
--- Log opened Thu Jul 26 00:00:19 2012
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jrayhawknot sure what papers are being referred to, here, but vitamin d is proooobably the biggest micronutrient deficiency in the united states00:17
jrayhawkespecially since lab ranges are just plain wrong00:17
jrayhawkwhen i say "biggest" i mean in terms of problems caused00:26
-!- augur is now known as GeorgeKitty00:30
-!- GeorgeKitty is now known as augur00:31
jrayhawki supplement with high-dose vitamin d and i am happy to say the only time i've gotten a cold in the past eighteen months was when i crashed my immune system with cortisol and didn't sleep for four days00:32
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nmz7871hmm, how do you know you're deficient?00:38
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nmz7871kanzure: you up?02:24
nmz7871kanzure: on cmd line this works echo \"n\" | ffmpeg -i 'videoFile' 'videoFile.mp3'02:28
nmz7871but in a script it just echoes the n | ffmpeg...02:29
nmz7871kanzure:  where the script line is  cclive $1 $2 "$3" -f best --exec "echo \"n\" | ffmpeg -i '%f' '%f.mp3'"02:29
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kanzurenmz787: you wanted echo -e "\n"05:56
kanzure(another pcr device)05:58
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kanzurethe hokuto no ken game looks okay.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roCM8tX7yHU06:49
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-!- Tukotih [~Tukotih@81-231-85-111-no39.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]07:09
-!- AlonzoTG [~atg@dsl092-168-049.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]07:38
ParahSailinkanzure: you have access to this? http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=4473031&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D447303107:39
-!- klafka [~textual@c-67-174-253-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:40
kanzureParahSailin: can you give me the non-login url07:43
kanzurei don't feel like urldecoding that07:43
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ParahSailini dont understand07:45
kanzureif i have access, loading the login page isn't going to help -_-07:46
kanzurethat has a uri-encoded url in it07:46
kanzureto the actual page07:46
kanzureand i'm saying i'm too lazy to properize it07:46
kanzurethe real url that you want to ask me about is http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4473031 see?07:47
ParahSailinis there an easier way than to look up the ascii char table?07:49
kanzureyou can google around for "uri decode"07:50
kanzureusually there's a random stupid form07:50
kanzureor you can browse to javascript:alert(uriDecode("http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D4473031")) i think07:51
kanzureoops i mean decodeURI07:51
-!- klafka [~textual@c-67-174-253-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]07:53
ybitanyone of you recall the site for automated mario touraments?07:55
kanzureybit: tas?07:55
ybitycombinator has temporarily disallowed access to old articles and there doesn't seem to be an archive of ycomb anywhere07:56
kanzureParahSailin: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/Diffie-Hellman%20technique%20-%20extended%20to%20multiple%20two-party%20keys%20and%20one%20multi-party%20key.pdf07:56
kanzureybit: http://tasvideos.org/ ?07:56
ybitit's an actual tournament between mario bots07:57
ybitfound it07:57
kanzurebrownies: http://www.appbrain.com/stats/libraries/details/phonegap/phonegap08:01
kanzurei think the appbrain guys are on HN08:02
kanzurethey seem to be doing library analysis on .apk files08:02
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-!- AdrianG_ is now known as AdrianG11:05
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kanzureehh.. "The new National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences at the National Institutes of Health will oversee $70 million in grants over five years to help develop tissue-chip culture systems for drug screening"11:36
AdrianGtissue chip?11:39
AdrianGwats a tissue chip11:41
kanzurewell, you implant tissue into it..11:41
kanzurepresumably to test shit on it11:42
-!- jmil [~jmil@SEASNet-148-05.seas.upenn.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:58
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kanzure"To SPEED UP your Firefox, when a tab is added to TMT, it is unloaded from browser and its tab state & history are stored in TMT. When you click on a tab, the tab is opened again from disk cache, with tab state & history restored if available."12:16
superkuhOr "Tab Vault" in Opera.12:16
kanzurehow does it work in opera?12:16
superkuhI don't know the details.12:16
