
--- Log opened Mon Apr 16 00:00:00 2012
--- Day changed Mon Apr 16 2012
Mokbortolan_"politics" is just an emergent behavior of the human mind00:00
strangewarpI made a flamoot Markov-bot on another server 8)00:01
Mokbortolan_discussing issue-level politics is pointless00:01
sylph_makobut flamoot's not that incoherent.00:01
sylph_makoSo merely :]00:02
sylph_makoand +1 Mokbortolan_. +1 so hard.00:02
Mokbortolan_I have a hard time talking to "normal" people about politics00:03
Mokbortolan_they always go on about X or Y is right or wrong, and I keep going on about their tactics in terms of the underlying psychology00:04
sylph_makoI suppose an issue becomes a political mire when the uninformed masses become fearful enough that the motives of those who engage with in issue are unjust, that they're willing to step in and fight against them without coming to know the issue intimately themselves.00:04
sylph_makoIdeally we should never have people who don't know the issues intimately involved, but, unfortunately, sometimes it will appear justifiable to get involved on summaries.00:05
sylph_makoTo be driven by summaries and editorializations from voices of authority, rather than first hand judgement.00:06
sylph_makosocial individualist: You can do what you like, because the system will stop you doing anything too terrible.00:09
Mokbortolan_well, the problem as I see it, is that people are humans00:15
Mokbortolan_logic and reason don't really enter into it most of the time00:15
Mokbortolan_it's mostly just people justifying the decisions they've already made00:16
Mokbortolan_"the social brain" is really interesting, and not least because I have one to experiment with :)00:17
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sylph_makoI was just detailing why a rational agent with limited intel might misengage, wasn't I. My friends often tell me I'm too optimistic.00:18
sylph_makoI think they're right. I think I'd be a lot less optimistic if I spent more time around normal people.00:19
jrayhawkMokbortolan_: http://www.politicalcompass.org/ if you look at the region-specific charts, the flattening is rather common to winner-takes-all election models00:19
sylph_makoOn the other hand, there's a rational basis for pursuing confirmation bias as well, isn't there.00:24
sylph_makoIt's a time-saving measure.00:25
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kanzurehi nmz78705:11
kanzurehi delinquentme_05:11
delinquentme_i guess doing electrical05:13
delinquentme_quickest way05:13
delinquentme_is to do the shit eh?05:13
kanzurehttp://spacehack.org/category/open-source http://mach30.org/ http://opensourcebridge.org/sessions/407 and whoever the hell earthlight is05:19
nmz787delinquentme_:  HEWDY HEWW!05:30
delinquentme_yeh haha05:31
nmz787prof is using peanut butter as example for HPLC stationary phase05:34
delinquentme_they dont know what to do05:35
delinquentme_academia, government huge corporations05:35
nmz787i was actually thinking i wanted to try HPLC with ground peanuts a few weeks ago05:35
delinquentme_they all specialize in everyone elses responsibility !05:35
nmz787(as the packing)05:35
delinquentme_i was about to ask ... to discover they're carbon?05:36
nmz787well you would use atomic absorbtion chromatography to do that05:37
nmz787where you just burn your sample to see the atomic spectrum05:37
nmz787i literally mean grinding peanuts to a powder and packing that into a column, then passing your sample over that column05:38
delinquentme_wait so you're using the peanuts as a consumable05:43
delinquentme_not what you're actually analysing huh05:43
nmz787it was just a thought, i haven;t tried it05:46
nmz787figure George Washington Carver would be proud05:46
kanzurehow much does a hplc column go for on ebay05:47
nmz787not sure05:47
nmz787can get expensive i know that05:48
nmz787dunno if ebay is the go-to source for columns either :)05:48
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kanzurenonsense! everything is better when from ebay05:54
kanzurehplc columns05:56
kanzuresocks? yep05:56
kanzuresandwiches? check, better from ebay05:57
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delinquentme_so whats up with the cutter kanzure nmz78705:59
nmz787i need to make a post on a physics forum about the laser06:02
kanzurei think we still haven't decided on the bluray diode vs. a co2 tube laser06:02
nmz787i had been communicating with one guy via email, but he wasn't answering my questions directly06:02
nmz787the last thing i asked simon was if the bluray drive lens fouls, I don't think its possible to replace, so is he expecting me to use drives disposably06:03
nmz787and his reply was, i dont think it will foul, but try it06:03
delinquentme_so you're worried about burning out the lenses?06:04
delinquentme_like they're not horrible expensive06:04
nmz787i mentioned the versalaser optics for $3k getting 38.1 micron spot, and he said that price sounded about right.... so physics forum could help us piece together the optics on our own, for maybe 1/3 the price hopefully06:04
nmz787nah not burning out, but getting smoky/reacted with06:04
nmz787bluray drives have a really close working distance06:05
nmz787basically he was saying the easiest thing would be to use one of those, and maybe replace the diode with a higher pwered one.... because the optics would be all figured out and taken care of06:05
nmz787but i think his perspective is el-cheapo science tricks06:05
nmz787i don't think he actually think I want to do professional quality work06:06
nmz787or that I am scared of the high cost of custom precision06:06
nmz787he makes a good point that bluray drives are commodity and cheap because of that06:07
nmz787already have small spot size06:07
nmz787but anytime I asked how to do it with custom optics, he didn't answer me other than saying it would be expensive and to try a drive first06:07
delinquentme_are there mechanical engineering IRc channels?06:11
delinquentme_i need a clevarr way to completely eliminate dust from belt degredation06:11
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kanzuredelinquentme_: haha you're in it06:18
kanzurebut if our mechanical answers suck, use #reprap and #linuxcnc06:18
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kanzurehi chandoo06:25
chandookanzure:-) how is life06:25
kanzurepretty great06:26
kanzurechandoo: what brings you here?06:26
chandoobio hacking, dns sequencing open hardware06:27
chandoobio hacking, dna sequencing open hardware06:27
delinquentme_sounds about right06:28
chandoowhat you guyz chat and do for fun here06:28
delinquentme_you know for life and bio06:29
kanzureah sorry, we only do dna synthesis, sequencing is.. well ok i guess we can do sequencing too06:31
nmz787we'll have to pull sequencing into the mix eventually06:31
nmz787to sequence DNA you basically need a 60 cm long capillary about 50 microns diameter, filled with polymer gel, and a spectrometer on the end looking for the fluorophores on the DNA molecules06:32
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-80-91.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:32
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:34
delinquentme_thats sanger right?06:34
delinquentme_howdeh JayDugger06:34
nmz787i think sanger has a lot of potential still06:35
nmz787until nanopore takes over, if it works, at least06:35
nmz787i have some ideas for low voltage sanger seq, envisioning an iPhone sequencer for field use06:36
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kanzure07:14 < oiaohm_> brocktice: blender has quite a good physic engines.  Most insane addon to bender will make it caculuate the sound water will produce running over the object07:15
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delinquentme_thats pretty nuts07:25
kanzuredelinquentme_: you know what would be better? calculating the sound of water flowing over some hairy nuts07:25
delinquentme_unique way of telling me you havnt washed in a while?07:26
delinquentme_MUH NUTS SO HAIRY07:26
delinquentme_WATER NO FLOW07:26
delinquentme_nix that "THERE IS NO WATER"07:27
kanzurewell i was trying to go for 'american machoism' but that's just downright unsanitary man07:27
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delinquentme_ThomasEgi, is micro USB a solid way to communicate between microcontrollers?08:03
delinquentme_or is there tons of slow overhead to get the usb libs working?08:04
ThomasEgimicro usb is just a plug-type08:04
phrykdelinquentme_: From what I've heard the 'normal' way people would go about this would be doin rs 232 over a serial line.08:05
phrykThen again I have almost 0 experience with µcs :P08:05
delinquentme_so effectively just the hardware08:05
ThomasEgiusb generaly is quite a lot of overhead. there are atmegas with usb controllers buildin08:05
ThomasEgithere it's okay08:05
delinquentme_yeah RS 232 is ugly08:05
ThomasEgifor most μc you are best of with rs232 on TTL levels. and a rs232-usb adabter08:05
delinquentme_if i've got a primary MC and a number of slave MCs08:06
ThomasEgicommunication between microcontrollers is a different story08:06
ThomasEgiyou have plenty of options there.08:06
delinquentme_and I pin out 12 microUSB connectors on the primary08:06
ThomasEgiwhy microusb?08:06
delinquentme_all the slave micros I've looked at have them08:07
delinquentme_and they're nice and small08:07
delinquentme_normal USB is also an option08:07
ThomasEgiyou looked at breakout/development boards then?08:07
delinquentme_but I'd like the machine to come across as recognizable as possible in all its hardware08:07
delinquentme_i've only looked at a few08:08
delinquentme_but I know I'm going to need something like a dev to get 12 USBs onto08:08
ThomasEgiyou are.. not making too much sense atm. can you try to explain what exactly you want to do (as general project idea, leaving out the technical implementation)08:09
delinquentme_theres a schematic i made08:09
nmz787uc to uc is best wit i2c or spi protocol08:09
delinquentme_basically desktop >> router >> multiple machines ( with a 1x main mc and 12 slave MCs )08:10
ThomasEgi.. why so many μc??08:10
