
--- Log opened Tue Jul 31 00:00:24 2012
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kanzurehi nmz78710:35
nmz787hi kanzure10:44
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nmz7871kanzure: how do we get mediawiki on gnusha/diyhpl.us?12:22
nmz7871instead of whatever it is now12:23
nmz7871or better interface on the ikiwiki12:23
kanzurenmz7871: pick something from here http://ikiwiki.info/css_market/12:25
kanzurenmz7871: jrayhawk likes https://antportal.com/wiki/12:26
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 40b11ce use the antportal ikiwiki css12:27
kanzurethere you go.. http://diyhpl.us/ (just be sure to refresh if it looks the same)12:28
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 59c84f8 fix the registration link?12:30
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 198661b include a link to cgit and the clone line12:32
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nmz7871looks better!12:41
nmz7871why doesn't this page continue to utilize the stylesheet and have some sort of toolbar ??? http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna-synthesis.html12:41
nmz7871like this page does http://diyhpl.us/wiki/cadfaq/12:42
jrayhawkkanzure got lazy and did raw html there12:43
jrayhawkkanzure: there are some html2markdown solutions12:44
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nmz7871he said ikiwiki can take raw html12:46
jrayhawkYeah, he uploaded a literal html file, which ikiwiki doesn't render. If he were to include html snippets in one of the renderable formats, those would get wrapped.12:47
kanzurejrayhawk: how do i install the mediawiki syntax plugin?12:48
kanzureer.. not mediawiki.. it's called uh.. wikisomething.. wikitext? whatever the awful thing is that mediawiki uses.12:48
nmz7871where can i pay someone to write 2 english papers for me?12:50
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kanzurenmz787: odesk, guru, elance, freelancer, vworker, fiverr, craigslist12:51
kanzurehmm github git:// is broken?12:54
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kanzureseems to be https://github.com/jmtd/mediawiki.pm/blob/master/mediawiki.pm12:55
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jrayhawkyou can slap it into /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/Plugin/ and echo 'push(@{$conf->{add_plugins}}, qw{ mediawiki });' into either (globally) /etc/ikiwiki/piny.setup.pl and run sudo piny-ikiwiki-mass-rebuild or (specifically) into /etc/ikiwiki/wiki.setup.pl and rebuildrepo wiki13:02
nmz787delinquentme: http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/Hybrid%20error%20correction%20and%20de%20novo%20assembly%20of%20single-molecule%20sequencing%20reads.pdf13:04
nmz787you posted a media article about that a few days ago13:04
nmz787delinquentme: a DVD is NOT a poor man's prism, it is a poor man's grating13:04
delinquentmethis is the schadt software for the pac bio?13:04
delinquentmenmz787, explain.13:04
nmz787gratings are nothing new either, and anyone that knows what a grating is will know a DVD/CD can do similar13:05
nmz787explain what?13:05
delinquentmeim lost on grating13:06
delinquentmeso grating is a ton of mini prisms?13:06
nmz787it is a grating13:07
nmz787you know what a grating is for roadways to drain water into the sewer?13:08
nmz787lines of metal with void between them13:08
nmz787to sieve out trash and so people don't fall into the sewer13:08
nmz787an optical grating looks the same, but on a micro level13:08
delinquentmethats what we're talking about O_o13:08
nmz787lines with troughs between them13:08
delinquentmeumm is the grating of concentric circles or of right angle lines?13:08
jrayhawki guess it'd be more tasteful to put it in /usr/local/share/perl5/IkiWiki/Plugin/13:09
nmz787generally gratings are parallel lines13:09
delinquentmebut then that wouldnt make sense13:09
nmz787DVD and CD they're sort of concentric, but it's actually just one spiral line13:09
delinquentmeas the directions specify that the DVD chunk needed to be aligned in a particular manner13:09
delinquentmenmz787, how do you know these things!?!?13:09
nmz787right, normal to the center, the DVD lines would be parallel13:09
* delinquentme is fascinated13:10
delinquentmekind of like looking at longitude / lattitude of earth along the  axis of rotation13:10
* nmz787 tries to study optics because most biotech uses photons for sensing13:10
kanzurejrayhawk: bleh why do i have to do all this shit myself? https://github.com/mithro/media2iki/pull/113:10
delinquentmenmz787, i was musing about how useful a website full of these little tricks would be13:10
delinquentmesurely there are other methods for hacking together things13:11
delinquentmeand if people want to hack expensive robotics shit like this would help13:11
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nmz787gratings can be blazed (cut) in different manners to change their dispersal characteristics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Waveforms.svg13:13
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jrayhawkkanzure: fwiw, if you wind up needing to pull from cpan, you should use dh-make-perl13:14
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-!- JCC [4b4575da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:14
kanzureJCC: hi.13:15
JCCHowdy channel.13:15
kanzurewhy does mwlib need twisted 12.1 and wtf is re2c13:16
JCCJust got introduced to this channel by the admin of http://transhumani.com/13:17
JCCWould anyone happen to know what his nick is on here?13:17
nmz787is that eudoxia?13:17
kanzureno it's not eudoxia.13:17
kanzureit's "Stee|"13:17
jrayhawkwell, Steel2 at the moment13:17
JCCAs suspected.13:17
kanzurejfkdlafjasdkfja i wish setup.py would tell me when it is expecting python2.713:18
JCCSo, this channel's for H+ planning.13:18
kanzureor maybe there's a json-for-python-2.6 that provides json.load13:18
jrayhawkkanzure: are you sure you want to do manual translation step rather than just let mediawiki.pm do its thing?13:19
kanzurejrayhawk: i was thinking i'd at least try this :/13:19
kanzurebut no i'm not sure at all13:19
nmz787JCC: that's the main idea, but we talk about everything bio, chem, tech, and programming related13:19