kanzure"Click Save Tab to store the current tab in the vault. Click on a saved tab to open it in a new tab, or click the X on the right to send it to Tab Vault's trash. Ctrl + click on a tab to open it in the background or drag the tab onto the web page to open it in the current page."12:18
kanzureeww clicking :(12:18
kanzureit would be nice if it would automatically move tabs into bookmarks, and then de-cache whenever i poke at them12:19
kanzurei should make an update to it and call it notenoughtabs12:20
kanzurefuck "too many" tabs.12:20
-!- jmil [~jmil@2607:f470:8:3148:150c:f1bb:dac7:de44] has quit [Changing host]12:26
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foucisti want to get rid of both bookmarks &  also tabs to some extent..   it would make more sense to have tabs unloaded from memory over time but the content & title remains searchable12:57
foucista version of lifelogging, except based on your browsing12:57
foucistso you can grep your way to that page you saw a year ago with that quote12:57
foucistor talking about that fancy gizmo that you can't recall the name of, but you recall the function12:58
foucistit would also help to be able to easily wean out pages you definitely don't want to keep around13:00
foucistprobably build a personalized blacklist13:01
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brownieskanzure: intriguing13:23
browniesfoucist: pinboard.in13:23
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nmz787_Kanzure is there a tab unloader/archiver for chrome?13:35
nmz787_I like the idea of unloadin tabs from mem and archiving them to retrieve later, but dont use firefox or opera much these days13:36
kanzurebrownies: pinboard is hardly the same thing as tabs13:46
brownieskanzure: well he wants to grep his bookmarks13:47
brownieskanzure: as for tabs, yeah, i don't know.13:47
kanzurefor a while i was storing bookmarks as flatfiles but it just takes too much effort13:48
kanzurei think kliiptttt is on the right track with being able to follow collections of links, and the original author is able to update the collection on a regular basis13:49
kanzure"The connectome of a decision-making neural network."13:51
kanzure"The Einstein scientists solved the structure of the male worm's neural mating circuits by developing software that they used to analyze serial electron micrographs that other scientists had taken of the region."13:51
browniesthat's interesting, but they have terrible spelling, i'm not signing up to a service just for that, and i'm pretty sure pinboard lets you follow someone's RSS feed of bookmarks anyway13:51
kanzure"They found that male mating requires 144 neurons – nearly half the worm's total number – and their paper describes the connections between those 144 neurons and 64 muscles involving some 8,000 synapses."13:51
kanzure"We can see that the structure of this network has spatial characteristics that help explain how it exerts neural control over the multi-step decision-making process involved in mating."13:51
kanzure" In addition to determining how the neurons and muscles are connected, Dr. Emmons and his colleagues for the first time accurately measured the weights of those connections, i.e., an estimate of the strength with which one neuron or muscle communicates with another."13:51
kanzure"The synaptic connections, both chemical and gap junctional, form a neural network with four striking features: multiple, parallel, short synaptic pathways directly connecting sensory neurons to end organs; recurrent and reciprocal connectivity among sensory neurons; modular substructure; and interneurons acting in feedforward loops."13:52
-!- WashIrving [~WashIrvin@] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:54
kanzurepaper: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/The%20connectome%20of%20a%20decision-making%20neural%20network%20in%20C.%20elegans%20reconstructed%20from%20serial%20electron%20micrograph%20sections%20-%202012.pdf13:55
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delinquentmehey anyone in here who does contract work14:44
delinquentmewhat do you bill at14:44
kanzurei am billing $150-$175/hour these days.14:47
kanzurei think jrayhawk does $60/hour, and Mokbortolan_ does $70something/hour14:48
kanzurebrownies does at least $150/hour, but he probably doesn't want to do anything14:48
delinquentmeany of these for rails work?14:50
delinquentmewhat separates out your 150 from the 17514:51
kanzuresometimes it's whether or not i want to do the work14:52
delinquentmeALSO Im about to sign a contract and they've offered to let me include any legal for protections on my robots and hardware14:52
delinquentmeso I'm kind of interested to know if theres a simple way I can do that14:53
kanzureare you building them robots?14:53
