
--- Log opened Wed May 02 00:00:16 2012
--- Day changed Wed May 02 2012
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thylaok who is here?02:07
thylaI just found a factual lie on penn state's website02:08
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thyla[12:36] <thyla> some woman named "Andrea" at  Penn State thinks we already have the technology to build exobots.09:36
thyla[12:36] <thyla> Maybe someone should email her09:36
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kanzurehrm i don't know why all my .tar.gz files keep on ending up being .tar files09:39
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vrsno z option?09:49
kanzureno i remember z...09:57
kanzureit's happened once or twice before.. either fenn or jrayhawk pointed it out09:58
kanzurebut now the russians are on my back about it09:58
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nmz787ruskies eh?10:24
nmz787you working for them now?10:25
nmz787man DIYbio has been really slow/low-volume lately10:25
kanzurenmz787: there are a lot of ruskies interested in nanoengineer10:27
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kanzurenmz787: like Алексей Татаренко, Евгений Сильвёрстов, Ратмир Сайфутдинов, Сергей Евфратов, Василий Артюхов, matvey ezhov, vasilii artyukhov, danila medvedev, etc.10:32
nmz787i see10:38
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jrayhawkyou should be using -J anyway12:23
kanzuretar zxvf, tar czf right?12:26
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thylaSo russians have no word for baloon12:58
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thylathey say (literally)   "airy little ball"12:59
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kanzurewhy don't they just say balloon?13:17
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kanzurearchels: shit happens :)13:38
eudoxiathis kind of stuff happens so often it's not even interesting anymore :|13:38
eudoxianot to belittle your link or anything13:38
kanzureyeah man, just last night i got a blowdart lodged in my prefrontal cortex13:39
kanzurethought nothing of it just kept coding13:39
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archelsWell, it's a miracle they didn't permanently lobotomize this poor individual, although I'm sure he would have been functionally lobotomized for a good while...14:15
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katsmeow-afkpictures show the dart sticking out of his head a good inch, how the hell did no one notice? It's not like it matches one sticking out on the otehr side14:35
yashgarothmaybe he was wearing a hat14:35
katsmeow-afkand it didn't fall off at any time during the struggle with cops, or the exam thereafter14:36
yashgarothelastic hat14:36
katsmeow-afkso it was in his brain a "couple of millimeters", and i presume the cops pulled the trigger and shocked him with a few dozen kv?14:37
chris_99might be of interest to you guys http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/ahrc/script-ed/vol7-3/hawkins.asp14:39
chris_99regarding genes & patents14:39
chris_99(in europe)14:40
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delinquentmeman made:  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/James_Webb_Primary_Mirror.jpg17:08
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eudoxialooks rad as fuck17:15
eudoxiatoo bad it's getting cancelled17:15
kanzureDARPA funding o'reilly to put some hackerspaces in high schools17:19
kanzurewhy is their workspace carpeted -_-17:20
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kanzurehuh is personal laser hair removal a thing?17:34
kanzure" the FDA has approved at-home, do-it-yourself laser treatments for almost permanent hair removal" fascinating17:35
kanzurediy colorimeter17:36
kanzureand nmz787's thing.. which did not get funded http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/makerhaus/open-spectrometer?ref=history17:37
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kanzurehi roksprok_, jmil18:11
roksprok_hi everyone18:12
roksprok_kanzure would you mind looking over a 'please hire me for a while' email i was thinking of sending out?18:13
kanzureuh i was thinking of paying you to finish the protocol site18:14
kanzurebut yeah sure send it along to me.. kanzure@gmail.com18:14
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roksprok_sent...thanks a lot18:17
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kanzureholy hell no18:20
kanzureyeah i'll send you some edits18:20
kanzureoh nice.. https://github.com/roksprok/Scraping/blob/master/openprotocolsscraper.py18:21
