
--- Log opened Wed May 30 00:00:25 2012
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-93-5-109.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:07
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Utopiahstarting tomorrow http://www.seasteading.org/community/events/conference2012/02:13
ThomasEginice, except that "save" and "economical" won't mix. because building a seastead that survives freakwaves just aint too cheap^02:19
ThomasEgiare you going to attend?02:20
Utopiahnop, I think it's cool as an ideal but in practice, I dont believe one of the spectrum (Sealand, Amsterdam, Switzerland, Jersey) vs. Singapour make such a huge difference in term of lifestyle and creative "output"02:21
ThomasEgihm. well it can make some sense when you are more interested in political and juristical points02:24
ThomasEgii still prefer the idea of just digging a hole into the ground and live there. saves you tons of issues from offshore.02:25
UtopiahI still think it's interesting, that's why I keep an eye on it, but again, we all complain about how restrictive our institutions are but usually we find simple loopholes that doesn't make it worth moving all the stuff far away in hard to live places02:26
ThomasEgibasically. all you need to do is to find a place where noone cares what you are doing02:30
Utopiahwhich IMHO is nowhere as long as it becomes intersting enough02:30
Utopiahif this really takes off and "crazy" stuff happens, Im sure governments will react02:30
ThomasEgiof course they will.02:31
ThomasEgithat is why i prefer to have 2000m of granite between me, and the government :D02:31
ThomasEgiwhich is also cheaper than the estimated 35mio/yeahr for the ship's operating cost02:31
ThomasEgior living somewhere in a desert or so. or syberia02:32
ThomasEgior antarctica02:32
ThomasEgithere are many places that are favorable to open sea.02:33
ThomasEgitalking about cool places to live http://www.geekologie.com/2012/05/instant-evil-villain-status-secret-subma.php02:35
* Utopiah is looking for http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=1257303:31
Urchinbeing underground is not exactly safe these days03:34
ThomasEgiUrchin, what's unsave about it?03:35
Urchinmodern bunker busters03:36
ThomasEgi... good luck busting 2000m of granite :D03:36
Urchingood luck digging that deep trough granite03:36
Urchinand good luck not getting the ventilation jammed03:37
ThomasEgi:) hehe. luck is not neccessary. i found a way to do so03:37
Urchinor getting trapped inside03:37
Urchinwhat would you use for power down there?03:37
ThomasEgidifferent methods.03:38
ThomasEgiat small scale at the beginning, just the excess water.03:38
ThomasEgilater on deep-drills for geothermic stuff03:38
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Urchinsounds interesting03:38
ThomasEgias minimum requirement i need about 200 to 400 watts to start carving. which could be easily supplied by some water or solar power.03:41
ThomasEgithe equipment is almost portaple.03:41
ThomasEgimakes rather thing cuts tho.03:41
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dixiebasslinethere is a conspiracy theory about a thing called a 'subterrene' ThomasEgi07:16
dixiebasslineits atomicly heated boring tip allows it to melt its way through the earth at a regular pace, fusing the walls solid as it travels07:17
ThomasEgidixiebassline, i know. it is not only a conspiracy07:19
ThomasEgiit is a device that was actually build by russians.07:20
ThomasEgibut.. reactor belw up :(07:20
ThomasEgimy idea is not quite as radioactive. but comparebly hot. it thermal-cracks the rock open but only one tiny spot at a time. so i can manage with limited power input07:20
ThomasEgialtho. not sure if subterrene is the thing build by russia.07:23
ThomasEgibut the way it works sounds awfully familliar07:24
-!- jmil [~jmil@2607:f470:8:3148:e984:451f:7fc1:804a] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:27
dixiebasslineinstead of building a bunker, it would be quicker to locate one that is existing07:28
dixiebasslinetheres an abandond cold war unit up the road from me07:28
dixiebasslinepaid for by taxes.. i figure after zday it belongs to me anyway07:28
dixiebasslinealbania is littered with bunkers07:29
dixiebasslinethey dont know what to do with.. some of them are beach front07:29
dixiebasslineman... a beachfront concrete bunker on the med07:29
dixiebasslinealbainia also banned religion a few years back07:29
dixiebasslinei think its gotten worse since then thoug07:30