kanzurethen why would the contract say anything about robtos?14:53
delinquentmebut I am going software and UI work for both14:53
delinquentmethis is true.14:53
kanzurea good way to do that is to have your lawyer look over it.14:55
kanzurein fact, it's the only way.14:55
brownieswhat do you mean, "your" robots and hardware?14:55
browniesi adjust my rate depending on the client's desperation and how much i want to do the work14:55
kanzurebrownies: my litmus test is this: if i'm CSS tweaking for ie5 for hours- like 10 hours in a row- am i going to feel like murdering people at $X/hour? if yes, then increase the rate.14:56
browniesyeah, it comes down to how shitty the work is and how much other interesting work i already have going14:56
kanzureeven at $150/hour it's super disappointing14:57
kanzurelike, okay, i've made this amazing layout in 10 hours14:57
browniesit always is14:57
kanzureand i just killed a part of my brain14:57
delinquentmebrownies, so kanzure made a solid point that I'm not going to be making anything electrical or mechanical for them14:57
kanzureand all i get is a shitty $1,500?14:57
delinquentmeas its purely a software gig14:57
brownies"i had to deal with your idiotic requirements for THAT long, and that's all the money you're giving me?"14:57
browniesdelinquentme: that doesn't answer my question...14:57
delinquentmeI guess I need more specifics?14:58
browniesif it's IP-related, i feel like "ask a lawyer" is going to be where we end up anyway.14:58
kanzureyou can possibly paste the terms14:58
delinquentmeyeah i dont have them yet14:58
kanzureand we can laugh at you and tell you why it sucks and why you should get a lawyer.14:58
delinquentmeand they want me working asap14:58
delinquentmeare they any lawyers who will bill over a 3 month period?14:58
browniesnever start work before signing14:58
kanzureand even once you sign, it's ok to not work immediately -_-14:59
delinquentmewhat should I be doing after its signed?14:59
kanzureshower, or something14:59
delinquentmeAlso they've given me the option to do this per project or hourly14:59
brownieswaiting for the deposit to come in14:59
kanzurebrownies: yep14:59
delinquentmethe deposit?15:00
delinquentmeon you starting work?15:00
kanzureoh dear15:00
delinquentmeyour "signing bonus"?15:00
kanzureis this a w2 or a contracting gig?15:00
browniesyou may have already lost the opportunity to demand such things by projecting your noobness15:00
delinquentmeSo its this academic gig with 3/4ths year working and 1/4ths for "research"15:01
kanzurewhy is this a contract?15:01
browniesbut in general the "right" way to do things is hourly with a specified rate $Y, a specified max # of hours you're willing to commit, and a starting deposit of $X against which you'll bill the first X/Y hours15:01
browniesthere was a 4th thing but i'm blanking on it atm... you'll sort it out. hopefully.15:01
delinquentmebut they've got a startup whos needing the work15:01
browniesoh, payment terms, duh.15:02
delinquentmewhich is using the universitys IP15:02
kanzurehonestly this sounds more like employment to me15:02
brownieswhom is your contract with?15:02
browniesyeah, true.15:02
delinquentmeso " Global Change Solutions "15:02
kanzureif it's a university then i would talk with their employment office15:02
delinquentmeis the company15:02
delinquentmeand University of Urbana Champagne is the university15:03
kanzure"global change solutions" has scam written all over it15:03
delinquentmeso the head researcher has a startup for crop modeling15:03
brownieswell, UI-UC is a fine place, why don't you go talk to some wise people over there15:03
brownieshe's a professor there?15:03
delinquentmehes Evan H. DeLucia15:03
delinquentmeG. William Arends Professor of Integrative Biology15:03
delinquentmeDirector, School of Integrative Biology15:03
delinquentmeUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign15:03
delinquentmeis the dude15:03
browniesheh, ok15:04
kanzurethose titles are 100% meaningless to you btw15:04
browniesso, i am not a lawyer, etc15:04
browniesbut it's most likely the case that him using the university's IP is not something that affects your contract15:04
delinquentmego ahead15:04
delinquentmeso what I was told was that the university has a 60k cap on the position15:05
browniesyou're signing with his corporation, which has a pile of IP that they've negotiated rights to use -- somehow -- and you'll be working with that.15:05
kanzure60k cap on a rails job?15:05
delinquentmeso he wants to pay me from the company $$ to make up the difference15:05
browniesgood god man15:06
delinquentmethick legal?15:06
browniesidentify one person (or entity) who is going to pay you15:06