kanzureis this it? https://github.com/roksprok/OpenProtocols18:22
kanzurerelated note: most people don't commit .pyc files because python recreates those18:22
roksprok_hah that bad? damn18:22
roksprok_does that mean i should stop just doing git add .18:23
kanzurehrmm well18:23
roksprok_or is there a settings file where i can exclude things?18:23
kanzurewhat i do is i add "*.pyc" to .gitignore18:23
kanzureperhaps less interesting.. https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal/blob/master/.gitignore18:24
roksprok_cool will add18:25
roksprok_*dumb question alert* when you merge two branches, will only overlapping stuff raise a conflict or will any difference raise one?18:33
kanzureonly merge conflicts will be brought to your attention18:33
jmilo/ kanzure18:51
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-79-122.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:54
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:54
delinquentmeIf people complain about people behind each other’s backs, you have a problem. If people don’t trust each other to do good work, you have a problem. But if people know that their teammates are going to deliver, you’re good. Even if they are all calling each other idiots.18:59
JayDuggerI'd feel more sanguine if the quote beneath the blog header didn't come from the role-playing-game Eclipse Phase.18:59
kanzureroksprok_: ok writing my reply18:59
roksprok_Isn't Apple a pretty strong counter example to the intro of that article?19:00
roksprok_ty kanzure19:00
roksprok_'don't be a cult'19:00
JayDuggerGoing on to quote Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum soothes my qualm about the earlier quote.19:01
kanzurecultivist: adj. one who advocates and performs the cultivation of cults19:01
kanzurei want a cult that makes cults19:01
jrayhawkadvocate for absolute truth, but do so through ambiguous analogies19:02
jrayhawkit'll take a long time to beat abrahamism, though19:02
kanzurejrayhawk: are you making suggestions for how a proper metacult would be structured?19:02
kanzurebrownies: are you around?19:03
roksprok_delinquentme: do you know how long the cs183 class is?  ie how paraphrased are the notes?19:06
delinquentmenah it just says that its not a direct transcript19:07
delinquentmeroksprok, apple culture within their employees?19:07
delinquentmesimple retort : " Are they clearly kicking ass within societal ranking "19:07
delinquentmewhile society isnt the best of tools to measure with ... they're not operating the LHC19:08
roksprok_honestly i am just going off Pirates of Silicon Valley...19:08
roksprok_I still have not read Isaccson's Steve Jobs19:10
roksprok_does anyone know if kickstarter will do a chargeback if a reward is not provided?19:11
kanzurelots of kickstarter projects don't deliver on the rewards19:12
kanzureand in general no it hasn't been the case19:12
kanzurekickstarter will only charge you once the project is fully funded and it's the 45 day mark (or whatever)19:12
roksprok_here is a DIY Arduino EEG that it appears like the project creators just kind of quit after a year.  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/86514518/diy-arduino-eeg?ref=users19:14
yashgarothwhat about if you don't meet the funding goal?19:15
roksprok_no money changes hands then19:15
kanzureyashgaroth: project fails to get funded19:15
yashgarothoh that sucks19:16
kanzuresadly this was the fate of nmz787's open spectrometer19:16
roksprok_meanwhile there are like 5 internet of things projects that all got 10's of thousands19:17
yashgaroththat stupid fucking air pollution egg19:17
kanzureit's a social/marketing thing.. plus if you have a great video, that always helps19:17
kanzuresome people just cultivate a community of people that give them money regularly19:17
kanzureso sending them to kickstarter is how they get money out of their pockets19:18
kanzureof course, sometimes you post in the right place at the right time and enough people actually need/want whatever you are selling19:18
roksprok_right place = reddit/hackernews/submist to gizmodo?19:19
kanzurenot always..19:19
kanzurereddit isn't your personal funding machine19:20
roksprok_well what websites are the 'right place'?19:20
kanzureif you could predict that then i think you would be making more money than you do19:21
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roksprok_just browsing thorugh kickstarter it seems like for every category there is 'new', 'hot', and 'staff picks' so it is kind of hard to find the success rate19:22
roksprok_kanzure: good point/touche19:23
