
--- Log opened Thu Aug 09 00:00:33 2012
-!- rmcl [~rmcl@99-71-136-35.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Quit: rmcl]00:00
nmz787this rood book is OK00:06
kanzurewhere is it?00:09
kanzurei didn't see a link to the full text00:09
kanzurealso: nokia just sold qt00:09
-!- joshcryer [g@unaffiliated/joshcryer] has quit []00:15
nmz787on the right side of your link00:17
nmz787a drop down of like 20 diff file formats00:17
kanzureah looked like spam so i ignored that00:18
browniesthey sold Qt?00:34
kanzurei am too tired to verify00:34
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tashousorry, I forget how go connect to this forum <channel>,(I use the "history" function of mIRC)01:00
nmz787hi tashou01:12
nmz787"Anyway, the end result of my dreadlock design is that the hotter my head gets, the straighter the Nitinol gets.01:38
nmz787The straighter the wires get, the less my dreads cover my head and the more heat escapes." He smiled widely,01:38
nmz787"It lets me overclock my brain."01:38
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foucist pfft, trepanning is better for overclocking02:08
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nmz787kanzure: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xef' in file /home/nathan/nano/nanoengineer/cad/src/foundation/preferences.py on line 3, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details02:38
nmz787kanzure: can i do a find/replace to fix this?02:38
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ParahSailinsed -e 's/\xef//' -i filename06:21
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nmz787lemm tyr06:53
nmz787ParahSailin: thanks06:55
ParahSailinhow did that character get there?06:55
ParahSailinutf something i guess06:56
ParahSailinmaybe just read file as utf-8?06:56
nmz787i used some Numeric 2 numpy converter script06:57
nmz787it must've done it06:57
nmz787so i dont see in the sed man page what s/ might do06:59
nmz787oh der07:04
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nmz787bkero: jrayhawk: if i move to PDX area, do you know anyone with a few acres of rural land with a house for rent? in commuting distance (20-30 miles max) to hillsboro07:53
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:01
delinquentmeserious question: I've put off learning mildly complex SQL shit for a while08:01
delinquentmewheres a good place to sandbox around with SQL joins08:01
kanzurenmz787: to fix that you can put # encoding: utf-8 at the top of the file08:01
delinquentmesqlfiddle.com is what im futzing w right now08:02
nmz787delinquentme: just install postgresql08:16
delinquentmenmz787, haha08:16
delinquentmethis is not a quick fix :D08:16
delinquentmebut yea I've got prostgres installed08:16
nmz787soo, why can't you play with complex joins there?08:17
delinquentmewell its just for a questionairre08:21
delinquentmeIts not a DB id keep and have it persist08:21
delinquentmedoes postgresql have a limit on the number of entries it wil return by defult08:22
kanzureyou can also use heroku's free postgresql offering (for up to 10k rows) (or more for $5/mo)08:23
delinquentmei really just need to practice joins08:24
kanzureif you want to practice joins then i highly recommend using sqlite08:26
kanzureDIYbio'ers are probably more theoretical-oriented than not.  I doubt there would be anyone here who could get as far as slicing a chunk out of their finger to stick a rare earth magnet in and not have already thought "maybe I shouldn't be using magnetic tweezers for this task"."08:27
-!- nsh [~Smedley@wikipedia/nsh] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:33
nmz787kanzure: so i'm running into this basically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11505523/glerror-within-glendlist-within-classic-greas-py-example08:54
nmz787glxgears runs on my VM08:55
nmz787but i'm getting that 1280 error for nanoengi08:55
kanzurewell, you can downgrade your mesa version08:55
kanzureor upgrade nanoengineer to use a more recent version of opengl08:56
nmz787the only attempt at a real answer on that is "From what I can tell, this is a problem with your OpenGL implementation. I tried it on a few of my Linux installs (Debian, Ubuntu) and the code runs great. – ananthonline "08:56
nmz787rather attempt at a real answer08:56
kanzurejrayhawk might have a better hint for achieving opengl satiety08:56