browniesif they get that money from the university, or from divine intervention, or from a dancing monkey on the side of the street, it doesn't matter15:06
delinquentmepart is university15:07
delinquentmepart is private BP money15:07
kanzurethere's absolutely no way you can pull this off without a lawyer15:07
brownieswhat part of "one" suggested to you there should be two -_-15:08
browniesi guess you could make it work with two, given that the university is unlikely to actually stiff you15:08
delinquentmedo univs have these steadfast rules?15:09
kanzurebut then there's also tax implications15:09
delinquentme<brownies> what part of "one" suggested to you there should be two -_-  << i dont follow?15:09
delinquentmetwo payment sources?15:09
kanzurei guess you might be a contractor for the university too, but i doubt it15:09
kanzure15:06 < brownies> identify one person (or entity) who is going to pay you15:10
browniesthis is just overly complicated, and, until you have a contract in front of you, we're all just wildly hypothesizing about too many variables15:10
browniesdelinquentme: why don't you check back once they've actually given you a contract to sign15:10
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kanzurehuh... "That's an oversimplification of Google's approach to mass creation of pages vis-a-vis organic SEO. Google will let (many) pages that would never appear in the main results appear in AdWords ads as long as one's credit card doesn't get declined. (There are things Google disapproves of in landing pages, but "having lots of landing pages" is not one of them.)"15:19
kanzurewell that's interesting. i hadn't thought about that.15:19
-!- strangewarp [~strangewa@c-76-25-200-47.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:19
delinquentmebrownies, do you strictly do contract work?15:40
delinquentmeor are you w2 elsewhere15:40
kanzurebrownies runs a highly profitable startup in SF that's raised over $100 million15:49
jrayhawkholy moses16:06
delinquentmewhats the startup?16:10
kanzure... in his head.16:10
kanzureoh fuck i think i just broke my foot tripping over something while i was laughing maniacally16:11
kanzureit's not blue so i think i'm fine.16:12
Mokbortolan_delinquentme: I'm a windows admin16:13
Mokbortolan_I do 40hr/wk, 3-12mo contracts16:13
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delinquentmekanzure, thats mean.16:15
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brownieshe's lying17:09
browniesanyway, contract work + various projects of my own17:10
kanzurei said "in his head"17:10
* AlonzoTG has been Excommunicated from the local transhumanist/singularitarian meetup called "Advanced Technology Network" But I'm 99.3% certain that I've determined the top-secret location of the next meeting and is now trying to decide whether to crash the party.17:12
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delinquentmeyu banned??17:19
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kanzurebecause he thinks they are all out to murder him.17:20
AlonzoTGcuz I got into an e-mail argument with the founder who hasn't shown up for any meetings in months...)17:20
AlonzoTGI had previously gone off on another member's meeting proposal for being lame.17:21
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delinquentme“Schwinger pair production."17:21
* AlonzoTG should do the acceleration calculations: how much acceleration would you get for putting 4 * 10^7 horsepower behind a 5 * 10^5 metric ton starship...17:23
yashgarothspace horses or terrestrial?17:24
AlonzoTGHere's a trick question: what is the most potent weapon on the starship Enterprise?17:25
kanzurehuman brains?17:26
yashgarothspace horses17:26
AlonzoTGThe engines.17:27
AlonzoTGspecifically the space-time warp.17:27
AlonzoTGIf you think about it, there's very little you couldn't do with the ability to bend space-time.17:27
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AlonzoTGStar trek is about avoiding the use of awesome destructive power,17:31
AlonzoTGBut a warp-capable starship has about half a dozen different ways it can wipe your pathetic little planet off the map.17:31
strangewarpIt's fictional though, so it can only destroy fictional planets, which means it's only as powerful as me17:36
delinquentmestrangewarp, yess but how powerful is your imaginashin17:37
delinquentmeoh man i've been staring for a looonggg ass time17:38
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ParahSailin__the deflector shield18:14
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kanzuretyler emerson is spamming everyone :(18:55
kanzurethe guy who stole money from siai18:58
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nmz787_kanzure: you around?19:52
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nmz787adding echo -e didnt help19:52
