
--- Log opened Thu Jun 28 00:00:53 2012
-!- AdrianG [~amphetami@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:02
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kanzurebrownies: alas, typing on two keyboards at once is not yet a skill i have00:29
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foucisti have mastered dvorak-right and dvorak-left01:09
foucisti also separated my left and right brains...  half of me designs, the other half codes..  it works great!01:11
sylph_makoYou did this by corpus collosum excision, I presume?01:14
sylph_makonobody needs that thing.01:15
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kanzure"The Google+ Hangouts are better than IRC for some things.  Being able to have multiple simultaneous video feeds from multiple people would let the community share techniques, educate people, or just video chat"07:48
kanzure:o ok guys we're not allowed to educate each other07:49
kanzureaudy: what's the point of the #.png in that url?07:49
kanzurelike, are they trying to fool us?07:49
superkuhYou can cut it off at, http://www.technologyreview.com/files/87345/SynthBio-Ax61607:51
superkuhOh. Even further. After the file # ID.07:52
superkuh'needs the / though.07:52
-!- AdrianG [~amphetami@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]07:59
kanzurethere was a 'genetic superpowers' thread on diybio the other day (just a list of interesting mutations): https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/diybio/sTw7AXt-NaQ08:09
kanzureNorovirus resistance and FUT2 W154X08:09
kanzureExtra strong bones and LRP508:09
kanzureLean muscle and MSTN double null08:09
kanzureGreatly reduced heart disease and PCSK908:09
kanzureCCR5-delta32 to increase resistance to HIV08:10
kanzurehDEC2-P385R transcriptional repressor associated with short sleep phenotype08:10
kanzurei can't remember the hang-over-resistance gene :(08:10
chidois being able to detect the smell of cyanide a superpower?08:15
kanzuresure why not08:15
kanzurethere's also that mutation in TASR38 that allows people to taste PTC... perhaps not a power at all :)08:16
chidoI'm not sure the gene that makes you smell cyanide is identified08:17
chidoI just read that today morning :) nature has a cool special on taste08:17
kanzureah. genspace/diybio-nyc did a few projects related to TASR38 as "public outreach".08:18
kanzurei suppose i need a better list than this.08:21
chidodid you catch that Springstein affair in Germany?08:23
chidobut it was years ago I think08:24
chidocoach accused of gene therapy doping08:24
kanzureoh neat08:24
kanzureit wasn't blood doping?08:25
chidoit was Repoxygen08:25
kanzureah epo08:25
kanzurehehehe "World Anti-Doping Code 2006 Prohibited List"08:26
kanzurelet's see what's on the 12 list..08:26
kanzurehrm.. 2009? http://www.wada-ama.org/Documents/World_Anti-Doping_Program/WADP-The-Code/WADA_Anti-Doping_CODE_2009_EN.pdf08:27
kanzureaha here's 2012 http://www.wada-ama.org/Documents/World_Anti-Doping_Program/WADP-Prohibited-list/2012/WADA_Prohibited_List_2012_EN.pdf08:29
kanzuredamn, modafinil is prohibited08:30
kanzure"The following, with the potential to enhance sports performance, are prohibited: 1) the transfer of nucleic acids or nucleic acid sequences; 2) the use of normal or genetically modified cells." say whaat.08:31
chidoyeah I was just about to wonder about the vague-ness of that one08:32
chidoso if yash succeeds he will never be able to do any sports, ever?08:33
foucistyou guys are aware of doping with your own cells rihgt?08:33
kanzurewell, this org doesn't seem to be a government body.. i dunno who listens to them08:33
foucistfor instance some athletes have extracted blood cells and then injected that back in later08:33
foucistfor extra oxgen08:34
chidomind you, the mind sports olympics use the code too so he can't play go or chess there either :D08:34
foucistnevermind, i need to read the backlog more often08:34
foucistkanzure: which part are you saying what to08:35
kanzurechido: so if you take anabolic steroids, build up tons of muscle mass.. you can't play chess? :(08:35
kanzurefoucist: what?08:35
foucistkanzure: "say whaat." which part08:35
foucistthe nucleic acids? the normal cells?08:35
chidoit was a bit of an affair here because the srongest go players here in CZ almost couldn't participate in the mind sports olympics because of weed08:36