delinquentmekanzure, did you apply to octopart?19:24
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kanzuredelinquentme: nope but i talked with them a looong time ago about skdb. they were pretty excited about it.19:26
kanzurei think i implemented an octopart api at some point.19:26
kanzureroksprok_: something like 40%19:26
delinquentmeyou mean like the one they've got?19:26
kanzureor 60%. one of the two.19:27
kanzuredelinquentme: i mean i wrote one in python to interface with their http api.. this was before they had a python library -_-19:27
kanzureoctopart has been around for quite a while.. i hear they have been growing lately19:27
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delinquentmeyou saw the hidden mention at the bottom right? =]19:28
delinquentmebonus for interest in bio or physics19:29
kanzureroksprok_: sent.19:30
kanzureroksprok_: i am only harsh on you because i love you :P19:31
roksprok_kanzure: recieved, i am a masochist so even better19:33
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delinquentmekanzure, no word from alex eh?19:51
delinquentmei mean what he is actually working on19:52
kanzureoh i think fenn knows19:53
kanzurehe mentioned him or something19:53
delinquentmebe here.20:02
delinquentmei choose you fenn_ asaur! tail whip!20:09
JayDuggerThe going rate on ebay for a RepRap Prusa Mendel 2.0 is $798 plus $95 S&H. (http://r.ebay.com/BQYtx6)20:09
kanzureroksprok_: http://lab.methodmint.com/methods/1458/20:09
roksprok_also http://onebiglab.blogspot.com/2008/04/new-paper-protocol-lab-knowledge.html is the launch notice of one that doesn't exist anymore20:14
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roksprok_method mint seems to have less than 10 contributers20:16
roksprok_yashgaroth: you around?20:16
n_benthawho's excited for the may 7th launch?20:16
kanzuren_bentha: take a look at methodmint.. http://lab.methodmint.com would you use this?20:16
roksprok_are the SpaceX people affiliated with that astroid mining group?20:17
n_benthahmm i wonder20:18
kanzureroksprok_: sort of.. probably through peter diamandis20:18
kanzuren_bentha: i'm trying to figure out why nobody is using it20:18
JayDuggerPlanetary Resources-to-Bigelow Aerospace...any idea on a connection?20:19
n_benthathat is interesting kanzure20:19
n_benthathey need a thuimbs up/down for the protocols though20:19
kanzurethey do have it20:20
n_benthaor at least a it worked it didn't work or i don't think it's going to work rating system20:20
kanzurehover over the "+2" http://lab.methodmint.com/methods/16/20:20
n_benthaall is ee is +220:20
kanzureah when i hover over it there are up/down arrows20:20
kanzurebut anyway.. i agree that a more accurate rating system would be useful20:20
n_benthabut i doubt many pi's would like their students using it20:21
kanzurewhy's that?20:21
n_benthaidk...cuz it's not from some journal20:21
JayDuggerBecause it short-cuts the dues-paying aspect of student life.20:21
n_benthaand cuz the fat cats aren't getting rich off of it20:22
JayDuggerCynic: n. One rarely surprised by his fellow men, but very occasionally delighted.20:22
kanzurei think another possibility is that most people don't run a lot of protocols20:22
n_benthalike if it was used within a university, it'd be fine...but since it's so wide open...20:22
kanzurehmm a single university version would be very interesting20:23
n_benthathat too, kanz20:23
JayDuggerThat could also be the case. My lab experience is long, long past.20:23
kanzurelike the way facebook spread20:23
yashgaroth!whatup roksprok_?20:23
kanzureyashgaroth: would you use methodmint?20:23
n_benthayes, but a single univ version wouldn't be that great anyway.20:23
JayDuggerAh...now that's a good point.20:23
kanzuren_bentha: why's that?20:23
kanzurei guess there's only <500 labs per university20:23
kanzureso you would have maybe one or two users total20:23
roksprok_yashgaroth: or any protocol sharing site?20:24
yashgarothsure, what's the difference between that and protocol-online or whatever kanz was scraping?20:24
n_benthatoo small of a community i guess?20:24
kanzureprotocol-online has no ability to do rating20:24
n_bentha1 university likely had 1 lab for 1 area of research20:24
roksprok_there was some y-combinator company doing online lab journals20:24
JayDuggerYou could focus on protocol sharing standards for a variety of focused sites: school, school system, field, etc.20:24
yashgarothoh well web 3.0 is all about rating20:24
n_benthaso u need inter-instiutional commmunication for the best protocls n such20:24
