
--- Log opened Thu May 10 00:00:06 2012
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delinquentmeahhhhh! ICE COFFEH morning all :D05:15
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delinquentmestate funded nice05:57
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* bkero waves from cph06:56
delinquentmehas anyone else thought about a buzword bingo bullshti generator for getting new ideas?07:06
kanzure"We utilize a powerful Deformable Mirror Device (DMD) projector to shine a 1024 x 768 pixel image onto a layer of photo-initiated polymer resin.  The result is a quick solid cure of the entire layer in one operation.  The layer thickness is typically 100 microns but your model can be sliced even thinner if you need even higher resolution."07:07
delinquentmeI mean like throw a bunch of buzz word bullshit in a pool and randomly cut through it07:07
kanzuredelinquentme: no, i think that is a bad idea07:07
kanzureyou shouldn't have that much trouble coming up with new ideas.07:07
delinquentmekanzure, theres a startup already doing that07:07
delinquentmekanzure, new ideas IMHO are about novelty in inputs07:07
delinquentmechange up the inputs get different yields no?07:07
kanzureok but i don't see how bingo would make it better07:07
kanzuresounds useless to me07:07
kanzurejust write a program to combinatorially generate the arrangements. fuck bingo07:08
delinquentmekanzure, yes you're well suited for science07:09
delinquentmeyou took what i said, obfuscated it07:09
delinquentmerestated it07:10
kanzureyou said "buzwrod bingo generator for generating new ideas"07:10
delinquentmecould be used for ELISA right?07:10
kanzuredelinquentme: i think openspectrometer.com's kickstarter was more robust than that colorimeter07:10
delinquentmewell they're using these little rectangular cube things07:11
delinquentmewtf are those lol07:11
delinquentmeim sorry i was just watching nathan washing his ass on youtube07:16
delinquentmethat b9 res is fucking impressive!07:19
delinquentmeid love some chemical impregnated anti hand gunk stuff for my keyboard an mouse07:22
delinquentmeHATE sticking to things07:22
kanzurewhat the hell is "#cyborgProblems"07:26
kanzurestop putting hashes in front of things07:26
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delinquentmekanzure, have you ever hit a max on pubmed searched?08:35
@kanzurenot yet08:35
delinquentmegood answer ha08:36
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delinquentmehey is it just me being nuts...08:38
delinquentmebut couldn't an algo be designed to route electrical components on a PCB?08:38
delinquentmelike all you need is the form factor of each component08:39
@kanzuremany layout algorithms already exist08:40
@kanzuresome take netlists, like in vhdl/verilog08:40
@kanzurebut other systems like geda/kicad implement it for larger components08:40
delinquentmego humans!08:42
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Mokbortolan_1delinquentme: yeah, otherwise it'd be real tough to manage all those traces, not to mention trace length09:12
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@kanzurehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsQ_q3wI1ak "transmission laserwelding of a microfluidic chip"09:15
@kanzurethat looks like 0.5 mm channels?09:16
delinquentmeWhat the fuck09:19
delinquentmeWhy cant I upvote this?09:19
@kanzurewhy would you upvote anything in the first place09:19
@kanzureieet is worth ignoring09:19
delinquentmeno seriously09:20
delinquentmei've seen 2 decent articles on HN about life extension09:20
delinquentmeand BOTH I could not fucking upvote09:20
@kanzureok. try logging in first.09:20
@kanzurei still don't see why you should upvote things?09:20
delinquentmeI am logged in!09:20
@kanzureyou could just bookmark them09:20
delinquentmekanzure seriously09:20
ybitthis looks nice: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/b9creations/b9creator-a-high-resolution-3d-printer09:21
@kanzureybit: lemoncurry?09:21
ybitignore second pasted link09:21
@kanzureybit: http://code.google.com/p/lemoncurry/09:22
ybitis this what he is using?09:22
@kanzuredon't think so.09:22
delinquentmeis there some kind of time decay on the upvote ?09:23