ThomasEgibut why??08:10
delinquentme_well its designed to be able to use a single one of the cores08:11
delinquentme_or 1208:11
ThomasEgifrom what it looks you want to controll a lot of stepper motors right?08:11
delinquentme_is that specifically bad ?08:11
ThomasEgiyou dont need tons of μc then08:11
delinquentme_so to call it a mc might be a mis understanding08:11
delinquentme_basically i need a unit08:11
delinquentme_PCB MC XYZ08:12
delinquentme_that controls each core08:12
delinquentme_which reports to the main micro08:12
nmz787just need lots of gpio or a muxer08:12
delinquentme_general process IO?08:12
ThomasEgido you have dedicated stepper driver ic's?08:13
delinquentme_planning on it but those arent picked out08:13
nmz787allegro chips r good08:13
delinquentme_but thats something you put on a separate MC?08:14
ThomasEgimicrocontrollers dont drive motors08:14
ThomasEgithey only tell the driver what to do08:14
ThomasEgithe μc is ways to weak08:14
delinquentme_so what do you call a PCB with a driver chip on it?08:14
ThomasEgia stepper driver08:15
ThomasEgisome come as a single chip.08:15
ThomasEgisome are the H-bridge only, some include a logic that allows you to use direction and stepping to controll the motor.08:15
delinquentme_yeah I've seen chips like the easy driver atc08:16
ThomasEgithe whole design depends on what kind of driver you pick08:16
nmz787polulu.com has allegro breakout boards08:17
delinquentme_i think i've actually got a few of those drivers too08:17
ThomasEgiin most cases you can controll a a whole lots of steppers with a signle microcontroller08:17
nmz787h bridge is also called full bridge08:17
delinquentme_yeah I've got that guy08:17
ThomasEgithe you only need directon and step signal08:18
ThomasEgithat's 2 pins per motor08:18
ThomasEgiyou can easily drive 12 steppers on a single microcontroller with that.08:19
ThomasEgiif you get one with more giop you may end up with even more.08:19
delinquentme_not optimized08:19
nmz787wat u mean?08:20
ThomasEgiif you want it modular, you can use shift registers. with parallel load08:20
ThomasEgilike a 74hc59508:20
delinquentme_so its adding additional complexity08:20
ThomasEgithat makes it very modular08:21
ThomasEgiactually.. it doesnt08:21
delinquentme_yeah but im the guy programming it08:21
ThomasEgidoesnt make a difference.08:21
nmz787using 1 controller is less complex08:21
delinquentme_ok so 1MC08:21
delinquentme_to control 12 of these drivers08:21
delinquentme_you're saying program in something to allow me to control 12 steppers w this driver08:22
nmz787u can use 12 drivers08:23
nmz787if u dont use a shift register it wont be synchronous tho08:24
nmz787unless u use multiple cores or run way faster than u need to operate08:24
nmz787which in latter only appears synch, but really isnt08:25
nmz787ti c2000 controllers are optimized for motor control08:26
nmz787but that may be wayyy more than u need08:26
delinquentme_TLDR on "shift register" plz08:27
nmz787tldr means?08:28
delinquentme_too long didnt read08:28
nmz787in class08:28
delinquentme_haha like a 1 line summation08:28
delinquentme_on what they are08:28
nmz787serial in, parallel out08:28
nmz787or opposite08:28
delinquentme_serial commands?08:30
delinquentme_nmz787, you wanna just do the electronics for this08:30
delinquentme_ill focus on capital you can teach me how youd wire it08:31
nmz787lol, wat is it?08:31
_F7_are you trying to build an android? What is this?08:31
_F7_I've never seen a machine with more than a dozen steppers08:31
_F7_And I've seen some machines08:32
nmz787multi liquid handler08:32
_F7_I've taken one apart08:32
kanzureshould just use a micro liquid handler anyway08:32
nmz787acc to his img schematic08:32
nmz787ya i agree08:32
_F7_It was run off of a stacked electropnumatic/hydraulic system08:33
_F7_overcomplicated if you ask me08:33
_F7_but cheaper to scale and easier to control08:33
delinquentme_yeah liquid handler08:34
delinquentme_speed to market man!08:34
_F7_It was an automated cell counter08:34
delinquentme_take a tech they already grok and make it so stupid cheap they'd be tards not to buy08:34
delinquentme_undercut tecan08:34
_F7_seemed to use inflourescence and some trick chemistry08:34
kanzuredoes tecan make money?08:35
ThomasEgisry for the absence. delinquentme_ with enough gpio you dont need shift registers to controll 12 steppers. all you need is 2 pins per stepper.08:36
delinquentme_does pharma need more robots?08:36
ThomasEginmz787, using 595 shift registers allows you to add a global clock strobe. so you can step hundrets of motors in perfect sync.08:37
nmz787595 is a chip series?08:38
ThomasEgiit is a logic chip.08:38
ThomasEgia serial in, serial+parallel out.08:38
delinquentme_so yeah i've got 2 pins to control each of those drivers .. so total of 48 pins for controlling the steppers08:38
ThomasEgiwith a output register08:39
ThomasEgiin that case you can get 24 steppers08:39
ThomasEgion a single microcontroller08:39
ThomasEgiif you go with the 74hc595. you only need 3 pins. it is more modular and the code is cleaner.08:40
ThomasEginot sure if it makes a lot of sense to go this way tho.08:41
ThomasEgiyour biggest problem will be to supply the actual commands to the microcontroller. fast enough.08:41
delinquentme_to the MC from the desktop you're saying08:42
ThomasEgithe motors usualy are driven with precise timing. so in most cases the entire programm for driving the motors is running on the microcontroller.08:43
ThomasEginot sure if that applies to microfluids too.08:43
delinquentme_but its then not a good idea to have a primary micro controlling slave micros?08:43
nmz787ftdiusb to serial can do mbits easily08:43
ThomasEginmz787, bitrate isnt the problem. timing is08:44
ThomasEgidelinquentme_, that only distributes the problem. but doesnt simplify it.08:44
nmz787sd card imo is good n cheap08:45
nmz7871 wire comm08:45
delinquentme_slave MC polls for code ... waits for commands from the Primary mc08:45
ThomasEginmz787, the point is. you have to actually drive 24 steppers motors.08:45
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, but doesnt the slave MC have its own processor?08:45
ThomasEgithat means. you have to know direction, the time between steps, and the total ammount of steps08:45
delinquentme_and if the primary MC is doing nothing but sending out short bit-based protocols?08:45
ThomasEgidelinquentme_, waiting deadlocks all steppers connected.08:46
ThomasEgiso your master-microcontroller has to supply the data at the right time.08:46
delinquentme_that doesnt make sense08:46
ThomasEgia microcontroller cant do multitasking08:46
ThomasEgiit can only do one thing at a time.08:47
delinquentme_so it sends out a protocol and moves onto checking all the other registers08:47
ThomasEgiyou can have interrupts from the internal timers, but if your master cant supply the new data, it wont move a bit08:47
delinquentme_corresponding to all the slave MCs08:47
delinquentme_if a slave MC has something to report back it pops its register and the Primary controller reads that output08:47
nmz787propeller can multitask08:47
delinquentme_otherwise if no registers are in a popped state the main mc will sequentially read the 1-12 registers over and over and await new commands from the desktop08:48
ThomasEgidelinquentme_, you cant just remote-access registers in other microcontrollers08:48
delinquentme_ok register is the wrong word08:49
ThomasEgiwhen you send data around. one microcontroller is busy sending. and the other is receiving08:49
delinquentme_designate a connection between the primary and each of the slaves08:49
delinquentme_high = new information08:49
delinquentme_low = pass onto next MC08:49
ThomasEgi... during the actual data transmittion...they will still be busy08:49
delinquentme_so you're saying that 1) Primary sends command to slave 2) slave stops all processing 3) reads input 4) does stuff08:50
delinquentme_perfect we're working in a state machine08:50
delinquentme_like that sounds ideal to me?08:51
ThomasEgiyeah. but the thing is. your slave serves many steppers.08:51
ThomasEgiwhile it waits for the info on one of them. the others can deadlock.08:51
delinquentme_each slave is going to either be 1) controlling a stepper or linear actuator 2) checking the value on a few sensors08:52
ThomasEgiyou want to get feedback data too??08:52
ThomasEgiall in one circuit?08:52
delinquentme_is that crazy?08:52
delinquentme_like were running at how many Hz08:53
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ThomasEgi... well crazy is something else but it does make stuff more difficult08:53
delinquentme_yeah i guess i should have labeled the string pot as a sensor08:53
ThomasEgii thought the pot was for controlling motor current or so08:53
delinquentme_each slave needs to control 2 steppers, 1 linear actuator, 1 string potentiometer and 1 physical switch08:53
delinquentme_nah its for location08:54
ThomasEgiin that case. you are no longer "controlling"08:54
delinquentme_there are 12 slaves in the system08:54
ThomasEgiinstead, you are regulating08:54
delinquentme_and an additional 4 string pots and 4 steppers08:54
ThomasEgilike giving your slave a target to reach08:54
delinquentme_ok can you explain a bit more about that08:55
delinquentme_thall work08:55
ThomasEgiusualy. you drive steppers blindly.08:55
ThomasEgiyou know the mechanics and stuff. calculating the neccessary steps. and simply force them on the motor.08:55
ThomasEgiwith no feedback at all08:55
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ThomasEgiwith maybe an endstop-switch08:56
delinquentme_no rotary encoder on the steppers?08:56
delinquentme_i've been told thats kind of a "you always do that"08:56
ThomasEgithey are steppers already08:56
delinquentme_which can miss a step08:56
ThomasEgiif you tell it to make one step. it will make one08:56
delinquentme_ideally you have sufficient power not to08:56
delinquentme_or get bigger steppers08:56
ThomasEgi(given you stay within operational parameters)08:56
delinquentme_but does it hurt that you've got multiple verifications?08:57
ThomasEgiyeah. it does :D08:57