kanzureyashgaroth: pfft come on. "protocol does/doesn't work" is super important20:24
kanzureyashgaroth: or "protocol requires X standard deviations of care while executing"20:25
yashgarothhaha 90% of ratings will be "it didn't work" for any protocol20:25
kanzurebecause they suck20:25
yashgarothor just because biology sucks, but yeah20:25
n_benthagive it forums, and a rep points system20:25
kanzuren_bentha: i think that already exists on this current site20:25
n_benthau know...more points for protocols / protocol comments etc20:25
JayDuggerI spent months trying to get a RIA to work (redacted) hears ago.20:25
JayDuggerThe lab gave it up a week after I left.20:25
kanzuren_bentha: i'm really skeptical because nobody is using this current site20:26
kanzureyashgaroth: one idea i had is that it would be nice to be able to call someone up about a protocol20:27
kanzurelike if your immune tissue culture protocol goes to shit, who the fuck do you call?20:27
yashgarothemail might be better20:27
kanzurestill not sure who to email.. some random professors who might have written papers you read once?20:28
n_benthaok kanzure20:28
n_benthayou could try the slashdot.org style of mod points20:28
yashgarothwhoever it is you'd be calling, email tends to be more polite20:28
n_benthaand that website seemed a little unorganized20:28
kanzuren_bentha: do you use stackoverflow ever?20:28
kanzureah.. methodmint is copying stackoverflow20:28
kanzuretheir rating system is widely considered to be successful20:28
kanzureas a replacement to expertsexchange20:28
roksprok_somewhat_related_question: is there any cost competiton in grants?  like would labs get a competitive advantage if they suddenly could do X for half the normal rate?20:28
n_benthaexpersexchange LOL20:29
roksprok_either because their protocols were less buggy or they had cheaper consumables20:29
kanzuren_bentha: ExpertsExchange not ExpertSexChange ;)20:29
* yashgaroth has no experience with grants, thankfully20:30
kanzureroksprok_: cheaper protocols/consumables might matter in the <$5000 grant range.. but meh20:30
roksprok_that's a bummer20:34
roksprok_i guess crap like name recognition is the biggest factor then? and 'how good your science is'?20:34
yashgarothin terms of receiving grants? who you know, and what/where you've published20:37
roksprok_at like the NIH are applications peer reviewed or are there internal reviewers?20:38
roksprok_nvm google20:38
roksprok_so what about industry?  it seems like it would be useful for a giant like Pfiezer to have an internal protocol exchange20:40
kanzurethey have their own custom information management systems that they paid millions for20:40
yashgarothfor a large company, there's a database of Standard Operating Procedures20:41
yashgarothwhich are probably proprietary, no matter how banal they are20:41
roksprok_maybe all the biotech startups then? like keep an updated list of best protocols and you get access to the previous ones by donating yours?20:43
roksprok_or are they mostly doing stuff they've been doing for decades as professors20:43
yashgaroththey don't usually make their own protocols, if you need one you ask around20:43
yashgarotheverything in biotech is based on previous work, which usually has a protocol attached20:44
kanzureand sometimes a grad student attached to the protocol too!20:44
yashgaroththey don't feel pain so it's cool20:45
kanzurelike literally i've seen "oh yeah, this is our emulsions guy"20:45
kanzureand it's some underfed grad student that's been around for eight years20:45
n_benthaso true20:46
yashgarothI ended up doing a lot of tweak to my protocols, mostly stuff like "oh yeah you don't need 3 washes x 5 minutes because I'm lazy and it works"20:46
roksprok_did you write it down? and pass it on?20:47
yashgarothnah they laid me off so fuck them20:47
kanzurehonestly even if he did write it down the prof or w/e probably lost it20:47
yashgarothmy boss got laid off too, so it's lost in the sands of time20:47
n_benthafor shame20:48
yashgarothno one strictly follows protocol unless they're new or they're working in a GMP facility20:48
yashgarothpfft like anyone times their western blot washes20:48
kanzureyashgaroth: well yes, protocols are used to communicate with those who don't know :P20:48
n_benthanot true, yashgaroth20:48
n_benthappl strictly follow the protocol, but not necessarily the one they found in a paper20:49
roksprok_do these protocol-based-inefficenes have readily visible costs that you could point to and say 'your company/lab/department would have saved $X if you had our system in place'?20:49
