
--- Log opened Thu Aug 02 00:00:26 2012
nmz787if i want to chain cmds together, how can i pipe a filename to them all00:01
nmz787i.e. echo 1.mdwn | sed -i 's/^= /\# /g' | sed -i 's/^== /\## /g' | sed -i 's/^=== /\### /g' | sed -i 's/^==== /\#### /g'00:01
nmz787or even using && between them00:02
kanzurecat 1.mdwn | sed 's/^= /\# /g' > output.mdwn00:02
kanzurebut these sed commands can be compressed into one regular expression00:03
nmz787nah i want to give the same filename to multiple sed cmds00:03
nmz787to sub the same number of # for = ?00:03
kanzureyeah i'm trying to remember my regex-foo..00:04
kanzurethere's a way to say repeating00:04
kanzureif it was just digits it would be \d+00:04
nmz787+ means one or more00:05
nmz787but that's just to match00:05
nmz787sed 's/patA/replA/g;s/patB/replB/g;s/patC/replC/g' < infile > outfile00:07
nmz787apparently that works for what i'm thinking00:08
kanzurewell, no, you don't want in/out files in your case00:08
kanzureand using multiple patterns isn't how regular expressions work :P00:08
kanzurenmz787: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7337995/regex-replace-sequence-of-one-character-with-same-number-of-another-character00:11
kanzurebut that's cheating.. they are using perl to get around their regex incompetence00:11
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 9f9577b changed file extensions to mdwn and = to #00:12
fennug i've been hacking regex minutiae all day00:12
kanzuredamn it fenn00:13
kanzureall too late.00:14
nmz787yeah i used -i so in-place, except I didn't catch that there was also an = at the end, so i'm removing then manually now00:15
kanzurenmz787: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/projects/00:15
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 67cde24 removed junk00:15
kanzure^= should have caught that?00:15
kanzureyou can do s/== $//g00:16
fennthere's no mediawiki to markdown converter out there already?00:17
fennsorry, "wikitext" is the keyword apparently00:17
kanzuremediawiki2markdown.py sucks00:18
kanzurei compared some of the output in this repository: git://gist.github.com/3231461.git or https://gist.github.com/323146100:18
kanzurecustom.md is my hand written version, output.md is the mediawiki2markdown.py output, crap/markdownify.md is the markdownify output (given html from openwetware-mediawiki)00:19
kanzure(github will render the markdown or attempt to render .mediawiki)00:19
fennthat gist looks ok00:19
kanzurecustom.md should look ok because i manually fixed it up00:20
kanzurehonestly the original page was poorly formatted anyway, and that's why it turns out to look like ass in markdown00:20
kanzurejcline had things like fifth-level indentation going on and blockquotes for random sections00:20
kanzuremediawiki/monobook is very good at making a page not look terrible despite its formatting00:21
fennthe immortal words of babbage yet ring true00:21
fennthere's a warm bed waiting for me00:21
fenngood luck with your wiki woes00:21
fenni saw00:22
kanzureok good night00:22
* kanzure sleeps too00:22
nmz787this gets two but not one or three =s00:23
nmz787sed 's/=+$/\ /g' equipment.mdwn |less00:23
kanzurenmz787: i think the diybio faq needs a bunch of work00:23
kanzurenone of the questions here are what people actually ask00:23
kanzurelike most people want to know what the most important kits are, where to buy taq, what labx/ebay vendors might be okay, etc.00:24
kanzureor they want to know what sort of "glowing" experiments they want to do are (ugh)00:24
kanzurei would recommend using vim or something for the time being.. escape :%s/=== $//g00:25
nmz787CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in diybio/faq/kits.mdwn00:32
nmz787Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.00:32
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c088694 removed trailing =s00:36
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 0ba84e0 using theirs00:36
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7040c80 added HTML space nbsp char in place of :: (indent in wikitext)00:51
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4d59f72 remove trailing whitespace in diybio/faq/ files08:17
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1eafef2 fix bullet list formatting in diybio/faq/equipment08:24
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a33ca36 fix some 4th-level headers in diybio/faq/equipment08:26
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a1a0490 fix a few headers and spacing in diybio/faq/methods.mdwn08:31
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a80a5eb fix hyperlinking in diybio/faq/methods.mdwn08:37
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kanzurelolz recruiters. "well i can't give these guys anyone charging more than $30/hour."09:40
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delinquentme" click "10:05
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kanzure2045 was just that russian media blitz.. meh10:28
kanzure"Former Executive Sues Manufacturer of Pill Meant To Rejuvenate Cells"10:28
kanzure"You’re going to be hearing from my attorney,” Brian Egan told his boss on his last day of work, nearly a year ago. Last week, Egan filed a class-action lawsuit that accuses Telomerase Activation Sciences (TA Sciences) in New York of engaging in deceptive business practices in promoting a proprietary herbal extract intended to reverse the effects of aging."10:28
nmz787delinquentme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6jtLAnqiiA&feature=player_embedded10:28
-!- oblique [~oblique@unaffiliated/oblique] has quit [Quit: leaving]10:29
kanzure"But TA Sciences has taken the buzz further: it sells a pill called TA-65, which it says can lengthen short telomeres. The pill brings in an annual revenue of $6 million in the United States alone."10:29
kanzure"he active ingredient of TA-65 was isolated from the herb Astragalus membranaceus and patented by Geron, a biopharmaceutical firm in Menlo Park, CA. Research sponsored by TA Sciences and other companies has shown that the compound can lengthen telomeres in mice 2 and humans 3, but Greider and others are skeptical of the assay used."10:29
kanzure"In May 2011, Patton hired Egan to help to expand TA Sciences’ reach in foreign markets. Egan was required to take TA-65 twice a day, he later wrote in a discrimination complaint, so “that I could tell customers that I was also taking the product, and that it was safe and effective.”  Patton denies that it was obligatory."10:29
kanzure"On September 14th, Egan says, he told Patton that he had been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. The next day, according to Egan, Patton fired him and said that his prostate cancer could ruin the company. Egan says that when he was fired, he was offered a cash settlement "to keep quiet about his cancer," but turned it down"10:30
