mean sets and you can look at modern history where its not so much genetics going to battle as a battle of mean structures ... " http://imgur.com/OEP9L11:50
-!- AdrianG [~amphetami@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:51
klafkameme ?11:56
delinquentmeelon musk11:58
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klafkahe cofounded paypal, spacex and tesla motors12:03
klafkaguy does not fuck around12:03
kanzurehey wait wait. you should totally know about elon already.12:03
kanzureyou know about peter thiel right?12:03
kanzuremost people saw elon when he made an appearance in iron man 2.12:04
ParahSailin_musk got pretty good roi in like 3 years on spacex12:04
delinquentmeklafka, derr12:04
ParahSailin_he put 100 million of his own money in, then nasa gave him 278 million grant12:04
delinquentmelololol klafka u nub12:04
ParahSailin_wish i could do that12:04
kanzureParahSailin_: you could always do the same stunt the xprize did... insurance fraud on a $10 mil prize12:04
delinquentmeANWAYS anyone care to venture a guess as to what these hegelian dialects are about12:04
klafkai know about peter thiel12:05
delinquentmeclearly its about how do you amass power / excercise influence12:05
delinquentmekanzure, what?12:05
delinquentme@ xprise comment12:05
klafkadon't even try to go to hegelian dialectics delinquentme12:05
klafkathat's a deep pit of annoyance12:05
klafkahegel is incredibly opaque12:05
kanzuredelinquentme: xprize money was from an insurance company12:06
delinquentmeklafka, nedz TLDR12:06
delinquentmewas it!12:06
kanzurethe insurance companies insured against anyone winning12:06
kanzurebut they guys who setup xprize already had a winning entry12:06
delinquentmewho would ensure against that winning??12:06
delinquentmethats silly is it not?12:06
delinquentmeand like anti-human-progress12:06
kanzureinsurane companies will insure all sorts of things12:06
delinquentmeOh wait... yeap thats an insurance company12:06
delinquentmejoking aside .. wtf?12:06
kanzureyep.. fucked up, isn't it12:07
klafkadelinquentme people make a big business about betting for or against anything12:07
klafkaparticularly insurance companies12:07
klafkathat's part of  how the crash in '09 happened12:07
klafkaactually that IS basically how it happened12:07
delinquentmeok so hegel12:07
klafka i wish there was an indian restaurant near me12:08
klafkai wonder if there is a coffeeshop in berkeley i can work and get indian food nearby12:08
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lichenvaguely h+ related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4g60zB4Un412:24
kanzurewhat is it?12:25
delinquentmeOk electronics kids: http://search.digikey.com/us/en/products/GP2D120XJ00F/425-2469-ND/738664?wt.z_cid=ref_octopart_dkc_buynow12:26
delinquentmehow do I figure out the resolution I can get off of that?12:26
lichented talk from a fashion designer12:26
lichenthough its more of her just spouting her resume12:26
delinquentmejk jk12:27
delinquentmethere u go12:30
lichenThat leaves us with the legacy narrative, of which Woody Allen quipped: "I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve it by not dying."12:32
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delinquentmelichen, what does?12:35
lichenwhat does what12:36
delinquentme"that leaves us with the legacy ... "12:37
delinquentmethe above mentioned "that " = ?12:37
lichenoh, it was pulled from the article you linked12:37
licheni just liked the quote12:37
lichenpreceding it was "When the brain dies of injury, stroke, dementia or Alzhei­mer’s, the mind dies with it. No brain, no mind; no body, no soul."12:37
kanzure"I have strong ethics and no morals and I am only out to serve myself and the enhancement of my own telomeres." jonathan is keeping it real on diybio13:01
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delinquentmelichen, ohhhh i havnt red it yet13:07
kanzurejcvi might be interested in synthesizer13:08
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kanzurej. craig venter institute13:09
delinquentmeya awesome13:10
delinquentmenmz7871, build build13:10
delinquentmealso distance sensing13:10
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kanzure"Is any of this confidential, or may I forward this to Craig Venter?"13:28
ParahSailin_dont let it get patent encumbered is my warning13:30
ParahSailin_actually never mind, if they do, molon labe!13:31
kanzurenmz7871: i have a transhumanist buddy at jcvi13:32
kanzurehe asked me to explain in an email what i'm up to13:32
kanzurebecause jcvi had some guest speaker today who was complaining about synthesis13:32
kanzurehmm weird they have a uservoices account13:59
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:15
kanzureyashgaroth: today we are making fun of klafka as a group14:17
yashgarothhaha I've been catching up on the logs14:17
kanzurewhat happened to randallgordon, elmom, kristianpaul, cryptoquick, davemenn1nger, or parolang14:21
jrayhawkhaha "means"14:23
jrayhawkit's awesome when journalists know less about the communication of ideas than their subjects14:23
jrayhawk(re: that elon musk article)14:24
kanzurefa-18 hornet crash http://i.imgur.com/arcto.jpg14:27
katsmeow-afksomething disconcerting about that14:28
katsmeow-afkah, the different positions of the engines' turkey feathers14:29
kanzurewell, presumably this is not in factory condition14:29
jrayhawk"12:07 < klafka> particularly insurance companies" "12:07 < klafka> actually that IS basically how it happened" no, the essential factor was fraudulant credit ratings standards (A-rated CDO) due to the foxes guarding the henhouse. The CDS market and the low interest rates certainly made it worse, but it still would've otherwise happened.14:31
jrayhawkThe CDS bubble has not actually burst, and it would be complete fucking chaos if it did.14:31
jrayhawkIt would probably be the end of most first world currencies.14:31