nmz787its this file https://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer/blob/master/cad/src/graphics/drawing/drawcompass.py08:56
nmz787so i'm all up to datre08:56
kanzurewell it might be every glbeginlist/glendlist and drawcompass.py just happens to be the first one08:57
nmz787and the function call glendlist looks like its being used properly08:57
nmz787right but I cant even get this to pass08:57
kanzurei'm p. sure glbegin/glend is deprecated08:57
nmz787I tried adding None inside the glEndList parens08:57
kanzureor is that only in GLES?08:57
nmz787GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if mode is not an accepted value.08:58
nmz787dunno if that correlates with the python invalid enumeration 128008:58
nmz787def _draw_compass_geometry():    """    Do GL state changes and draw constant geometry for compass.    Doesn't depend on any outside state, so can be compiled    into an unchanging display list.     """08:59
kanzurebtw jblake might be able to spot the bug here, he seems to have an unusual knowledge of opengl APIs09:00
nmz787hmm, so kanzure can you run http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mcfletch/pyopengl-demo/trunk/download/head:/gears.py-20080923005140-67c17kywpwxa2usj-21/gears.py09:07
nmz787it dies on me with a seg fault09:08
kanzureprolly because you don't have that version of pyopengl09:09
nmz787hmm, let's see what updating the system does09:10
nmz787i wonder if this is some stupid virtualbox crap not working (I have 3D accel turned on in the settings, and glxgears worked :/)09:10
-!- rmcl [~rmcl@rrcs-108-178-168-32.west.biz.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:25
kanzurei don't know what "3D accel" is, but mesa was probably doing things for you09:26
nmz787kanzure: check this list out, it's all swf links, and they seem to work... http://diybio4beginners.blogspot.com/2009/02/mcgrawhill-narrated-animations-chapter.html09:28
kanzureum? what is this for09:29
nmz7873D accel I think passes through the opengl kernel commands to the native video card09:30
nmz787through virtualbox and into the windows driver*09:30
kanzurelooks like a standard biology textbook animation list to me..09:30
kanzurei think even holt has this09:31
nmz787yeah, just saying09:34
nmz787its good for the faq, somewhere09:34
nmz787kanzure: why do you think mesa has anything to do with the problem?09:35
kanzurei don't.09:35
nmz787(12:26:19 PM) kanzure: i don't know what "3D accel" is, but mesa was probably doing things for you09:36
kanzurewell, i mean, it probably is not causing the problem directly. i think the problem is that nanoengineer is expecting an older version of things.09:36
kanzuretype "glxinfo" to see which version of mesa is running09:36
nmz787doesn't mention mesa at all09:37
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jrayhawk'SGI' is the relevant thing10:19
nmz787jrayhawk: glxinfo has no version info when I grep for SGI10:24
jrayhawki would expect something like10:25
jrayhawkOpenGL vendor string: nouveau10:25
jrayhawkOpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on NV9410:25
jrayhawkOpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 8.0.210:25
jrayhawkOpenGL shading language version string: 1.2010:25
kanzurehaha http://news.bmezine.com/2006/01/15/magnetic-implants-a-six-month-retrospective-the-publishers-ring/ " many have had their coating rupture exposing the toxic neodymium and that a common result of implants is the formation of cysts and painful lymph around it."10:25
jrayhawkoh, well, i guess if you're in a VM, I'd expect software rendering10:25
kanzureyeah i expected software rendering too, but i didn't know mesa wouldn't show up in glxinfo10:26
kanzureoh maybe he was grepping for the string literal10:26
nmz787i was grepping for OpenGL too10:27
nmz787OpenGL vendor string: Humper10:27
nmz787OpenGL renderer string: Chromium10:27
nmz787OpenGL version string: 2.1 Chromium 1.910:27
nmz787OpenGL shading language version string: 1.40  - Intel Build
nmz787OpenGL extensions:10:27
kanzuregod damn it google10:28
jrayhawkwhat's wrong with google10:28
kanzurewell, if there was a pre-existing software package by that name, don't reuse the name10:29
jrayhawkchromium isn't made by google10:29
kanzurei mean chromium.org chromium10:29
nmz787I've used Chromium before for the multi monitor junk, before google came around so big with their browser10:29
jrayhawkchromium.org isn't made by google10:29