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delinquentmekanzure, http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/pellissier2012050909:29
delinquentmei need to test something out09:29
delinquentmewould you submit that to HN for me?09:29
delinquentmeits already been posted so I'm just seeing if a duplicate submission automatically upvotes09:30
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@kanzuredelinquentme: yes dupe submissions will cause an upvote09:33
@kanzureunless the url is different09:33
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delinquentmeI've got this pubmed page: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=%22Creation%20of%20a%20Bacterial%20Cell%20Controlled%20by%20a%20Chemically%20Synthesized%20Genome%22   and I click the display setting .. select XML and click apply ... I end up looking at the XML ...10:24
delinquentmeim looking at chrome and the network tab and looking at the code thats being called .. SO the URL thats being hit to generate and return that XML .. should be in there10:25
@kanzurenot necessarily, it might be a form that calls some url, or some javascript, etc.10:27
delinquentmealright i gotta hop around a bit ... and then ill hack through that :D10:32
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delinquentmefeel better .. little moar awake =]11:59
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@kanzureyashgaroth: hey12:46
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delinquentmekanzure,  talk to me a little bit about how these request can be ruted12:59
delinquentmerouted* if you don't mind .. so im looking at the request .. theres 4 going on .. 2 of which get no response .. and then 2 that actually have stuff in the headers13:00
@kanzureshow me13:00
@kanzurewell preferably with copy/paste13:04
@kanzurewhat the heck am i looking at13:04
delinquentmethis is what happens when i click a radio button and apply changes13:04
@kanzureis this a post or a get13:04
delinquentmemagic happens then im rerouted to a XML page13:04
delinquentmewell there is a post and a get13:04
@kanzureok. so what is your question?13:05
delinquentmeno actually just a post13:05
delinquentmeso on that action called 'pubmed"13:05
delinquentmethe response is the XML im after13:05
delinquentmewait so if i just make a post to that particular url with those headers13:06
delinquentmeit should give me what I want13:06
@kanzureimport requests; response = r.get("http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=%22Creation%20of%20a%20Bacterial%20Cell%20Controlled%20by%20a%20Chemically%20Synthesized%20Genome%22", allow_redirects=True)13:06
@kanzurefrom BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup; html = BeautifulSoup(response.content)13:06
@kanzureor you should probably use lxml if you are playing around with..xml..13:07
delinquentmelxml is python :D13:10
delinquentmethis is all rubeh13:10
@kanzureruby/python.. doesn't matter13:11
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@kanzurensh: what's up ?13:31
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@kanzurei wonder if i can get the fbi to rename the workshop to 'weapons of self destruction'14:31
ThomasEgikanzure, the fbi always makes me smile14:39
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ThomasEginot long ago they raided a mailserver which, mainly, served encrypted mails.14:39
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@kanzureThomasEgi: in the "i like getting butt raped" way or the "i am genuinely happy" smiling way?14:39
ThomasEgiso the actual owner installed a tiny camera in the server rack14:39
ThomasEgiand the fbi guys came back, adding the machine back into it's slot and they wired it up again14:39
ThomasEgiend of the day, fbi agents got caught on tape my armateurs^14:40
ThomasEgiso.. yeah. a genuinely happy smile^14:42
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gnusha_laser_etcher.git: 48eb253 outline of todo list16:14
@kanzuregnusha_: i should make you sms my pocket16:15
gnusha_laser_etcher.git: a314425 need to ship the parts16:19
@kanzurefenn: ^poke16:19
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@kanzureJuul: hey16:28
Juulkanzure, heya16:28
