
--- Log opened Thu May 24 00:00:19 2012
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skorketAnyone in the boston or portland area?01:36
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kanzureskorket: yep06:14
skorketkanzure, you're in boston?07:24
kanzureskorket: no, but there are others in here in boston07:29
kanzureskorket: have you visited bosslab?07:29
skorketkanzuer, no, what's that?07:37
skorketkanzure, you're in portland?07:37
kanzureno, but jrayhawk and Mokbortolan_1 and bkero are.07:38
skorketah, you're neither, you're just pointing out there are others here..07:38
kanzureskorket: http://bosslab.org/07:38
-!- strages_work [~c6740838@dev.throwthemind.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:38
skorketthat looks awesome.  I hear boston is really a biotech hub07:40
skorketI'm thinking I want to try and get a job there.07:40
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Mokbortolan_1what? yes?09:22
audyeveryone wants a job!09:26
Mokbortolan_1no they don't09:28
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audykanzure I heard you were working on a torrent of all published science09:48
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skorketanybody know of any biotech jobs for a programmer like me?11:07
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kanzureskorket: that probably means bioinformatics. not sure what other gigs you're expecting?11:26
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@pppdyn-25.stud-ko.rz-online.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:27
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skorketkanzure, I could imagine someone needing a programmer to develop/program a machine, but otherwise, yes, that's what I take it to mean as well...11:27
kanzurewell yes we can /imagine/ that, but in practice i haven't found that.11:29
-!- LionClan [~omega19@adsl-76-240-194-134.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:29
skorketThere isn't a market for people to make machines to do high throughput screening or some other automated task?  Anyway, I really don't know, I'm not in the industry so I'm just guessing11:30
kanzurei don't know anyone (or any company) that actually uses the cpan tecan module for liquid handling11:30
kanzurethere's somewhat of a 'grant-cycle market' for high-throughput screening machines, but from what i can tell most people never touch that software for a few reasons11:31
kanzurefirst reason is warranties11:31
kanzuresecond reason is because they paid enough to the original vendor that the vendor usually has a software support contract11:31
kanzurei've heard some outlandish tales of really old lab equipment still under warranty or service11:31
kanzureoh, an important third reason is that most people aren't like jcline and aren't going to reverse engineer the protocol or try to replace the machine's ROM :p11:32
skorketI saw a paper a while ago on how to roll your own oligo nucleotide machine...it seems like with the availability of microcontrollers, the internet, etc, that home brew and cheap machines to do these common tasks would be taking off11:35
skorketagain, not like I really know what I'm talking about11:35
kanzurecheap machines are definitely taking off, but labs still buy expensive equipment because they don't usually have the expertise to build the equipment on their own (or, if they are going to bother with building equipment, it will usually be something that doesn't exist yet)11:37
skorketIs there anyone doing cheap lab equipment stuff?  Or is there not really a market for it?11:38
kanzurefrom what i can tell you can't buy a new dna synthesizer for less than $50k11:39
skorketAnyway, getting back to the original goal of pimping myself...know of any bioinformatics jobs?11:39
kanzurepart of this is because there were some pretty hefty patent wars11:39
ThomasEgihm. equipment that needs tons of engineering effort and sells in low quantities. if there"d be a market they would be cheaper.11:39
kanzureskorket: there's tons of bioinformatics work out there.. although not all of it pays a livable wage :P11:39
kanzureThomasEgi: haha yeah, it's certainly not the first thing you want to hear.. "oh yeah, and our customers have no money"11:40
skorketof course, that was what the first computers were like...11:40
ThomasEgii am currently doing some progress with low noise amplifier circuits, but i doubt they are of any use for you guys11:40
kanzureskorket: yes, but computing was entrenched in patents as well11:42
kanzureskorket: there are many people doing cheap lab equipment stuff, but no retailers selling "Sub $10k fancypants open source spectrophotometers"11:43
kanzureand no retailers selling "Sub $20k scanning tunneling microscopes that actually work"11:43
skorketyep...though all that stuff should be possible11:43
ThomasEgihm. i knew a raster electron microscope.11:43
skorketno, I think ThomasEgi has got it, high engineering effort + low demand = high cost11:44
skorketso I guess the next step is to lower cost and generate demand!11:44
kanzureit's not that high cost to produce the equipment11:46
kanzureit's only high cost if you want to use patents and litigate everyone into giving you a monopoly11:46
ThomasEgiproduction is indeed not the cost problem11:47
ThomasEgibut . engineering can eat tons of money11:47
ThomasEgifor consumer electronic's it is not so bad. but lab equipment usualy pushes the limits11:47
ThomasEgiand doing that successfully takes a lot of time, and engineers arent cheap.11:48
kanzuremost lab equipment is much simpler- in terms of number of components, features and functions- than consumer electronic devices11:48
skorketbut even getting something like a toaster or a coffee machine takes a tun of engineering effort11:48
ThomasEgias i said. it is not the cost of production.11:48
kanzureskorket: maybe you're an awful engineer11:48
ThomasEgitoaster is like one wire.11:49
skorketkanzure, maybe you don't understand how much engineering goes into everyday objects11:49
ThomasEgitakes zero ingeneering effort.11:49
kanzureso you're telling me a toaster is complicated?11:49
kanzureor what precisely11:49
skorketI was thinking more along the lines of a coffee machine, but I could see a toaster getting a little tricky11:49
ThomasEgii mean. anyone can build an audio-amplifier. most engineers can build a good audio amplifier in a matter of hours or days. but building one that has really superb performance can take monthes.11:50
skorketfor example, you need to make sure the timer is right.  You might want to have some fuses, make sure they work.  You need to make sure the coil is just the right distance away from the toast, etc...11:50
jrayhawkand liability gets expensive11:50
ThomasEgijrayhawk, that's another point indeed.11:50
skorketLook, even things like 'wc' or 'grep' take a ton of engineering effort.  Easy to do simply, easy to do wrong, difficult to do right and robust...11:50
kanzuremaybe you're just bad at writing software too?11:51
skorketare you serious?11:51
kanzureno, i've never seen your code11:51
skorketto me, kanzure, it sounds like you're not so experienced with product development if you can dismiss engineering effort so readily11:52
kanzurei'm not dismissing it11:52
skorketah, you're just dismissing me then, ok11:52
kanzureto be fair, my first toaster sucked11:52
ThomasEgikanzure, you shouldn't. altho the toaster example is a bit oversimplified. skorket still has a valid point.11:53
kanzureit was supposed to be a blinken-LED circuit11:53
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kanzureThomasEgi: i think such a project is wholly within the abilities of an engineer11:54
ThomasEgia toaster. sure11:54
