
--- Log opened Thu Apr 26 00:00:11 2012
--- Day changed Thu Apr 26 2012
fenngo to a science talk instead00:00
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Adifexhello! and welcome to our party.00:18
Adifexmerry christmas from Chiron Beta Prime.00:19
Adifexwould you like a complimentary virtual drink?00:19
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delinquentmei wish i would have caught that guy!00:30
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Mariulater everyone02:11
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ParahSailinfuck i think my ac is mold infested06:01
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@kanzurenmz787: hi08:10
@kanzureus national bioeconomy blueprint http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/national_bioeconomy_blueprint_april_2012.pdf08:11
@kanzureexecutive summary http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/national_bioeconomy_blueprint_exec_sum_april_2012.pdf08:11
@kanzurefact sheet http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/bioeconomy_fact_sheet_april_26_2012_0.pdf08:11
-!- Guest92397 is now known as katsmeow-afk08:12
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@kanzuregee that summary is really lacking08:15
@kanzure"ok guys do more SBIR"08:15
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@kanzureeh okay, "and an improved FDA medical device pipeline" might be useful08:18
@kanzurelooks like a lab automation wiki?08:21
nmz787__Hi, getting ready for class, cant really talk08:21
@kanzurelooks spammed:08:21
@kanzuresomeone should hook up mediawiki to akismet and the other anti-spam services08:22
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-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk09:02
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ParahSailinwell i won that co2 incubator09:26
@kanzureParahSailin: how much09:32
ParahSailinonly bidder09:32
@kanzureright then..09:32
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ParahSailinso it looks like ill be driving up to austin09:33
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@kanzureParahSailin: we should hang out09:34
ParahSailini dunno how much ups or other logistics would be09:34
@kanzureif you need a place to stay a night let me know09:34
ParahSailingf says "can we do that trip later"09:35
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@kanzurehi Mikoangelo10:03
MikoangeloWhy hello there! Nice to meet you.10:05
MikoangeloYou're the heybryan.org guy! I found this channel on that very site.10:06
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nmz787ParahSailin: nice price!10:10
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ParahSailin_F7_, http://www.slapsale.com/item_desc.aspx?itemid=52680 i nabbed this guy10:21
_F7_I have two you know10:22
ParahSailinoh kanzure looks like the pickup days have to be may 2 or 310:22
ParahSailinah, you got on slapsale?10:22
ParahSailinso these usually are fully functional but sold out of compliance with some arbitrary date?10:23
_F7_These generally don't break10:25
_F7_no moving parts10:26
ParahSailinhow much did you nab yours for10:27
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@kanzurehuh google is selling sketchup10:33
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_F7_I got two of those water jacketed CO2 gas injection capable incubators with humidity controls for the 30 dollar minimum bid10:53
_F7_one lot, matched set10:54
_F7_There was another lot with two pairs of double-stack incubators but it was decided we didn't have room10:54
_Sketch_Ack. Can I still get Sketchup for free?10:55
_F7_Should be able to10:56
_F7_yup, free10:57
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_Sketch_I downloaded Sketchup, for I am paranoid for the future. ;)13:56
_Sketch_Anybody ever ordered anything from enOcean? I'm looking for environmentally-powered wireless sensors.13:58
_Sketch_I'm worried nothing -useful- can be powered by stray radio signals and heat. :P14:00
katsmeow-afkthere's other forms of energy than heat and stray radio signals14:00
_Sketch_Ah, solar too. Solar might be enough, even in the shade..14:02
* katsmeow-afk might snag a tuna and drag a windmill behind14:04
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katsmeow-afktuna do some serious traveling at very high speeds14:07
katsmeow-afkif you could only steer them14:07