kanzurefoucist: the whole thing :( i was hoping they would outline some useful things for me.08:36
kanzurebut instead, they just say no to everything.08:37
chidokanzure: I assume the "regular" events like league games and local championship don't give a damn about doping, at least in go, not sure about chess08:37
chidokanzure: welcome to europe and its take on genetic modification :D08:37
kanzurehuh? i thought you guys hate GMO08:38
chido"no to everything" is standard policy08:38
audykanzure so my irc client displays the image inline08:38
kanzureyikes why would you want that08:39
chidoeasier than sorting through the details08:39
kanzurelike what if i link to pain3.jpg?08:39
kanzureor whatever that file is. supergoatse.08:39
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kanzurepeeps: anselm levskaya, reese jones, george church, john mulligan, sagar indurkhya, austen heinz10:00
kanzureoh and lukman winoto10:00
kanzureSCOTUS ruling re: obamacare http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/11pdf/11-393c3a2.pdf10:02
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delinquentmeWhat is the string search algo thats really german sounding and has "distance" in its name??10:38
delinquentmeits a string comparison operation10:38
kanzurebut that's russia10:39
-!- calango [~dnm@201-51-212-69.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:40
archelsoh wow, this guy is claiming that "if I were an upload, I would never again have to sleep"10:40
delinquentmekanzure, damn you're good10:41
kanzurearen't most processes spending most of their time in zombie state in the linux kernel?10:41
kanzurei guess that's not sleeping exactly10:41
kanzure(e.g. waiting for input)10:41
kanzureerm, wait.. zombie != waiting for input. don't listen to me.10:41
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:42
delinquentmeoh lulz10:43
delinquentmewell lets hope the hardware is on something a little better10:43
delinquentmeanyways " CHEMOMEMES "10:43
delinquentmeand geo church10:43
-!- ruphos [~ruphos@diybiowarfare.com] has left ##hplusroadmap []10:50
kanzureyashgaroth: today we're ashamed that we don't have a longer list of 'easy alleles for genetic improvements'10:52
kanzuredo you have a list somewhere? i know that's my job and all, but uh apparently i don't10:52
yashgarothdefine 'easy'10:52
kanzure'known alleles that provide interesting changes'10:52
yashgarothget all those weird ashkenazi recessive brain disorders, give people one copy of the normal and one copy of the bad, with 50% expression on both10:53
-!- mutagen [~adam@75-105-14-63.cust.wildblue.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]10:53
yashgarothactually you could apply that to a lot of persistent recessive disorders, sickle cell for example10:53
yashgarothSNPs are good but they're almost always just associated with the gene...but yeah delta-CCR5 would be good10:55
yashgarothI think it makes you slightly more susceptible to some exotic viruses, but it's probably worth it for resistance to HIV and the plague10:55
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yashgarothyou can get a couple of inducible genes in with tetracycline-response elements, just gotta pick the most useful10:56
yashgaroththat WADA document is annoying - they get all specific on steroids, but myostatin is just "all drugs which inhibit myostatin"10:57
yashgarothoh and extra p53 expression couldn't hurt10:58
kanzurethis is an interesting one: http://www.snpedia.com/index.php/Rs31426310:59
kanzure"faster rate of growth at age 10 and about a tenth of an inch less in adult height"10:59
yashgarothis there a link which shows you what gene they're near? it's doubtless some hormone regulator11:00
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yashgarothoooh that pepck-c overexpression would be a good one11:02
yashgarothoh and alpha-galactosidase in the digestive tract11:03
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yashgarothI probably should make a list huh11:03
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* chido would appreciate a list11:05
kanzureyashgaroth: can you dump that into a text file for us?11:07
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kanzurers1265507 looks possibly interesting11:20
yashgarothk http://dl.dropbox.com/u/82637557/germline%20genetic%20modification.txt11:34
yashgarothI'm forgetting at least a half-dozen but it's my birthday so deal with it11:34
