
--- Log opened Sat Jun 02 00:00:28 2012
-!- neuro-sys [~neuro@unaffiliated/neurosys/x-283974] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:17
-!- JayDugger1 [~duggerj@pool-173-74-79-122.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]00:50
-!- Mokbortolan_1 [~Nate@c-76-115-136-13.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:51
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archelskanzure: How's your FBI presentation coming along?01:43
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-!- rigel [~rigel@c-76-105-237-98.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:18
rigeloh ffs02:18
rigelchrist almighty02:18
strangewarpYou seem to have encountered some wacky transhumanists, or wacky reportage about transhumanists, maybe? Don't worry - this channel is for the professional ones who aren't crazy02:20
joshcryerI don't mind the crazy ones.02:45
rigelyeah, so people other than ray kurzweil et al?02:50
rigelbecause i'm not sure what "transhumanist" means outside of "crazy robophiliac"02:51
rigeleven nootropics is something i have experimented with and found to be largely a dead end02:51
rigelyou know, i read some books 20 years ago and then bought some drugs like 10-15 ago, and the experimentation thing was neat but going back and looking at the data the rationale was supposedly based on, i get all tongue-clucking and nostalgic for youthful stupidity02:52
rigelopen hardware, definitely something i can get behind02:53
joshcryerThat's where I am most interested.02:54
rigelbiohacking, a little dnagerous (ha!), something i wouldnt let my children do, but as a molecular biologist and lifelong tinkerer i can understand the motivating idea behind02:54
rigelanyway, i came here referred by a github project, i think maybe pyphantomjs?02:58
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-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:58
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kanzurearchels: check the backlogs for the link05:07
kanzurerigel: yeah we really hate ray kurzweil05:07
kanzurerigel: also, i'm glad you got here by pyphantomjs :) that's absolutely awesome.05:08
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Mariuwhat's wrong with Ray ?06:15
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eudoxiaray has his moments08:35
eudoxiasometimes he's okay, then out of nowhere he goes on these pseudo-religious "in the future..." tirades that are more fit for an Orion's Arm fanfic08:36
-!- mensch [~mensch@c-24-63-135-252.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:44
gedankenstueckewhops, missing /08:45
-!- Thorbinator [~Thorbinat@c-67-166-146-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]08:54
-!- Thorbinator [~Thorbinat@c-67-166-146-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:55
JayDuggerWell said, Eudoxia.08:59
kanzurearchels: yes09:06
archelskanzure: Are there any slide notes?09:21
kanzureno, but there's a recordig somewhere09:23
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archelskanzure: Just audio or also a video presentation?10:01
kanzureno video yet10:01
kanzurehaven't presented10:01
Mokbortolan_1IE6 simulator: http://mrdoob.com/lab/javascript/effects/ie6/10:09
kanzurewhy would you make such an awful thing10:10
MariuInternet Explorer 6 ?10:10
audyit's beautiful10:12
audyI like how the image is stored as a string10:13
bkeroIt makes me want to cry tears of HTML.10:15
-!- strages_home [~strages@adsl-98-81-21-7.hsv.bellsouth.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:21
rigelas a working scientist in a concrete field, i find it laughable that mr. kurzweil thinks he can quantify the amount of information "we" have access to collectively11:04
rigelor knowledge, whatever11:04
kanzurerigel: you might be interested in reading this rebuttal to ray.. http://heybryan.org/fernhout/11:04
rigelactually, no i wouldnt11:04
bkero'how much is available to the internet at large'?11:04
rigelbecause this is the most brainpower i'eve spent considering kurzweil in the last 10 years and i think its been more than enough11:05
rigellet's move on11:05
kanzurerigel: okay. well, anyway, you don't have to try to convince us against ray in here. that's sorta like preaching to the choir.11:05