delinquentme_how so?08:57
delinquentme_more things to program?08:57
ThomasEgiit will cause you headaces when designing the circuit, logic, and code08:57
kanzuredelinquentme_: you should consider using linuxcnc08:57
ThomasEgiso it will hurt you08:57
kanzureyou don't need 1 MHz stepping so you can just use linuxcnc08:57
_F7_Yo-yo potentiometers are way expensive. I can't imagine displacement is very much?08:57
delinquentme_160 for 3' @ sub mm accuracy08:58
_F7_It's for the linear actuator, right?08:58
delinquentme_nah its to locate microplates along a 3' span08:58
delinquentme_https://github.com/delinquentme/LH002/raw/master/images/LH002_full_01.png << along the z axis in this pic08:58
_F7_to what accuracy?08:59
delinquentme_they need to hit a space of 7mm08:59
delinquentme_so i think encoders @ sub mm will do08:59
_F7_that is pretty rough08:59
_F7_so easy08:59
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, heres the thing w the encoders on steppers .. when CMU roboticists say you should always measure them08:59
delinquentme_like I find that a smart thing to do09:00
_F7_Have you tried to source them yet?09:00
delinquentme_and like lets be honest ... that is *the source* of your movement09:00
delinquentme_gotta call the dude later today to see if hell send me free samples :D09:00
_F7_Yeah I know, but did you get a quote?09:00
_F7_ah, cool09:00
ThomasEgidelinquentme_, you are not doing robotics here.09:00
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, this is not robotics?09:01
_F7_you're looking at mm accuracy in a three inch span09:01
ThomasEgiwell not to the extend robotics applies09:01
_F7_three feet?09:01
delinquentme__F7_,  3 foot09:01
delinquentme_3' ive always used as 3 feet :D09:01
ThomasEgiin robotics you could expericence big loads that my overload your motors capabilities, thus losing steps09:01
delinquentme_3" inches09:01
ThomasEgiin your case. you are just driving a very well known system. so you can make sure no steps are lost.09:02
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, so your argument is make the steppers bigger to guarantee you dont miss a step09:02
delinquentme_" solve it  with steppers intead of sensors"09:02
ThomasEgijust make sure you stay within the operational parameters09:02
ThomasEgithere is no need to over-dimension your steppers.09:02
ThomasEgijust get them right.09:02
delinquentme_so no rotary encoders on steppers09:03
ThomasEgiin your case there simply is little reason to assume that your motor will be overloaded, thus losing steps09:03
delinquentme_like I can see the string pot covering the placement easily enough09:03
ThomasEgiyou can use them. but there is no need.09:03
_F7_Ah, I have a middle-solution09:03
ThomasEgiif you lose steps, then you need a bigger motor anyway.09:04
_F7_Use properly sized steppers and a microswitch to home them in09:04
ThomasEgias you have no peak-loads09:04
delinquentme_i need to source the peristaltic pump09:04
_F7_There are pretty decent ones inside of swiffer wetjets..09:05
delinquentme_haha so you've said :D09:05
delinquentme_so the peristaltic pumps will come with or without encoders but thats depending on the supplier09:07
delinquentme_http://www.welco.net/wp10a_e.html these look pretty09:08
ThomasEgithose are DC motors09:11
ThomasEginot steppers09:11
ThomasEgiwithout encoders you are totaly lost with DC09:11
_F7_twenty bucks, crack open a wetjet09:11
_F7_stick a rotary encoder inline. done09:11
_F7_well, not done09:12
_F7_but there's some hackery09:12
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kanzure"Integrated 3D-printed reactionware for chemical synthesis and analysis"09:14
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kanzurethere's also another article floating around today..09:22
kanzure"Frustrated ALS Patients Concoct Their Own Drug"09:22
kanzureoh nevermind. this is just a patientslikeme spin piece.09:24
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delinquentme_HOWDEH kidz09:29
n_benthahey kanzure09:30
n_benthadid u get that hail in h-town?09:30
delinquentme_this is cool http://www.labcyte.com/09:38
delinquentme_umm price collusion is illegal yes?09:42
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delinquentme_how about product collusion?09:42
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kanzurethey will want "IP"09:42
n_benthasonice liquid handling so cool09:43
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delinquentme_I guess I could outsource support contracts to big supplier09:46
delinquentme_thats open source09:46
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delinquentme_kanzure, has anyone coined the term ajar-source hardware?09:50
delinquentme_Can we agree yet that this is a machine task?09:53
kanzureeveryone /agrees/ of course09:57
kanzurebut nobody wants to buy the $15k machine to do it09:57
delinquentme_how cheap can we get it09:59
delinquentme_IZ DUH QUESTSHUN09:59
audyjust use undergrads09:59
delinquentme_MARKETING MATERIALS09:59
delinquentme_im writing them10:00
delinquentme_audy, and this is why academia isnt the target market10:00
delinquentme_because replace grad students with machines10:00
audyhmm this thing really costs $15K?10:00
delinquentme_not only lessens the university's ability to employ the people they train but it ALSO lessens the chance that a prof can make one of his grads his wife!10:01
audyI have a "system" for repetitive pipetting work10:01
delinquentme_audy, nah i dont think the LED tracker costs 15g10:01
delinquentme_hold your breath?10:01
audyLike rotating the tubes after each step10:01
audymy PI married his graduate student10:02
delinquentme_there you go10:03
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delinquentme_dont tell me that srsly my heads big enough10:03
audyI'm confused10:03
delinquentme_audy, about what10:04
audythe size of your head10:04
delinquentme_ohh hahah its an american saying for having a big ego10:04
delinquentme_or thinking you know everything10:04
delinquentme_audy, where you from?10:05
audyI know but was it the rotating of the tubes or the marrying of the grad student that caused in the inflation?10:05
audydelinquentme_ vermont.10:05
delinquentme_the marrying of the PI to the student10:05
audyyeah that's common10:05
delinquentme_like academia is a system onto itself10:05
delinquentme_and its more about showing how "intelligent" you are10:05
delinquentme_i shouldn't have said that hahah!10:06
audyIt's just a job10:06
audydoes anyone know a good way to quickly record audio onto a lot of casette tapes?10:06
audyI need an industrial casette tape recorder10:07
audymaybe this is the wrong channel.10:07
kanzureyou could pay a bunch of people to do it for you ?10:08
kanzureor you could buy a lot of recorders10:08
audyI meant the equipment really10:10
delinquentme_#electronics would probs have some solid guesses10:10
katsmeow-afkbuy some 1980's high speed duplicators10:19
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Utopiah(ad) http://www.travellingsalesmanmovie.com10:20
katsmeow-afkthe top end models would do 64x normal speed10:20
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delinquentme_nmz787, I need a 4 million sqf solar sail by next week10:40
delinquentme_and i need to check on you  progress in a few hours :D10:40
delinquentme_in all seriousness what are the aspects of a company10:41
delinquentme_to approach for partnering10:41
kanzurewhat are you partnering for?10:41
delinquentme_i think open source is sufficiently scary10:41
delinquentme_money, street cred and maybe some bio consulting10:41
delinquentme_i fear their software stack though10:42
delinquentme_they're gonna be BLAHHH ASP ORACLE10:42
kanzureno i mean, what are you offerring a potential partner10:42
kanzureyour insight is weak and anyone who has thought about lab robotics can say the same things :p10:42
delinquentme_nah i wouldnt say that10:43
delinquentme_most lab roboticists are conditioned for the existing system10:44
delinquentme_but part of that is doing the shit10:44
delinquentme_partner with labs who have the crazy sensors10:44
delinquentme_partner w tecan for their pressure sensitive pipetting10:44
delinquentme_build the rest of the machine10:45
delinquentme_use their pipettes10:45
kanzurewhy would they partner with you, again?10:47
kanzuredo you mean "buy from tecan"?10:47
delinquentme_if you've got ajar-source hardware10:49
delinquentme_and they're seeing that what they can do with 60g10:49
delinquentme_i can do with 1010:49
delinquentme_and the market supports this ajar source more than closed10:50
kanzurethe cost to develop, build or make their product is not $60k10:52
kanzureto develop it they probably spent a few million because they hired some engineers who said so10:53
kanzureto build it they are probably paying a few hundred bucks in parts10:53
kanzureassembly/testing- not sure- could be anything10:53
delinquentme_oh for sure i know their costs are massive10:54
delinquentme_i mean at production this could be substantially cheaper than 15k10:54
delinquentme_IDK how much10:54
delinquentme_that requires nmz787 and ThomasEgi10:54
ThomasEgikanzure is pretty much right about that10:55
delinquentme_i mean it would be sweet to be able to hire like 10 of us wouldn't it10:55
ThomasEgidevelopment is expensive. and if you dont sell in numbers. you have to get your money back with high prices10:55
delinquentme_totally i agree they've spent way too much10:56
delinquentme_true dev is expensive10:56
kanzuredelinquentme_: i don't understand why they would hire 10 of us?10:56
delinquentme_hahah no10:56
kanzurethat's already at least a million/year10:56
delinquentme_they'd say " Ok yes we need a way to transition into the open source world"10:56
delinquentme_these guys have a concept10:56
delinquentme_ehh as a startup slightly less10:56
delinquentme_but yeah thats once its going10:57
kanzurei doubt tecan wants to transition into being an open source hardware company10:57
delinquentme_5 years in without question you could make 100 per10:57
delinquentme_for sure10:57
delinquentme_maybe not them10:57
delinquentme_but someone will10:57
kanzurehow do you know that?10:57
