
--- Log opened Thu May 17 00:00:12 2012
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fennjrayhawk: do you eat nuts? i've been reading about phytic acid and food soaking. easy enough to do, you soak the nuts overnight in water with a bit of cultured whey or yogurt added; the warm wet environment activates phytases in the nuts so phytic acid won't bind to magnesium etc03:57
fennthe acid environment prevents bad bacteria from growing03:58
fenni think this is why most people are mineral deficient, their food isn't soaked prior to eating03:58
fenncurrently i believe mg deficiency leads to allergies, depression, back pain04:01
fenn"viral electronics goes viral!~"04:02
ThomasEgivery interesting approach to use viruses as piezoactive generators.04:03
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fennholy crap why are HPLC systems so expensive05:19
ParahSailinbecause they can05:32
fennit's just a tube with some crap in it05:34
ParahSailinthey can because their customers are mostly government06:03
ParahSailinwho can get a grant for however much because they dont bear the cost06:03
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fenndoes anyone know of diy or at least less than $10k HPLC systems?06:08
fenni mean this is just absurd06:08
@kanzurepeanut butter06:09
fennany writeup on that?06:09
@kanzurei think some diybio person pooped in a tube and used that, but i don't have a link06:09
fenngreat. -_-06:09
fennany sage advice before i return to my coffin for the day?06:10
@kanzurehrm for some reason http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/diytranshuman_projects.v4.html is a search result when i go looking for el-cheapo hplc06:11
@kanzurenmz787 or yashgaroth will have a better link for the peanut butter thing06:13
fennhm. well in the meanwhile i'll watch the MIT videos i guess06:14
fennwe did this in organic chem lab but i forgot all of it06:15
fennprobably because i was (unintentionally) high on fumes06:15
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delinquentme_fenn, tyrant should have shit on this07:51
delinquentme_HLPC is afterall what he was given 100k to develop07:51
kanzurei thought he was given money to skip college07:53
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delinquentme_the pitch was he was going to build a hLPC machine08:28
delinquentme_this was in print material a number of places08:28
delinquentme_fenn, kanzure whats up with you guys and the project?08:30
delinquentme_theres so much fucking money and hell to be made08:30
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delinquentme_was reading a research paper the other day on progress being made in a minimal ecoli genome :D08:35
delinquentme_we're talking the biological equivalent of a stripped down operating system08:36
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delinquentme_nmz787, when we going driving man?08:43
delinquentme_i can go tomorrow but all I've got is a bike atm08:44
kanzurefollow-up on the c60 claims: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/2012-05-17-c60-claims.txt08:50
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kanzurehi Algo09:52
delinquentme_coooool http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/industrial-robots/jpl-designing-spinyfingered-grippers-for-robotic-drilling-on-asteroids10:07
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nmz787can anyone get this: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/1536837850904036210:35
kanzure--2012-05-17 10:39:10--  http://informahealthcare.com/doi/pdfplus/10.3109/1536837850904036210:39
kanzure2012-05-17 10:39:11 ERROR 403: Forbidden.10:39
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_Sketch_nmz787: That informahealthcare.com link is working again. ($43 for a PDF for 24 hours?! What?!)11:18
jrayhawkfenn: I don't tend to eat nuts; they have a lousy lipid profile, are expensive, and are a pain in the ass to prepare.11:31
jrayhawkIf I were to prepare them, I would probably go for 1) buy organic since phosphate fertilizers amp up the phytic acid content 2) soak 3) dehydrate 4) roast11:32
jrayhawksprouting is also a good way to decrease phytic acid, but that moves it from $8/lb to, like, what, $16? horrifying numbers11:33
jrayhawkanyway, mineral deficiencies are caused in large part caused by phytic acid, but also by industrial agriculture depleting soils and making minerals biounavailable11:35
