
--- Log opened Mon Jun 18 00:00:03 2012
--- Day changed Mon Jun 18 2012
-!- Jenda` [~Jenda122@fry.hrach.eu] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:00
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Mokbortolan_1can anybody get me "Safety criteria for transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in humans"?00:10
Mokbortolan_1I'd give you an internet cookie00:10
Mokbortolan_1the good kind00:10
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jrayhawkinternet cookies give you internet diabetes00:24
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Mariujrayhawk: I think the Google ones are sugar free :O00:25
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archelsMokbortolan_: It's just a two page short; still need it?04:17
Utopiahno idea how it fares again scholar.reddit.com http://www.pirateuniversity.org04:19
Mokbortolan_yes plz04:20
Mokbortolan_having a hard time finding anything about pulsed tDCS04:20
Mokbortolan_I had the idea of multiplexing multiple stimulation patterns04:21
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archelsMokbortolan_: http://turingbirds.com/temp/safety%20criteria%20for%20tDCS.PDF04:30
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Mokbortolan_Here you go: http://imgur.com/w0GBM04:36
archelshaha, thankies04:38
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Mokbortolan_good! it says that it should at least be safe04:45
Mokbortolan_within limits04:46
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@kanzurebrownies: i am definitely not in the hood06:26
@kanzurepirate university sounds like an okay idea06:26
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chidokanzure: still at langton? I just got back home06:52
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@kanzurechido: no i'm home in austin, texas07:26
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@kanzureMokbortolan_: try Liebetanz et al., 2006 for pulsed tdcs stuff?07:33
@kanzureahh cumpolsary patent licensing. a hilarious concept. http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/v76y2/indian_drug_giant_cipla_cuts_cost_of_cancer/07:37
@kanzure(with aplogies for linking to reddit)07:38
-!- Magic-Smoke [~Redacted@h254.158.185.173.static.ip.windstream.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:55
@kanzurehi Magic-Smoke.07:55
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@kanzureso apparently allen brain institute has a hackathon08:24
@kanzuregoing on right now.08:24
@kanzurei am angry >:(08:24
@kanzureseems to be in seattle08:24
@kanzureslide 2 is awesome here: http://ai.stanford.edu/~serafim/CS374_2011/presentations/lecture6.pdf08:26
@kanzure"DNA sequencing per dollar is increasing faster than storage capacity per dollar"08:26
@kanzurewelp i'm screwed08:27
@kanzure'cept compression08:32
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audykanzure you heard of that new fastq compression algorithm?08:59
audykanzure oh hold on09:09
audythere was a $15K prize for best fastq compression algo09:09
audyI think this guy won https://github.com/dcjones/quip09:09
audyI've been using bzip and storing Illumina runs on S3. I have about 6 on there and it costs less than $10/mo09:11
@kanzureParahSailin: ah sorry, no i'm not at the asm conference :/09:25
@kanzurejuul: yes i went to the startup science thing.. http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/startup-science-2012/09:26
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LukasGood afternoon09:31
Lukasits been quite a while since I've been here09:32
@kanzure_F7_: https://brmlab.cz/project/brain_hacking/tdcs09:32
_F7_already there09:33
@kanzurewell ok then09:33
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LukasWhat's up Thomas09:50
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@kanzurehi archbox09:58
_F7_wow I've got a lot to catch up on10:19
_F7_I'll be switching to round electrodes for sure10:19
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ThomasEgiLukas, me?10:28
ThomasEgistill working on a microphone amplifier that defeats some laws i got taught in university10:28
Lukashow is that working out?10:29
ThomasEgihm. dunno. i have 3 different approaches so far (besides the ones you can find in textbooks)10:30
ThomasEgione should work as advertised, but requires comparebly huge voltages to operat (bout 80Volts) and is prone to humidity.10:30
ThomasEgithe 2nd idea i had is even more promising. but the simulation software faints when i try to run it at the desired operating point.10:31
ThomasEgieven the DC analysis fails, despite the software trying out 4 different fallback algorithms10:31
ThomasEgiand the 3rd one, i am not ready for simulation yet10:32
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LukasWhat are you going to use the amplifier for?10:35
ThomasEgi... to amplify a microphone signal.10:38