jrayhawkAre you trying to do synchronization between the two?13:19
kanzurejrayhawk: no i just wanted to use the formatter to convert mediawikimarkup-thing to markdown13:20
JCCnmz787: not too broad, then. :)13:20
nmz787JCC: most of what we talk about generally has the aim of being H+ related13:20
kanzurejrayhawk: python mediawiki2markdown.py --no-strict --no-debugger input.wiki > output.md13:20
kanzurebut mwlib seems to have some weird "import the revision history of mediawiki pages" feature.. looks like dark magic.13:20
kanzureand it probably requires the mysql db of the target site13:21
delinquentmeJCC, yeah kind of " what can we do " type projects  .. and some wildly crazy out there stuff13:21
jrayhawkDoes it split out the revisions into separate files or something?13:21
kanzureno it seems to put the revisions into git13:21
kanzurei was going to import this: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ13:21
jrayhawkthat's kinda neat and crazy13:21
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-52-189-101.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:22
bkeroI just bought some wearable items today, going to take another stab at it. ;313:22
bkeroST1080, odroid hardkernel, Twiddler 2.0 input, 10x18650 cell battery13:22
eudoxiahey JCC13:23
bkerokanzure: Are you still in Austin?13:23
kanzurejrayhawk: there's also this thing.. http://scytale.name/blog/2009/11/announcing-levitation13:23
kanzurebkero: yes i am13:23
kanzureeww you have a twiddler now?13:23
bkeroI might be coming to texas sometime soon13:23
jrayhawkbkero: When you have your hands on the hardware, I'd be interested in seeing it13:23
bkerojrayhawk: ST1080s are backed up until the end of August13:23
kanzurei am thoroughly unimpressed http://www.handykey.com/images/twiddler.jpg13:24
JCChey eudoxia13:24
bkerokanzure: find me a better chorded keyboard13:24
bkerokanzure: it emulated a 105 key :)13:24
kanzurebkero: how about a regular keyboard, except you use it like a chorded keyboard... done.13:24
bkeroand there are alternative keymaps13:24
bkerokanzure: I have a bluetooth model M that I use for stationary applications13:25
kanzuredid you buy it with bluetooth?13:25
bkeroThere is no such thing.  I made it.13:25
kanzurethere are some bullshit companies that claim to sell "model m equivalents"13:25
kanzureso maybe you bought one of those13:25
kanzurebut i see.13:25
kanzureok cool13:25
bkeroThis is a Model M Spacesaver13:25
bkeroIE: No numpad so portable!13:25
kanzurei just have a shitty keytronic13:25
kanzureit was made to look like the model m, except without all the good parts -_-13:26
bkeroNo, I jump up and down on these things to demo for people13:26
kanzureanyway, i don't see how the twiddler is an improvement over the model m13:26
kanzureit looks like a step backwards, or few.13:27
bkeroI can use it while travelling13:27
kanzurei carry around a keyboard when necessary13:27
kanzurei don't see the problem?13:27
bkeroI mean when physically walking13:27
kanzureme too?13:27
bkerokeyboard is not a very good solution when walking :/13:27
bkeroespecially if I need a free hand13:27
kanzureif you say so.. better than a twiddler.13:27
* bkero shrugs. I'll be the judge of that when it gets here.13:28
kanzurei think the wpm max on a twiddler is like, 70, which is as bad as touchscreen phones13:28
bkeroI'd think much more accuracy than touchscreen phones though13:30
kanzurewell, obviously, physical keyboards on phones are better13:30
kanzureoh damn, i just googled it: "iPhone User Types An Incredible 83 WPM"13:30
kanzure"incredible".. le sigh13:30
kanzureswype was bought13:31
kanzureand dart isn't that phenomenal anyway13:31
kanzurebkero: have you hooked up your bluetooth to a smartphone, and if so does it work well for you?13:33
bkeroIt works alright, some modification keys like ctrl don't work, and esc acts like back13:34
kanzurei mean your keyboard13:34
kanzurei think esc-as-back is to be expected, especially on android?13:34
kanzuresince that's how it works on the tablets13:34
kanzurehrm ok13:34
kanzurejrayhawk: so the other reason i was considering mediawiki2markdown is that having multiple formats in the wiki will only confuse things13:36
jrayhawkthat's fair, i suppose13:37
kanzuregrr mwlib/_uscan.re fails to compile with python2.13:42
kanzuregrr mwlib/_uscan.re fails to compile with python2.713:42
jrayhawkhtml2markdown might be easier, assuming you don't mind losing the revision info13:43
jrayhawkand don't mind some semi-manual cleanup13:43
kanzuremediawiki2markdown.py doesn't keep revision information anyway13:44
kanzurei can't get revision information without asking openwetware for a db backup13:44
kanzureor i could write a scraper13:44
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: dcfb7ea first attempt a at reclaiming my DIYbio FAQ from openwetware.org13:47
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kanzurei am not convinced that's any good13:48
kanzurei would somewhat enjoy having the revision history ported over, but there have been so few revisions that i might as well do it manually?13:49
jrayhawkperhaps you should ask them for access?13:53
kanzureah nevermind i forgot about http://openwetware.org/wiki/Special:Export13:55
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nmz787so the st1080 has a applications processor in it?14:07
nmz787or the odroid is separate?14:07
nmz787bkero: ^14:07
bkeronmz787: st1080 has a small processor to switch between 3d modes14:08
kanzureimporting DIYbio/FAQ.mediawiki at 2009-04-09 03:55:32 UTC14:10
kanzurefatal: Unsupported command: dith]14:10
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kanzurejrayhawk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1122239/ any ideas?14:16
kanzurethis is diyhpluswiki/.git/fast_import_crash_992414:16
kanzurei think the dith] is from a line that has this at the end: [http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/msg/09e4bcf12548501a Meredith]14:17
kanzureactually, "committer" is wrong.. or maybe "author" should be present.. the original mediawiki commit data said "Mackenzie Cowell", which is definitely not me.14:17