delinquentme_but im saying tecan could be incentivized10:57
kanzurewith what10:57
ThomasEgiif there is lots of money to be made. people will make money.10:57
delinquentme_selling their OEM pumps10:57
kanzurewhy would we want their pumps10:57
delinquentme_make big robot and sell tons of their little pressure pumps10:58
kanzurewho cares- another proprietary hardware company, big deal..10:58
nmz787i've always heard production in tech/lab industry is generally about 1/10th the selling price10:58
delinquentme_but what im saying is you get to lead the 900 lb gorilla10:58
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, true10:58
delinquentme_but HOW that money is made10:58
delinquentme_what if we make the walmart of biotech hardware10:58
ThomasEgiby selling stuff as expensive as possible.10:58
delinquentme_like walmart is a bad name to use but sell on volume10:59
ThomasEgithen you need customers.. lots of them10:59
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, this is more marketing and business10:59
delinquentme_I'll handle it10:59
ThomasEgias far as i can see. there simply arent enough10:59
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, could that be because everyone thinks biotech is SUUUPER hard?10:59
delinquentme_what if you go in with a team of kids without degrees in this shit10:59
delinquentme_and say *LOOK WHAT WE DID*10:59
delinquentme_pretty good example no?11:00
ThomasEgibecause most people rather spend their time sitting in front of tv's eating potatoes. instead of biohacking11:00
delinquentme_make science approachable!11:00
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, why is that11:00
kanzurescience is approachable11:00
ThomasEgibcause humans are lazy11:00
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, so then you make it easy11:00
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, are humans also curious?11:00
kanzureanyway, most VC firms will not dump money on a group of people without phds11:00
ThomasEgicurious enoguh to switch tv channels11:00
kanzureat least biotech VC11:00
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, do humans have a deep rooted will to live?11:00
delinquentme_Do our lizard brains tell us to run the fuck away from that Trex?11:01
ThomasEgidelinquentme_, lazyness wins . at least in our modern society11:01
delinquentme_I think so.11:01
kanzureyou just got super philo on me11:01
kanzureyou were talking about walmarts of biotech11:01
nmz787i am a 'hacker' because i like being lazy11:01
kanzureand now you're on to tv lazyboy chairs11:01
kanzurelook, stay focused11:01
delinquentme_kanzure, wholistic approach11:01
nmz787the exact reason i'm doing mircofluidics research and not macrofluidics11:01
* delinquentme_ passes the joint11:01
nmz787because macro requires me to be less lazy11:01
kanzuredelinquentme_: i think you need to think harder11:01
kanzurenobody is going to hand you $50 mil on a whim11:02
kanzureyou just don't have that sort of name recognition11:02
delinquentme_you dont need 50 million11:02
delinquentme_you need 100g11:02
delinquentme_at MOST11:02
ThomasEginot saying everyone is lazy.. but most are. and if you want to sell stuff for low prices you need to sell in masses. but masses wont buy it because they are lazy.11:02
ThomasEgithat simple11:02
kanzureok, we have 100g no problem11:02
kanzurestop worrying about money, jesus11:02
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, lolol you're rolling so much stuff together here11:02
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, you dont need to sell to everyone ... what about scientists, academics and hobby biologists ALL want thsi machine11:03
delinquentme_do you think that makes enough of a market to pay a few kids?11:03
* delinquentme_ thinks so11:03
ThomasEgithey wont. they have very diverse interests. and only a few will actually need one.11:03
delinquentme_kanzure, give me money so i can go start cutting parts :D11:03
ThomasEgiand that's about as many as we have right now11:03
kanzuredelinquentme_: ok what parts do you want to cut/why?11:03
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, only a very few people will ever need computers11:03
delinquentme_kanzure, i need 3grand11:04
delinquentme_main rail + 1 LH core11:04
delinquentme_3 grand i can get started11:04
ThomasEgidelinquentme_, most people buy one anyway. because they are lazy and want to be entertained11:04
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, what if ...11:04
ThomasEgiwhat if - is not part of reailty.11:04
delinquentme_we begin sequencing everyones DNA .. and we develop software which will allow us specific benefits by customizing drugs that we dose outselves on11:05
kanzuredelinquentme_: 3 grand for what11:05
delinquentme_is that close enough to reality for you?11:05
ThomasEgigreat idea. they will make a tv-show and entertain lazy people with it.11:05
kanzureThomasEgi: are you feeling ok?11:05
delinquentme_kanzure, a " main rail " and a single 8 channel liquid handling core11:05
kanzuredelinquentme_: ok. why the hell does that cost $3k?11:05
delinquentme_theres the parts list11:06
kanzureyour parts are probably wrong11:06
kanzuredrive belts? :/11:06
ThomasEgipoint is. if it takes more then pressing 4 buttons at most. the average idiot you encounter at wallmart will turn away again.11:06
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delinquentme_ThomasEgi, you're being a bittery betty11:06
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, how many people play video games11:06
ThomasEgidelinquentme_, i just met too many fools on this planet.11:07
delinquentme_how much button pressing is that11:07
ThomasEgidelinquentme_, bout 511:07
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, well then go be foolish with them11:07
delinquentme_you're here in the company of educated driven individuals11:07
ThomasEgieven hardcore gamers usualy go with less than 8 buttons11:07
delinquentme_if you're going to say contrarian stuff you need to be specific and realistic11:07
ThomasEgimost casual games go with 3 to 511:07
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, if you want to justify your own laziness do it elsewhere11:08
delinquentme_seriously im trying to do shit here11:08
ThomasEgiso am i11:08
delinquentme_you're trying to tell me this cant be done11:08
ThomasEgijust giving advice that counting on the average fool out there is not a good idea.11:08
kanzurei think it's safe to conclude that ThomasEgi really really hates your walmart/biotech idea11:08
delinquentme_and i dont care how hard you push I will not hear it11:08
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, I said about 5 minutes back that I dont need to be MTV to make money11:09
ThomasEgiin that case i missed that information11:09
delinquentme_nor do I need to be on par with rhianna as a house hold name to make a difference11:09
delinquentme_I dont need *EVERYONE*11:09
delinquentme_i just need *ENOUGH*11:09
kanzureok so again.. why are you using belts11:10
ThomasEgidelinquentme_, good luck then.11:10
delinquentme_and there are fierce intelligent individuals out there who are put HUGE money into this with the belief that thell extend lives11:10
delinquentme_and I'm with those people ... not the ones who would rather sit back and say " CANT BE DONE "11:10
delinquentme_kanzure, umm thats just the design11:10
delinquentme_also they're fast11:10
delinquentme_that can be changed11:10
delinquentme_huge steppers are also an option11:11
kanzureyes but the design influences cost11:11
kanzurei don't see why to drop $3k on this11:11
delinquentme_but! yes reducing costs obv is a solid pursuit11:12
kanzurei think a solid design is important11:12
delinquentme_so you're just saying put in an acme threaded rod or a ball screw11:13
kanzurei would trust someone else's design instincts over my own11:13
kanzureyou should look at fenn's liquid handler designs11:14
delinquentme_fenn_, you around?11:14
delinquentme_de donde es liquid handler11:14
kanzurefenn_: yeah, where are you anyway?11:15
delinquentme_also i want modular cores which hook up to a central unit :D11:15
delinquentme_then I be happy11:15
kanzurefenn hides behind his rotating sleep schedule, but i just need to install a cron job on his laptop that publishes his sleep log11:15
delinquentme_also acceleration through resonance point11:15
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delinquentme_and if someone wants me to check their diff eqs on that I can11:15
delinquentme_ThomasEgi, apologies for reaming :D11:16
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nmz787delinquentme_:  tell us again why you want to do macro liquid handling instead of micro? whats your intended application?11:18
delinquentme_nmz787, IMO theres fewer things that need to be done11:19
delinquentme_and like people have liquid handlers now11:19
delinquentme_so its not this big tech jump for them11:19
delinquentme_its like same thing >> cheaper11:19
delinquentme_people are slow .. so like11:19
delinquentme_this is something they understand11:19
delinquentme_and just I know it will sell11:20
kanzuredo they want to buy it ?11:20
delinquentme_margins alone itll sell11:20
delinquentme_good question11:20
delinquentme_how do you find out11:20
kanzureyou ask them11:20
kanzureget a list of 40 people (not us)11:20
delinquentme_do you ask them or do you tell them that their colleagues have 211:20
delinquentme_hahah its the faster horse problem kanz11:20
kanzurea car didn't *exist* at the time11:21
kanzureliquid handling machines already exist.11:21
delinquentme_haha ok youre right11:21
delinquentme_the thing is11:21
delinquentme_do we NEED 4011:21
delinquentme_i say we need no more than 111:21
kanzureyes, you need to know how many people will buy one11:21
delinquentme_guess who that 1 will be11:21
delinquentme_some big ass company that needs to see shit11:21
delinquentme_do you wanna go around pedaling to individual labs?11:21
kanzurethat's how you do sales11:22
delinquentme_whos your market here?11:22
delinquentme_its one way !11:22
kanzureif you are selling then you have a sales cycle11:22
