
--- Log opened Wed Aug 01 00:00:25 2012
* kanzure sleeps00:01
-!- exiff [~ficl@unaffiliated/exiff] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:03
* nsh needs to stop getting lost in large webhosting servers00:12
nmz787jrayhawk: what were the amateur rocket guys using for comms?00:21
nmz787what freqs?00:21
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-!- Mokbortolan_ [~Nate@c-76-115-136-13.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:33
nmz787nsh: http://www.complextoreal.com/chapters/signals.pdf01:40
jrayhawkIIRC it's 802.11, but they're all hardware and ham nerds, so they may be doing something crazy to it01:50
jrayhawkand, fwiw, with the configs the way they are on gnusha, adding a virtual host is as easy for us as sudo mkdir /srv/www/domain.name; sudo chown nmz787.nmz787 /srv/www/domain.name01:53
jrayhawkthough stuff on there should be non-commercial, elsewise i get yelled at01:54
* nsh smiles01:54
-!- srangewarp [~strangewa@c-76-25-200-47.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:56
jrayhawkif you have commercial stuff you want hosted, i have resources elsewhere01:56
nsh"The human voice, for example, spans in frequency from 30 Hz to 10,000 Hz."01:57
* nsh tries to imagine someone hitting 30Hz with their voice01:57
nshthat's below the lowest note on a bass guitar01:57
jrayhawkkanzure: some init scripts are a little dumb and don't use pid files, instead relying on the existence of /proc01:57
nshwhere does /proc not exist?01:58
-!- archels [~foo@sascha.esrac.ele.tue.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]01:58
nshmaybe some embedded things01:58
jrayhawknormally this would be as simple as mount --bind /proc /root/lenny/proc but vserver restrictions make things complicated01:58
nshoh, chroot01:58
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-!- srangewarp is now known as strangewarp01:58
jrayhawknot sure why the mysql init script is using df; it should be using statf calls directly with stat -f02:00
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nmz787jrayhawk: i got a 128mb ram server for $18/year02:04
nmz787it's running django development server now with apache too, doing alright02:05
nmz787what would you have for commercial stuff?02:05
-!- archels [~foo@sascha.esrac.ele.tue.nl] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:10
jrayhawkhuh, that's an interesting deal.02:14
jrayhawki have a bunch of machines in colo02:14
nshit's so sad sometimes to find that english is a person's native language02:23
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-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@ool-457e5cbd.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]02:32
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-92-250-50.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]03:16
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* nsh- wants a universal software radio peripheral05:00
-!- qnm [~qnm@home.sharp.id.au] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:04
ThomasEginsh-, like ham radio stuff?05:42
archelsnsh-: SDR05:42
archelsmust have deep pockets, though.05:43
nsh-This is a list of some of the applications the USRP has been used for: -An APCO25 compatible transmitter/receiver and decoder[4]; -RFID reader; -testing equipment; -a cellular GSM base station[5]; -a GPS receiver[6]; -an FM radio receiver[7]; -an FM radio transmitter[8]; -a digital television (ATSC) decoder[9]; -passive radar; -synthetic aperture radar; -an amateur radio[10]; -a teaching aid [1]; -Digital Audio Broadca05:48
nsh-sting (DAB/DAB+/DMB) transmitter [11][12]; -Mobile WiMAX receiver with USRP N2x0 [13]05:48
ThomasEgihm.. where's the microwave-oven functionality??05:49
nsh-and an FPGA thrown in for fun05:49
nsh-ThomasEgi, active tin-foil05:50
-!- delinquentme_ [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:50
archels$650 and up05:51
archelsand that does not include frequency conversion05:51
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]05:53
ThomasEgi650.. doesn't sound terribly expensive when you are used to lab-equipment prices05:57
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delinquentmefigured out a way to setup a shaker to be switchable between orbital and circular07:54
delinquentmealsoooo do you have the capability to print out those parts you've got on thingverse?07:55
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-!- klafka [~textual@c-24-6-18-31.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]07:59
jmilwhut? ya we can print them easy08:05
jmilkanzure: just got interviewed on a weekly science podcast from the SMBC guy and his wife: http://t.co/VIwR4TFV08:06
-!- Von [~Sir@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:42
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:48
-!- rmcl [~rmcl@rrcs-108-178-168-32.west.biz.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:22
kanzuredamn, i was using a mediawiki version from 2006?09:31
kanzure"(last version to support PHP 4)"09:36
kanzurewell it works..09:48
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@ool-457e5cbd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:33
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:33
nsh-are you a doctor and a postdoc? is that not grounds for institutionalisation?10:48
kanzurejrayhawk: we need to enable users permission to use diyhpluswiki :(10:57
nmz787nsh-: grounds for institutionalization??? hah, you'd better get ready to have tons of people locked up10:57
nmz787jrayhawk: vpscheap.net is where i got that deal from10:58
kanzureif you jail all the postdocs then alll your criminals will be experts10:58
nmz787jrayhawk: I hit the RAM limit a few times though when I had a bunch of crap open and was trying to also do apt-get updates10:59
kanzurejrayhawk: or maybe we should enable that openid plugin11:00
nsh-nmz787, do you know about nice and renice?11:02
nsh-i wonder if you can do userspace ram compression11:03
nsh-i suppose it's just a ld preload or two11:03
nmz787nsh-: yeah i've heard of them, thanks for reminding me11:07
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-!- nsh- is now known as nsh11:26
-!- nsh [~Smedley@host86-165-113-6.range86-165.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host]11:26
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nmz787anyone ever hear of microcarve? http://microcarve.com/11:53
nmz787fenn: ^11:53
-!- hplunny [~hplunny@host86-165-113-6.range86-165.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:14
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-24-21-206-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:34
kanzurebleh a facebook link12:35
-!- klafka [~textual@c-67-174-253-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:23
kanzureso i have hplusroadmap-diybio-commits.git which starts at afb8aff and ends at e8698c13:28
kanzureand i have openwetware-diybio-commits.git which starts at cf833de and ends at af4cec013:29
kanzureso i git fetched hplusroadmap-diybio-commits into openwetware-diybio-commits13:29
kanzureand did "echo 'e8698cc1bc37c248f3ebe41d12fc6793795f31e3 cf833de973ae02e7f35409866c71ffa65dc26d7f' >> .git/info/grafts"13:29
kanzurehowever, "git log" doesn't seem to show a grafted history.13:30
kanzureoh oops i guess that order is wrong13:31
nshthis is the kind of thing that would get you burned at the stake back in castledays13:32
kanzurensh: it's a complicated story13:33
kanzurehplusroadmap-wiki used to be hosted at heybryan.org/mediawiki13:33
kanzureand i wrote a diybio faq13:33
kanzureand then mac cowell copied it to openwetware13:33
kanzurebut now i want it to be in http://diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki under git revision control13:34
kanzureso i have converted all the mediawiki commits on openwetware into git13:34
kanzureand the former hplusroadmap-wiki commits into git13:34
kanzureand appended the former on to the latter... erm, or the other way around.13:34
-!- Hasp1 [~Hasp@pool-108-20-187-180.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:35
kanzureHasp1: didn't i give you homework?13:35
Hasp1Me? You showed me the bio offices in Boston13:35
kanzureyeah did you go?13:35
Hasp1Not yet13:36
nmz787kanzure: can your scripts handle another pull from oww if that get's updated in the future?13:43
jrayhawk15:53 < jrayhawk> you can pinyconfig diyhpluswiki sharedrepository 0666 if you want anybody to be able to edit it13:46
jrayhawk15:53 < jrayhawk> and rebuildrepo diyhpluswiki13:46
jrayhawkrealistically i should modify pinyconfig to run rebuildrepo unless --no-rebuild is passed to it or something13:48
-!- AdrianG_ is now known as AdrianG13:48
kanzuresharedrepository is not a legal tweakable, or 0666 is not a legal value for that tweakable.13:49
kanzureCan't locate object method "sharedrepository" via package "Piny::Config" at /usr/sbin/pinyconfig line 51.13:49
* nsh wants homework13:51
jrayhawk15:55 < jrayhawk> oh, core.sharedrepository13:51
jrayhawk15:55 < jrayhawk> durrr13:51
nmz787nsh: write me a paper on the definition of a word13:52
nshwhich word?13:52
nshor word in the abstract sense?13:53
kanzurehere we go13:53
kanzurethis is it13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: afb8aff Just starting out.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d331cf5 /* What equipment is in a basic biology lab? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a926c3d (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 76c093f /* How can I get involved? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: eca8f9b /* What equipment is in a basic biology lab? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e5fef82 /* What's all this about "open", anyway? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8f9a41a /* Microfluidics MiniFAQ */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b116a44 /* Microfluidics MiniFAQ */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 48cd503 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d2910ce Adding a video to the news section.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e136a83 twitter, friendfeed, vimeo video13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9e9c335 Adding a section on keiki gels.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a35804f Added a section on synthetic biology.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 70d79bc DNA synthesis mini FAQ stuff.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 62c0ccc Forgot to copy over some of the companies from the synthetic biology page.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e8698cc (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 59ddbf5 duplicated today from http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/DIYbio_FAQ13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e35e5d3 (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3a124d5 /* Is there a group in my area? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1fa37f2 /* What is DIYbio, as an organization? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 84b2974 (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 00632a4 (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ff01fa1 (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b6509d6 /* What is synthetic biology? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a212ced (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7d219c6 (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 43e3ed4 (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4fcd564 /* What equipment do I need to perform experiment XYZ? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: eefeeb3 /* Microfluidics MiniFAQ */ (fixed a link)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f2a499f /* Where can I see an archive of previous DIYbio discussions and questions? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c5a14eb Instructions, protocols, hardware packaging, open source hardware.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6456853 /* Are there any plans for a DIYbio-friendly file format for protocols, instructions and hardware? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 550166c /* What's all this about "open", anyway? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 168c7ce /* What is open source hardware? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f0f0b76 /* Legal issues */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c057838 /* BioBricks (legal stuff) */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7481859 /* BioBricks (legal stuff) */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 916e1a7 /* BioBricks (legal stuff) */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6dcd2d2 genetic engineering13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 593a5d9 /* DNA synthesis MiniFAQ */ (DIY DNA synthesis)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e87ab30 /* What equipment is in a basic biology lab? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cfd9f04 /* MacGyverisms */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f5cdac1 5 minute DNA extraction in a shot glass, macgyverisms13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 676e82c Added some regional videos.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 550c7cb Fixing the formatting of the biobricks legal stuff section.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ebf25a2 /* Legal issues */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ef60a95 Added some questions.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 093cce7 Auctions for lab equipment, list of sites.13:53
