
--- Log opened Fri May 04 00:00:00 2012
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone,06:12
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kanzurebeepity boop08:26
JayDuggerWhen did you learn the binary language of moisture evaporators?08:26
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kanzureazonenberg: yo.. looks like geoff replied08:31
kanzuresummer courses for 'neuron' simulator http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/static/courses/nscsd2012/nscsd2012.html (san diego / may)08:36
kanzure"In five days of intensive lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises, this course will cover the principles and practice of the design, construction, and use of models in the NEURON simulation environment."08:37
kanzure"It is designed primarily for those who are concerned with models of biological neurons and neural networks that are closely linked to empirical observations, e.g. experimentalists who wish to incorporate modeling in their research plans, and theoreticians who are interested in the principles of biological computation."08:37
kanzureregarding that pbs/news hour crap from yesterday.. cathal linked to this (which seems like it was made for this?) http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/02/0908:40
kanzureyou know.. the fbi has a shockingly low response time to my emails08:48
kanzurethis last one was a 30 second response time08:48
kanzurewebgl game http://www.webgl.com/2012/05/webgl-game-cube-2-sauerbraten/08:55
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katsmeow-afkkanzure, maybe they know what the email is as you compose it, that gives them more time09:20
nubanah, they've already predicted you'd be sending that email, that gives them way more time.09:24
katsmeow-afkwhich tells me all those new computer clusters ae online and used for prediction, as well as monitoring09:24
kanzureso by not not sending the email i'd be breaking the law?09:25
* nuba goes back to lurking the shadows again -- I've already said too much!09:25
katsmeow-afklet us know if you get an email answering that question09:26
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kanzurephysical basis of ion channel dynamics http://www.ccs.fau.edu/~liebovitch/dyn.html10:13
kanzure"A Numerical Approach to Ion Channel Modelling Using Whole-Cell Voltage-Clamp Recordings and a Genetic Algorithm"10:14
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kanzurehrm i thought there was a database of ion channel kinetic models somewhere10:16
kanzurechanneldb sounds right but i don't see any actual data anywhere?10:18
kanzure<backwardRate class="ParameterizedHHRate" A="177.99999999999997" B="20000.0" C="-1.0" D="1.0" E="0.008899999999999998" F="0.0050"/>10:19
kanzurewell that's enraging10:19
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kanzureaha here we go.. http://channelpedia.epfl.ch/ionchannels/188/hhmodels/1.channelml10:24
kanzurefrom http://channelpedia.epfl.ch/ionchannels/18810:24
kanzure<transition expr="v &neq; 10 ? (0.01*(10-v))/(exp((10-v)/10) - 1.0)" to="m" name="alpha" expr_form="generic" from="m0"/>10:24
kanzure<transition expr="0.125 * (exp(-v/80))" to="m0" name="beta" expr_form="generic" from="m"/>10:24
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@ip-64-134-243-157.public.wayport.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:24
delinquentmeFound a pitt company whos running microluidic diagnostics10:24
delinquentmeapparently theres a solid proto lab @ CMU?10:25
kanzuremost universities will have their own foundry yes10:26
kanzureoh neat.. NEURON+python http://www.davison.webfactional.com/notes/installation-neuron-python/10:37
delinquentmehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__seh5fKDLY  << how to build medical electrodes for those playing with brain stimulation :D10:50
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kanzurehttps://github.com/languages/VHDL/created <-- vhdl hardware projects11:29
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azonenbergkanzure: just saw it, havent read it yet12:05
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kanzure_Sketch_: o_____o12:44
_Sketch_kanzure: aaaaaaa12:44
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kanzureJuul: wb13:05
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thylaI'm honestly getting  kinda sick-and-tired  of singularitans14:16
thylaespecially those  running around saying "HUman level AI in 7 years herp derp durr"14:17
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Juulkanzure, thanks15:02
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jrayhawkwell, at this point, transhumanism looks like the only alternative to AI takeoff, so you're probably in the right place15:35
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kanzurehrm so i wrote up this nootropic simulation proposal and sent it to randal15:43
kanzureit looks like there's no nootropicdb for simulation the effects of neutraceuticals on receptors/channels15:43
kanzurebut those graphs are in the literature15:43
kanzurepresumably simulating small neuronal networks with nootropically-modulated activity would help show overall impact or what modulators would be more useful/performant15:44
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Cat4Di cant remember the results fo the studies we did15:50
Cat4Dyou need to always encourage the system to bring up the levels of available materials, but NOT increase the electrical load on the neurons15:51
Cat4Dand no fking stimulants15:51
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ParahSailinwell im learning a lot about sequencing16:47
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kanzure"Aufgrund unzumutbarer Kosten und Bezugsbedingungen hat das Direktorium des Zentrums Mathematik beschlossen, alle abonnierten Elsevier-Zeitschriften ab 2013 abzubestellen"17:07