katsmeow-afkhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/colink/Moose%20Jaw%202008/P7150006.jpg  <<== closeup of the turkeyfeathers on the F-18 tail, both engines should be set the same, but they aren't  in the crash pic14:32
jrayhawk"By the end of 2007, the outstanding CDS amount was $62.2 trillion, falling to $26.3 trillion by mid-year 2010 but reportedly $25.5 trillion in early 2012."14:33
jrayhawkthe housing market size, by comparison, is adorable.14:33
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jrayhawkActually, the CDS bubble did burst in Greece.14:34
jrayhawkit's nice to know that the CDS market is less than the worldwide annual GDP, now, though.14:37
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kanzure"The Bank for International Settlements estimates that outstanding derivatives total $708 trillion"14:45
kanzurefrom http://www.bis.org/publ/otc_hy1111.pdf14:45
kanzure"in trillions of US dollars" nice. i wish this is how all of my graphs would be labelled.14:47
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kristianpaulhola :)14:47
kanzurehello! welcome back.14:48
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fennif it was too micro it wouldn't blend14:50
kristianpaulthanks kanzure14:51
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kristianpaul what happened to kristianpaul i bought a milkymist and nanonote one and finished building the reprap14:54
fenni'd prefer buying actual components and assembling than getting some random possibly not-working xy table on ebay14:54
fennalso, makes it easier to document14:54
kristianpaulthen start learning about gps-gnss14:54
kristianpaulsome C, verilog SoC design..14:55
kanzurefenn: what are your thoughts on a one-off machine design, or something that others might be able to use (something that could be sold as a kit if someone was inclined to do such a thing)14:55
kristianpaulstill not start moding the reprap as a chemical sintesizer...14:56
kristianpaulbut i will nead home made soap at some point..14:56
kanzure"It would cost $852 quadrillion dollars to build a real Death Star"15:05
kanzurei bet i could do it for 1/852 that cost15:05
kanzure"The Earth's iron supply is capable of building 2 billion Death Stars" it must be done15:06
jrayhawkasteroid mining would be a lot more practical15:15
JayDuggerOnly in ##hplusroadmap would the sentence "asteroid mining would be a lot more practical" ever appear. :)15:15
jrayhawkoh god what have i become15:16
JayDuggerMy future neighbor, as measured by15:17
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delinquentmeok kanzure heres what im thinking on the journals15:41
delinquentmelocate urls and names for all the research journals15:41
delinquentmepublishers and urls rather15:41
delinquentmethen the difficult bit is locating the index for each of the journals15:42
delinquentmeso out source that15:42
kanzurewhy outsource it15:42
kanzurei mean, are you having trouble?15:42
delinquentmeobscene # of man hours15:43
delinquentmelike youve got 21 journals listed15:43
delinquentmethere are thousands15:43
kanzure21 publishers.15:44
kanzureok so 2 hours per scraper per publisher15:44
kanzure40 hours15:44
delinquentmeim 1/3rd of the way through that15:44
uniqanomalydelinquentme: put code on github, link to it at hackernews reddit and else, other humanz will join your efforts15:46
kanzurei'd rather not do that yet since the architecture isn't stable yet15:47
delinquentmethats not a bad idea15:47
delinquentmeand i'd also get crits on my code15:47
kanzurefor instance, we haven't set up mongo yet15:47
kanzureif you want criticism i will give you mountains of it15:47
kanzurelet's wait until we set up mongo and the adapter framework ok?15:47
kanzurethen we can just plug them in15:48
kanzureand i'll write the rest in <40 hours15:48
delinquentmei can work w that15:48
-!- kvltist [~Kvltist@p5B33E94D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:48
delinquentmeso what about the class structure of publishers / journals / issues / volumes15:48
kanzurewhat about it.15:48
kanzureapparently i have to do that too15:48
delinquentmeso journals15:48
AdrianGwhats the best GTD application15:48
kanzureAdrianG: a personal assistant15:49
delinquentmeare kind of the nugget we're working with15:49
AdrianGkanzure: ok an affordable version15:49
delinquentmeAdrianG, i liked RTM15:49
kanzurenot really. papers..15:49
delinquentmebut id prob go with evarnote15:49
kanzureAdrianG: you can get assistants that charge anywhere from $1/hour to $2/hour..15:49
kanzureif a GTD app means $x in value i am pretty sure it will be x>2/hour15:49
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delinquentmein the context of the scraper15:50
AdrianGi dont want to use an assistant.15:50
AdrianGi want to use my head.15:50
delinquentmeAdrianG, rememberthemilk.com15:50
kanzuredelinquentme: the scrapers are getting bibtex for each paper in each journal15:50
delinquentmealso astrid15:50
delinquentmemy scrapers right now are simply creating json entries of the indexes of all these journals15:51
delinquentmenot everyone has bibtex downloadable citations15:51
kanzure"indexes" means "papers"15:51
kanzureyes but everyone has the same information that could be represented as bibtex15:51
kanzurei don't care if it is bibtex or not as long as the same metadata is parsed correctly15:51
delinquentmeindexes means Science journal of the shiskabob Volumes 1-24 years 2001-2012 issues XY15:51
kanzureindex means "Paper 1, title, authors, in journal shiskabob volume 1, issue 1, 2001"15:52
kanzurewith the other per-paper metadata15:52
kanzurebut journal-existence-metadata is also useful15:52
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kanzuredelinquentme: i'll write up the framework real quick. give me an hour.15:55
kanzureif you send me over your code, i'll make sure it works with it15:55
delinquentmeso i dont need that15:56
delinquentmewhat i need15:56
delinquentmeis you to take the code sample i sent along and write it how you'd write it15:56
delinquentmethat is what i need15:56
kanzureyeah i know.15:56
