
--- Log opened Sat Apr 07 00:00:24 2012
-!- AdrianG [~amphetami@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]00:07
diginetis this guy literally schizophrenic, or just crazy?00:35
@kanzureliterally schizophrenic00:35
@kanzurei think archels knows him in person?00:36
diginetthat's sad, I feel bad for him :(00:36
@kanzurehe's a smart fellow. he'll figure something out.00:36
diginetthe worst part is that schizophrenia is definitely treatable with medication00:36
diginetit's just, a lot of schizophrenics don't want to take it00:36
@kanzurehe's also homeless or something00:37
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@cpe-67-242-177-23.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:50
lichenive heard of schizos using nicotine00:53
lichenam i bad for finding schizo rants really amusing?00:57
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nmz787kanzure: awake?01:02
strangewarplichen: They show how the human brain works when it loses its reality-checking mechanism. They are definitely morbidly fascinating01:04
nmz787strangewarp: what is this?01:05
lichenim looking at flamoot's blog01:06
lichenseems like a troubled dude01:06
strangewarpnmz787: what lichen said01:15
lichenthis 'transalchemy' channel is odd01:20
lichenand the name does not really make me think of transhumanism01:20
licheni also cant tell if these videos are for or against transhumanism01:20
nmz787ahh, yes01:23
yashgarothI think he's decided that transhumanism is backed by aliens and thus unstoppable, so he's both for and against it01:24
lichenuh. huh...01:25
yashgarothwhat am I, a psychologist01:25
yashgarothhe does have remarkable video editing abilities for a hobo01:27
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diginetisn't transalchemy kind of redundant?08:31
diginetconsidering alchemy, by definition, is the study of transmutation?08:32
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:34
archelsI don't think anyone in this channel will have anything to do with that website.08:44
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-24-3-85-154.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:47
chris_99what have i missed, which website?08:47
diginetsome nutcase who think aliens are directing our evolution or something silly like that08:47
@kanzuredamn are you guys still talking about that?08:48
diginetI was just pointing out the ridiculous of the name of the channel "transalchemy," but tbh that's the least of the concerns08:48
diginetsorry, I brought it back up08:48
* diginet backs away, slowly08:48
delinquentmeso what are practices which allow open source hardware08:49
delinquentmeto be built08:49
delinquentmeexpanded on08:49
delinquentmeby others08:49
diginetyou know, we should stop calling it "open source hardware" considering something which doesn't entail source code makes no sense to be called as such08:49
diginetsorry, if I was too acerbic, it's just a pet peeve of mine08:50
diginetkanzure, how close are you/whoever else is working on it, to DIY artificial gene synthesis??08:50
delinquentmeIs there a precedent in this area?08:50
diginetdidn't mean to put two question marks08:50
chris_99i'd disagree with you on that one diginet08:50
diginetI think the standard is just open hardware08:50
diginetchris_99, explain08:50
chris_99have you heard of licences like creative commons?08:50
diginetsure, it's not "open source" though08:51
delinquentmejerk off elsewhere08:51
diginetwell hold on08:51
chris_99oh you're being picky about the source word08:51
diginetsemantics is the study of meaning, isn't that important?08:51
diginetI don't like it when people say "oh don't argue semantics" since semantics is the entire point of language08:51
diginetIt's sort of like the misappropriation of the word "science"08:53
diginetscience is not phenomenology, it's the employment of the scientific method to obtain reliable, objective information on the natural world08:54
delinquentmediginet, is there nothing more productive youd rather be working on?08:54
delinquentmeyes we're human yes we like gab08:54
diginetI'm not trying to be comabtive! I didn't mean it as an affront, sorry if it came across that way08:55
delinquentmeif you want to talk about what makes a platform expandable lets talk08:55
diginetI just think its important that names are chosen wisely08:55
delinquentmenoted, but its just not constructive ... which is why im raping myself over this08:55
@kanzurehardware is programmed just like software08:55
delinquentmelinux is easy you can compile that shit and build out the features in code08:55
@kanzureboth has source code08:55
delinquentmehardware the compile is different08:56
chris_99not necessarily kanzure08:56
diginetif you're talking about something like FPGAs sure08:56
diginetVHDL, Verilog08:56
chris_99it could just be discrete logic ;)08:56
diginetI'd even count LaTeX as "code"08:56
diginetbut schematics are definitely not "code" unless you dilute the terms so much as to be meaningless08:56
@kanzurediginet: artificial gene synthesis has been around for a long time08:57
delinquentmedamn klaf no here08:57
@kanzurediginet: autolisp08:57
@kanzurethat's code. stop lying to me.08:57
diginetwell sure, I'm not saying all hardware doesn't have associated code, but for instance, if someone calls instructions licensed under creative commons or what have you "open source"  I think thats kind of a stretch08:58
UrchinTeX is a propper Turing complete programming language08:58
@kanzurecreative commons is very often misused for hardware licensing08:59
@kanzurebut the reality is that patents cover hardware08:59
@kanzurecopyright can be used for the expression of a design, but not the design itself08:59
diginetwell, for example, are you familiar with aerogel.org?08:59
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diginetthat's a really cool site, but they call it "open source aerogel" or something, when it's really freely available instructions, I really think that's a stretch09:00
@kanzureis it licensed with some OSI-approved license?09:01
diginetThere's no "code" to license09:01
@kanzurethat's not what i am asking09:01
diginetit's a set of protocols09:01
diginetI think its creative commons09:01
-!- d3nd3 [~dende@cpc10-croy17-2-0-cust245.croy.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:02
diginetif it is licensed under and OSI license, then that's a misusage of the purpose of such licenses09:02
@kanzureok. CC can be vaguely misconstrued as open source. but not "some restrictive license. yeah we're totally open source."09:02
@kanzurediginet: GFDL.09:02
delinquentmeEYE HATE YEW09:02
@kanzureno you don't09:02
delinquentmeyou doing that in python last night got me thinking about what to program the server in for the syringe09:02
delinquentmeits obvs python.09:02
@kanzuredelinquentme: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/ezproxy.py09:02