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Lukasor rather by using your method will you be able to downsize the amplifier?10:43
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ThomasEgii don't care about the size. but about the acustic performance.10:57
ThomasEgimicrophone amplifiers are quite a bit of a extreme. they require insanely high input impedances (up to 100 Gigaohm), yet have to be very very low noise10:58
ThomasEgiand on top of that, highly linear so you don't get any distortions10:58
ThomasEgii got the low noise part and linearity quite well. but i am still struggeling with the impedances10:58
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ThomasEgiappears.. i found another unusual option11:35
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archelsLukas: Hi, what's new?12:17
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randallagordonHello, hello! What's new?12:25
archelsThat's what I'd like to know.12:26
randallagordonBeen quite a while since I poked my head in around here, but I still see a few familiar names.12:29
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* ThomasEgi thinks.. he screwed physics12:32
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ThomasEgijep. i did.12:41
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@kanzurehey randallagordon.13:50
Jenda`Who was interested in tDCS here? We have something in our wiki: http://brmlab.cz/project/brain_hacking/tdcs13:55
@kanzureJenda`: _F7_ has a physical setup13:56
@kanzure_F7_: ping13:56
_F7_ah, tdcs?13:57
_F7_yeah, that's a really easy build13:57
Mokbortolan_Jenda`: That'd be me13:57
Mokbortolan_Jenda`: is that a topic on which you are professionally interested?13:57
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Jenda`Oh, I see it was already posted here.13:58
Jenda`Mokbortolan_: No, it's not my project.13:58
Mokbortolan_ahh, ok13:58
Jenda`One of our member is.13:58
Mokbortolan_thanks for the link!13:58
Mokbortolan_oh yah, I've seen that page13:58
Mokbortolan_trying to find out if high-frequency tDCS is safe13:59
Mokbortolan_like, +1khz13:59
_F7_The first one I built was just a Jfet and a trimpot with an LED and some sponge electrodes13:59
Mokbortolan_so far I've found out that =< 100 is painful13:59
Mokbortolan_I had the idea of using time-division multiplexing with an electrode ... matrix? montage?14:00
_F7_Now I've got one that ramps on and off over the span of two minutes, because I found out that fast ramping is kind of alarming14:00
Mokbortolan_and I'm trying to see if it's even feasible14:00
Jenda`_F7_: Our first version was a 9V battery and trimmer :)14:01
_F7_need a transistor in there14:01
_F7_or else your resistance can change and that changes the current14:01
Mokbortolan_yeah, LM33414:02
Jenda`Yes, now there is some better circuitry.14:02
Mokbortolan_someone in here designed a nice circuit, I still have the schematic14:02
Jenda`But it still looks scary :)14:02
Mokbortolan_it's only scary if you're afraid of a little electricity14:02
Mokbortolan_"A little electricity never hurt anybody, unless it went through their heart."14:02
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_F7_@Mokbortolan_ are you interested in just using one stable pulsed DC frequency per run?14:03
Mokbortolan__F7_: no, I was interested in multiplexing different current paths14:03
Mokbortolan_well, yeah14:03
Mokbortolan_I guess they'd all be the same frequency14:04
Mokbortolan_just a bit out of phase14:04
_F7_interesting, so >3 electrodes?14:04
Mokbortolan_there's a couple of guys who used multi-path tDCS and some fancy math14:04
_F7_that sounds interesting14:04
Mokbortolan_they were (according to their simulations) able to guide the current14:04
Mokbortolan_my idea is a little like that, but with less math14:04
@kanzuredon't be afraid of math14:05
Jenda`You can mail him, maybe he would be interested into multiplexed tDCS. http://brmlab.cz/user/ata14:05
@kanzureJenda`: does ata do irc?14:05
_F7_I was going to suggest something with bilateral switches and schmitt triggers, but it sounds like you'd need a computer.14:05
Mokbortolan_Ok, I'll email him, though I'm still in the "is this even reasonable" phase of discovery14:05
Jenda`kanzure: Very rately.14:05
@kanzureJenda`: laaame14:05
Mokbortolan_there are very, very few studies (that I can find) on pulsed tDCS14:05
Mokbortolan_I'm not afraid of math, but I like to keep my learning curves at a manageable height :p14:06
Jenda`Ha ha, some of our members still ask "FBI DIYbio - *that* FBI?!?!" :)14:07
Mokbortolan_they're just trying to keep tabs on all the would-be flubola makers14:07
@kanzureMokbortolan_: actually no... they just want to keep tabs on /community/ labs14:10
@kanzurethey don't seem particularly concerned about non-lab-affiliated individuals14:10
Mokbortolan_fair enough14:10
Mokbortolan_it was a lab-affiliated fellow who mailed all that funny white powder around almost a decade ago14:11
Mokbortolan_man I feel old14:11