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jrayhawkThat's a pretty weird parsing error.14:30
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kanzurejrayhawk: i think this might be expecting an older version of git14:31
kanzureso i rewrote it to use git fast-import with a line like "data <<EOF\nstuff goes here\nEOF" instead of "data 11\nhello world\n" and it works fine now14:31
kanzurethe weird thing about this is that jcline apparently took the diybio faq from heybryan.org/mediawiki14:32
kanzurebut he didn't preserve revision history14:32
jrayhawkha ha ha14:33
kanzurei'm so confused :(14:33
nmz787where are you importing to?14:33
nmz787why not into ikiwiki?14:36
jrayhawkthat is an ikiwiki14:36
nmz787i can see it in the rev history14:37
kanzurenmz787: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/ is http://diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki14:37
nmz787but how do i look at it not through cgit?14:37
kanzuregit clone git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git14:37
kanzurei also have it up on http://github.com/kanzure/diyhpluswiki just for giggles14:37
jrayhawknmz787: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/converted-faq/14:38
nmz787but the comment only says diybio/converted-faq.mdwn14:38
kanzureoh, you want what jrayhawk is telling you14:38
nmz787why doesnt the homepage autopopulate?14:39
kanzurewhat would you like to be on the homepage?14:39
nmz787or say "see all pages"14:39
jrayhawkI can set that up if you want.14:39
nmz787kanzure: ^14:40
kanzurewhat is this showing me?14:41
kanzureor, rather, why are you showing me this?14:41
nmz787oO this is coolhttp://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ACategoryTree&target=biology&mode=categories&dotree=Show+tree14:42
nmz787synthetic biology has 0 subcategories14:42
kanzureopenwetware is a better wiki for synthetic biology stuff14:43
nmz787but it;s parent bioengineering does14:43
kanzurebut openwetware has been on a downward slope in terms of people actively editing (apparently)14:43
kanzureit turns out that forcing igem teams to edit openwetware is not a good strategy for retaining long-term contributors14:43
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nmz787meredith patterson is listed by wikipedia as a bioengineer14:44
nmz787venter isn't14:44
nmz787keasling isn't14:44
nmz787none of us are14:45
kanzurei'm not entirely sure if venter has ever done any lab work14:45
nmz787there are only american and turkish bioengineers14:45
nmz787girl talk (musician) is listed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:American_bioengineers14:46
nmz787"Gillis began experimenting with deejaying while a student at Chartiers Valley High School in the Pittsburgh suburb of Bridgeville. After a few collaborative efforts he started the solo "Girl Talk" project while studying biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve University inCleveland, Ohio. In school, Gillis focused on tissue engineering. He later worked as an engineer, but quit in May 2007 to focus solely on music.[4]14:46
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 28b0886 index: Use a map directive to index content14:46
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: de0652a index: remove what i presume is an old test comment14:47
kanzure"After successfully mastering tissue engineering, he decided to quit and never use again." eery.14:54
jrayhawkalternatively we can [[!tag mainindex]] individual pages and use [[!map pages="tagged(mainindex)"]] in index.mdwn instead, but really stuff should just get properly organized in the first place14:54
kanzurewell, if i cared significantly about making my additions accessible, i would add a link somewhere instead of making them orphan pages14:54
kanzurebut most of the time these orphans are orphans for a reason14:54
nmz787then why add it anyway?14:55
nmz787if people can't see them they can't be stimulated to think about that stuff14:55
nmz787that could lead to improving the doc14:55
kanzurefeel free to suggest some things; does the index page look usable now?14:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 722990f removed15:00
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jrayhawkwow, that's a lousy commit message15:00
nmz787kanzure: looks better, but is it auto-updating with commits of new pages?15:01
kanzurehrmm the media2iki guy was using ts=3 for his .rb files.. therefore he is pure evil15:02
kanzurethere were also some \t's :(15:02
kanzureit's like taking the average between those who use 2 spaces and 4 spaces, and totally fucking it up.15:03
kanzurecompromising doesn't work, kids15:03
jrayhawknmz787: ikiwiki is called by a cgi and/or a post-update hook to recompile pages as appropriate15:03
jrayhawkit is magic15:03
jrayhawkif you want to play with it it you can run 'newrepo the-amazing-nmz787-wiki' on gnusha15:04
kanzurei'm not sure if he has git cloned it to his local machine yet15:04
kanzurenmz787: this is just like any other git repository except gnusha does some things when you send it new commits; also, you can edit from the web.15:04
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kanzureby running newrepo you can create a new ikiwiki instance on gnusha (by default, all repos on gnusha get a wiki based on the contents of the git repository)15:06
jrayhawki think you can avoid the ikiwiki by passing --disable-ikiwiki on the newrepo commandline15:06
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kanzurejrayhawk: so i'm redoing this git import thing.. what do you recommend for the commit author/committer fields?15:11
kanzurei was thinking: the author should be the mediawiki username/email, and the committer should be openwetware-mediawiki <no-reply@openwetware.org>15:11
kanzureor am i supposed to be the committer?15:11
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jrayhawkI have no particular opinion.15:13
jrayhawkI guess openwetware-mediawiki approach looks humbler; less likely to piss people off15:13
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kanzurehmmm /home/kanzure/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rexml/parent.rb:59:in `[]': can't convert String into Integer (TypeError)15:17