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@kanzureyet another 3d printer http://www.solidoodle.com/ looks like sam cervantes used to be COO of makerbot14:28
Mokbortolan_I wonder why he split off14:29
@kanzurezach/bre might not be the easiest duo to work with14:29
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chris_99i've had white flashes here on earth ;)16:34
ThomasEgihm. i occasionally observe like.. swarms of multicolored fireflies. it looks very pretty. doesnt last long tho. only like 3 to 10 seconds at most16:35
ThomasEginot related to any rays. still fun16:35
chris_99hmm not had that16:35
ThomasEgilike. beeing surrounded by several hunrdet fireflies16:36
ThomasEgieach with its own color16:36
chris_99sounds cool16:36
ThomasEgihave it like twiche a year or so.16:36
ThomasEgiusualy when i was sitting in an odd way and streching my arms afterwards16:36
chris_99i can see the blood vessels in my eye16:36
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ThomasEginow that's odd16:37
chris_99which looks kind of trippy heh16:37
chris_99it's called Purkinje tree http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entoptic_phenomenon16:38
ThomasEgiah. anyway. i gotta sleep. had only 3 hours of rest in the last 36 hours or so16:38
nmz787so trying to find out about biology and radio16:40
nmz787supposed to write an essay for this history of radio class16:40
nmz787didn't want to write about advertising or old programming16:40
nmz787but most bio stuff isn't relating RF EMI... its a lot with RF electric fields (i.e. electrodes in the growth solution)16:41
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nmz787one thing about "biological radio" which is like some cold war russian doc... mentions wavelengths of 8-14 microns16:41
nmz787but that's not RF, its IR16:42
nmz787so telepathy in their view, isn't radio, its IR... which pretty much means line-of-sight and not too long distance16:42
nmz787which is still cool if provable16:42
@kanzuresoviet telepathy tech was line-of-sight only? got it.16:43
nmz787they keep mentioning biological antenna structures16:43
nmz787that one is a fav of theirs16:43
nmz787and the pineal gland is brought up as well16:43
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nmz787which is interesting because the pineal is linked to psychedelic experiences, which often involve communication with other beings whether earthly or universal16:44
diginetyou don't actually believe any of that exists do you?16:45
nmz787i don't believe its proven, but i do believe its possible16:46
@kanzurewell, i believe the pineal gland exists16:46
nmz787i wouldn't be surprised, only because i could stick a cell phone transceiver in my head and it would fit16:47
nmz787so why wouldn't this already be exploited in evolution16:47
nmz787i think it takes less energy to text than it does speak16:47
nmz787(in terms of transmission)16:48
@kanzureyou might want to do the math on that.. the amount of energy required to generate clear signals vs. amount of energy on-hand with typical biochemistry16:48
nmz787RF is just EMI, and we obviously have EMI receptors and emitters (rhodopsin and eyes, luciferase)16:48
nmz787but thats THz, not KHz... which is what I need to talk about to meet the req for this paper16:49
nmz787kanzure: not sure where I would start with that calc16:50
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nmz787but it would be good to have on this paper... I might end up talking about how there isn't any clear link to any decent science16:50
katsmeow-afkdidn't someone do a "blood glucose to electricity convertor" already?16:50
ParahSailinan rf photon would be vibrational noise on a protein16:51
ParahSailinthere isnt any sort of protein we know of that can accumulate those photons to make a coherent anything16:51
katsmeow-afkshakey protons,, you can tuna protien, but you can't tune a fish16:51
nmz787ParahSailin: well thats what i'm looking for16:52
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ParahSailinsuch a thing would be difficult by natural evolution i think16:52
nmz787i haven't found any clear documentation on what the molecular/atomic effect of RF EMI is16:53
nmz787some things mention thermal and non-thermal effects16:53
ParahSailinbut if wires can do it, i suppose it's probably physically possible to do with proteins16:53
katsmeow-afkstupid thought: are you using your sclera for anything, nmz787?16:53
@kanzureParahSailin: or longer proteins16:53
katsmeow-afkwhite of the eye16:53
