
--- Log opened Thu May 31 00:00:26 2012
kanzurei hate that i remember this00:00
kanzurestrangewarp: that one?00:01
strangewarpHm, don't think so, let me read it and check00:02
kanzurealso his name is myers00:02
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joshcryerkanzure, heh. I hate that you have a good memory. :P00:03
joshcryers/hate/am jealous00:03
kanzurewell, for every url that i remember, i lose an important skill00:04
kanzurelike how to balance00:04
kanzureor how to talk without barfing00:04
joshcryerAlso, you didn't know the URL by heart, I'm sure some scheme was used.00:06
strangewarpWow, I may have genuinely had a false memory there - aside from the mostly justified criticism of Kurzweil I'm not seeing any of the tone or claims I remembered, in any posts I can google00:07
Burn_schoolstrangewarp: Most of your memories are interpolated on demand from a small number of facts.00:07
kanzurethere was an earlier one.00:07
strangewarpBurn_school, yep00:07
Burn_school"False" memory is just something that doesn't fit with other facts00:08
joshcryerstrangewarp, this leaves quite a bad taste either way.00:10
strangewarpBurn_school, looked at that one, and I remember seeing it but I also remember that isn't the one I had in mind00:11
* strangewarp continues googling..00:12
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kanzurefuturists make everyone cranky00:12
kanzure"futurism" isn't a particularly skilled profession00:13
Burn_schoolWow. Sounds just like the Raelians, or Hercolubians, or Scientologists, or any of the modern New Age pseudosciences that appropriate a bit of jargon and blow it up into a huge mythology. Nice hyperbole there, though. Too bad the whole movement is empty of evidence.00:13
kanzurethat's a reasonabel response to "futurists" trying to paint a picture like a religion00:14
strangewarpOh, that might have been the paragraph that originally peeved me off, and then I inflated its length and prominence in subsequent rememberings, hmm00:14
kanzurebecause the critics are right- that's total nonsense00:14
joshcryerThis discussion: H+ advocating human beings using search methods to find articles where an irrational atheist claims there is no evidence to back up the advancement of humans.00:15
joshcryerkanzure, sure, I call it the nerd rapture.00:16
joshcryerkanzure, it's still in a completely different classification than cults.00:16
joshcryerThere are those with "irrational exuberance" and even "faith." For instance, I do find Kurzweil's inevitability argument to be too optimistic of a view, but his S-curves are still damn convincing.00:20
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strangewarpI think there is a difference between "faith" and "confidence" - confidence is based upon apparent evidence; faith is based upon the projection of moral desires00:24
Utopiah(very young but maybe still conventional) doctor said blood test and DNA test overall waste of money when you're not even 30y/o00:25
joshcryerThat's fair enough strangewarp.00:29
kanzureUtopiah: depends on what you mean by "DNA test"00:30
UtopiahI meant 23andMe, he didnt know so Ill send him details00:30
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kanzure23andme is the most popular snp provider, i sorta doubt his knowledge of snps if he isn't aware of their existence00:31
Utopiahyes I was a bit surprised00:31
browniesi read a Kurzweil book back when i was young00:31
browniesfreaky stuff. really shiny book cover, though.00:31
kanzurebrownies: me too. i sent him an angry email when i finished, telling him how much i hated him.00:32
kanzurehe replied back offering a free copy of his next book00:32
kanzurewell played.00:32
* kanzure sleeps00:32
strangewarpI read about 150 pages of The Singularity Is Near, in 200800:34
strangewarpI think Kurzweil is not ambitious enough00:34
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strangewarpIf I could trade in all my Kurzweil, Jung, and Danto for what I paid for them, I'd be able to buy two Meeblip Micros, and that would be pretty good00:37
joshcryerWhat Kurzweil has is a pretty decent observation of technological advancement.00:39
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joshcryerOne of Kurzweil's biggest misses was VR headsets.00:46
strangewarpI've also heard anecdotes that he's continually bending the ears of the rich and influential, which is probably good00:46
joshcryerFinally Google is attempting it but I think it'll be a few years yet.00:46
strangewarp... Actually I think I might have heard that here at some point? I'm not sure00:46
joshcryerApple has to do it to make it move culturally.00:47
joshcryerOr some other group or company that doesn't exist yet. (Maybe Open Source?)00:47
joshcryerWhen Gavin Newsom sees his picture you can tell he's witnessing something intriguing.00:47
strangewarpOh rad01:05
strangewarpAnother step towards full intimacy with the production of media, I suppose - put the camera on the face, instead of the hands01:06
joshcryerCool Cryonics novel called The First Immortal has a guy in it who dies in an explosion, they make a genetic match for him (using sibblings, it's imperfect) and implant his brain with video recordings he made most of his life (he recorded everything). Cool concept.01:16