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nmz787crap, i can never remember passwords for things anymore15:22
kanzurenmz787: you can ssh in and change your password15:22
nmz787i've forgotten the diypl.us pass twice recently15:22
kanzure(by typing "passwd")15:22
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nmz787no i guess keys aren't working for me, I may have set it up on a different VM15:23
kanzurepm me what password you would like15:23
nmz787lemme try this other VM that I was using for the nanoengineer stuff15:23
nmz787kanzure: passwd is asking for my current pass15:27
nmz787I think I have to have sudo perm to do without a pass15:27
kanzureoh, then pm me a temporary password, then change it15:28
kanzurenmz787: ok try now15:29
kanzurewait, how exactly did you upload that pdf earlier today?15:29
nmz787i did that weeks ago15:31
nmz787delinquentme: was late to the game re: that article15:31
nmz787so china is trying to sell me a fiber spectrometer for $2200 wheras canada has them for $74915:32
kanzurefatal: Expected 'data n' command, found: author Mackenzie L. Cowell <mac@diybio.org> Thu, 09 Apr 2009 03:55:32 -000015:33
kanzurefast-import: dumping crash report to .git/fast_import_crash_1101415:33
nmz787found it through alibaba, replied with the link to the canandian site and said if they made me a deal I'd help them improve their software15:33
kanzurejrayhawk: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-fast-import.html15:33
nmz787and i said i knew cost to manufacture was ~$300 USD15:33
kanzurejrayhawk: "author" seems to be a command according to this doc. what am i doing wrong?15:33
kanzureoh maybe it's order-dependent15:34
kanzureaha.. yep.15:34
nmz787kanzure: is the ikiwiki pass diff than gnusha?15:34
kanzure   pipe.puts "author #{f.author_username} <#{f.author_email}> #{f.timestamp.rfc2822}"15:34
kanzurenmz787: nope15:35
nmz787hmm, the .us.:443 isn't letting me in15:35
nmz787oh, maybe it's my repo pass15:35
kanzureit's the same password as your gnusha/diyhpl.us password15:35
nmz787doesnt let me in15:36
kanzuretry now15:36
delinquentmenmz787, you did see the Open source rigged one right?15:36
kanzurei ran this command: addaccess diyhpluswiki nmz78715:36
nmz787oh, must be cache related15:36
nmz787ah, then maybe that fixed it15:36
kanzurejrayhawk: is that supposed to happen, or was it his cache?15:36
nmz787delinquentme: yeah seen that a while ago, they aren't really lab quality optics b/c of lower signal to noise15:37
nmz787and they don't do UV15:37
nmz787kanzure: jrayhawk: i say cache because I ctrl-shift-n in chrome and then it worked15:37
delinquentmenmz787, signal to noise?  the noise being created where / how?15:38
delinquentmethe non UV I get15:38
delinquentmeor IR15:38
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nmz787delinquentme: IR requires an InGaAs sensor, silicon cuts off pretty low in the NIR15:39
nmz787delinquentme: SNR gets lowered by aberattions in the grating and other optics, stray light, etc15:40
nmz787as well as possible DSP going on in the camera's firmware15:40
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nmz787even bad grounding/poor circuit design could introduce noise15:41
nmz787the main thing i don't like is the DSP15:43
nmz787because the optics could be upgraded15:43
nmz787but its still a PITA15:43
kanzurealright, so i have 477 commits from openwetware in a separate git repository15:43
kanzureideally i will also convert heybryan.org/mediawiki/DIYbio_FAQ to git and then rebase all of the openwetware stuff on top15:44
nmz787kanzure: how easy is that?15:44
kanzurewell the first step is to find the hard drive, which i estimate to be exactly impossible15:45
kanzurei have been making changes to media2iki to do the mediawiki-to-git conversion15:45
kanzureso the second step would be finding the hard drive, running the old web server, and then exporting the revisions to xml through Special:Export15:46
kanzurethen running it through media2iki's hacked up shit that i have been editing15:46
kanzurerebasing the commits will be a little weird; i think i have to make sure the filenames match up or else the rebased history won't make any sense15:46
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jrayhawkjrayhawk@gnusha:~$ grep shared /srv/git/diyhpluswiki.git/config15:53
jrayhawkyou can pinyconfig diyhpluswiki sharedrepository 0666 if you want anybody to be able to edit it15:53
jrayhawkand rebuildrepo diyhpluswiki15:53
kanzuresharedrepository is not a legal tweakable, or 0666 is not a legal value for that tweakable.15:55
jrayhawkoh huh15:55
jrayhawkoh, core.sharedrepository15:55
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nmz787kanzure: why do i see this a lot – in http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/polymerase/notes/15:56
kanzurebecause i suck at unicode and utf-815:56
nmz787do you know what it's supposed to be?15:56
nmz787"the DNA product contained 60–70% dGMP residues, 10–15% each of the two pyrimidine residues, and 5–10% dAMP residues. "15:57
nmz787oh hyphen?15:57
kanzurewell "–" is possibly the "hyphen" thing15:57
kanzureand "“" and "â€" are possibly quotes15:58
jrayhawkthere are a bajillion lexically distinct hyphens, but fuck 'em15:58
nmz787jrayhawk: yeah16:00
jrayhawki suppose i should add receive.denyDeletes to pinyconfig16:01
jrayhawkreceive.denyNonFastForwards is already in place, at least16:03
nshonly one hyphen, two dashes16:04
kanzureso i'm looking through some old hard drives16:06
kanzurefenn: ^16:06
jrayhawkalso http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_hyphen16:06
kanzurealso: yes i admit i used to write php, please don't murder me or think less of me because of it :(16:06
nmz787nsh: seems like 1 hypen, 2, or 316:08
jrayhawkparameterization is for sissies16:08
jrayhawksql parameterization, specifically16:08
kanzureit got infinitely worse16:09
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brownieswe all used to write php16:29
brownies"used to" is the important part, though.16:30
kanzureyes but did you write php for a cult?16:30
browniesno, just clients16:35