kanzurebut you said you have 10 other scrapers?15:56
fennAdrianG: emacs org mode15:58
delinquentmeand I want to write with classes and properly format them15:59
AdrianGfenn: uve got to be kidding me15:59
fenndo you know what org mode is?16:00
kanzuredelinquentme: yes i know. give me an hour.16:00
nmz787classes? who uses those anymore16:02
nmz787should all the scraped data be going into postgres or sqllite?16:03
kanzureright now it's going into flatfiles16:03
kanzurei think mongodb is a good solution for this16:04
kanzurei'd prefer sqlite over postgresql16:04
kanzureshuttup i'm coding :P16:04
kanzurepart of the reason for mongodb is that some publishers/entities have different schemas and this isn't entirely doable with sqlite without creating separate models all the time or new columns or something silly16:04
fenndata regularity is more important than the exact storage mechanism16:05
fennyou will probably need some intermediate steps16:05
kanzureyes but i don't want to add a special new column to a db just because some publisher has an extra random hash i need to store16:05
kanzurealthough.. sqlite would win me minimalism points16:05
fennnmz787: so i'm thinking of going with something like this, it seems more reproducible and i know exactly what i'm getting: http://www.amazon.com/12mm-Guideway-System-Linear-Motion/dp/B002BBJFA216:06
fenninstead of surplus junk16:06
fennwish ceramic weren't so expensive16:09
fenni guess it doesnt matter for 1 micron accuracy16:09
nmz787is there a better place to get this type of thing other than amazon?16:10
fenni'm looking at vxb.com16:10
fennthere are possibly other sites, just having problems figuring out the correct keyword16:11
fenni thought this was called "lab rail" but apparently that doesn't work16:11
nmz787so we'd need 4 of these, and 2 screws?16:11
nmz787slide rail?16:11
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fennprobably want to chop it in half, so 2 of them, and 2 more bearing blocks (triangular support not square)16:12
fennand 2 screws, and motors, and motor mounts, and bearing blocks, and a big ol plate to bolt it all to16:12
nmz787hmm, well the linear stages new were, what, $2.5k?16:13
fenni'm thinking either a granite surface plate from enco, or one of those optics breadboards16:13
nmz787so that's the price we need to beat16:13
fenni'm sure it will be less than $1k16:14
nmz787it would be nice to buy something off the shelf, so we don't have to invest in time and research for the gantry16:15
-!- strages_shop is now known as strages_260016:15
fennyeah, it might be possible to just get a zen mill16:15
nmz787that v90 fireball is 5080 microns per turn16:16
fennyou'd have to get new screws of course16:16
nmz787wikipedia says steppers are usually 200 steps per rev16:16
nmz787so that's ~25 microns per full step16:16
nmz787bigger than i'd like, but it could work16:17
nmz787unless the screw is too tight as you've mentioned16:17
nmz787why get new screws, too tight?16:17
nmz787(the anti-backlash nut)16:17
fennyou can rely on at least half-steps16:18
fenn"why get new screws"?16:18
nmz787it wouldn't be too hard to get an interferometer on there, but i don't know if vibration would kill things16:18
fenni dont like the design of the zen mill though; it's basically just a bunch of plastic with wimpy rods and non-kinematic bearings16:18
nmz787if vibes were too much, we'd have to sample pretty fast and do some DSP on the output16:19
fennif there's vibration, fix the vibration16:19
fennbecause that will fuck with the channel smoothness too16:19
fennactive positioning (fast tool servo) is still high magick16:20
fenni'd like to learn how to do that, but not on this project16:20
delinquentmezen mill?16:22
uniqanomalyguys you think there is rebound effect with tDCS?16:23
uniqanomalylike in sudden discontinuation16:24
delinquentmeuniqanomaly, id bet that the rebound is comparable to the focus gains16:24
delinquentmeif there was any16:25
fennyes, you'll turn into a hardcore wireheading junky16:25
delinquentmeis say highly unlikely that it would be worse16:25
uniqanomalytheoretically of course\16:25
delinquentmemuch worse16:25
nmz787the noise on alibaba searching for "small laser cutter" is annoying16:25
uniqanomalyI mean after using it 24/7 for week or so16:25
uniqanomalydelinquentme: problem with drugs is you get much worse after discontinuation16:26
uniqanomalyantidepressants, benzo or other stuff16:26
delinquentmeuniqanomaly, i had no idea16:26
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delinquentme< goo dkid16:27
delinquentmeNOOO THE PLANE LEFT16:27
uniqanomalyyou get soo mach worse that it was before you started taking 'em16:27
uniqanomalyfor curing whatever you need to cure16:27
fennplease justify that statement16:27
nmz787fenn: "screw laser cutter" returns some stuff mentioning ball screw16:27
fennyes ball screws would be good16:27
* delinquentme keeps it professional16:28
fennsince this is an optics thing, we can get away with a spring to eliminate backlash, instead of anti-backlash nuts16:28
fenni don't get why aluminum extrusion rails are so expensive16:30
delinquentmefenn, how does one use a spring to eliminate backlash?16:31
nmz787especially when cdroms, scanners, commodity shit has what we need16:31
katsmeow-afkyou push the piece aganst the nut, maintaining contact at all times16:31
delinquentmefenn, specific reason you're using alu? not just polished steel?16:31
delinquentmekatsmeow-afk, do you have a diagram?16:32
fennscanners is not a bad idea. they usually use plain bearings though, which will introduce slop16:32
katsmeow-afksteel rusts, al is light and available16:32
katsmeow-afka diagram of a spring? umm, no16:32
fenndelinquentme: i'd rather the whole system be made from materials with similar coefficient of thermal expansion16:32
fennkeeps it from warping out of shape16:33
delinquentmenice idea.. but how much heat do you think will be transferred16:33
fennnmz787: we will probably end up using your interferometer idea to check the accuracy of the table16:33