ThomasEgibut a dna-synthesizer takes a lot more than a toaster11:54
kanzureif one person can't understand a person, what makes you think N>1 will?11:54
kanzureif one person can't understand a system11:54
kanzureis what i meant.11:55
ThomasEgikanzure, if you have multiple persons everyone can focus on one part of the system11:55
kanzurethat's useful when you want to speed things up or if the problem is decomposable in some significant way11:55
ThomasEgipretty much every problem can be split into smaller ones11:56
ThomasEgifor some systems you simply need multiple people.11:56
kanzurestill, i do think that something even as ridiculously big-of-a-project as, say, a space shuttle, could be done by a single person11:56
kanzure(perhaps not assembly)11:56
skorketumm, I would say that there exist problems that can't be decomposed but that all solvable problems can be11:57
ThomasEgikanzure, it could be done but not within the lifetime of one human11:57
kanzureThomasEgi: i think copenhagen suborbitals proves you wrong on that one? although they aren't building shuttles, so poor choice of words on my part for this example.11:57
ThomasEgia one man rocket is not a spaceshuttle11:57
ThomasEgithat's pretty much the same as comparing a hangglider with an airbus11:57
kanzureanother example is CAD. opencascade has 100s of people. none of them understand their own code. it's totally trash and garbage. if you don't have one person understanding it completely, things are going to go south very quickly.11:58
ThomasEgijust because both can fly11:58
kanzureThomasEgi: yes i know, that's why i said it was a bad word choice for that example. sorry.11:58
ThomasEgiit still doesn't change the original point of the discussion11:58
kanzurethat you need 100s of people to build lab equipment?11:58
ThomasEgithat lab equipment is expensive because it requires a lot of engineering effort11:58
ThomasEgino you don't11:58
kanzurequantify a lot11:58
ThomasEgidepends on the equipment.11:59
ThomasEgibut it can easily reach many man-years of work11:59
ThomasEgithermocycler is a weekend project11:59
kanzurea thermocycler is about one man-week.11:59
kanzureopenpcr took about a year. but they were also dicking around. so whatever.11:59
kanzurea centrifuge.12:00
kanzure(oh also they had no hardware experience)12:00
skorketthere's also a difference in making a tool for yourself or your lab and making a tool to be sold to others12:00
ThomasEgias i already said. it depends. if it is "regular" stuff. not that much engineering is required. but if you are going to push the limits. you will need a lot of time and experience12:00
kanzureThomasEgi: nothing about common lab equipment pushes any limits.12:00
kanzureexcept perhaps the limits of my tolerance12:01
ThomasEgikanzure, i have to disagree with you.12:01
kanzure(note: dna synthesizers aren't considered common lab equipment)12:01
ThomasEgigreat performance of equipment wont come out of the blue12:02
ThomasEgiand if the things you want to do is little known and poorly documented in general. you'll have a hard time making stuff work.12:02
ThomasEgiso.. where did we get of the discussion anyway?12:03
ThomasEgibefore we started arguing why lab stuff is expensive?12:03
kanzureskorket wanted to know if there was a market for cheap equipment12:04
ThomasEgihm. there probably is some demand. but noone supplies cheap equipment12:04
ThomasEgii mean. who doesnt want cheap equipment?12:04
kanzurei don't know if there is demand though12:05
kanzurei know everyone says they want cheap equipment12:05
kanzurebut when the grant rolls around, you're going to type in $50k for equipment.12:05
ThomasEgihm. my old neighbour's dad worked at a chemistry lab. the whole company went down the drain so they ended up closing the lab, selling the equipment for bargain.12:06
ThomasEgihis dad ended up with his entire hous packed full of very expensive equipment12:06
kanzureyou mean previously expensive equipment :P12:07
ThomasEgiguess. if you can get your hands on it on a budget. and i am not talking bout 50k here but something you'd spend on a hobby project... then i bet people would actually buy it12:07
ThomasEgiyeah.. well it is still high quality12:07
kanzureyeah, because of regulations, companies also regularly purge old equipment that ends up getting sold for very cheap prices (although, it's not always working); then there's the refurbishment market12:07
kanzurei was thinking about a little experiment12:08
kanzureskorket asked about a cheap equipment market12:08
kanzurei know there's labx, ebay and other liquidation events to get access to equipment12:08
ThomasEgihm. that means you'll have to know where to get it. it is not exactly the "buy an experimentation kit on ebay for 150$" thing i had in mind12:08
kanzurebut what about an explicit market for cheap equipment. /not/ auctions.12:08
kanzureauctions aren't how you encourage companies to sell cheaper equipment.12:08
ThomasEgiwould indeed be an interesting experiment12:09
kanzurenot sure what it would look like.12:09
ThomasEgisilkroad for lab equipment?12:09
kanzurewhy would it be anonymous?12:09
ThomasEgiwas just kidding^12:10
kanzuretrying to be hip :P12:10
ThomasEgipopularity hardly ever hurt business.12:10
ThomasEgiafk for a while.. will be back later12:11
kanzurethe fbi sent out an email exposing everyone's email address -_-12:12
kanzure"Everyone is invited on the evening of June 13 to a special event being hosted by Nancy Burgess from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Further details on the where and when are to follow, but the evening activity will focus on innovation and technology"12:12
kanzuredefense threat reduction agency?12:12
kanzurewhat am i getting involved in..12:12
ENKI-]["defense threat reduction" is code for "kill everyone with an interest in gene sequencing before they design a virus"12:13
-!- skorket [~skorket@cpe-24-58-232-122.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]12:14
kanzure"The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is an agency within the United States Department of Defense and is the official Combat Support Agency for countering weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high explosives)."12:23
kanzure"DTRA employs 2,000 civilian and military personnel at more than 14 locations around the world, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, and Ukraine"12:23
kanzure"DTRA was established in 1998 by consolidating several DoD organizations, including the Defense Special Weapons Agency"12:24
kanzure"DTRA's vision is "to make the world safer by reducing the threat of weapons of mass destruction.""12:24
kanzure"Defense’s Nuclear Agency, 1947–1997, traces the development of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP), and its descendant government organizations, from its original founding in 1947 to 1997. After the disestablishment of the Manhattan Engineering District (MED) in 1947, AFSWP was formed to provide military training in nuclear weapons’ operations."12:25
kanzure"DTRA sponsors the journal WMD Insights." pfft i should totally publish something in that12:26
kanzurei wonder if they would be willing to train me in "nuclear weapons operation" as well?12:33
-!- drazak [~ahdfadkfa@drazak.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:06
doclI guess the interesting question is what the low hanging fruit is as far as lab equipment? What are the weak points of the problem?13:42
doclWhat could demand be generated for most effectively by lowering the cost per unit?13:43
doclWhat could have its engineering be easily partitioned among several open source projects?13:43
doclWhat gets cheapest the fastest as economies of scale increase?13:44
