
--- Log opened Mon Jul 09 00:00:03 2012
jrayhawkhe's missing the requisite HR-friendly giant-searchable-list-of-vaguely-applicable-technology-buzzwords00:03
kanzureoh shit!00:07
kanzurei knew i forgot something00:07
kanzure"Here is a tag cloud of every technology I have ever talked about"00:07
kanzurecongratulations, i'm now an expert on oracle/g200:08
kanzureMoin Ahmad <moin.ahmad@oracle.com>: [singularity summit, singularity, singularity institute, conferences]00:08
kanzureRonny Fehling <ronny.fehling@oracle.com>: [singularity summit, singularity, singularity institute, conferences]00:08
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foucistkanzure: sponsored by george church, the NRA, and oracle01:01
* Mokbortolan_ creates a new subreddit and channel, "neuromod". 01:09
Mokbortolan_now all need is an fMRI01:09
kanzurecan't you just co-opt this channel instead?01:09
kanzurewell, i guess i don't enjoy redditors in here01:09
kanzureso maybe i should thank you instead?01:10
kanzurenot sure01:10
kanzurei am generally against fragmentation though01:10
Mokbortolan_yeah, I guess it does kind if fit within H+01:10
Mokbortolan_though, I feel like discussion here tends toward the theoretical rather than the practical01:10
kanzurefeel free to change that01:11
Mokbortolan_is there an associated forum, btw?01:11
kanzurehell no01:11
kanzurethere was a mailing list in 2007-2009 but nobody has asked for it back01:11
Mokbortolan_I like the reddit format01:11
Mokbortolan_much better than "standard" forums, IMO01:11
Mokbortolan_I mean, the layout and functionality01:12
kanzurepeople just want interfaces that they are used to01:12
kanzurethis is why nobody understands any wiki other than mediawiki01:12
kanzureor any forum other than phpbb01:12
Mokbortolan_I feel claustrophobia nagging at me whenever I'm in a phpbb now01:12
kanzurefeel free to ban anyone in here who is insufficiently practical01:13
Mokbortolan_so, the idea is to use technologies like tMS and tDCS in conjunction with techniques like "games" and hypnosis to permanently strengthen particular brain regions01:14
Mokbortolan_at least, that's my idea01:14
Mokbortolan_integrative electronics and surgical modifications are neat, but impractical at the moment01:14
kanzuretms isn't specific enough to target particular brain regions01:15
kanzureand nobody has developed a method for specific brain region targetting with tdcs01:15
kanzurei suggest ultrasound, but i think i've mentioned this before and i think you ignored me then too01:15
Mokbortolan_but with hypnosis/practice, I think it can be useful01:15
Mokbortolan_oh yeah, I forget about ultrasound01:15
kanzureda fuck does hypnosis have to do with anything01:15
Mokbortolan_I didn't ignore you :p  I read a bit about it01:15
Mokbortolan_see, now that's the attitude I'd like to avoid01:15
Mokbortolan_skepticism is healthy01:16
Mokbortolan_I understand that01:16
Mokbortolan_that is a good question though01:16
Mokbortolan_"What *does* he mean by using hypnosis to this end?"01:16
kanzureare you just making random assertions or do you have a paper/link01:16
Mokbortolan_no, I only make random assertions for purposes of humor01:17
kanzurewell, please keep that on reddit01:17
kanzurei mean, not the humor part, the other part01:17
kanzurethe quantum consciousness/hypnosis/brainwave stuff01:17
Mokbortolan_the first one is a fun idea01:18
Mokbortolan_the second is practical, and the third I'm still investigating01:18
* Mokbortolan_ enjoys ideas.01:18
browniesquantum hypnosis bro01:18
kanzurei'm not saying hypnosis is fake01:18
kanzurei'm saying it's probably not worth your attention01:18
* Mokbortolan_ points an orgone generator at kanzure.01:18
Mokbortolan_what makes you say that?01:19
Mokbortolan_I promise not to try to convince you that hypnosis is useful or viable01:20
Mokbortolan_but I am interested in your opinion in the matter01:20
kanzureyou should be figuring out how to poke the brain with hot sticks and lasers, not hypnotic suggestion or decades of meditation01:21
Mokbortolan_I've determined that it is impossible to convince anybody of anything01:21