fennjust for ambient temperature change16:34
nmz787what about doing crazy math on the CAD file, to produce what we want with just a CDROM... i.e. 1 axis plus a rotating disc of PDMS16:34
nmz787well, it would be raster then, not vector16:34
nmz787alibaba doesn't give me anything for "cdrom parts"16:35
fenngee i wonder why16:35
uniqanomalyguys, what do you think about creating h+ village or something16:36
fenni'd prefer a borg encampment16:36
fennnot a ren faire :P16:36
uniqanomalyperhaps by populating a dying city or just translocating to some not dying16:37
fennsociety for creative futurism16:37
katsmeow-afkanachronism != past , sca could be taken over for future16:38
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nmz787seems we just need to suck it up and start a parts list16:38
fennyeah i'm doing that, just shopping around first16:39
nmz787it would be nice to find the rails and screws that are appropriate, and worry about the base, etc later... that way we can start with an optics breadboard, then if we want to sell them as kits, just machine the right mounting board out of aluminum later16:40
nmz787have you done this before, or are you just as naive when it comes to these rails and things as me?16:40
delinquentmemisumi is a decent parts distributor16:40
delinquentmelots of metric16:41
nmz787should i start joining CNC forums and posting that we need light-duty mini gantry?16:41
fennCNC people don't know anything about precision16:45
fennyou could talk to toastydeath but he'll probably just start going on and on about air bearings16:46
fenni've dome some projects like this but not with an eye for precision16:46
fenn"Mic 6 I have seen was cast Al. Blanchard ground, guaranteed to be .001 flat. It really sucks to cut. It doesn't form nice chips...pretty gummy. It's lacking the alloying agents of it's cousins. The one advantage to Mic 6.......it's extremeley stable. When a larger pattern is cut out of a sheet it usually stays relatively flat."16:48
nmz787maglev this shit instead of screws16:49
fennpossible but spend a lot more on electronics to control linear motors16:50
fennmaybe the granite isn't really necessary and can just bolt on mass in the form of lead weights16:52
nmz787if the gantry is well secured to the table... would they move together?16:53
fennwhat table16:53
fennvxb is about half the price of motiontek.ca16:54
fennat least for round rail16:54
nmz787table==base of the cutter16:56
nmz787vxb looks decent16:57
nmz787how many mm thick do you think the rods need to be16:57
nmz787seems like the 6mm or 1/4" would suffice16:58
nmz787doesn't look like they have trucks/bearings with mounts for the 6mm rails16:59
fennassuming the plate provides the stiffness, small is fine16:59
fennthere are 8mm trucks and 12mm trucks16:59
nmz787i see that16:59
nmz787these prices seem pretty reasonable17:00
nmz787seems like we could have the gantry, minus motors for <~$10017:00
fenni don't see any support rail for 8mm so i'm thinking of going with 12mm17:01
fennno you need support rail17:01
fennso more like $25017:01
nmz787why not those with the straight rods?17:01
fennwhat the rods are just going to dangle in the air? no thanks17:02
nmz787supported at each end17:02
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fennmaybe i've been corrupted by the cnc gods but i can't stand it when people make freely suspended bearings like that17:02
fennany tiny bit of force and the whole thing wobbles around17:03
nmz787oh, why not? its moving a laser fiber or mirror and some lenses17:03
nmz787you think it will sag?17:03
fennmore worried about vibration17:03
fennsteel has poor damping17:04
fennmy first cnc gantry was freely suspended rods, let's just say i was surprised at how much motion was possible with little force17:05
nmz78744"inch support rod, cut in 3 would be long enough... we'd still need 2 though17:05
nmz787there's $14017:05
fennyeah i think 22" per axis would be big enough17:05
fennplus bearings, plus bearing blocks, plus steppers, plus leadscrews and nuts and misc hardware17:06
nmz787well if we're thinking 6" per side of the chip17:06
nmz78722" inches is still overkill17:06
nmz787what about warping if we cut it17:07
fenncould get one 78" and cut into 417:07
fennput wet rags on the rail before cutting17:07
nmz787cut it slowwwllylyyy17:07
fenni dont think the rail is hardened so can use bandsaw, which will reduce warping to negligible17:08
nmz787we can also email vxb to see if they can special order the 6mm support rod17:09
nmz787i really don't think we need so much material17:09
nmz787is this the style  we need truck-wise: http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/12mmLinearMotionSystems/kit99017:11
nmz787alright sent an email to vxb asking if they can get those components in smaller sizes17:12
nmz787bbl, signing off, will check logs17:12
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fenni am thinking about going with 3/8-40 acme leadscrews from mcmaster instead of 1/4 (can't find 1/4 anyway)17:31
fennthen i can machine regular 1/4-20 threads and bearing mounts on the end17:32
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fenngrr i dont see why it should be so difficult to buy a flexture for mounting a nut to a platform17:47
fennaw jesus christ the first result for "nut flexture" is my roommate (practically) http://www.mad-engineer.com/engineering/pet-projects/3-axis-cnc-mill/attachment/sony-dsc-9/17:49
klafkaOf course, people commit suicide all the time. Some people?s lives are so miserable that death is a step up. And then there are others who?ve been bitten by the Heaven meme, are somehow convinced that they?re going to go to Space Disneyland when they die ; and some of those think the fastest way to get there is to take as many heathens with them when they check out. That might be your early-adopter demographic for the Sin17:55
klafkapretty interesting17:55
fenn"That might be your early-adopter demographic for the Singularity." i'm pretty sure the author and i disagree on what "the singularity" means17:57