jrayhawkthis might've been unwise13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 722ca63 Safety documentation13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 29134d1 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 96cb7ec DNA synthesis MiniFAQ - updated links to threads13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 33f109b DIY microfluidics for continuous liquid flow using toner transfer (How To)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e54a195 Added a link to the discussion on list standards.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8a81e45 oops, syntax error13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8a53fce /* How can I get involved? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 41c1fc5 /* How can I get involved? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a24bcd4 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c993d44 Open Source Everything project13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: aa7c23b attempts at defining the biohacker13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: eabed0c added a mention of a freely available video13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3918f79 ack, formatting :(13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9939b56 added a mention of dorkbot and hackerspaces to related groups13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c29d39a Add "What is synthetic biology?" from "real source" at http://gcat.davidson.edu/GcatWiki/index.php/A_Review_of_Synthetic_Biology13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8bb291e /* What are biobricks? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: aac0c67 Single paragraph describes it.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: adeacc0 mention sharing is digital format on the internet (in case that isnt obvious)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7e59816 Agar purification recipes (needs to be moved somewhere else)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: aa48e36 AFM equipment, spectrophotometry equipment13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b39f004 /* Appendix 1 - list of Synthetic Biology Companies */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 832d923 Add 'how to make Taq'13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e8ed946 New page: == ToolBook Business Model == reformatted from http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_thread/thread/57c91e1db7b877c8  Let's have a look at a possible business model for th...13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cb60fce (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ce45753 (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1c084d6 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4ddd76f add section for eduational videos etc.   inc revision to 1.113:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 86783c1 /* DNA synthesis MiniFAQ */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 649940c Use 1 word instead of 10.   be succinct.   make bullet lists.  reorder.   also add UV sterilization.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a606d03 /* What's all this about "open", anyway? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fc3f4b2 /* What equipment do I need to perform DIYBio-related projects? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 454eadf /* Are there any plans for a DIYbio-friendly file format for protocols, instructions and hardware? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cb4a621 netiquette13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6fb2e1f add section about 'diybio model organisms'13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e9af3a5 move discussion about pages to the "Talk" tab /* What's all this about "open", anyway? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: af56829 (no commit message)13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 87acf54 /* What's all this about "open", anyway? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 450c64b add note about PLOS /* What's all this about "open", anyway? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4dc3658 find/add link to Rob Carlson's article /* What's all this about "open", anyway? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: df287b4 add papar about agar DOI10.1007/BF0015262013:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4056528 bump rev for fun13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9cabb6a /* FAQ Revision History */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8760ef8 /* Using Agar instead of Agarose */13:53
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-92-250-50.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0751b07 Add info to replace link to thread13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e50c7c7 /* Using Other Starches to Substitute for Agarose */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3eb36a3 more edits to replace thread link13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1e1de74 /* Using Other Starches to Substitute for Agarose */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e44dcc4 more distill thread13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6d81723 more thread distillation13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6ce2fd9 fix formating13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ae78cad change "file format" to "database".  Makes more sense.13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ccd3f0c fix formatting13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ebaa7d2 retrosynthesis13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8a50f69 /* What is DIYbio, as an organization? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fe92d3b refactor and create separate topic13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bbe5cbc Paste from DIYBio FAQ to create new topic13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6556efb Paste from DIYBio FAQ to create new topic13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e9c7b7c refactor educational section to separate topic13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 96470f7 minor edit13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f90551e /* What are the Guidelines for Posting to the DIYBio mailing lists and/or Forums? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: be02130 /* What are the Guidelines for Posting to the DIYBio mailing lists and/or Forums? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e7d3aa9 /* Appendix 1 - list of Synthetic Biology Companies */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c351b55 add project section link, clarify text13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4ad6bef add new section13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ec916e9 fix link13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0127a04 /* What Projects has DIYBio completed?  What projects are DIYBio contributors working on now?  Who is working on what?  Who do I contact to offer to collaborate on a project? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5840c45 move the skdb stuff to proper place13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 265519a add Appendix 2 - List of Equipment Suppliers13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7cc1bb6 move list to main page to appendix of companies13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 506c555 Added http://openwetware.org/wiki/Template:DIYbio:Top13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 22f7641 add template13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9ed04cf add template13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: edf4ccf rudeness on the list13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7c8473e link to diybio projects page on diybio.org13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9d2a124 New page: add feedback on the FAQ here.  *'''~~~~''':13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ef72843 /* Using Agar instead of Agarose */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e0dad2a /* Substitutes for Expensive Agarose */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7c5173f fix link13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d645ba3 add dna stains13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c9b30a9 fix misspelling, clean up text13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2da4d77 add project idea section to reduce re-hash of discussions13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 094ce93 minor formatting fix13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9d379bc fix format13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d97f5d2 Add new sections13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bf4c158 Add classic version13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5c880af /* Do you recommend any feeds, blogs, wikis, instructables, .. ? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 835ae6f bump up the rev & move project links to project page13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4256e4f add external links13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 04e921c add more on bioreactors13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a0d195a /* Basics of Growing Algae */ make into subsection13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e5e3cca add Appendix 3 - Laboratory Basics13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5dbd810 fix bad formatting13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2cffcb7 Refer to Projects page & cleanup formatting.  all links here should be farmed for FAQ material eventually, esp for Projects page. /* What Equipment can I build myself ? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f27c1c6 add "we dont know what we dont know" from Robert Horn13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 39ba4c4 add date of the paper, which is significant13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e699e9a add What equipment do I need to preserve my microbes?13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2e807f1 /* What equipment do I need to preserve my microbes? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 072a664 add The Biocoil Project /* For Algae */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 70fa4e0 clarify " manual-defrost " freezer /* What equipment do I need to preserve my microbes? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1526292 add general rule /* What equipment do I need to preserve my microbes? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: acc4a03 paste from http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio:Kit#Kits /* New Equipment */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: da61275 paste from http://openwetware.org/index.php?title=DIYbio:Suppliers /* Surplus/Auction Equipment */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c81d4c7 Add new section to faq, For now, link to [http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio:Kit13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fb07406 add inkjet printer section13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1891687 add animal methods section13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a816a7c link to group thread /* EPSON Printers */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b107f43 Add more linkage and sectionage /* HANDLING ANIMALS FOR EXPERIMENTATION */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c48aa69 add link to DIYbio:Notebook/Safety_Manual_1.0 /* Appendix 3 - Laboratory Basics */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9d6433d add Making Bacteria Media from Potato.  /* Chemicals and Reagents are expensive.  How can I make my own?  What can I substitute? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bd4f2f0 spin column recycling /* What Equipment have other DIYBio members made? Can I buy one from them? Where are the plans? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b186544 Reusing Electroporation Cuvettes  /* How can I reuse, recycle, sterilize, or "refresh" equipment? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cd9e659 expand what is "this" in "working on this"/* Are there any plans for a DIYbio-friendly, open source database system for biology protocols, how-tos and hardware/equipment construction? */13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ca69246 Move  = Appendix 2 - List of Equipment Suppliers = to this page from the Main13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 41a0c2f Move Appendix2 to Equipment page, Move Appendix3 to new "Methods" page, add "Methods" to top template13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 43fb346 Move from http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ  to make smaller section for easier reading13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e9440e1 clean up netiquette section and archive section13:53