kanzureit's all pretty low hanging as far as i can tell. most thermocyclers aren't going to need a millionth degree of precision13:48
doclhow much demand for thermocyclers?13:49
doclI guess it's something every bio lab needs?13:51
kanzureyes every biology lab has thermocyclers.13:52
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:52
doclhow cheap could it be / is it?13:54
kanzurewell openpcr sells it for an outrageous $51213:54
kanzurebut it's <$100 in parts13:54
kanzureand most commercial ones go for >$5,00013:54
delinquentmeOpenPCR - the $599 Personal PCR Machine / Thermal Cycler13:55
delinquentmegotta squeeze that change13:55
kanzureoh, $599 now? fuck that13:55
kanzurei don't understand why nobody is selling a $100 thermocycler14:00
kanzureif someone wants to make a product at that price point, let me know.14:00
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delinquentmekanzure, yeah its ridic .. the girl i was chatting about bio stuff with is trying to do that14:15
delinquentmebut she started out with a machined metal body ... lol so thats kinda in the wrong direction already14:16
delinquentmedelinquentme_, HIO14:16
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kanzureParahSailin: where do professors order their equipment from? do you have a catalog you can give me14:19
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kanzure"Request Quote" ok *click*14:24
kanzure"A request for quote has been added to your cart"14:24
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:26
kanzure82% discount? http://www.amazon.com/AmScope-40X-2000X-Biological-Microscope-Mechanical/dp/B004UMDLAA/ref=sr_1_5?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1337894843&sr=1-514:28
kanzureyashgaroth: can you givem e the name of some product catalogs for centrifuges etc.?14:29
browniesdelinquentme: link to her work?14:29
yashgarothlike, manufacturer catalogs?14:29
kanzurewith product ids and things.14:29
browniesyashgaroth: yeah, are they printed catalogs? how could i get a copy?14:29
yashgarothwhat's wrong with online listings?14:30
delinquentmeI could connect you with her brownies14:30
delinquentmei dont think shes got an email up14:30
kanzureyashgaroth: nobody orders from the online listings really14:30
delinquentmewebpage rather14:30
browniesdelinquentme: sure, sounds interesting14:30
yashgarothmoreso than paper catalogs14:30
kanzureyashgaroth: i'm pretty sure they are still flipping through their thermofischer or sigma catalog14:30
browniesyashgaroth: well, when you need a giant $10000 machine, what do you do?14:30
yashgarothmost companies or labs have an associated rep assigned to them from X centrifuge company14:31
delinquentmebrownies, you wanna pm me your email?14:31
browniesdelinquentme: sure14:31
browniesand then you ask the rep to get you the price for whatever you need?14:32
brownieseducational buying works in a similar way, actually. i rather hate it.14:32
kanzureyashgaroth: i was just explaining to him that hitachi, mitsubishi, thermofischer, and all these other companies produce lab equipment14:33
kanzuree.g. http://www.hitachi-koki.com/himac/centrifuges/cp_wx/cp_wx.html14:33
yashgarothhell mitsubishi makes biopharma drugs themselves14:33
yashgarothmitsibishi tanabe research14:34
yashgarothmy previous company sold them one14:35
kanzuresold them one what?14:35
yashgarotha (potential) drug14:35
browniesyashgaroth: so, does your company just proclaim "we will buy all our stuff from Thermo" and then you get a rep, and that's that14:35
browniesor do you have a variety of reps from all the companies that supply you14:35
yashgarothno, most of that stuff is from lab surplus places14:35
brownieslab surplus? what do you mean?14:35
yashgarothused lab equipment vendors14:36
kanzurerefurbished, liquidations, auctions14:36
yashgarothlabx, labsurplus, labtrader, ebay14:36
yashgarothuniversity sales too, good deals there sometimes14:36
browniesyashgaroth: how does one find a university sale?14:37
kanzurebrowsing random sites14:37
browniessorry for dumb questions, just trying to grok the whole supply chain14:37
yashgarothuni website, they all have one hidden somewhere14:37
kanzureF7 is notorious for religiously looking at auction feeds from 100s of sites14:37
kanzureF7 why aren't you logged in :| hmph14:38
browniesyashgaroth: mind linking to an example?14:38
yashgarothusually '[university's initials] surplus' will find it, though some are better about displaying prices than others14:39
yashgarothbrownies: re: your previous question, they usually force you to go through a rep since retail prices are much higher than the "deal" a rep will give you14:40
yashgarothespecially when buying in any sort of bulk, or an expensive machine14:41
kanzurehow much of a deal?14:41
yashgaroth10-20% as a very rough average14:41
kanzure10% of msrp?14:41
yashgarothand free pizza14:41
brownies10-20% discount, or 10-20% OF the msrp?14:41
kanzureor 10% off msrp?14:41
yashgarothwait what's the difference here14:42
kanzure$10k machine for $1k, or 9$k14:42
yashgaroththere is no MSRP since the mfg.er is also the vendor14:42
browniesif the sticker price is $1000, do they... yes, thanks.14:42
yashgarothoh, 9k14:42
yashgarothoften a free ipad as well14:42
kanzurea free.. ipad.14:43
yashgarothit's the big thing now...I preferred pizza14:43
browniesnext time, try and negotiate for $500 of free pizza instead ;)14:45
yashgarothif they'd let me buy the expensive equipment...I only bought a lot of reagents from lifetech and they're terrible at freebies14:46
yashgarothside note, we had a lab manager who spent most of his time just negotiating between the dozen companies that supplied X reagent until he got the lowest price14:47
yashgarothequipment purchase is more based on whether we already have the same model, what people have experience with, and what they hear good things about; rather than the endless negotiating14:49
browniesyashgaroth: what's an example of such a reagent, where you need a lot and there's a lot of competing suppliers?14:50
browniesyashgaroth: yea that makes sense, re: the equipment14:50
yashgarothany basic chemical, Tris for example14:50
yashgarothor pipette tips14:50
browniesah, those damned pipette tips.14:50
yashgarothwe switched tip suppliers every couple months14:51
brownieswas there any noticeable difference? how'd you know you switched suppliers?14:51
yashgarothsame with gloves actually14:51
yashgarothoh, the boxes are different colors and such14:51
yashgarothand often we discovered why they were cheaper; bad aspiration, void volumes, tips falling off pipettes, all that14:52
browniesah i see14:56
yashgaroththe one thing we never did was buy the pipette manufacturer's tips, which I think are reserved for labs with more money than sense14:57
browniesfascinating stuff14:58
browniesso would you then tell your buyer "hey these tips sucked, don't buy from them again" ?14:58
browniesor were you just stuck with whatever he felt like buying every couple months?14:58
yashgarothnah he'd respond to complaints, but when you've ordered 2 months' worth of tips you have to stick with it til they run out :/14:58
browniesalso, one more dumb question: do you remember his official job title?14:59
browniesheh yea fair14:59
yashgarothI think just lab manager...he made buffers and plates and such, but mostly he was on the phone14:59
browniesoh, interesting, interesting.15:00
browniesmakes sense, i suppose.15:00
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yashgaroth"oh thermo has that for $55/kg, can you go lower? $50, you say?" hangs up and calls thermo "they say $50/kg, can you go lower?" and repeat15:00
browniesoh FFS... searched LinkedIn for "lab manager" and its thrown off by all the local geniuses calling their startup a "lab" -_-15:00