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fennthis is cute http://www.haydonkerk.com/LinearActuatorProducts/LinearRailsGuidesSplines/ScrewRailLinearActuators/tabid/219/Default.aspx18:00
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kanzuresomeone should create a sciencedirect rss aggregator so that we can get around their dumb login-to-get-rss thing18:28
kanzurei once subscribed to all of their feeds at once heh18:28
kanzuredelinquentme: ok give me a little bit more time18:29
delinquentmelemme locate a few of these weird journals which have crappy code18:30
delinquentmewell have to figure out a way to work around their tags18:30
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kanzurejrayhawk: be nice18:33
nmz787fenn: any progress?18:34
kanzuredelinquentme: no i mean, i have something working, but give me a little bit more time18:35
delinquentmefenn, FYI #seattlerobotics and #robotics18:35
delinquentmeand with mech stuff its all about what you call it18:36
delinquentmelinear string encoder vrs string pot18:36
delinquentmekanzure, should I interrupt you and give you more to chew on or do you want to finish what you're doing?18:36
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kanzuredelinquentme: sure give me what you have18:37
delinquentmewhy do i feel like im gonna get fucked in the ass18:38
kanzurehaha because i just wrote a shitload of python18:38
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kanzureand you're going to hate me for that18:38
delinquentmeoh well yeah18:38
-!- strages_2600 is now known as strages_shop18:38
kanzureyou'll like it18:38
delinquentmefor why?18:38
kanzurebecause i'm using some old code too (pyscholar, etc..)18:39
delinquentmedo we port these together?18:40
kanzureyeah i'll rewrite your stuff real fast18:40
delinquentmefack man18:40
kanzurei'll add my sciencedirect scraper18:40
kanzurethat we talked about from february18:40
kanzurei don't think you've seen that yet?18:40
delinquentmespecifically im trying to write more in ruby18:40
delinquentmeso that causes issues18:41
kanzurei don't think so. we can set some scrapers to run independently as long as they have the same input/output.18:41
kanzuredoesn't matter18:41
kanzure"volume = year, issue = sequence" ?18:42
delinquentmei dont follow on volume = year18:43
delinquentmeor the other18:43
kanzurenevermind i have a better idea18:44
kanzurei thought the ordering would matter but it doesn't.18:45
* fenn pokes CIA-92 18:49
fennwe should set that up with diyhpluswiki18:49
kanzureuse the skdb.git post-receive-hook that controls gnusha18:50
kanzureoh i guess i have to do that18:50
delinquentmetrue.eql? true # => true18:51
kanzurefenn: try now.. push up some crap, see if it works, then git reset --HARD head^ and push -f18:52
kanzureoh it uses /home/gnusha/.irssi/socket18:53
kanzurejrayhawk: what?18:53
delinquentmeor git log18:54
delinquentmeand get the hash that you want just incase18:54
delinquentmebut theres always reflog!18:54
kanzurethe post-receive hook on the server won't do anything if you push a commit it already has18:55
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fennremote: 2012/04/06 19:03:39 socat[30723] E connect(3, AF=1 "/home/gnusha/.irssi/socket", 28): No such file or directory19:04
kanzureyeah i'm not sure what jrayhawk is thinking :(19:05
kanzurei've disabled the hook for now19:05
fennwe could probably make 2 of these for about the same cost, since the rail and leadscrew comes in 6 foot lengths19:06
nmz787sounds like it is more prone to bending during shipping19:06
nmz787if so long19:06
nmz787the short sections may get cut right after they're machined19:07
fennjust don't order a bunch of other long stuff in the same shipment19:07
fennthey will put it in a cardboard tube19:07
nmz787anyone ever hear if fish drugs are purified by HPLC, or just crude recrystalisation?19:10
fennlike tetracycline?19:11
kanzurefenn: is this it?19:12
kanzurenmz787: ^19:12
nmz787yeah, antibiotics, antifungals, antiprotozoans19:12
nmz787all that shyt19:12
nmz787how do i see the real wiki?19:13
nmz787i.e. gui19:13
kanzurethe gui doesn't have anything that's not on http://diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=94d3316e390e5cf5c4769d43a1dced7abe52575519:13
nmz787fenn: why such thick screw?19:13
nmz787i think we should keep the mass low19:13
kanzureyou can clone the repo tho... git clone git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git19:13
nmz787i dont want to use git19:14
nmz787i hate revision control19:14
kanzurea wiki uses revision control19:14
nmz787but its easier to just click edit19:14
kanzureok just making sure that connection was made :P19:14
kanzureah. not this wiki! haha19:14
kanzureactually.. wait19:14
kanzurenmz787: https://secure.diyhpl.us/write/diyhpluswiki/ikiwiki.cgi?page=projects/laser_etcher&do=edit19:14
kanzure"Error: projects/laser_etcher is not an editable page"19:15
nmz787chrome wont let me pass19:15
charlieschwabachso I have been lurking and just went through logs..19:15
fennyou probably have to rename it to .mdwn or .txt19:15
charlieschwabachthis might be worth looking into as a bearing: http://makerslide.com/19:15
fenncharlieschwabach: i refuse to use anything with maker in the name19:15
kanzurecharlieschwabach: isn't that the buildlog person19:15
charlieschwabachyes, it is the build log guy19:16
charlieschwabachhaha @maker in the name19:16
nmz787charlesschwabach: that looks too crude19:16
fennalso i think that's a retarded idea19:16
kanzurenmz787: well. maybe you can convince fenn to use google docs or piratepad19:17
charlieschwabachyeah, he uses it for a laser cutter, but I'm sure not w/ the accuracy you guys are looking for19:17
nmz787kanzure: with pidgin is there a way to easily click on someones name to have it pasted into the messagebox?19:17
nmz787google is decent19:17
fenncharlieschwabach: you can just lay some round rod into the grooves in a standard t-slot extrusion19:17