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 21dddca bump to 1.4 after adding new 'Methods" section /* FAQ Revision History */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 948a9e0 add carolina kits, and paste all from http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio:Kit13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b9bce38 /* Educational Kits - Intermediate (High school / College and above) */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a56c2f1 add dna extraction 'projects'13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0a062df minor cleanup + add Very good images of DNA and phages: http://www.biochem.wisc.edu/faculty/inman/empics/dna-prot.htm13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 76316ee Add textbook section13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 766fb57 Add section ' Microfluidics and Controller Boards' with jpg13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1f70c35 Add project specific link to USB controller /* Controllers */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 654093f /* Project Ideas */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2a5617a add "What are the social, ethical, technological implications of DIY Bio or Genetic Engineering?" and add to " Are we moving to a future where everyone performs a little genetic engineering?"13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5722abe fix minor formating things13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 748362d add more /* What are the social, ethical, technological implications of DIY Bio or home genetic engineering? How might it be best to create more social discussion? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7ecfc26 add another quote /* Are we moving to a future where everyone performs a little genetic engineering?13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 06eec18 Add links /* What are the social, ethical, legal/patent implications of DIY Bio or home genetic engineering? How might it be best to create more social, ethical, legal/patent discussion? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 35cc896 add http://www.hulu.com/watch/67878/the-future-of-food and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto_Canada_Inc._v._Schmeiser13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 87bd552 Add Post pictures of you home laboratory setup.  http://www.flickr.com/groups/diylabs/  Raymond McCauley13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7aab5ac add section ' Are there Historical Precedents or Prior Cases'13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2cab2e8 fix typo /* Arizona, 2009 */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a2c4f1e improve wording in section  Are we moving to a future where everyone performs13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 80fb0cf Clarified certification vs license (which doesn't exist in most countries)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9fdeb90 /* USING ANIMALS */   Corrected to explain falshoods in previous post.13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5d00f99 /* USING ANIMALS */  Added some info on actual US regulations and who it applies to.13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 26b973f Add "do not 'bump'" /* What are the Guidelines for Posting to the DIYBio mailing lists and/or Forums? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0e19114 fix typo, improve format /* What are the Guidelines for Posting to the DIYBio mailing lists and/or Forums? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3df4a26 add quote for DIY Chemistry, vs. "quash meth production in America" /* Are there Historical Precedents or Prior Cases which have Demonstrated these Issues? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c886dd8 clarify title in Are we moving to a future where everyone performs a little genetic engineering?13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7b18024 /* What is DIYbio's mission? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5026fd6 add/move videos to top13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f0981d0 fix english13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d7047d4 add top note about FAQ maintainer13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1b48fc8 add note about linkback as copyright13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e906b38 add $25 gel box.  add maintainer preface.13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 457b99c Epoch Biolabs Spin columns /* How can I reuse, recycle, sterilize, or "refresh" equipment? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3c695e8 Sibgene Taq.  Telephone brand agar-agar. /* Chemicals and Reagents are expensive.  How can I make my own?  What can I substitute? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d27da8b fix attribution lines13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 674049e Reorder taq section. /* Chemicals and Reagents are expensive.  How can I make my own?  What can I substitute? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 01d24b5 add agar-agar testing idea /* Project Ideas */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: df91eb8 remove header and place in template13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 147007c add top header (why's it missing?)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e2668ef cut top header text which moved to template13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 71645bf (no commit message)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 51ea517 /* Microwave sterilization of plastic tissue culture vessels for reuse */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4042dc2 (no commit message)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 15ff95d improve Jake Stewart additions to make text objective and impersonal (i.e. "you must" -> "one must") and add attribution13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5164b72 add more govt docs regarding animal use from original thread13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1be1c76 add a couple from http://groups.google.com/group/diytranshumanist/web/places-to-buy-cheap-lab-equipment-please-add-to-it13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6c17840 emphasis for please expand this list13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9d4b605 Making a spin coater /* Project Ideas */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0af4c22 add spin coater /* Microfluidics and Controller Boards */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 36da657 Add Patenting Synthetic Biology: A Transatlantic Perspective.13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cd7645c SF Chronicle article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ac3b961 Rob Carlson on THE ECONOMIST13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 67e957e netiquette section, simplify title to allow easy linking13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b3fe3e3 /* Guidelines for Posting to DIYBio */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ea2729c /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 06499f2 fixing a formatting error13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7e34bac more news links13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b421568 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ebe7357 older news pieces13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a78a28d added one news article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 32c18ab /* Guidelines for Posting */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 139e9f9 Biotech on a Budget (new article)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d8d38ea add Homebrew Growth Media13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0223eec Add dremelfuge13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 60e71b8 /* Homebrew Centrifuges */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fb5d0b3 add Human Biology Projects13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cf1b84c /* Longevity */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f05bd4d Longevity "Book" Research13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e5a6384 (no commit message)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 492f7c1 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: dce8ad8 add homebrew taq13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6739095 Clarify homebrew taq /* Project Ideas */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bbbcb68 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8538e31 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 588b55b /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9c71c26 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bcd53fd /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1c26a0f /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f1e27b5 yet another article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9975613 updated the gourmet magazine entry13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 95307f6 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 97a5177 lots of updates :)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9626269 got a date wrong :(13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 667cec6 2008 nytimes.com article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 590aa0b 2009-11-2013:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ab220c2 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 90ce7e4 fixed some timestamps13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ed4ffbd something from 2010-02-1613:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0f09ddd 2010-03-0313:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 90e355f NY Times letter to the editor13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c5c3ed9 In The Pipeline13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 165e840 The Economist13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e56a937 minor updates- names of publishers, etc.13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fba8f6d older articles13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a12b676 Backyard Biology issue (2006)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8e72623 BBC13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7e5df47 moar!13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7141344 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cdfd35a yet another article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a5d44d3 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5cdb9e1 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1aa41bb O'Reilly Radar article.13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e7e0cbe 2009-05-1413:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4efb4f5 2010-06-1113:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 20117e4 2010-06-0713:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a55cc53 2005-04-2813:54