jrayhawk_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SMS_gateways if you aren't already aware16:33
@kanzurejrayhawk_: i just use twilio.com or tropo.cmo16:34
@kanzurethe email gateways tend to be unreliable16:34
fennJuul: hey, you are coming to my house this summer? (langton labs)16:35
Juulfenn, hehe, sure! is there an event or are you just asking in general?16:36
@kanzureyou two should definitely meet16:37
@kanzurealso, neither of you have met klafka yet16:37
fennit seems you emailed tristan ursell last week regarding staying as a guest16:37
fennare you currently in the bay area?16:38
Juulfenn, that must've been someone else?16:39
Juulcould it have been Malthe?16:39
Juulfrom biologigaragen?16:39
fenner, you are marc dusselier, correct?16:39
fennsorry i misspelled the name16:39
Juulnope Marc Juul16:39
@kanzureyou got the marc part right.. but the other part seems harder to get wrong!16:40
fennah. nevermind then :)16:40
@kanzurehave you two met yet?16:41
Juulwe should16:41
Juuli live in west oakland16:41
@kanzurewho else lives in the bay? bkero, brownies, fenn, juul, klafka?16:41
Juulfenn, whatcha doing this weekend?16:42
fennno plans16:42
-!- jrayhawk_ is now known as jrayhawk16:43
fennoh, maybe looking at a house in berkeley16:43
fennwhat is "biofab database"?16:44
fennbiofab.org seems to be down16:44
@kanzurebiofab was drew endy's synthetic biology org16:45
@kanzurejuul used to work there16:45
Juulfenn, thanks16:46
fennah finally someone has implemented a connector standard for a variety of electronic sensors http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=1&keyword=grovefamily16:51
fennkinda weird that they exclusively use star topology, as i2c works fine as a bus16:56
Juulfenn, http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/grove-i2c-hub-p-851.html?cPath=178_19116:58
fennsystem requirements are "dumb-proof, damn cheap, Not need 5 different types of cable"16:58
fennoh i see, you can solder the bricks together16:59
fennno cables needed16:59
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browniesjrayhawk: eh just use Twilio17:52
jrayhawkno u17:57
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nmz787kanzure: you there?18:45
@kanzurenmz787: yes18:46
nmz787so we are figuring if we don't hear about SF jobs by end of month we need to plan on NYC18:52
@kanzurewhat about jbei?18:52
nmz787they won't give me a pay increase unless i have a b.s., which I still need 3 credits to get18:53
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fennjesus christ you don't need $14k to make a circuit board19:16
@kanzurethen you should go yell at mitch altman19:16
@kanzureit's your civic duity as a noisebridge member.19:16
brownieswhich noisebridge member has the civic duty of cleaning the damn place?19:18
fennnoisebridge has no members19:18
@kanzuremr. body, no body19:18
fennit's pretty "clean" from a dirt standpoint19:19
fennthe real issue is apathy towards putting things back where you got them19:19
fennif i knew how to fix that, i wouldn't be spending all day cleaning my own "hacked space"19:20
fennmaybe if it cost money to get things out of storage, and you only got the money back when you returned them19:20
fennthat way at least mess would be generating income19:21
@kanzureit could just be reputation, and you have to positively impact reputation of the space to stay19:27
@kanzurei guess that wont work because people can then play social games rather than keeping things organized19:28
fennthe other problem is nobody seems to do anything19:28
fenni'd rather have mess being generated than not, if it meant projects were being accomplished19:29
fennbut it seems most of the mess is just churn19:29
@kanzureis there a "planet planet" aggregator for noisebridge?19:29
@kanzure"planet" is a popular blog aggregator19:29
@kanzureinstallable aggregator that shows posts about what's going on in a community, usually19:29
@kanzurei know there's a mailing list, but that's not the same thing as seeing projects19:30
fennyeah i don't read the mailing list19:30
fennwiki/recent changes seems to be the closest19:30
fennah spoke too soon: https://www.noisebridge.net/planet/19:32
@kanzurewant to take a stab at nanoengineer?19:36