kanzure"On September 19th, Egan told a potential TA Sciences partner in SPAIN that he had developed cancer while taking TA-65. Patton and TA Sciences sued Egan for defamation in March, saying that he had lost the company $2 million in sales."10:30
nmz787hah there are more delinquentme http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=3P9iteczPh410:31
kanzure"I can understand that Noel Patton may not be able to say much here; though, I'll give my opinion on the facts given below.  Someone was hired in May 2011, and then on September 14, 2011, he found out he had prostate cancer. "10:33
kanzure"Whether this was unfortunate timing or not (or as an unfortunate strategic move), he was fired on September 15, 2011 for meager sales as the reason cited."10:33
kanzure"Would that be too short of a time-frame for a product to cause prostate cancer (my fuzzy brain is saying that prostate cells are one of slowest-growing cancer cells, something to that effect)?"10:33
kanzure"About 25% of people eventually get cancer and most of them overlap the demographic that will be taking TA-65. Even if TA-65 were completely inert and there were no suspected link to cancer, a lot of people taking it would develop cancer and some of them would think the drug caused it."10:34
jrayhawkYeah, prostate cancer is common, slow, and usually fairly innocuous.10:40
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a0b7825 remove some 'please update me' lines from diybio/faq/ pages10:40
jrayhawkthough it would not surprise me in least that a product that undermines cellular senescence would cause cancer10:42
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: fd5e2ba fix bullet formatting in diybio/faq/kits.mdwn10:44
kanzure:9s/\[http\([^ ]*\) \([^\]]*\)/[\2](\1)10:51
kanzure:9s/\[http\([^ ]*\) \([^\]]*\)\]/[\2](http\1)10:52
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 03b79f4 convert links in diybio/faq/news.mdwn to markdown10:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 531eab1 fix three broken markdown links10:58
kanzurenot bad --> http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/news10:58
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 15d4b49 at least 4 articles about diybio from july 201211:07
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f920f65 wiremound-pcr news item from ponoko and the journal of peer production issue 211:13
chris_99is there such a thing as a molecular filter11:13
chris_99that would only allow certain molecules through11:13
kanzuremolecular sieve11:14
kanzureor you can look up size-exclusion columns11:14
chris_99ooh cool thanks :)11:14
nmz787chris_99: what are you looking to filter?11:14
chris_99i was just curious, i was wondering if you could filter ethanol but that's probably too complex heh11:15
nmz787the particles of interest would need to have /some/ difference from the filtrate11:15
nmz787filter it /from/ what though?11:15
nmz787they are very close in width, so a molecular filter likely wouldn't be any use11:17
nmz787HOH width vs HCH... the length of the molecule could slither through the same pore, so length doesn't really matter11:18
nmz787but you can filter DNA from Protein in water :D11:19
chris_99cool :)11:23
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 583e574 news links: tz interview w/ cathal garvey, gogofuge, bioart labs, singularityu11:25
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1423c44 convert diybio/faq/educational.mdwn to markdown (partly)11:36
nmz787kanzure: http://www.technologyreview.com/business/39597/11:37
nmz787from march11:37
nmz787there's a diybio-ireland list?11:38
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wzzropeamazing link11:43
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 67fe71d use markdown hyperlinks in diybio/faq/educational.mdwn11:44
kanzurenmz787: yeah the march link was in there11:44
kanzurethat same day there was also this fearpiece http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/02/13/e-coli-vials-found-in-arkansas-apartment-used-for-aliment/11:45
kanzureoh oops, wait.11:45
kanzureno i am pretty sure cathal's technologyview article was from february11:45
jrayhawkby the by, if you decide you don't want local.css in the various repositories, we can add an underlay for it and include that underlay in piny.setup.pl if you want11:46
jrayhawkwhich would also have the effect of making it global11:47
nmz787kanzure: yeah it was there11:48
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4301153 convert hyperlinks to markdown in projects.mdwn and fix whitespace11:53
kanzurenmz787: i think the per-region lists are rather silly.. they rarely have any conversations on them, and when they do it's usually something that should be sent to all groups11:54
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 236a9ec remove multiple spaces after periods (wtf?)11:57
nmz787kanzure: i agree11:58
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 76def5c convert links to markdwon in diybio/faq/equipment.mdwn12:00
kanzureoh noes a typo12:00
kanzure! [remote rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward12:01
kanzurebah.. i guess i disabled that for a reason12:01
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kanzureyashgaroth: hey12:02
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cf517b1 fix mangled link markup in equipment.mdwn12:05
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 4568f13 fix two mangled links in news.mdwn12:05
kanzureyashgaroth: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/12:05
kanzureimo the main faq page is pretty pathetic12:05
kanzuremaybe you have some ideas?12:06
yashgarothare you mirroring it or co-opting it? cuz if it's the latter you can delete about half of it12:11
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: da12ec1 remove excess html attributes on elements in diybio/faq.mdwn12:11
kanzureyashgaroth: "co-opting" is such a strong word12:11
kanzureyashgaroth: it was originally my document anyway, and they co-opted it from me12:12
yashgarothyeah I haven't had enough coffee to think of the more accurate term12:12
kanzurebut, they didn't really "co-opt" it, since i was the one who made the most edits to theirs anyway12:12
yashgarothyou know what I mean12:12
kanzurebut yes i agree that most of it should be baleeted12:12
nsh"1650s, 'to select (someone) for a group or club by a vote of members,' from L. cooptare 'to elect, to choose as a colleague or member of one's tribe,' from com- 'together' (see com-) + optare 'choose' (see option)."12:12
nshit's not that hard, historically12:13