strangewarpHmmm, fun - if I died without cryonics, I would probably just cross my fingers for Big Universe brute-force resimulation01:21
strangewarpI was going to say I'd be uncomfortable with inaccurate copies beyond a certain threshold, but then I realized I've had memory and identity weirdness in my life, and not really had any terrible existential crises about it01:22
joshcryerI ain't taking the chance. ;)01:22
joshcryerI think we're going to die eventually, around the heat death.01:22
joshcryerI don't hold out hope for other future advancements that avoid that.01:22
joshcryerI also don't think we'll surpass light speed.01:23
joshcryerFortunately the local cluster is all aggregating toward the Great Attractor and we should have a nice super galaxy that lasts 200 trillion years.01:23
strangewarpMaybe the solution to the Fermi paradox is that this universe's physics are incredibly droll and restrictive compared to most other possible universes that are capable of supporting intelligent life, and every sufficiently advanced civilization auto-suicides in the hope of resimulation elsewhere in a Big Universe :P01:24
joshcryer(assuming proton decay is > 200 years and Higgs is stable, heh)01:25
strangewarpSorry, I'm having too much fun with that idea01:25
joshcryerDon't worry, in an infinitely big universe with an infinitely long timeline, you will be infinitely reproduced randomly in every configuration. Sadly most configurations you pop and die, and your bodies are floating around out there.01:26
strangewarpAye, the Boltzmann Brain problem01:27
strangewarpI've been thinking about it, and I'll say something if I ever have a good idea about it01:27
strangewarpIt really depends on how common bulk resimulators are in comparison to Boltzmann brains, which of course is unknowable, and couldn't be estimated until the far future01:36
strangewarpThat may be an argument for creating as many different people as possible after all, actually, even though it seems like the implication of Big Universe would be to merely ensure that everyone who already exists lives well01:40
joshcryerI think resimulation won't be possible if we can't create energy flow.01:40
strangewarpI don't know what you mean by "energy flow", but my perspective on this is materialist01:41
joshcryerEnergy can't be created or destroyed, it just goes from being useful to not useful. ie, entropy. So you'd need anti-entropy or a way to create a new big bang or a way to skip into another universe (but I don't believe in multiple universes, for the record).01:43
joshcryerWithin 100 billion years we will not have any galaxies visible to us, the local cluster will aggregate.01:45
joshcryer(and we'll be basically one big super galaxy)01:45
joshcryer100 trillion years after that all will be left are black holes.01:46
strangewarpOh yes, it may very well be that in the long-term, we in particular are screwed - and if the universe is conventional and not Big, that would be depressing01:47
joshcryerGood article about it: http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9902189v101:49
strangewarpBy the way, thank you - bouncing these ideas around in a venue with actual people has given me insight into a future arts project I may be doing about objectivity and modal realism01:49
joshcryerThe most startling conclusion is that 100 billion years from now the new scientists will have no knowledge of the big bang, it will completely beyond their grasp (so it will have to be passed down from generation to generation and fall out of the realm of science).01:50
joshcryerSweet. These same ideas are the topic of a book I'm writing. :)01:50
strangewarpNo evidence for the Big Bang... hmm, that's funny01:51
joshcryerIronically, I am linking a paper that poses a pessimistic view of eternal life, while earlier decrying "deathists."01:53
joshcryerBut I think there's a tangible difference between becoming worm food in 100 years, give or take, and watching the lights go out on the entire goddamn universe, as it were. :)01:55
strangewarpabsolutely agreed :p01:55
joshcryer(100 trillion years from now :P)01:55
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gl00myou guys heard about the psychographic profiling program they have at booz07:06
gl00mbasicaly they are taking available social record for people and comparing them to the related set of genes and using that to base future marketing techniques07:06
gl00maccording to them they can reasonably predict some peoples future purchases and want to send them advertising before they even realise they wanted the thing07:07
ThomasEgiso.. best to spend a few minutes a day clicking random ads07:09
gl00mi saw collins speak when they dedicated his wing at mary baldwin07:11
gl00mnice to see the president taking interest in genomics by hireing him07:11
gl00mgavin newsome = christian bale07:12
gl00mklafka you ever meet someone named benny07:13
ThomasEgibenny.. sounds like a mix between ben and jerry. which makes me hungry07:14
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_F7_blargh dental09:21
_F7_when the hygenist asks "have you ever seen the movie marathon man?"09:22
_F7_it's a particularly long procedure09:22