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ParahSailini think melanins would be good antennae16:53
ParahSailinyou can have conductive melanins16:54
katsmeow-afkyou have two of them, situated high, nothing behind them for a few cm, you could install things16:54
nmz787they might already be used for a bioradio waveguide, lol16:54
@kanzurenmz787: i think the trick would be to construct some model of how it might be possible with proteins,16:55
katsmeow-afkif you're great with small stuff, put the entire reciever and display unit there16:55
nmz787i'm not even sure how you could probe cells for radio signals16:55
@kanzureplus what amount of energies are necessary,16:55
@kanzurethen you can go BLAST your way through some petabytes of data16:55
@kanzureand see if anything matches.16:55
nmz787or set up a directed evolution/growth experiment.... scan freq spectrum, and only subculture cells that give off a freq response16:56
nmz787or cells that absorb a certain freq16:56
nmz787place an RF source on top of microwell plate, subculture the well that absorbs best16:57
katsmeow-afkeasy: quartz can be made physically resonant based on size, and some nematodes and frogs have silica spicules, and silica is what quartz is made of,, i DO expect royalties,, or at least my own implats, thankyou16:57
nmz787the examples in this russian thing are kinda out there tho, one is of a guy who calmed a lion that no trainer could calm16:58
katsmeow-afksome sqponges do too, and i imagine you guys can make genes to do that in anything16:58
nmz787and in another example they cut the head off a grasshopper, took out its guts and soaked it in physiological buffer, and noted that anytime a man left the guts and returned, the guts would be found to slowly pulse but quicken after the man approached and remained near16:59
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katsmeow-afktriggered by pheremones, i'll bet17:00
nmz787and that if the man went away from the quickly pulsing guts, upon return they would be slowly pulsing again17:00
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nmz787lol, they say its triggered by bio-radiation... hah17:00
nmz787but that would literally just be any EMI created by nerves firing17:01
nmz787but it doesn't mention possible frequencies or wavelenghts17:01
katsmeow-afkso using tuned quartz resonators (the genetically grown silica spicules) to recieve and convert rf to means of physically operating nerve cells,, bad idea?17:03
nmz787i guess depends on the crystal size needed17:04
nmz787thats why i;m trying to look to what evolution may have already done17:04
katsmeow-afkthat depends on the mechanical movement needed and the rf frequency17:04
nmz787i.e. yeah silica crystals and proteins that deposit silica are known17:04
nmz787i.e. silicatein17:05
katsmeow-afki believe somene did a crystal-to-rotary nanomotor somewhere17:06
katsmeow-afknot that you'd want to copy that directly as a means to detect rf17:06
nmz787i wonder how much the crystal changes in size when it vibrates17:08
katsmeow-afkdepends on a few things, intensity, thinness (flexability) of the crystal, etc17:09
nmz787nanometers of movement or more?17:10
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katsmeow-afkfor instance, crystal phono carts took a lot of movement, so do piezo tweeters, and iirc you can see the waveforms imposed on a SAW filter as it mechanically transmits a low freq rf signal on it's face17:11
@kanzure"NETMORPH is a simulation environment for the developmental generation of 3D large-scale neuronal networks with realistic neuron morphologies. In NETMORPH, neuronal morphogenesis is simulated from the perspective of the individual growth cone."17:11
@kanzure"For each growth cone in a growing axonal or dendritic tree, its actions of elongation, branching and turning are described in a stochastic, phenomenological manner. In this way, neurons with realistic axonal and dendritic morphologies, including neurite curvature, can be generated. Synapses are formed as neurons grow out and axonal and dendritic branches come in close proximity of each other."17:11
nmz787nm would be the region for what a protein would probably tolerate17:11
@kanzure"NETMORPH is the result of the joint efforts of Randal A. Koene, Betty Tijms, Peter van Hees, Frank Postma, Sander de Ridder, Sacha Hoedemaker, Jaap van Pelt and Arjen van Ooyen of the Neuroinformatics Group at the Department of Integrative Neurophysiology, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. "17:11