n_benthalike i made my own 'tweaked' protocols, and i'd be consistent about them20:49
yashgaroththat's what I mean, I had my own derived protocols, but not the exact one I was handed20:49
roksprok_n_bentha - did you have these tweaks on a computer or written down somewhere? or just remembered it?20:50
roksprok_because if someone just had to upload it they may actually participate, rather than having to write it out20:50
yashgarothit'd be nice to have a collected Q&A with each protocol, so if your bands turn out all blurry you can see what other people did/recommend about it20:51
n_bentharoksprok_: i wrote them down ion my lab journal20:52
n_benthayeah...having an online account w/ all my protocols would be cool...20:53
kanzurei think sharing protocols should be like sharing playlists or mixtapes :P20:53
yashgarothyou guys don't have electronic notebooks?20:53
kanzureacademic labs have tons of paper notebooks flying around20:54
yashgarothpoor bastards20:54
kanzureopenwetware.org was able to get lots of igem teams to host their notebooks on wikis20:54
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kanzurei think it might be possible to algorithmically fix protocols with the right sort of data/ratings about what works/doesn't work20:57
kanzureyashgaroth: would you consider some protocols harder than others?20:58
yashgarothsure, making buffer is a lot easier than anything in a TC hood20:59
yashgarothbut that's more about skill/experience than, like, harder to comprehend20:59
delinquentmepakistani death metal ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8fXFecuptY21:00
delinquentmereminiscent of lamb of god21:00
yashgarotheven the most cutting-edge protocols in wetwork are still 'mix A into B, stir, incubate 8 hours'21:00
roksprok_in industry do people normally get plugged into a niche where they are doing the same/similar things and kind of stop paying much attention to protocols?21:00
kanzureyeah, it's not like you're doing a different protocol every day21:01
yashgarothyes, especially with large comapnies21:01
kanzureeven in a lab your project will probably require you to pick a pcr method and stick to it until it works21:01
yashgarothor until it doesn't work :V21:02
kanzureyeah but you have to prove it either way :p21:02
delinquentmeoo so i should be paying attention here21:03
delinquentmeyashgaroth, what is cutting edge about 'mix A into B, stir, incubate 8 hours'21:04
yashgaroththe composition of A and B, usually21:04
kanzurestrawman.. i don't think yashgaroth claimed it was cutting edge21:04
delinquentmethats a liquid handling problem is it not?21:04
yashgarothsure, but pulling tubes out of a centrifuge and then manipulating them is beyond most liquid handlers, at least those more expensive than lab techs21:05
delinquentmemix up the compositions of A and B in diff proportions21:05
delinquentmeyeah thats a robot arm21:05
yashgarothlab automation is a separate issue than compiling protocols21:06
kanzurelab protocols is an issue of institutional knowledge21:07
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kanzure"Thinking about starting a Fantasy Infringement League. Draft a suit/side and points = $ value the court awards. Who's in? Who's the #1 pick?"21:08
yashgarothwell the methodmint protocol for un-cryopreserving cells is terrible21:11
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delinquentmeyashgaroth, but good codified protocols is a step in the direction of automation21:12
yashgarothsure, but programming in which reagents to use will take less time than programming how the arm moves21:13
yashgarothwow this 10x tris buffer protocol is even shittier21:13
yashgarothside note, a lot of labs will use default protocols from the reagent supplier, which is usually freely available21:15
delinquentmeyashgaroth, why is it an arm?21:18
delinquentmeits cool im just going to lead you to the conclusion of my liquid handler21:18
yashgaroth'appendage' sounds too much like a penis reference21:19
delinquentmehaha but assuming inverse kinematics to layout the physical movements is21:19
delinquentmeoverly complex21:19
delinquentmeis it not simply up down .. move plate .. up down move plate21:19
delinquentmethats a silly scientist problem21:20
delinquentmethey're used to robot arms doing it ... dont model it after a scientist doing the movement21:20
delinquentmemake it an assembly line21:20
yashgarothwe barely have interchangeable parts, much less assembly lines21:21
delinquentmekanzure, " An open letter to Ycombinator: Why you'd be retarded not to fund us "21:21