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kanzurechewing? how pedestrian09:37
_F7_what do I need to know about the bay area thing?09:41
_F7_I figured I'd get an email or something09:41
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kanzure_F7_: there have been many emails09:57
kanzure_F7_: have you confirmed with kathleen?09:58
_F7_I missed the one where it talks about airfare and kathleen09:58
_F7_I will gmail09:58
kanzure_F7_: there's been lots of other emails though09:59
kanzure_F7_: you were originally contacted by the fbi, right?09:59
_F7_jacob informed me after the FBI lunch thingy10:00
_F7_said to talk to you10:01
_F7_so I did that10:01
kanzureokay, and what ese10:01
_F7_I've had no fbi contact since10:01
kanzureoh jeeze i screwed up then10:01
kanzurejacob said to talk to me? that's not how jacob got confirmation at all.10:01
_F7_I said I hadn't been contacted about it, so jacob suggested talking to you10:02
kanzurewait, go over it again?10:02
kanzurehave you ever received an email from the fbi in the last few months?10:02
kanzureok that's bad10:03
kanzureso the story is that they /probably/ have all the people they can afford,10:03
kanzurei will send out an email and cc you to check on that10:03
_F7_okay, cool10:04
kanzurethey also may or may not be open to people showing up on their own10:04
kanzurewe sent out an email to them yesterday to check on that10:04
kanzurebut i haven't heard back since10:04
kanzurealso if you do intend to go, they want presentations emailed to them by tomorrow (june 1)10:05
kanzurei think jacob has you covered on that department though10:05
_F7_If I miss it I miss it, I'm pretty used to things Jacob informs me of having fatal planning flaws10:05
kanzureso, if jacob is going, he's going to have a hotel room with two beds, so you could probably just show up with him10:05
kanzurethe airfare is like $90 on jetblue10:06
kanzure_F7_: for what it's worth, i think it would be a lot more fun if you showed up, haha10:07
_F7_okay, I'll look at jetblue10:08
_F7_I'll probably spellcheck jacob's presentation too, I have no idea what he's doing10:09
kanzure_F7_: i've sent out an email to you and jojack10:10
kanzure_F7_: sorry about all that. i was under the assumption that you were contacted by /them/ last month, not just me and jacob.10:13
_F7_just texted jacob, trying to get in the loop10:14
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kanzurehi LionClan10:14
LionClanhi kanzure10:15
LionClanI'm tracking NonFish10:15
LionClanis he active?10:15
kanzuresorta kinda10:15
kanzurei think he might be dying from some muscular disorder10:16
kanzurenot sure10:16
LionClanwell the phone doesn't answer10:17
LionClanword is relayed he's ok10:19
LionClanpatient dl589.2 has the same muscular disorder, it is a failure to create dystrophin, resulting in loss of cell wall solidity, caused in their case by a deletion of exons 51-55 on the 78 exon long gene that governs the creation of dystrophin10:24
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Steel2_uhauls are fucking expensive10:26
kanzuredon't you have to be some minimum age, like 29, to rent one?10:26
kanzureanyway, i think most people just opt to sell everything10:27
Mokbortolan_1Steel2: yeah, try the other one, they're a little cheaper10:27
_F7_cool, I got the email. I'm going to go home, take some iburprofen, and help jacob with his presentation10:27
Mokbortolan_1can't remember the name atm, starts with a P I think10:27
_F7_do I need to RSVP? with whom?10:28
kanzure_F7_: yes, you need to rsvp with kathleen strong, joseph jackson, and nathan head10:29
kanzurekathleen carley <kathleen.carley@ic.fbi.gov>10:29
kanzurenathan head <nathaniel.head@ic.fbi.gov>10:29
kanzurejoseph jackson <joseph.jackson@gmail.com>10:29
_F7_cool. I just tell them I'll be there?10:31
kanzurehmm no10:31
_F7_what specifically goes into wildblue? I know there's stuff going on afterwards.10:31
_F7_I don't want to be too late/early for arriving/going10:32
kanzuresay something along hte lines of, "I was told by Bryan and Joseph that I can attend the FBI/DIYbio workshop if I am in San Francisco on those dates? I'll be presenting with Jacob, blah blah blah"10:32
kanzureyou should also ask them about the exact dates10:32
kanzurethere's also this: http://startupscience.eventbrite.com/10:32
_F7_jacob is forwarding details. I'm going to pop offline, take some ibuprofen, and pop back on later10:33
Steel2_penske is actually more expensive10:34
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nmz787Steel2_ are you looking at trucks or trailers?10:43
Steel2_II could have dangerously crammed everything into a 1410:43
Steel2_so I got a 1710:43
Steel2_then they upgraded me to a 2010:43
kanzureyep i'm going to stick with my recommended approach of "sell everything" and/or "burn everything"10:44
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Steel2_good furniture/parents who nag if I get rid of good furniture/dad is helping me move10:44
kanzureoh you're a furniture person10:45
kanzurei see.10:45
Steel2_nice desk, coffeetable, bookshelves10:45
nmz787if i move from NY to SF i'm renting a 6" x 12" uhaul trailer and sticking that on the back of my chevy blazer10:45