@kanzureyep there are far more phd's out there than 'amateurs'14:11
_F7_I just think it's cool that I don't have to worry about the FBI imploding if DIYbio members start exchanging B. subtilis endospores.14:14
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@kanzure"An anonymous donor has actually funded a $100K Brain Preservation Prize, paid to the first team(s) to pass this test on a human brain, with a quarter of the prize going to those that first pass the test on a mouse brain."14:26
@kanzure"Cryonics and plastination teams have already submitted whole mouse brains to be tested. The only hitch is that the prize organization needs money (~25-50K$) to actually do the tests."14:26
@kanzure"We seem close to having a feasible plastination technique, where for a few 10K$ or less one could fill a brain with plastic, saving its key brain info for future revival in an easily stored form. We may only lack donations of a similar amount to actually test that it does actually save this key brain info. (And if the first approach fails, perhaps to test a few revisions.)"14:27
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atumdated a girl from ashburn for a day or so14:29
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@kanzurehi n_bentha.14:35
n_benthahey kanzure14:35
chris_99kanzure, you know you mentioned that python thing you're making for interacting with webkit, does that need X for webkit to run do you know14:43
@kanzurechris_99: the latest version claims to not need it14:44
@kanzuremost of the documentation is through the phantomjs site though14:44
chris_99"Note: The information hosted here is for historical purposes only. Starting from PhantomJS version 1.5, the Linux version is pure headless and does not need X11/Xlib anymore and thus there is no need to use Xvfb. "14:46
@kanzurethe python version is a bit older however14:46
@kanzureit might not work without x, but you should check14:46
@kanzurethe python reimplementation happens to /also/ implement a command line wrapper, which could presumably work with phantomjs 1.5 or 1.614:46
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chris_99can you download files with it?14:48
@kanzurehell yeah14:49
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@kanzureyou can do all sorts of thinsg with it, yes.. including downloading files.14:49
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chris_99awesome :)14:52
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chidoJenda`: oh cool welcome15:12
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kanzure"I killed countless goldfish trying to find a way to freeze even a fraction of the water in their bodies - including by placing them in  5% DMSO in water - which they equilibrate with and tolerate reasonably well at 18-20 deg C. No success. In fact, goldfish seem to be really intolerant of ice formation."16:10
kanzure"You can easily convert 50% of the water in a golden (Syrian) hamster's body to ice and probably 60-70% of the water in its brain to ice, and it will recover well. Ditto juvenile red eared slider turtles; something I did endlessly as a child; probing the limits of ice formation and tolerable duration of freezing."16:10
kanzure" Even rabbits and galagoes (primates) will recover acutely from ~50% of their body water being frozen - though they do not survive long. All these animals are hard as plank of wood; rigid and utterly lifeless."16:11
kanzure"The original work on hamsters was conducted in the 1950s by Audrey Smith and Sir James Lovelock in the 1950s at the NRC's Mill Hill in London. The original papers are mostly available only for pay, but one documenting their work freezing pregnant golden hamsters is as available as a full text:"16:11
kanzure"Smith's classic book, BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FREEZING AND SUPERCOOLING is not available on line, to my knowledge. However, a good (recent) review book by Peter Steponkus, LIFE IN THE FROZEN STATE can be accessed here:"16:11
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chidocool indeed.16:31
kanzure"Aw, it makes me sad to write this and ruin your fond fernery, but I assure you that you pet fish was not frozen. It's an easy mistake to make and many have made it before you and mum."16:36
kanzure"The freezing point of fish tissue is about -0.5 deg C, and what more, because the salts and proteins present in a living animal, and the mucus coating, they have a propensity to supercool - to stay unfrozen well below their actual freezing point of -0.5 deg C. In fact, you can supercool hamsters to -5 deg C, and sometimes to even -10 deg C!"16:36
kanzure"Thus, what happens is that in a slowly freezing system of a fish in a bowl of water the water freezes and the fishes doers not - it remains in a pocket of unfrozen solution - either supercooled or simply not yet at its freezing point."16:36