kanzureabonnierten means abort i think.. so i'm pretty sure they are shitting on elsevier subscriptions17:08
kanzurenope. wait.17:09
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katsmeow-afki have been looking online almost all day, and can find RO filter canisters, but not the connectors to hook up to them, or holders to put them into,,, anyone have a clue they can share?18:33
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katsmeow-afkah : "membrane housing"18:46
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delinquentmeso what about Quid18:48
delinquentmeanyone have shit to say on them?18:48
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kanzurebeepity boop19:39
kanzure#brlcad is investigating nanoengineer19:39
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kanzureroksprok: :P20:02
kanzureguess the military was too much for you20:02
roksprokalso the realization that i knew nothing about CAD20:03
roksprokis it run by the military20:04
roksprokah....'ballistics research laboratory20:05
roksprokhow good are we at positioning atoms? like how far away are we from where the examples on nanoengineer's github can be built?20:07
kanzurethere's a lot of really great content about that in the nanosystems roadmap from foresight institute20:07
kanzureblah where's my http20:07
roksprokwhere we're going we don't need http20:08
kanzurehere is a list of remaining technical challenges:20:09
delinquentmeseriously I question this idea that a product wont sell itself20:23
kanzurebrownies: your turn..20:23
delinquentmelike I want to find a continuum of what TRULY must be sold20:23
delinquentmeto something thats easier to sell20:23
delinquentmeused cars are for example20:23
delinquentmea tad harder to sell than an iPad?20:24
kanzureused cars are usually cheaper20:24
delinquentmei dead carcass rotting away with ebola20:24
delinquentmeharder to sell than a pack of gum20:24
delinquentmenow in that example what if your client is a researcher20:24
delinquentmethat eases the sale of the carcass a bit20:25
delinquentmebut can we agree that the gum is still an fairly easy sell?20:25
browniesdepends, probably not if you're selling it to a gum factory20:25
delinquentmewhat about a cell phone20:25
delinquentmeI see this as a pretty *must have*20:25
brownieswhat about a walrus? this line of questioning is meaningless20:25
delinquentmei disagree20:25
delinquentmeas stated brownies im looking for the continuum20:26
kanzuresir i would like one walrus20:26
delinquentmenow if you concede that some things are easier to sell than others20:26
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browniesthere is no grand unified theory20:26
delinquentmeis it bad logic to therefore extrapolate that there could be extremes of that model?20:26
browniesit depends on what you're selling, when, to whom.20:26
delinquentmebrownies, yes and by that generalization E=mc^2 is useless20:27
brownies*and how. heh.20:27
kanzurehow is the most important part!20:27
delinquentmeso what is at the level of being useful20:27
browniesthat's not a ... what. that's not how logic works.20:27
kanzurethe "what" is perhaps the least20:27
kanzure(if you did your job and identified the customer correctly, the "what" will be a given)20:28
delinquentmebrownies, I'm trying to invalidate the idea that bc there is no grand unified theory20:28
delinquentmethat there is no benefit in a continuum20:28
kanzurewhat ?20:28
browniesthere is no objective metric here.20:28
delinquentmei stated the metric20:28
kanzureyou started off by selling "an object can sell itself"20:28
delinquentmeharder vrs easier to sell20:28
browniesperhaps if the object is a good salesman, he can sell himself when he is looking for a job20:28
delinquentmetell me that that is an invalid matric20:29
browniesit is an invalid metric, for about the 3rd time, because you have no context.20:29
browniesharder vs. easier sell BY WHOM TO WHOM HOW WHEN.20:29
delinquentmebrownies, we can flesh that out ad infinitum20:29
delinquentmesure lets add a billion vars so that its overfitted20:29
browniesnah, just those 4.20:29
delinquentmespecifically NOT what im saying20:29
delinquentmeyes each of which has a billion possible values20:30
browniesok, fine, i'll humor you for a minute20:30
browniesgo on20:30
brownieslet us pretend this metric exists with no other context20:30
delinquentmeok so lets use the topical machine my liquid handler20:30
delinquentmewould it be easier to a diagnostics lab for liquid handling20:31
delinquentmethan a stick20:31
delinquentmea stick would err on the side of useless20:31
kanzuresell them a million sticks and you will finally be a salesman20:31
delinquentmelike i mean its a useless example right?20:32
delinquentmesomething easier20:32
delinquentmewhat if I want to GIVE someone a new set of pipette tips I invented20:33
delinquentmeis that easier than selling them an AF microscope?20:33
delinquentmeTLDR ( and why im right )20:33
delinquentmeto say " nothing sells itself" is too simplistic20:33
delinquentmeas well as absolute20:33
delinquentmeso it has a high likelihood of being incorrect20:34
delinquentmenow im really curious as to how you'd fight that20:34
roksproki think expecting a three word phrase to not be simplistic is putting the bar too high20:35
delinquentmeroksprok, yes yes but20:36
delinquentmesaying that something that is noticeably GOOD20:37
delinquentmelets go so far as to say OBJECTIVELY good and value-additive20:37
delinquentmeis easier to sell than something which is not20:37
kanzuredidn't they ask you to give them a demo of your device?20:37
kanzureand you refused?20:37
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delinquentmekanzure, is that my response?20:37