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kanzure22:39 < jihaaaaaad> 1) No logging. Logging = kick.16:46
kanzureoh was that hplusroadmap?16:46
kanzurehuh i think someone forgot to kick me16:46
kanzurehrmm why did i know about ultrasound brain stimulation in 200816:48
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kanzurehi mation16:50
kanzurejrayhawk: all i can find is this weird skdb/ikiwiki repository from 200816:53
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skorketanyone have any experience with Advanced Liquid Logic?16:58
kanzureERROR 1034 (HY000) at line 1: Incorrect key file for table 'wordmap'; try to repair it17:00
skorketwas that for me?17:01
kanzureno i am fixing things17:02
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kanzure(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
kanzurejrayhawk: any hints?17:21
jrayhawkWhere is this?17:22
jrayhawkWhat is this?17:22
jrayhawksudo netstat -lpn will tell you what's already bound there17:22
kanzureoh fooey i had a load balancer running, that's right..17:30
kanzure"Missing rc_timestamp field of recentchanges table. Should not happen."17:39
kanzurewell i was stupid to expect the mediawiki upgrade script to work17:39
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nmz787skorket: i've been on advanced liquid logic's website before18:10
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delinquentme"The combined level of robotic chatter on the world’s wireless networks — measured in the digital data load they exert on networks — is likely soon to exceed that generated by the sum of all human voice conversations taking place on wireless grids."18:18
delinquentmeI guess im surprised that it doesnt exceed it already.18:18
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kanzurewhy is this guy recompiling php http://davejamesmiller.com/blog/web-development/how-to-install-php-5-2-fastcgi-on-debian-6-0-squeeze18:40
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nmz787delinquentme: voice is really low bandwidth19:06
delinquentmenmz787, really??19:07
delinquentmethat surprises me19:07
delinquentmebut then I know nothing about voice compression19:07
nmz787and most wireless is probably wifi or microwave links that in terms of bandwidth have a lot compared even to AM and FM and shortwave19:07
nmz787also digital media (i.e. satellite TV) is probably not considered audio,certainly not a conversation19:08
nmz787it's the bandwidth more than the compression, you don't need much to reproduce a voice, now a concert/music is different, that's why hearing it through the phone sucks19:08
kanzureyou definitely need less than 10 kbps to do voice19:09
kanzurewell, to some extent.19:09
yashgarothdial-up was what, 4kbps?19:11
nmz787well then voice was audio19:12
nmz787and nah dialup got up to 65k19:12
yashgarothI thought that was bits19:12
yashgarothyeah I meant 4 kilobytes/sec19:13
yashgarothtypical, not maximum19:13
kanzureman, i can't believe i ever paid for that19:13
yashgarothsure but you need a lot of virgin blood to get to 719:14
nmz787damn that's why i never had full speed19:14
nmz787yashgaroth: any luck w jobs?19:15
yashgarothwaiting to hear back from like 3 places after interviews19:15
browniesnice, where'd you interview?19:16
yashgarothverenium, alere, and moore's cancer center19:16
yashgarothwho are respectively: enzyme manufacturing, gmp blood analysis chips, and...cancer stuff19:16
kanzureverenium sounds like a STD19:17
yashgarothI liked them, they seem chill, but yeah19:17
kanzureok just making sure.19:17
yashgaroththey had me assembly some centrifugal separator as part of the interview, which was a nice change of pace19:18
kanzurewas that before or after they had you pee in a cup?19:19
yashgarothbefore, where do you think the pee went?19:19
kanzureyashgaroth: http://diyhpl.us/19:19
yashgarothooh fancy19:20
browniesthey drug test?19:21
yashgaroth's just an initial one, not on the reg19:21
kanzurebrownies: apparently most of yashgaroth's potential employers do drug screens19:22
yashgarothmy last place didn't, but apparently that's not the norm in industry nowadays19:22
browniesi imagine the software startup scene would fall apart if they did such things19:23
kanzure"we're sorry but we can't hire you because you don't have enough cocaine in your system"19:23
yashgarothbiotech startups tend to be more lenient, but glaxo/pfizer/etc do blood screens as well as maybe hair19:24
kanzureso wear a wig?19:25
yashgarothany excuse to wear a wig and I'm down19:25
browniesno shit? i had no idea19:25
browniesoh, i guess it's because they're pretty close to FDA approval procedures and whatnot, so i guess they have to be on top of their researchers19:26
jrayhawkyashgaroth: Kbps vs KBps19:26
kanzurejrayhawk: i always thought that was silly19:26
jrayhawksemantics usually are19:26
kanzureand then there's the god damn kibibits or something19:27
kanzureand kibibytes19:27
jrayhawkYeah, everyone should use those to get rid of that ambiguity19:28
yashgarothcapital letters, pfah19:28
kanzurei always mean "kilobytes" when i say "kbps"19:28
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kanzurei guess i could switch to kby?19:28
jrayhawkalso with V.44 and PPP compression speeds higher than 10KiBps were common for plaintext.19:28
kanzurekibibits or kibibytes?19:29
kanzurenoo don't confuse things19:29
jrayhawkif you have trouble distinguishing between a lower case 'b' and an upper case 'B' perhaps you should acquire glasses19:29
kanzurewell, i have trouble distinguishing whether or not the author implied one b or the other B19:29
kanzureso i added "deb http://archives.dotdeb.org/ lenny all" to /etc/apt/sources.list19:36
kanzureand i want to get one of the 5.2.x's19:36
kanzureafter apt-get update-ing, "sudo apt-get install php5=5.2.17" gives me "E: Version '5.2.17' for 'php5' was not found"19:36
kanzurejrayhawk: am i missing a step?19:36
ParahSailini cant find that cryptosphere thread on hackernews anymore19:37
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kanzureParahSailin: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=431663219:38
ParahSailinoh damn, front page i was skipping over it19:39