jrayhawkand, of course, active phytates are also present in grains in legumes, so nuts don't deserve all the blame, there.11:36
jrayhawkAll this stuff, along with fermentation, decreases active phytates in grains and legumes, too.11:38
jrayhawkhandy propaganda from the ancestral health world: http://chriskresser.com/another-reason-you-shouldnt-go-nuts-on-nuts http://www.westonaprice.org/food-features/living-with-phytic-acid11:39
jrayhawkand, of course, people taking magnesium supplements are taking really shitty magnesium supplements11:41
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jrayhawkmultivitamins are infuriating. half the nutrients on offer in those are either biounavailable or some terrible oxidized form that make everything worse11:43
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nmz787jrayhawk: how do the oxidized vitamins make things worse?12:01
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kanzureyashgaroth: fenn was wondering about some diy hplc options13:02
yashgarothya I've just been catching up on the logs13:02
kanzurei told him that some diybioer pooped in a tube for his bead media13:02
kanzureok cool13:02
yashgarothcolumns usually aren't the expensive part, they're 'only' 1-2 grand13:03
yashgaroththe machinery is all about very fine pressure control, since if the pressure level gets disrupted you have to rebalance13:03
yashgarothit depends what sort of hplc you're trying to do though13:04
yashgarothi.e. whether you're measuring the purity of cocaine or analyzing protein aggregation13:04
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kanzurei haven't seen anyone doing their own protein chromatography gittup13:08
Utopiahnice "Welcome to Life: the singularity, ruined by lawyers" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFe9wiDfb0E13:14
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nmz787protein chromatography can be easy, not needed HPLC for that13:20
nmz787I just did some HPLC in lab though, and it would take a considerable amount of time+money to get a DIY/from-scratch setup up and going13:21
nmz787seems like the pro setups are complicated enough as is13:21
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nmz787though the software could use some minor usability improvements13:21
nmz787although recent HPLC/lab tool software may be much nicer than what i used13:21
yashgarothno it's still shitty13:22
nmz787affinity chromatoraphy, ion exchange, TLC... are all pretty straightforward though13:22
nmz787you probably don't need fine pressure control if you want crappy/good-enough results, but I wouldn't trust it for something I was going to ingest/inject13:23
ThomasEgiUtopiah, bullseye :) thx for sharing13:23
nmz787i think pulsing would just causing band broadening13:23
yashgarothyou mean with the pump? yeah, but if your resin's gonna be all DIY and crappy then you need all the resolution you can get13:24
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nmz787i really wanna try peanuts as a packing13:27
nmz787they seem pretty nonpolar on their surface13:28
yashgarothwhat's wrong with diatomaceous earth13:28
nmz787no idea13:28
jrayhawknmz787: re: oxidized nutrients: increase in random reactivity. omega 3 and folate (or, rather, in this case folic acid) are examples of supplements that actually worsen health outcomes as a result of how ineptly prepared they are.13:39
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delinquentmefenn, kanzure nmz787 i've got a kid @ CMU who is part of that system and is looking for a grad project15:10
delinquentmeshes working on another PCR machine ( =/ ) but I think w the right heads in that mix she might be persuaded to hit up the CMU foundtry15:10
delinquentmeyou guys wanna live in pittsburgh :P15:10
delinquentmei could totes get us 20g in funding here15:10
delinquentmeits not much but pittsburgh is pretty cheap15:11
kanzurewhat are the terms of this $20,000?15:11
delinquentmealpha lab is the accelerator15:11
kanzureok, and they want equity?15:11
delinquentmeyou get office space for like 5 months?15:11
delinquentmeyeah between 3 and 7 %15:11
kanzurenot interested15:11
delinquentmethey also happen to be associated w a bigger VC group called innovation works15:12
delinquentmekanzure, thats stupid15:12
kanzure$20,000 isn't a lot of money15:12
delinquentmesaying not interested as an absolute is retarded15:12
delinquentmeyes i know15:12
kanzureanyone can make that in 2 months15:12
delinquentmehowever thats working a job15:12
kanzureand, equity means they want companies only15:12