kanzureseems to be google-originating to me10:31
jrayhawkoh, i am wrong10:32
kanzureactually i guess it doesn't explicitly state whether or not "The Chromium Project" was spawned outside of google or not10:32
kanzuredamn why is there no 'history of chromium' page.. silly developers focusing on their silly development work10:33
kanzure"In September 2008, Google released a large portion of Chrome's source code as an open source project called Chromium[2][3] which Chrome releases continue to be based on."10:33
nmz787hmm, maybe if updating the whole ubuntu system doesn't work, turning off 3D accel in virtualbox will do it then10:34
nmz787I used to be able to boot this nanoengineer code to a GUI (without any chroot)10:34
nmz787though it wasn't functional past that :P10:34
kanzureiirc a lot of the opengl stuff is broken in modern distributions10:34
kanzureso it would be worth it to ask jblake or someone who has a historical perspective on opengl10:35
jrayhawk'chrome' is also an important mozilla technology, and 'firebird' was an important open source database10:35
jrayhawki think ben goodger might just be kindof a dick when it comes to trademarks10:35
kanzuredid he name all those?10:36
kanzureoh, chromium10:36
kanzureoh, and mozilla. well then.10:36
jrayhawkoh, and phoenix10:37
jrayhawkhot damn, what a record10:37
nmz787oh jrayhawk, i asked earlier if you knew of anyone with a rural place to rent10:39
kanzuretruly i can only aspire to such great heights10:39
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jrayhawkit'd be a bit of a hunt for slim pickings11:01
bkeronmz787: Sorry, I know some folks with land, but no houses for rent.11:04
nmz787thanks, i'll leave it to craigslist then i guess11:07
jrayhawkrural connections are pretty lousy; you typically get at least one of choice between rural wireless, 1.5mbit dsl, and comcast cable; it's fairly easy to find cheap FTTP in the developed areas, though11:07
jrayhawkyou might also look at padmapper11:07
nmz787i've found padmapper not to work as well as craigslist when you want to filter by keyword11:10
nmz787jrayhawk: are you sufficiently far out that you have bad tubes?11:11
jrayhawk1.5mbit DSL, yes.11:11
nmz787and i remember I didn't even have 3G or 1X there11:12
jrayhawkWhat carrier are you with?11:12
nmz787microwave hops from Intel... :D11:12
jrayhawkhuh, they're actually one of the better ones around here11:13
nmz787so when i turn of 3D accel i get this msg "OpenGL Warning: Failed to connect to host. Make sure 3D acceleration is enabled for this VM."11:14
nmz787but nanoengineer's GUI shows up11:14
nmz787sooo, seems strange, I guess its opengl or chromium11:14
nmz787http://chromium.sourceforge.net/doc/conformance.html "Display lists aren't fully conformant. There are several issues:When using the tilesort SPU, glCopyTexImage (and similar) commands can't be implemented correctly since the framebuffer is tiled and the individual renderers can't access their peers.GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE mode may not work reliably, specifically if there is a glGet* call between glNewList and glEndList which gets state11:17
nmz787though nanoengineer was just using GL_COMPILE11:17
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yorickanyone seen "H+ the digital series"?13:00
yorickI am severely disappointed in it13:00
yorickthe episodes are 5 minutes each.13:00
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]13:05
yorickhttp://www.youtube.com/user/HplusDigitalSeries/feed here are the exclusive first 6 episodes only available to subscribers.13:08
yorickexcept not really13:08
archelsJust watched ep 1, looks awesome :D13:10
yorickarchels: it's a classic "science will screw up the world"13:11
archelsalright, I take it the next eps are some sort of techno-anarcy bullshit then?13:12
yorickthe next eps are "oh my god the world collapsed"13:13
archelsWhat did you think after having watched just the first ep?13:14
yorickarchels: after the first ep, I was curious about ep2 which is also out13:14
yorickthe ep1 would make a fitting intro for a longer series13:14
archelswell, can't wait to see it :D13:15
yorickso go see it then13:15
yorickit's only 5 minutes long :P13:15
archelsalthough I think there are at least two good H+ movies coming out in the next year or so13:15
archelsdon't ask me for the titles though, you'll have to do some googleing13:15
