
--- Log opened Sun Jun 24 00:00:49 2012
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browniesany of you know of a website/software where i could drill/practice mental math?02:57
Coornailyou could probably practice using spaced repetation02:58
Coornailcreate flashcards02:58
Coornailyou can do that automatically02:58
Coornailand use mnemosyne to practice02:58
Coornailor something else02:58
foucistreal men recognize that SRS/flashcards just ain't a complete solution..  ARRRR03:00
foucistbrownies: can't the app that you've been working on help you drill that?03:01
foucistscratch your own itch, eat your own poop, etc..  all the famous startup sayings!03:01
browniesfoucist: yeah, we kinda iterated to the point where we're now building a general solution to teach all the things to all the people03:03
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Coornailthat will surely work03:03
browniesCoornail: our strategy is foolproof! unfortunately, there's a lot of fools.03:05
foucistbrownies: that's my startup03:07
foucistyou trying to compete with me?!03:07
brownieswhat do you mean "trying to" ?03:07
browniesfoucist: heh, what are you up to these days man03:08
foucistactually right now i'm dealing with my pinterest killer..  will do that in a week and then back to the learning app .. so you betta watch out!03:08
browniesCoornail: anyway, i just want to do mental math drills for time... don't even need spaced repetition nonsense, i should just be able to pick the difficulty level03:11
brownieshell, i could build this... *right now*03:11
* brownies fires up the editor03:11
Coornailwhat kind of examples you want to solve?03:12
Coornailaddition, multiplication?03:12
browniessquares, maybe03:13
browniessimple algebra, might as well... completing the square, why not03:13
browniesoooh, actually, doing numerical integration would be a nice catch-all03:13
brownies....this is escalating quickly.03:13
browniesCoornail: i'd settle for just something that simple, if it exists03:14
Coornailwell you could just generate tons of random exercises and plug it into mnemosyne03:14
Coornailthat is why I mentioned spaced repetation03:15
Coornailnot like you'd have to repeat the tasks, but the software is perfect for something like that03:15
sylph_makoI wrote a command line thing for doing simple ops in hex.03:16
sylph_makoI'm yet to do a simple op in hex.03:16
browniesCoornail: yea but why involve mnemosyne? seems like a sledgehammer for such a simple problem03:17
Coornailmaybe it could be a gateway-flashcard, and you'd start using it more =D03:18
CoornailI don't know, I'm just trying to solve the problem with the least effort03:18
CoornailI'm lazy03:18
browniesyeah, but i don't have mnemosyne, and somehow i'm convinced that it'd be easier for me to code the whole thing than to download and learn mnemosyne =P03:19
foucistmnemosyne/anki are fairly straightforward, but you'd still need to generate flashcards03:20
foucisti find there's a bunch of disadvantages with the current flashcard/srs systems03:20
foucisti will be rectifying those problems in my Amazing New Learning Web App That Everyone Will Love03:21
browniesis there a flashcard generation API/03:23
browniesbut then what are the metrics03:23
browniesoh hell, i'll just build it myself03:23
browniesand, oh yeah, wasn't Anki > Mnemosyne anywy?03:24
foucistit's a mite fresher.. but quite a few ppl i know use mnemosyne anyways03:26
foucistanki has various python plugins and such03:26
brownieshm, interesting03:28
brownieswhy isn't there a cloud version of such things?03:28
foucistanki does have an online component03:32
foucistinterface is more baic but works03:32
Coornailthere are many formats of flashcards03:37
Coornailmost of them are pretty straightforward03:37
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foucistcoding a porn site @ a co-working space06:06
foucist(it's the pinterest killer!)06:06
foucistof course there'll be two versions.. adult and non-adult.. two birds, 1 singularity06:07
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ThomasEgicoding a porn site for non-adults? how's that going to work out?06:07
foucistnice interpretatio..  no, a non-adult site for non-adults06:07
foucistand a porn site for porn-adults06:07
* ThomasEgi is cornfused nao06:08