klafka1hey guys19:52
klafka1ever hear of this?19:52
kanzureecho -e "\n"19:52
klafka1this is fucking rad19:52
nmz787exec still isn't interpreting the |19:52
kanzurepaste it19:52
nmz787cclive $1 $2 "$3" -f best --exec "echo -e \"n\" | avconv -i %f %f.mp3" # --exec "rm -f '%f'"19:53
kanzure-e \"\\n\"19:55
nmz787i'm not trying to send a newline19:58
nmz787just the character n19:58
nmz787because avconv doesn't have a -n option for don't overwrite (though -y for always overwrite exists)19:58
jrayhawk--exec probably doesn't use a subshell19:59
jrayhawkUnfortunately you'll probably need to --exec 'bash -c "blah blah blah"'20:00
jrayhawkYou can probably also echo -n | cclive --exec avconv20:00
jrayhawksince I don't think cclive has any reason to open stdin.20:01
nmz787how can I store the command string as a variable, to pass to sh -c?20:01
nmz787cmd1="echo -e \"n\" | avconv -i $0 $0.mp3"20:01
nmz787then something like cclive $1 $2 "$3" -f best --exec "sh -c $cmd1 %f"20:02
jrayhawkugh, that involves working out bashes horrible escaping rules20:02
jrayhawkjust a second, i will come up with something definitive20:02
nmz787i can try echo n | cclive20:03
nmz787yeah that worked20:05
nmz787it would be nice to know the bash escaping stuff though20:05
jrayhawkalso 'avconv < /dev/null' has the same effect as 'echo n | avconv'20:05
nmz787that was my natural inclination and I banged my head for a while20:05
nmz787how does that have the same effect?20:05
nmz787n vs nothing being streamed?20:06
jrayhawkn is the default behavior, so anything will work that way20:06
jrayhawk'echo | avconv' also works20:06
nmz787hmm, well I can now download and convert youtube to mp3 from a GET request20:07
nmz787pretty sweet20:07
nmz787and not worry about overwriting if I somehow request multiple times (or some bot finds the URL and tries spamming it :P)20:08
jrayhawkand no, do not try to learn bash's terrible escaping rules for variables20:08
jrayhawkthat way madness lies20:08
kanzure nnn20:11
jrayhawkare you declaring victory over your keyboard20:11
kanzure  nnnnnnnjm  hb  m'20:12
jrayhawkI think youtube in particular is using aac for everything, so if you want to avoid data loss, you should probably use avconv -acodec copy -i %f %f.aac20:22
nmz787yeah some of the mp3s are bigger than the videos20:23
nmz787anyway to find a duplicate file of this? http://rapidshare.com/files/7550012/Snagglepuss.zip20:36
nmz787from this link originally http://dartmansworldofwonder.blogspot.com/2006/07/heavans-to-emerald-city-wizards-and.html20:37
yashgarothwhat the20:38
kanzuream i deranged enough to drive 40 miles to get a keyboard20:40
kanzureoh maybe i can repurpose a sucky key instead20:40
nmz78740 miles?20:41
nmz787what kind of keyboard?20:41
kanzurei had it delivered20:41
kanzurejust.. not to my address20:41
kanzurei wonder how this adhesive broke20:51
kanzuredoes this keyboard only have a 11 million character warranty?20:51
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kanzureoops i mean words20:52
kanzure(based on an estimate of 10k words/day average)20:52
jrayhawki... uh... think you might be an outlier in this regard20:52
kanzurei wonder if i can con them into giving me a 100M word warranty20:53
kanzurei want a manufacturer who stress tests their keyboards, with kinetic typing simulations like they do with engines20:55
kanzureunfortunately, keyboards don't kill people and thus there is less incentive to do this testing20:56
jrayhawkThat's actually pretty standard testing fare for high-end products.20:56
kanzurei want my keyboard to take a bullet and keep on ticking20:57
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kanzurejrayhawk: can you show me video evidence of this for a keyboard20:59
jrayhawkor, rather, it's pretty standard testing fare for the manufacturing techniques and mechanisms behind high-end products21:00
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jrayhawknokia, impressively, builds testing jigs for all their finished products21:01
kanzurehmm i can't seem to find average numbers for keyboard life expectancy or typage21:01
kanzure"Mechanical keyboards have 20 to 50 million keystroke life span to where Rubber dome and Scissor Switch only have 1 to 20 million keystroke"21:02
kanzurethis is from a website called "facepunch" so it must be true.21:02
kanzure50 million keystrokes is only 10 million words, or about 2.7 years assuming 10k words/day21:04
kanzure"A good keyboard should last for 6 months assuming a person has a speed of 120 wpm and usually types on the average of 10 hours daily"21:05
kanzureerr at that rate a 50M keystroke keyboard would be done with in 138 days :/21:06
kanzureyeah.. so 6 months is not OK21:06
klafka1isn't that assuming a consistent 120wpm speed21:12