delinquentme_yes but what im asking is who would you want to sell to11:22
delinquentme_schools fuck that11:22
delinquentme_we've established that PIs need a pool of hot grad students to pick from11:22
kanzureyou've got it backwards11:22
delinquentme_so they dont want that replaced11:22
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kanzureyou should find the customers first, then figure out what they need11:23
delinquentme_we need to go to industry11:23
kanzurenot "i have a product, and no customers, wah"11:23
delinquentme_kanzure, if they have liquid handlers11:23
delinquentme_does that not mean11:23
kanzuredelinquentme_: explain to brownies what you are trying to sell11:23
delinquentme_they need liquid handlers?11:23
delinquentme_brownies, i have this stuff11:23
delinquentme_that you put into brownies11:23
delinquentme_kanzure, TLDR11:23
delinquentme_whats more convincing ... walking up to these guys after getting 4g to proto and saying here11:24
delinquentme_stress test it and tell me if you want to buy11:24
kanzurebrownies: delinquentme wants to build el-cheapo liquid handling machines for lab automation11:24
delinquentme_or calling them up saying " so im thinking about building"11:24
kanzurebrownies: so, i told him to go find 40 people who will buy one11:24
kanzurei mean, let me clarify11:24
delinquentme_kanzure, we dont want 40 people though11:24
delinquentme_we want 1 BASF11:24
kanzurehe wants to get funding to do that, heh11:24
delinquentme_we want 1 Thermo Fisher11:24
delinquentme_we want 1 JCVI11:24
delinquentme_or like 5 of them11:24
kanzuredelinquentme_: why would thermo fischer pay for you to do it ?11:24
kanzurei just don't get it11:25
browniesa series of tubes, you say?11:25
kanzurebrownies: indeed sir, except an automated series of tubes11:25
delinquentme_because I called them and they've got an automation dept who does assembly for research labs11:25
delinquentme_and " we're always looking for low-cost alternatives"11:25
kanzureok.. so why didn't they buy 20?11:25
browniesyes, but when you say "i have this crazy idea, i built it, no one's used it ever" that's high-risk => high-cost to them11:25
delinquentme_Thermo has inhouse engineers who take the existing equip and attempt to automate shit11:25
delinquentme_brownies, thats why you let them stress test it11:26
delinquentme_actions = louder than words11:26
kanzureagain, why didn't they buy 20?11:26
kanzureif you're 10% the cost?11:26
delinquentme_kanzure, what am I selling11:26
kanzurei thought you were selling your machine!11:26
browniesyou "let" them spend a bunch of money on said idea? how nice of you.11:26
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browniesi suggest the onus is on *you* to de-risk it *for* them11:27
delinquentme_kanzure, they wan to test11:27
kanzureok. so let them test?11:27
delinquentme_they want tech demos and videos11:27
delinquentme_on what machine?11:27
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kanzurethe one you built11:27
delinquentme_nedz proto11:27
delinquentme_thats piddly11:27
delinquentme_thats not even a LH11:27
delinquentme_if i was selling a single plate dispenser ok11:27
delinquentme_im selling a LH machine11:28
delinquentme_im 10 miles from a western union11:28
delinquentme_nmz787, if I may .. I think that I can go directly to prototyping with just an EE11:29
kanzureok soo you have no deal with thermofischer11:29
delinquentme_sounds simple to you doesnt it?11:29
kanzureyou need to go find someone who will buy it11:29
delinquentme_kanzure,  you want me to sell it11:29
delinquentme_before I prototype it?11:29
kanzurethat's how it goes11:29
kanzureyou find customers who agree to buy it11:30
kanzurebrownies: unless you know a better way11:30
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delinquentme_kanzure, what im saying is that I want to deal with 1000 lb gorillas11:31
delinquentme_( yes they keep getting bigger )11:31
delinquentme_and to effectively do that11:32
delinquentme_or more succinctly " the easiest way "11:32
delinquentme_is to get 3000 .. build the shit11:32
delinquentme_and say " play with it "11:32
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kanzureyou should ask them what work they would want done on lh00111:33
kanzureand then get them to agree to order some # of them once that work is completed11:34
kanzurei mean, you get them to do that order upfront11:34
delinquentme_the lh001 doesnt get the emo response11:35
delinquentme_like its cute11:35
delinquentme_I want impending11:35
delinquentme_let that shit sell itself11:35
kanzurenothing "sells itself"11:36
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ThomasEgiwait. did i get that wrong or are you trying to sell lab equipment by adding cuteness to the device?11:36
brownieshe's going to super-glue $3000 worth of googly eyes to it11:37
brownieskanzure is right, you need to find people who want what you have before you blow a bunch of cash building it11:37
browniesand if the thing you want to build is complicated and expensive, then that's only *more* true.11:37
nmz787delinquentme_: kanzure is right that thermo fisher has their own engineers... and likely won't outsource buying from a no-name company unless you're offering something novel11:38
delinquentme_nmz787, ummmm im not sure I follow?11:39
delinquentme_yes they have engineers11:39
delinquentme_but that doesnt mean they're not working on super automaton 500011:39
delinquentme_where I've got the silly little toy11:39
delinquentme_kanzure, do apple products?11:39
delinquentme_you're telling me that all sales is pivotal around dig grabbing and belly rubbing11:40
delinquentme_some people can make logical evaluations11:40
delinquentme_brownies, we've establsihed that people want it11:41
delinquentme_theres a market for them no?11:41
delinquentme_people buy beamers11:41
browniesi think that what you've established is that "there exist people who want it"11:41
delinquentme_people need the utility of transport11:41
browniesand what you need to establish is "here are 20 of those people, and their phone numbers, and their written agreement to test my duct-taped prototype"11:41
delinquentme_so theres probably going to be people who need kias too11:41
kanzurebrownies: it would be pretty cool if 20 written agremeents would be enough for angel investing11:44
kanzureor N<=100011:44
brownieswho said angel investing?11:46
browniesi thought you wanted a *business*11:46
kanzuredelinquentme just wants money11:47
delinquentme_brownies, umm i dont follow11:47
delinquentme_I want to build a robot to talk for me11:47
delinquentme_please comprehend the nuances of that statement ;D11:47
browniesi thought you wanted to sell series of tubes to people11:47
delinquentme_well tubes transistors and motors11:48
delinquentme_+ duct tape11:48
delinquentme_brownies, you're an angle arent you11:48
delinquentme_you should fund me11:48
kanzurean angle? haha11:48
browniesi am rather acute11:48
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nmz787you're acutey11:49
nmz787acutey pi11:49
browniesand he's a bit obtuse, how complementary11:50
brownieshm, took just over 20 minutes before i could steer the convo to math puns, not bad.11:51
delinquentme_brownies, tangests = bad11:52
delinquentme_is anyone else on biocoder?11:53
delinquentme_id they jsut enable friending or something?11:53
nmz787is biocoder that microsoft library?11:53
kanzureyes :/11:53
kanzuredelinquentme_: maybe you should become a salesman at tecan11:55
delinquentme_under the table .. between you and me .. this is the machine you really want?11:56
nmz787we want microfluidics11:56
delinquentme_well you want them to be able to do service on them too11:58
delinquentme_( with their existing techs )11:58
delinquentme_its good for their business no?11:58
kanzureoh shit what?11:59
kanzurei think i just emailed john carmack11:59
kanzure<johnc@idsoftware.com> yep, crap, definitely him11:59
kanzurejohn carmack is your god12:00
kanzuredoom? quake? armadillo aerospace?12:00
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nmz787what you say?12:02
delinquentme_4 random characters12:03
kanzureOn Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 1:35 PM, John Carmack <johnc@idsoftware.com> wrote:12:03
kanzure> My two attempts at modest prizes have not given a lot of hope for this.  $2k12:03
kanzure> for a static engine test of a high performance engine has stood for over a12:03
kanzure> decade:12:03
kanzure> http://media.armadilloaerospace.com/misc/hppa2.htm12:03
kanzure> The initial $5k for the 100kft Micro Prize eventually got boosted up over12:03
kanzure> $10k with matching donations, but it has been over a year since it was first12:03
kanzure> offered, and it still hasn’t been fully claimed, although I was happy to12:03
kanzure> give half-credit to Qu8ke.12:03
kanzure> doing tethered liftoffs.  The X-Prize was a grand thing, but aside from12:03
kanzure> Scaled, the rest of the field was a bit out of touch with the reality of the12:03
kanzure> problem (Armadillo included).12:04
kanzure> I don’t hold out much hope for getting worthwhile things accomplished with12:04
kanzure> four figure prize sums, but I probably will entertain additional prizes of12:04
kanzure> this magnitude.  I feel comfortable with the notion of styling them as12:04
kanzure> “paying for the public report of something you would want to do anyway” more12:04
kanzure> than a prize that is supposed to motivate people.12:04
kanzureOn Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Bryan Bishop <kanzure@gmail.com> wrote:12:04
kanzure> Is there any particular reason keeping it as a prize is more useful than12:04
kanzure> just directly paying someone $x,000 to do the work? Besides the obvious12:04
kanzure> and the whole competition seemed a little fuzzy at times- why not just pay12:04
kanzure> answer that it's very hard to find quality work for $x,000. I was putting12:04
kanzure> together gadaprize.org, a $20k and $80k prize fund for RepRap related work,12:04
kanzure> people the $10k to go do the work and make a better PCB? etc. Obviously, the12:04