jrayhawkwhat's with the /* */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7883e0a 2009-01-2013:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4115293 2010-05-2513:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3041975 more articles13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 888dec2 ponoko.com article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b026f49 "Do we need a DIYbio Academy?"13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1d6c39b mobile health contests news bit mentioned diybio13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 38de2fc Institute for the Future announcement13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8f599c9 Citizen scientists: easy ideas for kids and adults to study the environment13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 53bd813 Storm the Royal Society? Citizen Science Tours.13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 41c473d tito's biocurious post13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 180b0f5 oops13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1835094 Woodrow Wilson Center stuff13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d75e65a two new articles- one is on synthetic biology, however. Is it relevant for this list?13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 860c712 2009-06-02 freesoftwaremagazine.com article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ee1b60a 2009-02-16 labtimes.org article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4c989c9 2009-01-06 ginkgobioworks.com blog article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 15ab3fc 2008-05-19 article on DIY synthetic biology13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1af0f81 2009-09-11 wired.co.uk article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6757a6b 2009-01-04 scienceblogs.com article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6f8ddd8 2010-06-30 Sonia Arrison article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 267abef another biocurious update13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4c0c856 various articles13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b528600 2010-07-06 institute for the future article on biocurious13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 842fba6 2010-07-05 biocurious / boingboing.net article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 500eddc 2010-06-16 biohacking article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0b061be 2010-07-0713:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4ad134c 2010-07-07 xconomy article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 796de54 /* Couldn't find this linked from within openwetware, only from syntheticbiology.org */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 433c2e2 Removed dead links to other forums13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2fd38fd 2010-08-02 boston.com article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ac92435 2010-07-30 review of open science summit thursday session13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4e656fe 2010-07-3013:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5756e93 2010-08-0313:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 260523d correct link this time13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: db64502 2010-07-15 eri gentry's biotech revolution13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 91d02c1 2010-07-14 DIY Biotechnologists Go Looking for a Bigger Garage13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a895a8a 2010-08-24 euroscientist.com article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: faace8d more articles13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5087c00 typo correction13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 55a55cf 2008-06-13 article (it's different from the 2010-08-17 article i guess?)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d718c1c 2010-08-24 biotechniques.com article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: db27618 2010-08-25 boingboing.net hydroponic article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 732ab8b 2010-04-23 Gør-det-selv-biotek er på vej til din garage13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5611927 2010-09-01 article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6992d3d Add "freeze & squeeze."13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 405c906 Safely Staining DNA13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a546819 2010-09-01 otyp.es article from H+ Magazine13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 366dbd8 2010-09-11 future of biotech patents13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1bdc338 Using Jell-O for Hands-On Microfluidics chips13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3344036 2010-09-17 kickstarter.com article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 559caa0 2010-09-15 bioethics.gov update thingy13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 03b7b6a 2010-09-18 openwear.org interview13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1e63a5d 2010-09-20 biocurious article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4e258a2 2010-09-23 biocurious article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a242711 2010-09-25 andrew ellington post13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 516cdfb 2010-09-27 article on diygenomics, melanie swan, et al.13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 35978ce minor typo correction on "bioethics"13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 057fafe 2010-09-27 DIYbio NYC/BioBus Collaboration Wins MAKE Magazine Editors' Choice Award13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 204dd5a 2010-09-28 and 2010-10-01 DIYbio NYC, BioBus, Melanie Swan, DIYgenomics13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 632017d typo fix (DIYbio -> DIYbio NYC)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b3f437a some more articles, dunno where to put the Nature paper (and what about the editorial?)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ae56537 2010-10-08 model organisms bit13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: aca87c7 2010-02-16, 2010-10-12 blogs.kentlaw.edu articles13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c3f11e9 2010-10-12 yet another article about garage biotech in nature magazine13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4528328 actually, that was a makezine.com article13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a943da4 2010-10-04 ellingtonlab.org mentions diybio13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 62c99dd LavaAmp picked up the nature article too.13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c646be0 2009-04-14 diybio-nyc article by JSCMS13:54
kanzurejrayhawk: that's how mediawiki identifies sections on a page that you are editing13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a56de85 2010-02-02 Auf der Suche nach Hacks und Exploits in Molekülen und Gensträngen (Chaosradio Podcast Network)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a44c923 2010-10-15 slashdot13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0a6bb5b 2010-10-15 technomage.org article on diy biohacking and the nature.com editorial13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cd8e859 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 23a201e /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 105dc31 2010-10-19 Bio-Hackers – Not Just a Title for a Bad Science Fiction Movie13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 759c8cf 2010-08-13 Garage-lab bugs: spread of bioscience increases bioterrorism risks (homelandsecuritynewswire.com)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7d9fd4e 2010-10-13 wetmachine.com response to the nature.com articles13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b14cd42 2010-10-23 diybio-bangalore13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e6c43fa 2010-10-30: Open source-biologi baner vej for bioterror fra garagen (ing.dk)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: da1b544 2010-10-11 A Do-It-Yourself Genomic Challenge to Myriad, the FDA and the Future of Genetic Tests13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3e1c750 2010-11-04 Whither “Biohackers?”13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2621555 2010-11-05 DIYbio and the "MAN"13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b08ec83 2010-11-12 steve kurtz interview / p2pfoundation.net13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: dd74aeb september 2010 article on DIYgenomics, PGP, etc. in Nature Medicine13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1821afc 2010-11-14 diybio at igem13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9834714 Add  http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/bioethics/100708/default.cfm13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b04a087 2010-11-22 I Brew, Therefore I am (diybio.org)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0129af4 2010-11-26 The Future of Science?13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c430523 2010-11-19 and 2009-06-03 diy stem cells13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2c5e13b 2009-08-26 And the Innovation Continues...Starting with Shake and Bake Meth!13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0a81e96 2010-12-01 DIY plant genetic engineering13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9611020 2010-12-02 and 2010-11-2913:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2cbf02d 2010-12-05 Wetware13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1f85601 2010-12-07 Piracy in the age of DIYbio13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3a5a0ef 2010-12-07 Synthetic biology: The innovation and bioterrorism balance13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a6d7068 2008-05-24 Don't Phage Me, Bro13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 70c2b3a 2010-02-12 DNA Discovery in Middle School13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0377d97 2010-12-16 NY Times & Nature News, woot13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 53116e0 2010-12-16 newswire floating around out there.. also 2010-11-2513:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 442e99f 2010-12-16 Wired13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c7f49fc 2010-12-17 genspace13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5268ff7 2010-12-16 Melanie's talk on aging research13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d241ea2 2010-12-19 NY Times13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b903a6b 2010-12-17 "not a meth lab" good news13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 26bd2f8 Equipment list13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1237701 typical FabLab inventory list13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 37f3665 oops redundancy13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 73a8890 2010-12-15 The rise of the genome bloggers: Hobbyists add depth to ancestry trawls. (Nature News)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 93ad93f 2010-12-22 another genspace article ("Biotech for the masses")13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 31df8bb 2010-12-21 OpenPCR at the Grenswerk Art Festival (Enschede, the Netherlands)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d9a496d 2010-12-21 Identifying the sea changes and opportunities in "biohacking"13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 99ebe34 2010-12-22 using synthetic biology to redefine your food digestion options13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8673e75 2010-12-22 Technology: A flavour of the future (Nature Outlook)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b4f3068 2010-12-24 Science, Law Enforcement Build Biotech Bridges (sciencemag.org)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6576cb4 msnbc link13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2fbec22 2010-01-15 Culturing bioluminescent microbes, part 113:54
jrayhawkOh, so those are semi-automated13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ce798dd 2010-12-31 cathal's year-in-review for diybio13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fa29396 2010-12-21 biohacklab @ bio.tmplab.org announcement13:54