kanzurerigel: for all of ray's preaching, he's not really learned anything new in the past 30 years11:06
kanzurelike, none of the "futurists" have acquired deep knowledge of molecular biology11:07
kanzureor even of making software or intricate chemistries to advance their goals11:07
Mariuwhat if they hire people ?11:07
kanzurehe doesn't, though11:07
kanzurehe pays amara about $11/hour to post to kurzweilai.net11:08
kanzureand sometimes hires tom for $8/hour to write the other awful articles11:08
rigelwow, no not only an ignorant douche, but a skinflint too11:08
kanzureyes i am an ignorant douche11:08
kanzureplease make me less ignorant11:08
rigeli think a good heuristic is that anyone associated with the long now foundation is an arrogant fuckhole11:10
rigelalso a dumbshit11:11
rigelsee also: j craig venter11:11
kanzurelet's hear it about craig11:11
kanzurei was talking with his company (synthetic genomics) a few weeks ago11:11
kanzureso i'd love to hear your take on him11:11
kanzurerigel: btw this was because i'm working on an open-source microfluidic dna synthesizer11:12
rigelwell anyone that self-aggrandizing is pulling an edison, i.e. taking all the fame for others' ideas and implementation11:12
kanzureoh sure11:13
rigelim interested in these newfangled open source pcr doohickers for confirmation of infection in developing countries11:13
kanzurehe deinitely has an inflated ego11:13
kanzurebut he's basically the only name popularly associated with the human genome project11:13
kanzureand plus, all of celera's bullshit with charging for that data11:13
rigelhe did one thing that was enabled by massive wealth, which was essentially a brute-force algorighm made material, like 15 years ago now almost, and noone has stopped sucking his dick since then11:14
jrayhawkself-advocacy is rather important in marketing scientific knowhow to businesses11:15
jrayhawksomebody has to be the loud jerk to get things done11:15
rigelin the meantime, what has the human genome gotten us? not a whole lot in terms of concrete therapeutics, but it certainly perverted the popular notion of genes and reinforced ideas of genetic determinism11:15
kanzureit has lowered the cost of dna sequencing11:15
rigelyeah well, fuck businesses11:15
rigelto what end?11:15
rigelnow we have a bunch of data pollution11:15
rigelbecause we dont know how to fucking mine it11:15
kanzurencbi seems pretty well organized to me11:15
rigelwe dont know which parts are salient and which arent11:16
kanzurehave you checked their lame ftp server?11:16
kanzurethey also have lots of annotation datasets11:16
rigelwe were calling whole stretches "junk dna" for a decade11:16
kanzurewho is?11:16
rigeleveryone was while i was going to school11:16
kanzureok, well, stop going to school11:16
kanzurethat's your first step11:16
rigelfrom 2000-2004, and its only in the last 4 years or so that people have stopped11:16
rigeli first heard the phrase "we used to call this junk dna, but" in 200911:17
jrayhawkgosh, how awful learning things is11:18
kanzurerigel: have you worked in a lab/group i might have heard of?11:18
kanzurei was working with andy ellington for a bit11:19
rigeli dont know that name11:19
kanzuremay or may not be recognizable.. oh ok11:19
rigeli worked in a scientifc backwater for about 3 years after undergrad11:19
rigelnow i'm in med school11:19
jrayhawkwhat was the link to that dude who used genetic analysis to work out his kid wasn't able to declygate anything11:20
jrayhawkerr, deglycate11:20
kanzurejrayhawk: http://matt.might.net/articles/my-sons-killer/11:21
jrayhawkyeah, the fact that we can characterize one-off genetic diseases like that seems incredibly badass to me11:21
kanzurei posted that to diybio and nobody replied- i'm super surprised11:21
kanzurethat's as diy as you can get, what the hell guys11:22
-!- neuro-sys [~neuro@unaffiliated/neurosys/x-283974] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:22
rigelthat's fairly neat11:23
bkeroHow many of those do we have to have before we can map functions to our entire genome?11:23
rigeli have considered medical genetics as a specialty11:23
rigelwould have done a thing this summer, but i have an opportunity to work on IP policy in DC instead, so i'm doing the latter11:23