browniesyashgaroth: what a pain ;)15:00
yashgarothwe imagine he got to fuck a lot of the reps, and he did seem quite happy with his job, but that's all speculation15:01
browniesis it like pharmaceutical sales reps?15:01
yashgarothalso the title of 'lab manager' is pretty generic, but for a small company that title usually covers ordering15:02
yashgarothsort of like pharma, but they're dealing with people who know their stuff, not doctors15:02
yashgarothmy personal interactions with reps was usually only at vendor shows, where one must feign interest to get free food15:08
yashgaroththen a week later a package arrives with some T75 flasks I'll never use, and they keep calling about how the flasks are working out15:08
yashgarothI never asked for those goddamn flasks15:09
browniesoh haha15:13
browniesyashgaroth: oh, one more question. are there any universities that are well-known for having a lot of surplus that they sell?15:13
browniesor, more generally, what's the indicator that a university might have a lot of surplus? i imagine it's not just *size*... maybe?15:14
yashgarothnot really, a lab will go with whoever's local more than anything...big public unis are a good bet15:14
browniesyeah, figured. alright.15:14
yashgarothI guess a strong bio program wouldn't hurt15:14
yashgarothhaven't compared many myself, but UCSD is way better than UW...UW did always have free glassware out back of the chem building though15:16
brownieshow'd you find out about the glassware?15:22
yashgarothwandering around on campus15:22
yashgarothdid a lot of nighttime capture the flag, good times15:22
browniesyeah, we had a spot in the Physics building where you could get free computers if you timed it right15:24
yashgarothoh we had a ton of that, what with microsoft constantly showering the UW with free computers15:25
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roksprok__does anyone live in berkely/know how good the transit is?16:12
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roksprokalso kanzure you mentioned 100 dollar thermocycler...don't retail products usually have to sell for 3x parts at least to cover returns, supply, other stuff?16:14
kanzure$5 microcontroller, $10 peltier, it's not going to be that expensive16:14
kanzureyou're already failing pretty hard with a $5 microcontroller. that's just downright incompetent.16:15
kanzureroksprok: BART is pretty good transportation16:15
roksprokis that busses or subway?16:15
kanzurethere are also busses but i've never used them16:15
roksprokcool is there a sublet website? like does airbnb do that?16:16
kanzureairbnb is a good first step if you want to try to find other places to live16:17
kanzureor you can find a friend to stay with16:17
roksprokI don't think i have any friends in sf bay :-P16:18
kanzureaww that can't possibly be true16:18
kanzurewhat about all the diybio people16:18
kanzuregourneau keeps offering to lend some space to sleep at16:18
roksprokon diybio mailing list?16:18
kanzurebrownies: maybe you have a small hole that roksprok could live in?16:18
kanzureroksprok: sure..16:19
roksprokbrownies: also what would be a minimum cost per month of living there in the summer?16:19
kanzuredepends on if you have roommates or not16:19
kanzure$1200-$1500/mo would be doable i think16:20
roksprokthats not too bad16:20
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roksproklooks like lots of 35 dollar places on airbnb....though i wonder if it is normal to use people's kitchens?16:24
roksprokhow is indoor fireplace an amenity but 'use of kitchen' not16:30
kanzurefireplaces? those still exist?16:31
roksprokand people apparently make place-of-staying decisions based on the presence of one16:32
kanzureyes.. decisions like 'not'16:32
yashgarotherm, doesn't the 'kitchen' checkbox imply use of kitchen?16:34
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roksprokdid i just miss it?16:34
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yashgarothcould be, or they may remove options if nothing in the area has said amenity16:35
roksprokit looks like they do something like that because some of them have different numbers of amenities16:36
roksprokwell thanks for prompting me to take a closer look16:37
kanzure"please go to my facebook page and wish me a happy 38th must cure aging day"16:40
roksprokyashgaroth: are many labs using openPCR?16:41
yashgarothapproximately none of them16:41
browniesroksprok: my biggest piece of advice is to start seriously looking for a place ASAP16:41
kanzureroksprok: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/930368578/openpcr-open-source-biotech-on-your-desktop16:41
browniesroksprok: depending on how long you want to stay here... lock down some temporary housing on airbnb as fast as you can... then when you get here, start looking at every place that matches your criteria, and show up with a bag of cash and your credit report in hand if you want any hope of getting the place16:41
browniesi'm just kidding... bring a checkbook, not a bag of cash.16:42
kanzureyou can bring a bag of cash to me for, you know, safe keeping16:42
roksprokewww credit report16:42
browniesprices are increasing on pretty much a daily basis16:42
kanzureroksprok: the renting market is not hurting for your business16:42
kanzuresummer prices increase significantly in SF16:42
browniesbecause all these overpaid programmers show up and say "oh, $3000/mo for a 1BR? no problem!"16:42
roksproki was hoping berekely would be a bit less housing-boomish16:43
browniesberkeley is better, yes, but still very high demand.16:43
roksprokbut i guess there are plenty of startups there16:43
brownieslike i said, the best thing you can do is start looking... like, right now.16:44
browniesi've gone to open-houses with a crowd of people who all show up at the same time16:44
yashgarothis oakland still cheap or did it get gentrified?16:44
browniesoakland is in the process of getting gentrified; it'll probably take a couple more years16:44
browniesi think it's slightly cheaper but that comes with all the usual caveats16:46
kanzurelike getting shanked.16:47
kanzureor pooped on.16:47
roksprokugh the poop better be an urban legend16:47
kanzureask fenn, he's a professor of san francisco poop16:47
roksprokis that why he's never on? taking field samples?16:48
kanzureit's the only explanation i can think of16:48
brownieswhen i first moved to SF and was staying with my friend, i'd walk to the neighborhood coffeeshop everyday to work16:49
browniesone day i decided to go a bit earlier, and there was a hobo pooping on the side of the street, right by a tree on the way16:49
brownieswe made eye contact16:49
browniesit was super-awkward.16:49
kanzureyou should have brought out toilet paper from the coffeeshop's restroom16:49
browniesthere are just crowds of homeless people in SF16:50
browniesyou learn to ignore them16:50
roksprokugh i always feel awkward around them16:50
browniesyou'll get over it after a few weeks/months16:50
browniesor you can live in a nicer area of town where they don't exist16:50
brownieswhat brings you out here?16:51
roksprokwell i may be doing an unpaid internship16:51
kanzuredon't do it16:51
kanzurei'll pay you to do things. jeeze.16:51
roksprokwell i havn't heard back from the places that would pay me16:52
roksprokapparently i should have looked up javascript before my python interview16:52
kanzurehow well versed in python are you, again?16:53
brownieswhy in the hell would you do an unpaid internship?16:53
roksproknot very16:53
browniesalternately, screw those guys, and come work for me for free16:53
roksproknobody will give me a paid one16:53
roksprokis the main reason16:53