klafka1for 10hrs straight21:12
kanzurea little unrealistic :)21:13
kanzurebut gamers might have a higher keystroke rate (though i don't play a lot of games)21:14
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yashgaroth300 keystrokes/minute for the pros21:15
yashgarothwell I guess that includes mouseclicks as well21:15
ParahSailin__i've killed like 3 model m keyboards21:16
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kanzureParahSailin__: were you trying to?21:21
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ParahSailin__im clumsy with water21:21
nmz787when i terminate an SSH connection and the terminal window hangs and ctrl-c or d or z don't do anything, what can I do? kill ssh from another terminal?21:27
kanzuredoes anyone have respectable laptop suggestions?21:27
nmz787yeah killall did it21:27
nmz787I like this lenovo X series21:27
kanzurei'd like something with an i7, allowing at least 8 GB of RAM, and a full keyboard, and a 17 inch screen21:28
kanzurenone of that sissy 13 inch bullshit21:28
nmz787the harddrive protection is ported to work with linux21:28
nmz787i'd scan slickdeals.net for at least 2-3 weeks21:28
kanzurei don't need a deal, i need a good laptop21:28
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nmz787yeah, right, it's not a good deal if it's not a good laptop at a good price21:29
nmz787or it's not a 'slick' deal, rather21:29
nmz787just saying to watch the market for what the sweet price point is21:29
nmz787but yeah the lenovo thinkpad's seem pretty well constructed21:30
nmz787I got mine from http://outlet.lenovo.com21:32
kanzureso the lenovo thinkpads seem to be expandable only up to 8 GB RAM21:34
yashgarothsurely you can pick up 2x8gb sticks aftermarket21:36
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kanzurewell if the laptop has physical slots for it sure21:36
yashgarothwell it comes with 2x4gb, and amazon has 2x8gbs for sale21:37
yashgarothI mean you're popping out the original ones21:37
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nmz787processor looks decent, quad core, up to 16gb ram http://ark.intel.com/products/5221921:45
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jrayhawknmz787: man ssh and search for ESCAPE CHARACTERS21:46
jrayhawksorry i am not trying to yell that is just the literal string to search for21:46
jrayhawki am not angry do not cry :(21:47
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nmz787kanzure: lots of choices from here http://slickdeals.net/newsearch.php?forumchoice%5B%5D=9&q=laptop+17%22&showposts=0&archive=0&firstonly=121:56
nmz787kanzure add i7 to that search21:57
nmz787that i7-2670qm can take up to 32GB RAM21:59
kanzurehow about something with i7-3770s by default21:59
jrayhawkthat's... not for laptops22:00
kanzurewhat :(22:00
nmz787kanzure: this looks decent http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msstore/pd/HP-ENVY-17-3077nr/productID.243730100/vip.true?siteID=aB8BeTfRgb8-r6SqAoPPzOoa.iCf8_NJ&ClickID=dw0cy20hksrh0hbtb2tm2hyryzwyrmsr0hhx22:01
nmz787the 22nm i7-3610qm22:01
nmz787" Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) technology"22:02
nmz787"ENVY 17’s battery life of nearly seven hours.*"22:02
kanzureman why do all these sites sucks22:02
nmz787dude if I purchase it for you I can get the student's free xbox22:03
kanzurewhy are you still a student anyway22:03
jrayhawkdell and hp also have outlet stores22:03
kanzurewhat's a good lenovo w700 model number22:03
nmz787yeah I'm a horrible student22:04
jrayhawkthe w701 is the last model; the w701ds is the dual-screen version of that22:04
kanzureebay says $1800 for a w70122:04
nmz787specs of this ENVY are pretty decent overall http://shopping.hp.com/en_US/home-office/-/products/Laptops/HP-ENVY/A6U45AV?HP-ENVY-17t-3200-Notebook-PC&aoid=3525222:05
jrayhawkYeah, it's also the same hardware generation as your current laptop.22:05
nmz787jrayhawk: which, the w701 or the envy?22:05
jrayhawkThe w70122:06
nmz787the envy has latest gen i722:06
kanzuremy current laptop is going for $400 on ebay -_-22:06
kanzureguess i might have to live with a smaller screen. very disappointing.22:07
kanzurethat envy seems to be cross-marketed with microsoft and that does't signal much to me.22:08
nmz787why do you care about its marketing?22:09
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kanzurenmz787: in general if i avoid things that advertise maybe i will find something legitimately good22:10
delinquentmeso for anyone interested in how the money trickles down http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/399541_339613026123500_495455162_n.jpg22:11
kanzuredelinquentme: stop reading reddit22:11
nmz787obviously microsoft is pushing the $15 windows 8 upgrade, but the hardware seems pretty strong22:11
