
--- Log opened Wed Jul 18 00:00:12 2012
nmz787kanzure: are you up?00:08
kanzurei am fighting with qemu-kvm and wireless bridging00:11
nmz787how can I find where this code originally showed up, or at least the earliest mention of it?00:17
nmz787i googled the line "k, a, b, a1, b1 = 2L, 4L, 1L, 12L, 4L"00:18
nmz787got 274000 results tho00:18
nmz787the date shows up, but don't know how to tell google to sort by that00:19
Mokbortolan_1"a" gets me 25 billion results00:19
nmz787Mokbortolan_1: why would you search "a"00:20
Mokbortolan_1to marvel at the scale of the search index?00:21
nmz787too bad I didn't get to meet you while I was in your area00:22
kanzurei think it was originally a 2005 ruby file00:22
nmz787we had a nice drive out to Tillamook and down the Three Capes scenic route for a while, then over to Salem and back00:22
kanzurebut this just looks like pi by continued fractions00:22
nmz787continued fractions aka infinite series?00:23
kanzureanyway it also looks like your python snippit was in some book, because everyone copies it00:25
nmz787the utsa is a good link, thanks00:26
kanzureit's possibly from ABC Programmer's Handbook, by Geurts, Meertens & Pemberton00:27
Mokbortolan_1tillamook is nice00:30
Mokbortolan_1can't say the same for Salem00:31
Mokbortolan_1but i've only been there once00:31
Mokbortolan_1to a prison00:31
nmz787kanzure: fabrice bellard set a pi record a few years ago with home PC hardware... also wrote QEMU... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabrice_Bellard00:31
kanzureah right he did that thing that anselm is reverse engineering00:32
Mokbortolan_1interviewing for a job :p00:32
nmz787yeah didn't see much of Salem, just passed through, saw a nice train loaded with freshcut logs though, made it feel very western!00:58
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nmz787kanzure: do you think these prices look good http://vpscheap.net/linux.aspx01:26
nmz7873.99/month seems pretty good01:27
nmz787i don't think i'd need much space for a personal web page/site... and if I ever needed a temp file storage 15Mbit/s is OK01:28
nmz787more than most upload speeds I have for nets01:28
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kanzurenmz787: i think jrayhawk might be able to hook you up with better if you ask nicely, or because of your nanoengineer contributions, you can just use your gnusha account or something01:36
nmz787well i want to host my personal website01:38
nmz787have you seen this http://synbioleap.org/01:38
-!- lichen_ is now known as lichen01:38
nmz787i was actually looking into the nanoengineer code i was playing with earlier today01:39
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kanzurebleh 14 GB of git repositories01:40
kanzureall i want to do is apply a patch to support eth0 :(01:40
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nmz787doesn't android have eth0?01:46
kanzureandroid-x86 by default does not have eth0 compiled i01:47
kanzurebut there are some builds here http://tabletsx86.org/ (so far the eth0 builds haven't worked for me)01:48
nmz787hmm, are you looking to setup an x86 system to do app testing?01:49
nmz787so it's fast?01:49
kanzurethe default android emulator is horribly slow01:49
kanzurethe latest version in r17 is supposed to auto-detect kvm support but i haven't tried that yet01:50
kanzurei'm not exactly testing apps.. https://github.com/kanzure/android-market-api-py/branches https://github.com/kanzure/AxmlParserPY/branches01:51
nmz787do you run 32bit or 64 linux?01:57
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kanzurenmz787: 64bit02:07
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kanzure"Starting VirtualBox kernel modulesNo suitable module for running kernel found ... failed!"02:17
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@fennwow i had no idea anselm reverse-engineered jslinux04:55
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@fennman talk about medicalization of a non-issue: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucinogen_persisting_perception_disorder05:19
@fennthe realization that you're made out of meat is considered a medical problem with no cure, apparently05:19
@fenn"drug usage will open sensory pathways that result in the individual becoming more aware of any visual disturbances that may have simply not been noticed before the incidence of drug use. As for root cause of visual snow, some theories suggest that it is the result of thermal noise in the visual cortex" sounds about right to me05:20
@fennAdrianG_: what the hell is "i have increased risks of HPPD" supposed to mean?05:22
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@fennthis all sounds very similar to what happened to me last year http://www.hypomanicedge.com/blog/blog.htm07:10
@fenn"enlarged amygdales" eh07:11
@fenn"total lack of judgement" is pretty harsh07:15
@fennJobs envisioned Apple as a religious movement, a holy crusade against "Big Brother" (the monolithic IBM).  He even created a job description for an "Evangelist."  No corporation had ever had an evangelist before07:20
Urchinwell, he was a new-age cultist himself07:45
@fennthe comment wasn't specifically about steve jobs, i just thought it was funny nobody had ever used that job title before, and now it's everywhere and taken for granted07:48
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Urchinit's a cargo cult following of the concept of cultism, lol08:18
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kanzureso pmetzger claims to be porting nanoengineer to osx mountain lion https://github.com/pmetzger/nanoengineer08:40
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foucistOMG.. check out those amazing pictures..  nano pr0n! animated pr0n!09:26
foucistswirlygigs and thingamajigs09:26