kanzurebrownies: this is the point where you give him the "changing the world through education" speech16:53
brownieswhy not?16:53
brownieskanzure: i do that after the programming interview16:53
kanzurebrownies: because he keeps telling everyone that he sucks or something16:54
browniesroksprok: stop telling people that16:54
roksprokbrownies: i don't think i could get a developer internship16:54
browniesdude, i could draw a smiley face on a bag of potatoes and get it a paid coding internship16:54
kanzurehe just offered you one16:54
roksproki did stop, but people still won't pay me...16:54
browniespeople are hiring like crazy right now.16:54
roksprokshould i just email people?16:55
roksprokor craigslist?16:55
browniesgood god. no.16:55
browniesshow me your resume16:55
bkerolol jobs16:56
bkeroget me a job paying 140k/year to work from home16:56
roksprokhow do you send files over irc? or email? or is there a dropbox like thing?16:56
kanzurebkero: it's not as hard as you think16:56
* kanzure shifty eyes16:56
browniesroksprok: just put it on dropbox and paste a link here.16:56
bkerokanzure: I know.  Let me do it for a nonprofit.16:57
kanzurebkero: nonprofits don't have money, and usually their dev teams suck, except for mozilla's or possibly the oss world16:57
bkerokanzure: and guess where I already work :P16:57
kanzureyes i know you work at mozilla16:57
bkeroI keep turning down google/facebook/twitter/linkedin because I don't want to move to San Jose16:58
kanzurebkero: have they incentivized you to move?16:58
browniesnone of those people have offices in san jose o.O16:59
bkerokanzure: I haven't responded to the recruiters16:59
kanzureoh those are just recruiters16:59
bkerobrownies: menlo park, mountain view, whatever16:59
kanzureignore them16:59
browniesthere are big differences.16:59
bkeroHaving livedin Mountain View and the east bay, it's all south bay.16:59
brownieshehe, i got a random recruiter email the other day. made me feel special ;)16:59
kanzurei got one from github -_-16:59
kanzure"Hi, we've noticed a lot of activity on your repo POKECRYSTAL..."16:59
bkeroHeh, I got some from github engineers in person.  I went to one of their drinkups.17:00
bkeroI'm really comfortable globetrotting, or else I'd take one of the ridiculous $ offers.17:01
browniesroksprok: hurry up before i get distracted17:02
kanzurebrownies: it's in your inbox17:02
roksproki am downloading dropbox17:03
roksprokit is taking a while17:03
kanzureah in the future you might want to try kicksend17:03
kanzureor megaupload17:04
browniesroksprok: kanzure sent it to me. i'm reading.17:04
roksproko ok thanks kanzure17:05
roksproki like the looks of kicksend17:05
kanzurebrownies: i also sent you the follow-up email i sent roksprok17:06
browniesyou have great credentials17:06
browniesand they are presented terribly17:06
browniesdo you know LaTeX?17:07
roksprokno...is that the new resume standard?17:07
kanzurelatex is how scientific documents are typeset, plus everything else that matters17:08
browniesi wouldn't say "standard" but it would be nice17:08
browniesit's fine though. MS Word is fine.17:08
brownieslose the cheesy art17:08
kanzureyou should send a pdf17:08
browniesyou say "Objectives" and then write 1 Objective17:08
kanzurepdf seems less microsofty than sending a .doc around, or .docx17:08
browniesprobably not the greatest start re: attention to detail17:09
ParahSailinsomeone said my name in here in the ;last 24 hours and i dont feel like grepping logs17:09
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browniesand, while we're at it, lose the Objective section entirely.17:09
browniesmove Education up top17:09
kanzureParahSailin: brownies and i were wondering about getting a lab equipment catalog with, you know, pricing information17:09
browniesmake it 3 times longer than it is17:09
browniesadd your GPA17:09
browniesand graduation date, and a line naming 3-5 relevant courses you've taken17:09
kanzureuse the same font for everything17:10
browniesi guarantee no one cares about the *address* of your employer17:10
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browniesgood god, why does the date have a bullet point next to it?17:10
kanzurehaha maybe they will confuse it with the hospital at 2778 burnet avenue, not 2777 burnet avenue.17:10
roksprokso use the space for elaborating on what i did?17:10
browniesand why are your 3 positions listed in random order instead of chronological?17:10
roksprokwell it is order of hours spent there17:11
browniesyour faint gray font makes me (the hypothetical hiring manager) angry and impatient17:11
kanzurenumber of hours spent should not matter at all17:11
brownieswhy are there random dashes and indentation everywhere17:11
roksprokand only the top one is a real position17:11
kanzuredon't tell them the others weren't "real"17:11
kanzurethey were real to you.17:11
browniesi am informed that you created a heart valve, yet your resume does not communicate anything like that17:12
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browniesdid you publish any papers? are you a US Citizen? both those things should be on there, if true17:12
kanzureus citizenship should be listed, for sure17:12
kanzuredon't put "I haven't written any papers" -_-17:12
roksprokwell it wasn't actually creating one, it was just doing some stress analysis17:12
kanzurethat counts.17:12
kanzureeven though you were configuring CFD software, it counts17:13
browniesbleh. it's all just poorly explained.17:13
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browniesoh wow, we constructive-criticism'd him offline. now i feel bad.17:14
kanzurenah he just sucks at internetting i think17:14
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brownieslet me download the actual DOC and spend a few minutes trying to work some magic17:14
roksprok_i very much appreciate that17:15
kanzureoh don't fight ms word17:15
kanzureroksprok_: also link to your github account17:17
kanzurepeople eat that up17:17
roksprok_i've been including that in the cover letter17:17
kanzurepeople delete the cover letter17:18
roksprok_i thought the cover letter was the most important part?17:19
ParahSailindo do a cover letter17:19
kanzureyes they will read it, but they might save the pdf.. they will probably not download your email text and paste it into the same doc tho17:20
roksprok_well i was thinking if they deleted the email i already lost17:20
roksprok_er...didn't respond to the email17:21
kanzureno, even if they save your resume into their pile, they will probably archive/delete your email17:21
roksprok_well i think if you have a pile to choose from things will not go well for me17:23
kanzureuh dude your resume doesn't list your university17:23
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roksprok_i suppose that will be deleted with the cover letter?17:24
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kanzurehrm? no i was saying that if they read your email, they will save your attachment17:37
kanzureworst case scenario, attach your cover letter to the end of your resume (not the begining)17:37
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browniesthe resume must stand alone17:37
browniesand it should be customized for every job you apply to17:37
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kanzureeveryone is leaving me :(17:39
* brownies is rapidly losing interesting in fighting with MS Word17:41
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kanzurebrownies: told you not to man17:43
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kanzurewelcome back.17:44
kanzuredid we lose anyone?17:44
roksprok_yashgaroth: would biotech companies be worth persuing? or is there enough labor there that you need actual skills17:44