rigeli am sure that the physician in charge of the genetics thing is upset with me because of that11:24
rigelbkero: 35,000 or so, minimum11:24
bkerorigel: well that doesn't seem so high11:25
rigeli mean, this stuff works on the individual level occasionally like in this story11:25
kanzurerigel: right, but in other cases it is much harder to figure out11:25
rigelbut once you factor in interactions and shit like microRNAs, methylation, chromatin modifications11:25
kanzureheck, most protocols don't work unless you apply like 15 standard deviations in the level of carefulness you apply to each step11:25
rigelit's far less likely that something usable and generalizable will come out of it than throwing darts11:26
jrayhawkmaking estimates like 35,000 at this point seems a bit naive given how fast we're still discovering huge swaths of complexity related to epigenetics11:26
rigelthat's one of the fundamental obstacles conceptually here, is how do we figure out the parameters under which we can generalize about this stuff11:26
rigelif anyone's interested, genomicsforum has a workgroup on gene-environment interactions that i'm on, it's small but just starting to get going11:27
rigeli have literally been pushing the gf leadership to let us have a wiki as a collaborative/discussion tool for a year and now they are doing that.11:28
kanzurea wiki takes like 5 minutes to set up11:28
rigelI KNOW11:28
kanzurethey don't sound like a useful bunch of people, sorry11:28
rigelit's not the leadership that's the utility11:28
rigelthey just spread the information to e.g. the APHA11:29
rigeli mean, conputer/IT knowhow is not well distributed within these organizations, but they still need to be aware of the science11:31
kanzurei'm not sure how you're supposed to separate bioinformatics from that knowhow11:31
kanzuresounds bogus to me11:31
kanzureare you making excuses for them :P11:31
rigelto some degree, yes11:32
rigeli mean, i have an agenda backed up by some data that i'm trying to present to this set of scientists, right, as an educational exercise11:32
-!- _F7_ [~forrestfl@c-98-201-2-186.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:34
kanzure_F7_: did you get the details email about the location?11:34
rigelbioinformatics is the IT dept of science, basically. a lot of dismissive attitudes about others' lack of proficiency on the computron screen machine11:35
kanzuremostly bioinformatics people are extremely helpful11:35
kanzureit's much easier to get up to speed on bioinformatics11:35
kanzureif you're willing to spend 4 lab years learning about some lame plasmids,11:36
kanzurethen you can certainly spend 6 months reading biopython/bioperl source code11:36
kanzureor playing around with other software.11:36
rigeli'm rambling, sorry11:36
kanzurerambling is my middle name!11:36
rigeli need to play a bit with pyphantomjs11:37
kanzureah right11:37
rigeli want to automate my download of course material from sakai11:37
kanzurei've been working on a coffeescript scraping framework for phantomjs11:37
rigelwhich uses a fuckton of js, which gives me hives11:37
kanzureit's not released yet, but you might like to look at this:11:37
kanzure(in particular start reading from the bottom)11:38
kanzuredamn i should write documentation for this today11:38
rigelYES PLEASE11:38
rigellack of documentation is the bane of my existence11:39
kanzurein the mean time, you can ask questions if things aren't self-explanatory11:39
kanzurewell, that's why i haven't released it yet ;)11:40
rigeldont the :: and . operators do the same thing, i mean is there a difference there that i'm not appreciating or something?11:40
rigeli dont know coffeescript or js for that matter from my asshole11:41
kanzure:: is quick access to the javascript prototype for that object11:41
kanzurecoffeescript is just a slightly more pleasant way to read/write javascript11:41
kanzurehttp://coffeescript.org/ has a pretty thorough tutorial on the front page11:41
kanzurei really hate writing javascript11:41
rigelyeah, i looked at that last night11:41
kanzurebackbone.js is the only pleasant javascript i have ever worked with11:41
kanzureeverything else can suck it11:42
rigelonce i was done with your mom, etc11:42
kanzureright, right11:42
rigelholy crap11:45
rigelmy raspberry pi shipped11:45