foucistfap fap *splode*09:26
foucistkanzure: what os does it currently work best on?09:27
kanzurefoucist: http://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer#installing09:32
foucistkanzure: yeah i read that, "Nanoengineer is a tricky beast to install. Compiling and running from source on Linux is the current ongoing project." implies it doesn't install too well on linux09:55
foucisthence my question09:55
kanzureyou should install the chroot to get it to work on linux09:55
kanzurebut most people would not consider "some random chroot" to be a valid release/distribution mechanism ;)09:56
archelskanzure: consider distributing a virtual machine image. I've seen it in other places for complex installs which might scare off users.09:58
kanzurei think i should just fix nanoengineer instead09:59
archelsWell, if that works, then run with that, sure. :)09:59
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eudoxiaah, yes, installing nanoengineer10:06
eudoxiathat was always a sad experience for me10:06
kanzurewell, hopefully my instructions will work for you10:06
nmz787kanzure: what's the best youtube download site?10:28
nmz787well i guess keepvid is working10:30
nmz787fenn: removed your youtube comment on that langton video, changed the wording in the description!10:32
kanzurei use youtube-dl and jrayhawk swears by cclive10:35
foucistkanzure: vagrant ftw10:41
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AdrianG_fenn: family history of such risks, I dont want to end up in an asylum10:51
AdrianG_HPPD = just another name for psychosis10:51
kanzureexiff: hello10:53
kanzureare you a jpeg header?10:53
exiffonly on saturdays10:54
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kanzure"We'll be flying four of our High Rack balloon platforms to carry the thousand student experiments11:40
kanzureto 100,000 feet"11:40
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kanzurehttps://github.com/zolrath/wemux/ hrmm i guess this beats struggling to setup shared sessions with screen11:47
kanzureso, i found some old content from open science sumit 2011 that i hadn't uploaded11:48
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/open-science-summit-2011/ <-- mostly slides11:48
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kanzurefail.. 23andme's spam campaign for their "survey" doesn't link to a survey13:41
Lemminkainen_H+ hate crime: http://io9.com/5926587/what-may-be-the-worlds-first-cybernetic-hate-crime-unfolds-in-french-mcdonalds13:43
kanzureis steve mann just brewing up publicity again?13:43
kanzureio9 is that wired trash site, right?13:43
Lemminkainen_the incident itself isn't that interesting13:44
Lemminkainen_but the implications are13:44
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kanzureimho there was a better discussion about that in the HN page that quoted "Years and years ago, when the earth was new, I was an undergrad at MIT and then-Media-Lab-graduate-student Mann"13:48
kanzurebut, i can't remember the article id13:49
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kanzureJuul: hi13:49
Juulkanzure, hi13:49
* Juul is in denmark13:50
kanzureyou should go find yashgaroth?13:51
kanzurei guess that's a ways13:51
kanzureten hours or something13:51
Juulwhere is he?13:52
kanzurenetherlands somewhere13:53
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-!- QuantumAdrian is now known as AdrianG14:03
Juulhm netherlands is close culturally but spatially a bit far away14:10
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Steel2wonder when chev's getting in15:25
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OrphanSlayer_"God Particle discovered" Checkmate, athiests. Checkmate.16:08
OrphanSlayer_well, another dead chat'16:10
OrphanSlayer_fucking newfags16:10
kanzureOrphanSlayer_: you once asked me what hplusroadmap is16:10
OrphanSlayer_yes i did16:10
OrphanSlayer_I see from the topic now16:10
kanzurehplusroadmap is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, or when go to church or when you pay your taxes.16:10
OrphanSlayer_is it like herpes?16:11
kanzureit is a distant cousin16:11
OrphanSlayer_i knew it!16:11
OrphanSlayer_so have you done any bod-mods?16:11
OrphanSlayer_it appears that this chat is full of newfags and posers. Im out.16:13
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ThomasEgiit might be only my personal impression. but did he sorta.. punchlined himself into the face and out of the channel with his last sentence?16:16
Sanquihe set up the door so it would kick him16:16
Steel2interesting dude.16:23
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kanzureanother pcr thing http://www.arduino.si/blog17:38
Steel2fuu, where is chevrette.18:35
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wizzrobesThe higgs was some  scalar field that 'had to' exist because of something to do with electroweak symmetry breaking19:06
wizzrobesI can only wildly imagine why some dude wrote a book on it and titled it the "God Particle"19:06
AlonzoTGyeah, the higs doesn't usually exist, but rather the fact that it can be created is more direct evidence that the field actually does exist which was, previously, just speculation.19:22
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jrayhawknmz787, kanzure: libquvi is an ecosystem of video download modules written in c (with clive and cclive as clients), and get-flash-videos is a similar ecosystem in perl. they have different support coverage, and are typically both worth keeping around.20:48
jrayhawkyoutube-dl is a smaller ecosystem in python, presumably because it is poorly named20:50
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--- Log closed Thu Jul 19 00:00:13 2012

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