delinquentmenot a startup 24/715:12
kanzurewhich probably means they want things like patents15:13
delinquentmeso you're against incorporating?15:13
delinquentmewhats up with the cutter?15:13
kanzurei'm just skeptical of their value15:13
delinquentmewheres the update15:13
kanzurewhat update15:13
delinquentmethe value is you're 5 minutes from a microfluidics foundry and CMU15:13
kanzuremaking a microfluidics foundry isn't a big deal15:13
delinquentmewhich is at least half-decent15:13
delinquentmesure so whats up with the cutter?15:14
kanzureand even if it was, i don't see why i should prefer CMU's over UT's15:14
kanzureor over stanford's15:14
delinquentmewell whatever works really15:14
delinquentmei mean if i could get $20 grand to let you guys sit at home and visit PGH once in a while15:14
delinquentmeas well as constant access to a foundry thats not half bad15:15
kanzureit's not constant access, those usually close after business hours15:15
kanzurei don't see what you have against building out your own foundry15:15
delinquentmejust faster == better15:15
delinquentmeand we dont have one yet15:15
delinquentmeyou* guys dont have one yet15:15
kanzure*shrug* it's coming along15:16
delinquentmei mean lets be honest15:17
delinquentmethat isn't " the gantrys complete"15:17
delinquentmeor "weve gotten it down to micron resolution"15:17
delinquentmeits pretty damn nebulous amirite?15:18
kanzureso far there's nothing wrong with the gantry15:18
delinquentmeis there something I can help with?15:18
kanzureyeah, you can go find fenn for me15:18
delinquentmeare you guys designing it to run on an arduino?15:18
kanzureabsolutely not15:18
kanzureit's going to be linux running on something above the embedded classification15:20
delinquentmeso linux CNC is going to be doing the pulsing?15:21
kanzurethat's the current design15:21
kanzuredelinquentme: extra cash isn't going to accelerate things at this point15:25
delinquentmeummmmmm what was I gonna say......15:25
delinquentmeOH but i mean having a foundry to start running protos might ?15:26
delinquentmeand cmu might have some experience right?15:26
delinquentmeany rough ideas on what the channels should look like?15:26
delinquentmeLiiiiike you should have an answer for that right?15:35
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kanzurebleh not sure about theze: http://www.meetup.com/Biohackers-NYC/about/ "instead of direct modification or tinkering with DNA to more macro level interventions like modifying nutrition , fitness regimens, and mindfulness practices" .. boooring15:39
kanzuredelinquentme: i'm not particularly interested in paying CMU to design my chip15:39
delinquentmenah if theres a grad they're obligated to it15:42
delinquentmeits part of her research15:42
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delinquentmeUltracenterfuge fail @ 30kg http://i.imgur.com/c772a.jpg18:04
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ThomasEgimy 2ยข . but that day this happaned.. someone spilled his coffee18:21
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Juulit's so cold in the lab19:13
Juulmaybe it will warm up19:13
Juuldoot de doot19:13
Juulif i open another tab19:13
kanzureeach tab probably heats up one cubic mm by 1 degree celsius for 10 minutes over its life19:14
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Juulif only i had a shrink ray so i could fit within 1 cubic mm19:15
kanzureJuul: first you have to reach critical mass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nHKYWc-rnY19:16
kanzurei've been waiting since 2010 to use that video in context19:17
Juulno-one mentioned shrinking anything in all of 201119:18
Juulhow sad19:18
kanzurewell, or shrink ray19:19
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Juulwhat does my eye spy in my inbox19:22
Juulis that a duolingo invite19:22
kanzurehah their concept is funky19:23
kanzuretranslate a website, but they teach you in the process?19:23
Juulyou translate snippets of text it looks like19:23
Juuland you can look up words by hovering over them if you don't know them19:23
Juulvery polished interface it looks like19:23
kanzureevery time you see a polished interface, someone like me gains a single grey hair19:24
kanzurelooks like twitter bootstrap actually19:25
Juultwitter bootstrap?19:27
kanzureJuul: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/19:27
Juulah cool19:27
delinquentmeGew night all!19:27