katsmeow-afkfor instance, crystal phono carts took a lot of movement, so do piezo tweeters, and iirc you can see the waveforms imposed on a SAW filter as it mechanically transmits a low freq rf signal on it's face17:11
@kanzureA Framework for the Stochastic Generation of Large Scale Neuronal Networks With Realistic Neuron Morphologies, Neuroinformatics, 7(3), pp.195-210, doi: 10.1007/s12021-009-9052-317:11
@kanzureinstallation: http://www.netmorph.org/netmorph-core-files17:12
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@kanzuresuperkuh: have you played with that?17:12
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nmz787then there's this, but I don't know what permittivity and conductivity mean http://niremf.ifac.cnr.it/docs/DIELECTRIC/AppendixC.html#C0117:12
@kanzurewhat i assume is either binary or source code: http://www.netmorph.org/netmorph-core-files/netmorph-20090224.1225.tar.gz?attredirects=0&d=117:13
@kanzurewhat i assume is a manual: http://www.netmorph.org/netmorph-core-files/NETMORPH-manual_5Mar09.pdf?attredirects=0&d=117:13
@kanzureoh neat.. yep. source code and it's GPL17:15
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@kanzurevid: http://www.netmorph.org/Home/examples/3layers.mov17:17
@kanzuremirror: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/netmorph/17:18
nmz787this russian text also says that c. ross in the 1920's suspended a single silk thread and attached a coil of think wire hanging from it, there was another metal piece hanging from the end of the thread as well (not sure what it looked like).... and supposedly a man's gaze made the spiral deflect up to 60 degrees17:20
nmz787btw russian text linked from http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=AD041567617:20
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katsmeow-afkheck of a threat to make , turning someone's metal threads that are hanging from  threads by 60 degrees17:22
nmz787oh yeah17:22
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@kanzureand for those of you who prefer youtube.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=HapNmklPv0k http://youtube.com/watch?v=GnH_zJ5bDOQ i've mirrored them here too17:24
nmz787this is, again, wrong freq range http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_auditory_effect17:25
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nmz787kanzure: why do you have that video of joe?17:29
@kanzurehahaha he tried to get rid of it from the interwebs17:29
@kanzurehe used to have it on his facebook profile17:29
@kanzureInternet never forgets17:29
nmz787i just watched 1/2 of it17:29
@kanzurelolz.. sorry dude17:30
yashgarothhahahahaha whaaaat17:30
nmz787thats yashgaroth's goal, only instead of 1hr a day at gym, painful electroinjections17:31
yashgarothpretty much17:31
nmz787oh, i'll take this lazy ass way out... even if its 1000X more painful17:31
nmz787so hacker17:31
yashgarothlifting weights like a primitive, hah17:32
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yashgarothI wouldn't say it'd necessarily be super-painful17:33
yashgarothless painful than that video was to watch, I'll guarantee that17:34
nmz787seems pretty good17:35
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fennwell i wonder if i should go to hardwarestartupsf or do cad17:42
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fenni kinda hate how openscad is completely "functional", i.e. not imperative at all17:43
fenntrying to figure out how to call an if statement on translate()17:44
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fennit leads to either a lot of duplicated code or unnecessary "variables"17:45
@kanzurei find these scripts questionable17:46
@kanzure"# DENDRITE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS (from final4.txt)" as opposed to.. finalTHEREALFINAL.txt17:47
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katsmeow-afk3D wireframe design gone overboard : http://www.toxel.com/inspiration/2012/03/19/3d-wire-sculptures/17:59
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@kanzurejrayhawk: i logged back in and i still can't push to the git repo i just created with 'newrepo'18:08
@kanzurefatal: Unable to create '/srv/git/netmorph.git/refs/heads/master.lock': Permission denied18:08
@kanzurei seem to be able to push over ssh, however..18:08
@kanzureon a related note..18:09