delinquentmenmz787, fenn if you guys have people @ universites you like me to contact for tools etc let me know19:17
delinquentmekanzure,  ^19:17
fennthen the rod is hardened, unlike aluminum extrusion19:17
kanzurewe're looking for 1 micron resolution19:17
charlieschwabachi would think this is more precise than that would be?19:17
kanzurenmz787: i don't know what you just asked19:17
fenncharlieschwabach: why would it be more precise? extrusion is extrusion19:18
nmz787kanzure: i just typed your name, how do i make that faster?19:18
charlieschwabachyeah but if you just put a rod in the groove of an extrusion, it's still extrusion19:18
nmz787fenn: i'm in pidgin19:19
kanzureshould still work in pidgin19:19
nmz787then just copy-paste?19:19
kanzureer you should be able to type k<tab> and get the name each time19:19
fennno need to copy paste, tab completion should work19:19
kanzuremaybe tab completion doesn't work in pidgin?19:20
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nmz787got it19:20
kanzurefenn: how about piratepad19:20
nmz787it was showing the list of ppl with k as first letter in msg window19:20
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nmz787is that any better than google?19:21
fenni've had this whole argument many times with alex graveley (of hackpad.com)19:21
nmz787we're at the mercy of their servers existing19:21
nmz787either way19:21
kanzurenmz787: we'll just add it to the git repo anyway ;)19:22
kanzurebut for real-time collab i think piratepad is ok19:22
kanzuredelinquentme: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/ezproxy.py19:23
kanzuredelinquentme: plz check the Paper model in particular.. it's not finished19:23
kanzuredelinquentme: also, i haven't written the scraper infrastructure part yet19:23
delinquentme~ 1 hr19:23
kanzureyeah yeah sorry.19:24
kanzuretook me 2... eat me19:24
delinquentmenahaha haha19:25
delinquentmei mean im messing w threads19:25
delinquentmeso im gonna be like 1 hr19:25
fennis there some way to get a diff between revisions of piratepad?19:25
fennotherwise merging is going to be a pain19:26
fennalso why can't these online collaboration tools just use version control, wtf seriously wtf19:26
kanzurewhat? i thought that's what piratepad did.. they do per-keystroke versioning?19:26
fennyes, but no way to export the version control anyway19:26
kanzureat least you can dump the final diff19:27
fenni can save two text files and diff them, if that's what you mean19:27
nmz787why save the diff?19:28
nmz787if you just had a mediawiki installation.....19:28
kanzuredo you want mediawiki?19:29
fennmediawiki only works for editing simple text and pictures19:29
kanzurefenn: hush19:29
fennwhat can i say, i'm a command line zealot19:29
nmz787we're doing a shopping list19:30
nmz787mediawiki would be preferred i think19:31
nmz787(by me)19:31
kanzureactually, google docs (spreadsheets) would be better?19:31
kanzurea shopping list is just a table19:31
fenni'm designing this in my head and making notes19:31
fennideally we'd have a cad program that didnt suck19:31
fennand each part would have a procurement url attached to it19:31
kanzurehey that's not fair- keeping it in your head19:31
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kanzureso what's missing?19:33
fennwhat what?19:33
kanzurefrom http://piratepad.net/Ji4MXCLtUX19:34
nmz787fenn: why 6 trucks?19:35
nmz787wouldn't we need 4 per axis?19:35
fennkinematic design19:38
fenn4 would overconstrain19:38
fenni should note that in the design section19:39
nmz787so it will be 2 on one rail, 1 on the other19:39
nmz787it won't tip weirdly?19:40
nmz787like how trike ATVs are bad at turns?19:40
fennit will be better supported on one side19:40
nmz787so by overconstrained you mean if the rods werent parallel perfectly, shit would cramp up and not move?19:41
delinquentmekanzure, can you run this: https://gist.github.com/232463219:41
delinquentmedo you get a no method error? and what version of ruby are you on19:42
kanzuredelinquentme: is this going to fork bomb me19:42
delinquentmei like the way it sounds19:42
delinquentmebut i dont think so19:42
kanzurehaha that is not confidence inspiring..19:42
kanzureok one sec19:42
delinquentmetrue. but its 3 threads @ most :D19:42
kanzureyep it runs19:43
nmz787fenn: why do you say the screw will turn at 1krpm?19:43
fennbecause that's the top speed of a garden variety stepper motor19:43
delinquentmeundefined method `keys' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)19:43
nmz787that doesn't mean we'll ever cut that fast19:43
delinquentmewhat version of ruby ?19:43
fennthat's only 10mm/s19:44
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kanzurefenn: would you be ok with hauling stuff from halcyon19:45
fenni have no way to haul stuff19:45
kanzureyeah we'll rent something19:45
fenni can ask my friend rob maybe, he lives in redwood city and has a car19:45
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delinquentmewhat you guys picking up?19:45
nmz787homedepot rents trucks for $2019:46
kanzureno a car is going to be insufficient19:46
kanzurei'm trying to get an inventory list from them but no luck19:46
kanzurethey have a machine shop, biology lab, and a few chemistry labs19:46
fennwhere you going to put all that?19:46
nmz787bring it to rochester19:47
nmz787kanzure: it similar in pricing as detroit19:47
kanzurefenn: i'm just thinking for now. i don't know what i want from them.19:47
Stee|kanzure, what are you doing?19:50
kanzureStee|: CODE19:51
Stee|the halcyon thing19:51
kanzureStee|: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/ezproxy.py19:51
kanzureStee|: halcyon molecular is liquidating19:51
kanzuresooo... buy everything19:51
Stee|how much are they selling everything to you for?19:51
kanzurei don't even know what exactly they still have19:52
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kanzurefenn: nmz787: what's missing?19:59
kanzureit would be nice to also specify the electronics19:59
nmz787fenn, kanzure: i vote propeller for the brains20:01