diginetthe thing is: what bothers me is the the term open source seems to be in the process of being severly watered down, what worries me is that profiteerers might latch on (as some already have) and exploit the term09:03
delinquentmebut yeah rails isnt the software for that piece of hardware09:03
delinquentmedjango and python dont u think?09:03
digineta good example would be google, calling Android "open source" is a farce09:03
@kanzurei think the code is distributed with an open source license bro09:03
n_benthake ke ke "delinquentme:jerk off elsewhere"09:03
@kanzureyou should be more upset at things like openpcr which took 2 years to release any source at all09:04
diginetexcept they've postponed releasing of code for newer releases indefinitely09:04
diginet(last time I checked)09:04
@kanzurediginet: aosp 4 was released recently09:04
diginetand only parts of it are open sourced09:04
delinquentmen_bentha, Huk HuK! Me GoSU! >_<;;;;;;;;;;;; <( '.' < ) <( '.' )> ( > '.' )>09:04
delinquentmethe ones on the ends are too fat09:05
diginetanyway, sorry for this tangent, it's just one of my rather eccentric collections of hang-ups09:05
diginetanyhow, kanzure I'm aware that gene synthesis is a fairly old technology, but is it anywhere near the real of being doable on a hobbyist budget?09:06
ParahSailin_openpcr is being niggardly with the soarces?09:06
@kanzureParahSailin_: they finally released code/plans but it took them forever09:06
@kanzurediginet: btw what do you count as a hobbyist budget09:06
digineta good example of flagrant abuse of the world open source would be dd-wrt09:06
diginetkanzure, hmm, good question, maybe a few hundred dollars max?09:07
@kanzurereally? come on at least give me a budget of $3k/year09:07
diginetpotentially more or lesss, depending on how much one is capable/willing to diy09:07
diginetkanzure, that's why I asked :P09:07
@kanzurediginet: chemicals for dna synthesis are <$1k09:07
diginetI gather highly proprietary as well?09:08
diginetany chance of diy synthesis?09:08
-!- d3nd3 [~dende@cpc10-croy17-2-0-cust245.croy.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]09:08
n_benthahey gais09:08
@kanzureyeah.. that's what the chip is about :P09:08
diginetahhh right09:08
n_benthais there a way to kill someone's stero-system through a wall?09:08
delinquentmeParahSailin_, lolol09:08
n_bentha(that i can afford)09:08
@kanzurephosphoramidites, acetonitrile, pyridine, thf, some oxidizer, tca, etc..09:09
ParahSailin_openpcr started as a kickstarter?09:09
@kanzuren_bentha: sniper rifle09:09
@kanzureParahSailin_: yes :/09:09
ParahSailin_i think im seeing an obvious problem with kickstarter09:09
@kanzureit's like begging09:09
diginetn_bentha, depends, if it's radio, that's easy, just get a jammer, if not, then you could try and get into the mains and get it to powersurge09:09
ParahSailin_its really just a way to scam/bleg, yah09:09
diginetkickstarter, while fine in theory, represents a lot of what I can't stand about a lot of things09:09
ParahSailin_needs to be a way to crowdfund with equity or something09:10
diginetone particularly egregious example was the so-called "manifold clock"09:10
ParahSailin_thank you sec for making that illegal09:10
diginetit was just crummy timex wall clock fitted with some aluminized film, took about 10 min to make and about $10 in materials09:10
@kanzurehere is a list of culprits who supported openpcr09:11
diginetexcept they have a damn fundraiser for that POS09:11
diginetkanzure, I'm guessing that you're not too fond of OpenPCR, what did they do? scam people with spurious claims of "openness?"09:11
@kanzureyes.. but they finally repented so i'm apparently not allowed to be angry about it anymore?09:12
diginethaha, well that's no fun!09:12
diginetI've kind of had it with these profiteerers riding the DIY wave09:12
diginetyou look at the absurd markup on some of this "open source" stuff09:12
diginetthe worst repeat offenders are the arduino crowd09:13
@kanzurei think people are moving on from the "open source" buzzword.. hopefully into "maker"09:13
diginetnevermind the fact that anyone who can't build something as trivial as the arduino doesn't need to be doing electronics09:13
diginetthere's just so much pseudo-intellectualism, and attentions seekers who do stupid things but get attention because ZOMG ARDWEENOZ09:14
@kanzurediginet: another reason i'm not fond is the incredibly high cost09:14
diginetyeah, $30+ for a dev board? what a joke09:14
@kanzurethere's really no good reason it should cost >$50009:14
diginetOpenPCR you mean?09:14
diginetif it's that expensive, it defeats the purpose09:14
delinquentmeopen DJ equipment! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Aurora_224_-_2ch_Open_Source_DJ_Mixer_(3).jpg09:15
@kanzuredelinquentme: so wait09:15
@kanzureyou want to run a syringe pump with django?09:15
delinquentmekanzure, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2073309:15
@kanzureyep.. this ain't gonna be hard09:16
@kanzurebut getting precise amounts might be09:16
@kanzurelike runnning at 1 nanoliter/hour09:17
diginethttp://forums.hackaday.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2124 if anyone is interested, there's a polemic I wrote on this very subject09:18
delinquentmekanzure, i mean the demographic who would use it09:19
delinquentmethey're going to be python09:20
@kanzuredelinquentme: i'll finish up the sciencedirect integration today on ezproxy.py09:22
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@kanzuredelinquentme: are you able to run the unit tests?09:23
n_benthathanks diginet, i'll see about getting into the mains09:24
delinquentmeive built in rigged up asserts09:25
delinquentmenot any legit testing frameworks .. but i mean the data is bone simple and we just need to ensure those 3 structures are being fed into whatever we're saving09:25
@kanzureyeah but i mean09:25
@kanzurei have unit tests in ezproxy.py and are you able to run them?09:25
delinquentmedidnt try09:26
delinquentmebut I think i've got unit test09:26
ParahSailin_http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/were-jews-ever-really-slaves-in-egypt-or-is-passover-a-myth-1.420844 heh09:26
ParahSailin_interesting to see that in israeli media09:27
diginetn_bentha, I feel for you, stuff like that is miserable09:27
n_benthait's the subwoofers that are killing me09:27
diginetParahSailin_, yeah, you have to admire their honesty, considering Israeli archaeologists would be more biased towards finding evidence of the exodus than literally any other group09:27
diginetn_bentha, oh, dear, god09:27
n_benthato hear the trebel, i have to put my head against the wall. i can hear the bass from the far end of my place09:28
@kanzuren_bentha: file a police report?09:28
n_benthahow do i do that?09:28
@kanzurecall up the non-emergecy line09:28
diginetnoise pollution09:28
diginetit's a real thing09:28
n_benthasweet. will do09:29
n_benthacrap. there's a part-time job opening but the hours are 9am-2pm for a lab-tech. i've got the perfect skills set too...09:30