foucistThomasEgi: sorry, i guess you dont' have backlog!06:08
foucistThomasEgi: nah i'm just coding a "pinterest killer" but gonna make two versions of it, one for porn , and one for non-adult material06:08
foucistbut i was using porn material while coding it @ the coworking space.. i didn't think people could see my screen06:09
foucistthen later i realized that some were looking!06:09
ThomasEgihm. well i guess having a job where you are allowed to look at porn half of the time aint half as bad^06:11
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@kanzurefoucist: 196 wpm06:14
foucistkanzure: WHAT..  you beast06:14
foucistkanzure: i challenge you, duel to the death! http://play.typeracer.com/?rt=trskuda06:14
@kanzurehrmm well i just woke up.. so okay06:15
@kanzureseems a good of time as any to die06:16
@kanzurestarted off at 380 wpm and i quickly died. i think my  key is broken06:17
@kanzure*my f key06:17
foucisti don't type too much actually otherwise i get RSI06:19
foucisti can't even type more than a minute without experiencing slight RSI06:19
foucistbeen that way since i first started typing 18 years ago06:19
@kanzureone more?06:19
foucistnah :P06:19
foucistmy peak is 111 wpm06:20
foucisti think i jumped 10-20 wpm since we last raced06:20
foucistfor no reason at all06:20
@kanzurei think it is time that the german pirate party evolves into the german robot pirate party06:20
foucistno practice or anything06:20
foucisti just realized that 110 isn't that hard06:21
@kanzurewhere have you been for the past few months?06:21
foucisthiding from this chan of course ;)06:21
foucistnot a lot new, still in bangkok, just working on marketing and coding etc06:21
gl00mthe only thing better than having a high wpm06:25
gl00mis not being a nerd06:25
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@kanzurewhy the hell is that guy in here?06:27
chris_99i don't suppose any of you guys have used EC2 and imported your own windows instance?06:36
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delinquentmeanyone in here ever heard ( within the context of Ruby )07:18
delinquentmeas a gem being "installed"07:18
delinquentmelike in this statement it makes sense ... but I made a (small ) edit to the bioruby lib and im not entirely sure about the feedback I was given07:19
@kanzureit's installed when it's in your gem folder07:19
@kanzurecheck "gem --environment"07:19
delinquentmethe patch ( assuming my edit )07:23
delinquentmeis completely unaware of the file locations after installation07:23
delinquentmehowever before my patch07:24
delinquentmethe tests wouldn't even complete07:24
@kanzure"autoload :KEGGDB,    '../lib/bio/db'" is not okay07:24
delinquentmewhat about it?07:26
delinquentmeseems to be what runs the autotesting07:27
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delinquentmeand with jruby-
@kanzurethe "../" makes it relative07:27
@kanzurehe's saying don't do that.07:27
delinquentmeis he?07:29
delinquentmeI mean he says its "unaware " after installation07:29
delinquentmebut it seems unaware pre my patch07:29
delinquentmeas it doesnt run07:29
delinquentmeso like we've got 2 cases here07:30
@kanzurei don't know why you don't understand me.07:30
@kanzuredon't write "..". use the gem paths.07:30
delinquentme1) no tests run ... as they fail with undefined variables07:30
delinquentmewell there is not gem path for the keggdb07:30
delinquentmeso create a pathenv?07:30
delinquentmeenvpath or whatever07:30
@kanzureno. if you install keggdb then it has a path.07:31
delinquentmeyeah however the pre existing path he gave didnt work07:31
@kanzurethen fix it.07:31
delinquentmewhich was 'bio/db'07:31
delinquentmei thought i did07:31
@kanzureyou didn't07:31
@kanzuredamn dude. just use what everyone else does.07:32
@kanzureor if that fails then:07:32
@kanzurerequire File.dirname(__FILE__) + "whatever/the/fuck/you/need"07:32
@kanzurethis isn't rocket science :(07:32
@kanzure(i should note that my require line is not normal and you shouldn't use it as a first solution)07:33
delinquentmesomethings failing here07:34
delinquentmethe fail happens when running the autotest directly07:34
delinquentme"ruby test/runner.rb"07:34
delinquentmebreaks because that pre existing path 'bio/db'  is wonky07:34