yashgarothwhy do they have a link to 'the future of food', which was some reactionary luddite bullshit12:13
kanzurenot sure12:13
kanzurebut it's a link to hulu, so it's probably spam12:13
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 1e05ba5 remove hulu spam link12:13
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 37b628b remove excess directory path jitter from synbiosafe.eu link12:15
nsh"<kanzure> nmz787: -i is edit in place (this is sort of dangerous in sed; but never try "not" editing in place while simultaneously redirecting the output to the input file, this breaks things)"    that's either impossible or redundant, surely...12:15
kanzuremy point was that doing this is sucky: sed 's/foo/bar/g' < input.txt > input.txt12:16
nshyou just can't12:16
kanzureer.. i mean "cat input.txt | sed 's/foo/bar/g' > input.txt"12:16
* nsh nods12:17
nmz787wouldn't cat have already done its biz tho by the time it piped?12:17
nshalthough if you had a fs IO that used some kind of intelligent versioning maybe...12:17
nshnmz787, it's done as a stream12:17
kanzurenmz787: our linux gods will have to explain that one because i'm not exactly sure how to explain it12:17
nshcat sends a byte to sed which tries to send a byte to input.txt12:18
nshall kinda at once12:18
nshwhich makes the baby kernel jesus cry12:18
nshotherwise you have to have large buffers between processes in a pipe12:18
nshwhich is often not what you want12:18
kanzurensh: if you can whip up some queries with notmuch i'll pull out some faq-worthy emails from diybio.mbox12:19
nshqueries? notmuch?12:20
nshoh, it's an "email reading system"12:20
* nsh investigates12:20
nshkanzure, looking to craft a query that fishes out emails containing possible FAQworthy questions?12:38
* nsh frowns12:39
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nmz787keywords "what how why"12:43
nmz787seem good to me12:43
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nshi expect there's already pretty good magic for determining questions with reasonable fidelity12:44
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nshthe more interesting part is classifying them according to FAQiness12:44
nshso a question from a less-established participant to a more-established participant is more likely to be a faq-y than the converse12:44
nshfaq-y questions will occur more frequently at the beginning of exchanges than in the middle12:45
nshthen you want to be able to semantically cluster so you can get a handle of how "frequent" the question is12:45
nshmajor problem is implied context. if you've already been discussing some aspect, then throw in a simple question like "and why do we focus on this?"12:47
nshtakes a lot of humint to work out the full form of the question12:47
nshkanzure, have you applied notmuch to the mbox^Wmaildir?12:50
nshwondering if the threading works okay12:50
nshprobably, i'd guess12:50
kanzureno i haven't actually indexed the .mbox12:52
nshwhat size is it?12:55
kanzure22723 emails13:00
kanzureand only 10% are from me :) i am so proud of myself.13:01
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* nsh smiles13:01
nshis it all public?13:01
nshcan you send me a mbox.bz2 ?13:01
nshmaybe i can download it from google13:02
kanzureactually my file is a bit stupid because i sometimes label private emails with this label13:02
nshah, that's what i thought13:02
kanzureso i need to sort out emails that were not sent to diybio@googlegroups.com13:02
* nsh nods13:02
kanzurei would estimate only 100 emails are non-mailing-list related13:02
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kanzurethere's probably some way to do this with grep? if diybio@googlegroups.com does not appear in the file, etc..13:03
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* nsh modifying python mbox filter quickly13:06
kanzurefind . -type f | xargs grep -liE "diybio@googlegroups.com"13:09
nshkanzure, https://gist.github.com/bea4419816547719fa8313:11
nshpython formatting might have faffed up in copypaste13:11
kanzurei see you are a strict adherent to no space after """13:12
* nsh didn't write it, just changed the passthrough_filter13:12
nshattribution implied by google, etc.13:13
kanzurei don't think this is a valid mbox folder13:13
kanzureall of the "FMD5" values are the same for most of the files13:14
jrayhawk'sponge' from moreutils allows you do do things like cat input.txt | sed 's/foo/bar/g' | sponge input.txt13:14
nshFMD5 should be the md5 of the folder13:14
jrayhawkhow the hell do you md5 a "folder"13:14
nshfolder name13:14
jrayhawkoh, i guess that vaguely makes sense13:15
nshmm *shrug*13:16
jrayhawkkanzure: that's maildir format13:17
jrayhawknotmuch doesn't do mbox13:17
kanzuremaybe i should have noticed that the string ".mbox" doesn't appear anywhere13:17
jrayhawkalso PCREs are a lot more pleasant than what sed has to offer, so in general I recommend perl -e 's/foo/bar/g'13:18
* nsh smiles13:18
nshunless you plan to run a million instances13:18
kanzureso i have two files: one with a list of ./cur/blah files and another with a list of ./new/blah files13:18
jrayhawkand cat is not a builtin of bash, so you should really get in the habit of using <13:19
kanzurefor x in `cat cur-files.txt`; do cp $x destination/; done13:19
kanzure^ does that look sane/13:19
ybit"well that makes sense" i don't know that _means_!13:19
ybitor something like that..13:19
ybitre: 13:15 < jrayhawk> oh, i guess that vaguely makes sense13:19
* kanzure pokes ybit13:20
nshkanzure, should probably quote "$x" to be safe13:20
kanzuretoo late13:20
nshmaildir file names probably don't have funny characters13:21
jrayhawktechnically you want while read x; do cp $x destination; done < cur-files.txt13:25
jrayhawkplus quotes where appropriate13:25
nshthat's a bit zealous imo.  cur-files is input and makes more sense that the beginning13:26
nshwhat's so bad about invoking cat?13:26
jrayhawkKeeping an unbounded array in memory is dumb.13:26
nshis that what happens? cat reads line by line, doesn't it?13:27
nshnot slurpy13:27
jrayhawkActually, I guess it is bounded by the kernel command line size limit.13:27
jrayhawkAnyway, the subshell is expanded; that's how subshells work.13:27
nshoh, i see, the backtick expansion13:27
nshyeah, i'd usually use cat | while read13:28
nshfor large inputs13:28
jrayhawkWhile pipes are zero-copy, there's still a lot of context switching involved there because cat is not a builtin.13:28
nmz787"i'll pipe my subshell expansion in your cat" -- that's what he said13:29
jrayhawkand yes, bash syntax sucks ass, and the fact that the 'right' way to do things is also unintuitive is unfortunate13:29
* nsh nods, reads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2552402/cat-file-vs-file13:29