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diginetso my sister sent me this video: http://youtu.be/0Au_8GMUxVs09:39
diginetthe amount of douchebaggery at wherever that is makes me gag a little09:39
delinquentmekanzure, reprap > makerbot?09:40
@kanzurei'd say so.09:40
delinquentmei dont like the cutesy wood crap either09:41
ParahSailin_is plywood actually a useful material to build out of?09:42
delinquentmeGmail Tap ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KhZKNZO8mQ09:43
Urchinhttp://xkcd.com/1031/ this really does make internet 100 times better09:54
delinquentmeParahSailin_, plywood? USB?09:55
ParahSailin_what about it?09:55
delinquentmelike if you're talking the chipped and reglued layered wood absolutely09:56
delinquentmeall the benefits of natural fiber ... none of the weird bowing and crap09:56
delinquentmethat stuff = human win09:57
ParahSailin_are they not using plywood?09:57
ParahSailin_like actual wood?09:57
ParahSailin_im not that familiar, i just remember it having vaguely wood-like material09:58
delinquentmeParahSailin_, i dont follow what you're asking10:04
delinquentmeare you saying if it can be replace 1:1?10:04
delinquentmenot quite10:04
ParahSailin_"i dont like the cutesy wood crap either"10:04
-!- AdrianG [~amphetami@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:04
delinquentmeOHHhh lolol10:09
delinquentmeidk what it is10:09
delinquentmeits to make it look friendly10:09
delinquentmei want it to look evil10:09
delinquentmekanzure, you guys wern't planning on using the reprap as the XYZ for that laser huh10:10
delinquentmethat'd give me a warm fuzzy feeling10:10
delinquentmebecause you know something about standing on the shoulders of chipmunks10:10
delinquentmeand nuts10:10
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delinquentmekanzure, does it make sense to build everything from scratch?10:18
@kanzuredepends on what10:24
@kanzurethe rails are definitely buoght10:24
delinquentmeso like what if you guys designed *just* the laser10:25
@kanzureinstead of what?10:25
delinquentmeand contacted the reprap guys and talked w them about installing it on that gantry10:25
@kanzuretheir gantry isn't precise enough10:25
@kanzurefenn would be able to tell you exactly why :|10:26
delinquentme1/80th of a mm?10:26
@kanzurethat's not a micron10:29
delinquentmewhats the budget on this gantry?10:30
delinquentmethe most accurate price / res sensor i've found is $5010:30
@kanzurewell, more than $100 haha10:30
@kanzureprobably less than $100k10:30
delinquentmeand you see why im skeptical?10:31
delinquentmei find that hard to believe10:32
@kanzureif you're so skeptical.. why not tell me to buy a DNA synthesizer straight up?10:32
delinquentmeisnt that what you're building?10:32
@kanzureyes :) but you're skeptical..10:32
delinquentmeare you 1) making a microfluidics chip prototyper 2) a microfluidics based synthesizer or 3) a synthesizing company10:33
delinquentmeif its 3 .. then yes buy a synthesizer10:33
@kanzure#2 requires #1 in our case10:33
delinquentmeon a gradation between fact and opinon10:35
delinquentmewhere does that statement fall10:35
@kanzurewell we need to make prototypes10:36
@kanzureso let's assume that on average getting someone else to make a prototype costs $40010:36
@kanzurelet's also say that we will be needing at least 100 prototypes because, let's face it, we're going to make mistakes10:36
@kanzureso 100 * $40 = $40,00010:37
delinquentmekanzure, that is the part where i seriously doubt10:37
delinquentmeyou want an excuse to build things10:37
delinquentmethats awesome10:37
@kanzureif the cost of a prototyper is less than $40,000 then i say go for it10:37
delinquentmeif you're a kid building toys say it10:37
delinquentmeyou're not going to fuck up 100 times unless you're retarded about it10:37
delinquentmein 10 tries youll get it if you're smart about it10:37
@kanzurehave you ever built a microfluidics device?10:37
delinquentmein addition its not like the microfluidics lab wont have best practices for this10:37
@kanzureit might take 10 times just to optimize the pressure valves10:38
delinquentmeit is what they *do*10:38
@kanzurethey don't do design.. they just fab10:38
delinquentmebecause i have a million dollar machine to make things10:38
delinquentmei only fab on it10:38
@kanzurewhat million dollar machine?10:38
delinquentmei cannot offer any thoughts on how to build those things10:38
delinquentmeim saying if they've got the hardware to build X10:38
delinquentmethey might know some things about building X10:38
@kanzure"Fabrication of Pre-designed Microfluidic Chips"10:39
@kanzure"Consulting on Microfluidic Design Using the Design Rules Outlined by the Stanford Microfluidics Foundry"10:39
@kanzureconsulting = $$$10:39
delinquentmeso lets assume its too expensive10:39
archels"pre-designed" as opposed to "randomly wired"?10:39
delinquentmesafe assumption.10:39
@kanzurearchels: no it means "here are some files to choose from"10:39
@kanzurearchels: http://www.stanford.edu/group/foundry/pre-design%20chips.html10:39
archelsoh, neat10:40
delinquentmekanzure, im gonna write them an email10:40
delinquentmecould you give me a write up of what technical issues you expect to come across10:41
delinquentmeid guess you already have it10:41
@kanzurethere are so many bugs. it's hard to think of something that wouldn't be buggy.10:41
@kanzurechannels collapsing, valves malfunctioning, valves not closing completely, valves not opening completely, non-smooth channels10:42
@kanzureunexpected fluid physics10:42
@kanzurecorrosive chemical effects10:42
@kanzureunexpected droplet merging, stable/reliable droplet generation, droplet pumping, droplet popping, contamination, ...10:43
delinquentmewell channel smoothness is solved in hardware10:43
delinquentmeOH and about that video you've got on youtube at the t junction10:43
delinquentmethe scale of those physics aren't nano10:43
delinquentmethe fluids are waay less dynamic at small levels10:43
@kanzurehaha "Crossovers of control lines and flow lines can be created without resulting in a valve at each crossover point. To achieve this, the control line should be designed narrower (15-30um) at these crossover points to ensure no membrane valve is formed."10:44
@kanzureyes i am familiar with laminar flow10:44
@kanzurelaminar flow is how you model/describe water at this scale10:44
delinquentmeyour response would indicate otherwise as laminar flow is not at all what im talking about here :D10:45
@kanzure"Due to the small dimensions of microchannels, the Re is usually much less than 100, often less than 1.0. In this Reynolds number regime, flow is completely laminar and no turbulence occurs. The transition to turbulent flow generally occurs in the range of Reynolds number 2000."10:45
@kanzure" Laminar flow provides a means by which molecules can be transported in a relatively predictable manner through microchannels. Note, however, that even at Reynolds numbers below 100, it is possible to have momentum-based phenomena such as as flow separation."10:45