delinquentmeso you're saying give it something more absolute?07:35
delinquentmeALSO im wildly confused as to how this works for him07:35
delinquentmebecause 'bio/db'  has no call to its relative path07:36
delinquentmeit needs a . to be functional at all .. no?07:36
@kanzureis bio/db a gem or not07:37
delinquentmejust a file07:37
@kanzuremaybe you should change that07:37
delinquentmebio is a gem07:38
delinquentmeis bio/db a way to sub ref a gem ?07:38
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foucistyay ruby!09:19
* foucist faps09:19
* delinquentme joins in09:21
foucistdelinquentme: get the problem fixed?09:21
delinquentmenmz787, apologies about the other night man09:21
delinquentmetotally would have come up to chill09:22
delinquentmefoucist, i think I have09:22
delinquentmehes running tests in a way Im unfamiliar with09:22
delinquentmeor maybe i've just never seen them run with rake09:22
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@kanzuredelinquentme: rake tests:unit09:36
@kanzureor it really depends on what the hell is in his Rakefile09:37
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@kanzurejrayhawk: i'd like to copy the nanoengineer chroot a few times, e.g. so i can have one 'stable' chroot and one for 'the next version'09:40
@kanzureiirc, you had to do some sysadmin stuff to make my chroots work on my vserver?09:41
@kanzureif so, could you setup another one for me? basically i need one that works, and then one where i upgrade ubuntu and break everything09:41
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jrayhawkThe only thing I can think of is makedev failing, but, in principle, the chrooted userspace should function fine on what your vserver is restricted to.12:21
jrayhawkSo, yeah, you should be able to copy/extract it on gnusha and just ignore the device node creation errors.12:22
jrayhawkkanzure: oh i guess i should make your client beep by addressing you12:22
jrayhawkIf it's a tar file, you probably want to extract it as root with --numeric-owner, btw12:24
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@kanzurejrayhawk: huh? i recall you had to set something up.. did you add permissions to my vserver, or do something special with the chroot directory?13:14
@kanzuredidn't you have to create it for me?13:14
@kanzure17:58 < kanzure> jrayhawk: E: Cannot install into target '/home/bryan/nanoengineer-chroot' mounted with noexec or nodev13:15
@kanzurefrom 2012-04-29.log13:15
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@kanzure18:02 < jrayhawk> ah, yeah, it wants to install device nodes. right. I'll get that first step done outside...13:20
@kanzure18:08 < kanzure> mknod: `/root/nanoengineer-chroot/test-dev-null': Operation not permitted13:20
@kanzure18:16 < jrayhawk> Okay, sudo chroot /root/nanoengineer-chroot13:20
@kanzurei guess i should have pressured you for the in between steps13:20
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jrayhawkoh, right you are13:26
jrayhawksorry, my brain is half-conditioned to containers13:27
@kanzure/root/nanoengineer-upgrade or some more sensible name would be appreciated13:28
@kanzurebasically a copy13:28
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@kanzurejrayhawk: thank you sir13:49
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@kanzurejrayhawk: and can i pester you to document wtf you've done?13:50
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brownieshm, i'll ask my question again, for the afternoon crowd14:01
browniesany of you know of a website/software where i could drill/practice mental math?14:01
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@kanzurethe afternoon crowd is exactly the same as the morning crowdd except more grumpy14:06
brownieswell, i asked the late night crowd14:10
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@kanzurebrownies: how about http://flashcarddb.com/14:14
browniesthat's the most hideous web site i've ever seen14:14
@kanzurehow about http://quizlet.com/14:15
@kanzuregod, i tried to repress all these urls/sites14:15
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@kanzurehttps://cramberry.net/ (terrible name!)14:17
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@kanzurehttp://headmagnet.com/ ("predict when you will forget")14:17