ThomasEgihm. while bunkers sounds ok, they usualy are build at strategic important points. so in case of a country going to war, they'd raid your home first.07:38
ThomasEgithat makes it a no-go for me07:38
dixiebasslinedepends on where youre at and what you think the future holds07:39
ThomasEgihope for the best, prepare for the worst07:40
ThomasEgibeeing paranoid, one can't be careful enough07:41
chris_99what are you talking about?07:48
dixiebasslinebuild up a return on protection chart07:48
kanzurea fortress of solitude.07:49
dixiebasslineits kind of like a debt snowball calc, but you put the most likely doomsday scenerios on it and figure out which ones are the cheapest and easiest to plan for07:49
dixiebasslineand go from there07:49
dixiebasslinesomethings everyone should do, like store food and water enough for a few days07:49
dixiebasslinebut you dont have to prepare for hurricanes in north dakota07:50
dixiebasslineunless you are just board07:50
ThomasEgiwell in case of a geothermic or excess water powered cave system. you can even grow plants in there.07:50
dixiebasslineit would be quite a disaster to drive everyone underground to grow food07:51
chris_99does anyone know of a site where you can purchase bioluminescent plankton07:51
dixiebasslineit might be a nice way to hide your productino from raiders though07:52
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-!- dixiebassline is now known as Dr_Max09:36
Dr_Maxtrying to get a govt job?09:39
Dr_Maxyou did say we are nsa and cia friendly09:39
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kanzureDr_Max: haha, well. no.. the fbi is flying a bunch of us out to give some presentations next month09:47
kanzureDr_Max: and yashgaroth had the brilliant idea of answering an angry phone call in the middle of the workshop, in loud-angry arabi09:47
Dr_Maxvery nice09:47
Dr_Maxeven better :P09:48
kanzureanother idea i'm considering is using twilio to call all of the agent's phones at once09:48
Dr_Maxoh and throw in a jammer09:48
Dr_Maxand be like 'the lord givith' and the lord taketh away09:48
kanzurei think i need something more benign though09:49
kanzurelike introducing myself in arabic to each agent09:49
kanzurespeak their language and such :P09:49
-!- He||eshin [~talinck@cpe-174-101-208-182.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:06
kanzureoh wow i didn't know chminf-l went back to 1991 https://iulist.indiana.edu/sympa/arc/chminf-l10:06
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kanzurenmz787: yo we're all learning arabic for the workshop, you in?10:27
nmz787hah hah10:28
nmz787whats the first word we're learning?10:28
kanzuredunno, any suggestions?10:29
nmz787hah hah hah10:29
kanzureezproxy pricing info: http://web.archive.org/web/20010304090030/http://www.usefulutilities.com/ezproxy/pricing.shtml10:31
kanzure"On the Linux, Solaris and Windows NT platforms, EZproxy costs US $495 per server, plus 7.5% sales tax for institutions in Arizona. There are no shipping or handling charges."10:31
kanzure"EZproxy has been designed from its inception to be Y2K compliant."10:32
kanzureoh neat, it's back..10:35
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_F7_arabic what what11:37
kanzurehi gl00m11:45
* Mokbortolan_ gets gl00m a cheery set of curtains.11:45
-!- gl00m is now known as dixiebassline11:46
strangewarpDale Carrico sucks11:55
kanzurehe's right though, futurism also sucks11:58
kanzureray kurzweil invented ocr 40 billion years ago, so what?11:58
kanzurei don't see him in the commit logs in the tesseract repository11:58
kanzurepeter diamandis scammed insurance companies into funding the xprize, but that's about all he's known for. so what ?11:59
strangewarpCarrico points at the claims disaster capitalists made about exponential economic growth, and claims it's isomorphic to claims abou technological growth12:00
strangewarpThat is silly12:00
strangewarpAlso I'm peeved because he's snagged Warren Ellis and Charles Stross, and turned them cranky12:02
-!- strages_work [~c6740838@dev.throwthemind.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:10
_F7_there was a point where warren ellis wasn't cranky?12:17
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@cpe-67-242-177-23.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]12:18
strangewarpThere was a point when he was visionary-cranky instead of doom-cranky12:18
_F7_Doktor sleepless is a good kind of doom cranky, though12:22
kanzure"because who the heck would want to be doktor sleepyhead?"12:22