kanzureand the steppers?20:02
kanzureoh also please don't forget indicator LEDs or something20:02
kanzureand the actual laser20:03
nmz787i'll have to look into the spectrum of acryclic20:04
kanzurewe def. want acrylic?20:04
nmz787but i think i remember that we should use CO220:04
Stee|yo, if they have any high precision stages grab those...I can tell you how to build an electrohydrodynamic jet printer20:04
nmz787as the substrate to cut into under the PDMS20:04
kanzureit would be nice to cut at least pdms, acrylic, glass20:04
kanzurefume exhaust/blowing hookup?20:06
nmz787can we just put a metal trashcan around the whole thing, with a big ass squirrel cage fan?20:08
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ParahSailin_heh halcyon20:45
kanzuredelinquentme: ok.. updated20:51
kanzuresciencedirect stuff is sorta working (not really: download_csv should check hashes or something)20:52
kanzureit only scrapes for journal titles and urls, it doesn't gather info about which journal volumes exist20:52
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kanzuredelinquentme: read the code.. let me know what you think20:59
delinquentmethats alot of code21:02
delinquentmewhats newest?21:02
delinquentmeall these many to many .. is this how you run the setup on mongo?21:03
delinquentmekanzure, ^21:04
nmz787kanzure: https://secure.diyhpl.us/write/diyhpluswiki/ikiwiki.cgi?page=projects/laser_etcher&do=edit doesnt say i'm authorized21:07
nmz787using my ssh creds21:07
katsmeow-afkfenn, what's a "ball bearing ball joint" called? it's like a heim joint, but the ball is supported with ball bearings, like a conveyor ball21:09
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kanzurenmz787: just use the piratepad thing21:14
kanzurejoshcryer: yo21:14
kanzurenmz787: i'll add your account to diyhpluswiki.. but you won't be able to edit that page anyway (ikiwiki is broken)21:14
diginetParahSailin_, are you around?21:15
kanzuredelinquentme: decided not to use mongo. by default that uses sqlite.21:16
diginetso, I was just curious, are those sf9/sf21 cells difficult to culture?21:16
joshcryersup kanzure21:16
joshcryerdid we discuss google's ar glasses?21:16
joshcryerahh, 11:51 april 4th... barely mentioned21:18
delinquentmekanzure, i like example comments21:19
yashgarothdiginet, you'll need a tissue culture hood I'd imagine21:19
delinquentmei like pythons method comments best21:20
diginetyashgaroth, to avoid contamination?21:20
ParahSailin_id need to work in the biosafety cabinet with those21:21
diginetso, are they maybe a bad choice for a DIYer?21:21
diginetmaybe I should try algae or somethinhg21:22
yashgarothanything euks with liquid media tend to need it21:22
diginetis there any health hazard?21:22
ParahSailin_aseptic technique might be manageable without hood21:22
yashgarothhazard to you, from insect cells?21:22
diginetyeah? (I know that's probably a silly question)21:23
diginetah okay, Id idn't think so21:23
ParahSailin_from the baculovirus i wouldnt think so either21:23
diginetapart from the equipment I would need, are they finnicky to work with?21:23
ParahSailin_never worked with them21:23
ParahSailin_but theyve gotta be easier than human cells21:24
yashgarotheasier than non-cancer cells maybe21:24
diginetwell, I've read in a few papers that insect cell lines worked really rell with spider silk genes21:24
yashgarothparahsailin are your sf9's adherent or suspension?21:25
ParahSailin_i dunno the growth habit, id have to find that out from the grad student when i get the cells21:27
ParahSailin_most of that is just medium and adaptation21:27
diginethow does one control, if possible, secretion of the protein? Is there anyway to ensure that it will be or not?21:28
ParahSailin_is anyone else interested in getting some sf9 cells?21:28
yashgarothgenerally a secreted protein will have an n-terminal peptide tag that directs it to secretion before getting cleaved off21:29
ParahSailin_actually.. its sf21 cells that i can get21:29
ParahSailin_the spidroin is gonna have a secretion signal peptide on it21:29
diginetParahSailin_, again, thank you so much for doing this21:29
diginethow do you store them? do I need LN2?21:30
ParahSailin_insect cells might work in -7021:30
diginet(if so I could potentially get it, I don't think its too expensive, and I think I know someone with a dewar)21:30
ParahSailin_if you can find a dewar that would be awesome21:30
diginetbut in other words, not a freezer :P21:30
nmz787are these sf lines immortal, from what creature originally?21:32
ParahSailin_spodoptera or something21:32
ParahSailin_from some sort of caterpillar21:32
yashgarothdeveloped from ovaries of the Fall Army worm, Spodoptera frugiperda, a moth species21:32
yashgarothand I would certainly hope they're immortalized21:33
nmz787and you guys want to, what, give yourselves tatoos with them or what21:33
yashgarothhe wants to do recombinant spidersilk protein production21:33
diginetone thing that has frustrated me is that I haven't been able to find any specific data on the composition of the dope21:34
yashgarothyou mean the cell culture media? that shit's hella proprietary21:34
diginetparticularly, I've seen no information on how many parts MaSp1 to MaSp221:35
diginetno, the silk dope21:35
diginetthe culture medium though, ugh, that's going to be my achilles heel, I can theoretically grow the cells indefinitely, but I can't get the growth medium except through a few sources21:36
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yashgarothhonestly they're all pretty similar, but iunno what growth factors insects have21:40
yashgarothbbl, dinner21:42
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nmz787just get a goat21:46
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nmz787this is where i see cross-species deformities becoming technology21:46
nmz787like take a goat fetus, remove its sensory organs and thinking centers in its brain, remove its legs... and you've got a sterile pump that can eat hay, turning it into culture media21:47