jrayhawkstart a campaign for the inclusion of zsh in base systems13:30
* nsh smiles13:30
nshi'd rather chown nsh.nsh *.base13:31
nshprivilege is often easier to attain than permission13:32
jrayhawkARG_MAX is 2097152 on most systems nowadays, i guess13:33
jrayhawkoh, OS X is still at 26214413:36
jrayhawk10.7 specifically13:36
jrayhawkdid you change your employment status on linkedin or something13:37
kanzureno :(13:37
nshyou can redirect them to me if you like13:37
kanzuremy linkedin profile is terrible enough that no recruiter would look at it13:37
kanzurethis was the same recruiter, except he got his boss on the line at the agency this time13:38
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jrayhawkdid you laugh and hang up when they said "okay, we can go as high as 45/hr!"13:40
kanzurethey upped to $110k/year 30 hours/week13:40
nmz787sounds alright13:41
kanzurebut then realized that i was too senior for that13:41
jrayhawkhours per week is always a lie13:41
kanzureso they are going to get "back to me" with "a less embarrassing position"13:41
kanzureyeah i know13:41
nmz787ARM for $4.99 http://www.ti.com/ww/en/launchpad_site/stellaris.html?DCMP=stellaris-launchpad&HQS=stellaris-launchpad13:42
kanzurejrayhawk: my one true hope is that they realized that i was taking a dump during that phone call13:43
jrayhawkshould've made it a video call13:43
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kanzure"let me step into my office.."13:43
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kanzurensh: any last checks i should run to confirm that i'm not sending you my password in these emails?13:46
kanzurejrayhawk: also is it okay to combine new/ and cur/ into one folder?13:47
nshhmm, i'd hesitate to recommend putting your password into a grep command...13:47
jrayhawkI don't remember how the maildir format works; I never touch it directly and you probably shouldn't either.13:50
kanzurecat combined.txt | sort | uniq | wc -l is the same as wc -l combined.txt13:51
kanzureso the filenames are unique13:51
kanzuregee i hope this doesn't include drafts13:54
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kanzure16%   24MB 110.8KB/s   18:04 ETA13:57
jrayhawk-z might help13:58
jrayhawkerr, -C for scp, i guess13:59
kanzureso i'd be compressing a .tar.gz ?13:59
jrayhawkoh, no, sorry.13:59
kanzureand yes i made sure it was .tar.gz this time :( tar -pczf14:00
jrayhawk-J is your friend for tar14:00
jrayhawkfar too late to be worthwhile now, though14:01
kanzureman tar says -J is --xz which is extract gunzip?14:01
jrayhawkgoddamn google14:01
kanzureDCC aborted receiving file mbox-filter.py from nsh14:04
kanzuregaah why would i agree to DCC?14:04
nshyeah, it was just because i've been getting some audiobooks that way recently14:05
jrayhawkwhat's wrong with DCC, other than a lack of transport security14:05
kanzureDCC has always been riddled with infinite vulnerabilities and exploits14:06
jrayhawkwhat how14:07
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 65c95c5 2012-07-25 Bio-hacktivism in DIYbio Asia14:08
nshimplementations of it on irc clients you mean14:08
nshDCC is a pretty simple protocol iirc14:08
jrayhawklike how can a standard that simple be "insecure"14:08
kanzuremaybe i am just remembering mirc dcc14:08
nshmirc and irsii and xchat have had dcc issues14:08
nshi think14:08
kanzure71%  101MB 122.0KB/s   05:35 ETA14:09
kanzurei think i missed some things:14:11
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kanzurensh: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/diybio.maildir.tar.gz14:18
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kanzurensh: the best way to find good questions is to search for 1) emails sent by authors who originated <20 previous threads, and 2) in which threads nathan or cathal replied14:27
kanzure(nathan is nmz787)14:27
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delinquentmederp derp14:31
nshwhat ya derping bout?14:32
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nmz787:D aww shucks15:04
nmz787just kanzure's comment about finding good questions15:06
kanzurei can't find a better pattern15:11
kanzurei guess people tend to put "beginner" in their message text somewhere15:11
* nsh still working on extracting questions15:16
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kanzure. Whereby with SP-PT SWR-RB are SP-RPL -PLTD15:20
nsh50,000 questions after removing obvious urls and quoted text15:24
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nmz787give me an example of what you pulled out15:31
nmz787paste a few one-liners here15:31
nmz787unless I can see them all at some URL15:32
kanzurecrap another recruiter ("duran hcp")15:32
kanzure"well this one is only offering 120.." lolz15:32
kanzurensh: yeah upload that :P15:33
* nsh smiles15:34
nsh120 what?15:35
nsh36k questions after better quote filtering15:36
nmz787yeah those beginners sure are dumb15:38
nmz78736,000 questions and entropy ain't one15:38
nmz787(don't mind my blabbering... ref to jayz)15:38
kanzurehere's a question from today:15:39
kanzure"I am really interested in learning about this stuff and I wanted to know if there was a good step by step log of how to do a simple first experiment and the tools necessary - to maybe make something that glows. "15:39
kanzure"Also, is there a particular book, pdf, wiki, or something else that summarizes things for someone who is not native to biology without having to restart college all over again?"15:39
nshfrom a non-biological lifeform?15:41
kanzurewtf they require a drug screen for this position?15:41
nshwow, you have good penetration15:41
nshas in, your mailing list has a large demographic15:42
nshincluding forms of life not native to biology15:42
kanzureoh from the quote15:42
nsh16k when filtering for how|is|what|who|where|when|why|will|whether|can|did15:42
kanzureyou should do a histogram of author stats and then use that to determine which authors are probably posting questions15:43
nmz787where do you see non-biological?15:43
kanzurenmz787: "not native to biology"15:43
nshstrange way of saying hasn't studied biology15:43
nmz787well, logy comes from logos which is knowledge15:43
* nsh blinks15:44
nmz787so 'not native to knowledge of the bio'15:44
kanzurenmz787: so, obviously what he wants is a kit15:44
kanzurebut, having everything shipped to you for $300 seems really silly to me15:44
kanzurehow is that diy?15:44
nmz787i dunno man, i haven't been too into the beginner questions lately15:45
kanzurethe faq doesn't actually answer any common questions :P15:45
nmz787i can update it a bit15:46
nmz787(i.e. link to carolina)15:46
kanzurei think there might be a carolina link already http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/kits15:46