kanzure> technical realities are different, but the thinking is somewhat the same.12:04
nmz787i see12:05
delinquentme_Re: Duh12:05
delinquentme_oh nm that was the reply12:06
nmz787paypal is a bunch of scumbags12:10
nmz787they shut down my account and wouldn't tell me why12:11
nmz787even though all i buy is stuff like electronics and car parts from ebay12:11
delinquentme_TIL atheism is stigmatized12:11
nmz787my girlfriend, who lives with me, also had hers shut down... because she is associated with me12:11
delinquentme_yeah paypal is there to protect the larger portion of their market12:12
delinquentme_the customers12:12
nmz787even though she only ever buys clothes from ebay12:12
nmz787i used to sell a lot on ebay12:12
delinquentme_like kanzure said under wear is better on ebay12:12
nmz787was one of their platinum members or whatever12:12
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delinquentme_it is what it is12:19
delinquentme_they're wildly sucessful12:19
delinquentme_ok i need to think through selling without having a product12:20
delinquentme_ill tt u kids in a bitskis12:20
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delinquentmekanzure,  how many OKs du want13:10
kanzureget 10-20 people to say they will buy it13:11
delinquentmesince you're not going to get a hard contract out of that how about interest13:12
delinquentme" we would be interested in testing a model "13:13
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kanzuredelinquentme: no i mean a signed piece of paper13:17
kanzurethis happens more often than you might think13:17
delinquentmereally now13:18
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delinquentmekanzure, tell me more13:20
kanzurebrownies: i dunno, you have a link?13:20
browniesit's called a non-binding letter of interest13:21
kanzuresuperbrownies to the rescue13:21
browniesfor your purposes, an email from the lab manager saying "we have cleared out a space on our lab bench for your tubes" would also suffice.13:21
kanzuredunno.. cleaning is a very huge commitment13:22
kanzureeven when you get a new grad student, they don't clean13:22
browniesheh. well, you know what i mean. a concrete statement that they will *use* it, not just "yea bro that sounds cool"13:22
browniesi'd frame it as a testing period of a particular length, so you can try to hammer down some dates with them13:23
kanzurebrownies: yes but also the meta-purpose of doing all that too13:23
kanzureactually, i have a better question13:24
kanzurei have a list of strings in ruby that i want to sort by an arbitrary metric, can i pass a block to sort13:25
* kanzure looks at the documentation13:25
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kanzureah sort_by13:25
kanzurefine then.13:25
delinquentmebrownies, to clarify this is a liquid handling robot13:26
delinquentmebasically a faster, simpler version of a tecan13:26
kanzureit almost doesn't matter what the product is, i think13:27
delinquentmewell clearly they've got money to throw around13:27
delinquentmei've got the schematics13:27
kanzurewho has money to throw around?13:27
delinquentmetecan thermo13:27
kanzurethey already sell handlers man13:27
delinquentmeyes cannabalism is ok13:28
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delinquentmethis is the same reason BMW sells a 1 series13:28
delinquentmeits not a BMW but its a BMW13:28
nmz787who engineered it if not bmw?13:32
nmz787and for that matter, if some other company engineered it, BMW doesn't buy them, they bought them out13:33
nmz787why would the LH ppl buy a cheap version from you, when they're making the same thing already... they have the power to buy in volume, so they probably already spend less than you to build their equipment13:34
nmz787if they wanted a cheap line, it would be straightforward to implement, and they keep their existing customer base happy because its software compatible13:34
kanzure(also they own all the patents and can probably sue you out of existence; but you should ignore this reason)13:34
nmz787like you said, its nothing new, just cheaper, faster, simpler13:35
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nmz787definitely seems like a viable product, but i think you're just undercutting engineering costs, which (most) big companies just aren't willing to do13:38
jrayhawkthe one series is not just a crappy family hatchback with a BMW badge on it, despite what the automotive press was claiming before it was released13:39
jrayhawkthe world needs more small, simple RWD cars. apparently subaru and toyota agree, 'cause they're trying to enter that market now.13:40
nmz787why RWD?13:41
kanzurethe market for oscar meyer weinerdog cars is much greater than they think.13:41
nmz787(i live in snow climate)13:41
delinquentmenmz787, they're not making the same thing already13:42
delinquentmeand i guess you're looking at this like its easy for them to build new machines13:42
delinquentmehow many employees do they have13:42
delinquentmewhat new technology have they integrated to allow the machine to operate better13:42
delinquentmewhere are those investments? in the shit that already works for them ? nope!13:43
delinquentmeits in the sensors, in the  peripherals they attach13:43
delinquentmebuy those from them13:43
delinquentmeimplement the rest in faster cheaper ways13:43
delinquentmeI can guarantee they spend millions in R&D for a single machine13:43
jrayhawkRWD, aside from the HP losses inherent in an FR setup, is less limiting to driver skill.13:44
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jrayhawkThis is particularly important in the snow, though there are weight distribution issues, there, too.13:45
nmz787wait, HP loss in FWD vs RWD?? never heard of that13:45
jrayhawkMore exhaust, more driveshaft. The difference is typically pretty low; like %2-5.13:45
nmz787how is there more exhaust or driveshaft? FWD only has halfshafts13:46
nmz787RWD has axle and driveshaft13:46
jrayhawkYes, RWD has more driveshaft, and thus more weight to spin.13:46
delinquentmeis there a specific reason to use I2C between MCs instead of just running wires between the two?13:46
nmz787my 4x4 S10 blazer has just as much exhaust as my TDI jetta13:47
nmz787I2C is a wire13:47
jrayhawkOh, sorry, yeah.13:47
delinquentmeapparently IC2 is for low speed peripherals .. when I can simply connect open pins and say " If pin 1 == high do X "13:47
nmz787ooo, wait, what is FR13:47
jrayhawkI just woke up and I'm a bit dumb. I was thinking partially of mid-engined setups.13:47
nmz787i thought you were saying more HP loss in FWD13:48
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nmz787ahh, ok, makes sense now13:48
nmz787I do have fun whipping around the ocaissional corner in RWD13:48
nmz787spinning around on snow in 4x4 is pretty cool too, for some reason i just love the idea that all 4 wheels are spinning free13:49
jrayhawk"Oversteer is superior to understeer because you don't get to see the tree that kills you"13:49
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nmz787its pretty dumb how the U.S. doesnt have more diesels13:50
jrayhawkUm. The U.S. runs on diesel.13:50
nmz787not commuters13:50
nmz787well, not personal commuters13:50
jrayhawkOh, they don't matter that much.13:50
nmz787i just dont like seeing women driving around unscratched pickup trucks13:51
nmz787come on, haul some full sheets of plywood or get a mini13:51
kanzurei need to buy a forklift for mom13:51
kanzureloading/unloading plywood is a pain13:51
nmz787i can believe that13:51
jrayhawkDrivetrain inefficiency from Subaru-like AWD systems is atrocious13:52
jrayhawkit can hit 25%13:52
jrayhawkI assume your S10 is a somewhat more efficient live axle setup.13:54
nmz787my dad has an old 84 chevy... something... has the same engine (2.8L) as my S10 blazer 4x4... when his car was on the road it got  at least 5-8mpg more than my blazer... i attribute that mostly to the front diff... esp since i have 5sp and he had auto13:54
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jrayhawkMight also be lighter.13:55
jrayhawkAnd, depending on how well it was taken care of, might still be getting lighter as bits of it fall off.13:55
katsmeow-afkirritates me that the Cooper Mini costs 10x as much as the same sized car made in India, but in the usa we cannot buy the car made in India13:56
nmz787i used to have a 250cc suzuki ninja, got 55-65 mpg... but with the jetta getting ~44 in city and up to 50 on highway... it was easy to sell off the bike for the extra hauling and safety13:56
jrayhawkI swear I've seen Tata Nano lookalikes here...13:57
katsmeow-afkeitehr way, the cars that small aren't made in usa by a use corp13:57
nmz787i was reading last night that some folks get an avg of 60 in the same engine series of TDI that I have13:57
nmz787mainly thanks to air dams in the front grills I think13:58
audyjrayhawk probs smart car13:59
katsmeow-afka guy not far from me has been using scrap wood to run his trucks ever since gas went up to $1.25/gal13:59
jrayhawkNo, I can tell the difference between a Fortwo and a Nano.13:59
jrayhawkhaha, oh yeah, i forgot disc brakes are illegal in India14:01
nmz787i cant believe discs are illegal14:01
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nmz787my gf is in india, i will have her check the family sedan14:01
brownieswhy are they illegal?14:02
jrayhawkUnfair advantage or something.14:02
_F7_My dad gets 50 MPG in his '00 new beetle14:02
_F7_It's a TDI14:02
_F7_Bypassing the EGR does a lot for performance14:02
browniesunfair advantage? in not crashing your car?14:03
kanzurebrownies: everyone does their part14:03
_F7_TDI Volkswagon's in general are super hackable14:03
nmz787from 99.5 to 2004.5 had some of the best TDI engines14:03
nmz787yeah i have the EGR turned off in software14:03
katsmeow-afki wonder if the discs are illegal because they expect the hydraulics won't be maintained, and manually operated discs don't work worth a darn14:04
nmz787even cleaned the intake before driving cross country last summer14:04
_F7_I turned a coupling and just straight up bypassed it14:04
_F7_It's just a straight pipe out, no backpressure14:04