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Mokbortolan_I found a cheap replacement for the felt pads on my epoc13:23
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kanzureman i hate ieet/james hughes.13:46
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Mokbortolan_yep, they work great14:28
Mokbortolan_awesome, I get 50 for $614:31
Mokbortolan_suck it emotiv!14:31
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kanzurei think nmz787 is graduating today14:49
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fennsemax looks like an easy to make nootropic, it's a 7 segment peptide fragment of acth  which stimulates BDNF, protects against stroke, and has other learning-enhancement effects15:18
fenn"Some people just don´t approve of genetic engineering" what kind of objection is that15:20
fennon a transhumanist forum15:20
strangewarpSome people just don't think that kind of objection is invalid15:20
fenni'd expect the half life to be improved if the peptide were circularized15:22
fennright now they claim it lasts ~20 hours but with a half life of 4-5 minutes15:22
fenni love that you can completely specify a drug's structure with 7 letters: MEHFPGP15:25
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gl00mnice thing about transhumanisim is civilization is fucked anyway15:40
gl00mso what if we make a few mistakes15:40
gl00mmight end up with a place like 'rapture' from bioshick15:41
gl00mbut prollt not15:41
kanzurego away15:52
gl00mi was against h+ before i was for it15:54
gl00mi adopted it as a sort of nihilism15:54
strangewarpdo note: the human brain tends to treat fictional examples as though they occurred somewhere for real, when they are in actuality complete fiction, because our minds are wired to think that everything we've seen has actually happened in some manner15:55
kanzuregl00m: what do you mean "for it"15:58
fennpro-transhumanist, supposedly15:59
kanzurebut uh..15:59
kanzurei'm so tired of "pro" and "anti" advocacy crap15:59
kanzurego advocate your advocacy plans somewhere else, even if it's doom-and-fear related16:00
fennd00m and gl00m16:00
kanzurei was giong to say 'doom and gloom' but then realized it was a trap16:01
gl00mi was just thinking of coming up with an advocacy plan. PATH - postanarchist transhumanist movement16:06
gl00mbut i didnt even know there were other ppl till yesterday16:06
UrchinI've been transhumanist since I became aware of transhumanism16:06
kanzuregl00m: advocacy is lame. you should just build the technologies and get on with it.16:06
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@cpe-67-242-177-23.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:06
kanzurenmz787: happy fuck-school day16:07
gl00mim into interfaces16:07
Urchingl00m: anarchism isn't part of the mainstream transhumanism since the '90s16:07
kanzureUrchin: "mainstream" means what16:07
kanzurewhere are you people making up all these words from16:07
gl00mim from the internet16:07
UrchinI'm just saying anarchists don't make up the core of transhumanists like they once did16:08
Urchinthat is my impression right now16:08
UrchinI might be wrong16:08
kanzureUrchin: this seems somewhat anarchist to me. http://www.maxmore.com/extprn3.htm16:08
gl00mtheyre not related16:09
gl00mi dont actually like anarchists16:09
kanzureUrchin: there are a lot of people who claim to be transhumanist, but if you look closely, what they really mean is "social media"16:09
gl00mhence post anarchisim16:09
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gl00mits a temporary stage16:09
kanzurewhat the hell is post-anarchism16:09
gl00munless transhumanisim is applied and betters civlizaation to the point where ppl no longer need govt or other systems to regulate their behaviour16:09
Urchinkanzure: max more is no longer all that popular16:09
kanzureUrchin: he was never popular16:09
gl00mi just made it up16:10
kanzureUrchin: and i'm sorta disappointed in him16:10
gl00moff the top of my head yesterday before i found this place16:10
gl00mand realised this morning it was an acronym and decided to roll with it16:10
kanzuremaybe you should just say what you mean in the future, instead of post-anarchosynchronicies16:10
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Urchinkanzure: Extropy Institute used to contain almost all of the transhumanist movement when he was at the head16:11
Urchinthe guy even knew FM-203016:11
kanzurefm-2030 isn't that interesting from what i can tell16:11
kanzurealso he's dead, so he fucked up hard16:12
Urchinmight get better in time16:12