kanzurei have learned to not buy anything that says "hplus"13:17
yorickkanzure: but it's free.13:17
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Steel2archels: one would be prototype13:30
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archelsSteel2: thank you, I also remember a trailer with lots of neon and fluorescing street animals though13:58
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strangewarpGlenn Beck's latest book contains a chapter on transhumanism, where he supports the idea entirely.14:05
strangewarpThere's a LessWrong thread about it.. I might as well link it, even though I'm fully aware of the "bleh" attitude such links tend to invoke here (and agree with the reasons it does so)14:07
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nshyou guys still read lesswrong?16:00
* nsh checks current derp levels16:00
nshoh god it's a community now16:00
kanzureit's growing :(16:00
kanzurehow do i stop it16:00
nshthere'll be little yudoskinos16:01
nshthis is a case for the world herp organisation16:01
nshan international innoculation campaign is required16:01
kanzurei am open to ideas16:02
nshNow, imagine telling this group that capitalism and representative democracy will take the world by storm, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. Imagine telling them their descendants will eradicate smallpox and regularly live seventy-five or more years. Imagine telling them that men will walk on the moon, that planes, flying hundreds of miles an hour, will transport people around the world, or that cities will be filled with buildings16:09
nsh reaching thousands of feet into the air.16:09
nshThey’d probably escort you to the madhouse.16:09
nshUnless, that is, one of the people in that group had been a man named Ray Kurzweil.16:09
nsh]]] -ibid16:09
nshthis is why futurism gets a bad rep...16:09
Steel2you realize that quote's not from a LWer right?16:12
kanzureray has it made for himself.. do a few music synthesizers, write some shitty OCR software and sell it xerox, and just hire some kids to write you a book on transhumanism, and you're set for life :P16:12
* nsh smiles16:15
strangewarpOh, yeah, that entire LW post is just a blockquote of Glenn Beck16:26
strangewarpSo, it's a bit loopy, even though it surprisingly avoids Beck's usual horribleness16:27
* strangewarp fails his political neutrality roll16:28
ParahSailinlesswrong is bleh here?16:36
* yorick had no idea16:38
n_benthai don't even know who glen beck is >.<16:38
yorickbut it's motly nsh16:38
* nsh assumes sole responsibility to semijustified extreme dislike of eliezer16:40
Steel2what's your extreme dislike of him due to?16:41
yorickhow does one dislike eliezer?16:41
Steel2oh, I can get why people dislike him16:41
Steel2I don't know how that goes to extreme though16:41
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strangewarpEliezer holds views on Friendly AI that may become functionally equivalent to the precautionary principle, I reckon16:43
nshi just can't think how he'd be remotely useful in any actual situation where something had to be,, done16:44
nshand people listen to him. the only thing worse than people not thinking or learning is people having the mistaken impression they're doing both16:45
Steel2apparently he did some decently lecturing at finance firms about locating bias16:45
ParahSailinyudkowsky is pompous, but extreme dislike?16:45
ParahSailinhe can write a decent yarn16:46
nshParahSailin, my affects are generally compensatory. if everyone hates someone who's objectively revolting, then i tend to give them more of a chance16:46
nshwhen i find something to be rated more than it ought, i have to try to correct the average16:46
nshthrough radical disdain16:47
kanzureyorick: welcome to the official eliezer yudkowsky haters club16:50
kanzurewe come with badges and everything16:50
yorickkanzure: I, for one, like Eliezer Yudkowsky!16:50
kanzurethen get the fuck out16:50
* yorick hides16:50
kanzurei've met him. he's nice in person and he's polite over email/chat/whatever. but i don't support his ideas or his cult.16:51
kanzurei also hold him partly responsible for "clopping", which is annoying inofitself16:52
yorickhe is?16:52
ParahSailinhe's a brony?16:52
kanzurelesswrong is like the source of all that horse bullshit16:52
yorickit is?16:52
* yorick likes that horse bullshit16:52
ParahSailinwait what?16:52