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bkeroMine should be here on monday11:53
bkeroI have a delicious amount of embedded coming my way11:53
bkeroa cotton candy fxi, a mk802, and a raspberry pi11:53
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rigeli am hoping that the rpi will have enough horsepower to run this shitass java package on it11:55
bkerojava?  raspberry pi?11:55
bkeroGood luck11:55
rigeli imagine it will, i just hope it works with the openjdk11:55
bkeroI wouldn't let java anywhere near my pi11:55
rigeli was gonna just use it as a print/audio server11:56
rigelbut i'm stuck on email right now, and i have to use davmail (java) to access it because exchange sucks turds through a straw11:56
kanzurehint: don't use exchange11:57
rigeloh, right, because that decision is up to me11:57
kanzurealso: don't use me for mail server advice, i'm apparently using gmail11:57
rigelthanks for the top11:57
rigeli suppose i should set up an environment where i can cross-compile stuff for the pi huh11:58
rigelor is there an arm repo for debian11:58
kanzurei thought debian has arm binaries for most packages?11:59
kanzurei might be wrong11:59
kanzurejrayhawk: this sounds like a thing you might know11:59
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chris_99they do kanzure12:09
chris_99what are you planning on using it for rigel?12:13
chris_99i'm just using mine for video stuff atm12:14
rigelbut i'd like to run it as a print server, ampache server, mail server (with davmail, which is java, to my continual dismay, and requires refactoring to get the GUI bits out of it)12:14
rigelor any combination thereof12:14
rigelmy wife bought a second one for me so i can offload responsibilities as necessary12:14
chris_99i'd personally use something more lightweight than apache12:14
chris_99such as nginx / lighttpd12:15
rigeli dont know how well ampache plays with nginx12:15
chris_99you mean apache?12:15
rigelno, ampache12:15
chris_99what's that?12:15
chris_99ah streaming12:16
rigeloy, i cant even construct a lmgtfy url correctly12:16
rigeli need more coffee, clearly12:16
rigelyeah, i have a bunch of services that i run at home that i want to offload from the current server12:17
chris_99i've had issues with kernel panics + bittorrent :(12:17
rigeli do not use bittorrent12:17
chris_99it's a network driver related issue from what i can tell12:17
rigelthough i would like to throw up sabnzbdplus on there if it can handle it12:17
rigelthough that comes with a built in webserver which is kind of a pita to disable and then configure with something else12:17
rigelbecause windows people use it, essentially12:18
kanzurehint: stop using.. etc.12:21
rigelstop using software that people using windows use? yeah, been trying to for a while12:23
kanzuremaybe i should swtich strategies12:23
kanzureand hit it at the source (e.g., people)12:23
kanzureyou should stop interacting with people? :P12:23
rigelwhat im confused about is why exactly this sabnzbdplus package has to have a webserver natively, why they cant just put out separate pckages for it12:24
rigeli suppose i will be moving to hellanzb and trying to put some kind of web thing on top12:34
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jrayhawkYeah, Debian has both arm and amrel. I run those on my phone!13:07
jrayhawkBut some of the Pi's hardware acceleration stuff isn't really going to be supported by generic packages.13:08
chris_99yeah, for video for instance you need omxplayer13:09
jrayhawkapache's DAV implementation is the only one that isn't a giant PITA13:13
jrayhawklighty and nginx's DAV implementations are both incomplete, and pywebdav is tedious to get working through them.13:13
_F7_things are too close to a major release at my workplace13:15
chris_99heh, why use DAV13:15
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jrayhawkIt's built-in to every platform, and, from a network administration perspective, more likely to work than FTP.13:16
chris_99i prefer sftp13:16
_F7_If I'd known about the specifics for the WMD meetup thing earlier they could have planned around it, but I can't get off work for the california trip.13:16
jrayhawksftp is neither of those things.13:16
chris_99it's far more secure than ftp and i don't use windows anyhow13:17