nmz787should avoid the burn/sell10:45
Steel2_deep freezer, more bookshelves, 2 bureaus, tv stand...10:46
Steel2_fucktons of books10:46
nmz787i def dont want to burn/sell my 'scopes, kV gel electrophoresis power supply, etc!10:46
Steel2_oh, right, an armoir10:46
nmz787yes, fucktons of books10:46
nmz787great for burning10:46
ThomasEgihm... how many tons are one fuckton?10:46
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ThomasEgihm... sending in some documents with "CLASSIFIED" all over it10:53
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nmz787kanzure: any reviews?11:05
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kanzurenmz787: reviews??11:08
kanzurethe presentation is still upcoming, sorry11:08
kanzureit will be a few hours11:08
kanzurealso i'd be happy to incorporate hwatever you have11:08
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chris_99what's your presentation on kanzure ?11:20
kanzurejust informing some fbi agents and the department of defense about diy dna synthesis11:20
chris_99ooh cool11:21
chris_99will you put your presentation online?11:21
kanzuresure why not.. it's just 10 slides though, it's not that big of a deal11:23
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_F7_jetblue is being confusing12:16
_F7_It doesn't seem to be capable of getting an arrival for california12:17
kanzurehaha you can use whatever airline you like, i just recall getting stupid cheap $90 flights from them12:23
kanzurethis might have been a marketing ploy, in which case i now hate them12:23
Mokbortolan_1kinect mapping12:32
Mokbortolan_1(in color)12:32
_F7_Should I arrive on the 11th and leave on the 15th?12:42
_F7_wait wtf that's core weekday12:43
_F7_it doesn't hurt me to stay an extra day or two12:43
_F7_jacob is going to be there from 8th to 18th12:43
kanzureyou should consider staying for the 16th to attend jojack's startupscience event12:44
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kanzureattendees are listed here: http://startupscience.eventbrite.com/12:45
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kanzureoh sorry. june 15.12:45
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kanzureJayDugger1: who is ken burnside?12:51
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kanzure"But even more importantly, there is clearly a demand for them and the companies offering them pay for costly advertising and presumably make good money. So now, the REALLY interesting question arises, "Why do these companies use such "lousy" sensing technology? Why don't they try to capture cardiac arrest - not just in the home, but everywhere?""13:37
kanzure" This will probably seem regrettably arrogant, but I think I'm uniquely positioned to give an answer to that question. And the answer is: "Because detecting cardiac arrest has no added benefit whatsoever.""13:37
kanzure"The time from the onset of cardiac arrest to the possibility of successful resuscitation without significant brain damage is 4-6 minutes - tops. Truth to tell, 5 minutes is probably a very solid number. Short of an implanted unit (in which case you'd have a defibrillator implanted, as well), it will always be necessary to verify an alarm state, and then there are the logistics of getting the paramedical team to the patient in 5 minutes, or less."13:37
kanzure"That may superficially seem doable if you look at the raw response time numbers, but in a situation of an arrest where the person is in a locked home alone, that time quickly balloons, because there is no mechanism in place for paramedics to break down the door to gain entry. And even if there were, the time spent in doing so, locating the patient, and starting the rescue efforts would almost invariably exceed 5 minutes."13:37
kanzure"But, even if the paramedics could be on site in 5 minutes and starting rescued efforts (a tall order!) the overall save rate is very, very low. It is so low, that were CPR to be proposed today with a full understanding of the save rate, it would not pass muster and the money would go elsewhere in the healthcare system."13:37
kanzure"However, as it is, there is currently no benefit to knowing that cardiac arrest has occurred in an out of hospital situation.And, I have news for you, there is damn little benefit to knowing it has occurred in-hospital, either. In fact, the era of the Code Team has largely passed, although it will take awhile for the TV medical shows to catch up with this change."13:37
kanzure"In place of the Code Team is the Medical Emergency Team (MET). The MET replaced the Code Team because the salvage rate in Code Blues was so low as to be ridiculous (2-4%)."13:38
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:38
yashgarothah crap do I need to present something to be allowed to go13:38
kanzure"There are already good solutions on the market to detect cardiac arrest in extremely high risk patients, and the best of these are the wearable external (WED) or implantable defibrillators (ID) that also treat it immediately.Nobody cares if you have a cardiac arrest that is not successfully managed by an ID or WED, because if you can't be saved with an immediate shock, you will not be saved by a subsequent paramedical response"13:40