kanzurei'm pretty sure it was revealed that the freezing process for the past 10 years was too damaging16:12
kanzurewell, i mean the past 10 years from 2005, not 201216:13
UrchinI haven't been keeping up with cryonics research16:13
Urchinhe might have been vitrified16:13
Urchinfreezing is a gamble16:13
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chris_99according to wikipedia it was vitrification16:15
Urchinhe's probably fine then16:15
Urchinas much as possible16:15
Urchinit's been a while since I read anything about that period16:16
gl00mheh, Id heard huxly talk about remote controlled (raido reciever in the brain) chickens in the late 50s-60s. and someone just now showed me a book which had an anectdote about some delgado having a remote control bull in 65' that he could stop from charging with the press of a button16:17
gl00mthings like this make me wonder what kind of advancements have been made in the past 50-60 years16:18
kanzurebut not from people who consider themselves "advocates"16:18
kanzuredoes anyone have a BLAST-like tool for binary blobs?16:39
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fenntry searching for things based on compression distance16:43
kanzurewouldn't that give false positives?16:44
fenni mean searching google16:45
kanzureoh oh.16:46
fennthere's also agrep, but that may not be what you want16:49
fenni'm guessing it's something to do with pokemon assembly16:49
kanzurei scan the pokered source code and extract functions, then read the bytes from the ROM, then find those in the other game that i have less-disassembled16:50
kanzuremost functions will be different because pointers will change16:50
kanzurebut this difference is only two bytes or something16:51
kanzurewhy haven't i purchased a reading of my exome yet16:55
JayDugger1Where have you been shopping?16:59
kanzurewell it looks like 23andme has a beta waiting list thing16:59
kanzurefor $99916:59
JayDugger1Oh, yeah, for the low low low price of $99916:59
kanzureotogenetics.com is advertising one for $698 but i'm sure that's spam16:59
kanzuregenedx is advertising $1000/trio but what the heck is a trio17:00
JayDugger1Would it provide you any actionable information?17:01
JayDugger1(patient and two family members)17:01
JayDugger1Assuming your insurance covers it. :)17:01
JayDugger1And yes, it might tell you some condition or predisposition exists which you didn't suspect.17:02
JayDugger1Have you done everything you can about those things you already know about?17:02
kanzurewell, i'm really unsure in general about when's the right time to splurge on genomic information about myself17:03
JayDugger1Fair enough.17:03
kanzurethe most important factor that i consider is that my famiy members don't have any backups of their genetic data17:03
kanzurei would really really like to have samples from my living relatives to compare against17:03
JayDugger1I don't understand what you mean--oh, now I do.17:03
JayDugger1Well...perhaps it would be better to first, share your 23andMe results with them.17:04
JayDugger1Second, offer to gift them 23andMe's basic test.17:04
kanzurei should probaby just pay for them to do 23andme, since they haven't yet17:04
JayDugger1Yeah, pretty much.17:04
JayDugger1If you've any family members with genealogy as a hobby, 23andMe will interest them from that angle.17:05
JayDugger1It worked on my Dad, for instance.17:05
JayDugger1My sister and I signed him up for the National Genographic Project, which interested him because he does genealogical research as a hobby.17:06
JayDugger1As for splurging--cheaper than a year's worth of first-run video games, I think?17:06
kanzureyeah, it's not much of a splurge now is it?17:07
kanzurebut, the costs are also falling anyway - or they are supposed to (haha, yeah right)17:07
JayDugger1I waited for the sales, and then offered it to family members. Only my wife took me up on it.17:07
kanzureso in 5 years, i will feel stupid for having spent $900 in 2012, vs. $10 in 201717:07
kanzure(i will also feel stupid if all of my family is dead by then, and i don't have any data to work with)17:07
JayDugger1Well, yeah.17:08
kanzure((i'd probably resort to graverobbing, but let's not give our friends in suits anything else on me))17:08
JayDugger1So let me make this suggestion. Work on convincing your oldest family members now. As you convince people to make the tests, prefer to do it from oldest to youngest,17:09
JayDugger1and where-ever you fall in that ranking, get your test too.17:09
JayDugger1Meanwhile, work on the usual doctor's advice: eat right, avoid stress, exercise, etc.17:10