Mokbortolan_so, you know how thinking about moving your arm activates the same circuits as actually moving your arm?01:22
Mokbortolan_that's how they get those monkeys to control the robotic arms, I hear01:23
Mokbortolan_got it01:23
kanzurefiring my arm neurons is not the same thing01:23
kanzurethere are related motor cortex events going on, but it's not the same thing (otherwise my arm would move)01:23
Mokbortolan_you're right,I wasn't being specific enough01:24
* kanzure is grumpy01:24
kanzureare you one of those guys who just makes lots of analogies about everything01:24
Mokbortolan_sounds like you need more crystals glued to your skull01:24
kanzurehow much do i need to spend?01:24
Mokbortolan_limits your hat choices, but that's the nature of it01:24
Mokbortolan_I could01:25
* kanzure sleeps01:26
Mokbortolan_you can pick up a kit blessed by not only the buddhist triumvirate, but also the last remaining shou-lin priestess01:26
Mokbortolan_a mere $24,00001:26
Mokbortolan_(an auspicious number)01:26
Mokbortolan_without all that concentrated power, you would never pay that much for a bag of double-ended quartz crystals and a tube of cyanoacrylate?01:27
Mokbortolan_err, -?01:27
Mokbortolan_As far as I'm concerned, hypnosis is the same thing as having those monkeys think about moving their arms01:28
foucistMokbortolan_: could've come up with a much more auspicious number..  4 is a bad number in chinese, it represents death!01:28
Mokbortolan_only in a more concentrated form, and for different circuits01:28
Mokbortolan_sure, if you're Chinese01:29
foucistor asian01:29
Mokbortolan_is that a pan-asian thing?01:29
kanzureyour distinction about hypnosis and monkey arms doesn't make sense to me at all01:29
Mokbortolan_or just chinese/japanese, due to the similar ideograms01:29
kanzureare you a neuroscientist? i forget what your background is01:29
kanzurelike what do i need to tell you to go read01:29
Mokbortolan_my background is baloney01:29
kanzuredid you read that monkey/arm paper?01:29
* Mokbortolan_ is a systems administrator.01:30
Mokbortolan_I integrate proprietary systems that I know little about the inner workings of01:30
Mokbortolan_except when they fuck up, then my intuitive understanding of those inner workings saves my behind01:31
Mokbortolan_lemme find you a good one01:33
Mokbortolan_this one's not very good: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1184207301:35
Mokbortolan_here we go: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2246516801:36
Mokbortolan_The facilitating effect of clinical hypnosis on motor imagery: an fMRI study.01:36
Mokbortolan_so, my hypnosis/tDCS association is to increase the excitability of a general area, then use hypnosis to activate the specific sections you want, over time strengthening those sections01:40
Mokbortolan_right now I think hypnosis will only be superior to other methods in some cases, where actual practice will win out in others01:41
kanzurebecause you think hypnosis can isolate particular spatial dimensions of the brain?01:42
kanzurehypnotic coordinate system? what?01:42
Mokbortolan_.... not so much a spatial activation, but a functional one01:42
Mokbortolan_the spatial aspect being determined roughly beforehand by fMRI studies01:42
kanzureby varying the hypnotic input? i don't understand01:43
Mokbortolan_in this sense, hypnosis is another form of practice01:43
Mokbortolan_instead of practicing your forehand, you'd imagine that you were practicing it01:44
* kanzure sleeps01:44
Mokbortolan_forehand in the tennis context01:45
kanzurewell, actually, i just want to clarify that i think your coordinate system sucks and you should try direct stimulation of whatever you're interested in01:45
Mokbortolan_not the anatomical01:45
Mokbortolan_how would you propose I do that?01:45
Mokbortolan_hd-tdcs is interesting to me01:46
Mokbortolan_seems a bit understudied  to me though01:47
obscuritebased on the abstract, their conclusion that hypnosis enhanced motor imagery is based soley on activity in the thalamus.01:49
Mokbortolan_I didn't get that at all01:50
obscuriteso they arbitrarily applied the adjective "enhance" to "thalamus activity"01:51