kanzurejrayhawk: if you hit "edit" on a mediawiki page section it auto-populates the commit message13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4cee660 2010-12-30 lepht in the news cutting himself up13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e717f5e /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 768a44e 2010-12-23 Citizen Science Genomics as a Model for Crowdsourced Preventive Medicine Research (Journal of Participatory Medicine)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 471fa03 2010-12-31 genomeweb link to jopm.org13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 137ba23 2011-01-01 singapore event & exi-chat gateway post counts i guess13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 273a387 london hackspace announcement-- group announcements are ok right?13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 51c787a added a link to diybio/singapore event announcement13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7bf19bd 2011-01-03 Citizen scientists carving out new roles via the Web13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7eaa32a 2010-05-19 Citizen-Scientist Joseph Jackson and the New Open Source13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: dc290bd 2011-01-01 What is “Practical Microbiology”?13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: aef97c7 2011-01-04 Quantified Self logs on to self-tracking (San Francisco Chronicle)13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8844793 2011-01-07 Suffer the future: a painful stab at ushering in the new (marcuswohlsen.com)13:54
jrayhawki guess that's cool13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b674621 2011-01-17 more DIY transhumanism13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bcabd0b 2009-11-17 Hobby molecular biology13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 395ffd9 2011-01-07 Glue guns and DIY biohacking13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 54693ed 2011-01-24 Meat Tenderizer & a Salad Spinner: Home Biotech13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 816360f 2011-01-17 Poor countries urged to get ready for synthetic biology13:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 06d174c 2011-01-29 Taste of Tech: Biohacking the Future13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d42221a 2011-01-28 diybio-related talk from Humanity+ @ Caltech13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a542526 2011-02-01 Faking Organisms: How can we govern the garage biologists who are tinkering with life?13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1eced1f 2011-02-02 DIYBio and biotinkering - Laws and regulations in Germany13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a16f6af 2011-02-05 Should we worry about antimakers?13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f3eea85 2011-02-09 'DIY' Biologists Look to Bring PCR to the Masses with $512 OpenPCR Thermal Cycler genomeweb13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 45ce4bd 2011-02-15 Do-it-yourself biologists (DIYbio) e a ciência cidadã (synbiobrasil.org)13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1fe815d 2011-03-04 makezine gfp illuminator13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f8a8732 2011-03-03 "On regulation" (ellington again)13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 59b959b 2011-03-05 We are all biologists (raskmedia.com)13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cf6f5f1 another one.. what's up with the deceleration?13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ed3943e 2011-04-09: The loaded ethics of DNA hacking (salon.com)13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c947ce0 2011-04-11 Putting the DIY in DNA (newscientist.com)13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 13557ee 2011-04-11 brian degger's slide deck13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ec6d00e 2011-04-14 A weekend of biohacking at FutureLabCamp (newscientist.com)13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4be7dfe various articles today13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: dba79a9 2011-04-15 Biopunk: the "great and terrible power" of indie biotech? (Boing Boing)13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4912762 A tremendous introduction to one of the most exciting branches of individual superempowerment emerging today.13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1c59fd1 /* Guides from Cathal */ new section13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b06fee9 cleaned up some old talk13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: edf8e23 2011-04-21 Can Hobbyists and Hackers Transform Biotechnology?13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d0fd198 2011-04-21 HN link13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0300b94 handful of new items13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 79260f1 Move news articles to separate page - faster load times and easier edits.13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f3c5f60 Move news articles to separate page - faster load times and easier edits.13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8fb445b /* FAQ Revision History */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 00761c5 Add several projects.13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0f7bc50 add temp range of incubating yeast13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3a76849 Add BBF RFC60 about biobrick license13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9285871 Add Open Source Ecology /* What is open source hardware? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6883166 Add more project related13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0edf7b8 Add DIYBio MCR photos /* Are there any videos from regional groups? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 30defdc add link /* Are there any videos from regional groups? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8c61cff Add Bio:Fiction art videos, for what its worth /* Are there any videos from regional groups? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 416f17a Add manga textbooks.  very cool. /* Educational Textbooks */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: db7175c /* Educational Textbooks */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ea42156 Add DIYBIO4Beginners /* Do you recommend any feeds, blogs, wikis, instructables, .. ? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 864951f /* Educational Videos */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 33ab25a Add glowing fungi.  watch out for glowing fungi.13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 68dabf8 /* Personal Medical Monitoring */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a110f04 Add long msg from Cathal and Nathan regarding buying microbio equip /* What equipment do I need to perform DIYBio-related projects? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 641a226 Laser Projection Microscope /* Microscopes, Colorimeters, Spectrophotometers, "Cheaposcopes" */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bb6c77f Food projects13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 40b8a7b /* Edibles and Medicines */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1fd21c7 /* Educational and kit suppliers */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bc84f45 Add gene gun /* DNA */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4df5b3b Add idiot disclaimer /* External Links */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 74e70da fix wording /* IMPORTANT NOTE */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bb8d147 /* IMPORTANT NOTE */13:55
nshsomewhere between cool and meh13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 51286ab Add more beginner textbooks /* Educational Textbooks */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c11f46c Add NCBI free textbooks /* Educational Textbooks */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e8fc405 Add kit links /* Educational Kits - Intermediate (High school / Undergraduate College and above) */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 21e8ab5 /* Project Ideas */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 69293dc /* Project Ideas */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ade39d6 /* Open Source Gel Boxes */13:55
kanzurejrayhawk: presumably it's to prevent assholes from editing and not leaving a commit message13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4f54422 /* Incubator, Shaking Incubator */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 231fb01 /* What equipment do I need to perform DIYBio-related projects? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 10b311d make bold /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e18a51b /* Human Biology Projects */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: de13e06 /* IMPORTANT FAQ */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ccd98e1 /* Project Ideas */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 76b6fe1 /* Project Ideas */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 631ea0f /* Brain Wave Measurement */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a04e8e1 "New Bacteria Lives on Caffeine" /* Diet and Food */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d8b5c73 Kombucha /* Edibles and Medicines: Yeasts, Kombucha, Tea, Mushrooms, Others */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5713b8d /* Project Ideas */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1907330 /* Fermentors, Bioreactors, Photo Bioreactors */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: dea53d1 /* Fermentors, Bioreactors, Photo Bioreactors */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f4b69a9 /* Project Ideas */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1805695 /* Project Ideas */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 178c49a /* Fermentors, Bioreactors, Photo Bioreactors */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fa46fbe /* Fermentors, Bioreactors, Photo Bioreactors */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 83bd96b hmm someone moved this into a separate page?13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b7167b2 2011-06-23 forbes blog post13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b7f599e lots of updates13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 8500691 biohacking on the rise (genomeweb.com)13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: dccd6f7 hmm it has been a while; genomeweb and foxnews13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5f17b7a technologyreview 2012-02-1313:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: bdfaaef dailymail.co.uk crud13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f82ce0c 2012-02-03 DIY science: should you try this at home?13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 64e2bed 2012-01-23 Feeling Biocurious? How To Get Your DIY Bio On13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 63b2bcc 2012-01-23 DIYBIO – Microbial fuel cell 10113:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 660dbe8 2012-01-20; 2012-01-17 NY Times article13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a406318 2012-01-12 wsj Biohackers Get Their Own Space to Create13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 47e8eba 2012-02-15 gizmodo/yogurt/prozac13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b5ca84d 2012-02-21 wired.co.uk13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 80cca61 /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f782d9d /* Has DIYbio been in the news? */13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6866eef cnet13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3834e1e rename files and folders to use lowercase13:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 82cb151 Merge openwetware-mediawiki commits.13:55
* nsh isn't sure about the term "commit" when editing a static document13:55
nshwhy not 'edit'13:55
nsha commit should have run-on effects13:56
nmz787nsh: any word of your choice.... i was thinking of the word 'science'13:56
kanzureoh god i forgot to reformat long commit messages into multiplel ines13:56
nshnmz787, can i write it by markov?13:56
nmz787nsh: huh13:56
nsh.wik Markov chain13:57
hplunny"A Markov chain, named after Andrey Markov, is a mathematical system that undergoes transitions from one state to another, between a finite or countable number of possible states." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain13:57
jrayhawki do not understand the argument that commits to static documents are not commits13:57
nmz787we're in some kind of commit storm13:57
nsh.wik Mark V Cheney13:57
hplunny"Search for 'Mark V Cheney' in existing articles." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_V_Cheney13:57
kanzurenmz787: i am importing the openwetware commits13:57
nsh.wik Mark V Shaney13:57
hplunny"Mark V Shaney is a fake Usenet user whose postings were generated by using Markov chain techniques." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_V_Shaney13:57
kanzureand did not have the testicular foresight to disable gnushabot13:57
jrayhawkeh, /ignore exists for a reason13:57
jrayhawkit's not like we're going to hurt the bot's feelings13:57
kanzurefrankly i like it13:58
kanzureit makes me feel productive13:58