@kanzurealso for fenn: "One of the basic laws of fluid mechanics for pressure driven laminar flow, the so-called no-slip boundary condition, states that the fluid velocity at the walls must be zero. This produces a parabolic velocity profile within the channel (Figure 1.1)"10:46
@kanzurehuh what is this site10:46
delinquentmecan the synthesizer be made at macro scale cheaper?10:48
delinquentme( i know fewer awesome gadgets )10:48
@kanzurei'm not sure that would be useful10:48
delinquentmehow so?10:49
@kanzurelet's say that the current 1980s ABI synthesizer tech can be done for <$10k10:49
@kanzure^ that thing10:49
@kanzurethere are a number of disadvantages of this machine10:50
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@kanzurefor starters: cost, form factor, reagent volume usage, max oligo length10:50
delinquentmewould it be wise to outsource this to some company10:50
delinquentmehot right?10:51
delinquentmefap fap?10:51
@kanzurei don't think it would be cheaper but it's okay to ask them10:51
delinquentmeyou might not own 100% of it10:51
@kanzurethat's not okay.10:51
delinquentmebut 1) you'd have a HUGE instrustry connect10:51
@kanzurei am fairly certain that nobody would be okay with this being open source, except me10:51
delinquentmewhy not?10:51
@kanzure*shrug* hopefully i am wrong and everyone wants this open source10:52
delinquentmewell ....10:52
delinquentmeassuming you're not a 1 trick pony10:52
delinquentme( which i dont think you are )10:52
delinquentmewhy not build something10:52
delinquentmemake money10:52
@kanzurei am already making money10:52
delinquentmeand build the next thing10:52
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delinquentmei mean like10:52
@kanzurei am already profitable10:52
delinquentmeso we've got a SV workshop10:52
@kanzureno i'm just cheap10:52
delinquentmeinteresting defense10:53
@kanzurewell.. prove i'm not cheap :P10:53
@kanzurea cheapster.10:53
@kanzurebut yeah i agree with you there's lots of money in this10:53
@kanzureit's worth contacting all these people and seeing what they can offer us10:54
@kanzurebut i think we can win even if they offer nothing :)10:54
@kanzuredelinquentme: btw.. would you CC me on those emails?10:54
delinquentmelike dont get me wrong10:54
delinquentmewe're here headstrong and intelligent if nothing else10:55
delinquentmebut like speed is lovely is it not?10:55
@kanzuredelinquentme: also.. it would be super super useful if you could help me find someone who i can bug about microfluidics problems, someone who has done droplet work and knows things like "max drop load". i haven't found this person yet.10:55
@kanzureParahSailin_: you're close buuut you had like one gate :)10:55
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@kanzureyo AlonzoTG10:58
@kanzuredelinquentme: maybe we should do a macro synthesizer10:58
@kanzurePoSaM was weird10:59
@kanzure"The Piezoelectric Oligonucleotide Synthesizer And Microarrayer (POSAM) was developed in the Hood Laboratory to give researchers access to customizeable DNA microarrays.  The result is an "open source" platform.  The hardware design and protocols are being made available freely to the public and the control software is released under the GPL license."10:59
* AlonzoTG has been playing WAAAAAY too much minecraft.10:59
@kanzureoh wow i never realized they wrote their software in visual basic11:00
@kanzurevisual basic + cvs. alright, technology! *cough*11:00
roksprok_are limitations on synthesized oligonucleotide length holding back molecular biology/genetic engineering/synthetic biology?11:01
@kanzureroksprok_: YES11:02
delinquentmekanzure, if we've proven the chemistry and have the protocols its one more thing we can approach people with and say we;ve got this11:02
@kanzureroksprok_: it's also an issue of cost... >$1000 per gene11:02
delinquentmeyou do XYZ11:02
roksprok_kanzure: i am just wondering why there isn't a 'race' for synthesis like there is for sequencing11:02
@kanzureroksprok_: because people think synthesis companies are an OK compromise11:02
@kanzureactually i don't know the real answer to your question11:03
roksprok_kanzure: wouldn't that indicate that they don't feel held back by it?11:03
@kanzurebiologists are really crazy11:03
roksprok_agreed, too bad biology is so interesting11:04
@kanzure"oh we can't synthesize this gene because it's too expensive, so let's just synthesize some primers, go to the amazon and catch a specimen, then PCR the gene out of the genome, otherwise it would cost too much to synthesize"11:04
@kanzurea lot of biology lab techniques are sorta because you can't just synthesize what you want11:05
roksprok_maybe they just like trips to the amazon...11:05
@kanzurewho doesn't?11:05
@kanzurethe other weird thing is that people have said that synthesis prices are dropping11:05
roksprok_that was kind of what i was looking for...just confirmation that I wasn't being completly noobish11:06
@kanzurebut if you look at rob carlson's graphs the synthesis prices have only moved a partial order of magnitude over the past 10 years11:06
@kanzurebtw this graph is mostly "cost of ordering it from a company"11:06
@kanzurethe per base pair costs when you own your own machine go down.. and they go down even more when you are smart about how you synthesize11:07
roksprok_is it common for a bio lab to own their own machine?11:07
@kanzurenot any more11:08
@kanzurenow they just do mail order synthesis11:08
@kanzurethere's usually a shared sequencing facility on a college campus but it's not uncommon to just send the dna out to some company to be sequenced11:08
@kanzurewho wants to pay $100k+ for a synthesizer from the 80s?11:09
roksprok_i guess you'd have to be really sure you'll do a lot of synthesizing11:09
@kanzureOligoMaker looks like a somewhat more 'modern' device in the $60k-$90k range with >90 simultaneous oligo reactions11:09
@kanzurethe other issue is that these machines normally do 30-200 bp and not longer because of the error rate in the chemistry11:11
roksprok_what terms should i search to find more how the fragments are stiched together?11:12
roksprok_is there a standard term for it?11:12
@kanzurethere are many methods worth knowing about.. chemical oligo synthesis, ligation chemistry, extension pcr...11:13
roksprok_cool....will do some reading...thanks11:15
@kanzureroksprok_: one of the main drivers of sequencing cost drops was the human genome project11:33
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ParahSailin_close but one gate?11:48
@kanzuresorry i meant valve11:49
@kanzureanyway i was just being hard on you :)11:49
@kanzureParahSailin_: any thoughts about why synthesis costs aren't falling faster11:49
@kanzureto me they seem stagnant.. i know the graph shows they have changed an order of magnitude over the past 8 years but.. that's nothing.11:49
ParahSailin_was afk, reading scrollback11:49