obscuritethat's all I know because that's all that the abstract says.01:51
Mokbortolan_if anybody could grab that one I'd give them an internet cookie01:52
Mokbortolan_I'd be interested to see if they did a non-hypnosis set01:52
Mokbortolan_unless they figured that's already been done to death01:53
kanzureblah, specifically, i don't think you should assume that what you consider hypnosis to have full ability to isolate particular brain regions, because of particular systemic limitations of the brain. just pointing a hot stick is much more direct.01:53
obscuriteit says in the abstract they had a control with motion01:53
kanzureneedles would work yes01:53
* kanzure sleeps for real this time01:53
Mokbortolan_technically, I'm not interested in "activating regions"01:53
obscuritekanzure, in this case they did isolate a region, but they seem to have arbitrarily placed importance on it01:53
Mokbortolan_my interest is more in practical, actual improvement of real-world performance01:54
Mokbortolan_using research as a guide, rather than an end01:54
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Mokbortolan_and I'm much more comfortable with faffing about with current limiters and woo-woo than I am with inserting needles into my brain :p01:55
Mokbortolan_though I admit, criticizing from the sidelines is much safer socially than trying things and talking about it.01:58
Mokbortolan_Wouldn't want to endanger our hard-won rung on the monkey ladder :p01:59
Mokbortolan_err.. +s01:59
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Mokbortolan_Heya ThomasEgi03:14
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Mokbortolan_ThomasEgi: more or less04:28
Mokbortolan_you still there?04:28
ThomasEgii gotta go now04:28
Mokbortolan_just wanted to see if you wanted an invite to /r/neuromod04:29
Mokbortolan_you designed a tDCS circuit a while back, I was wondering if you had any interest in putting it to use to advance your professional work04:29
ThomasEgitell me later about it.. in like.. 2 weeks when i'll be back with time04:29
ThomasEgimy professional work? :D04:29
Mokbortolan_well, the idea is to take what we're learning about things like tDCS and tMS and apply them to, well, the stuff we do for a living04:30
Mokbortolan_so instead of making reporters draw nice cats, you'd make creative leaps that change the course of human history04:30
ThomasEgiif you want a tDCS you should head to biohack.me there is a thread about it where a guy named rdb posetd a microcontroller based tdcs system04:30
ThomasEgii helped out with that one.04:30
ThomasEgiit's by far more sophisticated that my small circuit i slammed together in 5 minutes04:30
Mokbortolan_ooh, yeah, I've been looking at that and the OpenStim project04:30
Mokbortolan_yep, I'm plotting a sort of HD-tDCS04:31
Mokbortolan_but I will definitely check that out, thanks04:31
ThomasEgiallready in work by that other guy^04:31
Mokbortolan_there are a few at it04:31
ThomasEgii am doing circuits and programming as professional work already tho.04:31
ThomasEgino drawing cats here^04:31
ThomasEgialtho cats are cute04:31
Mokbortolan_that's just an example04:32
ThomasEgiso. i gotta go. helping someone out with digital signal processing04:32
Mokbortolan_sure you can make test subjects immediately identify primes, but can it help you program?04:32
Mokbortolan_Ok, ttyl04:32
Mokbortolan_thanks for the tip04:32
ThomasEgii don't use it04:32
ThomasEgimy brain is awesome enough without it04:32
ThomasEgiso yeah. catch me again in 2 weeks when i'll be back from holiday04:33
ThomasEgitill then. have a nice time04:33
Mokbortolan_Ok, have a good time04:33
Mokbortolan_don't catch any veneral diseases04:33
ThomasEgiif anything. i'll get attackt by wolves or bears :D04:33
Mokbortolan_I hear wolves got the clap04:33
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kendokarTMS cures aspies06:59
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nmz787kanzure: around?07:07
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kanzurekendoka: there are many rtms claims.. http://superkuh.com/library/Neuroscience/Magnetic%20Stimulation/08:00
kanzureMokbortolan_: you seem to assume that hypnosis automatically means improvement? what?08:01