nmz787nsh: i've looked into markov chains before in 'omics class.... what does that have to do with writing an 'english paper'13:58
yorickgnusha: please stop13:58
nmz787(prob kanzure)13:58
kanzureyorick: heh sorry man13:58
yorickkanzure: fillin up mah chat monitor!13:59
nshnmz787, it's ironic and smart-arsed. the best way to do any assignment13:59
yorickkanzure: you can't kill it?13:59
jrayhawkyorick: gnusha has only that one purpose, so it's safe to ignore13:59
kanzureyorick: i'd rather not13:59
nmz787nsh: bbl, PM me an example if you can13:59
kanzureyorick: /ignore gnusha13:59
jrayhawkwell, that and logging13:59
jrayhawkbut you won't impact that13:59
nmz787kanzure: how did you send that slash14:00
yorick* IGNORE: Unknown command14:00
kanzurenmz787: / /me ?14:00
-!- Hasp1 [~Hasp@pool-108-20-187-180.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has left ##hplusroadmap []14:00
nmz787kanzure: ignore didnt work for me14:00
yorickadded it to my ignore list14:00
kanzurewhat is this14:01
kanzureDIYbio: namespace?14:01
nmz787kanzure: an online notebook could be a great feature of H+14:01
jrayhawkyou can move all those in one big commit14:01
kanzureit seems to mostly be tito's crap though14:02
kanzurenot sure if i am interested in grabbing those14:02
yorickoh god make it stop14:02
kanzurei thought you ignored it?14:02
yorickno, ignore didn't work14:02
kanzurewhat irc client are you using?14:03
yorickalso tried the ignore list14:03
nmz787kanzure: it didnt work here either14:03
kanzurenmz787: you are using androiirc?14:03
nmz787kanzure: we can add the notebook stuff manually, lotta junk14:03
nmz787kanzure: pidgin14:03
kanzureyorick: complain here http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/issues/62814:03
yorick[23:00:57] <nmz787> kanzure: ignore didnt work for me14:03
yashgaroth /ignore gnusha!*@* chan ?14:03
kanzureyashgaroth: you don't need the space... type / /ignore to demo it14:04
yorick* IGNORE: Unknown command14:04
jrayhawkUpdated by seezer almost 3 years ago "Still there will be a /ignore command in the short future."14:04
jrayhawkha ha ancient bug reports are adorable14:04
yorickok, it works now14:04
yorickit removed it from my whole backlog too14:04
nmz787right click on the nick, and click ignore???14:05
nmz787it worked for me14:05
kanzurenmz787: i don't know how pidgin's ignore works14:05
yorickwent to quassel options and then ignore list14:05
kanzurenmz787: you might want to consider unignoring later so that you can see legit updates14:05
yorickpidgin should have /block or something14:05
nmz787yeah now i have to figure out how to do that14:05
kanzurenmz787: it's probably in the pidgin preferences somewhere14:06
jrayhawk##hplusroadmap is a valuable educational resource14:06
nmz787lemme know when this script is done14:06
kanzureyeah there was only something like 500 commits14:06
nmz787ok bbl14:06
kanzureoh good utf-8 was preserved14:07
-!- audy [~audy@heyaudy.com] has quit [Changing host]14:10
-!- audy [~audy@unaffiliated/audy] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:10
-!- shin-to [~shin-to@dslb-188-098-159-166.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:13
kanzurenmz787: okay it's done14:15
VonThere needs to be an op in here14:16
kanzurei am an op14:16
VonThen kick-ban gnusha14:16
kanzuregnusha is my bot :(14:16
VonIts ultra spamming14:16
kanzureit was just telling you which commits i pushed to the git repository14:16
kanzurewhich is its intended purpose14:17
kanzureoh noes14:18
kanzuregithub doesn't follow history?14:18
kanzureoh well14:18
kanzurejrayhawk: /usr/local/share/perl5/IkiWiki/Plugin/ doesn't seem to exist?14:22
-!- augur [~augur@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]14:32
kanzureheroku is migrating all their "shared db" plans to a "10,000 row"-max postgresql thing14:55
kanzure"Back in 2004, China became the first country to approve a gene-therapy product for commercial use, with a treatment for cancer. But Europe and the United States have yet to endorse any gene therapies"14:59
yashgaroththey better not fuck it up15:01
kanzurejrayhawk: aha /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/Plugin15:02
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:07
kanzure13:02 < jrayhawk> you can slap it into /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/Plugin/ and echo 'push(@{$conf->{add_plugins}}, qw{ mediawiki });' into either (globally) /etc/ikiwiki/piny.setup.pl and run sudo piny-ikiwiki-mass-rebuild or (specifically) into /etc/ikiwiki/wiki.setup.pl and rebuildrepo wiki15:09
kanzureso, i added mediawiki to add_plugins in /etc/ikiwiki/piny/diyhpluswiki.setup but it seems to be overwritten when i rebuildrepo diyhpluswiki15:09
kanzurethere is no piny.setup.pl or wiki.setup.pl file15:09
kanzureFailed to load plugin IkiWiki::Plugin::mediawiki: Too many arguments for IkiWiki::Plugin::link::checkconfig at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/Plugin/mediawiki.pm line 62, near "@_)"15:12
-!- oblique [~oblique@unaffiliated/oblique] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:15
kanzureoh geeze http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/15:17
kanzurethis does not seem to be working15:17
kanzurethe problem is that the ikiwiki mediawiki plugin seems to be unmaintained for the past three years15:20
kanzure"scott bronson" sounds like a fake name anyway15:20
nmz787no way15:21
-!- shin-to [~shin-to@dslb-188-098-159-166.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: systems shutting down_shin-to is entering sleepmode]15:24
-!- jmil [~jmil@hive76/member/jmil] has quit [Quit: jmil]15:31
nsh.ety glower15:42
hplunny"mid-14c., 'to shine;' c.1500, 'to stare with wide eyes,' perhaps from a Scandinavian source (cf. Norw. dialectal glora 'to glow'), from P.Gmc. base *glo- (see glow), root of O.E. glowan 'to glow,' which influenced the spelling." - http://etymonline.com/?term=glower15:42
jrayhawkwho made http://gnusha.org/skdb/images/gnusha.png ?15:49
kanzurejrayhawk: that was ybit15:52
jrayhawkoh, i guess that makes sense15:54
kanzurejrayhawk: any suggestions before i go rewrite the mediawiki plugin?16:01
jrayhawkyou've given up on translating to markdown?16:01
kanzurei don't think i did any translation to markdown16:02
jrayhawkyou seemed to want to do that earlier on the basis that it would make things more consistent16:02
kanzureoh right16:03
jrayhawki am guessing the mediawiki-to-markdown converters are going to be easier to bring up to date than that ancient ikiwiki plugin16:03
jrayhawkespecially since it sounded like the mediawiki-to-markdown converter was written in python16:03
jrayhawkinsert joke about perl being write-only here16:04
kanzure3 years is pretty ridiculous16:04
kanzurethis means nobody is using that plugin16:04
kanzureand it also means nobody is testing that plugins don't bork on new ikiwiki updates16:05
jrayhawknot contrib ones, no16:05
jrayhawkmost of the rest of the plugins are in-tree16:05
jrayhawki bet pandoc could do this16:06
kanzurehrmm why isn't there a markdown pastebin16:07
kanzureso, gist.github.com supports markdown input files16:08
kanzurebut it seems to only display the first 10% of the file?16:08
kanzureoh it hates html apparently16:09
kanzureyeah it just looks ugly.16:10
jrayhawkoh, no, it only supports output to mediawiki16:11
kanzure3231461.git is using media2iki's mediawiki2markdown.py tool16:11
kanzurei have also added the original mediawiki file to test with16:12
kanzurehuh, github renders .mediawiki files.. but terribly16:13
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kanzuremarkdownify is sorta passable16:43
kanzurewhy did markdownify not translate <b></b>? :(16:50
kanzureor convert the links..16:51
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skorketI've been looking at doing a little DIY microfluidic experiment.  Do you guys have any suggestions on what a good kind of "hello world" experiment that actually involves some real biology would be?17:12
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kanzureskorket: with microfluidics the hello world is getting fluid to flow17:22
kanzureor colors to mix.17:22
kanzurepcr is a good next step.17:22
skorketcan you talk a bit about how you would set up pcr on a microfluidic chip?17:22
kanzureyou have a bunch of options:17:23
kanzurepersonally i like the laser idea17:23
kanzurebut realistically the spiral design plus heaters is easier to implement17:23
HaspLot of good stuff on that link17:26
kanzureHasp: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/d17:27
kanzureoh noes17:27
kanzurei meant http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/17:27
Haspthanks man17:28
kanzureskorket: i suggest starting with http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/training-bootcamp.pdf17:28
nsh.title http://www.freewoodpost.com/2012/07/28/anonymous-hacks-irs-database-publishes-romney-tax-returns/17:44
hplunnynsh: Free Wood Post17:44
nmz787nsh: hplunny: so is that real or what?17:50
nshjoke piece, unfortunately17:50
nshi wonder what it'd take to get those returns though17:51
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nshunrelatedly wonder if there's an audiobook version of applied cryptography17:54
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kanzurenmz787: do you feel like converting mediawiki syntax to markdown for me?18:33
nmz787do you feel like buying CNC stuff?18:36
nmz787I found a guy that seems to know his stuff well18:36
nmz787and has lots of examples18:37
nmz787scroll down about 3/4 of the way and look at the green one http://www.cnczone.com/forums/diy-cnc_router_table_machines/109390-my_newest_desktop_machine.html18:37
nmz787"A small tightly built machine like the ones I make may actually do18:37
nmz787a stunningly good job.18:37
nmz787MDF isolates the axis's so there's practically no resonance transference.18:37
nmz787The Oilite bearings I use, I use them full length of the assembly they're18:37
nmz787set into. That means there's a full length oil film the bearing rides on.18:37
nmz787That makes a difference for fine-fine work....no ball bearings to vibrate.18:37
nmz787The McMaster ultra smooth travel threaded rods should make it work18:37
nmz787surprisingly well.18:37
nmz787I'd probably build a small machine like the green one here...18:37
nmz787I'd guess it can do as fine as most anything else. Industry can't sell  machines18:37
nmz787made from MDF frames...too 'cheap' looking....but it's an ideal material18:37
nmz787for tiny detailed work. Vibrations just don't move well through it...;)18:37
nmz787I bet it'd work very well.18:37
kanzuremdf? :(18:38
nmz787fenn: we could use an opinion ^18:38
kanzureiirc he has a negative opinion on mdf cnc routers too18:38
nmz787i dunno, we're not torquing it really since it's light18:40
nmz787kanzure: so what about the transcoding18:43
kanzureyou've lost me. do you mean between a chip and stepper controller?18:44
kanzureoh you mean w.r.t that post. i see. i'll look in a second.18:45
nmz787mediawiki -> markdown conversion18:46
nmz787I thought you already had that plugin18:46
kanzuremediawiki2ikiwiki.py is just a script that converts18:47
kanzurebut its output sucks18:47
kanzurethe mediawiki.pm perl module is the ikiwiki plugin, except it hardly works either:18:47
nmz787no index is the problem?18:51
kanzurefaq is faq.mediawiki18:52
kanzurethen there's a folder faq/18:52
kanzureso http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq is displaying faq.mediawiki being run through the mediawiki plugin18:52
nmz787so the gist  page is what it is on the server ?18:53
kanzurethe gist page has multiple files18:53
kanzuregit clone git://gist.github.com/3231461.git18:53
kanzurei am doing a hand-written version here: https://gist.github.com/3231461#file_custom.md18:53
kanzure(but i am only partly done)18:53
nmz787what is the gist server, and why is it there /and/ on gnusha?18:57
kanzuregithub has a pastebin server called gist18:58
kanzurei wanted to test what the markdown looks like without cluttering up diyhpluswiki.git18:59
kanzurei could have used a branch i guess18:59
kanzuregist.github.com is just for temporary things18:59
kanzureor, rather, that's how i treat it (some people use it for long-term stuff, but w/e)18:59
nmz787ahh ok19:00
nmz787yeah just read some blog about it19:00
nmz787explaining that19:00
kanzurepastebins are wonderful things19:02
jrayhawk'newrepo testwiki' is also an option19:06
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kanzureqt on android http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/02/28/necessitas/19:24
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skorkethave you guys made a microfluidic pcr chip?19:45
kanzurenope, but jojack made a prototype of some "microfluidic" device that turned out into some giant usb stick19:46