kanzureyashgaroth: just put your myostatin stuff into a 10 slide powerpoint and email it to them13:40
yashgarothI thought the deadline was tomorrow? that sounds like a challenge!13:41
kanzurealso while doing it realize that (1) lots of diybio/diytanshumanism people will be listening, so would enjoy lots of suggestions or ideas, and (2) the department of defense (military), fbi, homeland security and other agencies will be wondering "oh shit how do i deal with this when i go up against a 300 pound 6 foot 9 inches bodybuilder"13:41
yashgarothhaha very well13:42
kanzurethat's probably not the actual question they would ask13:42
kanzurebut for instance, one agent was surprised last year to learn what a CO2 tank looked like13:43
kanzure"i would have totally called a bomb squad on that"13:43
yashgarothk well my interview got pushed to tomorrow so I'll grab some stims and get cracking13:44
kanzurealso do mine, thanks13:44
kanzureyashgaroth: i sent you some emails about making sure you have talked with kathleen/nathan to confirm your attendance13:45
yashgarothright, wasn't sure if I need to a attach a ppt file with that, or just the promise of one13:46
eudoxia_oh man I thought hospitals still used codes ;_;13:46
kanzureyashgaroth: you should probably attach a ppt, but i'm sure they will allow revisions13:47
kanzurei'm also sure that if you are late by a day, they won't murder you13:48
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yashgarothhmm..."Dear Agents,"? or just "Agents"14:30
yashgarothI'm probably overthinking it14:31
kanzurehow about neither14:32
yashgarothyeah that's probably the best option14:32
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kanzure"We have just received the news that Judge Alsup ruled against Oracle, finding that APIs are not subject to copyright protection. We will have the full ruling shortly."14:38
kanzurecopy all ze APIs!14:38
kanzureruling is over here:14:39
kanzurewith apologies for linking to scribd :(14:39
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chris_99anyone know a way to produce amylase14:58
yashgarothspit onto an affinity column14:58
chris_99heh, without spitting14:59
yashgarothany specific variant of amylase?15:01
chris_99alpha or beta15:01
yashgarothwell I guess you can just overexpress it in yeast15:04
brownieskanzure: ooh, great news15:06
kanzurebrownies: you found your belly button?15:07
kanzureoh you mean the judgement. yeah, i'm reading it now.15:07
kanzurehe's seriously teaching his readers about language grammar? heh15:08
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roksprokany lawyer types around here?15:33
kanzurei owe my first born to lawyers, does that count?15:39
yashgarothI advide you to sue, roksprok15:40
roksprokyashgaroth: it is to prevent me from being sued15:40
kanzurelet's hear it15:40
roksprokso i have a contract on an hourly basis with company A15:40
roksprokrelevant part:15:40
roksprok5.2 Pre-existing Obligations.  Consultant represents and warrants that15:41
roksprokConsultant has no pre-existing obligations or commitments (and will not assume or otherwise15:41
roksprokundertake any obligations or commitments) that would be in conflict or inconsistent with, or that15:41
roksprokwould hinder Consultant’s performance of its obligations under this Agreement15:41
kanzurethat usually refers to things like "i signed a non-compete, and i'm not allowed to work for this company"15:41
roksprokdoes this prevent me from taking a part time job with company b?15:41
roksprokok so obligations or commitments doesn't mean 'another job'15:42
kanzureit depends on what the obligations are in the contract15:42
kanzurebrownies: ping?15:43
kanzurei mean, personally, i would never sign anything that precludes me from working as much as i possibly can15:44
yashgarothcan't you just ask company A if they'd theoretically be okay with it15:44
roksproki don't really see any...i mean its all normalish 'we own your intellectual property' but every line like that includes 'that you make while performing services in relation with this contract'15:44
browniesit does not, strictly speaking, although that's more strongly worded than i like when i write the contract15:44
kanzureyashgaroth: i think that's the best approach15:45
brownieson the other hand i'm very paranoid about this stuff; nothing in there strikes me as too far from normal15:45
kanzureroksprok: if your relationship with the company that you signed that contract with is such that you think they would get furious and sue you for making money, then you should proceed to drop them15:45
kanzureroksprok: can we see the full contract?15:46
roksprokkanzure: i guess honestly the worst that would happen is they fire me....15:46
yashgarothif they fire you for asking a question about your contract, then fuck 'em15:46
kanzureyeah, no kidding15:47
roksprokyea 1 sec15:47
yashgarothis it a full-time position? if it's not, they can't expect you not to work elsewhere as well15:47
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roksprokyashgaroth: yea it is15:49
kanzurehowever, you do have some tricky issues to navigate if the other business is in the same exact industry doing the same exact work15:49
kanzurehahaha 1.2 is ridiculous15:49