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nmz787kanzure: so I say we build 2 gantries in June, and I take one back to NYC... I can owe you the cost if our plans don't pan out i.e. company happens19:47
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@kanzurenmz787: i don't even know what the actual cost is yet19:50
nmz787google docs spreadsheet says gantry is at $557.7019:53
nmz787not including laser related stuff19:53
gnusha_laser_etcher.git: ad7e459 first draft of bearing block19:57
-!- klafka [~klafka@c-24-6-19-91.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:59
@kanzurehahah http://twitter.com/cookbook20:59
@kanzure"Shroom Burgers: steam8portobelo9m; patdry. Mix c grtdcheddr&edam,form4disc; seal btwn shrooms. Dip+2btnegg,c flr&panko; rpt. Deepfry2m/side."20:59
@kanzure"Mosaic Tea Eggs: China. Happy Easter! Tap,crack ovr6boildegg. Simmr h+c soya/staranise&cinnstick/2T dryblktea/t sug&pep/h2o to cvr. Steep>h."21:00
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Voliswhat is this place?21:33
@kanzurea fortress of solitude21:33
Volisi am so lonely #YOLO21:35
@kanzurewhat the hell is "#YOLO"21:35
chevbirdhey all--  anyone from the boston area?  i just sent out an email to the bosslab diy guys and was hoping to learn a little more21:35
chevbirdyou only live once....kids today...21:36
yashgarothit's some dumb facebook shit21:36
VolisYou Obviously Lack Onions21:36
@kanzurelemme think. who oh who is in boston..21:36
yashgarothdavid, I would think21:37
VolisDavid Blaine isn't in Boston.21:37
@kanzureoh, yes, definitely21:37
@kanzurebut he's not online at the moment21:37
VolisDavid Copperfield is dead.21:37
yashgarothdon't know if he's boss enough for bosslab21:37
@kanzuredavid dalrymple21:37
chevbirdDavid Hasselhoff obviously21:38
@kanzurehe probably hasn't gone yet.. he has CBA, what would he need bosslab for :/21:38
VolisWhy he isn't on the beach?21:38
bkerokanzure: got/responded to your email21:40
@kanzurebkero: i saw it, thanks21:40
bkerokanzure: I live in Portland, but that's close enough :)21:40
chevbirdkanzure: is this who you're talking about? http://esp.mit.edu/teach/teachers/davidad/bio.html21:43
@kanzurebkero: doh. i don't know why i put you in the 'sf' pile.21:47
@kanzurebkero: take jrayhawk with you when you come over21:47
@kanzurejrayhawk: you will go with bkero21:47
@kanzurechevbird: yes21:47
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bkerokanzure: is jrayhawk in pdx?21:53
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bkeroI got some of my college buddies internships down in the bay area, so I have to come down this summer to visit them.21:53
@kanzurebkero: he is in portland, yes21:53
jrayhawkI was planning on heading down to visit the bay area and yosemite in late June.21:54
bkeroright on21:54
jrayhawkI would offer to help carpool, but even if you were a legless dwarf I don't think you'd survive the confines of my back seat for twelve hours.21:56
jrayhawkmaaaaaybe a legless dwarf in a vegetative state would do okay21:57
@kanzurejrayhawk: you should time it so that you can hang out with us. june 12-16ish21:58
jrayhawkWhat's the occasion?21:58
chevbirdpicturing a legless dwarf21:58
delinquentme_NIGHTEH all!21:59
jrayhawkthat's a good occasion21:59
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@kanzurejrayhawk: fbi/diybio workshop, then some hackathon thing21:59
@kanzurejrayhawk: the fbi is flying in a lot of ##hplusroadmappers, so i figure it's an okay reason to get together21:59
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jrayhawkInteresting. It's within the realm of possibility, but not really motivating enough to happen.22:05
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@kanzurejrayhawk: what about for the sake of proving that you aren't steve22:05
jrayhawki suspect he'll be back up in portland by that time, so we'll have failed to prove anything22:07
@kanzurewhy is he migrating?22:09
jrayhawkYou'd best ask him. I think he ran out of things to do in the bay area.22:10
@kanzurethat sounds very hard to do22:10
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chevbirdnight all22:41
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