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kanzureit's just labor. i haven't seen a non-sucky biotech job yet, unless you're shooting for management.17:45
kanzureor to own your own biotech company.17:45
kanzureyashgaroth: how much would you estimate your coworkers were making?17:45
roksprok_kanzure: owning my own biotech company is more the 5 year plan ;-)17:47
* roksprok_ is going to lose power in a bit and will bbl17:47
roksprok_thank you for your help and advice brownies and kanzure17:48
kanzureyep no problem17:50
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yashgarothdepends which coworkers17:57
yashgarothand worth pursuing for whom17:57
browniesoh, naturally18:03
brownieshe fucking logged off before i could give him his fixed resume.18:03
kanzurebrownies: email it to him18:03
kanzurehe listed his number, so you could call him and yell at him18:03
browniesi could, but i've already spent far too much time on this.18:03
kanzuremy hobby: finding websites that get dmca complaints18:12
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kanzurehi skorket18:40
skorkethey kanzure18:40
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jrayhawkChecking ...error: /usr/share/libquvi-scripts/lua/website/youtube.lua:112: This video has been removed by the user. (code=100)20:31
kanzurejrayhawk: you disappoint me for actually trying to follow youtube links.20:31
jrayhawkit sounded interesting :(20:32
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jrayhawkso... how does it make pointclouds of both sides of hands20:38
browniesyashgaroth: oh, thanks for all the info, btw :)20:48
kanzure"And perhaps he was just taking tips from RMS, who squatted his MIT office for years after officially quitting to work on GNU."20:55
jrayhawkhttp://web.archive.org/web/20060212034956/http://www.geocities.com/stallmanus/ (nsfw)21:10
jrayhawki have since had a couple of these confirmed by other sources.21:11
kanzure" chose to move to Texas, and the change in rent rates and lack of state income tax resulted in an immediate %25 pay raise. RMS doesn't have that option because we have the death penalty for people like him down here."21:11
kanzureconfirmed: we have the death penalty21:11
kanzurehuh. didn't know that population growth thing about him. that's sccary.21:13
jrayhawki have never tried to tell a malthusian about posthuman singularity scenarios; do they listen?21:18
kanzurejrayhawk: if anything the paperclip scenarios, grey goo and computronium would only validate their fears :p21:19
-!- mako [~mako@118-93-5-109.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:20
Steel2I am sort of curious what the breakdown of this channel is in terms of what people think will happen :)21:20
kanzurethe malthusian won't listen21:20
kanzurei don't think there'll be much of a difference opinion on that point around here.21:20
jrayhawkit seems like they'd want their fears validated, and there'd be a certain amount of relief in the knowledge that attempting to create a sustainable humanity is completely optional21:21
Steel2nah, I meant degree/type of singularity, takeoff speed, what people think it would look at etc.21:21
kanzureSteel2: why would that be important21:21
Steel2people get pissed at me when I say I want positive sum economies21:21
kanzureyou can't just take a bunch of opinions and say that's the future21:21
kanzureSteel2: you should use http://theuncertainfuture.com/21:21
Steel2kanzure: I didn't say it was. I said I was curious21:21
Steel2about the breakdown21:21
Steel2in this channel21:21
kanzuresource code is here: http://github.com/kanzure/uncertainfuture21:21
jrayhawkI think this channel is half SL3 and half SL4, in lesswrong terms21:22
Steel2my actual predictions when I make them generally go to techcast, but I don't know enough about the field to make a statement on AI21:22
kanzurejrayhawk: that's not lesswrong terms!21:23
Steel2jrayhawk: not what people are comfortable with--what they think will actually happen21:23
Steel2I'm comfortable with SL4, but I don't know precisely what it will look like21:23
kanzureSteel2: i don't think your method of predicting the future is useful, and you suck21:23
Steel2you don't know my method of predicting the future, I'm not comfortable sharing until I quantify it better, and we all suck :)21:24
kanzurei see no other practical reason you would want to see their opinions21:24
jrayhawkhe's got you there21:24
Steel2kanzure: Because I enjoy listening to people's opinions21:24
Steel2or seeing the breakdown21:24
kanzurejust because people have them?21:24
Steel2seeing how their brains tick21:24
Steel2because they are interesting21:24
Steel2because people are interesting21:24
kanzureno they're not21:25
kanzure/kick Steel221:25
kanzuregah it's not working21:25
kanzurehow do i get him out21:25
kanzureoh goodddddd21:25
Steel2really? this is what gets you to kick me? the fact I find people's views and opinions fascinating?21:25
kanzurenote that i haven't actually kicked you21:26
Steel2fair point :)21:26
jrayhawkhey guys lets talk about philosophy21:26
jrayhawkhey man that's not very intelligent. i think you should be more intelligent, kanzure.21:26
kanzuremore what now?21:26
kanzureso let's imagine for a moment that people respond to Steel2, someone brings up ai, someone brings up biotech, someone brings up stock prices21:27
kanzurei'd have to explain to each of them why they are probably wrong21:27
kanzurewhen you ask for general opinions about the singularity, you will get philosophical answers21:28
kanzureyou could just as easily randomly generate a set of opinions about the singularity21:29
kanzureSteel2: would that make you happy21:29
Steel2I'm more curious precisely what order people think techs will come in, why, when, how the general public will react, etc.21:29
kanzureok, i can randomly generate that data for you21:30
kanzurei don't see the point?21:30
Steel2Because I find people and their views interesting and you don't.21:30
kanzureok, so if i make pretend that it's actually people with that data, you would be entertained?21:31
Steel2I'd probably want to talk to some of them :P21:31
Steel2this is a dead end discussion.21:31
kanzurethat's how i felt about ray's book sorta21:32
kanzureSteel2: you sound like the kinda person who would get a hardon about http://canonizer.com/21:34
Steel2Wow, talk about verbal diarrhea21:34
kanzurescroll down21:34
kanzurejrayhawk: you might be interested in noting that that site was built by the lds church21:35
jrayhawknot sure what to think about that21:37
kanzureactually, there was a very thorough criticism of canonizer.com by someone who used to write thorough criticisms of eliezer's epistemology21:38
* kanzure digs through email21:39
jrayhawki mean, it's obvious constructing a model of reality by consensus is untenable, but it's not clear that they're trying to do that, here.21:40
Steel2I think the thing that offends me most about EY is the MWI21:41
Steel2like, a lot of stuff irritates me21:41
Steel2but the MWI just sets me off21:41
kanzure"But in an *interesting world* of combinatorial explosion of indirect consequences, and worse yet, critically underspecified inputs to any such supposed moral calculations, no system of reasoning can get very far betting on longer-term *specific* consequences."21:42
kanzure"Rather the moral agent must necessarily fall back on heuristics, fundamentally hard-to-gain wisdom based on increasingly effective interaction with relevant aspects of the environment of interaction, promoting **in principle** a model of evolving values increasingly coherent over increasing context, with effect over increasing scope of consequences."21:42