JayDugger1And take good care of your teeth.17:10
kanzurewhat does that have to do with exome sequencing?17:10
kanzuresorry, you lost me17:10
JayDugger1If you find from genetic testing that you might have a particular test, act on it only in proportion to the seriousness of the risk.17:10
JayDugger1might have a particular predisposition rather, sorry--still on coffee cup #1.17:11
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JayDugger1This assumes you have the tests done for health, and not for geek cred. :)17:11
kanzurethere's also another reason- just curiosity17:13
kanzurethere's no particular health reason that i need to know my exome, or my SNPs, or anything else for that matter17:13
JayDugger1Right. You did write "splurge."17:13
JayDugger1Not until after you've plucked all the "low-hanging fruit," so to speak.17:13
kanzurealthough, it's entirely possible that i have a high likelihood of getting addicted to cocaine, so that would be cool to know about17:13
JayDugger1Yeah, if you have a pulse, there's a good chance you're at risk, yes. :)17:14
JayDugger1As for splurging, whenever it fits your budget. If your health insurance will pay for it, even better.17:15
JayDugger1Ditto my earlier comment.17:20
fennmy opinion, best to get your own SNP's now and wait til it's trivially cheap for the rest of the family17:21
fennyou have all of your own genetic information17:21
kanzurethe family death factor seems more immediate, i'm unlikely to lose access to my genes17:22
fennactually, there's a strong trend towards making cool things illegal17:22
JayDugger1Good point, fenn.17:22
fennso you might "lose access" in the sense that companies like 23andme will no longer exist17:22
fennthat is why i got sequenced17:22
kanzure23andme is going down the shitter anyway (last i heard they were having problems with becoming profitable)17:23
kanzurenot sure how true that is. i should probably not say that.17:23
fennSELL! SELL!17:23
fennno wait, BUY!17:23
kanzurepgp? i'm pretty sure jason bobe hates me, and that's why my application never went through17:24
JayDugger1I don't know whether you'd get any data back. I think so...17:25
JayDugger1Eh...use a fake name.17:26
fennanyone ever talked to steve fowkes?17:26
JayDugger1Probably easier said than done.17:26
kanzureJayDugger1: didn't they recently upload the data to amazon?17:26
kanzureor was that the 1000 genomes project17:26
kanzuremaybe that was a different group17:27
fennhe wrote a popular book about nootropics and maintained newsletters and a nootropics help line for several years17:27
JayDugger1I hadn't heard of that.17:27
kanzurehere we go17:27
kanzureJayDugger1: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/diybio/vhy4ghUWCGM17:27
kanzurefenn: a help line? like a phone line?17:27
kanzure"Apparently in the next few months, there will around a hundred people with maintained human cell lines, and their full genomic sequences will soon follow (reference: http://chirpstory.com/li/6877 ).  To paraphrase:  PGP will sequence about a dozen human genomes per month."17:28
kanzureJayDugger1: if you scroll down in that thread you will also see some links i dropped to the 1000 genomes project data dump on amazon aws17:28
JayDugger1Fenn, I hadn't heard of Mr. Fawkes until now.17:28
fenn"CERI is currently in hibernation mode, due to financial constraints. We would very much like to resume services. If you appreciate the quality and independence of our efforts and know somebody with philanthropic leanings, please make the introduction."17:29
fennoddly they are located in menlo park, home of the gigabucks17:29
kanzurefenn: chris peterson knows him17:29
kanzureand he went to or spoke at personalized life extension conference17:29
kanzurebut that's the only data i have on him17:29
fenncurrently reading ceri.com17:30
fennseems to be as much about anti-aging as nootropics17:30
kanzurethe anti-aging crowd is really weird to figure out17:31
kanzurelike, where are all these russian publications coming from?17:31
fennmaybe the russian government has bought into the medical tourism strategy17:32
fennnobody buys nuclear bombs anymore :P17:33
kanzurei keep trying to but they won't take my money17:33
JayDugger1Shouldn't that be, "they keep taking my money but they won't deliver?"17:35
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browniesfenn: eh? link to nootropics book?18:27
fenni havent read it: http://www.amazon.com/Smart-Drugs-II-Drug-Series/dp/096274187618:29
fenndammit where's gigapedia gone off to again18:30