kanzureMokbortolan_: i know you think we're worthless but we actually do have some experience with the openstim project -_-08:04
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kendokadoes this stuff only work on T-Cells?08:19
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kanzurerdb: hi08:21
kanzurerdb: someone was looking for you08:21
rdbkanzure, yeah, I talked to him already08:21
rdbthanks anyway though08:21
kanzurekendoka: it says fibroblasts too08:22
kendokayeah i saw that08:22
kendokathe extract is sold under the name TA-6508:23
kanzurehi drguildo08:24
kanzureMokbortolan_: i think it's inappropriate of you to set that group as private08:26
kanzurewhat brings you here?08:30
drguildo#reddit-nootropics :-)08:31
Urchinnootropics tend to get popular around exams08:35
Urchinor deadlines in general08:36
drguildoi've been interested in them for years to varying degrees08:36
drguildoi think i found out about them after i'd graduated08:36
kanzureeww guys this guy graduated08:37
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Mokbortolan_kanzure: you think so?09:56
Mokbortolan_you might be right.. perhaps I should set it to "members submit only"09:56
kanzurewhich comment are you responding to09:56
Mokbortolan_I'm also concerned with some of the stuff I see on the tDCS reddit09:56
kanzurebroken stuff?09:57
Mokbortolan_broken designs hurting people09:57
kanzurehave there been injury reports?09:57
Mokbortolan_not yet09:57
Mokbortolan_honestly I think the risk of injury is fairly low given the wide experimentally-derived safety profile, but more learned folks than I are being very, very cautious09:58
Mokbortolan_sorry if I mash up my terms, I'm a little sleep deprived09:58
kanzurean easy test in the case of ultrasound transducers is buying some meat from a grocery store and targetting it09:58
kanzureyou can then examine the damage by slicing the meat and looking with a magnifying glass or microscope09:59
kanzurei suppose the same might work for tdcs09:59
Mokbortolan_well, they've done that with rats09:59
Mokbortolan_man, "they" do *everything*09:59
kanzurebut this won't immediately give you an indication for pain (although it might show you where the majority of interaction occurs)09:59
kanzureactually, the tdcs mechanism isn't heat, so there wouldn't be heat damage10:00
Mokbortolan_that data suggests an "order of magnitude" difference between risk and effectiveness10:00
Mokbortolan_at least for rats10:00
Mokbortolan_rats are pretty tough little guys10:00
kanzureMokbortolan_: have you read this yet? https://brmlab.cz/project/brain_hacking/tdcs10:00
Mokbortolan_probably, but I will read it again, for you!10:00
Mokbortolan_yep, read that, and the study (abstract, probably) that refers to the "two orders of magnitude"10:01
kanzurei'm not sure what you are talking about. what is the actual dimensional measurement of magnitude in that statement?10:02
nmz787tcds is magnets or current?10:03
Mokbortolan_Using a rat model, researchers investigated the safety limits of extended cathodal tDCS and found the charge density threshold to be two orders of magnitude greater than the charge currently administered in humans (Liebetanz et al., 2009). 10:03
kanzurenmz787: magnetic stimulation is magnets. direct current stimulation is DC.10:03
nmz787tdcs seems limited to the outer layer of brain though, no?10:04
kanzureMokbortolan_: have you used tdcs yet? all of the reports i have heard is that it is always accompanied by extreme pain.10:04
kanzurenmz787: here's some info on targetting.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/A%20novel%20array-type%20transcranial%20direct%20current%20stimulation%20(tDCS)%20system%20for%20accurate%20focusing%20on%20targeted%20brain%20areas%20-%202011.pdf10:05
Mokbortolan_yes, I have used a simple design, battery + potentiometer10:05
Mokbortolan_with an ammeter inline10:05
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Mokbortolan_I did not experience extreme pain, merely a few flashes of light and the occasional metallic taste when the positioning slipped10:06