jrayhawkYour screen session doesn't magically acquire new gids, i am afraid18:15
jrayhawkOnly root can hand those out.18:16
jrayhawkThat happens at login time.18:16
fennif piny has docs, seems like that's a relevant thing to add to the docs18:18
fennah there are man pages for the individual commands18:19
fennbut no 'man piny'18:19
jrayhawkYeah, I'm a jerk that way.18:20
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fennso much enthusiasm for openscad, but it's really sub-par18:23
fenni can't figure out how to duplicate the center=true behavior of primitives for modules, because variables aren't really variables18:24
@kanzureopenscad is pretty terrible.. all the enthusiasm is the makerbot crowd i think18:24
fennand translate can't be called except as part of a tree18:24
@kanzurehave you considered trying cadmium, pyopenscad, openscadpy or jsopenscad or csg.js?18:24
fenncould you summarize those in like 1 line each?18:25
fennlike what's the difference between pyopenscad and openscadpy18:25
@kanzurecadmium: opencascade+python again https://github.com/jayesh3/cadmium18:26
@kanzureopenjscad: webgl / openscad-related http://joostn.github.com/OpenJsCad/18:26
@kanzure"This is intended to become a Javascript based alternative to OpenSCAD, for 3D solid modeling"18:26
fenncadmium is just pythonocc? wtf18:26
@kanzurepyopenscad: www.thingiverse.com/download:397618:26
@kanzureopenscadpy: https://github.com/hmeyer/openscadpy "OpenSCADPy is a fork of OpenSCAD, a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. OpenSCADPy uses Python instead of OpenSCADs intrinsic language to model objects"18:27
@kanzurei have also backed up pyopenscad here: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/pyopenscad.py blame goes to Philipp Tiefenbacher <wizards23@gmail.com>18:28
fennpyopenscad.py is woefully incomplete18:31
@kanzurecheck the other one :P18:31
fennopenscadpy is a totally different beast18:32
fennpyopenscad.py is a simple wrapper around calling scad commands, whereas openscadpy completely reworks openscad itself to use python as the scripting language18:33
* fenn crawls under a rock18:34
fenngo away, world18:34
@kanzurepyopenscad.py strikes me as being a lot like neil's cad.py thing http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/cad.py18:34
@kanzurei mean.. just using simple string manipulation instead of actual programming18:35
fennyeah it's a weird way to program18:36
@kanzurememory lane: https://bitbucket.org/graphsynth/graphsynth/changesets18:38
@kanzurewait.. why are there only 23 commits18:38
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@kanzurehttp://jeanphix.me/Ghost.py/ "ghost.py is a webkit web client written in python"18:48
@kanzurehrm.. it's sorta weird. looks like it's meant for behavior-driven stuff, rather than just interacting with some python reference to the webkit instance18:49
@kanzurehttps://github.com/niklasb/dryscrape/blob/master/examples/google.py that's not quite how i'd choose to do it O.o18:50
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fennfoo.set(bar) is very un-pythonic18:58
@kanzureyes but also compare that pile of code to, say, the coffeescript 'framework' (spiderghost) i wrote yesterday18:59
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@kanzurenote the methods on class HomePage18:59
@kanzurei guess HomePage is a generically bad example for scraping data from things heh18:59
fenndocumentation goes here19:01
@kanzurethis is why it's in a pastebin and not a formal thing yet :P19:02
fennclass HomePage extends HackerNewsPage ?19:02
@kanzurecorrect.. let's say you are scraping amazon19:02
@kanzureamazon has many types of pages that each need to be treated differently19:03
@kanzurebut they all have the same base_url and they probably all share some common methods19:03
@kanzureinstead of there being some 'main session' you let each page instance have its own little controller19:06
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@kanzuredelinquentme: you should use this http://www.jamescun.com/ycs12/19:51
delinquentmewhat is it?19:52
@kanzureycombinator interview simulator19:52
@kanzureonce you can answer all the questions in the alloted time, tell me19:52
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delinquentmeyou tell me when we can all focus on one project19:53
delinquentmeand well beat the shit out of any ycomb interview19:53
@kanzurei can't force everyone in here to focus on a single project, that doesn't make sense19:53