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kanzureJuul: sorta popular among web app developers19:28
kanzurebecause everyone hates reinventing the wheel19:28
Juulyeah, I've been playing with ExtJS but it's kinda sluggish19:28
Juulnot as nice and simple as it could be19:29
kanzureoh sencha's thing?19:29
kanzurei prefer to use phonegap, but that's not a js framework i guess19:29
kanzurephonegap+backbone hits most platforms, including desktop19:29
-!- skinmocha [~userid@c-24-61-126-211.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:29
kanzurehi skinmocha19:30
skinmochareddit is just too screwed up to use19:30
kanzuredon't use reddit19:30
skinmochaIt clearly takes your posts,  because you can SEE THEM PLAIN AS DAY in the user profiles19:30
Juulwow, problem solved in 3.5 words19:30
skinmochaBut then they don't appear on the damned subreddit itself19:30
kanzureJuul: i'm just not convinced of its utility19:31
skinmochaAnd I'm talking like,   inside  a subreddit which I myself created, I pown, and I moderatre19:31
kanzureskinmocha: who are you19:31
skinmochaIf I am an "approved submitter"  my posts should appear within the subreddit  /within seconds/19:31
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skinmochaThis crap where you go  "well...the website is just a tad slow today"  is totall bullshit.  I can SEE THE SUBMISSION  right ther plain as day on the user profile!19:32
kanzurewhy are you ranting about reddit in here?19:32
skinmochaSo the  WEBSITE STORED IT.  Fact.19:32
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ19:33
Juulmaybe they have nowhere else to rant?19:33
@kanzureJuul: there's ##reddit19:33
@kanzureand #redit19:33
skinmochaNo... those channels are empty19:33
@kanzurei typoed the second one19:33
-!- skinmocha was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [skinmocha]19:34
@kanzureoff you go19:34
@kanzurehow did that happen?19:34
@kanzure"Hi, is this alcoholics anonymous? Transgenic biology, you say? Well, I have this problem with reddit..."19:35
@kanzuresome light reading.. http://nextbigfuture.com/2012/05/how-complex-is-mouse-brain.html19:38
@kanzureallen brain institute video http://www.youtube.com/watch?fv=73lUjX_8-T4 "Hongkui Zeng: 2011 Allen Institute for Brain Science Symposium"19:39
@kanzure"Existing knowledge is incomplete and scattered around in the literature, she said, and this project will map connections throughout the mouse brain via a scalable, reproducible method. With a desired total scope of 300-500 locations in the brain, the Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas will trace connections in the mouse brain using both Cre-transgenic -- genetically engineered to target specific cell-types -- and wild-type mice."19:39
@kanzure"Using over a hundred Cre lines, the Atlas will reveal to where in the brain axons project by tracing axonal fiber bundles from specific focal sites through the brain to both major and minor projection sites."19:39
@kanzureoh neat.. http://www.youtube.com/user/AllenInstitute19:40
Juul1000 times as many neurons?19:41
Juulthat's more more than i would have thought19:41
@kanzuretheir marketing video is pretty great.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e74pCJmd07s19:41
Juulyeah it's well-made19:49
@kanzurei remember writing some random code to crunch their data in 200819:49
@kanzurebut didn't know about their youtube presence19:49
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@kanzurehenry markram video from supercomputing 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rPH1Abuu9M19:57
@kanzureapparently he also wrote "augmenting cognition" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQOnzzk3ByU20:00
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@kanzureugh that's a terrible video actually20:02
skinmochaHenry  Markram's voice makes me all sleepy20:03
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@kanzureskinmocha: "Reporters see much to like: Markram is tall, striking and explains his ideas with the clarity, quotability and urgency of a South African version of the late Carl Sagan. He has "a hypnotic effect", says Richard Hahnloser, a computational neuroscientist at the INI."20:04
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skinmochathis vid cuts off early  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rPH1Abuu9M20:47
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@kanzureskinmocha: it's a multi-part video21:18
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