brownieswhat's wrong with 1.2 o.O15:50
kanzure"Consultant will perform the consulting services15:50
kanzurespecified in each Statement of Work"15:50
roksprokkanzure: they are not15:50
kanzurethat's not contracting/consulting... that's normal employment15:50
nmz787kanzure: you make any slides?15:50
kanzurenmz787: i have a few more things to do today, i'm sorry15:50
kanzurenmz787: i really have set aside the time though, i'm not putting it off :P15:51
nmz787so will you do any today or wait til tomorrow?15:51
roksprokand the other place would know i have a job, so would ideally be flexible15:51
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browniesdon't quote me on this, but from everything i've heard there's no such thing as an enforceable non-compete in California15:52
browniesre: 5.115:52
kanzureehh i guess this changes 1.2 sorta--15:52
kanzure"Consultant will perform the Services under the general direction of Company, but Consultant15:52
roksprokkanzure: does 'statement of work' mean they give me a list of things to do15:52
kanzurewill determine, in Consultant’s sole discretion, the manner and means by which the Services are15:52
kanzureheh, well.. it depends on how you operate man15:53
kanzurelike, the way i like to do things is i tell them what i'm going to do, and why they need me tod o it15:53
kanzure*do it15:53
browniesthat's all boilerplate man15:54
browniesi read it; there's nothing particularly egregious here15:54
roksprokkanzure: i think the consulting you do is on a slightly hire level15:54
kanzurebrownies: it might be indicative of how they operate as a company15:54
kanzurebrownies: i.e. might be a slaveshop15:54
browniesi prefer to shove my version onto the company, but oftentimes if the company is presenting their version of a contract it will be worded slightly in their favor, like this one is15:55
browniesstandard practice15:55
kanzure2.3 is important to take note of15:55
browniesthat said, i'm not your lawyer/accountant/dentist/etc.15:55
browniesyea 2.3 is new but i guess it's reasonable.15:55
roksprokbrownies: so if i said 'can i have friday off' and they said 'sure' i could go work someplace and they wouldn't sue me15:55
browniesyou're not an employee; you don't ask for their direction on when/where/how to work...15:56
kanzureroksprok: 2.3 and the indemnification clauses are highly in the company's favor15:56
kanzure2.3 is a smart thing to do for yourself in general15:56
roksprokdoes health insurance count?15:57
brownieshaving an indemnification clause is standard practice15:57
kanzureone indemnification clause i signed once put the maximum damages at like "not more than the amount paid to consultant" or something15:57
browniesroksprok: no, i think liability insurance is different.15:57
kanzureliability insurance is definitely not health insurance15:57
roksprokbut i'm liable only for injuries to myself....right?15:58
kanzurebtw if this is a job for <$20/hour, getting liability insurance will probably be very costly? :P15:58
kanzureno, you're liable for defective software15:58
kanzure"Consultant will indemnify and hold harmless Company from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of ..."15:59
roksprokwell it will be internal stuff15:59
kanzure"any action by a third party against Company that is based on a claim that any Services, the results of any Services (including any Innovations), or Company’s use thereof, infringe, misappropriate or violate a third party’s Intellectual Property Rights;"15:59
browniesyeah, read the contract, man15:59
kanzure"any action by a third party against Company that is based on any negligent act or omission or willful conduct of Consultant and that results in: (a) bodily injury, sickness, disease or death; (b) injury or destruction to tangible or intangible property (including computer programs and data) or any loss of use resulting therefrom; or (c) the violation of any statute, ordinance, or regulation."16:00
kanzure"negligent act of omission"16:00
kanzure"intangible property" (software, data)16:00
brownieswell, i mean, if you create a device for them that infringes on a patent and electrocutes someone, then it's reasonable to hold you liable for both things. -_-16:00
kanzure*or omission16:00
browniesi'm assuming this is for your internship, btw, so it does feel overall like they are just being cheap16:01
roksprokwell its all internal stuff, so i mean its not like it has the potential to delete anyone's data or anything16:01
browniesthey should just hire you as a damn employee16:01
kanzureroksprok: how much are they offering to pay you?16:01
roksprokbrownies: yea, it is....16:01
kanzureok this is over the top for 20/hour16:01
kanzurei'm not sure about professional liability coverage at $20/hour16:01
brownies20/hr is high for an internship, at least.16:02
kanzurebrownies: well his standards have at least improved from $0/hour to $20/hour16:02
browniesbig improvement. congrats on that :)16:02
kanzureso that's an infinite improvement or something16:02
roksprokbrownies: thanks for all your help16:02
roksprokand kanzure16:02
kanzureroksprok: talk with a contract lawyer16:02
kanzurecall one up, talk with his assistant, say you're new to this, you have an offer and a contract, and would like to spend an hour talking about it16:03