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nshit's almost impossible to search for "question" as a thing-in-itself15:55
nshas people are always asking bloody questions on the internet and talking about the questions that people are asking15:55
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nsh"Question types and some prosodic correlates in 600 questions in the Spontal database of Swedish dialogues"15:57
nshthink that's an audio database though15:57
nshas they're talking about intonation15:57
nshnasa might be of some use15:58
nshwell, that pdf is not readable...15:59
nshkanzure, can you read this: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/tjsai/22/1/22_1_93/_pdf16:01
nshi might be missing some fonts16:01
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nshkanzure, http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/hbase-user/201103.mbox/<AANLkTinukbvb5r269OruXbVhk8dT2V5uyvEjRBwpMMjb@mail.gmail.com>16:04
nshexpect they might be a bit proprietary about their methods16:06
kanzurensh: they might be scraping pre-existing faqs16:07
nshoh, maybe someone will give me a BSc for this16:10
nshoh, it's the same guy16:11
nsh(from faqcluster)16:11
nshmaybe just email him16:11
kanzuredamn look at all the spam accounts being created: http://reprap.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&limit=500&days=3016:14
AdrianG_kanzure: are there any legit human mods16:17
AdrianG_like diy plastic surgery16:17
AdrianG_or nanobot-facilitated plastic surgery16:17
kanzuredo you consider steroids legit?16:18
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AdrianG_kanzure: sure, steroids are old school16:19
AdrianG_they've been around since like 1940s16:19
nshdefinite human modification...16:21
nshi assume you wouldn't class reading or training as such16:21
kanzureor exoskeletons or prosthetics16:21
jrayhawkmagnetic implants seem pretty cool to me16:21
nshjrayhawk, yeah, saw a nice write-up about them16:22
kanzureoh right he wants body modification16:23
kanzurewell, you can always split your penis16:23
jrayhawka more literal hack than most people want to envision16:27
kanzurei think epitron is the most "modded" out of all of us16:29
kanzureiirc he has a brain shunt16:29
kanzurebrownies: other question: any ideas on extracting questions from 20,000 emails? i don't want to pick questions manually for a FAQ16:30
brownies...search for question marks?16:30
kanzurepfft you know it's not that simple16:30
kanzureespecially when most questions don't have question marks16:31
AdrianG_kanzure: plastic surgery is a billion dollar industry16:33
AdrianG_nanobots for plastic surgery mods would be an insane money maker16:33
kanzurenanobots don't really exist yet16:34
nshkanzure, i emailed the guy who did this already16:34
nshwill inform upon reply16:34
kanzureand, if you did have nanobots, a billion dollar industry is not worth your attention16:34
kanzureyou would be looking at the hundred billion or trillion dollar industries16:35
brownieswell, that's nontrivial16:36
browniesyou could look for noun-verb constructions that indicate a question16:36
browniesstart by searching for who/where/why/when/what/how16:36
browniesthen look for stuff like "who verb noun" in that order... might get you close?16:36
kanzure"Is there a thing to do x."16:37
browniesah, but, shit, you'll run into places where e.g. who is used as a pronoun16:37
kanzureyour search just missed that16:37
brownieskanzure: well, it's better than your search, you lazy fuck, which was "ask in IRC" -_-16:37
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browniesheh, sorry... but i'll go out on a limb and claim that 100% accuracy is likely not a reasonable goal for any sort of quick search16:38
kanzurei seem to recall some genius telling me about fibonacci search16:38
browniestrue, i did nail fibonacci search =D16:38
brownieskanzure: btw what's the deal with the UAV market?16:40
browniesi have this nagging feeling i can make UAVs for way cheaper than current market price, is that just me?16:40
kanzurei haven't been keeping track of how much the military pays16:40
browniesi looked up prices for retail/hobbyist UAVs a little while ago, i assume it's similar order of magnitude16:41
kanzurewhat was the hobbyist pricing?16:41
brownies$10K each, give or take16:42
kanzurehmmm. interesting.16:42
nshthe military pays about 200% of what it costs, on point of principle16:45
brownies"costs" = "costs to build" or "costs" = "costs at retail" ?16:46
nshmost things the military uses aren't available on retail16:47
nsh"Despite the focus and effort dedicated towards reform in the past fifty years, important systemic issues remain unchanged, implying strongly that the acquisition process has a number of built-in, even cultural, aspects that resist change," Fox writes. "These include an irregular and erratic flow of weapons systems appropriations; the very nature of cutting-edge, highly risky research and development; an ill-informed requirements process that virtually16:47
nsh mandates changes to contracts as requirements are added or changed; and financial incentives that reward lowball contractor bids and provide negative sanctions for failing to spend all the allocated funds."16:47
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nshdid they increase freenode's maxchans?16:55
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Steel2I like this diet17:40
kanzureso it seems this guy insists that xml is the way to go17:50
kanzurefor open source hardware packages17:50
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nshSteel2, what diet?17:59
Steel2intermittent fasting17:59
-!- upgrayeddd is now known as upgrayedddd18:00
jrayhawkfwiw cyclic ketosis and protein fasting works out better for me than full fasting18:00
kanzurenote that jrayhawk is a horse18:00
kanzurewait, no, i got this mixed up18:01
jrayhawkand i suppose it's all secondary to the inflammatory side18:02
nshjrayhawk, how do you define "works"?18:02
nshwhat are the objectives?18:03
jrayhawkI am more functional. Full fasting done on a regular basis downregulates the thyroid, and there's a host of problems associated with that.18:03
nshby why fast in the first place?18:04
nshother than lifespan extension and general health18:04
jrayhawkRestoring insulin sensitivity, forcing autophagy, increasing WAT mobilization and ketone adaptation.18:04
jrayhawkThe only evidence that any life extension occurs is in rodent models, which strike me as fairly useless.18:05
nshthere's anecdotal evidence18:05
nshwhat's WAT mobilisation/18:07
jrayhawkwhite adipose tissue18:07
strangewarphmm. What sort of fasting schedule are you following? I've been considering ketosis-fasting, myself..18:09
Steel2jrayhawk: I don't do full fasting18:09