browniesthe only explanation i can think of is that, if your brakes are way better, you can stop faster, and that might increase the % chance of accidents behind you14:04
nmz787lol, my muffler is pretty much swiss cheese, so i almost have a straight pipe14:04
nmz787i didnt find anything on google re illegal discs in india14:05
nmz787i will def ask my gf to check14:05
katsmeow-afkmy real muffler fell off, but the catalytic convertor makes a fine muffler14:05
nmz787well, i know for certain indian motorcycles have disc brakes14:05
_F7_I want to try and rig a valve on my exhaust so I can pass emissions, but at the flip of a switch I can just dump the exhaust and get crazy efficiency on the highway or something14:06
_F7_as an added bonus, I'll be doing a muffler bypass so the switch will also increase engine noise14:06
_F7_which means all the asshat drunken houston jaywalkers will think I just stomped the accelerator14:06
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nmz787what do you have?14:08
jrayhawkYeah, I'm trying to find a useful source for that.14:08
nmz787the TDI is still damn quiet with practically no muffler as compared to what my gasser would sound like14:08
_F7_I've got a hand-me-down '98 lexus ES-30014:08
bkerowhoo supra14:09
bkerobut automatic :(14:09
nmz787thats what she has, disc in front, drum rear14:09
_F7_No TDI, my roomate wants to get ambitious and build an XR-3 though so I'll be filling my vehicle hacking quota14:09
* bkero has been doing wastegate surgery on his Genesis Coupe. Just finished turboback exhaust on a '12 Golf TDI14:10
nmz787havent heard of the XR314:10
_F7_It's a scratch-build car14:10
bkeroReminds me of an XR414:10
_F7_just a moment14:10
nmz787i rode around in a lotus kit car a few years back14:10
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nmz787had a 900 or 1200cc bike engine... was close as hell to the ground, and man, it could take turns like no other14:11
_F7_The hackerspace has a CNC plasma cutter and a heliarc machine, so most of the tough part is done.14:12
nmz787pretty sweet, a bit like a delorean14:12
nmz787wonder how the power is14:12
_F7_really good14:12
_F7_We're planning to leave off the electric side14:13
_F7_It's just expense and weight14:13
nmz7872 seater or just 114:14
nmz787ahh 214:16
nmz787hmm, the engine at generator use is only ~20 hp....14:18
bkero1480lb, damn that's heavy14:18
nmz787might be a little more fun to try and throw a TDI in there, and use the electric rear for highway cruising14:18
nmz787i thought the future was going toward series hybrids14:20
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_F7_oh, we're leaving the electric off for a sub 1000 lb14:21
bkeroTDI engine is a lot huger and heavier14:23
bkeroB&S makes some powerful light generators, I've used those in conversion cars I've done.14:23
bkero8" Advanced DC motor, Sevcon Millipak controller, Zivian charger14:24
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jrayhawk1480 is about the weight of old Lotuses, and those only have the one measly battery!14:25
bkeroMy electric mk i MR2 ended up being around 1200lb and that used a lot of recycled EV1 batteries and the original transmission14:27
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jrayhawkThe MkI weighs about 2400 pounds and I am reasonably sure that the engine and transmission are not half of that weight.14:28
katsmeow-afkmy electric VW Beatle was a series wound bolted to the oem tranny14:28
jrayhawkor maybe it's 230014:28
bkerojrayhawk: they're 2200-2300 with fluids.  engine is about 250lb, transmission is about 175lb, everything else in the engine bay is over 100lb too14:30
nmz787for a while i wanted to design an all-weather velo fairing for my 250 ninja14:30
bkeronot to mention the ridiculously heavy fuel tank in the center channel of the car14:30
bkeroradiator, heater core, and ac heat exchanger are heavy too14:31
bkeroI'm actually building an electric bicycle now.  750W brushed DC motor, eBay special ghetto PWM chopper controller, twist-grip throttle, golf cart 2x10A 36V SLA gel-cel battery14:32
bkerofantastic stuff14:32
nmz787bbl, class14:34
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kanzurehrm i need more chemistry buddies in here14:40
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kanzureENKI-][: hey15:59
kanzurewhat's up?15:59
ENKI-][i couldn't remember the name of the channel, hence the whois ;-)15:59
ENKI-][i just ordered an EEG machine for BCI15:59
ENKI-][one of the cheapo ones intended for video games... the NIA, the one with the neurosky chip16:00
ENKI-][any suggestion on how to use it to start off with, once it arrives?16:00
kanzureENKI-][: openvibe16:12
kanzurealso, you'll probably want to trash it16:12
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ENKI-][i'll want to trash it?16:14
delinquentmeare there any EEs present?16:15
delinquentmeI'm looking for examples functions of HDLs16:16
ENKI-][i probably won't need openvibe, on account of having already modified someone's NIA interfacing code.16:16
ENKI-][example functions in an HDL, delinquentme? like VHDL code?16:16
delinquentmeHardware description languages16:17
delinquentmei saw VHDL mentioned16:17
ENKI-][there's VHDL, which is ada, and verilog, which is pascal16:18
delinquentmeI guess when i first heard about it I thought it was a replacement for passive components16:19
delinquentmebu effectively it allows you to reprogram what happens within the chip16:19
delinquentmealso : http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/04/nicira/16:20
ENKI-][delinquentme: that's not at all accurate. an HDL is a high level language a subset of which is compiled into a format that represents components and their interconnections. this lower level form is used occasionally in the fabrication of ICs (though if I recall there's typically layout work done by bald ape wetware), but it can be simulated directly in slower than realtime by dedicated hardware such as16:26
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ENKI-][FPGAs and PLDs, which have the ability to programatically modify interconnections between existing components in such a way to emulate hardware in hardware flexibly.16:26
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ENKI-][you cannot reprogram what happens inside a chip unless it is an FPGA, and FPGAs are limited in important ways. usually, you use them to debug something you eventually want on a real dedicated chip16:27
delinquentmewhat I interpreted it as was I could take this: http://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/tutorialimages/SPOT/SPOT-Connect-Teardown-5-M.jpg  and make it into this: http://www.schmalzhaus.com/EasyDriver/EasyDriver_v42/EasyDriverV42_Top.PNG16:28
delinquentmein software16:28
ENKI-][the big two HDLs are VHDL and verilog, and they are both horrible crufty thirty year old hacks. if you get an EE degree you'll be required to learn them, but in attempting to learn them on my own i've discovered that they are more difficult to pick up than intercal ;-)16:29
ENKI-][you can't.16:29
ENKI-][if you think you can do that sort of thing, you won't be able to pick up VHDL without learning a good bit of EE first ;-)16:30
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ENKI-][there's something called myhdl that translates a small subset of python into a small subset of (if i recall) verilog. but, if you want to use an HDL you'll need an FPGA.16:31
delinquentmewas hoping for awesome16:31
delinquentmegot subawesome16:31
ENKI-][it gets worse. you haven't even seen vhdl code yet ;-)16:31
ENKI-][don't let me discourage you from learning vhdl. just, don't expect magic rearrangement of logic elements in an IC, or even to have an easy time doing anything with an FPGA16:32
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ENKI-][kanzure: i dropped a hundred bucks on it. for a tightwad like me, that's a lot. i won't want to discard it, even if its sensitivity is mediocre compared to professional machines at ten times the price.16:34
kanzureENKI-][: no i'd probably also ask you to throw away your professional machine :P16:36
kanzureoh well. you might get some interesting correlations, maybe.16:36
kanzurealso: vhdl is pretty fun16:36
ENKI-][i'm not quite masochistic enough for vhdl. i'll stick to osdev, stl, and befunge ;-)16:38
ENKI-][kanzure: my soldering skills are not nearly good enough for me to attach a home-made openeeg system to my head ;-)16:39
ENKI-][the last time i soldered something, i blew out a thirty five dollar LCD16:39
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delinquentme The Wellcome Trust, a medical charity that pumps more than £600m ($950m) a year into research, already requires open access within six months of publication, but the compliance rate is only 55%. The charity says it will “get tough” on scientists who publish in journals that restrict access,16:47
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kanzuredelinquentme: hah16:48
delinquentmei know cyincism16:48
delinquentmebut they're interested16:49
delinquentmewhich is why the steal it from them via the channel that USES it is intriguing16:49
kanzureplease rephrase16:49
delinquentmebut is so far from monetization16:49
delinquentmepublishers need researchers to want to read their papers in order to thrive16:50
delinquentmethus utilizing the lifeline which publishers live off of16:50
delinquentmeas the process for stealing / borrowing / whatever16:50
delinquentmeis so beautiful16:50
kanzurenope actually they don't care if anyone reads it. they care if anyone pays for it.16:51
delinquentmewho pays for it16:51
kanzurethat's why they bundle 1000s of journals together for libraries to spend millions on16:51
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kanzurefenn: howdy howdy16:53
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kanzurefenn: have you received the ebay items16:59
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fennthe stepper thingies are here17:02
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kanzurefenn: i haven't ordered the other material17:05
