
--- Log opened Tue Jul 10 00:00:04 2012
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nmz787_What is the nyc resistor channel name?09:17
bkero#nycresistor iirc09:17
nmz787_(nmz787_) Kanzure: I'm outside makerbot, you said you knew someone tthere?09:20
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kanzureno i don't know anyone there really09:52
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kanzurebrlcad is finally looking to do surface intersection maths10:12
kanzure"nd I looked into the openNURBS API used by BRL-CAD. It does have some interfaces (functions), which is designed to use for calculating curve-curve/curve-surface or even surface/surface intersections, but it does not have an implementation, and says: "The working function is part of the Rhino SDK." It means that we must implement it by ourselves?"10:12
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:41
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kanzureAutomated forward and reverse ratcheting of DNA in a nanopore at 5 angstrom precision13:11
kanzuresupplement: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/Automated%20forward%20and%20reverse%20ratcheting%20of%20DNA%20in%20a%20nanopore%20-%20Cherf%20-%202012%20-%20supplement.pdf13:11
kanzure"DNA strands were ratcheted through the pore at median rates of 2.5-40 nucleotides per second and were examined at one nucleotide spatial precision in real time."13:12
-!- jennicide [jenze@ec2-107-21-75-189.compute-1.amazonaws.com] has quit [Quit: leaving]13:17
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kanzuretedmed anti-aging video by dan perry (alliance for aging research) http://www.tedmed.com/videos-info?name=Dan_Perry_at_TEDMED_2012&q=updated&year=all13:50
kanzureS. Eder t al., “Magnetic characterization of isolated candidate vertebrate magnetoreceptor cells,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1205653109, 201213:53
kanzure"Isolating magnetic receptor cells has also been difficult because there is no sensory organ known to amplify the magnetic signal, such as how the ears collect and amplify sound, and the magnetic field penetrates the whole body."13:54
kanzure"The new method targeted a section of rainbow trout that had previously been identified as a likely source of magnetic receptor cells, from which researchers had tracked the sensory pathway to the brain. But upon further investigation, only a handful of the candidate magnetic receptor cells seemed to contain magnetite, leading to the suggestion of contamination."13:54
kanzure"While this seems like a very small number, totaling perhaps only 100 cells per animal, Winklhofer said they were surprised at how potent the cells were. In a [10 - 20] micron cell, the concentrated clump magnetite crystals, known as an inclusion,was around 1 micron wide. It takes a large number of magnetite particles to reach this size, giving the cell a strong sensitivity to the magnetic field."13:54
kanzure"Winklhofer and colleagues conclude a likely explanation is that when the magnetite particles align to the magnetic field, as a compass needle does, they put physical pressure on the cell membrane, which initiates the nervous impulse that is processed by the brain."13:54
kanzurecopenhagen suborbitals 2012 campaign teaser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W612KdczBDE14:24
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Steel2anyone between DC and Albany here that has a burning desire to visit albany this weekend?16:53
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nshSteel2, why do you ask? (not that either is applicable to me)16:56
Steel2because I have to defend my thesis on friday and I lost my ride partner :(16:57
Steel2and I suspect I'll be somewhat sleep deprived thursday due to last minute thesis modifications16:57
nshoh, sorry about that16:58
nshi'd actually quite enjoy it16:58
nshdon't think glasgow's on the way though16:58
Steel2Haha, thanks.16:58
Steel2nope :(16:58
nshwhat's the precis of your thesis?17:00
nshdo you anticipate any particular lines of attack?17:02
Steel2no, but it's a masters not a phd17:04
Steel2and they want me gone as much as I want to be done with them17:04
nshah, ok17:04
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kanzureSteel2: props for the all caps17:12
Steel2it's from the title :P17:12
kanzuretime for another terrible "transhumanism survey" https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/transhuman17:13
kanzureit seems to be from the World Futurism Society17:13
kanzureone of the questions is "Please rate how much you respect these transhumanists:" and then it lists terrible people17:13
Steel2I like Pearce as a dude, plus he's not trying to figurehead anymore17:23
kanzureso instead he's doing zeitgeist3.0?17:23
Steel2is he actually working on something these days?17:24
kanzuretheir dietary options on that survey is missing some common options17:28
kanzurelike cannibalism17:28
kanzureand carnivorism17:28
-!- augur [~augur@c-75-74-129-116.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:34
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a5d92db markdownify the germline genetic engineering file17:50
nmz787kanzure: i like that you started a list17:53
kanzureactualy i just forced yashgaroth to start a list instead17:53