kanzurethey will usually give you that hour for free16:03
kanzureand plus, if the company stops paying you, you have your go-to guy to help you fix the problem16:03
roksprokok i will do that16:04
roksprokactually i may just ask a friend's dad or something16:04
kanzure"ompany’s payment obligation will be expressly subject to Consultant’s completion of such milestones to Company’s reasonable satisfaction."16:04
roksprokwould 'contract law' or 'employment law' be the right keyword16:04
kanzureit doesn't matter because either of those types of people will have a long rollodex of people to recommend to you16:05
kanzure"Subject to the foregoing, Company will pay each invoice submitted by Consultant within thirty (30) days following receipt thereof."16:05
browniesbonus, they'll also know how to spell rolodex!16:05
kanzureeww net 30 :)16:05
kanzurebrownies: this is why my law firm was doomed to failure16:05
browniesanyway, we're not lawyers, go get some real advice!16:06
kanzureis this an internship btw?16:06
kanzureor are they just cheap16:06
roksprokwill do....yea it is16:06
brownieskanzure: also because you just kept saying "Esquire" at the end of random sentences.16:06
roksprok*random other question* is there a way to practice coding interviews without doing coding interviews? like a code-against-the-clock game or something16:08
kanzurefizz buzz.16:09
kanzureif you can't do that, i will break your legs.16:09
kanzureWrite a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".16:09
kanzurealso: why are you doing an internship?16:10
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roksprokis the answer basically 'if loops...if loops everywhere'?16:11
kanzurenot quite16:11
yashgarothyou only need one if loop16:11
kanzureyou should write it out and show me so i can yell at you16:11
yashgarotherrr, for loop, rather16:11
kanzureroksprok: also i feel it's important to remind you that the company will expect you to send an invoice to get paid16:12
roksprokand i know there are questions, but is there like a codeacademy type thing where it would say do that then start a count down and give me stats on x% of people solved it faster than you16:12
kanzurebrownies: i've never bothered to try, but i wonder what would happen if you submit invoices early, in expectation of net 3016:12
kanzureroksprok: not really. udacity absolutely sucks.16:12
kanzurei've been helping someone out with udacity's python assignments, and it's just atrocious.16:12
kanzurethey don't go over the differences between "print" and "return"16:13
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kanzureroksprok: i think this would be a valuable thing for you to go over..16:15
kanzureit's not exactly programming straight up, but chances are you could use the experience with that sort of environment16:15
roksprokeven with no ruby knowledge?16:16
kanzureok that's right, i forgot that you're python-centric16:17
kanzureyou shouldn't be particularly concerned with how fast you can solve things.. i mean, fizzbuzz should not take you an hour, but if it takes you 15 minutes and it takes everyone else 5, it's not super important..16:19
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roksprokspeaking of fizzbuzz, not sure if you actually wanted to see it, if not disregard: http://pastebin.com/F67PeV6s16:20
roksproknot sure how to do it in less than 3 if loops?16:22
browniesroksprok: i think you're looking for TopCoder16:24
browniesif you spend too long with silicon valley mouthbreathers you might start believing that building a web app is the pinnacle of software engineering.16:24
browniesproject Euler would also be good.16:25
brownieskanzure: they pay when they pay, from what i've found.16:25
browniesthe good ones pay on time and follow up with me, so i keep working with them... the bad ones don't, so i stop working with them.16:25
roksprokbrownies: topcoder looks very good....project euler is nice but i'd kind of like a timed thing....i tend to get a bit flustered in interviews and would like to work on it16:26
kanzureroksprok: btw, don't call them if loops :P16:28
kanzurethey are just if statements, or conditionals16:28
kanzurethe for is a loop16:28
kanzuresecond, line 4 and 6 are broken16:28
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kanzurebrownies: right, i just don't know if he's prepared for the agony of the 30 day wait ;)16:29
kanzuresome companies have absolutely no problem about waiting the maximum amount of time allowed16:30
roksprokkanzure: elif?16:30
yashgarothroksprok, won't that print 'fizzbuzzfizzbuzz' for 15?16:31
kanzureyashgaroth: hey that's not fair, he just corrected himself..16:31
yashgarothalso doesn't that else only depend on the one previous if()? I'm not sure16:31
roksprok1 if 2 elif16:31
roksprokthanks re: statements/conditionals16:33
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kanzure"if statement", "for statement", "for loop", .. best to call it a for loop really16:33
kanzurebut it's definitely never an "if loop"16:33
yashgarothif you moved that first if() down to the bottom and changed the ==s to !=s, that was my approach, but I thought there'd be a method where you don't have to reference i two more times16:33