kanzureand facebook22:11
nmz787that just plain doesn't describe any sane/smart person's world delinquentme22:12
nmz787the only people I think extort money are parking authority and DMV22:12
delinquentmemake it a systemic issue22:13
ParahSailin__in chicago the parking authority is morgan stanley22:13
delinquentmegive it a face and a name and people revolt against it22:13
delinquentmequiet subversion22:13
kanzureso these sites really really suck22:13
ParahSailin__what sites?22:14
kanzuream i really expected to manually search for linux compatability for each of these components on 20+ models22:14
nmz787but what if the people who are entranced in that way are life are just stupid by nature? more apt to be entranced?22:14
kanzureyou guys tolerate this??22:14
nmz787kanzure: i think you should assume linux compatibility22:14
delinquentmenmz787, theres varying levels of stupidity22:14
kanzurenmz787: hahah22:14
ParahSailin__why not go mac22:15
kanzureand then if i eliminate a model because of a bad feature, and then i later realize that it's the only option that leads me to something usable even if i eliminated it for some other component, i have to mentally backtrack through a 5-depth 20-branching tree search, fuckthis22:15
nmz787AMD64 is almost totally in step with Intel's 64 bit instruction set22:15
ParahSailin__you mean intel is almost totally in step with amd64?22:16
kanzureright now i'm looking at two R9HHXRB-4270CTOs one is $2400 and the other is $1800. but i can't figure out why.22:16
nmz787I liked the Sony Z series, but I think they changed that up a bit22:16
jrayhawkand HP is having a sale on elitebooks, even on the outlet22:17
kanzurewimax 6520 linux compatability "Intel has a strange way of 'supporting' this card. It's recognised by the kernel module but the microcode that makes the card work hasn't been released yet. They say sometime in third quarter."22:19
kanzureoh i guess that was 201022:19
ParahSailin__wifi is always shitty on laptops when you install linux on them22:19
kanzureParahSailin__: i thought the idea was to search in advance22:19
ParahSailin__i can't even connect to a starbucks wifi in public on mine22:20
kanzureParahSailin__: maybe you bought a shitty laptop22:20
ParahSailin__i guess you want ath9k chipset22:20
ParahSailin__it was a pretty good lenovo a couple years ago22:20
kanzurewhich chipset has the best compatability?22:21
kanzureall the madwifi drivers have really sucked for me.22:21
ParahSailin__well atheros is the _best_ supported on linux. it's all even suckier from there22:22
kanzurelike when i type "ifconfig wlan8 set blah" it wont say "FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED" ?22:22
ParahSailin__the windows or mac drivers for all chipsets are infinitely better22:23
ParahSailin__its just something you live with22:23
kanzuremaybe if you're helpless22:23
ParahSailin__well if i had an asic foundry, i could help it maybe22:24
ParahSailin__802.11 is so locked down, licensed, permitted, regulated22:25
ParahSailin__there arent really any good answers22:26
ParahSailin__go with atheros if available22:26
kanzurewhat was that windows-driver wrapper?22:26
ParahSailin__they actually make an effort, because they like to supply chips to all the linux wifi routers22:26
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nmz787i've never had to use madwifi22:29
ParahSailin__any wifi you get will be supported decently enough to catch your router's signal from your house22:30
kanzurei think i used madwifi on a gateway laptop22:30
kanzurejrayhawk: why did you select M6600?22:32
kanzure128 MB graphics card? what is this, 1999?22:33
ParahSailin__http://www.rfaxis.com/our_products/rfx2402C.php might be a good chipset in the future22:34
ParahSailin__for open hardware 802.1122:34
delinquentmekanzure, most rails idomatic way to only allow a single comment on a video per user?22:37
delinquentmesearch the comments DB for a row with the users ID and prevent them from making another if that row exists?22:38
kanzuredelinquentme: acts_as_commentable22:38
delinquentmespecifically the part where they're restricted to a single comment?22:39
kanzureyeah you will have to configure that.22:40
kanzurejrayhawk: what is this? https://www.system76.com/laptops/model/gazp722:42
jrayhawkwhere are you seeing a 128MB graphics card?22:49
jrayhawklooks like a rebranded acer, but i am too lazy to check22:50
kanzureyeah i can't tell either.22:51
kanzurejrayhawk: on the m6600 page.22:51
kanzureoh i guess only the search options are blacked out22:52
jrayhawkyou wanted a full keyboard22:54
jrayhawkre: why22:54
jrayhawkhttp://h71016.www7.hp.com/html/hpremarketing/daily.asp?jumpid=in_r2910_bizoutlet/remarketing/smbclearance&a=a quite a few cheap 8760w options22:58