jrayhawkftp has TLS extensions for both command and data streams.13:17
chris_99i know but imo ftp is outdated13:17
jrayhawkthat's not a useful word13:18
chris_99why not?13:19
jrayhawkIt carries no explicit meaning other than "old", but has lots of vague connotations which are difficult to untangle from context.13:20
jrayhawkI would be curious as to which connotations you were attempting to invoke, though.13:21
chris_99ok it's crap then13:21
chris_99any encryption mechanisms are simply bolt-ons rather than being part of the original protocol13:21
jrayhawkSSH is a bolt-on to RSH.13:22
chris_99who's talking about RSH13:22
jrayhawkDo you think SSH is a bad protocol because it's a bolt-on?13:23
chris_99it isn't a bolt on13:24
chris_99Open SSH server runs by itself13:24
chris_99so i havent got a clue what your saying13:24
jrayhawkWhat does "runs by itself" mean?13:25
chris_99it's a server13:25
jrayhawkSo is an FTP daemon that supports SSL/TLS.13:25
jrayhawkTLS/SSL and SSH are both secure encapsulations for existing protocols.13:25
chris_99yes, but it's using an outdated protocol13:25
chris_99openssh is a different thing entirely13:26
jrayhawkOkay, what connotations of "outdated" are you attempting to invoke?13:26
chris_99FTP is a plaintext protocol right13:26
chris_99that wasn't designed for encryption13:26
jrayhawkRSH is also a plaintext protocol.13:26
jrayhawkRSH also wasn't designed for encryption.13:26
chris_99what does RSH have to do with anything13:26
jrayhawkFortunately, encapsulation solves these problems.13:26
jrayhawkRSH is to SSH what FTP is to FTPS or FTP+TLS.13:26
chris_99it is not13:26
jrayhawkTechnically FTPS is better since it supports PKI rather than mere PSKs, but that's fairly trivial.13:28
chris_99via SSL?13:29
chris_99because that's secure ;)13:29
jrayhawkare you being sarcastic?13:30
kanzurenmz787 says "This trip is around 55hours, got any audio learning stuff worth listening to?"13:30
jrayhawkAre you claiming that public key cryptography doesn't work?13:31
chris_99nope, just flaws with SSL but they're unrelated to FTP13:31
chris_99so not really relavent here13:32
jrayhawkEh, it's not like this entire conversation has any particular relevance.13:34
jrayhawkI'm suprised kanzure hasn't kicked me yet.13:34
kanzurefor pooing over ftp? i'm totally okay with that13:34
chris_99also you've got silly little things that ftp allows like bouncing13:37
jrayhawkHaha, that's a cute trick. Hadn't heard of that one.13:38
chris_99it was used for server -> server transfers13:38
ParahSailinwhats wrong with ssl13:39
chris_99things like ssl beast13:39
chris_99it only affects a certain version though13:39
jrayhawkSSL also got a bad rap because of Commodo and DigiNotar's use of obsolete hashes.13:43
rigelwhat connotation of "got a bad rap" are you intending to invoke13:44
jrayhawkAlarmist news sites like touting that PKI is inherently broken and useless as a result of two authorities being compromised.13:45
rigelthat sounds like a prescriptivist vs descriptivist debate13:46
chris_99i'd like to know how many ~768 bit SSL sites are out there13:46
chris_99has anyone conducted research with UV & yeast btw?13:47
rigeldefine "anyone"13:47
chris_99you guys13:47
rigeli have not13:47
chris_99i'm wondering whether you could isolate yeast strains that produce more alcohol after mutation13:49
chris_99or if that's too difficult13:49
rigelto what end13:49
chris_99it's for brewing13:50
chris_99yeah i've used some of their yeasts i think13:50
rigelred star has some high alcohol ones too iirc13:50
rigelthats about as high as you can go13:51
chris_99yeah 20% seems to be the current highest13:51
rigeland youd think that after thousands of years of selective breeding that that ceiling would have been broken by now13:52
ParahSailin20% is pretty high13:53
rigeli was asking because i can see making the effort to streak your own yeast etc from the pov of getting novel flavor profiles, but purely for EtOH content i think it's probably better to go to a vendor13:56
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chris_99yeah you're probably right13:57
chris_99it would be cool to get different flavours now you mention it though13:58
rigelwell thats very likely going to be a tradeoff13:58