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delinquentmewhut is yar liquid handler17:11
delinquentmetell me17:11
delinquentmebetter yet tell me you're a wicked smart EE17:11
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fenndelinquentme: i hate you, go away17:13
delinquentmehaha yes everyone does17:14
delinquentmebut thats part of what I'm paid to be here17:14
fennit's not my design, basically i want to copy what ilan moyer did with http://web.mit.edu/imoyer/www/portfolio/fabmate/index.html17:16
fennor the ultimaker17:16
fennsame idea really17:16
fenni have no idea why you need so many things moving around17:17
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delinquentmewait are you making a liquid handler?17:18
delinquentmethat seems like a 3d printer17:18
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fenni'm replacing an undergrad with a pipettor17:19
fennanyway the motivation for this project has disappeared17:20
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kanzurefenn: aw?17:23
kanzurewhat was the motivation17:23
fennanselm was whining about doing repetitive work17:24
fenndoing gene assembly for fish optogenetics17:25
kanzurethat's some tremendous customer service (n=1 complaining => product)17:25
fennwell i'm sure there are lots of people out there who need such a machine, i just don't know them (or i dont know that i know them at least)17:26
kanzureit's very easy to find angry/disgruntled molecular biology nerds on the interwebs17:26
kanzurethey're just all broke or something17:26
fennanyway it was something i had in mind since i was an undergrad doing repetitive manual pipetting17:26
fenni'm sure they can afford a ~$500 machine17:26
kanzuredo you want to play with that $800 synthesizer from ebay? it had manuals and discs and cords17:27
kanzurejust asking :(17:27
kanzureurhm brb17:27
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kanzureok sorry. phone call. and also deploying to a ew staging servers. happy with me right now.17:29
delinquentmefenn so you're not really into it anymore eh?17:29
fenndelinquentme: basically, i don't want to hold your hand through every step of the process17:30
delinquentmefenn, interesting17:31
delinquentmehow old are you17:31
delinquentmewhere do you live and are you in college?17:31
fenni'm a 17 year old girl and i live in fiji17:32
delinquentmewish you the best with that17:33
delinquentme"largest self propelled object ever made " http://i.imgur.com/jkGHf.jpg17:34
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kanzurefenn: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Millipore-MilliGen-Cyclone-Plus-DNA-Synthesizer-8400-/130530382334?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e643791fe#ht_653wt_127417:36
fenno_O it has a CRT17:38
fennwhat is this, an apple II?17:39
kanzureit's probably from the 80s17:40
fenni didnt realize dna synthesizers existed back then17:40
kanzureall $100k+ synthesizers have huge maintenance contracts and seem to be repaired over the years by the original manufacturer (on-site)17:40
kanzureyes i'm pretty sure 100% of the synthesizers were built in the 80s17:40
kanzureor very close to 100%17:40
kanzurei should write down what i know about the history of synthesizers17:41
kanzurevega biotechnologies did the first few peptide synthesizers and oligo synthesizers17:41
kanzurethen applied bio in 1981 started releasing their synthesizers and sequencers17:41
diginetfenn, are you really a 17 year old girl in fiji?17:42
kanzure1983- "The company released its second commercial instrument, the Model 380A DNA Synthesizer, which made oligonucleotides, short DNA strands, for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA sequencing, and gene identification. The two sequencer and synthesizer products allowed molecular biologists to clone genes by building oligonucleotides with the desired protein's DNA sequence.[1]"17:43
fennwow i also didnt realize foster city existed in the 80's17:43
fennPCR was "developed in 1983"17:44
diginetmy sarcasm detector doesn't work very well, but that's cool if you are?17:44
fennthat's some fast product development17:44
kanzureeveryone was itching for dna synthesis17:44
kanzureit was 'too complex' for biologists to perform until some chemistries in the 70s and even then it was wonky17:45
kanzureread about vega here http://www.trilinkbiotech.com/tech/oligo_history.pdf17:45
delinquentmejason silva .. cool dude17:47
delinquentmehes you know17:49
delinquentmenot a nay saying bitch17:49
diginetwho is a nay saying bitch?17:49
diginet(i.e. are you referring to someone in particular?)17:49
Mariuyeah, good question17:50
Mariulet's ID the enemy17:50
fennpaul ehrlich is representative17:52
diginetso I'm reevaluating my choice of duckweed for protein expression, namely because there is little information on working with it in the literature.  Tobacco seems to be the most talked about, but I'm not sure if it would be too hard to grow or what17:53
digineterr, not too hard to grow, if the yields would be too low17:53
fennsilva sure moves his hands around a lot17:54
kanzurefenn: so they already had peptide synthesizers and oligo synthesizers before the 80s17:54
kanzurealthough it was "some weird chemistry"17:54
kanzurediphosphates instead of triphosphates? what what17:55
delinquentmehttp://www.genomics.agilent.com/CollectionOverview.aspx?PageType=Application&SubPageType=ApplicationOverview&PageID=275 << microfluidics based17:55
fennhold on, let me read that paper17:56
kanzureanother interesting document is the 1984 nobel prize lecture about solid phase synthesis in general17:58
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fennnice video; skip to 2:00 though, don't really need the introduction18:08
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delinquentmefenn,  dont buy into any of it18:13
delinquentmeits all crap18:13
delinquentmepipe dreams18:13
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diginetdelinquentme, what on earth are you even talking about?18:26
delinquentmefenn being a little rape victim18:30
AdrianGis experimentation on humans with drugs viewed favourably upon in this chat?18:30
delinquentmewhining about something18:30
delinquentmeAdrianG, true!18:30
ENKI-][adriang: depends on the humans in question.18:31
AdrianGI experiment on myself only.18:31
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ENKI-][i don't think you'll get a lot of flak for that, unless you also implant magnets into your fingers using a pocket knife and vodka :P18:32
AdrianGhey. that was my idea.18:32
ENKI-][i'm amused by the inordinate amount of lepht hate in here, but meh18:33
kanzuregah how do we not have videos of a 1984 nobel prize lecture18:33
kanzureonly going back to 1999?18:33
AdrianGwe should sue them.18:35
AdrianGand force them to hand them over in the discovery process.18:35
AdrianGENKI-][: arent u from some aspie channels?18:36
kanzurewe're pretty much all from some aspie channel18:36
ENKI-][i am from all sorts of channels.18:36
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kanzurenmz787: can you find me a video of the 1984 nobel lecture in chemistry18:45
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nmz787i can try18:59
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nmz787video, audio, or document?18:59
nmz787nevermind, you said video19:00
kanzureaudio would be ok19:01
kanzurei've seen the pdf before but i'm really curious why there's no video19:02
nmz787are they recorded?19:02
JayDuggerNow that video cost so little, sure.19:04
JayDuggerFriedman's acceptance speech got filmed.19:04
JayDuggerLectures--I don't know.19:05
kanzurenmz787: well they posted videos back to 199919:05
kanzurebut 1999 was >50 years after television was a generally known thing19:06
JayDuggerWhy doesn't the transcript suffice?19:08
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kanzureJayDugger: a transcript doesn't explain why audio doesn't exist..19:09
JayDuggerI see your point, but why care?19:09
nmz787i'm not coming up with anything19:11
nmz787found a page with some older videos on blogger, posted a message to the guy19:11
kanzureif the nobel prize is supposed to be one of the greatest awards to scientific achievement then i would suspect they would be recorded19:11
kanzureJayDugger: that's all^19:12
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kanzurebeep boop20:30
kanzurehi kristianpaul20:38
_F7_beep boop20:52
kanzure_F7_: are you a pokemon master :p20:53
MariuDawn looks cute20:54
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fennso.. implicitcad22:17
fennalso, lemoncurry22:18
kanzureand picoprojectors22:18
kanzure"picoliter droplet projectors: catapulting across the future vol. 1"22:18
fennapparently uv cure resin is $49/l and can be cured with a standard projector22:18
kanzurewe should probably try this at least once :/22:18
fennit sure beats reprap on the resolution front22:19
fenni guess they sell cmyk resins because you can use it in an inkjet with a bulk UV cure step22:21
fenninstead of photo-cure22:21
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fenna programmatic cad system really lends itself to procedural geometry creation such as is needed for changing material properties with shape variation22:26
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fenntermite mounts have all sorts of interesting properties due to the meso structure22:26
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fennhah i just made that up, but "functional mesostructure" seems to be the right keyword22:27
kanzureoh god "I agree, writing Java without powerful refactoring tools is a bore--that's why it's great to use Eclipse's "Generate Getters and Setters based on Fields" refactoring tool."22:29
fennwhy are you reading that? get back to work22:30
kanzurewaiting for this queue of 1,500,000 tasks to finish processing (140 workers!)22:31
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kanzure"In fact, Dragon has so much interior volume, that we could place an entire three-person Russian Soyuz capsule descent module inside Dragon’s pressure vessel."22:36
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