kanzurei think you mean libgenesis18:31
fennsum | uniq18:31
kanzureworse ui, larger dataset i think18:32
browniesclearly all those smart drugs they took did not help them design a book cover that wasn't hideous18:35
fennthat was at http://free-books.dontexist.com/ right?18:35
kanzurefenn: yes18:35
fennwell it's gone too18:35
kanzureyou can track him by his reddit username18:36
kanzuremight be a backup at http://gen.lib.rus.ec/18:37
fenni see18:37
kanzureand you can complain here http://gen.lib.rus.ec/forum/18:37
fennwhat am i supposed to complain about?18:38
kanzuregigapedia failing to exist? i don't know18:38
fenn"your free illegal service sucks! wah!"18:38
browniesand it was published in 1993 =/18:38
kanzurewell we could accost jrayhawk until he agrees to make a mirror18:38
browniesso it's only 19 years out of date!18:39
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doclkanzure: I used our discussion of misuse of evolution the other day in a lesswrong article, which has now been promoted on Main.18:52
gl00mKetamine Improves Bipolar Depression Within Minutes18:56
kanzuredocl: hey you're not allowed to use my rants to advance the acclaim of lesswrong :|18:56
kanzurewell, i guess i never explained my particular dislike of lesswrong to you18:56
docloh really?18:56
kanzureso you're probably not aware. also i'm slightly kidding, i'm happy for you :\18:56
kanzureis this it? http://lesswrong.com/lw/coo/avoid_inflationary_use_of_terms/18:57
sylph_makokanzure, is your dislike expounded somewhere we can all read it?18:57
kanzuredocl: you should add "consciousness" and "mind" and "reality"18:58
kanzurewell, no, don't add "reality"18:58
kanzuresylph_mako: no, i currently carry a lot of anti-siai debt that i will need to make payments towards one day with actual writing or something18:58
sylph_makoAlso have you verbalized your problem with purely philosophical discussions? Because I'm about to verbalize mine and you might save me some effort.18:58
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kanzuresylph_mako: mostly it's my lack of interest in babysitting everyone here through their personal identity crises, or having to fight back their horribly unconsidered philosophies19:03
kanzurei don't claim to have "perfect" philosophy either but i do like to think of myself as somewhat careful19:03
kanzurebut also because there's so much other work we could be doing than debating the latest edition of IEET monthly or some crap like that19:04
sylph_makoCareful? I'm glad to hear that.19:04
kanzurealmost everyone goes into this horrible identity crises when they consider brain scanning, at some point it's tiresome19:05
kanzuresurely we don't have to tolerate that forever in here?19:05
strangewarpI saw that LessWrong article earlier, and loved it19:06
strangewarpAlways good when they make an actually useful point19:07
kanzurehowever, if you really think there's a relevant philosophy discussion, you could just privately ask me or something, so i don't go ballistic19:08
kanzurei can imagine various exceptions to the no philosophy rule, like, say you have a paper that proves consciousness exists, that might be worth looking at19:10
kanzure*exists, /that/ might be worth looking at19:11
kanzure(i have recently noticed that a lot of my tonal implications have been dropped from my messages?)19:11
sylph_makoSo, the rule is that we must first ask kanzure whether the theory we wish to discuss is tired?19:12
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kanzuresylph_mako: the rule is to use good judgement19:13
doclgood rule!19:15
kanzureand to use better spelling than me (judgment)19:16
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kanzureyashgaroth: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/5491409/Rosetta_Stone_V3_-_Arabic_19:29
yashgarothheh yeah I've been catching up on the logs19:29
yashgarothmy futile attempts at mandarin are occupying my language-learning hours19:30
kanzurei wonder what the minimum percent variation in muscle mass you're supposed to be able to notice is19:34
yashgarothaside from the crude 'stick a measuring tape around the widest part' I'm not sure there's a good gauge19:35
kanzurewell i meant perceptual, without measuring sticks19:36
kanzureerm, uh.19:36
yashgarothmyoception or something, I never took greek19:36
yashgarothoh while I'm on the logs, fenn: circularizing a peptide that short would extend the half-life greatly but would also block it from folding, which would make it useless for doing whatever it'd do in its native conformation19:38