rigelnot directly13:58
rigelbut you're going to be selecting for one thing at a time13:58
chris_99is uv a sensible way to introduce mutations?13:59
kanzuredo you want targetted mutatagenesis? then no13:59
chris_99what other options are there?14:00
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rigeli have the older edition of this book as a pdf14:01
rigelif you have an email i can send it to14:01
chris_99oh that'd be wicked14:02
kanzureemail? pffttt https://www.filepicker.io/14:03
kanzurenote: dunno if that works14:03
rigeli dont use third party dropbox thingies, as a matter of policy14:06
rigeleither you have an ftp/sftp i can dump it in, or i email it to you14:06
kanzurei have that, but perhaps another time. i'm lazy at the moment.14:07
rigelor, alternatively, if you have a bbs i can upload it to i will call you14:07
rigelkanzure: done14:07
rigelfor those of you who dont know, the medlib-l list is great for getting individual papers14:07
kanzurerigel: we wrote our own scrapers14:08
rigeldont abuse it for journals that everyone "is supposed" to have14:08
kanzurewe have 80 publisher-scrapers and are on track for acquiring a 100% complete mirror14:08
kanzurewhat  the hell do you think my interest in phantomjs is?14:08
rigelo i c14:08
* kanzure goes afk for a bit14:09
rigelyou are doing what i basically have dreamed of doing for the last 8 or 9 years14:09
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jrayhawkhaha, now i am sad i don't have a BBS14:18
rigeli should clarify: 0day only14:19
rigelalso NR14:19
rigelthose are my terms14:19
jrayhawkkanzure: to dodge search-engine lawyers, you should distribute chatlogs and papers over gopher://14:20
rigelthere are logs of this channel?14:21
rigelright in the topic14:21
jrayhawkoh damn, gecko dropped gopher support14:22
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rigelwhy are we not using gopher for mobile devices anyway14:29
rigelmany mobile sites are set up in pretty much the same way14:29
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kanzurejrayhawk: nothing wrong with indexes14:49
kanzurerigel: NR?14:49
rigelno ratio14:50
browniesgopher still exists?!15:31
browniesfilepicker.io was in the WSJ?!15:33
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dixiebasslineisnt learning a bit of arabic to impress the help a waste of time16:15
dixiebasslinejsut sayin'16:15
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kanzuredixiebassline: "the help" ? :P16:17
yashgarothand 'impress' probably isn't the word I'd use16:17
dixiebasslinei was just curious to the motication16:17
dixiebasslinei came in after that16:17
yashgarothI'm hoping for 'scare just enough that it's funny while avoiding federal prison'16:18
rigeldid i miss something?16:19
yashgarothnot that I'll do it myself since I'm there on the FBI's good graces, rather than them paying my way (p.s. $66 a day for food? I didn't think the bay was that expensive)16:19
kanzureyashgaroth: or maybe you're just cheap ;)16:20
kanzure$20/meal isn't that unreasonable in general16:20
yashgarothehh, I guess not16:20
kanzurerigel: yes you did16:20
yashgaroththe FBI is bringing in DIYbio people for a workshop wherein we convince them we're not all bioterrorists16:21
kanzurerigel: the fbi's weapons of mass destruction directorate is flying a bunch of us biohacking peeps out to give presentations to their special agents16:21
rigelim sure that will go over well16:21
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kanzurerigel: went fine last year16:21
kanzurerigel: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/fbi-diybio-2011/2011-07-13.txt16:22
kanzurerigel: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/nucleic/fbi-diybio-dna-v1.pdf16:22
yashgarothmy plan was to take a call and start screaming at the phone in arabic, then hang up casually16:22
kanzuremy alteration of his plan is "introduce ourselves in arabic to the agents"16:22
yashgarothfeds are known for their sense of humor so it should go well16:22
rigelthe thing thats always struck me about the bioterrorism paranoia is that the sort of movie plot threats these people think of require way too much in terms of infrastructure, planning, and intelligence for your garden variety anarchist to see to completion16:23