browniesyeah, flashcards aren't really the answer here.14:18
browniesi want something like typeracer but for math.14:18
browniesit's not the dichotomy here that i'm concerned with... i'm not going to "forget" how to add14:18
browniesit's more about increasing performance along a continuous spectrum14:19
@kanzurehttp://shortcutfoo.com/ for math might be ok for speed math training? "can you add two numbers within 1.5 seconds?"14:19
@kanzurei guess it would be nice to be able to do partial differential equations in the less than 10 seconds14:20
@kanzure"draw a math symbol and get its latex" http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html14:22
@kanzurewould be nice if it cross-referenced the symbols to wikipedia articles:x14:23
epitronkanzure: omg, i want this for UTF8 :)14:23
@kanzurethere was a unicode/utf8 dictionary recently.. i don't recall if it had drawing input or not14:24
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@kanzurehttp://webdemo.visionobjects.com/equation.html?locale=default same thing14:28
@kanzurebrownies: how about http://math.ly/algebra/linear-equations/pcnpbd/14:30
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epitrondamn, web equation is great15:00
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jrayhawkkanzure: sudo cp -ra nanoengineer-chroot nanoengineer-upgrade from outside your vserver15:12
jrayhawkhopefully someday LXC will actually work properly and we can migrate you to something a little less restrictive15:13
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brownieswhat the fuck? i'm supposed to calculate a secant in my head/15:35
brownieskanzure: this is much closer to what i want, other than that though15:35
browniesarccotagent of -1.44? come on -_-15:36
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brownieskanzure: there ought to be "levels" of problem types that you can do for time15:41
brownieslike Angry Birds, basically15:41
@kanzurebrownies: so that guy now wants it to be 100 *users* testing the app simultaneously15:52
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@kanzurei'm gonna have to tell him no15:52
@kanzurethere's no way he's ever going to have 100 people using this simultaneously15:52
@kanzureand i don't want to do that anyway.15:52
@kanzurei thought he just wanted bottleneck/throughput testing15:52
brownieskanzure: he's getting progressively more ridiculous15:53
brownieskanzure: if only you had a handsome brown friend who had predicted exactly this15:53
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@kanzurehaha. well at least i didn't sign anything.15:54
browniesheh. good.15:56
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@kanzurebrownies: ok i got it down to "git push heroku master" and "siege -n 100" (stress testing)17:34
@kanzuremission accomplished?17:34
brownieskanzure: as i've said, i believe the only winning move is to not play17:50
brownieskanzure: but if you do otherwise, let me know how it goes...17:50
jrayhawk"arccotangent of -1.44" reminds me of http://www.ee.ryerson.ca/~elf/abacus/feynman.html19:03
foucistbrownies: http://www.free-training-tutorial.com/math-games.html19:06
Jenda`https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ45se_3TKA :)19:12
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foucistJenda`: i don't like to click on links that don't come with a clue as to what they're about19:18
yashgarothMexican Jumping Beans19:19
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@kanzurecharlesos: hi20:20
@kanzurenmz787: yo20:20
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strangewarpBring up radical scarcity around internet intellectuals who have stewed in zero-sum anti-piracy rhetoric for a decade -> they try to stamp you the fuck out20:46
strangewarp.. radical abundance*20:46
strangewarpI keep making that typo too. Annoying20:47
browniesjrayhawk: heh, i love that story... but sadly i don't have any canonical logs or exps memorized20:49
strangewarp"First of all, it's cute that you keep trying to justify your silly ideals, because it's never going to happen. Grow up, accept it, get a job. Second of all, video game and computer technology companies only make their mega-projects because the scarce market sustains them. If all their employees didn't have to work to live, they would stop working, and human art and science would be over."20:52