Steel2I do 16/818:09
nsh16 what to 8 what?18:09
nshdays not eating?18:09
Steel216 hours fasting, 8 hours eating18:09
nshoh right18:09
nshwas gonna say..18:09
Steel2no, I actively weightlift a lot18:10
* nsh smiles18:10
jrayhawkFWIW I have heard multiple reports that it's possible to eat a basically unlimited amount of calories from raw beef in a sitting, in case you're having trouble packing a bodybuilder's diet into a compressed eating window18:11
jrayhawki have not actually tried this myself18:11
Steel2I'm not having trouble :V18:11
Steel2also my 'hueg meal' on lifting days is only 2k calories18:11
Steel2because I'm a short dude18:11
jrayhawkthat's a worrying number18:12
nshi eat 2k calories between meals18:12
nshprobably, i don't actually know what the calorie content of food is because i'm not american and healthy18:12
Steel2jrayhawk: in what way?18:12
Steel2nsh: I enjoy food, so I track everything I eat18:12
Steel2plus I'm trying to pin down my BMR18:13
nmz787jrayhawk: what's your method ?18:13
Steel2also breakfast has issues if you're already a lean dude18:13
nmz787i'm pretty sure i take in under 3k cal/day18:13
jrayhawkMethod for which?18:13
nmz787Steel2: breakfast issue for lean men?18:13
nmz787jrayhawk: fasting18:13
Steel2nmz: for lean people in general18:14
Steel2nmz: how much do you lift?18:14
kanzurethis just looks like a disaster: http://www.oshwa.org/2012/08/02/an-important-question-on-the-open-source-hardware-mark/18:14
nmz787like 2/7 days you don't eat carbs, and a diff 2 days you don't eat aminos? and the other 3 days are normal?18:14
kanzureosi sent them a letter, and then they failed to reply in time18:14
Steel2http://www.leangains.com/2012/06/why-does-breakfast-make-me-hungry.html citations at bottom18:15
nmz787Steel2: I don't lift much these days, but I could be up to 1/2 my body weight in a week or two easily18:15
nmz787I adapt quickly18:15
Steel2for which lift18:15
nmz787which also means i lose it fast18:15
nmz787oh just benching18:15
jrayhawkWell, I'll say first of all that the benefits of meal timing are marginal compared to anti-inflammatory eating and that you should really be experimenting with the latter before the former, but I typically do something like two weeks of ketosis four times a year, and >18 hour protein fasts maybe once or twice a month, mostly by circumstance.18:16
nmz787but even for biceps i don't think i've ever gone over 30lbs free weight in a single arm18:16
Steel2err, there are huge benefits to eating most of your meal right after lifting18:16
Steel2nmz: Ah, yeah, I'm just outside the competitive range18:16
strangewarpjrayhawk: Hmm.. interesting18:16
nmz787Steel2: I'm just outside the totally lazy slob range :P18:17
Steel2basically, if I'm going to go spend an hour doing olympic lifts, I had better provide some fucking carbs afterward haha18:17
nmz787not really, I've never been one to gain weight much18:17
nmz787i like working with my body more than i like working out in a gym18:18
nmz787but yeah thinking of DNA and shit isn't too muscle-dependent18:18
Steel2eh, I do it all18:19
Steel2dance, lift, etc.18:19
jrayhawkoh yeah, nmz787, did you guys ever hear back from intel18:20
nmz787there's a planet fitness a few mins walk from where i'm living in NYC, but i heard it's super crowded18:20
nmz787but $10/month... haven't been, mainly just been a hermit here so far18:20
Steel2lol planet fitness18:20
Steel2I follow the great musclegod Brodin18:20
nmz787jrayhawk: she heard today that 'they're very interested' but that HR is really slow and they'll let her know next week18:21
jrayhawkhuh, that's cool18:21
kanzurehr will never let you know18:21
nmz787bought my gf climbing shoes last weekend, so planning to go to the climbing gym in the next day or two18:21
strangewarpI just ate half a pint of ice cream... suppose I'll count that as a meal, and hold off on eating for a while ;)18:21
* strangewarp must.. stay under.. 1800 cals/day18:21
nmz787kanzure: nah the hiring manager talks to them :P18:22
jrayhawki do not think caloric restriction is a good idea unless you're a figure competitor18:22
nmz787jrayhawk: i disagree, it also really depends on the type of 'calories'18:22
strangewarpjrayhawk: Trying to stay musician-skinny, yeah18:22
Steel2jray: 16/8 is fine18:22
nmz787in the case of ice cream, 'only' about 1/2 of those are hitting you right away18:23
kanzurenmz787: he said "not"18:23
nmz787kanzure: yeah i think it's a good idea sometimes18:23
jrayhawkor a weight-based competition, which i suppose most martial arts are, these days18:24
nmz787like if all you have available is white bread and candy... better to starve til you get something more real18:24
nmz787er substantial18:24
jrayhawki am all for bad calorie restriction, but not calorie restriction18:24
nshkanzure, why is the OSI being a dick about a stupid logo?18:24
kanzurensh: trademark law requires them to maintain their trademark18:25
nmz787if you're trying to lose weight, i think calorie restriction is a good idea18:25
kanzurensh: i don't think they're being a dick18:25
nshkanzure, can they not license it?18:25
nmz787as long as you keep up with minerals and vitamins and some aminos18:25
kanzurehonestly the dickish party here seems to be oshwa18:25
kanzureyes they can license it18:25
kanzurethey sent a license to oshwa18:25
Steel2leangains is actually about leangains, haha18:25
kanzureand oshwa ignored it18:25
Steel2ie getting bigger, but staying lean18:25
nshokay, oshwa are dicks then18:25
nshit's still a storm in a meh-cup18:25
kanzurensh: oshwa has a history of being like this18:25
jrayhawkif you eat under your hunger level, your body sees this as a stress. the body determines optimal fat homeostasis based upon stresses. people who diet with caloric restriction typically bounce back to a place worse than they started.18:26
jrayhawkyou should be working with your body to reduce fat, not against it18:26
strangewarpYeah, luckily if I eat lightly-CR meals, my body is satisfied with them; I just get the occasional extreme sweets craving, which throws a wrench in things once in a while18:27
nmz787so if you calorie restrict but think you're at your hunger level, no stress?18:27
jrayhawkIt's not really caloric restriction if you eat to satiety.18:27
nshkanzure, dave vandenbout's solution seems fine18:27
strangewarpSo this is about the definition of CR, and not the number of calories, then?18:27
nmz787i thought CR was based on kj/kg/day vs 'feeling satiated'18:28
nshbody is bit more complex than a ratio18:28
Steel2jrayhawk, I'm not eating under my hunger level18:28
Steel2I'm simply getting all my nutrition in a window18:28
jrayhawkYeah, I'm not that concerned about the compressed eating window.18:28