ParahSailin_why synthesis costs not falling, i guess its hard to develop a new technology other than solid support protect deprotect synthesis11:50
@kanzurei don't think so.11:51
@kanzurebut on the other hand: have people tried?11:51
ParahSailin_i think they are being quiet about it11:51
ParahSailin_heres what i think11:52
ParahSailin_most of the market in bio research is nih grants11:52
ParahSailin_so synthesis companies can charge whatever11:52
ParahSailin_and vwr, fisher, invitrogen, etc11:53
@kanzureif PCR didn't exist i bet synthesis costs would be dropping faster11:53
@kanzureParahSailin_: ok then why have they dropped at all11:55
ParahSailin_theres still some competitive pressure, but limited11:56
@kanzuresequencing cost drop wasn't initially due to competition was it?11:56
@kanzure" The publicly funded competitor UC Santa Cruz was compelled to publish the first draft of the human genome before Celera for this reason. On July 7, 2000, the UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Group released a first working draft on the web."11:56
@kanzureoh. damn.11:56
@kanzurehahah "n March 2000, President Clinton announced that the genome sequence could not be patented, and should be made freely available to all researchers. The statement sent Celera's stock plummeting and dragged down the biotechnology-heavy Nasdaq."11:57
@kanzure"The biotechnology sector lost about $50 billion in market capitalization in two days."11:57
@kanzurebahaha "But the public release of the data ensured its fair use and availability to all mankind[citation needed]"11:57
@kanzureoh geeze celera doesn't dump its data into genbank??11:59
@kanzure"A once-deafening debate over access to human genome sequence data ended quietly last week when Celera Genomics Corp. announced that it is closing its subscription-based database service and will release its genomic data on humans, rats, and mice to the public." (2005)12:04
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delinquentmekanzure,  whats this?12:11
delinquentmesubscription based database services?12:11
@kanzurewhen celera sequened the human genome they put it behind a paywall12:12
* katsmeow-afk erases the Liberace image of the genome12:13
delinquentmebiofuelz : http://www.technologyreview.com/energy/40073/?p1=A112:17
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delinquentmekanzure, to say these chips will synthesize DNA is not incorrect12:36
@kanzurethe first version will be performing phosphoramidite chemistry to create oligonucleotides12:37
delinquentmesingle stranded DNA12:37
delinquentmei think we should locate engineers12:43
delinquentmecontacting a whole company ... might be less receptive12:44
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ParahSailin_micro scale oligo synthesis could actually be pretty nice12:50
ParahSailin_it is ignored by idt because it does not fit their biz model12:50
@kanzureyou shouldn't have to worry about plasmids.. just print it out12:51
@kanzureidt is a mail order synthesis company12:51
ParahSailin_but my 25 nmol or whatever vials last way too long12:51
delinquentmeic ic12:51
ParahSailin_normally i only use a primer ideally once12:51
ParahSailin_or about 5 times because dna is evil12:51
@kanzureright.. but you're probably using a primer to rip out a gene from a genome because you can't afford to synthesize that gene12:51
@kanzurewell i guess i don't know what you're doing with your primers. maybe you don't have the gene sequenced anyway.12:52
@kanzurei bet we could get to the point where it would be cheaper to randomly synthesize strands and do hybridization.. rather than direct sequencing :P12:53
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ParahSailin_dunno about that, but micro scale oligo synthesis is a very good first step towards kilobase synthesis12:53
ParahSailin_because its useful in and of itself to people in the lab12:54
ParahSailin_i would not optimize reaction conditions ever if i could get a picomole of oligo out in less than an hour12:54
ParahSailin_i would just try again with new one12:55
kanzureParahSailin_: how much have you guys spent at idt on average?12:57
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kanzurelike average order size and number of regular orders12:57
kanzuremostly primers?12:57
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ParahSailin_i've spent a couple hundred dollars on all the primers i've ordered in the last year or two12:58
ParahSailin_only have ordered primers from them12:58
kanzurehow much would you have ordered if it was $0.0001/bp?12:58
kanzurewait let's make it easier.. $1/kbp and $1/mbp12:59
kanzureMbp.. units.12:59
ParahSailin_our lab would have paid quite a bit to have oligos on demand13:00
delinquentmethats the thing13:05
delinquentmecost = indicator of product affluence13:06
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delinquentmekatsmeow-afk, can I rig up a nut with this magic back lash eliminating spring?13:13
ParahSailin_what do you mean product affluence13:14
delinquentmeParahSailin_, product A is objectively better than product B because  ( cost of A > cost of B )13:14
delinquentmein a consumers mind13:14
ParahSailin_im not sure if thats a major driver but im sure its a part13:15
ParahSailin_when a pi writes a grant proposal, the cost of the shit he actually needs is highly "elastic" (not sure if thats right economics term)13:16
kanzureParahSailin_: any reason you guys don't have a $200k dna synth?13:16
kanzurehighly "made up" :)13:16
kanzureusually it's an ok approximation13:16
ParahSailin_whether it costs 1k or 10k to do the experiment, the nih will pay it if they deem the proposal worthy13:17
kanzure"oops i misestimated the project is actually $20 mil" doesn't happen13:17
ParahSailin_the pi doesnt care about saving money, because he quotes his salary separately in that proposal13:17
ParahSailin_his salary has no relation to the science expenses13:17
ParahSailin_the only time a pi will start behaving frugally is if he is down on his luck and no governments are throwing money at him13:19
ParahSailin_and those would a fortieri be the less cunning and resourceful ones13:20
delinquentmekanzure, what do you know about high pressue in these chips13:23
delinquentmesounds cool ... apparently there are experiments that can be run which have no bench top corrolary13:24
ParahSailin_like what13:24
delinquentmethats just what the quake lab says13:24
ParahSailin_thats the loc buzzphrase yeah13:25
kanzuredelinquentme: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/Pressure%20drops%20for%20droplet%20flows%20in%20microfluidic%20channels.pdf13:26
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kanzureneat... "the receding front of the drops suggests that the drops do not make direct contact with the walls, but instead, a thin wetting layer of oil remains in contat with the walls at all times, as also reported by others [16-18]."13:27
ParahSailin_yah we call that "plug flow"13:29