kanzure(note: this is why philosophy gets banned)21:42
* kanzure is still digging21:43
Steel2man, that's not that bad21:44
Steel2at least it's not heidegger21:44
* Steel2 dodges.21:44
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kanzureaccuracy/precision.. http://lists.extropy.org/pipermail/extropy-chat/2008-October/046099.html no.. that's not it..21:46
kanzuregoogle is really bad at searching 5+ year old email21:50
kanzurejrayhawk: aha http://lists.extropy.org/pipermail/extropy-chat/2006-December/031465.html21:54
kanzure"However, it's not clear to me whether your vision is to rank predominately according to popularity/supporting votes, or whether you see the need to rank somehow according to (still subjective) measure(s) of relative merit?"21:54
kanzurehrm, no21:54
jrayhawkit seems useful as memetic epidemiology21:55
doclThe interesting thing in this channel is kanzure telling people why they're wrong. :)21:56
jrayhawktracking changes over time, finding correlations, making policy decisions based on impact, playing with regression analysis, etc.21:56
kanzure> Absolutely.  As one example, someone's net worth or21:56
kanzure> performance scores in such prediction markets could be yet21:56
kanzure> another data source that canonizers could use to judge the21:56
kanzure> value or reputation of a person's vote.  The two systems21:56
kanzure> definitely fit well together and I definitely figure there is21:56
kanzure> great collaboration possibilities with these two types of efforts.21:56
kanzurebut he was also using it as a sort of mimetic relativism iirc21:56
kanzureheck the name is canonizer :P21:56
-!- klafka [~klafka@c-24-6-19-91.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:57
kanzurehi klafka what's up21:57
klafkaworking on job apps21:58
klafkai made a webapp that tells you whether you have cancer or not21:58
jrayhawki wanna try21:58
klafkayeah 1 sec gotta finish it up and deploy it21:58
kanzurejrayhawk: one of the emails that popped up is "singularity summit on foxnews" how fitting..21:59
kanzurejrayhawk: i'd like to search my email backup for files containing both the words 'allbright' and 'canonizer', how do i do this with grep without line grepping?22:00
kanzurei haven't indexed it yet22:00
jrayhawkthe less good answer is grep -rl allbright | xargs grep -l canonizer22:02
jrayhawkerr, grep -rl allbright mail.google/ | xargs grep -l canonizer22:03
jrayhawkor whatever your mail store is called22:03
jrayhawkbut you should really get friendly with notmuch if you have the disk space for it22:03
kanzuregood ol trusty xargs22:04
kanzuregah even ls is failing in this folder22:05
kanzureit's only 8409 files22:06
jrayhawkif you turn dircolors off, your life will get a lot better.22:06
jrayhawkThen it's only a readdir() instead of a readdir and 8409 stat()s22:06
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kanzurejrayhawk: ok i'm giving up until grep finishes.22:14
klafkahey has anyone pushed to heroku a python app with a locally hosted dependency ?22:18
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kanzureklafka: yes22:21
kanzureklafka: most people just host it on github or something22:22
kanzureif you need it to be private, then you should setup a remote private repo22:22
kanzureheroku has random public keys for each instance slug compilation, so you can't use key authentiation22:22
kanzureplease upvote my answer :p22:23
klafkaah i can just throw it up on github ?22:23
kanzuregem 'my_gem', :git => 'https://my_username:my_password@github.com/my_github_account/my_repo.git', :ref => 'revision_no'22:23
kanzure(or you can do a public git repo)22:23
kanzureoh, right, python.. uhh22:23
kanzurei'm pretty sure your dependencies work similarly with python22:23
jrayhawkis 'kanzure' a funny spelling for 'cancer'22:24
kanzure"Anything that works with a standard pip requirements file will work as expected on Heroku."22:24
kanzure"Thanks to pip’s Git support, you can install a Python package that is hosted on a remote Git repository."22:24
kanzureoh neat, that's kennethreitz. he is my hero because of http://python-requests.org/ .. maybe heroku hired him.22:24
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kanzurejrayhawk: no, it's much more lame than that22:24
jrayhawkwhat the hell is a git+git url22:25
jrayhawkdid they mean git+ssh, which is merely obsolete rather than nonsensical?22:25
kanzurejrayhawk: http://forum.thegamecreators.com/?m=forum_view&t=13697&b=222:26
kanzurewith the risk of further embarrassing my 13 year-old self:22:26
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kanzureoh god what? internet archive has my old "i'm going to make an mmorpg" blog22:29
kanzureoh i heart that i called my site "rightfromwrong", how precognizant22:31
jrayhawki knew a guy who said "i'm going to make an mmorpg" and then he actually did it22:31
jrayhawksurprisingly, it is still going22:31
kanzurei got pretty far22:32
kanzurehad a production crew o_o22:32
kanzureart, music, i did all the coding.22:32
* kanzure uploads music22:33
makoWhy an mmorpg, and was the design directive to addict and please, or to enrich?22:38
kanzurewell i was 13 so the "why" is "i didn't know any better"22:39
mako[and that music sounds like adventure.]22:39
kanzureyes it was an adventure mmo.. thing22:39
Steel2I'm still looking forward to Guild Wars 222:39
kanzurereading the source code is a terrible nightmare22:41
kanzure 997 const char* returnCImageFNWithThisGlobalID(int id) {22:41
kanzurehrm it looks like i was using opengl and sdl22:42
kanzure.. and lua.22:42
kanzure269   dest2.x = (((this->x*global->ents->returnCImage(this->images[1])->image->w)/global->ents->returnCImage(this->images[1])->image->w))-CamX;22:42
kanzurewho the hell writes code like that22:42
makoIt's a long road.22:43
kanzureclearly i was a much better programmer when i was 13 ;)22:44
-!- Helleshin [~talinck@cpe-174-101-208-182.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:54
makoSo what's wrong with that is that it's got repeated sections, and that could have been made much clearer with a variable. Maybe 13yo you thought that would invoke an overhead?22:54
kanzureoh there are other terrible things about my design22:55
kanzurelike, using lua22:55
kanzureand i had this CEntity class that represented everything22:55
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@pppdyn-25.stud-ko.rz-online.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:55
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makoHeh, my first experiments in C# did that too.22:56
makoDon't take having started with C# as being representative of my inclinations...22:57
makoWait, isn't using lua advisable?23:00
kanzurenot really23:01
kanzurewhy not just use python or ruby23:01
makoLua's faster, hence using it for games.23:05
makoStill I kind of agree.23:05
licheni couldnt code worth shit at 1323:05
licheni think i was only about on the 'making maps for warcraft' level23:05
lichenin other news, im playing around with Qt right now23:06
lichenneat stuff23:06
kanzurelichen: would you be willing to become the resident nanoengineer qt guru :P23:06
kanzureit uses qt 4.4 and needs to be upgraded to qt 4.823:06
kanzureannnd i haven't done this yet =(23:06
kanzuretheoreticaly the api is the same for 4.4 and 4.823:06
lichenso just digging through and changing calls?23:06
kanzurein theory yes.. but it's actually a worse state than that23:07
lichenit always is23:07
kanzurethere are other non-qt-related things that are borked23:07
lichenill bookmark it and put it on my todo23:07
lichensomewhat late right now23:07
lichenif its not a ridiculous amount of work i might do it23:08
kanzureit's a ridiculous amount of work :)23:09