delinquentmelike 2-5 people19:54
@kanzureworking on what and why?19:54
delinquentmeanyone in here half applied19:54
delinquentmeeven* half aplied19:54
delinquentme1) idea 2) xxx 3) profit ! 4) live forever19:55
@kanzurethat's not helpful19:55
delinquentmekanzure, do you know any laser cutters sympathetic to the cause?19:55
@kanzureanthropomorphic laser cutters?19:55
delinquentmeyeah kinda but mostly people armed with them19:56
delinquentmei need nothing thicker than 10mm19:56
@kanzureyes i know people with laser cutters19:56
@kanzuremost people charge their laser cutter's time at $1/min + setup fees19:57
ybitmy head hurts after going through the simulator19:59
@kanzurewhich simulator19:59
ybit19:51 <@kanzure> delinquentme: you should use this http://www.jamescun.com/ycs12/20:00
@kanzureah i was hoping you compiled https://github.com/kanzure/netmorph20:00
fennkanzure: plz cp /srv/git/skdb.git/hooks/post-receive /srv/git/diyhpluswiki.git/hooks/20:05
@kanzurenope won't work because the gnusha irssi socket is busted20:06
@kanzurejrayhawk: thoughts?20:06
fenni don't really know how cia works20:06
@kanzure/srv/git/skdb.git/hooks/post-receive is not cia20:07
@kanzureoh i see we commented out the cia part20:07
jrayhawkyou can replace that if you want; i was just dicking around20:07
fennit emails cia.vc? weird20:08
@kanzureerr cia.cv also has HTTP POST stuff which i think makes more sense than email20:08
jrayhawkoh, i see, someone already did replace it20:08
@kanzurebut anyway, i think the simplest solution would be somehow fixing gnusha's socket20:08
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@kanzurehow do i do that :x20:09
* fenn kicks gnusha 20:10
fennsometimes it works20:10
jrayhawk /load socket-interface.pl will get you most of the way there, but permissions become a bit ugly. I guess I should look at actual CIA.20:11
jrayhawkyou would specifically want some sort of gnusha-run daemon or suid library to sanitize input to that socket20:13
jrayhawkwhich is lame20:13
@kanzurethis is dumb.20:14
jrayhawkor i guess socket-interface.pl could be rewritten to preface everything with /say20:14
jrayhawkthat's probably easiest. I'll give that a shot.20:14
@kanzurethis also looks dumb: http://mueller.panopticdev.com/2011/08/supybot-git-ircbot-plugin-for-git.html20:15
@kanzureit "monitors" git repositories instead of having an interface for git hooks20:15
@kanzuredoesn't make sense.. https://github.com/mmueller/supybot-git/blob/master/plugin.py20:17
fennit's a supybot interface to git, not so much a change notifier20:18
fennwhy one would want that, i cannot know20:19
jrayhawkOkay, skdb.git probably does a thing now20:21
@kanzurei'd like to set it up on diyhpluswiki.git, hplusroadmap.git and enzymaticsynthesis.git20:22
@kanzurealthough i wouldn't mind doing that on my own20:22
@kanzurethis looks like a more useful supybot plugin http://git.silverirc.com/cgit.cgi/gitreport.git/tree/?id=40ae746f3ab737d62c264df0eee00e5241b1c2e120:22
jrayhawkYeah, you probably want to shove that post-receive hook somewhere and symlink over to it so you get a consistent style.20:23
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@kanzureis the project-name not hardcoded?20:23
jrayhawkI don't actually see the project name mentioned anywhere. I wonder how best to get that.20:23
@kanzurejrayhawk: GIT_DIR ?20:26
@kanzurepossibly: git rev-parse --git-dir20:26
jrayhawkI'm thinking some horrible hack based on $PWD20:27
jrayhawkGIT_DIR isn't necessarily present, git rev-parse --git-dir often returns "."...20:27
jrayhawkI'll throw together a bash regex for that, i guess20:28
delinquentmeis id=#someIDname20:29
delinquentmea valid declaration for a div id?20:29
delinquentmei think rails is failing quietly20:30
@kanzurethe rails framework itself shouldn't be parsing html20:30
@kanzure<div id="someIDname" /> is generally a better idea20:30
@kanzurefenn: soo i am guessing this is the table? http://diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=c0186d4370d49d8725c022cd88a85f614bcacca220:31
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fennyep, here's what it looks like so far http://fennetic.net/irc/xy_table_unfinished.png20:35
@kanzurenmz787: looksies?20:35
@kanzurehm that's roughly what i imagined20:36
@kanzurei think putting images in the repo is okay20:36
fenni dont really like this particular repo setup we've got going20:37
fennfirst of all, it's not a wiki20:37