browniesfoucist: i tried playing the shark game for 2digit + 2digit, but only 2 digits can fit on a shark, so it's completely fucking broken =/20:52
strangewarpParaphrasing here; the original guy used less elegant and angrier language.20:52
@kanzurestrangewarp: why are you debating with him?20:56
Mokbortolan_it's not a debate20:56
Mokbortolan_it's just two people arguing at each other20:56
@kanzurewell okay, then why are you talkingw ith him20:56
Mokbortolan_happens all the time20:56
@kanzurepeople? yeah.20:56
strangewarpkanzure: He's an op in one of the channels where I have long-term friends and complain about things more often20:56
strangewarp(not on this network)20:57
Mokbortolan_you have to make him identify with you before you can even hope to change his mind20:57
Mokbortolan_and then suggest the change in terms he also identifies with, and can appreciate20:57
@kanzurethe net utility of convincing some angry internet guy about something is surprisingly close to zero20:58
strangewarpkanzure yeah, I wasn't trying to convince him of anything, I was just idly commenting about the zero-sum non-futurist responses to the latest filesharing kerfuffle and he decided to launch into me21:00
sylph_makoHeh. In my metrics, the net utility of anything is close to zero. Close to zero is all anything ever gets, but it's enough.21:00
Mokbortolan_well, there are inherent "arguments" that occur during conversation21:01
Mokbortolan_sort of like, "I think X is objectively true."21:01
Mokbortolan_"Well, I think X is objectively false, and Y is objectively true."21:01
Mokbortolan_and depending on how skilled each member is in the art of polite conversation, it can result in the transfer of perspective information, or a shouting match/fistfight21:02
strangewarpI think just that guy in particular is good at pressing my buttons; he's basically a psychopath who will not change his opinions because they're HIS, dangnabbit21:02
Mokbortolan_that's most people21:03
Mokbortolan_very frustrating21:03
Mokbortolan_especially because presenting information that contradicts their view is likely to strengthen their view21:03
strangewarpHe told me he saved the conversation, so he could paste it into the channel once every day in 2035 to show me how wrong I am21:04
Mokbortolan_sounds like you couldn't get him to identify with you21:04
@kanzureuh who cares about the year 2035?21:04
strangewarpnobody really21:05
strangewarpI think there was a thread on his video-game-industry-insider forum about Kurzweil at some point, maybe, which might be where he got the date from21:06
strangewarpAlso, I think to a Clever Internet Conservative, my opinions about abundance and welfare come off as completely self-serving, since I don't have a job. Which I'm assuming is a very clever thing to point out..21:16
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@kanzure281 upgraded, 11 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:21
@kanzureNeed to get 121MB of archives.21:21
@kanzureAfter unpacking 16.3MB of additional disk space will be used.21:21
@kanzurenot bad21:21
@kanzurebut this is just 7.04 -> 7.1021:21
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Mokbortolan_I printed my own copy of quirkle today, should I feel bad?21:39
@kanzureErrors were encountered while processing: udev ubuntu-minimal console-setup21:41
@kanzureseems to be related to this:21:41
@kanzuremknod: `/lib/udev/devices/ppp': Operation not permitted21:41
@kanzurewhen running "apt-get dist-upgrade"21:41
@kanzurehaha davidad is calling his company "nemaload, inc."21:47
@kanzurejrayhawk: can you look at that mknod error? :/21:48
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@kanzurehi [1]kovalezko21:51
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ParahSailin__radical abundance.. like extropian or something?22:00
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strangewarpParahSailin: An economy where a convergence of info-bio-nanotech makes most common items effectively free22:47
jrayhawkuninstall udev, ppp23:21
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--- Log closed Mon Jun 25 00:00:50 2012

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