ParahSailini dont see how cryptosphere would be useful for publishing19:41
ParahSailinother than storing plaintext on other parties' machines19:41
kanzurei wasn't impressed and didn't look further19:43
kanzurewhen thesnark shows up you can pester him, he likes to talk big about freenet or all the other freenet contenders19:43
kanzureor that other one.. tamato.. tomahoe.. tomahawk.. whatever.19:44
jrayhawkthis does not appear to be a debian repository19:47
kanzurewell that would explain it19:47
kanzurei'd like to downgrade all of these:19:48
kanzurelibapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-cgi php5-cli php5-common php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql phpmyadmin19:48
kanzuremediawiki-1.12 is incompatible with php-5.3.x and mediawiki-master is unable to upgrade the old mysql tables i recovered19:50
jrayhawkdowngrades are rather poorly tested; it might be best to choose a debian or ubuntu release and debootstrap it19:50
jrayhawkand then chroot or lxc into it19:50
kanzureand then run apache from inside the chroot?19:51
jrayhawkif you want apache, sure19:51
kanzureno i was just wondering about http servers inside chroots in general19:51
jrayhawkit'll happily attempt to bind to if nothing else has19:52
jrayhawkchroots are not a security mechanism; everything will work normally, things executed under chroot will just look up paths differently unless they go through the extra work not to19:53
jrayhawkyou might want to do something like for i in dev proc; do mount --bind /$i /path/to/chroot/$i; done before attempting to chroot in19:54
jrayhawkif you're attempting to do this on gnusha, there'll be some permissions problems and i should probably do the debootstrap step for you19:55
kanzurehrmm this is going to take forever on my local machine19:55
kanzurewould you mind if we did this on gnusha?19:55
jrayhawkthat'd be fine. what release do you want?19:56
kanzurei promise to keep all the php garbage inside the chroot19:56
kanzurelenny? i think lenny is php-5.2 or lower ?19:56
kanzurethe thing i need to avoid is php-5.3.x19:56
jrayhawklooks like lenny is 5.2.619:56
kanzurethat should work19:57
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jrayhawkman, archive.debian.org is just slow in general20:10
jrayhawki suppose if i were a nicer person i would've made this a whole new vserver so you wouldn't have to worry about ports20:15
jrayhawkhuh, netcat-traditional is in base now20:15
jrayhawkor, rather, netcat-traditional was in base several releases ago20:16
jrayhawki wonder why20:16
jrayhawkanywho, sudo chroot /root/lenny appears to work20:17
jrayhawkhttp://vimeo.com/46304267 "Sight"20:24
AdrianGdriverless cars?20:32
AdrianGi can has?20:32
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nmz787AdrianG: are you in NYC?20:37
AdrianGno :<20:38
kanzurejrayhawk: thank you sir20:39
nmz787AdrianG: the comments says "april fools"20:42
AdrianGno :<20:43
jrayhawkYeah, the mayor of new york does not have the power to arbitrarily nullify state law20:46
kanzureare you certain? :(20:48
strangewarppot is still illegal in NY because the state senate is majority Republican, so, yeah20:50
kanzurejrayhawk: i set /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default to <VirtualHost *:2080> and /etc/init.d/apache2 start is complaining about port 8020:50
jrayhawkwhich is also where you need to enable fucking virtualhosting on ssl20:51
kanzureso i set it to <VirtualHost> and restarted apache2 and http://diyhpl.us:2022/ doesn't go anywhere20:52
jrayhawklike altnames and sni and wildcards are some sort of crazy voodoo20:52
kanzurewell, *:2022 didn't work either.20:52
jrayhawktcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      27207/apache220:53
kanzure$ curl gnusha.org:504020:54
kanzurecurl: (7) couldn't connect to host20:54
jrayhawkjrayhawk@richardiv:~$ curl gnusha.org:504020:54
jrayhawk<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>20:54
jrayhawkjrayhawk@gnusha:~$ curl gnusha.org:504020:55
jrayhawk<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>20:55
kanzurehmm well that laptop just got disconnected from wifi20:57
kanzureso perhaps that was a premonition of things to come20:57
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jrayhawki theorize the universe just hates it when you try to do system administration20:58
nmz787delinquentme: http://desktopfactory2012.istart.org/21:02
delinquentmei thought there was someone on kickstarter already building a filament extruder21:03
kanzurejrayhawk: is this why the lenovo thinkpad series suddenly began to suck when i finally started to consider it?21:05
nmz787wifi drivers?21:06
kanzureonce every five weeks i go without rebooting i need to load/unload rtl8192se.ko21:07
kanzureto get wifi back to working.21:07
jrayhawkha ha you have a realtek21:11
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kanzurewait.. $ curl http://gnusha.org:5040/21:16
kanzurecurl: (7) couldn't connect to host21:16
kanzurei have tested this from two computers.21:17
kanzurebut "curl" works.21:18
kanzurebut not from chrome.21:19
kanzureok now it works from chrome. hrmmm.21:19
delinquentmeanyone happen to know about this quit smoking thing that identifies the logic behind " why i need to smoke " and then attempts to rectify it?21:31
delinquentmetis for a friend.21:31
kanzurehint: if you remove their brain then their addiction disappears21:37
yashgarothhow do you rectify sweet, sweet nicotine21:37
kanzureby removing the brain21:38
delinquentmevery halpful21:38
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VonI have a question21:42
VonAbout magnetic implants21:43
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Von-.- Everyone in here is dead too21:44
yashgaroththe plague got us21:45
yashgarothwe're not instant genies sorry21:45
VonPity about the plague21:45
VonI had a question21:45
yashgarothaye, so what's your question21:45
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VonYeah! So, can i do an implant myself?21:46
yashgarothI wouldn't recommend it21:46
VonWhy not?21:47
delinquentmeVon, to what ends?21:47
delinquentmewhy do you seek to stick things in you?21:47
yashgarothwell there's gonna be an awful lot of blood, and stiching with one hand is rather difficult21:47