kanzurei think they are worried more about state-sponsored bioterrorism16:23
kanzurebut they also want to make sure the diybio peeps are informed about when to contact an agent16:23
rigelthats not so much terrorism as war16:23
rigelif it's a state actor16:24
kanzurefor instance, someone came in here a few months ago with a stunning plot to rob from a BSL 4 facility16:24
kanzure*state-sponsored BSL 4 facility16:24
kanzurethat's not cool in general :|16:24
rigelwhat were they going to steal16:24
kanzurepaperclips, it doesn't matter, i don't want to be associated with that16:24
rigela "plot" is only as good as its feasibility16:25
rigelits like the miami 7, you know?16:25
yashgarotharen't they all state sponsored?16:25
dixiebasslinewell hippies are too stupid to be terrorists, so are muslims16:25
kanzureyashgaroth: i sure hope not, surely there's at least one commercial bsl 4 lab??16:25
dixiebasslinewe know the fbi did the first wtc bombing16:25
dixiebasslineso they are the team to play for16:25
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yashgarothum, the ELF has proven fairly effective at bombing GMO labs16:25
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@kanzureno 911 truthers16:25
rigelthere's a reason why all the sovreign citizens, militia types, christian nutbars, etc go out and get lots of guns and explosives16:26
rigelit's proximal to their goal16:27
rigelengaging in a potentially years long plan to make anthrax powder is just so distal based on current levels of education etc, that it's laughable16:28
rigelit's a hell of a lot more lucrative to just go out and make meth16:28
rigeland buy guns16:28
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@kanzureregulating whether or not i play around with microbes at 3am isn't going to change whether or not someone else does16:29
@kanzurerigel: concealed petridish license16:29
@kanzure<--- licensed to carry16:30
yashgaroththat's texas for you16:30
rigeloh, was the synthesis.cc guy part of this?16:31
rigeli think i recall reading about it16:31
@kanzurelast year, yes. not this year.16:31
@kanzurerob is sorta known as an asshole16:31
@kanzureand sorta impractical with his engineering. $100k to make a thermocycler? wtf man16:31
yashgarothhe showed up at the seattle meetings, seemed nice enough but I think he was pimping his book so16:31
@kanzurehe's pretty good at self-publicity16:31
@kanzurelikes to somehow get involved with weird government/policy groups16:32
rigelso you know16:32
rigelMSF is really who yall need to be working with16:32
rigelmedecins sans frontieres16:32
@kanzurewithout frontiers? erm?16:32
rigeldoctors without borders16:32
@kanzureah, probably16:32
rigela while back maradydd wanted to start a biohacking thing at noisebridge, where i was hanging out16:33
@kanzurenoisebridge was against it16:33
@kanzurebut they seem to be doing somethign now with .. r.. someone16:33
rigeli was part ofthat16:33
@kanzurer.. rik..16:33
@kanzurewhatever. his shroom shit.16:33
rigelbecause they really didnt know what the fuck they were doing16:33
@kanzuretito? yeah..16:33
rigeli think it's developed a bit more16:33
@kanzureyeah, different people16:34
rigelsafety, big concern16:34
@kanzureand the others went off to biocurious16:34
@kanzurehave you been to biocurious yet?16:34
rigelim glad to see it has developed a bit16:34
rigelno, i dont live in sf anymore16:34
rigelit sounds like theres real opportunities though to train people through the diy/open paradigm to work on shit that PhRMA et al just dont care about16:35
rigelor actively sabotage16:35
@kanzureyes i agree16:35
@kanzureespecially rare diseases16:35
@kanzureor shit that costs $10,000/dose16:35
rigelthats what im interested in, is building bridges between the hackers of all stripes, and the global poor and domestic underserved16:35
rigeldamn right16:35
@kanzurei'm really curious why these rare disease groups haven't been doing their own biology riggups16:36
@kanzurelike, screw the fda- you guys need your blood drugs16:36
dixiebasslineman weve been trying to bring hackers together forever16:36
dixiebasslineits like herding cats16:36
rigelit always is16:36
@kanzure"bring hackers together" is a throw-away phrase, it's just something you ignore when reading16:36