nmz787has anyone tried overexpressing p53 before?17:53
nmz787also a-galactosidase may be detrimental to commensals??? bringin on a host of flora unbalance???17:54
kanzurejrayhawk: when i click 'edit' on that link i get this textbox that has something that resembles the original content, but there's way too many extra newlines thrown between lines17:56
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a143d12 add the 'gene doping' table18:05
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8130da9 minor formatting18:07
nsh.wik commensals18:10
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8f8ce0e notes on DNA synthesis18:28
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9ae6bed just some index links18:31
kanzurenmz787: did you see the 5 angstrom ratcheting of DNA article? they are claiming one nucleotide resolution on moving DNA through a pore18:35
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2ea343c transcranial ultrasound notes18:41
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0473c91 general notes on phosphoramidites18:48
nmz787kanzure: no, link?18:51
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f5dc4d6 attempt to fix formatting of lists18:52
kanzurenmz787: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/Automated%20forward%20and%20reverse%20ratcheting%20of%20DNA%20in%20a%20nanopore%20-%20Cherf%20-%202012.pdf18:53
kanzurenmz787: supplement: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/Automated%20forward%20and%20reverse%20ratcheting%20of%20DNA%20in%20a%20nanopore%20-%20Cherf%20-%202012%20-%20supplement.pdf18:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0737972 notes on the BOOLE algorithm for CAD18:56
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d9e9d16 clarify some of the horrible markdown renumbering18:57
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f895233 protein purification notes19:04
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1a4f6ca protein engineering notes19:04
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fd64e07 notes on bodybuilding-related drugs19:04
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7a5ea9e generic exercise physiology notes19:09
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fb6c36e general aging roadmap in longevity/19:09
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c1059ce myostatin notes19:15
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 059dc3f a copy of yashgaroth's myostatin proposal19:15
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: def2f9a brief outline of freitas' diamondoid mechanosynthesis process19:15
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: abe797b nanoengineer installation instructions19:15
nmz787"Tropane is a nitrogenous bicyclic organic compound. It is mainly known for a group of alkaloids derived from it (called tropane alkaloids), which include, among others, atropine and cocaine. Tropane alkaloids occur in plants of the families Erythroxylaceae (including coca) andSolanaceae (including mandrake, henbane, deadly nightshade, datura, potato, tomato).[2][3]"19:15
* nmz787 heads out to get potatoes and tomatoes :D19:15
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: edd5d46 amphetamine notes19:20
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 739edd4 even more amphetamine notes, featuring creepy-stalky images of shire labs19:20
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6ebbd0f assorted autism notes19:30
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 39dccf7 eeg interfacing notes (typing)19:30
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1d442cf notes on increasing adhd19:30
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f9ef8ea nootropics hierarchy19:30
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f0ff319 basic polymerase notes19:40
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6711cb2 more polymerase notes19:40
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8acac5b polymerase/tdt contributions from cathal garvey19:40
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 08bf5fa notes on enzymatic DNA synthesis19:40
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ea0dbb6 old stem cell notes19:48
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3c5d599 rants against risk19:48
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a409b95 notes on making bacteria naturally competent19:48
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 05462b1 short proposals for DIY transhuman tech projects19:48
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kanzurehi warsteiner19:55
kanzurewarsteiner: what brings you here?20:15
nmz787jeri ellsworth seems to be in portland, according to her linkedin20:18
nmz787she twittered with the guy i met today of narrat1ve.com20:19
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kanzurejrayhawk: what about http://ikiwiki.info/plugins/openid/ do you have anything against me throwing this in20:31
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nmz787so b9creator got funded $500k on kickstarter, when is their system gonna be on sale?20:57
nmz787no news here http://b9creator.com/20:58
kanzurehuh? $500k?21:01
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-!- Helleshin [~talinck@cpe-174-101-208-182.cinci.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]21:25