lichendamn this program looks intense23:09
kanzureyes sir23:09
lichenyou do some interesting things with your spare time :p23:10
kanzuremost of them involve pasting text into this irc channel23:10
lichenive noticed23:10
licheni mostly just idle in irc23:10
licheni find that if i spend too much time in irc i dont get anything done23:10
kanzureother recent thing is https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal/tree/master/extras/#readme https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal/commits23:11
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kanzurewell, you learned tonight that when i was 13 i built an mmo, but when i was 11 and 12 i was a pokemon master and released gameshark codes obsessively23:13
kanzureanyway, it's nice to finally have the source code to pokemon23:13
licheni came into that convo at the end23:13
lichenyour childhood outnerds mine pretty hard23:14
kanzure"i played pokemon" lots of people did :p23:14
lichenyeah, i played pokemon23:14
lichenfrom like23:14
lichenages 5-1023:14
lichenor whatever23:15
kanzurefive? hrm..23:15
lichenits a pretty good rpg23:15
kanzurethat would make you.. hrm. younger than me.23:15
lichendude, i was born in 199023:15
kanzureme too23:15
lichenoh then idk23:15
kanzurehow'd you play it when you were 5?23:15
kanzureokay then23:15
lichenbad memory?23:15
kanzurebut yeah, source code.23:15
lichenall in asm23:16
lichenlike a boss23:16
lichenwait you commented this all out too?23:16
kanzureit also compiles23:16
licheni could not be motivated to do that23:17
kanzurewell i was very disappointed to learn that pressing A when you threw a pokeball did not increase your chances of success23:17
lichennothing does, does it?23:17
kanzurestatus effects help23:18
lichenwhat about speed?23:18
kanzureexcept in crystal where they had a bug in their code that made burn/freeze not help you23:19
lichenfreeze was always overpowered though23:19
lichenthey never unfreeze unless you use fire on them23:19
-!- bugcatcher [~bugcatche@] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:20
kanzurebugcatcher: test23:20
bugcatcherkanzure, Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck! You're challenging me to a battle? Hah! You're nuts, but you have guts! I like that! If you can beat me, I'll tell you a password to the boss's room!23:20
kanzure<--- king of the nerds23:20
lichendont tell me you wrote a bot from scratch just for that23:20
kanzuretry him out23:21
lichenbugcatcher: A23:21
bugcatcherlichen, I don't care if you're lost. You show up here, you're nothing but a victim!23:21
lichenis it just the bugcatcher lines23:22
bugcatcherlichen, Who are you?23:22
lichenor all trainers23:22
kanzurethat's from UndergroundPathSwitchRoomEntrances23:22
kanzurelichen: all trainers23:22
lichenim now tempted to make a bot with random quotes from deus ex characters23:24
lichenbecause that game has some ridiculous quotes23:24
kanzurelike what23:24
lichendont tell me you havent played deus ex23:25
kanzurei have not23:26
kanzurei am an awful person23:26
lichenyoure in ##hplusroadmap23:26
lichenand a video game nerd23:26
lichenand havent played deus ex somehow23:26
yashgarothwait what23:26
kanzurehey i protected myself by saying upfront that i'm awful23:26
kanzurei'm really really awful23:26
kanzurehow about that?23:26
lichenseven awfuls23:27
yashgarothhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxi7JRJrod4 :D brb23:28
kanzurei'm busy watching tng edits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXvCSG4Ff6023:29
lichenpossibly the best deus ex hr video23:30
brownieskanzure: what'd you use to make the bot?23:32
kanzurebrownies: twisted23:33
brownieskanzure: O.O why23:33
lichenoh i thought you coded that from scratch23:33
lichennerd points subtracted23:33
kanzure twisted.words.protocols import irc23:33
bugcatcherkanzure, Such darling #MON. Let's show our #MON together at the same time.23:34
bugcatcherkanzure, My chance of losing? Not even one percent!23:34
bugcatcherkanzure, You've got dazzling style!23:34
licheni think23:34
-!- bugcatcher [~bugcatche@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:34
lichenyou have a bug there23:34
kanzure#MON is how it was represented in the game23:34
kanzureit was a single symbol23:34
licheni know but i mean you should replace it with something context sensitive23:35
lichenalso, am i the only one reading that as innuendo?23:35
lichen[23:34:18] <bugcatcher> kanzure, Such darling #MON. Let's show our #MON together at the same time.23:35
kanzurepokemon is a weird, weird thing when you reexamine it23:35
lichenits dogfighting for kids23:35
lichenlets send a bunch of 10 year olds out into the wild with no supervision23:35
lichento catch wild animals23:35
kanzureor to catch bugs23:35
lichenand have them fight each other in unstructured tournaments23:35
lichenGREAT IDEA23:35
kanzurei think bug hunting is a good hobby for a kid to have :p23:36
lichenit isnt if the bug is as big as your torso23:36
lichenmy most hated part of programming23:39
lichendealing with random libraries and depedencies and compatibilities23:40
kanzureisn't that the only thing that programming is?23:40
makoReal world programming, yes.23:42
makoWorld-changing and stimulating programming, no.23:42
lichenall im trying to do right now i get qt and qwt to work together23:42
lichenwhich meant downloading the source of both and recompiling it all because they couldnt seem to compile them both with the same compiler23:43
lichenbusy work :\23:43
kanzurethat sounds the complete opposite of thrilling.23:48
kanzure"Hi, Eliezer Yudkowsky New things are always happening here at Twitter HQ. We're growing at a rapid pace, and our commitment to simplicity, transparency, and reaching every person on the planet continues."23:49
kanzurewhy am i getting this23:49
Steel2I want to learn Modelica and System Modeler23:49
makoDid you impersonate Eliezer at some point for kicks or something?23:52
kanzureSteel2: perhaps try jmodelica23:52
kanzuremako: this is possibly me? http://twitter.com/FakeEliezer23:52
Steel2System modeler is $3500 :(23:52
Steel2(I have no practical reason to learn either of these)23:52
kanzureno really.. try jmodelica23:52
Steel2I might after I settle down23:52
Steel2I really want to know what proprietary software BAH uses for their internal wargames23:52
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lichennow i need to download perl23:55
lichenbecause someohw that is not on my computer23:55
lichenso i cant compile qt23:55
Steel2I wonder what I'm going to have to learn for work...23:55
kanzurelichen: sudo apt-get install qmake23:55
Steel2probably just enough C++ and more matlab to duct tape ABAQUS together23:55
lichenyeaaaah, i'm on windows23:56
kanzurewell there's your problem23:56
kanzureSteel2: i seriously doubt anyone outside of academia uses matlab23:56
lichenthe only reason im still on windows is gaming23:56
kanzurebzzt wrong23:56
kanzurewow works perfectly on liux23:56
lichenand that i cant be bothered to switch boots23:56
kanzureand lots of steam-crap23:56
Steel2kanzure: Nope, I think work does iirc23:56
lichenits hit and miss23:56
lichenand i dont play wow23:56
Steel2I'll know in 2 weeks23:56
Steel2(and then won't be able to talk about it :V)23:57
lichenif i have lots of free time sometime maybe ill try switching to linux again23:57
lichenits just a mountain of effort that id usually not do23:57
kanzureit pays off23:57
Steel2bleargh, dan finfer wants me to fly out to california a bunch23:58
lichenthat means i now need to research distros23:58
lichenive got an ubuntu partition but its... eh23:58
lichenid rather just wipe that and start fresh23:58
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