Mokbortolan_I doubt that extreme pain is a common occurrence, otherwise I would suspect that there would be fewer studies for things other than major depression, where it might be worth it to the patient as an investigative technique10:07
kanzurei think the person who mentioned this to me was using it for muscle stimulation, which would explain some of the pain10:07
kanzure(muscle pain can be bad)10:07
Mokbortolan_low-frequency stimulation causing pain?10:08
nmz787kanzure: that doesn't give a range or max depth10:08
kanzurenmz787: true! but it's also the only paper i've found that gets close to answering that question.10:08
Mokbortolan_I have read the abstracts of a few russion studies that suggest that extreme pain is actually a treatment for major depression10:09
Mokbortolan_but that's neither here nor there, just my brain making random connections between words and memories10:10
Mokbortolan_of course, getting whipped by an attractive nurse may have had something to do with those results10:10
Mokbortolan_though that doesn't address the injections of ... I think it was.. "peach pit oil"?10:11
kanzureMokbortolan_: do you have some papers i can add to a collection?10:15
Mokbortolan_the few I have I acquired through the generous members of this room :)10:16
Mokbortolan_which topic are you referring to, the russian ones or the ones I've been gathering since yesterday regarding the NeuroMod project?10:16
kanzurethis is all i have: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/tdcs/10:16
Mokbortolan_I have a few to throw on the heap, but I need to collect them10:17
* Mokbortolan_ uses a fair number of computers and hasn't been good about collecting the papers in a central place.10:17
Mokbortolan_Oh, I've posted a fair few on /r/tDCS10:18
Mokbortolan_let me get you those10:18
kanzurehrm i should organize things better..10:19
kanzurei've moved working-memory-related articles in here: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/working-memory/10:19
Mokbortolan_I'll snag the links, but here's all I've posted so far: http://www.reddit.com/r/tDCS/search?q=moktarino&restrict_sr=on10:21
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Mokbortolan_bah, mediafire yanked the ones I hosted there10:22
kanzurenmz787: hi10:34
kanzurenmz787: apparently we have someone from hackmanhattan in here now (obscurite)10:34
kanzureerm, i mean, daniel10:34
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Mokbortolan_neat perception of time article: http://www.andyross.net/eagleman.htm10:36
Mokbortolan_apparently, time doesn't slow down during traumatic events, you just remember them in higher resolution10:36
nmz787obscurite: you go to hackmanhattan?10:37
Mokbortolan_I was really hoping the opposite would be true, but no10:37
kanzureMokbortolan_: you might be interested in these: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/time-perception/10:37
Mokbortolan_I just want to induce "bullet time" :(10:39
* Mokbortolan_ is all about the Benjamins.10:39
ThomasEgiMokbortolan_, i may want to add that preceiption of time, in generall, is can variate a lot.10:39
ThomasEgii know several situations where i can trick my brain into working faster. doing the same task at normal speed makes verything run in slow-motion for 5 to 15 minutes.10:40
ThomasEgipretty usefull for playing games where fast reaction is demanded :) too bad it doesn't last the entire match10:41
ThomasEgialso works the other way round :)10:41
Mokbortolan_I've heard of a professional european squash player who teaches that10:41
kanzurejrayhawk also calls this velocitation (like after driving on a highway)10:41
kanzurei think velocitation can possibly be induced by visual images on a computer screen, but i'm not sure yet10:41
ThomasEgiit is pretty easy to test out.10:42
kanzurepossibly by the "star trek" "screensaver", but i don't remember feeling velocitated after staring at that10:42
ThomasEgilike. unreal tournament 2k4 has a game-mod that allows you to set the game-speed. play on twice the game speed for a while, switch back to normal10:42
ThomasEgiand everything will be ultra-slow-motion10:42
Mokbortolan_that is the sort of thing that can be induced through hypnosis10:42