kanzureyorick: most people disapprove of publicly admitting to masturbating to horses, dude16:53
yorickkanzure: not the clopping, silly16:53
n_bentharainbow dash <316:53
ParahSailingoddamn, i didnt know you were a brony n_bentha16:53
n_benthano, my sister is16:54
yorickno, that's called a "pegasis"16:54
yorickor something16:54
n_benthastop wanking to horses z0mg!16:55
* yorick denies all allegations16:55
kanzurewell, it's possible that 4chan did a raid on lesswrong and injected all that into the culture, which is equally hilarious, but i sort of doubt it16:56
ParahSailini kinda missed the horse masturbation completely there16:56
* ParahSailin never went into the forum side though 16:57
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brownieswtf is clopping?17:04
brownieswell, what the fuck.17:05
yorickdon't google that17:06
browniesi urban-dictionary'd it... that was quite enough17:06
strangewarpToday has been quite surreal17:09
strangewarpBronies are funny, because they act identical to furries, but they're in total denial about it17:12
strangewarpFixation on something that seems inexplicable to outsiders? Check. Original characters that represent themselves? Check. n inexplicably large amount of weird porn? Check17:13
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ThomasEgistrangewarp, rule 34?17:16
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strangewarpRule 34 is just about proof-of-concept. If something specific then goes past that point, to become a commodity or a genre, then something different is going on :p17:17
ThomasEgiwhatever.. i have cookies :D17:18
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n_benthawhatever ThomasEgi, I have cookie-dough!17:29
kanzureif anyone is bored in sf and wants to go hang out with people who might pay for html/js work:17:49
kanzureit's at 7pm and presumably it's "reservation only".. i have a ticket for some reason and i'm not in sf17:49
kanzureany takers?17:50
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* nsh counts the reasons he's not interested in the above offer17:57
nshwell, it's a prime17:57
nshpip doesn't like the egg in git:kanzure:pyphantomjs /dist18:00
nshor maybe i just don't know how to  use it18:00
kanzurepython setup.py build ?18:00
nshoh, working now18:02
nshor at least, cmdline options shown18:02
kanzurensh: if you can get things working, please make commits in a branch and issue pull requests18:02
nshi'll try18:03
kanzureclearly i have not given pyphantomjs enough attention18:03
nshit'd be good for me to make some contributions18:03
nshi've been incredibly code lazy for far too long18:03
nshkanzure, do you have any existing scripts you can send my way to for pedagogic purposes18:05
nshs/to //18:05
kanzurescripts for what specifically?18:06
kanzureif you mean phantomjs in general.. i was working on this for a while:18:06
nshexample scripts of using pyphantomjs, or are all the calls the same as in the js version?18:07
nshno experience with JS or coffee18:07
nshi'll pick it up though18:07
kanzureif you read the source code to pyphantomjs it's somewhat obvious what you need to override in your own scripts18:08
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nshis there an argv or something?18:14
kanzurein python?18:14
nshin phantomjs18:14
kanzureiirc the main object you want is Phantom from https://github.com/kanzure/pyphantomjs/blob/master/pyphantomjs/phantom.py18:15
kanzureand there's a sample __main__ here: https://github.com/kanzure/pyphantomjs/blob/master/pyphantomjs/pyphantomjs.py18:16
kanzureiirc there should be some way to access elements on the page from the WebPage.m_mainFrame object..18:18
kanzuresomething like m_mainFrame.document.findFirst("#some-crappy-div-id")18:19
kanzuresomething like m_mainFrame.documentElement().findFirst("#some-crappy-div-id")18:19
kanzurewhich will return a QWebElementsomething18:19
kanzurealso there's some people in #phantomjs at the moment that you can complain to18:22
kanzureand #qtwebkit18:22
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nmz787kanzure: do you know ppl in austin with machine shop capabilities for the laser CNC?20:20
nmz787for building it20:20
nshoh, you have a laser CNC?20:21
nmz787i wanna build one20:24
kanzurei don't presently have access to machining capabilities here in austin20:27
kanzureexcept through mom or les20:27
nshno austin hackerspaces with machine tools?20:37