skorketyou and nmz787 are developing a microfluidic system, though, no?19:47
kanzurensh: he did that with rob carlson, it's a long and annoying story19:47
nshi'll pass then19:48
kanzureskorket: sort of, haha. currently we're trying to figure out where nmz787 is moving to, or whether or not fenn is alive.19:48
* nsh hopes fenn is alive19:48
kanzureskorket: it's hard to build things when i have to buy multiple labs or something19:48
skorketno, I know, doing stuff without an industrial lab or without millions of dollars is a real bitch19:49
nshjust use other people's19:49
skorketI'm not being judgemental, I'm just asking19:49
nshthere's no shortage of labs19:49
nshand in my experience they're not running particularly close to capacity19:49
kanzurensh: so, i have to buy equipment for 3 separate hackerspaces? come on19:49
skorketbut the idea was that you would be making microfluidic pcr chips, amongst other things?19:50
nshi don't see why you have to buy anything; just use things19:50
kanzurensh: most hackerspaces don't have a micron-resolution laser cutter, or photolithography setups19:50
kanzureso you usually have to buy these chemicals19:50
kanzurensh: unless you know something i don't.19:50
nshvery doubtful :)19:51
kanzureskorket: the idea was to build a micron-resolution laser cutter.. http://diyhpl.us/cgit/laser_etcher19:51
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kanzurensh: don't be facetious, i was honestly wondering if you know something i'm forgetting19:51
nshi just don't see, strictly, why you can't go into somebody's very flush research facility and work there19:51
kanzurebecause they charge you19:51
nshexplaining that "i'm doing science"19:51
nshand ignore protestations19:51
kanzureor want you to sign over your IP19:51
kanzure(what IP?)19:51
kanzurethe stanford microfluidics foundry charges about $300-$400/mask19:52
kanzurebut i'm not convinced that masked lithography is the best route19:52
nshyeah, maybe best not to ask the people wearing ties19:52
kanzureespecially with multiple revisions19:52
nshthe ones with the keycards are more reasonable19:52
kanzurensh: well, if you know someone, let me know.. don't beat around the bush19:52
nshno i really don't, i'm being philosophical. don't waste your time :)19:52
nmz787kanzure: a plane ticket from here to austin is $31819:53
nmz787do you have sleeping bag floorspace? i could come hang out there and build this damn thing19:53
kanzurei have an extra room19:54
kanzurewith a bed and bathroom19:54
kanzureplease occupy it19:54
nmz787i could come down for 2 weeks probably for a work-a-thon19:56
kanzuremy house isn't very exciting. it's good for sleeping.19:57
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nmz787do you have desks?20:03
nmz787or milk crates at least, or cardboard boxes?20:03
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kanzurenmz787: i have an unlimited supply of cardboard boxes and cardboard forts20:06
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nshcardboard forts you say?20:09
* nsh looks at flights20:09
nmz787where are you nsh?20:10
nshit's a long and not particularly subsidised haul20:11
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nshwhy are you guys all wearing the same shirt?20:23
yashgaroththe jig is up20:24
nshthe game's a bogey20:24
nshas they say in glasgow20:24
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e8b6881 move faq.mediawiki -> faq.mdwn20:25
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a8d71b7 remove the pathetic attempt at automatically converting the faq to markdown20:25
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a580c67 markdown version of diybio/faq20:25
kanzurei have come to the conclusion that the reason why the mediawiki-to-markdown conversion looks like ass is because the original document was poorly formatted to begin with20:25
kanzureand not only that, but the actual "questions" in this FAQ are totally bogus20:25
kanzurenobody asks this shit20:25
nmz787like what?20:26
nshplease tell me you're doing all this for some more general purpose than having a revision history of a poorly composed and infrequently read FAQ?20:27
kanzure"Are there historical precedents or prior cases which have demonstrated similar issues?"20:27
nshotherwise it's been a lot of work20:27
kanzurenobody asks that question20:27
kanzurethey just ask "PCR??????"20:27
kanzurensh: well, there really reaaally should be a good FAQ20:27
kanzurei started this one in 2009 and it grew into this20:27
nshmaybe scrap that one and write a new one20:27
nshand forget about markdown and mediawiki20:27
kanzurethe sad thing is that only 12 different people edited this20:28
kanzureand i think i might have been 3 of those20:28
* nsh chuckles20:28
kanzureand of the people that did edit, they mostly added links to their own stuff20:29
kanzurewhich is sorta okay20:29
kanzurebut they weren't substantial fixes or updates20:29
nshwhy don't you do a web seminar on the subject. start and end with Q&A then rebase the FAQ on the dialogue you get20:30
nmz787kanzure: why aren't you committing the changes to gnusha?20:30
nshor even better, find some actual meaty schoolchildren and talk to them20:30
kanzurenmz787: i just did20:30
kanzurensh: because webinars are stupid20:30
kanzurensh: there are tons of questions on the diybio list20:30
kanzurei think that's a sufficient base to work with20:30
kanzureexcept nobody is willing to type up that content into a faq20:30
nshah, right20:30
nmz787we need an index i think20:30
nshkanzure, if you curate the emails and send them to me, i might be convinced to write it up20:31
nmz787that's somewhat automagic in mediawiki, it should prob be a feature in iki20:31
nshnot so keen on trawling through archives though20:31
kanzurensh: if i curate them i've already done the work20:31
nmz787er table of contents20:31
nshkanzure, possibly20:32
nmz787kanzure: http://ikiwiki.info/plugins/toc/20:32
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 71be4ab add a table of contents to diybio/faq20:32
nmz787damn you're quick20:32
nmz787i by the time i clicked edit20:32
nmz787it was there20:32
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 5766e90 increase the number of levels in the toc in diybio/faq20:32
kanzureclicking is for losers20:33
kanzure"## Webcasts on social implications"20:33
kanzureso why doesn't that show up as a second-level header?20:33
kanzuree.g. a subsection20:33
nmz787kanzure: will it crash if i'm editing in the 'edit' tab of ikiwiki? and you're doin commits during that time?20:33
kanzureno it wont crash20:33
kanzuregit is very good at merging20:34
kanzurejrayhawk: actually, what happens on the web-side?20:34
kanzurei know how it works when there's a merge conflict from the command line side20:34
kanzurebut haven't experienced that from the web-end20:35
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kanzureso according to the markdown spec, "#" and "##" should be two separate levels. why isn't the toc rendering that as a subsection?20:37
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 18c1294 20:38
nmz787i just clicked save after a while of being in web edit20:38
nmz787did it merge or overwrite?20:38
nmz787kanzure: i removed the ----------------------------------- and the levels work20:39
kanzureoh hrm20:39
nmz787it was on line 220:39
kanzureno there's no merge because i wasn't editing20:39
nmz787but it debolded the header20:39
nmz787but i may have started with an older version20:39
nmz787(11:38:36 PM) gnusha: diyhpluswiki.git: 18c129420:40
kanzureif you want to see the commit yourself you can pull it into your local git repository20:40
kanzureand type "git show 18c1294"20:40
nmz787or http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/recentchanges/20:40
kanzurekanzure@pikachu:~/code/diyhpluswiki/diybio$ git show 18c129483456f7390eea6dd5721efbdb18a9a196 | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com/20:40
kanzurewell, that's weird.20:41
kanzureoh i see. well the header was stupid anyway. it would probably work if the header was there, but the toc was above it. but there's already a header provided by default by the page template.20:42
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 98b520b 20:42
nmz787kanzure: i think this should work but it doesn't http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/laser_etcher20:44
nmz787i fixed the header20:44
kanzurenmz787: i think you mean http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/20:44
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/cgit/laser_etcher is a separate repo so it has a separate wiki20:45
kanzurefenn moved it into a separate repo20:45
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kanzurenmz787: you might have better luck editing the wiki if you git clone it20:46
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 318ac92 20:46
nmz787but no CSS :(20:46
kanzuregit clone nmz787@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/diyhpluswiki.git20:46
kanzurenmz787: copy local.css from diyhpluswiki.git and put it into laser_etcher.git20:47
nmz787i like the web interfaces!20:47
kanzurei'll add local.css.. one moment20:47
gnushalaser_etcher.git: dd38604 stylesheet for ikiwiki20:48
nmz787whoo hoo20:48
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gnushalaser_etcher.git: 457db12 added index page20:48
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nmz787so if i append .md to this http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/laser_etcher will it wikify?20:49
kanzureerr, possibly... try it20:49
kanzureikiwiki might be looking for .mdwn specifically, but .md sounds reasonable to me20:49
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 7c16b7d remove a tab from microfluidics.txt20:50
nmz787how do i commit the push?20:51
kanzureso, you should do something like this:20:51
kanzuregit mv laser_etcher laser_etcher.md20:51
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nmz787i mv the file20:51
kanzureoh, then git add -u .20:51
kanzurewith the period20:51
kanzurethen git commit20:51
kanzurethen git push20:52
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 82846c0 appended .md to laser_etcher20:54
gnushalaser_etcher.git: c2c787e Merge branch 'master' of diyhpl.us:/srv/git/laser_etcher20:54
nmz787wait now its out of revision20:55
kanzurewhat do you mean by that?20:55
kanzureoh, yep20:55
kanzureyou deleted the file20:55
kanzureso, here is what i recommend: git revert20:55
kanzurethen when you are reverted back to before the mistake, do "git mv laser_etcher laser_etcher.md" then commit then push that20:56
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 4bd17c3 blah20:56
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 4b10a5c blah20:57
gnushalaser_etcher.git: ed3378b blah20:57
kanzurewell, that's one way to do it20:58
kanzurejrayhawk: i pushed a branch to laser_etcher.git and got this message: remote: fatal: Invalid revision range 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81978405646550c013918e0235dcd1f33b8ae21b20:58
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 1667eae blah20:58
kanzurenmz787: so, that's an ok solution for now. here is how i would have fixed it: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/laser_etcher/log/?h=nmzfix20:59
kanzure*shrug* it doesn't matter20:59
nmz787did you fix it or did i?21:00
kanzureyou fixed it21:00
kanzurewhat i linked you to is just a branch in the repository21:00
kanzureshowing you an alternative21:00
kanzurewell when you deleted the file, my first method to fix the situation would be to go back in time and just act like the mistake never occurred21:01
kanzurebut your alternative was to just paste the file back into the repository, which is certainly one way to do it21:01
nmz787so how did you add nmzfix to a bunch of operations?21:02
kanzurei did this:21:02
kanzuregit log | less <-- i looked here to find the latest commit that i wanted21:02
kanzuregit checkout -b nmzfix 7c16b7d96d2ac2031f918d500a3e210ae9082f0f <--- 7c16b7 is what i wanted21:02
kanzuregit mv laser_etcher laser_etcher.mdwn21:03
kanzuregit commit -m"move laser_etcher -> laser_etcher.mdwn"21:03
kanzuregit push bryan@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/laser_etcher.git nmzfix21:03
kanzurethen i did "git checkout master; git pull origin master" to get your other changes that i missed while doing that21:03
nmz787were you not already in master?21:04
nmz787so are there two branches now?21:04
kanzure"git checkout -b nmzfix 7c16b7" created a new branch called nmzfix at 7c16b7 and switched me from master to nmzfix21:05
kanzure"git checkout master" was ultimately how i got back21:05
kanzureyeah there's two branches, but you're 100% welcome to ignore nmzfix, since i'ts completely inconsequential at this point21:05