jrayhawkthe 8760w has an optional 1920x1200 IPS screen22:59
kanzurei'm willing to pay to get what i want.. it just seems that everyone has axed the things that i want :P23:00
* kanzure looks23:00
kanzurethat link doesn't seem to go anywhere in particular23:00
kanzureoh i see.23:00
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jrayhawkworks fine in links, i blame your browser23:01
kanzureno it just wasn't obvious that their menus were actually relevant23:01
kanzureit looked like standard enterprise-gook that you learn to visually avoid23:01
jrayhawknot sure what you're talking about; the page is one giant table23:02
jrayhawkoh, no, i guess it's a sequence of tables23:02
kanzurethere are these stupid plus and minus signs that you have to click23:02
kanzurewith "Show all" and "hide all"23:02
jrayhawkha ha you and your silly javascript23:02
kanzureit's true :(23:02
jrayhawkwhat would pasky think23:03
kanzureso why do you mention 8760w out of all those other things?23:03
jrayhawkfull keyboard, kickass screen23:03
kanzureokie dokie23:03
jrayhawklots of drive bays, lots of memory slots23:03
kanzurehmmm http://tekarazzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/hp-elitebook-8760w-11.jpg23:04
jrayhawki should certainly hope so; this is the top of their range23:04
nmz787is there somewhere I can buy a temp debit card online that's reliable?23:04
kanzurenmz787: paypal?23:04
nmz787they don't like me23:05
kanzurelook up "virtual prepraid debit card"23:05
nmz787thing is, who's reliable23:05
jrayhawkthough i guess the keyboards on both the 8760w and the m6600 have disgustingly flat keys23:07
nmz787basically i have no way of buying this for my mom :/ http://www.ebay.com/itm/RCA-UNIVERSAL-TV-DIGITAL-CONVERTER-BOX-REMOTE-CONTROL-/270552161637#payId23:07
nmz787so friggin stupid23:07
kanzurehaha $3,000 HP 8760w W7P-64 i7 2820QM 2.3GHz 320GB 32GB(4DM) DVDRW 17.3FHD WLAN BT Quadro 5010M Cam Rmkt NB PC23:08
nmz787oh, actually amazon has it23:08
kanzurejrayhawk: i'm willing to buy new keyboards if i have to23:08
kanzurebut usually each laptop has its own stupid shape that the keyboard has to be made to fit :(23:09
jrayhawkoh, the m6600 doesn't have a trackpoint23:11
kanzurewhy do all those lenovos have "fingerprint" scanners?23:12
kanzuredoesn't that just encourage assholes to cutoff my fingers?23:12
jrayhawkYeah, and they're typically pretty easy to fool with printouts and whatnot.23:12
jrayhawkIt's a neat whizbang concept, but biometrics never really work out in reality.23:13
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kanzurehrmm maybe i should try a "noppoo choc mini"23:17
jrayhawkhuh, that looks nice23:18
kanzureoh this is more technical i guess. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDUyNY4CAGk23:20
jrayhawki like how none of their reviews are actually reviews23:28
kanzurei should call my typing style "tactical" instead of tactile.23:30
kanzurekeyboard looks terrible.23:35
jrayhawkalso no trackpoint23:43
kanzurejrayhawk: why the lenovo w series over the t series?23:44
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kanzurejrayhawk: there should be a company that custom-fits keyboards to a laptop.23:47
jrayhawkyeah, i actually know someone who was planning on buying an x1 carbon right up until he saw the keyboard23:49
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kanzureblahh i'm going to be so pissed if i have to end up making keyboards not suck23:49
kanzureexternal mechanical keyboards are nice, but that hasn't changed or improved in forever23:49
jrayhawkthe lenovo w520 is slightly better than the t520 in a lot of little ways. USB 3, room for extra ram, nicer graphics chipsets, etc.23:53
jrayhawkit's not really a particularly compelling set of differences unless you reaaaaaly want a quadro or usb 323:53
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jrayhawknVidia's "professional" chipset. Has some features unlocked for cad and computation that the "consumer" chipsets don't.23:55
jrayhawkIf you're living in linux-land the whole time, you're probably better off with a Radeon.23:56
jrayhawkI think all the thinkpads with dedicated chipsets also have switchable integrated graphics these days.23:58
kanzurei am dubious about integrated graphics23:58
kanzurei've just had generally poor experiences with integrated graphis cards23:58
kanzureit always ends up being some lame intel piece of crap that doesn't support any of the gpgpu programming i keep hearing about23:59
kanzureor any of the hash-cracking stuff23:59
jrayhawkYeah, but it's plenty good for blitting large framebuffers at 60hz, which is all you need the majority of the time, and takes a lot less battery to achieve.23:59
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