yashgarothcircular peptides are great if you design them from the get-go to be circular, otherwise it's not worth the hassle19:38
browniesok, well, now i have to know19:42
brownieswhat the hell sort of identity crisis would come up when someone considers brain scanning?19:42
kanzurehilarious examples commencing19:42
kanzurethere's the classic "if you are copied during your sleep, atom-by-atom, and you wake up the next morning, you're really your son!" arguists19:42
kanzureothers are troubled by the fact that they go to sleep and wake up not exactly atomically the same19:43
yashgarothif there's two copies of you, which "one "is "you"""19:43
sylph_makoBoth, I am now two people. Not that I'm discussing this.19:43
sylph_makoNo no.19:43
kanzuresylph_mako: go ahead, but i will stubbornly refuse to believe that you are two people19:44
browniesthose are pretty hilarious19:44
kanzurebrownies: others like to trot out the "quantum teleporation" examples19:44
brownieswhat happens there?19:45
browniesoh, that's the hypothetical one where your'e dstroyed in one place and an exact copy is created elsewhere?19:45
kanzureif you get turned into atomic soup and teleported to another location, then reassembled, to your original self it will look like you're no longer your self, or something19:45
gl00mor its alternate realities all the way down19:45
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yashgarothI've booked a berth on the ship of theseus, myself19:46
kanzuregl00m: you mean hermit turtle masters all the way down19:46
gl00mall the way up too19:46
browniesa turtle tower?19:47
kanzureKamesenryuu Kitsui Shugyou19:47
yashgaroththe google search on that was interesting19:48
kanzurejust a turtle's philosophy19:49
browniesanyway, if i could copy myself atom-by-atom, we'd write so much fucking code19:49
yashgaroththe only result was some russian malware shit, at least for the transliterated text19:49
browniesoh! we could sleep in shifts, so that our coding output is always constant19:49
kanzurebrownies: 2x code output? that doesn't sound like the best use of time19:50
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kanzureklafka1: hi20:16
klafka1hey kanzure20:16
klafka1can't get my mcmc sampler to work!20:16
kanzurebrownies: you like to pretend to know how to write good mcmc samplers, right?20:17
brownieskanzure: if you're referring to the time when i taught you how to write one because i know how... -_-20:19
browniesanyway, i'm rusty, but i can take a look.20:19
kanzurebrownies: yep i am :P20:19
browniesyour lack of spacing after your commas angers me20:19
klafka1i guess i failed PEP that way20:20
klafka1i think PEP allows for either way actually20:20
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klafka1so i modified it to include the distribution i input and the empirical distribution from 10,000 samples20:22
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browniesok, i see, self.dist is your distribution?20:22
klafka1yes - self.dist is my distribution20:23
browniessee what happens when you use terrible variable names -_-20:23
klafka1prop_dist is my proposal distribution - the uniform distribution20:23
browniesover a 2-dimensional space the size of self.range[1]20:23
klafka1in this case it's uniform 1/1620:23
brownieswhatever the hell self.range is...20:24
klafka1so i'm looking at binary vectors of length 220:24
klafka1oh shit20:24
klafka1no nvm that is right20:24
klafka1the proposal distri bution should be 1/4th20:25
klafka1not 1/16th20:25
klafka1and it is in fact that20:25
klafka1since there are 4 possible states for a 2 length binary vector20:25
klafka1idk why the hell i said 1/16th - anyway20:25
browniesok so20:26
browniesgiven that your code is extremely confused about what its doing20:26
klafka1is it?20:26
browniescan you just explain succinctly what you want to do?20:26
browniessample = proposal; proposal = randint(self.range[0],self.range[1],self.size)20:26
brownieswell, anyway, what are you trying to do?20:27
klafka1i'm trying to write a sampler for arbitrary discrete probability distributions using the uniform distribution as the proposal distribution20:28
klafka1in this test case i'm wanting to sample binary vectors of length two with probabilities represented in a 2x2 matrix20:28
klafka1so i defined the proposal distribution to be uniform (in this case 1/4). I generate the first sample point from randint - a uniform sampler20:29
klafka1until i reach the number of samples I calculate the (acceptance probability) (named erroneously proposal probability,20:30