nmz787flow the blood over a nanopore membrane, will allow nutrients to pass, but immune cells separate21:49
diginetehh, I wish it were that simple, lol21:49
nmz787thats what would really help though21:50
katsmeow-afkfetus cannot eat hay21:50
nmz787if we're talking synbio21:50
nmz787well no, deform it when its a fetus, then let it finish incubating21:50
nmz787so PETA can't bitch as much21:50
katsmeow-afkumm, riiiggght21:50
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nmz787and so we dont feel bad for making it suffer21:50
kanzurenmz787: or.. just grow the immune cells separately on your own21:51
nmz787if not that, then just rip the genes out of its DNA21:51
nmz787nah you want to keep them separate, the whole non-self rejection21:51
nmz787really, no one thinks thats inline with the whole 'biology is technology' meme?22:00
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kanzurenmz787: no, it's in line..22:02
kanzurebut your line about PETA seems superfluous/ridiculous :P22:03
kanzurethere is no predicting an organization like that22:03
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nmz787i guess22:10
delinquentmethey've gotten famous by being alarmists22:12
delinquentmebasically give them something that they believe the general public will be up in arms about and theyll make you infamous22:12
delinquentmeis what id guess their method to be like22:12
delinquentmedo you want to make this google search threaded and recursive for me22:13
kanzureis this the one where you're searching for publishers22:13
delinquentmejust publishers and urls yeah22:13
kanzurewhy threaded? google will rate limit you very quickly22:13
delinquentmebasically its threaded for speed and it recurses if it hits any hiccups22:13
delinquentmein hopes thell email me and tell me to eff off?22:14
kanzureyahoo offers 10k free requests per day on its search api if you get an api key22:14
kanzureno google just makes you type in a captcha, and doesn't do anything else until you do22:14
delinquentmebut who wants to use yahoo?22:15
kanzurei bet the results will be the same22:15
delinquentmeup to what page22:15
kanzureyou only want the publisher's url right?22:15
delinquentmemaybe the first 10 links22:15
delinquentmenot bad22:16
delinquentmeI need to find some solid threaded applications22:16
kanzurepython twisted22:16
delinquentmejust to add it to my resume22:16
charlieschwabachthis is really easy to use w/ python22:17
delinquentmei think im gonna stick w the initial recursion22:19
delinquentmefigure out more niftyness to use threads on22:19
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kanzuremultiprocessing looks neat.. subprocesses have a lot of advantages over threads22:20
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delinquentmekanzure, save that for tomorrow22:33
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strangewarpCurrently reading a forum thread on $anonymous_random_website about how science fiction has supposedly become hopelessly dystopian and boring. The responses are all "well yes hm-hm the world is obviously dying, technology's promise has evaporated, so it's no surprise" and I want to strangle everyone22:43
folmat_anyone in linux22:51
folmat_try my grid22:51
folmat_it makes a sound wave22:51
folmat_you have to listen to it22:52
folmat_maybe do it on a computer where you can turn it down or22:52
folmat_just turn down the volume it sets when it loads the wav in the code22:52
folmat_gcc -O3 -lSDL -lSDL_mixer -ffast-math -funroll-loops -funswitch-loops22:52
folmat_good luck22:52
nmz787what is it?22:53
folmat_evolves a neural genetic grid to sound like a target wav file22:53
nmz787cant find sdl22:53
folmat_get sdl hurry22:53
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ22:53
folmat_should come with sdl_mixer22:53
nmz787apt-get ?22:53
@kanzureare you eric22:54
@kanzureare you flamoot22:54
folmat_i dont think that's necessary it uses one called mixer though22:54
folmat_no kanzure22:54
folmat_this is like chinese way saying format22:55
nmz787fly lice?22:56
@kanzureok look22:57
@kanzurelinks to flamoot22:57
@kanzureyou're flamoot.22:57
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ParahSailin_what was the virus he was trying to have us run?22:59
@kanzureParahSailin_: he's a known schizo22:59
nmz787its a c file and some wavs23:01
ParahSailin_wow that guy is a trip23:01
nmz787looks benign to me, though i just quickly scanned through 3000 lines23:01
nmz787so i could have missed the rm -rf line23:01
@kanzurehe is the single cause for why saying "flamoot" on 4chan gets you auto permabanned by the filters23:02
@kanzurewhich is pretty impressive considering 4chan allows a lot of shit23:02
sylph_makoWait so there's a way to get yourself permabanned?23:13
sylph_makoA lot of 4channers would love to know about this.23:13
@kanzureoh man those posts are precious23:15
@kanzure"Summoning UFOs with Psilocybin and Terence McKenna"23:15
sylph_makoI can use this to troll the shit out of people.23:17
yashgarothdo you have a reference on that outside of his blog? he's not exactly the best source23:18
sylph_makoI must tell my troll comerades.23:18
strangewarpDamn, this guy is starting to compete with CarTellingWindows and TimeCube23:18
sylph_makoYeah I just googled it.23:18
sylph_makoPeople getting permabanned when they ask what this flamoot shit is.23:18
nmz787he;s got 131k views on youtube23:25
nmz787this one is pretty cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiTeS3XfXg4&list=UUsQKUex7qt6UUcChadrMU1Q&index=36&feature=plcp23:28
@kanzureRevista de Psiquiatr�a y Salud Mental (English Edition) (21735050)23:28
@kanzurehow is that supposed to be parsed23:29
@kanzureah.. "Psiquiatría"23:37
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joshcryerthat blog is what I don't even23:46
joshcryer"I do believe reality is VR. If space were a real mesh and not a voxel landscape, I think movement would be cheaper."23:46
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