ParahSailin_reynolds number and stuff13:29
diginetwell I'm in somewhat of a predicament, because the way I see it, I have four options: 1)Find a black widow specimen, 2)get the DNA from someone, 3)pay to have the DNA synthesized, 4)wait for DIY synthesis. 1 is probably the most likely, but also rather horrifying. 4 is preferable, but I might have to wait awhile13:31
ParahSailin_what is n claviceps common name13:32
kanzure#2 is pretty easy. just start calling around.13:32
yashgarothhave you decided whether to get the genomic sequence, or reverse transcribe the RNA?13:33
diginetParahSailin_, I'm switching to L. hesperus (Black Widow) because the gene is already fully sequenced13:33
ParahSailin_dont worry about fully sequenced13:34
diginetyashgaroth, see above, I'm going with the L. hesperus gene, it actually performs better than N. Clavipes anyway13:34
ParahSailin_n claviceps gene have ends sequenced?13:34
diginetno, that's the problem, the C terminal hasn't been sequenced, otherwise it wouldnt matter13:34
kanzuredelinquentme: also http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/The%20pressure%20drop%20along%20rectangular%20microchannels%20containing%20bubbles.pdf13:34
ParahSailin_ah c terminal13:35
ParahSailin_thats actually not a problem at all13:35
diginetkanzure, well, I found the woman who did the sequencing of the L. hesperus gene.  It was post-doc research, and she's since moved to another university, so I doubt she still has samples13:35
diginetParahSailin_, oh?13:35
ParahSailin_get you a specimen and it should be easy to get that entire orf out of it13:35
diginetone perk of the L. hesperus gene is that there are no introns13:36
yashgarothoh good13:36
diginetParahSailin_, how so?13:36
diginetI know how to get specimen13:36
diginet(there are people who sell them online)13:36
yashgarothlyse cells, run pcr13:36
ParahSailin_you can get n claviceps specimen?13:36
diginetbut the black widow silk has better physical properties anyhow13:36
ParahSailin_extract rna, use poly-t- primer with a known sequence tail for reverse transcriptase, then amplify duplex13:37
diginetis reverse transcriptase DIYable?13:37
ParahSailin_hesperus is widow?13:37
ParahSailin_as diy as pcr13:37
ParahSailin_shit is all just mixing enzymes in a tube and putting at temperature13:38
yashgarothif it doesn't have introns you don't need to bother with RT then13:38
ParahSailin_id get the widow so you dont need rt13:38
diginetthe problem is13:38
diginetblack widows are scary :(13:38
yashgarothso find a dead one13:38
diginethow long does DNA keep? maybe I could get a recently deceased specimen13:38
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diginetI bet I could go on a forum for people who keep spiders as pets (weirdos) and ask for a dead black widow13:39
yashgarothit keeps well if you get them frozen, or mash them up and add some EDTA13:40
diginetwill frozen as in, in a freezer work? or does it need like LN2 freezing?13:40
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yashgarothnah just your kitchen freezer13:40
diginethmm, that seems doable13:40
diginetso just ask for a sample of a dead black widow, frozen13:41
diginetthey could ship it with dry ice13:41
kanzureyou could pay them $20 or something for it13:41
diginetthis is so weird, that this might actually come to fruition :P13:41
yashgarothehhh you'll be fine at room temp for shipping13:41
diginetbut won't it melt?13:41
diginetor are you saying I need to freeze it?13:42
diginet(once it arrives presumabely)13:42
yashgarothno I mean freezing for long term storage13:42
diginetahh right13:42
yashgarothdepends how it died...if it got squished it'll probably get digested pretty quick13:42
ParahSailin_kanzure, if you make that pdms laser id like to make a flow cyte13:43
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diginetyeah, I'd want one in otherwise good condition (apart from, you know, being dead)13:43
yashgarothdna is stable enough to have a continuous record back to the last universal common ancestor, with the right conditions13:43
ParahSailin_put an ad on zaarly for a black widow13:43
diginet(googled it)13:45
diginetwell, if I can get a specimen, I can definitely do it13:45
diginetone thing I am still wondering though, is whether sf21 cells are the ideal expression system: I mean, it seems the limiting factor would be the proprietary (and thus expensive) growth serum13:46
kanzureyou could experiment with that..13:47
diginetoh, also, what's the longest sequence you can do PCR for?13:48
ParahSailin_i never explain things because i always assume the other person will google a new word when they see it13:48
diginetgood point13:48
ParahSailin_10k is no prob with kapa hifi13:48
diginetbecause the genes are 9k and 11k respectively13:50
ParahSailin_kapa will do it13:50
ParahSailin_itll be like 3 minute extension, but it will do it13:51
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ParahSailin_sf21s will probably grow in grace medium13:51
diginetwell, hmm13:51
diginetI think it will, is grace medium expensive?13:52
diginet(as in, I seem to remember reading that somewhere)13:52
ParahSailin_it is not proprietary13:52
ParahSailin_but a bottle of media will last you a long time if you buy it13:53
ParahSailin_unless you are trying to make assloads of silk, then youll need to figure out a cheaper feedstock13:53
ParahSailin_pilot phase, just get expensive stuff that is known to work13:53
diginetyeah, that's what I think13:54
diginetdo you know anything about high 5 cells?13:54
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Urchin 13:55
ParahSailin_fancy proprietary cell line i think13:55
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ybitdiginet: if you really want a dead insect, my friend here has pet hissing cockroaches14:26
delinquentmehowy !14:27
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diginetwhat is the largest protein P. pastoris could generally express?14:50
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ParahSailinhttp://www.economist.com/node/21552202 heh14:52
ParahSailini have pichia and a vector for it14:52
diginetI'm wondering if pichia might be easier to deal with14:53
diginetI don't think the silk proteins require any sort of complex PTM14:53
ParahSailini dont think it will work14:53
diginetoh? is pichia not so great for stuff like this?14:53
ParahSailinits good for normal small proteins, it might even work with this14:54
diginet320 kDa?14:54
ParahSailincouldnt say14:55
ParahSailinmost shit, nobody knows if it will work14:55
diginetwell, I found an article that might have the answer14:55
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delinquentmekanzure, did you want to release this to HN?15:09
delinquentmelike i have 2 takes on it15:09
delinquentme1) release it if we're not going to do something with it15:09
delinquentme2) keep it to ourselves if we do plan on doing something with it15:09
kanzureyes i do want to release it but not right now15:09