@kanzureikiwiki? http://diyhpl.us/wiki20:37
fennsecond, /projects/ is going to overflow with random crap20:38
fennwhy not have individual repos for each project?20:38
@kanzurethat's perfectly fine20:38
@kanzure*individual repos are fine20:38
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@kanzurefenn: you should have sudo rights to do "newrepo" on gnusha20:40
@kanzuresudo newrepo reponame20:40
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jrayhawkthe sudo is optional; it'll probably also do that for you20:40
gnushadumbtest.git: 1d977d6 testing from jrayhawk account20:41
jrayhawkoh hello, ikiwiki is kinda broken20:42
jrayhawkoh yeah, i fixed that bug. right.20:44
@kanzurefenn: eventually i will break down and install mediawiki, jrayhawk will go commando and baleet me from the servers, but stee||3giriu will be happy that it's mediawiki or something20:44
gnushadumbtest.git: aa0338d testing from ikiwiki20:46
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gnushadumbtest.git: b5294ba another test20:51
jrayhawkokay, i am too lazy to work out how to configure irssi to /load socket-interface-strict automatically, but other than that...20:52
jrayhawkhook is in /usr/local/bin/gnusha-post-receive20:52
jrayhawkfeel free to symlink it around20:52
@kanzurelike dis? ln -s /srv/git/whatever.git/hooks/post-receive /usr/local/bin/gnusha-post-receive20:52
jrayhawkln -s is conceptually like copy20:53
jrayhawkln -s /usr/local/bin/gnusha-post-receive /srv/git/whatever.git/hooks/post-receive20:53
@kanzureyou have just solved years of struggle and strife with that one analogy20:53
@kanzurewhat the hell is "TARGET" bleh20:54
jrayhawk'source' and 'destination' also don't make much sense20:54
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gnushadumbtest.git: 8113503 of commits20:57
gnushadumbtest.git: 8113503 of commits20:57
gnushadumbtest.git: 8113503 of commits20:57
jrayhawkhuh, that  foreach does not work well20:57
@kanzureok symlinks made20:58
* fenn mumbles something about git submodule21:01
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gnushadumbtest.git: 5854a92 this is21:03
gnushadumbtest.git: a51c182 a pile21:03
gnushadumbtest.git: 5c83d41 of commits21:03
jrayhawkah, typo21:03
@kanzurejrayhawk: when i'm using screen and i can't be bothered to relogin is it safe to do sudo git push?21:04
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jrayhawkThe objects are immutable, the refs are atomicly modified with linking operations and are thus covered by dir perms.21:04
jrayhawkNew object dirs are covered by core.sharedrepository.21:05
jrayhawkand my ridiculously strict permissions model even keeps you safe from hostile users replacing the contents of hooks/21:07
@kanzure"remote: skipping bad filename experimental/vik's kiwi mendel/beaded-belt_gear.scad"21:08
jrayhawkYeah, ikiwiki is paranoid about what characters it's willing to deal with. I can add a gnusha.org-wide setting for that...21:09
@kanzureah it wasn't clear that it was ikiwiki21:09
@kanzurei am possibly okay with that21:09
jrayhawkYou can shove $conf->{"wiki_file_chars"} = "-[:alnum:]+/.:_ \'" into /etc/ikiwiki/piny.setup.pl and sudo piny-ikiwiki-mass-rebuild if you ever happen to care21:11
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nmz787kanzure: ever hear of eeg and khz or mhz sampling rates?21:11
nmz787seems most 'brain' waves are in the low hz21:11
@kanzurei've never really been interested in eeg so i haven't looked21:12
nmz787this is still not radio khz http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2209462421:12
@kanzurebut.. sampling rate? i doubt it's mhz. there's no way old school eeg devies were doing a million samples a second21:13
jrayhawkI think the default wiki_file_chars is meant to step delicately around people with shitty filesystems21:13
@kanzurei guess they were continuous readout, hmm21:13
@kanzureoh he really meant mhz21:13
@kanzurewait, what?21:14
@kanzureHz = 1/1, MHz = 1000000/1, mHz = .001/1 ?21:15
@kanzureso 1/100th of a sample per second?21:15
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@kanzurei've added some repos http://diyhpl.us/cgit/ like open-spectrometer, openpcr, liquidhandler001, parameterized-mendel, oce, etc.21:29
klafkai think i'm going to do the data science hackathon this weekend21:29
@kanzureklafka: there's an fbi/diybio hackathon on june 16th in (probably)sunnyvale that you should meet all of us at21:30
fennoh look there's my email address21:31