nmz787why did you do that?21:06
kanzureto show off an alternative to you21:07
nmz787ahh ok21:07
kanzure21:00 < kanzure> you fixed it21:07
kanzure21:00 < kanzure> what i linked you to is just a branch in the repository21:07
kanzure21:00 < kanzure> showing you an alternative21:07
kanzure(git can maintain multiple simultaneous branches and versions of files, but ikiwiki will always show just master unless we explicitly configure it to do otherwise)21:08
gnushalaser_etcher.git: cc8ad7f added a toc and table for parts21:14
nmz787can i just paste in raw html?21:17
gnushalaser_etcher.git: cf50d31 testing raw html21:17
kanzureyes you can add raw html in most cases21:19
kanzurealso .html files are acceptable21:19
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 0928491 chaged google iframe width21:20
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c1e8124 link to laser_etcher wiki on the index page21:27
gnushalaser_etcher.git: a9527b4 htmlify links in laser_etcher.mdwn21:31
kanzurehm that's stupid.. underscores in html links convert the text to italics?21:31
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 6873486 second attempt at linkifying links21:35
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 0c144a2 fix some quotation marks in link urls21:36
kanzuregeeze, even with markdown links the underscores are italicized21:36
kanzurelike here: http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/laser_etcher/21:36
kanzure"http://fennetic.net/irc/laserablationprofile_power.pdf" is definitely the wrong url21:36
nmz787it works21:36
kanzureyeah but if you look at the display name it is missing a few '_' characters21:37
kanzurei guess this is so that you can use markup in linking text21:37
gnushalaser_etcher.git: f2ca365 escape underscores in link display text21:38
nmz787to send my ssh key to gnush how can i append it to known_hosts ?21:38
kanzureyou can just insert your public key into ~/.ssh/known_hosts21:39
kanzurethere's also ssh-copy-id user@host which you run from your local machine to install your public key into a remote authorized_keys file21:40
nmz787yeah the latter is what i wanted21:42
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rdxhi all21:46
rdxi am new here21:46
rdxlooking for hacker21:46
rdxgot work21:47
rdxpays good21:47
nshwhat need done?21:47
nshmany danger?!21:47
ParahSailinam hacker, need work, need pay good21:47
Adrian_Grdx eh21:48
yashgarothwe talking mad haxxor, or just regular?21:48
kanzurewe only specialize in bio haxxoring21:48
jrayhawkkanzure: huh; can you give me steps to reproduce that laser_etcher.git problem?21:48
kanzurejrayhawk: [http://somesite.com/blah_blah_blah.pdf](http://somesite.com/blah_blah_blah.pdf)21:48
kanzurejrayhawk: or blah blah blah <a href="http://somesite.com/blah_blah_blah.pdf">http://somesite.com/blah_blah_blah.pdf</a>21:49
kanzurein the case of markdown i think it makes sense that _ is interpreted as markdwon inside []21:49
kanzurebut not so much on the raw html element?21:49
jrayhawkfirst off, you want <http://somesite.com/blah_blah_blah.pdf>21:51
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 6fd82d4 add a picture of the laser etcher21:51
jrayhawkthat's part of markdown21:52
kanzure<link> is not valid html21:52
kanzuremarkdown links are always [crap](uri)21:52
kanzure"(700micron0.25254cm/s)" is also poorly formatted. so basically i have to remember to escape everything. hrm.21:53
jrayhawkI can't find anything cleaner than preformatting with backticks or indentation or backslash escaping21:54
jrayhawkfor doing the wrong, bad thing that you insist upon21:55
kanzurewhat's so bad about html, again?21:55
jrayhawkin HTML land you'd be using %5F21:57
jrayhawkoh no wait, i guess you don't need to encode that21:57
nmz787rdx: what do you have cooking?21:59
kanzuresometimes people look at /list on an irc server and just randomly join channels looking for "hackers"21:59
kanzureso i assume rdx is spam21:59
kanzureerm.. i mean they go looking for "hackers" to do misdeeds out of frustration or anger22:00
ParahSailinrdx tried to sell me viagra22:00
ParahSailinor alt-71122:00
kanzuredid you buy?22:00
ParahSailini have no bitcoin to pay him :(22:00
-!- rdx [~rdx@] has left ##hplusroadmap []22:03
-!- klafka1 [~textual@c-24-6-18-31.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]22:08
nshColdfusion Version: 722:09
nshCopyright (c) 1995-2006 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC. All rights reserved22:09
nshno, sleep is definitely preferable to hacking the malaysian police portal for a semi literate stranger on irc with a dubious business model22:10
kanzureoh coldfusion </3 how i loathe the22:10
-!- joshcryer [g@unaffiliated/joshcryer] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:17
joshcryerAbout time: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1523379957/oculus-rift-step-into-the-game22:17
nmz787kanzure: so this guy says he'll figure out how long it'll take him to gather/assemble the micro MDF CNC and let me know the price22:18
ParahSailincan't believe so many people gave a stranger so much cash for no equity22:18
nmz787a friend of mine is getting something larger from him and he is paying something like $77722:19
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-92-250-50.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:23
-!- exiff [~ficl@unaffiliated/exiff] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:29
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bkeroI preordered an Oculus Rift before it was on kickstarter22:35
bkeroand got the $800 one (the ST1080)22:35
joshcryerIs it good?22:39
bkeroI haven't received it yet.22:43
bkeroI'm building a wearable computer.22:43
bkeroETA is late August.22:44
bkeroand a Hardkernel ODROID-X22:50
bkeroand a 6-cell 18650 holder with buckboost to bring it up to 5V22:50
bkeroand a couple different keyboard types.  I managed to finagle a Frogpad 2, am getting a Twiddler 2.0, and have my bluetooth Model M.22:50
kanzurei should figure out a better thing than the model m22:51
kanzureit seems that nobody has been trying to make a faster keyboard22:51
kanzurestenography don't count22:51
bkeroIt's apparently not a very interesting problem to solve22:52
bkeroand people have boners now about touchscreens22:52
bkeroso chorded keyboard on touchscreen is the new shit22:52
ParahSailini dont think touchscreen could be very fast22:55
ParahSailinmaybe an input glove22:56
ParahSailinor a camera with motion tracking22:56
jrayhawkthere are touchscreens with tactile feedback22:56
nmz787so what's the best mobile/chorded keyboard then?22:58
nmz787or glove22:58
joshcryerFucking touchscreens.23:01
joshcryerkanzure, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682310919123:05
nmz787I like this one pretty well http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682312619523:14
nmz787but the split microsoft keyboards might be a little nicer23:15
nmz787i've heard these are some of the best for ergonomics http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/23:16
nmz787it's not qwerty or dvorak tho23:17
nmz787its 'ergo' or something23:17
nmz787sry this http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/advantage.htm23:17
-!- Thorbinator [~Thorbinat@c-67-166-146-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]23:27
-!- Thorbinator [~Thorbinat@c-67-166-146-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:29
kanzurefenn: hi23:31
kanzureis perky the name of a device or just a meepism23:31
kanzureergonomics doesn't necessarily mean improved typing rate23:35
fennperky: http://homepage2.nifty.com/perky/index.htm23:37
fennchording keyboards are useless unless used for stenography23:37
fenn"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said but, I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant." - sig file23:39
kanzurethe problem with stenography is that you can't just type what you mean.23:39
fennoh, the problem is greater than just with stenography23:39
Adrian_Gare there any ways to type with your thoughts23:39
kanzureAdrian_G: go away23:39
kanzure(i can't even read my own mind much less anyone else's)23:39
fenni came up with a merge algorithm for semantic networks once..23:40
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]23:41
fennthe sidewinder is a pretty good keyboard. an extra perk is it can be used for software based stenography with plover23:42
fennbasically you pretend your qwerty keyboard is a steno keyboard23:42
kanzurei don't think the next great keyboard will coem from "alternative layouts"23:42
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: da90304 changes = to # for sectioning23:43
kanzure(i know plover isn't an alternative layout)23:43
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-24-21-206-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]23:43
fennit seems to me most of your output is text, so focusing on speeding up text output is a reasonable goal23:43
fenn(which steno does)23:44
kanzuresteno makes lots of ambiguous junk that i have to go back and fix :(23:44
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b0be89c changed equipment.mediwiki to equipment.mdwn23:44
kanzuremaybe i should practice plover regularly before i complain23:44
fennmost people take 2-3 years to learn23:44
fenntraditional steno seems frightfully disorganized23:45
fennoh yeah sure just make up new spellings for anything you want, yep23:45
fennas far as i can tell there's not even any "one steno to rule them all"23:46
nmz787kanzure: how does this line work [[!map pages="diybio/* and ! diybio/*/*"]]23:46
kanzure! diybio/*/* means "not"23:46
nmz787i want to add it to the faq so we can see equipment... or do we need to make a subdir?23:46
nmz787got it23:47
kanzurei think the way to do it is to move faq.mdwn into faq/index.mdwn23:47
kanzuregit mv faq.mdwn faq/index.mdwn23:47
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4b6778c added sub-page map23:47
fennhuh, look at that, content in the wiki23:47
kanzurefenn: with commit history from openwetware and hplusroadmap23:47
fennhow big is it?23:48
kanzure400 commits23:49
nmz787and howto do replace-all from cmdline using this regex '^= +' to '# '23:49
fenni guess i could just look.. (16MB)23:49
kanzuresed -i 's/^= /\# /g' blah.mdwn23:49
nmz787explain the -i, s, and g23:49
kanzure"the StenoKnight CART Demo and Steno Versus Qwerty -- were made with Eclipse, my proprietary steno software"23:49
kanzurewhat's this proprietary software that the plover guy is pushing?23:50
fennit's not her software23:50
kanzurenmz787: -i is edit in place (this is sort of dangerous in sed; but never try "not" editing in place while simultaneously redirecting the output to the input file, this breaks things)23:50
fennit's just the software she uses for work stuff, because plover doesn't work right yet23:50
kanzureand the rest is a regular expression23:50
kanzure"But I'd love to see new Plover users racing on TypeRacer with their n-key rollover keyboards"23:50
kanzurechallenge accepted23:51
kanzure"my brief for "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (which, along with "antidisestablishmentarianism", is the first word people tend to say when they notice they're being transcribed in realtime), "23:52
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: ee35611 changed = to # in educational, changed extension to mdwn23:54
kanzurejavascript i guess23:54
nmz787kanzure: so i changed text, then tried git commit -m 'msg'23:56
nmz787# On branch master23:56
nmz787# Changes not staged for commit:23:56
nmz787#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)23:56
nmz787#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)23:56
nmz787#modified:   educational.mdwn23:56
nmz787no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")23:56
nmz787i tried pull and it's all up to date23:57
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b1ea945 changed = to # in educational, added toc23:57
nmz787why did i have to add the file?23:57
nmz787it seemed to already exist23:57
kanzureyou have to type "git add educational.mdwn"23:57
kanzure"git add" is about choosing which changes you want to put into the upcoming commit23:58
nmz787i already did git mv educational.mediwiki educaitonal.mdwn23:58
nmz787and pushed it23:58
kanzuregit will only store a change if you tell it to23:59
nmz787why wouldn't anything modified be committed?23:59
kanzurebecause you didn't tell it to :P23:59
kanzuregit add -u . <-- this will update everything in the directory23:59
kanzurebut usually i hand-pick the files i want to have in a commit, especially in software projects23:59
--- Log closed Thu Aug 02 00:00:26 2012

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