kanzurelet's get to the point of having three or four scrapers working15:10
diginetwell according to this paper, Pichia expresses proteins as large as 4000 amino acids, which is a little bit larger than mine, so maybe it will work?15:10
kanzurealso why aren't i using mongo?15:10
kanzurewhat was the reason behind not using mongodb?15:10
delinquentmei thought you said sqlite was integrated15:10
delinquentmeyo kanzure15:12
delinquentmewhat if we monitized the peer review15:13
delinquentmeyou get paid a flat fee or according to your research klout score or something15:13
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delinquentmeyoo this is awesome! http://www.who.int/hinari/eligibility/en/15:23
delinquentmepoor countries get free access15:23
ThomasEgikanzure, was it you who liked that micro-fluid chip that moved around bubbles so easily?15:29
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kanzureThomasEgi: probably?15:42
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diginetI'm looking for a paper: "Microbial Production of Spider Silk Proteins" by Fahnestock, I have access to ScienceDirect, but I can't get that one, anyone here have more extensive access?16:09
delinquentmediginet, #biology or kanzure might16:09
diginetah okay, thanks16:10
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ParahSailinhttp://www.nature.com/news/african-agriculture-dirt-poor-1.10311 is permaculture the answer?16:15
ParahSailin /r/scholar?16:15
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delinquentmeholy shitbags16:52
delinquentme1 publisher16:52
delinquentme200 journals16:52
delinquentmefor their "A" section16:52
kanzuremaybe i will be moving to sf after all16:52
delinquentmeDEWWW IT16:52
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kanzurenmz787: http://www.padmapper.com/show.php?type=0&id=107922802&src=main16:56
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nmz787what do you think about optical bench w/ vibe dampenin?16:57
kanzureif we design it right we shouldn't need vibrations16:57
nmz787hah hah, ok, lets hope16:59
kanzurejbei get back with you yet?17:02
ThomasEgikanzure, bout that microfluids chip. someone asked how they moved around bubbles. my guess would be , charging the fluids, have the chip surfcase oxidized and move the charged liquid by applying applying voltage under each tile and let electrostatic forces do the trick17:04
nmz787ThomasEgi: bubbles, or droplets?17:11
kanzureThomasEgi: that's called EWOD17:11
ThomasEgidroples. sry for messing up17:11
delinquentmequake's lab has something about PDMS dissapates air  bubbles?17:11
delinquentmegas-permiable .. not fluid though?17:11
kanzureThomasEgi: the way we're thinking of using is just pumping17:11
ThomasEgihm.. should work for pumping too right?17:12
kanzurei don't see why you would do charged fluid actuation17:13
kanzureif you are also pumping17:13
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kanzure"It's even worse in university libraries, where you can actually follow up all the references by grabbing them off the shelf. The number of books piled up around you with post-it notes marking pages is roughly like the number-of-tabs metric.."17:39
nmz787i have too many tabs open, all the time...17:40
kanzurei never have enough tabs17:43
ThomasEgitabgrouping ftw17:44
kanzuretab grouping doesn't work because it hides my tabs and firefox/chrome still can't handle >50017:45
ThomasEgi500 seems like a lot17:46
ThomasEgimaybe.. you should try something else^17:46
kanzureyes especially when barely 200 works17:46
nmz787bookmarking doesn't work for me either17:46
nmz787i never visit bookmarks17:46
kanzurei just remember urls.17:47
nmz787but i do visit open tabs, if they're open and my mind makes it back to the point where i mentally forked17:47
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kanzurehttp://trance.fm/ isn't too bad for coding music18:59
Mariuthanks kanzure19:02
n_benthai like soma radio's secret agent mix19:03
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delinquentmekanzure, lets write a book on quantum biology with zero to no knwledge of it19:11
delinquentmewell little19:11
delinquentmejust to say it can be done19:11
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delinquentmeI think im gonna do a little scraping project and profile the number of r/suicidewatch posts which have the word "college" in them19:13
delinquentmethink it might make a stir?19:13
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delinquentmeany of you guys have a good way to post up a completely anon website?19:18
AdrianGu mean like, 4chan?19:18
delinquentmewell 4chan is 4 chan19:18
delinquentmei mean I want something that I can post up an infographic19:19
n_benthaLOL 4chan19:19
n_benthawhat's r/suicidewatch19:19
n_benthado ppl actually talk in there?19:19
delinquentmen_bentha, they do!19:20
delinquentmeinfact i've helped out a number of times19:20
delinquentmeall people need is a little positive focus19:20
delinquentmeand novelty :D19:20
* n_bentha goes to listen ^_^19:21
thylneThat is where the an heros post19:23
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* n_bentha lmao @ an heros19:25
kanzurei wish you guys would stop using reddit19:25
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delinquentmedoes hacker news not allow reddit links to be upvoted?19:30
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delinquentmekanzure, what the fuck?19:40
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kanzurereddit has slowly been invading this channel :(19:40
yashgarothyou've gotta admit reddit is pretty shit these days19:49
sylph_makokanzure, someone sold you out to us =J19:49
sylph_makoalso yes it is.19:49
sylph_makoSomeone told reddit about the channel.19:50
kanzureis that why? damn.19:50
sylph_makoFor some reason I'd always assumed you would have known =[19:50
kanzurei try to ignore that site heh19:50
sylph_makoLike you don't just go and tell reddit about something without making sure everyone's cool with it.19:51
sylph_makoWe need a new hivemind system that learns from reddit and steps shit up.19:51
kanzurelet's not19:51
kanzurei don't want your mind in my mind heh19:51
delinquentmeno i posted that to reddit19:52
delinquentmebut yes i posted it to reddit19:52
sylph_makoOK I'm the only one who considers reddit to be a primordial hivemind system. I see a way. A glorious enlightening way.19:53
delinquentmewhat i see is we've got kids here do do shit19:54
kanzureso apparently this guy got into thiel's incubator:19:54
delinquentme*outside* of academia19:54
delinquentmeand people need more exmaples of that19:54
kanzure"I am the next Mark Zuckerburg, the next Craig Venter" <-- sounds like an idiot19:54
yashgarothwtf are 'antibiotic resistance vaccines'19:55
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delinquentmethats what the kid said?19:55
kanzureit's on his angle.co profile....19:55