kanzurethe game engine can realistically do everything 2x?10:42
ThomasEgiyou can crank it up even faster10:43
ThomasEgiit won't render faster10:43
kanzureall my collision detection algorithms always tax my processors10:43
ThomasEgibut all actions and animations run faster10:43
kanzure(maybe i shouldn't write game engines)10:43
ThomasEgiit is the same ammount of processing10:43
kanzureoh is it skipping animation frames?10:43
ThomasEgiit is not bound to fixed frames anywa10:43
ThomasEgiit interpolates between frames to match the correct time.10:44
ThomasEgidoesn't matter where in the streams of frames you are.10:44
ThomasEgiit still has to calculate 60 frames per second10:44
ThomasEgithe time in the gameplay is just a variable10:44
Mokbortolan_if you can induce it once, you can remember it through guided trance, then reference that process directly and induce it later with suggestion10:44
ThomasEgiit's a really impressive effect. i can highly recommend to give it a try, given you are fps-gamer.10:45
Mokbortolan_or you could just play Doom II10:46
ThomasEginot sure if it has gamespeed modification10:46
kanzureoh, speaking of time perception10:46
Mokbortolan_the "updated" version (zDoom, last I checked) has the speed cranked all the way up10:46
kanzurethe "effective life percentage" needs to be tested10:46
Mokbortolan_it's like being a pinball with a shotgun10:46
kanzureby electroshocking some old man and seeing if his time perception is still fucked up in his 80s10:46
Mokbortolan_everybody runs at the same speed as rockets10:47
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kanzure(e.g. induce amnesia)10:47
Mokbortolan_so you shoot rockets at speed, and run next to them10:47
ThomasEgihehe sounds fun10:47
ThomasEgithe other extreme of time preception is just as interestin10:47
ThomasEgiwhen the body slows down all it's functionality.10:47
ThomasEgitime passes a lot faster than one would think10:48
ThomasEgieven without falling asleep10:48
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ThomasEgino news^ still acohol and tabaco are legal10:49
ThomasEgieconomic pressure on politics i guess10:50
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kanzurei miss ruphos already10:51
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nmz787 awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3cJ6xVkLuk&feature=youtube_gdata_player13:14
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kendokaopenstim folks need to post vlogs like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_olmdAQx5s16:00
kanzureopenstim was basically just ed boyden throwing some parts together and then never publishing anything, i think16:01
kanzureask superkuh16:01
kanzuredascancer: hi.16:01
kanzuresuperkuh: was that also your take-away from openstim?16:02
superkuhI can't say I contributed much either, but yeah.16:02
superkuhI don't recall a switching topology ever even being decided on. Just lots of discussion of coil testing protocol and optimization.16:03
superkuhBut I was out of the loop after a few months.16:03
kanzuresuperkuh: it might interest you to know that around 2009 ed was telling me at some conference that he was sorta looking for some grad student to take on the project (though i don't know how serious he was); just seemed sort of disinterested in it.16:04
kanzuredascancer: what brings you here?16:05
dascancer1.: In calculus bored 2: biohacking sounds cool but its all over myhead16:06
kanzuredascancer: high school or college calculus?16:06
kanzureuh you know you can just walk out, right?16:06
dascancerYeah but there is a test next class so i wanna get any hints he likes to throw at the end.16:07
Steel2dascancer, what school/major, if you're comfortable with that?16:11
dascancerCell Bio sophmore small school16:12
Steel2kanzure will be happy to have more real bio around here :P16:13
dascancermeh im not there yet give me a year or 216:14
kanzurekendoka: you might also be interested in looking through the logs of the open-rtms mailing list16:16
kanzureiirc even less work got done on there than openstim16:16
dascancerSo this may be more of a common question but would you call transhumanism a sort of religion16:19