kanzureatx hackerspace doesn't have many20:37
nshborrow a school?20:37
kanzurehuh? no there are others besides the school's20:37
kanzurei think he was asking which ones ih ave access to20:37
kanzurethere's also atx dev center20:37
nmz787kanzure: does your mom ever cut metal though?20:58
kanzureit's a little out of the way, it's unrealistic20:59
nmz787who's les?20:59
kanzureles was the guy who was originally doing austin hackerspace or austin techshop20:59
kanzurebut then austin hackerspace showed up and started using his space20:59
nmz787well Intel said they require chandni to graduate or something before she would start working there21:01
nmz787sooo, if they don't budge on that, doesn't look like we're going to portland21:01
nmz787have you heard of genewiz.com?21:02
nmz787sent them a resume21:03
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yashgarothoh I used to get primers from genewiz21:25
yashgarothor was it sequencing...well whatever they were good at it21:26
nmz787well lets see if they even get back to me21:26
-!- AdrienG_ is now known as AdrienG21:29
nshgood luck, nmz78721:36
nshwas it your birthday last month, btw, nmz787?21:37
nmz787how did you know?21:37
yashgarothohhh I just got it21:37
nshnmz787 :)21:37
nshnot too opaque21:37
nshand what's your mother's maiden name?21:37
yashgarothand I will venture a guess you're 2521:37
nmz787OMG you guys are mind readers21:38
nshwe do out best21:38
nmz787lemme give you my bank acct #s21:38
yashgarothor 34 I suppose21:38
nshoh yeah21:38
nshno-one's 34 though21:38
yashgarothvery true21:38
nshhalf life is 3221:38
nshand the wildlings don't get irc21:38
nmz787yeah actually my bday is july 8th 200721:39
nmz787i'm kinda smrt for my age21:39
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nshhow do you join a channel immediately before pinging out21:39
nshthat doesn't science...21:39
yashgarothmok is our resident wizard21:39
nshah ok21:40
nshwizards are omniexplicatory21:40
jrayhawktimeouts aren't synchronized21:42
joshcryerkanzure, btw, that Eye on Space sim got MSL's landing to within 6/10ths of a second. Don't underestimate the sim!21:49
nshnot too non-linear a trajectory really though21:52
nshi mean, they could do the math accurately enough with 70's processing and telecomms tech21:53
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joshcryerI call art and not scientific exploration.22:09
yashgaroth"computer duster" oh dear22:10
klafka1don't huff duster22:12
klafka1seen this though22:12
klafka1i think it's a bit much to say that marijuana hash and BTHO are all different22:13
klafka1also he also apparently huffs gas22:13
yashgarothalso "g13" marijuana22:14
yashgaroththere's also a glaring lack of lsd22:14
tashoutangto Kanzure:sorry , are you a biologist or a computer scientist?22:17
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klafka1why not both?!22:19
tashoutangof course!22:19
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tashoutangit is cool!22:21
nshkanzure, another to add to your auction site aggregator:22:27
* kanzure sleeps22:28
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nshfirst i've heard of the matter22:31
nmz787there also this http://www.trinity.edu/jdunn/spiderdrugs.htm22:32
nshthe speed web is pretty arty22:33
nmz787i'm pretty sure his crystal meth pic should look a lot more like adderal22:33
nmz787basically this is much more subjective than the spider test22:34
nmz787no ether either22:35
yashgarothI still prefer the video version of the spider drug test22:35
nshman, you guys have a lot of pharms22:35
yashgarothwe guys?22:35
nshthe us22:35
yashgarothmost of those were prescription22:36
nshi worry when drug dealers offer prescription drugs22:36
nshdoesn't happen in the uk much though22:36
nshmost people stick to tried, tested, and totally illegal22:37
yashgarothpretty sure you can get all that stuff in camden bruv22:37
ParahSailinprescription drugs like desoxyn, cocaine, morphine?22:37
* nsh smiles22:37
nshi don't even know what desoxyn is22:38
nshmedical grade cocaine would go down a treat though22:38
nmz787drug laws suck22:40
klafka1nmz787 it's suuuper subjective22:40
klafka1especially considering that most of these drugs are very similar22:41
nmz787subjective to the country?22:41
klafka1no to the time they did the drug22:41
nmz787you mean the 'art'22:41
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