kanzuresponsored by the us airforce :|19:56
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delinquentmePS theil has his own accelerator?19:57
delinquentmeor you mean the 20 under 2019:57
delinquentmeis he still doing that too?19:58
kanzurehe's still doing 20under20 yes19:58
kanzurebut also breakout labs is via the thiel foundation19:58
delinquentmewith what technology to submit?19:58
kanzurewhat  ?19:58
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delinquentmewhat technology did he submit to breakout?19:59
delinquentmeis that not part of breakout?19:59
kanzure20under20 is not breakout labs19:59
delinquentme<kanzure> he's still doing 20under20 yes20:00
delinquentme<kanzure> but also breakout labs is via the thiel foundation20:00
kanzure"he's still doing" he=pete20:00
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kanzureok so if that guy is the next "craig venter zuckerberg" then what does that make any of us20:03
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yashgarothoh apparently 'antibiotic resistance vaccines' is related to the igem team he was on20:09
yashgarothstill looks fucking stupid20:09
delinquentmekanzure, so the kid is *not* doing breakout labs?20:14
kanzurehe's doing 20under20 i think20:16
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kanzurehmmm so bruce perens is claiming that software freedom conservancy is ok with umbrellaing hardware projects20:39
kanzurefor 501c3 status20:39
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delinquentmekanzure, i dont follow20:45
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delinquentmelolwut 'However, there is a certain temperature and pressure at which all three states of water can coexist. At this so-called critical transition, the distinction between gas, liquid, and solid essentially disappears.'21:00
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kanzurenmz787: hi21:02
delinquentmeTRE WOMP21:02
nmz787kanzure: so did you see the line about $40 vs $150 laser goggles21:06
nmz787the more expensive ones came with some certification21:06
nmz787so i think i'd prefer them21:06
nmz787the other ones were from a website that had spelling/english errors21:07
nmz787even though it said it was based in U.S.21:07
kanzurehaha i think goggles are an ok thing to splurge on21:09
nmz787basically thats what i was thinking21:09
nmz787i have to figure out the optics stuff yet, but most of it is there21:10
nmz787need to add spincoater21:10
kanzurein the google doc?21:10
kanzurewhat step is the spincoater for? pdms layering?21:11
nmz787or do we break that into a different spreadsheet?21:11
kanzurethis is a good question21:11
nmz787i guess thats not the next step21:11
nmz787from right now21:12
kanzureno we should definitely plan it out21:12
nmz787when the next step is to build a laser cutter that works21:12
nmz787and the software21:12
nmz787i guess we should start watching the market21:12
nmz787i wonder if a cdrom would work to sprin coat acrylic discs21:12
nmz787is fenn in here?21:13
kanzurefenn: ping21:13
kanzureyeah i've seen a few cdrom-based spincoaters..21:14
nmz787so i was thinking that we can have the laser move in one axis, and the substrate move in the other axis21:15
nmz787that way the optics could be simpler21:15
delinquentmeok soo my threads are running :D21:15
delinquentmeand just dies21:15
delinquentmedamn dingos21:16
charlieschwabachdiginet: why are you expressing spider silk?21:17
kanzurenmz787: yeah, we also need to uh think about the laser21:17
kanzurecharlie, i think he wants to electrospin the silk into threads21:21
charlieschwabachahh cool21:24
charlieschwabachdo you know he plans on purifying it?21:25
kanzurei assume liquid chromatography or centrifugation21:25
nmz787kanzure: have something particular in mind?21:29
charlieschwabachthat might not be fun, although electrospinning looks very cool21:30
delinquentmekanzure, can / should ruby threads spawn threads?21:30
charlieschwabachahh there are a bunch of papers21:32
charlieschwabachi did not do well in that lab in school though21:32
charlieschwabachand we had affinity columns :)21:32
yashgarothbro protein purification is hella fun21:32
charlieschwabachI have only done it the once21:37
yashgarothI've done it literally a thousand times21:37
charlieschwabachahh, awesome21:38
charlieschwabachprobably a lot more fun if you are purifying something real / not being graded ?21:38
yashgarothI even got paid21:38
nmz787i gotta do some hplc in the next week or three21:38
nmz787also gcms21:38
nmz787first time on both of them... though i used an ms for doing ion implant a few years ago21:39
nmz787that wasn't really the same, hah21:39
charlieschwabachyeah that probably helps too21:39
yashgarothwhat kind of hplc column21:39
nmz787dunno yet21:39
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nmz787yeah actually the mass spec for ion implant had this huge plasma chamber21:39
nmz787and was old as shit, with prob 4 ft x 8ft of knobs and gauges21:40
nmz787pretty insane watching the lab TA tweak it21:40
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strangewarpSo, the New Aesthetic.21:46
strangewarpLooks like some sort of important art movement is kicking off... and the album I've just started working on would incidentally fit right in! Motivation!!21:47
sylph_makoimportant how?21:54
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strangewarpImportant because it engages with the aesthetics of glitch, machine vision, and general technology things in a non-sideshow manner, from what I've read22:07
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sylph_makoVulpvibe is coming to mind.22:23
sylph_makoThat wouldn't happen to be you, would it?22:25
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strangewarpsylph_mako: Nope. But I admire his marketing ability. X)22:34
sylph_makoI once saw one of his songs on a DDR machine.22:34
strangewarpMakes sense; pretty sure DDR machines allow for fans to make their own step patterns for their favorite songs, now22:35
strangewarpImpressive that he has enough saturation that you'd just stumble over something like that22:35
sylph_makoI was certainly stumbling.22:36
sylph_makoI'm not good at conscious control over my legs. I only know how to handle terrain.22:36
strangewarp8 or 9 years ago, I was almost breaking into competitive-level DDR play, but I think I've lost all my ability by now..22:37
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strangewarphttp://thecreatorsproject.com/blog/in-response-to-bruce-sterlings-essay-on-the-new-aesthetic - More brainfood about the New Aesthetic thingy23:34
strangewarp(Also contains links to the relevant material that started the discussion)23:38
sylph_makoWhat's the point. I look at myself as a survival machine but there is no surviving indefinitely. What say the gods stop computing the universe one day. What could we have done? What could we have ever done?23:58
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