kanzureit's just a bad way of saying "personal technological enhancement"16:19
kendokai'd like to find some plans for a cheap h-coil design16:21
dascancerSo more of a blending of human an tech?16:22
kanzurekendoka: try here? http://superkuh.com/library/Neuroscience/Magnetic%20Stimulation/16:23
kanzurekendoka: and bug superkuh a bunch16:24
kanzurethese two in particular:16:24
kendokathanks for the paper; abstract is in chinese though16:30
kanzurenever a better time to learn16:30
kendokaits ok though i decided to take up mandarin16:30
kendokalearning 1 ideogram a day16:30
kendoka10000 more to go16:30
kanzurethat's the spirit :)16:30
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dascancerLike I said right now im really more of a "biology is cool" person but would it be possible to program bacteria to function as sort of bacteria neural net16:50
kendokathat just keeps exponentially growing ? :)16:53
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kendokaim reminded of the countermeasure fungus thing in a Vernor Vinge book.16:54
dascancerwell a colony can only get so big16:56
dascancerThe idea would be sort of a small microbe brain16:59
kendokaunder the right conditions it could become quite extensive; like those algae biofuel farms16:59
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kendokachemical signalling is one thing; generating action potentials is another17:02
Steel2hey eudox17:03
eudoxiayo steel17:03
eudoxiahey dascancer17:03
dascancerWould there be any need for action potentials?  There could be some sort of neuron model used...17:05
eudoxiawhat do you mean?17:06
dascancerWell instead of using ions and what not why not just chemical signaling arranged in such a way to mimic a neuron model17:09
eudoxiadon't neurons use ions for communication?17:09
dascanceryes, but bacteria can use many things17:10
eudoxiamimic a neuron using some other form of chemical communication?17:11
kanzurethere are many forms of chemical signals17:12
kanzurebut in general it would probably be faster to just use dna transcription or rna transcription as a signaller rather than hacking up some g-signalling pathway17:13
kanzuredascancer: pardon me for asking, but what exactly are they teaching you if not these things? you said you're a cell bio major?17:13
dascancerwell I just finished up my first bio class lol, Im barely a sophomore17:15
Mokbortolan_ooh, good stuff17:16
dascancergotta get the core classes out first17:18
dascancerIll read up on cell communication but yeah it was an idea i read somewhere an just wondering if it was possible17:22
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kanzurehi klafka18:01
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:36
kanzurewelcome back18:37
kanzurewhere have you been?18:40
JayDuggerTending my off-line life. Don't get one if you can help it.18:40
kanzurei hear its costly18:41
JayDuggerThat matches my experience. It drains the two great currencies: time and money.18:41
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chevbirdif anyone's going to be in boston weds, i can grab an extra seat to this:   Wednesday, July 11th, 6-7pm20:10
chevbirdMiniature science: How microfluidics is powering biology20:10
chevbirdPaul Blainey, Ph.D.20:10
chevbirdMiniaturized lab-on-a-chip methods are being deployed as labor-saving devices in biological research, through the advent of a suite of microfluidics technologies. Microfluidics enables large-scale studies that provide the means to better understand, prevent, and treat human disease. Paul Blainey will discuss the promise of using microfluidics to transform our industrial infrastructure to operate more efficiently,20:10
chevbirdwhile protecting the natural environment.20:10
kanzurethere's also a george church / drew endy / gershenfeld powwow on microfluidics, that might have been last week actually..20:11
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kanzure20:48 < SubStack> kanzure: http://github.com/dominictarr https://github.com/maxogden https://github.com/isaacs are some of my favs20:48
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