jrayhawk2000 is pretty low unless you're, like, a hundred pounds, though.18:29
Steel2not really18:29
Steel2I'm 16518:29
nmz787so are bulemics and anorexics NOT calorie restricting? B/C they are at their level of satiety?18:29
jrayhawkBut hey, I guess not every calorie is equal. If most of it comes from MCTs, you're probably fine.18:29
Steel2eating too much over 2000 (if I"m not lifting) makes me gain weight18:29
Steel2if I AM lifting more like 2400, tops18:29
jrayhawkHaha bulemics and anorexics do NOT eat to satiety.18:29
nshnmz787, psychological satiety is not somatic satiety18:29
nshbulemics do, they just lose a lot of it afterward18:30
nmz787i think people def process molecules differently to call all energy input being used equally amongst everyone18:30
nmz787do diabetics who don't convert glucose to fat expel glucose?18:31
jrayhawkNo, typically they die.18:32
jrayhawkunless they carefully avoid glucose.18:32
jrayhawkGlucose is toxic; fat is the biggest glucose capacitor the body has.18:32
jrayhawkIf the fat gets insulin resistant and you're still intaking glucose, you better exercise like a motherfucker or else you're dead.18:33
jrayhawkSpecifically glycogen-demanding exercise.18:33
nmz787well obv people don't die immediately of glucose overage... they get poisoned sure, if it's really acute they may go into shock and die18:33
nmz787but i'm saying toxic level, not coma18:33
jrayhawkIt's stored in the liver or in the muscle, or used metabolicly in various tissues, but it isn't expelled until after it's used.18:35
nshit's like alcohol that you can't piss out18:36
nshand doesn't get you so fun-drunk18:36
jrayhawkHaha, that's a good analogy.18:36
nshthere was some talk that made it18:37
nshi think the thesis was "fructose is killing you"18:37
jrayhawkugh, lustig18:37
nshah, you know of it18:37
nshhe seemed a bit evangelical18:38
jrayhawkI like the overall message for lots of other reasons, but his justifications are mostly wrong.18:38
* nsh nods18:38
nshi don't know much biochemistry18:38
nshor physiology18:38
* kanzure shoes away the philosopher18:38
jrayhawkfructose being a "dangerously efficient" substrate for denovolipogenesis is based on rodent models that have long been disproven for humans18:39
jrayhawkand claiming that alcohol is a carbohydrate is just embarassing18:39
jrayhawkalkyl groups are not carboxyl groups18:39
nshcan you not derive energy from alcohol?18:40
jrayhawkyou can, but the energy pathway is different18:40
jrayhawkketone bodies aren't carbohydrates either!18:40
jrayhawkbut yes, fructose throws off a lot of inflammatory cytokines and takes a lot of chemical machinery and undermines satiety signalling and is generally a bad idea to eat a lot of18:42
Steel2@jray: there is quite a bit of science behind IF tho, yeh.18:42
jrayhawkdo not chug agave nectar18:42
jrayhawkthat said, if you really like ketosis, fructose has the interesting quality in that it's unmetabolizable by anything but the liver and will go straight to liver glycogen stores without metabolic side effect up until those stores are full18:45
jrayhawkso your brain and liver can take it easy while the rest of your body remains fully keto-adapted18:46
kanzurethis model really confuses me: http://goodwillion.com/dashboard18:50
kanzureso now i have to pay $50 to speak with christine peterson?18:50
kanzurewhy wont she talk to me for free anymore?18:50
nmz787Steel2: IF?18:51
Steel2intermittent fasting18:51
nmz787kanzure: christina ?18:52
nmz787er christine?18:52
kanzurenmz787: chris peterson runs foresight institute18:52
kanzure(but has been degenerating into lousy dating advice/life extension advice topics)18:53
nmz787whats foresight? can't you just email her18:53
kanzureyeah i can email her18:53
kanzurebut i don't get why i would pay for a conversation18:53
jrayhawkSteel2: Yeah, and, like I said, I like the benefits of IF, I can just get them with less inconvenience elsewhere.18:53
Steel2ah, it's very convenient for me18:54
Steel2don't eat until after I work out18:54
Steel2I work out at lunchtime18:54
jrayhawkThough, out of curiousity, why are you doing weightlifting if you don't want to gain muscle mass?18:54
kanzurenmz787: foresight institute is a nanotech non-profit.. they funded things like the nanofactory animation video18:54
kanzurenmz787: http://foresight.org/18:54
Steel2I do want to gain muscle mass, but I want lean gains18:54
Steel2I want to lose weight18:54
Steel2I'm already at ~12-13% bf18:54
jrayhawkOkay, well, it's a lot easier to *either* gain muscle mass *or* reduce fat.18:55
nmz787yeah that goodwillion is weird18:55
Steel2that's the entire point of leangains, jray18:55
jrayhawkYes, well, taking a year to accomplish what could be done in three months just seems stupid.18:56
kanzureSteel2: jr<tab>18:56
Steel2this is not my first time round the block of lifting, man.18:56
nmz787Steel2: what is leangains?18:57
jrayhawkWell, have fun I guess. It's an interesting experiment that I've seen lots of other people try to do.18:57
nmz787sounds like a trademark18:57
Steel2it backs up all its science, etc.18:57
Steel2another good site (mod of /r/supplements and /r/fitness) is www.silverhydra.com18:57
nmz787" Below is the EPA component, Eicosapentaenoic Acid.Its about as straight as Gay Pride"19:02
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kanzurerandom diet advice websites are the worst19:05
Steel2this isn't really random, if you have issues with his science he'd love to hear from you19:06
jrayhawkleangains is actually pretty high up there in terms of reputability19:07
kanzurejust give me a list of papers to read19:07
Steel2he has a list at the bottom of every article19:07
nmz787one points to this http://jco.ascopubs.org/content/15/4/1377.abstract19:07
nmz787from the hydra site19:08
kanzureno download link on all those?19:08
* kanzure grumbles19:08
Steel2also, kanz have you seen examine's page for supplements?19:08
Steel2run by sh, who (while he slightly dumbs it down for public consumption), knows his shit19:08
nshmoving things about your muscles isn't that interesting really19:08
nmz787but I don't get how he easily makes the statement that links to that paper "The fatty acids you eat are the fatty acids stored in your fat tissue. If you eat fish oil, you store fish oils. If you eat CLA, you store CLA. You are what you eat in this regard."19:08
nshif people put as much thought and effort into coordination and finesse as they do into strength, we'd see some improvements to the human condition19:09
jrayhawk"moving things about your muscles" ?19:09
Steel2http://examine.com/supplements/Piracetam/ etc.19:09
nshjrayhawk, i mean lifting19:09
Steel2nsh: define coordination and finesse19:09
nshSteel2, playing table-tennis19:09