delinquentmeif its novelty21:47
delinquentmethats a shitty answer21:47
VonItd be an amazing bar joke  :D21:48
yashgarothtry asking around at local tattoo/bodymod parlors if they'd be up for it, or fly to arizona21:48
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nmz787anyone know how to rip scribd docs that can't be downloaded by default?21:49
kanzurei could do it if i stare at the problem long enough21:49
VonWhere could i buy magnets that wont erode from, aside from the internet?21:51
delinquentmeVon, you're doing this to get drunk21:51
kanzuregeeze, i hate scribd21:51
kanzurei wish assholes would stop using scribd21:51
VonNah. Im doing it for the hell of it21:51
yashgarothlocal shops won't carry biocompatibly-coated tiny magnets, ask someone on biohack.me to send you one21:51
delinquentmesounds like a stupid reason21:51
delinquentmewhy dont you build a robot and give it away to people in 4rd world countries21:51
delinquentmeDo something for someone / some cause21:52
delinquentmewhat you're doing is stupid21:52
delinquentmeand therefore you by extension.21:52
delinquentmeim out kids21:52
delinquentmesleep time21:52
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]21:52
yashgarothoh don't mind him21:53
yashgarothnmz787 http://libgen.info/view.php?id=50285821:53
nmz787wait, i have download access through a proxy21:53
VonAbout how much would a procedure cost at a tat shop?21:53
VonIm honestly thinking about doing this21:53
kanzurehaha delinquentme calling someone else stupid, that's funny.21:54
yashgarothno idea, I've never even gotten a tat, so I'll just say $20021:54
VonSounds reasonable21:55
strangewarpgod, I hate that attitude21:55
VonOne last question21:55
strangewarp"science for immediate social justice or none at all!!"21:55
VonLets assume im gunna do it myself. Would i be able to inject it with a needle?21:55
VonWhy not?21:56
kanzurethis involves cutting up your dermal layers and sliding it in21:56
yashgaroththat's gonna be a big fuckoff needle21:56
VonMm. I guess21:56
VonSo the best bet is to go to a tat shop and ask around21:57
nmz787yashgaroth: actually that's different than what I was looking for http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/NanoCellBiology%20of%20Secretion.pdf21:57
nmz787Von how deep do you want it?21:57
nmz787Von how deep have others placed them?21:57
VonI... have no idea21:58
VonAm i supposed to know this shit?21:58
kanzurewhy again are you doing this? you don't seem to know why?21:59
kanzureor any of the other w's21:59
VonI dont have a why21:59
VonI want something DIFFERENT21:59
kanzurehow about linux21:59
VonPeople get tats and piercings, i say magnets! =D21:59
VonI have linux on my main comp22:00
kanzureoh, then bsd. it will be like alien land.22:00
VonTrip boot linux, windoze and OSX, actually22:00
VonI have that on a virtual machine22:01
VonHow much would a procedure like this hurt without anaesthetic?22:03
yashgarothyou can keep the finger in icewater until it's numb, but there's still quite a lot of nerves in the fingertip22:04
kanzureVon: well, someone posted a video of a procedure without anesthetics and it was basically screaming torture level22:05
nmz787i got two tats for $80 total22:05
nmz787but that isn't really surgery22:05
VonSo... for someone who hates pain, anesthetic is a must22:06
nmz787I would do it for you for $100, but you'd have to sign a release of suing-me rights22:06
nmz787and realize it was my first time22:06
yashgarothI'll do it for 9022:07
VonHave either of you actually done this type of thing?22:07
yashgarothnah it's a marginal benefit mostly good for bar tricks22:07
kanzurei think card tricks might rate higher22:07
yashgarothhave you tried taping/gluing a magnet to your fingertip and seeing how you like it? try that first22:08
nmz787i've done dissections, but not surgery22:08
kanzureVon: thoroughly not interested in a magnetic implant22:08
nmz787and i know sterile technique second-nature22:08
kanzurealso, i dislike how the bodymodders imply it's somehow transhumanist22:08
VonSo, im getting advice from people who have never done this sort of thing before22:09
kanzurewe have lots of people that come by in here and yap about it22:09
yashgarothvicarious has one but he's on dutch time22:09
kanzuresmeaaagle: are you a pokemon?22:10
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yashgarothbiohack.me has a dozen threads about it if you want info from people who've done it22:10
VonIm on my phone22:11
VonIm ginna get on biohack.me tomorro22:11
VonSee what it all actually entails22:11
-!- Von [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )]22:12
yashgarothwell then22:13
kanzurewell, at least he didn't claim it was transhumanist/biohacking/whatever22:13
kanzurehe just genuinely wants one for the fun of it22:13
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@ool-457e5cbd.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]22:13
kanzureand/or novelty22:13
kanzurejrayhawk: /etc/init.d/mysql start claims "df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory"22:14
kanzurebryan@gnusha:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop22:16
kanzureStopping MySQL database server: mysqld failed22:16
kanzurei was thinking maybe there was a port conflict with both databases running (why am i running mysql on gnusha anyway?)22:16
kanzurehmm that seemed to do the trick.22:17
kanzure(once i sigkilled it)22:17
nmz7871there have got to be legal implications for back-alley surgery22:18
browniesthere was an AMA on reddit a while back from a guy who had a magnet or three jammed into his finger/thumb/something22:22
browniesit did seem interesting... but there were all kinds of caveats22:22
kanzurebrownies: a while back there was this attention whore going around talking about the procedure, calling it some sort of transcendental mode of existence22:23
browniesthat seems a bit much22:24
brownieson the topic of sixth senses, i still want a compass-belt22:25
-!- nsh [~Smedley@wikipedia/nsh] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:29
kanzurejrayhawk: so if i refresh a few hundred times, sometimes the connection will work for one or two requests22:31