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brownieskanzure: damn, i need a password to see your notes on nootropics?21:41
jrayhawkAuthentication is done at the level of apache, so that wouldn't do you any good21:46
jrayhawkThat said, I would be happy to see Shibboleth work with piny21:46
nmz787kanzure: yes, but I guess it was just a month ago http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/b9creations/b9creator-a-high-resolution-3d-printer21:51
nmz787so who here is from portland OR?21:51
jrayhawkkanzure: would you like me to switch germline-genetic-modifications.mdwn over to unix line endings21:53
jrayhawknmz787: me, Mokbortolan_1, and bkero, I believe?21:53
kanzurebrownies: i don't see why you need authentication21:54
kanzurejrayhawk: yes21:54
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kanzureisn't it dos2unix or something21:54
kanzurebrownies: show me where that happens exactly21:55
jrayhawkHe might need authentication for RecentChanges due to an Ikiwiki misfeature that's since been corrected but I haven't integrated yet.21:55
kanzureman, at least people know how to use mediawiki21:56
brownieskanzure: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/recentchanges/21:56
browniesjust clicked on the link from there21:56
browniesis there another way?21:56
jrayhawkhuzzah a thing i can fix21:57
jrayhawkalso: dos2unix or set ff=unix in vim21:57
kanzureyeah i just didn't see the line ending issues when i looked21:57
nmz787jrayhawk: I'll be in Portland Friday and Saturday... looking for things to do and see21:58
kanzureyou should hang out with joe's gang for sure21:58
nmz787Friday morn til 5PM my gf is interviewing in hillsboro... so i will definitely need something to do21:59
nmz787kanzure: joe?21:59
kanzurejrayhawk is also known as joe21:59
jrayhawkwe're bad at doing interesting things21:59
nmz787chilling out in some forest?21:59
kanzureyou can show him the batcave22:00
jrayhawki was planning on going bouldering on Saturday22:00
nmz787do you "work"22:00
jrayhawkFreelance, so, yes, I "work" according to whatever schedule I make up22:01
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nmz787bouldering outside or in a gym? I have shoes etc22:01
jrayhawkGym. The Circuit on NE 17th and Sandy.22:01
jrayhawkIs the girlfriend interviewing at Intel?22:03
nmz787all friggin day long22:03
jrayhawkWelp, I hope it's not a software job22:03
Mokbortolan_1what happens to the kickstarter money if the maker fails?22:03
kanzure"machine learning"22:03
jrayhawkIt goes back to the donors22:04
nmz787kanzure: not this one... the OR position is for architecture security22:04
Mokbortolan_1so, they have to produce before kickstarter.com hands out the cash?22:04
kanzureMokbortolan_1: no22:04
nmz787Mokbortolan_1: jrayhawk: not so, only goes back if the kickstarter campaign fails22:04
jrayhawkOh, right, sorry. Lazy about reading.22:04
kanzureMokbortolan_1: kickstarter's deal is that people donate money, but the transaction only happens if it reaches its goal22:05
jrayhawkYes, the donors are shit out of luck if the makers suck.22:05
Mokbortolan_1ahh, got it22:05
kanzurethey don't withdraw money when you donate, only when the campaign ends (i think)\22:05
kanzureanyway, they don't have to actually do anything with the raised money22:05
nmz787jrayhawk: are there cool day trips to rain forest places?22:05
jrayhawkForest Park has a lot of nice hiking trails north of Portland.22:06
jrayhawkOMSI might be an interesting place to visit, as might Washington Park.22:07
nmz787hmm, OMSI seems like it would take some time22:08
nmz787since we really only have fri night and sat through the early evening... i think we want a good overview of the area... maybe with a hike as a highlight/time-sink22:09
jrayhawkWhere are you staying?22:09
nmz787not sure, but Intel is putting us up... and I think paying for a car rental22:11
jrayhawkhttp://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Portland,_OR if you're looking to interact with fellow nerds22:13
nmz787i hear there is good beer out there22:15
nmz787where do i get some of that?22:16
jrayhawki am no expert, but yes, i think we have the highest per-capita microbreweries in the world22:16
jrayhawkalong with strip clubs and book stores22:16
jrayhawkoh yeah, you should visit Powell's downtown22:16
jrayhawka book store spanning multiple city blocks22:17
nmz787hmm, that would have been cooler before the internet22:17
nmz787being in NYC I've been reading print a lot more actually, whenever I take the subway (which isn't too often, but enough that I've read a few magazines)22:18
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bkeronmz787: you coming to pdx?22:36
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nmz787is that the airport code?22:43
nmz787ahh, then, yes I am22:44
nmz787bkero: will be there Fri and Sat22:47
bkeronmz787: I'm out until sunday :(22:47
bkeroin the bay22:47
kanzurebkero: stop by fenn22:48
kanzureand juul22:48
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bkerokanzure: yeah22:51
bkerofenn: ^22:51
bkeroI think I might have some time tomorrow.22:51
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--- Log closed Wed Jul 11 00:00:05 2012

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