@kanzureklafka: yeah they are flying a lot of us out21:31
klafkawhat is the involvement of the fbi w/ the diybio movement?21:32
@kanzureklafka: lastyear's notes: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/fbi-diybio-2011/2011-07-13.txt21:32
@kanzurethey are somewhat encouraging and helpful21:32
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@kanzureklaka: http://web.archive.org/web/20080708235522/http://www.fbi.gov/hq/nsb/wmd/images/hrtppe.jpg21:33
klafkaok i'm down21:35
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@kanzureklafka: awesome21:36
klafkajust you know remind me later on21:37
klafkai'll make sure to not be out of town though21:37
klafkaman hackathons, diybio, starting a chapter of a drug harm reduction my days in sf are fucking packed21:38
fennsweet, biohazard paintball21:38
@kanzurethat used to be their graphic on the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" website ("Biological Countermeasures Unit")21:39
@kanzurethey had somewhat toned it down: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/terrorism/wmd21:39
@kanzurenow it's somewhat more peaceful: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/terrorism/wmd/image/wmd2.jpg-121:39
fennyeah those guys look pretty depressed21:39
superkuhWorking for evil probably does that.21:39
fenn"aw man we used to get submachine guns, now it's just pointy wizard hats"21:40
klafkai wish i had used version control on this code21:40
-!- Thorbinator [~Thorbinat@c-67-166-146-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:40
@kanzurefenn: "fuck obama we liked bush"21:40
@kanzureklafka: always use version control21:41
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klafkai know21:42
@kanzuresuperkuh: have you used this? https://github.com/kanzure/netmorph21:42
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superkuhI can't even get it to compile (yet).21:59
yashgarothglutton for punishment21:59
yashgarothoh whoops21:59
@kanzure"Check out xmllint too, ESP the "shell" feature in it (basically a REPL for xpath and other useful XML spelunking.)"22:09
@kanzurewell that's neat.22:09
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nmz787no i did not mean millihertz22:11
@kanzurei still don't understand the meaning of a millihertz22:11
katsmeow-afktakes a good while to change22:11
@kanzureokay, so just longer cycles/periods22:12
katsmeow-afkyeas, longer than one second22:12
@kanzurethat's still hard to understand in some contexts though- e.g. in eeg sampling22:12
katsmeow-afk1 sec = 1hz, 100mh = 0.1 sec , etc22:12
@kanzurewould it mean "take the average of the electrode's reading over a period of time"?22:12
katsmeow-afknot to me, no22:13
katsmeow-afkif you frame it in that context, maybe22:13
katsmeow-afkif you are talking of a portion of a freq spectrum, ok22:13
katsmeow-afkbelow 1 sec, you might even call it a short or long term dc shift22:14
katsmeow-afkinteresting things have low freq oscillatons, light bulbs can make fne 7hz oscillators, and i have seen generators and heavy hvac units try to sync (miserably) and hunt around at 200millihz cycles22:16
nmz787100MHz would be 10 nanoseconds per sample22:24
nmz787or rather 1 sample every 10 ns22:25
nmz787so ideally your EEG would sample at like 250MHz to make sure you see the waveform nicely22:25
katsmeow-afkand a sun tracker will have a repeat only once per 24hr day22:26
katsmeow-afkholy crap, no way, how fast does your eeg waveform change??22:26
nmz787no i'm saying to see if there were RF components associated with different thought processes that's what you'd need22:27
nmz787most EEG are less than 1KHz22:27
katsmeow-afkoh, the rf things,, yeas, in which case you'd need to sample at least 2x the top freq, or above Nyquist cutoff22:28
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@cpe-67-242-177-23.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]22:32
gnushapokecrystal.git: 226e964 Asm.insert_multiple_with_dependencies23:12
gnushapokecrystal.git: 1098757 speed up asm insertion23:12
gnushapokecrystal.git: 34ff5fc checkmonkey -> checkmoney23:12
jrayhawkhaha on topic23:13
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@kanzureuh uh23:15
@kanzurei should probably disable that23:15
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@kanzurefenn: why not povray?23:45
@kanzurei mean, if openscad is so much trouble to begin with23:45
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