yashgarotherr, and set that if() to print i16:34
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kanzureyashgaroth: how's your programming knowledge?16:37
yashgarothI know the principles, I guess...loops, lists, arrays, functions16:37
yashgarothdid c++ in high school and java in uni16:39
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yashgarothjust can't decide between perl and python to learn first16:43
kanzureperl is nice and efficient but not a beginner's best friend16:43
kanzures/nice/usually ugly but nice once you tame it16:44
yashgarothheh fair enough16:44
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kanzureyashgaroth: just saw your email, clearly you have taken the easy way out ("i can make it tomorrow")16:45
roksproki would second python, it has really good documentation that made things a lot easier to learn16:45
yashgarothI realized after sending that they won't be replying until tomorrow anyway :/16:46
kanzureyashgaroth: timezones?16:46
yashgarothand strict federal working hours16:46
kanzure1 to 2 pm?16:47
browniesperl exists16:47
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browniesi wouldn't add any of kanzure's adjectives to it though16:47
kanzurewell, we have a few perl lovers in here16:47
kanzureso i was trying to be politically correct16:47
kanzurenote: the perl lovers can permaban me if i'm not careful16:48
yashgarothall else being equal, I'd go with python since it looks more readable, but it seems like perl is the standard for a lot of the current bioinfo architecture16:48
roksprokwould that result in ###hplusroadmap?16:48
kanzure"#hplusroadmap" was destroyed by a freenode sysop because- apparently- subject channels or groups need to exist in "##" channels16:49
kanzuresomething about "freenode policy"16:49
roksprokyashgaroth: biopython is very good16:49
kanzureyashgaroth: biopython16:49
kanzuredamn it16:49
kanzurethere are also some silly perl-python bridges that you should never use, but you could16:50
yashgaroththe other bonus is that pymol exists, while perlmol...oh it does technically exist16:51
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roksproki am out, thanks to everyone for the advice/conversation/if loops don't exist....yashgaroth also python seems to be on the way up, so new resources will come online all the time, and stuff like biopython will keep being maintained and improved16:52
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kanzureperl is also actively maintained, so that's not fair :p16:53
kanzurecpan still dwarfs pypi i think16:53
kanzureand rubygems (possibly. i haven't counted.)16:53
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strangewarpI own a Programming Perl book, from when I aspired to be a Serious Programmer16:54
strangewarpThat aspiration left me in a discrete mathematics class16:54
kanzurenothing wrong with that16:54
strangewarpNow I am happy16:54
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ParahSailinseconded on biopython17:49
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kanzure"A musical umbrella that converts raindrops into 8bit music"18:28
JayDugger1That's precious.18:30
strangewarpBet it's connected to a chipsounds VST18:31
JayDugger1They took two hours to find a watering can?18:34
JayDugger1Garden hose, anyone?18:34
JayDugger1Collander and pitcher?18:34
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kanzurei was trying out echonest's api a few weeks ago18:41
kanzurebut their terms are a bit restricting18:41
kanzureif you want to make any music-related software that uses libraries or playlist, your only option is to make something illicit and not really connected to your name :\18:41
JayDugger1Why? I really don't know.18:41
kanzureerm, that was all re: musichackday18:41
kanzureJayDugger1: licensing costs18:42
JayDugger1Got it.18:42
JayDugger1At least those people recognize the value of metadata.18:43
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strangewarpOh, impressive, they hooked it up to LSDJ for non-VST sounds then19:10
strangewarpWait, no, derp. They didn't. That's what I get for skimming19:11
kanzurea proper punishment for skimming will be the removal of one (1) eyeball19:14
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JayDugger1What mercy!19:20
JayDugger1You could go get an eyeball from any mammal or fish, and even some inveterbrates.19:21
JayDugger1invertebrates, rather19:22
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Steel2AlonzoTG, you around?21:56
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kanzurenmz787: still cooking22:22
nmz787i have only been brainstormin22:25
Mokbortolan_1those aren't tears22:36
Mokbortolan_1I'm just having a brainstorm22:36
kanzurewhat are those tripod robots are called that have an arm suspended from the top and can move it to any point in xyz with 3 actuators?23:10
kanzure*robots called23:11
kanzurelike http://www.keba.com/typo3temp/pics/04e4431c74.png23:11
kanzuredelta robot?23:12
kanzureis jarkko's 3d printing survey, summarized23:13
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--- Log closed Fri Jun 01 00:00:27 2012

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