rigelits politics, and its perception16:36
@kanzure"bring hackers together' is a lame way of saying "put up a public git repo"16:36
@kanzureoh god mismatched quotes16:36
dixiebasslinewe've got hacker public radio16:36
dixiebasslinebeen around for years now16:37
yashgarothhey guys would you like to join my hacker collective16:37
dixiebasslinebut hacker is kind of like anarchist16:37
dixiebasslinethe only good ones ar locked up16:37
rigeldixiebassline: thats the perception i was talkin about16:37
@kanzuremaybe you should just ignore what other people think, and get work done16:38
rigeli am too old to be the angry young man anymore16:38
ThomasEgiyashgaroth, that totaly made my day :D16:38
dixiebasslineignore all the other people16:38
dixiebasslineespecially ppl that claim to be related16:39
rigelok i REALLY need to get back to studying trypanosomes16:39
@kanzurewell, so far you've just talked bunches of politics i think16:39
@kanzureso you might not actually be skilled16:39
dixiebassline'fuck the haters'16:39
@kanzurewho are you anyway?16:39
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dixiebasslinewho are you>16:40
rigelkanzure: who are you directing that to16:40
kanzurerigel: not you16:40
kanzuredixiebassline: http://heybryan.org/16:40
dixiebasslinehttp://www.jackparsonslabs.com/ kanzure16:41
ThomasEgiufos near sun?16:41
kanzureso you do social media blogging?16:41
* kanzure goes back to adding documentation to that thing i promised rigel16:42
ThomasEgiwith an illuminati-irc name?..16:42
dixiebasslineim mainly working on music production16:42
rigelwith ableton?16:42
dixiebasslinewhy not16:43
ThomasEgidixiebassline, you believe in extraterestrial lens reflections?16:43
dixiebasslineidk what that means16:43
chris_99i know this is off-topic but does anyone know something similar to neatx that seems to be still developed16:44
dixiebasslinereality is so... realitive16:44
ThomasEgithat picture16:44
dixiebasslineoh idk16:45
dixiebasslinehave you seen that video thouh16:45
dixiebasslineits mind blowing16:45
ThomasEgii have multimedia stuff disabled in my browser16:45
ThomasEgithe pic is all i saw16:45
dixiebasslineyeah theres som video from nasa16:45
dixiebasslineand it looks like theres this thing at the sun16:45
dixiebasslineill never know16:45
dixiebasslineno one will16:46
kanzuredixiebassline: tone it down16:46
chris_99a sun spot?16:46
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dixiebasslineoh, kanzure he was aksing about this picture, \\\16:46
dixiebasslineill take to pm if its bothering your channel16:47
dixiebasslineim not here to be distruptive16:47
* ThomasEgi is not impressed with stuff like that.16:47
ThomasEgipeople take grains of dust and lens reflections ways to serious16:47
dixiebasslinei think its fun to take stuff like that and put it to the music ive been making because ppl dont take it seriously16:48
dixiebasslineand sometimes ppl like voice in their music16:48
chris_99Pareidolia ThomasEgi16:49
ThomasEginot sure if that's the same as seeing things you want to see.16:51
dixiebasslinechris_99, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ulqsAgrlYI16:51
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dixiebasslinei ment to send that in pb16:52
dixiebasslineand pm16:52
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Jorabusiness is not fun blargh18:11
rigeldoes someone want to take a look at that library and see why it's not dumping the TEXTRECORD when you export to SVG?18:12
rigelit seems to pull layout and graphics information fine, but the text gets lost somewhere18:13
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joshcryerkanzure, I've only read the first part of this Fernhout thing and I'm glad someone did this, pretty much reflects where I stand on Kurzweil (of course that was probably apparent over the years, but eh, still a nice piece of rhetoric so far).19:56
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@kanzurejoshcryer: yeah, it was sorta like "great, now i don't have to write this"20:51
* joshcryer nods20:54
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@kanzurehi klafka23:26
klafkahey kanzure23:27
klafkathis is in bart right now23:27
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