klafka1if acceptance probability of sample >= 1 ACCEPT otherwise accept with probability - acceptance_probability,20:31
klafka1set the proposed point to the current point, and generate a new proposal point20:31
browniesi see20:33
brownies(i'm pondering your code)20:37
browniesyou didn't even use the burn_in variable?20:37
browniesit almost looks like you're trying to run simulated annealing, but you're missing a couple salient features of that approach...20:37
klafka1burn-in is something i would implement once i got the base line working20:38
klafka1many people would argue that burn-in is pointless20:38
klafka1and also that if i'm generating 10,000 samples for a state space of size 4 i should be able to converge for sure20:38
browniesconverge to what, exactly? that's what's unclear about this code20:39
klafka1well by detailed balance the samples generated by the markov chain should be represented of the distribution self.dist20:40
klafka1 i mean that's the point of MCMC20:40
browniesso you have a distribution... and you're trying to produce 10,000 samples from that distribution?20:46
brownieswhat does self.dist return when you give it a vector? the probability of the mystery distribution producing that vector?20:46
browniesthe line where you calculate proposal_prob is suspicious to me20:47
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klafka1i'm actually generating a Markov chain composed of 10,000 samples some of which will eventually be from that distribution20:53
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kanzureyashgaroth: blah i am missing plans for doing a reasonable hplc22:20
yashgarothwell shucks22:21
yashgarothI'm not a mechanical engineer22:21
nmz787fenn still around?22:21
kanzurefenn: pingo22:21
nmz787kanzure: PM22:25
yashgarothall you reeeeally need is a peristaltic pump that can do maybe 0.1-1.0 ml/min, a way to inject sample into that, and inline pressure & UV sensors...and temperature control, conductivity meter, degasser22:28
nmz787cant HPLC be found on CL or ebay?22:29
yashgarothindeed, and it's probably way easier to just buy one from the 80's than building one from scratch22:29
nmz787the injectors are pretty cool22:29
yashgarothhells yeah they are22:30
nmz787it rotates fludic paths to change from buffer to sample injection going to the column, then back again to begin separation22:30
yashgarothI've only had to manipulate the larger FPLC ones, but yeah it's basically just a rotor with holes running through22:32
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strangewarpPZ Meyers sucks23:33
strangewarpHe claims to be a rationalist, but he makes a beginner-level mistake by assuming transhumanism is a silly cult because it shares several attributes with silly cults23:36
yashgarothlink plz23:36
strangewarpThis may take a second - it was an old blog post, from before I stopped reading him23:37
strangewarpI was just reminded about it, by seeing some fellow atheists gush with respect for him23:37
* strangewarp reads them quickly to make sure he has rememberedthem properly23:40
strangewarpOh hm23:43
strangewarpMaybe I'm thinking of one of the Skepticblog people23:43
strangewarpOkay, flipping out now, who wrote these blog posts I'm remembering23:43
sylph_makoI vaguely recall their existing.23:45
sylph_makoI remember blue on white. Was the author a technologist of some kind?23:45
joshcryerstrangewarp, must be another deathist.23:46
joshcryerI remember one where a "rationalist" atheist talked about a discussion he had with his daughter who was, at a child-like level, arguing against death.23:47
joshcryer(vague recollections, but children tend to express distaste for death that adults somehow irrationally accept)23:47
strangewarpsylph_mako: I think it was by one of those celebrity-scientist types, who all gradually fell off my blogroll one by one for being obnoxious or boring23:47
strangewarpjoshcryer: Ha, and I'm assuming this so-called "rationalist" used the fact that a naive child hates death as an argument that non-naive people should love death?23:49
joshcryerstrangewarp, it's been so long, but he basically used a "death is change" argument.23:50
strangewarpOh my god, I may have had faulty memories23:58
joshcryerYou find it?23:58
joshcryerNow I'm going to have to find the one I remember.23:59
strangewarpMeyers has some posts on transhumanism/singularity stuff, but nothing as obnoxious as what I remember reading23:59
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