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9a80e1c germline genetic modifications via yashgaroth11:35
yashgarothargh where the hell is a euro 2012 stream11:35
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kanzurehaha the fbi trading cards have an iphone app.. http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/bioagents-education/id520691350?mt=812:04
chidoI've been trying to find a source of the cards online12:05
kanzureso, with george church being an "advisor" to anything, i wonder if you can just slap his name on things and expect people to believe it12:06
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ12:07
-!- kanzure changed the topic of ##hplusroadmap to: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | backed by george church | http://gnusha.org/logs/ http://groups.google.com/group/diybio12:07
* yashgaroth throws money at the channel12:08
@kanzuremaybe we can find some guy named george church to make that legitimate12:08
nmz787along with NRA12:09
-!- kanzure changed the topic of ##hplusroadmap to: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | backed by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs/ http://groups.google.com/group/diybio12:10
-!- _sol_ [Sol@c-174-57-58-11.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:10
@kanzurei've learned of at least three new things today advised by george12:12
@kanzurethat new cambridge x-risk group,12:13
@kanzurecambrian genomics (via angel.co),12:13
@kanzureand i don't even remember the third one.12:13
@kanzurei should make a list and sell it back to him or something12:13
nmz787thta cambrian genomics is the gene laser company right?12:14
nmz787DNA laser sounds ever so bogus12:14
@kanzureanselm told us that he was doing sequencing of dna to improve the reliability12:15
nmz787its a horrible hack to use several $150k machines to get cheap DNA12:15
@kanzurei don't recall him mentioning lasers12:15
nmz787DNA laser printing12:15
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-!- kanzure changed the topic of ##hplusroadmap to: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs/ http://groups.google.com/group/diybio12:18
chidoso is the NRA thing a thing? any progress?12:18
yashgarothabout as much as george church is12:18
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nmz787chido, did you get to eat any of these while you were here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheetos12:28
chidonmz787: no, I didn't12:31
chidoI didn't eat a burrito either12:32
nmz787wait, weren't you at the taco place after noisebridge the very first night before the workshop started?12:32
chidoeven though yash made it clear to me that leaving California without ever having eaten Mexican is a sacrilege12:32
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chidoI wasn't at noisebridge until the day the BART fire12:33
chidowe met there for the first time12:33
nmz787yeah burritos are sacrilicious12:34
chido"Cheetos have been found in shapes which resembled the appearance of popular or historical figures"12:36
nmz787like that jesus toast that sold on ebay years ago12:36
yashgarothcheetos are arguably more important than mexican food tbh12:37
chidoapparently a Michael Jackson Cheeto sold too12:37
chidoI seemed to have missed out on an important cultural aspect here12:37
nmz787problem today is you can forge jesus toast with a laser cutter12:38
yashgarothcheetos and mountain dew are like the nerd eucharist12:38
nmz787i bet catholics hate lasers now12:38
chidoI read an article on how jetlag is linked to permament memory damage so I am not sure if I am ever coming back for the Cheetos12:38
nmz787just take a bunch of sleeping pills to avoid the lag12:38
nmz787then its not jet lag, its hangover lag12:39
nmz787benzodiazapenes are really handy for international trips12:39
nmz787as well as my bugs bunny full-size bedroom pillow12:39
yashgarothxanax is the only way to fly12:39
nmz787any benzos really12:39
nmz787i've really only had restoril12:40
nmz787so i think i'm gonna apply to a security consulting firm12:41
nmz787fuck biotech bitch work12:41
yashgarothlike biosecurity or what12:41
nmz787get a high paying job coding, work on opensource projects with that practice12:41
nmz787nah application security, chipsets, protocols, etc...12:41
yashgarothless competition for me12:42