nshwhat you talking about?22:31
kanzurensh: i am running apache2 inside of a chroot22:32
nshto any particular end?22:33
kanzureman, i hate google chrome22:34
kanzure"other users are also experiencing difficulties connecting to this site"22:34
kanzurewhy would you possibly know this22:34
nshretrocausal analytics22:36
nmz7871anyone used google visualization api?22:37
kanzurei've used google charts api?22:37
nmz7871is it useful?22:38
nmz7871kanzure: this https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/reference22:38
nmz7871kanzure: ?22:38
kanzuresomething like that yes22:38
kanzureyeah i've used it in random places where i didn't want to bother with raphael.js or three.js22:38
-!- nmz7871 is now known as nmz78722:38
nmz787what do they do?22:39
kanzureyou should consider three.js.. https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js#readme22:39
nmz787does some account need to be signed in?22:39
nmz787to use the g api?22:39
kanzurehey wait22:39
kanzurewhere is their gallery :(22:39
kanzurethey used to have a neat three.js gallery in their readme22:39
kanzureno you don't need an account to use the google charts api22:39
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-92-250-50.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:40
nmz787kanzure: what do you think about security? https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/107622:42
nmz787i think morgan stanley apparently is using the google thing22:42
nmz787does anyone here understand sigma delta modulation?22:47
nshlooks dodgy22:52
nshone should be instantly skeptical of consecutive greek letters22:52
kanzurewhich version of mediawiki didn't have the "page_restrictions" table?22:57
nmz787pretty cool22:59
nshhow's that work? the radio is tuned to all the frequencies, or lots of parallel tuning circuits?23:01
* nsh reads faq23:01
nshnmz787, this is super cool. thanks23:04
nmz787nsh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software-defined_radio#Receiver_architecture23:05
nmz787then the output of the ADC is piped to that JAVA app, i think... the server may do the fourier transform, but I'm not sure23:06
superkuhIf you can find one, grab one of the dvb television dongles compatible with librtlsdr. It's a lot of fun for SDR.23:06
superkuhAnd <$20.23:06
* superkuh has 4.23:06
nmz787nsh: also this http://hackaday.com/2012/03/20/software-defined-radio-from-a-usb-tv-capture-card/23:08
nmz787nsh: ^ that's what superkuh is talking about23:08
nmz787nsh: http://youtu.be/bKzii5K3AqA?t=1m52s23:11
nmz787"World's cheapest aviation RADAR Mode S ADS-B receiver: AvMap + $20 RTL2832 Dongle"23:11
nshterms of penance don't allow me to have that many tabs open at once23:11
nshshould really write that script that kills tabs on lose-focus and reloads on gain23:12
nshram is worth more than render time in this arrangement of silicon23:12
kanzureyou should upgrade to 16 GB23:12
nshthat would be nice23:13
nmz787superkuh: do you know if the 2.4 MSPS means it's limited to realizing 1.2 MHz signals?23:14
nmz787I wonder if this could be used for SDR http://www.ti.com/tool/adc12d1800rfrb23:18
nmz787specifically thinking of those differential power analysis attacks23:18
nmz787where you need to look at CPU speed power transitions23:18
nshcan you elaborate?23:20
nshoh, so analogous to timing attacks, but using the power consumption profile of a black-box to glean information about its internal states23:22
nshnmz787, not sure i see the relation to CPU stepping though23:24
nshor SRD for that matter23:24
-!- Cat4D [182bc9d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:25
superkuhnmz787, It is not. The actual sample rate internally is greater than the 7(?) Mhz needed to decode dbt tv.23:26
superkuhI... you should ask on ##rtlsdr.23:26
superkuhI am no expert.23:26
superkuhBut I have certainly looked at signals larger than 2 Mhz wide.23:26
* nsh tries to parse this23:29
nshwhat kind of a signals are there over such a frequency range?23:30
nmz787i think it downconverts the tuned band with a heterodyne principle23:30
nmz787since the MHz or GHz is usually just the carrier freq23:31
nmz787as long as the bandwidth used is less than the sampling rate (or half of the sampling rate, nyquist), it should be fine23:31
nmz787well like voice is from 60hz to 7000hz23:32
nmz787so if the carrier freq was 1GHz, you can downconvert that to 1MHz, because the information is only max 14KHz wide (7000 Hz * 2 because of something called sideband symmetry)23:33
nmz787and you don't lose anything23:34
* nsh exhibits groklust 23:36
skorketnmz787, have you had dealings with Advanced Liquid Logic?23:38
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nmz787skorket: no, are you considering it?23:45
skorketno, just curious23:45
skorketthey do seem to have a cool product23:45
kanzure"from within function "Revision::fetchRow". MySQL returned error "1054: Unknown column 'rev_len' in 'field list' (localhost)""23:45
skorketnot that I'm any authority23:45
kanzureso i guess i need something from before mediawiki-1.1123:46
nmz787skorket: I wish they had cooler products :P23:47
skorketwhat is your critique of their product?23:47
nmz787but i guess i want to build a cooler thing, so i'm actually glad they aren't building them23:48
nmz787specifically a gene/episome DNA synthesizer and electroporator23:48
skorketI only see two products which don't have anything to do with DNA synthesis.  Am I misreading it?23:50
nmz787i'm saying what I want to build23:51
nmz787could also be a product23:51
skorketah, and what they don't have or offer23:51
nmz787jrayhawk: kanzure: can I use a single apache instance to serve two sub folders to 2 separate domains?23:52
kanzuregnusha.org diyhpl.us and a bunch of other lame-ass domains are all served up by the same apache 2instance23:54
kanzureoh heybryan.org23:55
kanzureand fennetic.net23:55
nmz787how do I do that?23:55
kanzureyou bug me or jrayhawk to edit some file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/23:55
kanzureyou can look at those files to see some examples fo how this magic works23:56
kanzure(on gnusha)23:56
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