delinquentme" its not ready? "20:38
delinquentmewhich i guess is honest20:38
kanzurei thought it was ready20:38
kanzurebut you refused to show them or something20:38
kanzureso they didn't buy it20:38
delinquentmekanzure, i have no proto20:38
delinquentmeso theres nothing to show20:38
delinquentmeI can show them pumps and folded acrylic20:38
katsmeow-afkand sketches of shafts pounded thru additional shafts so they slide back and forth20:41
katsmeow-afkerr, steppers20:42
brownieswhat are you looking for here, exactly?20:46
kanzurebrownies: haha20:46
browniesa stick is less useful to a lab technician than a pipette? sure, but notice how you've magically added context.20:46
kanzuredelinquentme: answer :p20:46
delinquentmebrownies, brownies this is to assist you in conceptualizing20:47
browniesi assure you that your oversimplified metaphors are helping no one20:47
delinquentmebrownies, are you an economist?20:47
kanzurethere are many reasons that people don't want to invest in something that doesn't exist.. (namely they aren't investors)20:47
delinquentmethere is a reasonable complexity20:48
browniesnot a professional economist, if that's what you mean20:48
delinquentmelets loosely call it "reality"20:48
delinquentmein which we need to attempt to model this "sell hard" vrs " sells itself "20:48
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kanzurethe reason "cars" in your above examples sell themselves is because of peer recommendation20:49
kanzurepeople get cars because every other car is an advertisement20:49
kanzurenot because the car asked them to buy it20:49
browniesalso because the car company spent millions of dollars on marketing.20:49
delinquentmewhat I want to hear from you is a consent that some things are easier to sell ( sure ill even give you " in particular situations " )20:49
delinquentmethan other things20:49
browniesat this point it might be the case that everything is equally difficult for YOU to sell ;)20:49
delinquentmekanzure, yeah you're correct in that its hard to create an isolated system here20:50
browniesbut yes, if i walk into a car dealership, it will probably be easier for them to sell me a car than a walrus.20:50
delinquentmebrownies, lets not joke20:50
delinquentmesome things harder20:50
delinquentmesome things easier20:50
delinquentmewater in the desert to someone in a dehydrated state20:50
browniesi said i'd nod along with this construct of yours a while ago. so what's your point?20:50
delinquentmeEASIER sell ... than water for someone sitting next to a brita pitcher20:51
browniesthese lab technicians presumably already have a solution for handling their liquids20:51
delinquentmethat one can develop a continuum of harder vrs easier sales20:51
delinquentmeand if we can make a continuum20:51
delinquentmethere are inherently things at both sides of that line graph20:51
browniessure. anything priced at below market value will sell itself to any theoretically rational actor.20:52
delinquentmeand im not even talking about the Liquid handler20:52
brownies*significantly below20:52
delinquentmewhich is a ton of people are all very anti-my liquid handler here20:52
kanzurenon-existant liquid handler has a $0 market value :p20:52
delinquentmewtf is that about20:52
kanzurenot at all dude20:52
kanzurewe like it20:52
kanzurebut you want to start a business around it20:52
browniesi'm not sure how this rambling talk about continuums of sales difficulty is going to help you sell a liquid handler20:53
delinquentmebrownies, its your presumption that the sale of the LH is what I was on about20:53
kanzurewell then what are you talking about?20:53
delinquentmeim saying that I disagree with Thiels idea that "nothing sells itself"20:53
browniesno, i have no idea wtf you're going on about, and i'm just trying to drag you back to something somewhat useful.20:53
delinquentmebecause thats fucking stupid and simplistic20:53
delinquentmei derped20:54
delinquentmei didnt mention that I'm waxing on about this:20:54
roksprokand its three words!  what three words aren't stupid and simplistic?20:54
delinquentmeroksprok, context20:54
kanzureoh.. you're complaining about peter thiel? meh20:54
delinquentmedisregard the words .. or count or whatever you know what he meanc20:54
delinquentmemeans *20:54
roksprokhis point is that it is easy for engineers to overlook sales20:55
roksproki thought it was a good read20:55
roksprokespecially the part about palantir and SpaceX20:55
roksproki had always wondered how those huge contracts got handeled20:56
delinquentmeoh I agree20:56
delinquentmebut I dont agree w the specific parts20:56
delinquentmehear me out20:59
delinquentmeDoes sex appeal20:59
delinquentmeneed to be sold?20:59
delinquentmeor does it sell itself?20:59
yashgarothooh yeah you can handle my liquids baby21:00
delinquentmetell me where on the continuum of:21:00
delinquentmeHard Sell --------------------------------- Sells Itself21:00
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delinquentmeyashgaroth, ha21:00
kanzureopengl trouble with nanoengineer21:14
kanzure(from starseeker on gentoo)21:15
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delinquentmeThat’s not true at all. And since the best people tend to make the best companies, the founders or one or two key senior people at any multimillion-dollar company should probably spend between 25% and 33% of their time identifying and attracting talent.21:18
delinquentmeI agree with this21:18
katsmeow-afki think you need a product that sells first, or you can't meet payroll or the power bill21:19
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: unless you know how to sell to investors21:19
katsmeow-afki don't, case closed21:20
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