nmz787i know enough about a lot of topics in the field, and i think i could hang... tho my coding skills are a bit weak in the webapp stuff, i think i can make up for it with hardware concepts12:42
nmz787live birth MRI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W02HgvEVR412:43
nmz787aww thats not the full vid12:44
nmz787thats actual video, but still not full length12:45
nmz787SOURCE: Bamberg C, Rademacher G, Güttler F, et al. Human birth observed in real-time open magnetic resonance imaging. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2012;206:505.e1-6.12:48
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nmz787same video in the supplementary content12:50
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delinquentmeToday’s consumer electronics are more beautiful than ever. The shininess level is soaring way above nine thousand.13:01
-!- lichen|2 [~lichen@c-76-105-164-184.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:02
delinquentmeyashgaroth> cheetos and mountain dew are like the nerd eucharist13:04
* chido thinks the raspberry pi is beautiful13:04
chidotastes vary13:04
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@kanzure"according to a major United Nations report on the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, the total economic value of pollination by insects worldwide was in the ballpark of $200 billion in 2005"13:56
Mokbortolan_so, basically what they're saying, is that if all the insects stopped pollinating, it would only cost the world 200 billion.13:57
Mokbortolan_seems a little low13:57
Mokbortolan_or are they trying to calculate the hourly wages by respective mass13:58
nmz787or maybe thats how much edibles are produced by pollinators?13:58
nmz787grains, fruits, veggies???13:59
nmz787yeah thats a weird statement13:59
Mokbortolan_maybe they figure that they can just send out $200 billion worth of migrant laborers with tiny paintbrushes13:59
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@fennnot sure what the use of "poor man's screw library" is, since bolts are cheaper than the plastic to print plastic bolts14:35
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chidofenn: how's the devious smuggler fish doing?14:44
@fennseems like the author of the screw thread library knows what he's doing: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:877614:45
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@kanzurermcl: hi18:06
rmclkanzure: howdy. sorry for all the join/leaves18:06
@kanzurehow do you do?18:07
rmclgood thanks. hbu?18:07
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nmz787azonenberg: how's the photolith?19:41
azonenbergnmz787: my new roommate is a mechanical engineer and is going to be helping me make a better spin coater19:42
azonenbergETA on that is a month or two depending on how long it takes us to source components19:42
azonenbergnext on the list of improved tooling is a contact mask aligner for 2" wafers complete with vacuum chuck and two adjustable-distance microscopes19:43
nmz787can i buy plans from you someday19:43
nmz787will be needing a spin coater in about 9 months or so19:44
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@kanzure2009-07-16.log:19:07 < Smari> essentially what I'm getting at is a machine readable Merck index that can be traversed. I point a piece of software at my personal invent23:00
@kanzureory and say, "I want to build an airplane", and it searches through this database of processes and finds the shortest path from my inventory to the airplane and tells m23:00
@kanzuree what that path is and what else I'm going to need.23:00
@kanzureso why didn't he do that?23:01
yashgarothhow the hell did you find that23:01
@kanzureyashgaroth: just some old hplusroadmap logs23:05
yashgarothyeah but still23:05
@kanzurewe used to do things in here23:05
yashgarothexcept that guy, apparently23:06
@kanzuresmari ended up becoming the leader of the icelandic pirate party instead, or something23:06
@kanzurei dunno, it's not my job to track you guys... oh wait23:06
yashgarothAAV-Directed Persistent Expression of a Gene Encoding Anti-Nicotine Antibody for Smoking Cessation23:47
yashgarothman this Hicks guy hates drugs but loves gene therapy, I'm not sure what to think: AAVrh.10-Mediated Expression of an Anti-Cocaine Antibody Mediates Persistent Passive Immunization That Suppresses Cocaine-Induced Behavior23:49
--- Log closed Fri Jun 29 00:00:54 2012

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