delinquentmeyashgaroth, true!21:22
roksprok_delinquentme: does ycombinator do hardware?21:22
delinquentmewhy does everyone think that thats a valid distinction?21:23
delinquentmemake it about money21:23
delinquentmenot hardware21:23
delinquentmethey get that21:23
roksprok_actually there is a job posting for an embedded electronics person...something to do with cars21:24
roksprok_so i guess they will do it21:25
kanzuredelinquentme: why would YC fund you? are you making money? do you have traction? do you have business?21:25
delinquentmeIm just saying its a good idea21:25
kanzureit's a good idea for you, but it's a huge risk to YC until you answer those questions21:25
delinquentmealso those arent prereqs for ycomb21:26
kanzurethey will do whatever they want, but they probably don't want a loser21:26
kanzureyou're not a loser but a business with no money, no traction, no growth plan, no customers, no plans for customers, etc., is not a good business to fund21:26
kanzurethey claim to accept idealess teams but obviously they do scrutinize teams very harshly21:28
delinquentmethey're wise ish to think in heuristics21:29
delinquentmebut when there is no precedent21:29
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delinquentmefenn_, does you have experience in accelerating steppers through resonance points?21:39
kanzureoh right it's his birthday21:41
delinquentmeHAPPY BDAY FENN~21:42
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delinquentmekanzure,  http://pastie.org/385213021:43
delinquentmeUI drag / drop elements to generate the above code21:44
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delinquentmewhich would represent an actual codified protocol21:44
kanzurei don't think it should be source code21:46
kanzurebecause what if you want to use n+1 agents21:46
kanzurei don't think ui matters much.. most researchers don't care about graphics21:48
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kanzurewell, at least your code isn't as bad as the microsoft stuff21:58
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delinquentmekanzure, I think the issue is that UI is easy to sell22:01
delinquentmeand its a solid gateway to get the to work with the code22:01
delinquentmetraining wheels22:01
delinquentmeI think you and I look at code differently than scientists22:01
delinquentmethey see code and groan22:02
kanzurewhat do you mean "easy sell".. who are you selling to22:03
delinquentmetheres prob about 6 different people who will b e signing off on a purchase like this22:03
delinquentmeand a UI is a simple way to differentiate from windows based box UI cruft22:04
kanzureok are you talking about a liquid handler?22:04
kanzureand if so did you get your list of 15-20 people to say they'll buy one?22:05
delinquentmeyeah and yeah!22:05
delinquentmeactually I came up with a sales pitch22:06
delinquentmeand i've asked a few decent companies :D22:06
kanzureyou got people to say yes?22:06
delinquentmenah ;D22:06
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gnusha_pokecrystal.git: faa73c5 investigating scripts from a known address22:10
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: 6973ec8 figuring out where a script appears based on a known address22:10
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: f51cde7 show the map event header in the readme22:10
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: 6ec59c8 get_dependencies does not return a list of labels nor strings22:11
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: b871e6c map_name -> map_id22:11
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: d1ddb59 investigating bytes in the ROM22:11
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: 220a9d8 formatting?22:11
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: b1d25e0 nope.. more formatting22:11
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: 404dca1 slightly improved example22:11
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: ea379f3 fix language specifier22:11
gnusha_pokecrystal.git: f2b0779 fix typo in readme22:11
kanzureoh jeeze how do i stop this22:11
kanzurei've removed the hook22:11
kanzureso that shouldn't happen in the future22:12
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delinquentmey comb backs startups of 1 person!22:46
delinquentmePG said 4 is too many22:46
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* Mokbortolan_ quietly sorts and categorizes books.23:12
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kanzureheh "audio adderall"23:36
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