jrayhawkmuscle mass determines health outcomes in hospitalizations19:09
jrayhawkmore than basically any other variable19:09
Steel2I dance on top of weightlifting, does that count?19:09
nmz787nsh: table tennis is boring19:09
nshSteel2, sure19:09
nshnmz787, ymmv19:09
Steel2powerlifting takes TONS of finesse19:10
jrayhawkweightlifting *is* an improvement in the human condition.19:10
Steel2olympic lifting takes tons of speed19:10
nmz787reworking an engine requires finesse and strength19:10
nshok, i retract19:10
nmz787or hang gliding, that probably takes finesse19:10
nshnot sure about the transferability of the attained skillsets though19:10
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nshmay have no leg to stand on here though19:11
nshbrb, sammich19:11
jrayhawkBasal strength is freakin' important to almost any physical activity. There are limits, of course; absolute strength will undermine relative strength, but very few people get to that side of the bell curve.19:12
nmz787Clin Invest. 2011 Jun;121(6):2094-101. doi: 10.1172/JCI45887. Epub 2011 Jun 1.Adipose tissue remodeling and obesity.Sun K, Kusminski CM, Scherer PE.19:14
jrayhawknmz787: fun fact about obesity: linoleic acid-stuffed WAT throws off cytokines that cause leptin resistance19:16
jrayhawkwhich is to say, being obese undermines satiety and insulin sensitivity19:17
jrayhawkwhich in turn causes obesity19:17
nshnot surprising19:17
nshi wonder if we've ever had the opportunity, evolutionarily, to consume so much19:17
nshit may be a novel situation19:17
Steel2that's also part of what IF is based off of19:18
Steel2though this is a bit of broscience, just like paleo19:18
Steel2the concept that we weren't able to eat all day long for most of human history. you gathered, then ate (more or less)19:18
jrayhawkWe've never had to work so little for it, certainly, but fruit trees are a good example of prehistoric caloric bonanzas19:18
foucistgood morning folks19:19
nmz787this is the first time in human history that poor people have been obese19:20
nmz787i.e. the last 50 years of people19:20
foucistnah, people didn't really start getting fat till the 90s19:20
nshsolyent green will fix everything19:20
foucistmaybe mid-80s19:20
foucist25 years at the most19:20
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nmz787well they're past age 50 now19:23
nshdon't follow19:23
nmz787that's the extracting questions PDF unlocked19:32
nshstill no text, can you read it?19:33
nmz787yeah, via copy-paste into google translate19:34
nmz787lemme put it online19:34
nshah, it's not in english19:34
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nmz787kanzure how do i add a new page to ikiwiki?19:35
kanzurei am unhappy that i don't own pdfpirate.org19:35
kanzurenmz787: from the command line, just make a new file and then do "git add blah.txt"19:35
nshoh, the new mars rover has a sky-crane19:35
nshi wonder what dennett thinks19:36
kanzureon the wiki, you can make a link with [[blah]] and then click it, or you can click 'edit' on an existing page, and then change the url to what you want..19:36
jrayhawkFrom the web, you can either link to it and then click that link to edit, or you can edit anything and edit the URL bar to change what you're editing19:36
jrayhawkoh sure beat me19:36
jrayhawksee if i care19:36
jrayhawkmister fancypants and his 150 wpm19:36
kanzure190 wpm >:(19:36
kanzurei didn't go to evil typing school for nothing19:36
jrayhawk150 :mad:19:37
nshwhat do you type in these races?19:37
nshhopefully it's some OCR or something else useful19:37
kanzurehaha nope19:37
nshhow indulgent19:37
kanzurethe paragraphs are listed on that page19:37
kanzureand yes it's incredibly self-indulgent19:38
* nsh steganographises them and wins lots19:38
kanzurensh: they make you do a captcha when you have typed 40% faster than your previous races19:38
kanzureand the captcha is some poorly scanned image19:38
nshman, all this talk of body stuff has made me really hungry19:39
nshthat or it's just the time elapsed since i last ate19:39
nshhard to tell sometimes19:39
jrayhawkchug coconut oil19:39
jrayhawkcoconuts solve everything19:39
Steel2I last ate at19:39
Steel2I track all this >_>19:39
kanzureSteel2: your tracking is weak! http://fennetic.net/sleep/19:40
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Steel2tracking diff data at the moment19:40
kanzureit's not sleep data19:41
nmz787hmm this is a PITA19:41
nmz787numbers in the table are coming out in reverse order19:42
Steel2date, workout, morning weigh on scale #1, morning weigh on scale #2, evening weigh on scale #1, evening weigh on scale #2, calories eaten, protein in g/%, fat in g/%, carbs in g/%, supplementation, tracking methods (Fitocracy, myfitnesspal), end of previous day's fast, start of this day's fast, window period length, amount of time fasted19:42
kanzurei suggest an html table19:42
kanzureoh geeze you use fitocracy19:43
kanzurei didn't know people actually used that19:43
Steel2a lot of people do in the heavier lifting community19:43
kanzuredo you also use fitfu..zoo..fitfoo..blah19:43
kanzurethey are all terrible apps19:43
Steel2fitocracy has a lot of pre-listed exercises which is why it's nice19:43
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Steel2any baltimore types in here?19:50
nmz787what type are they?19:51
Steel2living in that area I meant :P19:51
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nshthere's a song about baltimore i've had in my head recently19:58
nshoh john waters19:59
nshi mean randy newman20:01
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skorketwhat's your beef with the air quality egg?20:24
yashgarothwho, me?20:25
nshthere's an egg that makes quality air?20:28
yashgarothno no the air quality makes the egg20:28
nshahhh, so that's how it began20:28
nshon a cryptotangentially related note20:29
nshhow do you make minibreadsticks taste like20:30
nshi tried olive oil and balsamic, but it's hard to incorporate20:30
nshno capillary action20:30
yashgarothwas gonna say salt but that's be even harder20:31
nshcould mash them up a bit20:31
nshbut at that level of effort i could probably just utilise some actual food ingredients to make tasty20:31
nshdifficult one20:31
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delinquentme_nsh, garlic basil butter salt20:48
nshmmm, don't know that we have the first two20:50
nshprobably though20:50
nshi haven't cooked here yet20:50
nshor, since some other year20:50
delinquentme_i mean if you've got any spices you might just toss them on :D20:51
delinquentme_"italian seasonsing" :P20:51
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nshit's moot now because i ate them all20:55
nshand i didn't even have to stand up20:55
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