kanzure"If the ice is melted before freezing occurs, or before too much ultraprofound anoxic hypothermic time has elapsed, the fish swims away none the worse for wear."16:36
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kanzureJuul: so why isn't a pipe what cathal needs for his python problem?17:19
Juulkanzure, it is, but the way I understood it is that he doesn't want to modify the OpenPCR code, which is what is writing this to a plain file.17:19
Juulwe really shouldn't use plain files for this kind of communication17:20
Juuli think this is fallout from an OpenPCR fail17:21
kanzureyeah, i agree17:21
kanzurejohn griessen is offering to redo openpcr, i might take him up on his offer17:21
kanzureand throw him a few bucks17:21
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kanzurei want him to write down a proposal first so that i can look at it.. a pic or something would be lightyears ahead of this17:21
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kanzureyashgaroth: hi.17:35
yashgarothoh hey sup17:36
yashgarothI made it halfway down the coast, gonna check out some elephant seals17:37
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yashgarothnah they're too easy17:37
yashgaroththey just lay on the beach and make loud noises, rather unsporting17:38
chidoyashgaroth: how was Prometheus?17:50
yashgarothehh the 3d kinda sucked, but otherwise it was okay17:53
yashgarothyou caught your plane I take it?17:53
chidobarely, checking in took ages17:54
chidoI spent the whole 11 hours studying for that damn exam, now I feel like a zombie17:54
yashgarotha biology zombie! at least17:54
kanzuredrugs should fix that17:54
chidonot sure this is the right moment to start experimenting17:55
yashgarothit's always the right moment17:55
chidoit's also crazy hot over here, like 35 degrees celsius17:56
yashgarothnot too many drugs for weather control, sadly17:59
JayDuggerHow about an ice pack?18:00
ThomasEgihow bout digging a hole into the ground?. after a few meters the temperatures should reach the annual-average temps18:01
ThomasEgiwhich are usualy pretty  comfortable in most places of this planet18:01
chidoa ziplock bag with frozen pregnant hamsters18:01
yashgarothyou guys have strange definitions of "drugs"18:01
ThomasEgimy new best friend, the tower fan^18:02
chidomy appartment is on the fourth floor and I'm too lazy to get to ground level18:02
yashgarothanyway I'm off to get food, bbl18:04
chidogood luck18:04
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* chido likes18:34
kanzurechido: that's sorta from langton labs i guess18:36
kanzurei think priceless is an event that false profit puts on, not sure18:37
chidoit's making me awfully sleepy18:37
chidobut it's fitting for listening to at 3:38 AM18:38
chidoI was just complaining I have nothing to listen to; you solved my problem right there18:41
kanzureyou could also consider http://8tracks.com/18:42
kanzurechido: or this.. http://roll.io/#rjqm!018:48
_Sketch_mmmm. Music.18:54
_Sketch_I asked this question a while ago: Are there backless OLED/LED screens, for HUDs?19:03
_Sketch_Small HUDs.19:03
kanzurei thought most setups use a mirror to project it onto the glass19:04
JayDuggerThe HUDs where I work project directly from a CRT onto a glass.19:06
JayDuggerI don't see any reason in principle you couldn't use any type of screen for the projection source.19:06
JayDuggerIt wouldn't work with the exact HUDs used at my employer, but that happens because they rely on video tricks that only work with CRTs.19:07
JayDuggerAnd those devices are ridiculously overpriced, anyway.19:08
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JayDuggerThanks, kanzure. I didn't know fenn worked on that project.19:40
JayDuggerI dislike the notion of chording keyboards. When I have used unusual keyboards in public they proved more trouble than they were worth. I spent more time ignoring people staring or answering their questions than typing.19:42
JayDuggerSFO might not have that problem.19:42
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JayDuggerI don't know that Blame! makes a good UI design model, but both pieces of placeholder art serve well.19:44
kanzurei haven't tested my performance on chorded keyboards19:44
JayDuggerThey might work well in private. They draw too much attention in public, IME.19:44
JayDuggerI'd think you'd get a trade-off between discretion and input efficiency. If you could use finger sensors (bend or acoustic for taps) perhaps you could have an invisible virtual keyboard: your choice of QWERTY, DVORAK, or even fretboards or keyboards.19:46
kanzurei get attention when i am doing my "creepy transcripting thing" even on qwerty, so i just talk to whoever while i am typing19:47
kanzureit's more efficient than stopping my typing19:47
JayDuggerThat reminds me: thank you for the recent transcripts.19:47
kanzureyou're welcome.19:50
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